The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, October 19, 1917, Image 2

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It Is Private Company, bJt Aete a
the Nation' Banker.
Tile Hank ui England In uut, iu most
)ouj:e thluk, a government Institution.
Jt In a private company, hut reaps a
good profit by attiuj us the nation's
banker. The remuneration paid to the
Bank of Kuglaud for the management
of tUe national debt was fixed hi 18(H)
n:i a yearly sura of the rate of 1325 per
million pounds 'mid at the rate " 100
for every million pounds above this
1 clore any of t lie government money
tint KOflH Into Hie ttauk of Kuglaud
fran be spent a certain procedure has to
be followed, first of all au order sign
ed by the Icutst and countersigned ly
two lords of the trea.sury has to be for.
warded to the comptroller and auditor
general of the exchequer and audit de
partment. Then the comptroller bands
an order to the treasury authorizing
Ihe Bunk cf England to debit the ex
cite .iter account and credit the account
of I lie paymaster geueru, who makes
ii'.', payments i. ii behalf of the various
ilejai tinents.
.Utoiwiird the comptroller scrutinizes
all the iitcounf aid to see that the
money lias Spout 111 accordance
with the wishes of parliament. -Westminster
Training Naval Qunnera.
When England fralUa her gunners for
tile sea she sends them to Whale island
la Portsmouth harbor. Here (lie entire
Island Is given over to steel sheds which
nre built like gun turrets on a battle
ship. Tlie great suns projecting from
these sheds ure dummies, though they
are exact counterparts of there cn a
battleship, The prospective officers and
men are made to g i through the exer
cise of ratine finding, loading, aiming
and "flrln;!" these guns as riskily as if
they were In a mil battle at nea. The
heavy steel pro tilw are hauled from
the magazine by hydraulic and electric
cranes, Just as la an aclual ship. A real
breech mechanism kicks the projectile
end its powder i barge In the gun. v bile
an intricate swivel mounting of sloe!
swings the iMu Into (he firing position.
I'opulur f'eleuce Monthly.
Remarkable Luelt.
In O'ohl Hill. Nov.. In 1S77, one of
the mining bosses Tole by name had
trouble with si me Of (he laborers In
his mine. Cue night three of them nt
tnrked him In n barroom. Two of thom
planed him down, while n third ftood
ever him with a revolver. The muzzle
almost touched Ids stomach. Once,
twice, tbrlee, n fourth nud n fifth time
the weapon shnpprd. Tele closed his
eyes. Cat h moment he expected to be
his last. The disgusted rulllan throw
h's disappointing weapon on the floor
Willi on oalb and. Jollied by b!s aids,
left tho plnee. Tele wiped the cold
sweat from his brow, nje'hnnlrnlly
picked up (be discorded weapon, went
to (ho doer end fired off every charge,
remarking that It was Just his luck.
How Ho Cleared Himself.
While passing along a busy street In
Dublin a lady was relieved of her hand
bag, and Bandy was arrested on inapt
clou of having snatched lb lie was
placed anion ' a (rutin of mm. and the
lady was naked (u single ent the cul
prit. Hho passed down (be line till she
cume (o Sandy.
"Officer," site said, "1 think that Is the
man, although I did not see his face,
but his clothes appear to be slmllur."
'The lady's wrong, sir. I was wear.
Inn a different suit, Can I go now, sir?"
wild Sandy.
Vory Farmal.
"Are you oil very friendly terms with
your neighbor In (he niartmcn(s?"
"Well, no. She's rather formul-nl-wys
sends her card when she wishes
to borrow flour, and If she wants both
flour and sugar sli. sends two cards."
Washington Herald.
"Oh, Eflle, your new gown and hat
nre stunning"'
"Yes. Alfred hasn't recovered yet
from the shock the bill gavo him."
Exi hnnge.
The Foss-Winship Hardware
The Remedy for
Frosty Mornings
no r. barefoot trips to the basement
no more dressing in an ice cold room
no more big fuel bills to pay
no more fires to build.
Simply roll out of bed and dress in
your rooms made warm and cheerful
by the even day and night heat of
Cole's Original Hot Blast
If last winters fuel bill was hard to pay
what will it be this year with fuel higher
than ever. Now is the lime to stop
waste. If you want a small fuel bill
this Winter, you need this remarkable
fuel-saving heater. Act today.
No. 113
I '.t Cat Shows xsm
EM Ho. taa
Real Heater Satisfaction
A Good Rule.
Do all the good you can to all the
people you can as long as ever you can
In every place you can.
Our deeds delermhie US as much as
wo determine our dee Is.- OeorBt Elltit.
Notice To Creditors.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Umatilla County.
In the Matter of the Ketute of Mary
A. Jones, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given to all persons
whom it may concern that Walter J.
Jones hus been appointed administra
tor of the estate of Mary A. Jones, de
ceased, and has qualified as such. All
persons having claims against her es
tate are required to present them with
proper vouchers according to law to
the ."aid administrator at his residence,
ii In Market Street, Pendleton, Oregon,
or to Will. M. Peterjon, his attorney,
in the Smith Crawford Building, Pend
leton, Orego", within six months from
the date of the first puLlication of this
Notice, which is Friday, the tilth day
of October, III 1 7.
Dated this 10th day of October, A.
D. IU17.
Walter i. Jones, Administrator.
Will. M. Peterson, Attorney for
Phonc 509
V. Sharp
Special attention given to all
cubs ootu uigut ana uajr.
Oalli. promptly anawered. otfloe on Third
air-m. Athena Ureter
Dr. .t NtuMuluy
(oHrAftcho U itch
h. S ott richer
coxTii ctor & mil' nri
Ke idence and Shop, Adams and 4th hu
In Athena Monday' TnesdeT, Wednaa
day, other days of we-k in Wal'a Walla,
2nd and Main over Third National Bank
Dr. E. W. Croup . Dr. C St. Lash
Yakima Valley
tenia of the Producte This Complex
Material Yields to Man.
Cotil seems to bo rather au uninter
esting thing. Who would Imagine
that the great, ugly black lumps could
afford any ono a subject worthy of
atudy? And yet this same coal has
gtren civilization many o tit treutert
po3r.e:i;ilotiij. The beautiful puis: scarfs
worn by women are colored with dye.i
tbat come from coal. The gns used to
illuminate nud to heat our homes la a
product of the distillation of coal. Val
uable ehemlculs, such as tauftue, naph
thalene and toiueuo, are coal product!,
The tar used In paving streets and
protecting roofs from rain Is also a
byproduct of tho commercial trentmeut
of ( mil, and finally aniline, the basis of
aniline dyes and coloring materials. Is
oue of tho vulualde chemical contain
ed In coal.
Coal Is Indeed one of the most com
plex materials to he found In nil ua
ture. To learn what It la we must go
back to the dim, geological agea. The
luxuriant vegetation of these past
times, unlramraclod by human fectnnd
uncut by human hands, year ntier year
grow, bloomed, faded an! decayed,
forming deep beds of rotted, woody
By degrees certain gases, auch aa
hydrogen and OXygoU, were partly lost
from the mass of ve;;e!a!d? material.
Pressure oud heat converted this ma
terial Into what wo know as coaL 8t
lamia Post .Dispatch.
The Cithern.
The cithern, n musical Instrument re
sembling the guitar, mentioned In I
Maccabees iv, r.l, employed liy tho
Chaldeans, was probably introduced
into Palestine by the Hebrews after
their return firm the Babylonian cap
tivity. .
Har Chance.
lie (lust to uukt conversation) Do
you think opals are unlucky? She1
should pre r a dlannaid If It'a all the
same to you.- Boattui Trnaerlit.
Notice of Final Account.
lu the county aaart of tfa atato of 1
Orefoa for tJmalilla County.
In Uc -Vul'tr of th.i Kftcteof John
L, Trice, deceased.
Notice ia hereby givtn to all peraona i
whom it may concern that Usury E. '
Price, administratrix of the estate of
John L. Pricj, deceased, filed with the
County Clerk of Umatilla County,
Oregon, her final account and report
in the administration of the estate of
John L. Price, deceased, on the 29th .
day cf July. 1897; that the County
Court, by order duly made and entered
on the 15th day of September, 19 '7,
appointed Tuesday the 2:ird day of
October, 1917, at the hour of ten
o'clock in the forenoon as the time and
the County Court House of Umatilla
County, Oregon, as the place where all
objections and exceptions to the said
final account and report will be heard
and a settlement thereof made. Dated
this 20th day of September, A. D.
Mary E. Price, Administratrix.
Will M. Peterson, Attorney
Jeya That Cemt In n?ac!iina the Ptak
and Ceiling tiuck to Camp.
A gren-t deal 1ms U:t written by
mouutulueeis about the Joys of climb
ing, says Waiter Pel hard Latou in
Harper's Mitljaelue. The Joye oi climb
ing ure often a ,". od deal like those of
heavy dumbbell exorcises. Ill Glacier
park you v. ant tu slug the Joys of com
ing back to camp in the afternoon and
lonllngon a 1 ed of balsam boughs, with
your tent flap o;ien wide to the view of
lupines uud violets ill the meadow and
distant snow capped peuks beyond. You
want to inn;; the Joys of fruflTUIIt food
and steaming tea. of twilight slowly
gathering as though so fair u day were
reluctant to depart.
To ascend a peak, to see the tumbled
world at Its wildest, lo sit ugnlu in
camp tired and warmed with food, to
hear with one ear the ennip cook tell
ing bear slorle-f, v.lih the other the
blrdllhe calls of the ground iinlrrehl,
lo sine I the resinous Wood smoke and
the balsams, to catch now and then the
tinkle of Utile he water brooks from
the Buowflcld, to watch the auusct
blush cn Heaven's cnk and the stain
com" slowly out above the battlement
of the divide Weill that Is, I fear, to
spoil you for any other life.
The little lee water brooks sing a
siren son;; In the uplands atatTeii with
vloiels, and wee to hir.i whose ears
have hear,' I He can UCVCr lie quite
happy again est of the Great Divide.
An Actd Gander.
Tho lartri taut live to n great est arc
comparatively few. Culls httve been
known to reach fcrly years, pan-ots
fretraeafty rive eighty years and Hwnns
nearly as long. Lavum and owls usu
ally (lie somewhat joungar, but there
I la good tnson to t.ei'.evc that engles
, and falcons sometime.'! live more than
I a htmdrcd years. Of tnmynid fowls
j ducks and i;oese live loncest. 1). 'nc
i Lachlnn f lathy, Sctitlaud, wyltea to
I the rie'd that he bus o gander (hat is
! new ilxty-elx yvxtt qlfl, 1'or t tty-Rve
yenre it helomrrd to t'.i prnjjt leter of a
hotel r( Kl'idl.eud, Shntiand, Vwonly.
one year asi the f.:l I' ln-Iuw of tho
pl'OJClIt i Vincr bottxht It. Mr. Mae-
Lachlan says that lite gender Iiki'.s aa
wcil Bud a.'; young mid recms as active
as it ever did. Theie Is no doubt about
its age.
t'r Atfnr.t.'H NimL
They were d.scusaiiig the pccullafl
, lies of names, and Hlobtin suddenly
i said:
"By the way. Cox. your wife's got a
queer name, hasj't she Tuty?' Where
did rhe ret thai name Duty?'
"Oh. she adopted It." replied Mr.
Cox. "She c'aliae that every married
woman's middle name Is Duty. Iiccause
she Is either lie'.ug done or neglected."
London Mall,
Notice to Creditors.
In the County Court of Umatilla
County, State of Oregon,
in the Matter of the Estate of
Henry Pinkerton, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been appointed by the
above court, executrix of the above
entitled estate, and has qualified as by
law required. All persons having
claims against the above named estate
are hereby notified to present the came
to me, with proper vouchers, at the
office of my Attorney, Homer I. Watts
at his office in Athena, Oregon, within
six months from the. date thereof.
Dated this II 1st day of August, 1917.
E. J. Pinkerton,
Executrix of the estate of Henry
Pinkerton, deceased.
Popular Priced
See the Goods in the
Latest Patterns
A. Ea Anderson & Co.
Tailors - Chicago
" Tlu Tailoring You Need"
W. A. Chase
Local Rprentatif3
How About
New Fall
II have my new samples nov and I
am prepared to give you sausiao
ton in every way. Fit guaranteed.
Fifteen years experience. Cleaning
and pressing is a Specialty with
The Wardrobe
I Worthington Building
Athena, Oregon
Notice Of Final Iteport. j
In the County ' Court of the State of i
Oregon for Umatilla County. I
In the Matter of the Estate of Maurice
M. Johns, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the j
undersigned has filed his final report j
in the above entitled esstate with the
clerk of the above entitled court, and
that the judge of said rourt hus desig
nated Monday, the 1st day of October, !
1017, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon as
tlie time and lha office of the County
judge in the County Court House at
Pendleton, Umatilla County, Oregon,
as the place when and where hearing
shall be had thereon. All persons in- ,
terested are notified to than and there
appear and show cause, if any they
have, why the n port should not be ap
proved, the administrator with will an
nexed discnurged, and his bondsmen
exonerated. Dated this 22 day of
August. 1U17.
M. Melville Johns, Administrator
with Will Annexed.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Umatilla County.
Sophia McConhell, Plaintiff, vs. Hoy
McConnell, Defendant To Boy Mc
Cnnnel!, defendant above named:
In the Name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint of the plaintiff ,
in the above entitled court and cause I
on or before Friday the 2nd day of
November, 19'?, which date is six i
weeks from the date of the first
publication of this summons; and you j
will take notice that if you fall to ap
pear and answer said complaint or
otherwise plead thereto within said
time, the plaintiff for want thereof
will apply to the Court for the relief
prayed for in her said complaint, to
wit, for a decree of the Court dissoiv- i
ing the bonds of aaatrimony between ;
the plaintiff and the defendant, for a
change of plaintiff's name and the res- ,
toretion of the nsrr.e of Sophia Cramer, j
and for other equitable relief.
This summons is published pursuant
to an order made in this cause by Hen
orable Gilbert W. Phelps, Judge of the
above entitled Coort. The first publi
cation of this curr.mons will be made
on Friday the Slit day of September,
1917, snd the I sat publication on Fri
day the 2nd day of November, 1917, in
the Athena Press newspaper Dated
this 1 5th day of September, A. D.
Will M. Peterson, Attorney for'
Flaintiff. Post office address: Pend
leton, Oregon.
Theee Queer Insects Have a Remark
able Sense of Gmall.
When an animal dies in a garden or
in the wocds nnd t'c. mpouith u be
gins (arrion buss co::;c fiom f ir and
near. A dead bird, a mouse or a harm
less snake wnutouly killed by some
wanderer provides a banquet for hun
dreds of insects. Among the a the
"grayediffgers" arc leiiiluacih;!
fortytliree species, tw.elvij it which
arc found tu Eurdpoj the rent lot Amer
ica. ' , 'J
You can Identify there bet'tles. says
the Popular Science Montiily, by the
two jagged yellowish red of reddish
transverse band. upon their black
wing cuvers. Their scic itlUc, name,
ueeri phorius, means no more' than
"buriers f the dead." As tindertnters
the Inserts have legs eapcctttlly adapt
ed for digging.
A gravodhrgor beetle has a moat e::
trairdlnary sense of mikH. ITo can
detect the nvulinr w'or of deWnjusl
tlon a hmg distance mwi.v arid fiies to
the dead thing -as trtroJiht as an ar
row; His reruart obly teen iuiso Is sit
uated lu Ida (JuhUlte factera.
As a rule scvciaj r.-.vef.iggers are
found near a dead bedy. They crawl
under it and Brrstc'.i the supporting
earth nwa.v, so tint the. t,idv s'..on lies
111 a hollow, ftiv.dt-ally the body, Is
l'iwere-,1 until It sinks h!ow the sur
face. Theu It 1s rovcrcd wi'.h earth.
The female lays bt'r e;rs nvottud the
Interred form, tliKKMiwntW for the
tcv.l.v batched, InWaa a' 'l';lc-jt!i"ul food
Emaraliti . nd Pcrj 's.
There is r:o de tin lb 'the vogue of
the emerald, u! ig tllo T.' Id not 111 the
genetic sense of tw'ttodo. but for. .a
her"' of the accepted i recn 'emerald
hi:e. Plnepcimen nlwa-a' cause a
flutter 111 the aueflru renin, for the
rery good reaarm rtist tfeto are ex
tremely iv e. IVrfo t i ti tics are as
corlly as fine ruWjfa cud, of co-use,
much more so rehtt'vety than dia
monds. The Duke of Deeuirthtre owiia what
hi believed to be the hir& st uud ncar-
t THt a pod ouooi viaiTS MEaoquAaTaaa.
f IS YOUR regiment
To-pav? r J
fFISI,EHtaL BUT you KHOW 1W jm THt J
t lajeooTOBAceoial
1' i.H ' i t till I SJC I
r HEN vou trim vour outfit down to militarv
bedrock, W-!& Cut Chewing scores a bull's-
eye. A soldier gets more from his pouch of W-B
than from a bulky ordinary plug rich leaf plump
full of sap, all tobacco satisfaction, every shred
of it. And the water-proof pouch keeps it clean
and fresh in the pocket of his khaki.
Made by WEYKAN-BRUTON COMPANY, 1107 BraaaVay, Haw Task CMy
est (oultleeBttesa tn iliiffea
came from NttTA In Pol uM,
eouric of Elcdem rxawplw
cient mera!d?i of ere.".: ma!
read of were pro! a My not U
and, indeed, "orleatal etnef
c, and It
t jc main
The an
ittuda v.-e
yhi at all,
ri" Is tho
Cestgnatkw of the green ron-.nflum.-
Londou Chronicle.
Haw ta Begin the Cay.
Begin the mortitr.g Yy asking to thy
sclf: I shall meet th's Say v.-Itu the
buaybody, the i-ierratcftJ. the nrro-ant,
do.'e'tfnl, eavtotts, unsocial. a:i those
tbiiu;s happen to them liy reason of
their Ignorance of what Is good aud
evil. But 1,'trhn have seen tta nature
of the good that it la I aud of
the bid that it is Only, cannot be injured
by any of tSem.- Marcus Aurellus.
1 1 if pt'liNai., Jerry Sw;i'f,
IVrtlWlM, WnaJi,
" la a !.; Il-V
"A ' "an who nlr.sTs pnta paste on
is- baeV of a iwtsre stamp." -Put,
"Pop. tell me one l.i.ilg.'
"V.hst Is II. son:''
"Is ?e Hue that .!i!ps have to cross
on the aea where thev han-: Ihe.oestu'a
rial)! "-Pjlt'iauiv .Viuu-haa.
"1 know a man w!in hi very success
ful in business, and yet all Ids custom
ers Know his talk about his go;-ds la
chiefly hot air."
"How dors lie manage to fool them,
"He doesn't. He deals In furnaces."
-Ball tBli re American.
Shatr It'elatry.
"Cadspur has a Ptl wVtt ben that
'stb nu e-r? erei'J- diy."
"I gu-'s he's freed cf that Hid."
"Pn tul Is not the name f r It. Why,
man. he has h.vl a pluvingrnnhlc record
made of her caekle."-Blru:l!i;aam
Und M Sale.
R10 acres, one and one half miles
from Condon, 4ti0 in crop, receive one
half delivered at the Elevator, all
i fenced and crossed fenced, well im
proved aa to buildings, new barn M) by
flt ready to construct and good water
. supply. Price 131,000, 911,000 cash,
', balance reasonable terms. If interest -;
ed in wheat, stock or mixed ranches in
Oregon, Washington, California or
Montana, let ua hear from ?on.
Condon Realty Co., Condon, Ore.,
How This?
We after Oae Hnaarea Dollaea Iteware
far any ease ef Catarrk that eaaaet ae
cared St Hall's ralarrh Meatelae.
Hall's Catena, Maerletae haa keen taken
by eatarrk safferara fer tke east tahtr
Ave yean, and haa become known aa the
meat reliable reme fer Catarrh. Rail's
Catarrh Me4lrtae acta thru Ike Bleoa en
the Moeaua earfaees. exeeltlaa tke Pol
aen frees the snoes aa heallag eke 4ts
eaaed itertloaa.
After yen kaee takaa Kail's Catarrh
Medicine fer a sheet rime yea wtn see a
greet Improvement In relr teeerat
health. Start taking HalVa Catank Medi
cine el ones ami ret rid at eatarrh. ftend
I tee teeltnwalala. free.
I F. J. CtlRKST CO.. TeMe, Okie
Ceasn't Alwaya Vork.
"Take my advice." sold thi man who
has a (treat deal .if litigation. "Do any
thing rather than jo Into court."
"I tried that once, and It taught me
a lesson."
"How sor
"I was given a stiff fine for resisting
an officer." Blrmliisham Age-ncrald.
Asniodens Ik an evil genius or de
mon. In the apocryphal lawk of Toblt
he Is represented ns slaying the seven
husbands of Sarah. In the Talmud be
la described as the prince of demons
and Is said to have driven Solomon
from bis kingdom.
The universal car
A little extra attention to your Ford car, a little ad
justing now and then, will help to keep it in prime con
dition and add to its ability to serve you. Bring your
Ford ear here. Why take any chances? Let thote who
know how, those who use genuine Ford parts, t, e cay
of your car. To be sure of getting the best ssrv. from
your Ford car let skilled Ford men care for it. I i. ,, i
attention assured. Touring car ft0, Runabout
Sedan BtO, Coupelet 605, Town Car 596 ail f. o. b!
Detroit. For sale by
Burke & Son Garage Phone 82 Athena Oreg.
Burke k Son Garage
Phone 82, Athena, Oreaon
De'icately Put.
"1 do hepe yon appreciate that In
marrying my daughter you marry a
large hearted girl."
"1 do. sir. And I hope she inherits
those qualities from her father." Pass
lag Snow.
The Sible.
The sixty-all hooka of fie Bible were
written by about forty men durlug a
period ef 1.C0O years.
A. J. Parker, Proprietor
Shaving, Hwctting, Massaging, Shampooing.
BatH" Rooms In Connection,
St. Mliiils Hotel Block i . Athena. Oreg.
True merit ia like n river the deeper
It Is the less noise it makes. IlaiUtt
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome