The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, September 28, 1917, Image 2

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Color Scheme V:oi to Deceive the
Eyoa of the Enemy.
I'nrly lu the (treat World war tho
young painters fit France formed what
tin)' called I lie Hatalllou (!e la Camou
Co. a battalion whoso duties consist of
"Sinking up" guns, autos. shelters aad
even whole landscapes to deceive the
enemy's eyes the acroiiaiics. They
Impart to a munition de:ot the limo
ient appearance of a prairie. The To's
under tuvlf linnua take on the som
blanre ofiold trees. Tree trunks and
old car.s are I f ii'usilgurod hy these
nrtiiltH Into formidable latteries on
which the hostile lire may upend Itself.
They color the autos to resemble rouds
or fields. V; f
The grand chief of the Camoufle Is
the celebrated decorator roralti, who
earned his war cross at tho front. Nor
U this work without Its dangers. The !
camimlleur must repeatedly ascend In j
avion lo J..ili;e the effect of his work
or to decide on the necessary retouch- ;
lag In he done. He rnDxt sometimes
advance ahead of the I! rat Unci during
tiie night lo taUc uiensuretuctits which
will permit him to Imitate exactly a
terrain tree trunk or a part of a crum
bled wall In No Man's Land, which :
must he copies!, molded by clever
sculptors and artUOICtl Hie same night
to servo aa shelters for observers.
Cartoons Magu.luc.
Tho Morcst Tract of the Metal Will
Impart a Distinct Taint
What would you consider one of tho
most powerful areata with which to
flavor water? Would It be iron?
A half part per million of Iron In wa
ter Is detectable by taste, and more
than four or five parts make a water
mipalalahlc. In Home mineral siulngs
Iron Is (ho constituent which Imparts
a medicinal value lo the water, hut
ordinarily it Is undesirable.
More than 2,3 parts per million In
water used for laundering makes a
aiuln on dollies. Iron must be remov
ed from water from which ice Is mndo
or a cloudy discolored product will re
sult. An lro.i content of over two or
three parts per million In water used
In the manufacture of paper will stain
Hie paper,
Iron Is harmful In water used for
steaming, for It In In equilibrium wllh
acids which Inside the boiler become
dissociated, with the result that the
free acids corrode the holler plates,
hut I lie amount of Iron carried In solu
t!on iiy most waters Is no Binall that
the damage It does to steam boilers
. generally amounts to little. The re
moval of Iron from water Is sometimes
easy and sometimes very difficult
(Jeologlcnl Survey Bulletin,
A Little Dit o' Brass.
"It In Just a little bit o' brass," laugh
ed a St. Louie girl who keeps house,
"bill It Is a useful llttlo bit. I use It to
scrape my dishes he?oro I wash them
and particularly my rooking dishes,
pels and puns and such things. It can
he kept clean no much more easily
than one of those wire tilings or any
other arrangement that I have had. It
Is Just a plain, smooth, oblong piece of
brass with a small hole lu It, and It
has smooth edges too, There Is noth
ing lo catch or hold any dirt. It does
not cut lilts a knlfo nor scratch, hut re
moves Just what It Is supposed to re
move and leaves the rest. Moreover,
It Is not only useful, hut decorative,
ton. hanging hero over the sink by the
window, where the sunshine makes It
look like a little square of gold." St.
Louis Poet-Dispatch.
Foundation of Happy Marriage.
In the Woman's Home Companion a
writer suys:
"II was .lane Welsh Cailyle who
wrote these words after thirty years of
married life:
" I married for ambition. Cariyio
has exceeded all Hint my wildest hopes
ever .Imagined, nud I am miserable.'
"Science lias taught us a great many
Interesting tilings about race progress
ami eugenics, but the fundamental
principle of eugenics seems to have
discovered Itself very early In tho his
tory of the race. Healthy children ure
usually those who are born of happy
Keep the Weeds Down,
Attack the weeds as soou as thoy
appear In the garden. It Is loss work
to keep a garden clean from the be
ginning than It is after the weeds have
Diado a good start. Weeds are gross
feeders and roll the garden plants of
food and moisture they require.
Dandelions, plantain and dock can
best be removed from the lawn by cut
ting them oft below the erown. Fill
up the holes with earth. Cut the
weeds every two weeks and all will
soon disappear. New York Sun.
S, K. Sharp
Special attention giveu to ell
Oslo, both oiuht and d&y.
flalln promptly siittwereit. omuaiiuTlilr
Hu-nt, .tlitmn Orttuor
Dr. J.C. Huddclcy
LuBrnsuht Rtinch
A the nti
I). Sett FMn r
CONTU UTOR & RUli l)! l
Residence and Shop, Adumsand 4th Sis
In Athena Monday' Tursdny. Wedne
day, other days of week in Walla Walla,
2nd and rV.ain over Third National Bank
Ur. E. W. Croup . Dr. C H. Lash
Yakima Valley
Direct fnmi Grower. Writs)
fur prices.. Jerry Swart,
Donald, Wash.
P.O. War !:, R F D 2 Hash.
GteSfovtf Remain AirTighf
A BONFIRE burns rapidly To hold fire evenly day
and night requires an Air-Tight Stove. Winter after
winter to always have perfect control over your stove and
your homes temperature requires
Cole's Original Air-Tight
Wood Heaters
Guaranteed to remain air-tight always.
Your Money's Worth
and more is offered you in
this guaranteed heater, at a
price no greater than oth
ers why put up witn the
leaky imitation stove. In
vest in Cole's Original Air
Tight Wood Hsater and
enjoy stove satisfaction
year after year. We have
a size and style to fit your
need. Come in today.
Home Comfort Always!
Beware of so-called "air
tight" wood stoves with
their side doors and cast
bottoms, which can never
be guaranteed to remain
air-tight. Purchase Cole's
Original Air-Tight with its
guaranteed air-tight con
struction, including Cole's
patented air-tight lower
draft and air-tight double
seamed body and large
amoke proof feed door. It cost no
more than non-guaranteed Imita
tions. Insure lasting satisfaction.
Make your selecUori today.
The Foss-Winship
Hardware Co.
1 11 1st omp wnoril I
TPHE Call to tho Colors calls for thrift and
common sense by everybody. A 10c. pouch
of W-B Cut Chewing goes twice as far as 10c. 's
worth of ordinary tobacco. That's the big point:
W-B Cut isn't ordinary tobacco, it's rich tobacco
and a lasting chew.
Hade It WETMAN-BRUTON COMPANY, 110? Broadway, New Tori City
Kotiee of Final Account.
In the County Court of the State of
OrKor.for Umatilla County.
In the Matter of the Estate of John
L. Price, deceased.
Notice U hereby giv n to all persons
whom it may concern that Mary E.
Price, administratrix of the estate of
John L. Price, deceased, filed with the
County Clerk of Umatilla County,
Oregon, her final account and report
in the administration of the estate of
John L. Price, deceased, on the 29th
day of July. 1897; that the County
Court, by order duly made and entered
on the 15th day of September. 19 i 7.
appointed Tuesday the 2ard day of
October, 1917, at the hour of ten
o'clock in the forenoon as the time and
the County Court House of Umatilla
County, Oregon, as the place where all
objections and exceptions to the said
final account and report will be heard
and a settlement thereof made. Dated
this 20th day of September, A. D.
Mary E. Price, Administratrix.
Will M. Petersen, Attorney for
Kotiee to Creditors.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for Umatilla County.
In the Matter of the Estate of Daniel
A. May, Deceased.
NOTICE is hereby given to all per
sons whom it may concern that Ida L.
May has been appointed administratrix
of the estate of Daniel A. May, de
ceased. All persons having claims
against his estate arehereby required
to present them with proper vouchers
in compliance with the requirements
of the law to the said administratrix
at the law office of Will M. Peterson
in the Smith Crawford Building at
Pendleton, Oregon, within six months
of the date of the first publication of
this notice. Dated this Mat day of
August A. D. 1017.
Ida L. May, Administratrix.
Will M. Peterson, Attorney for
Administratrix. .
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Umatilla County.
Sophia McConnell, Plaintiff, vs. Roy
McConrell, Defendant To Roy Mc
Connell, defendant above named:
In the Name of the State of Oregor.
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint of the plaintiff
in the above entitled court and cause
on or before Friday the 2nd day of
November, 19 1 7, which date is six
weeks from the date of the first
publication of this summons; and you
will take notice that if you fail to ap
pear and answer said complaint or
otherwise plead thereto within said
i time, the plaintiff for want thereof
I will apply to the Court for the relief
I prayed for in her said complaint, to-
wit, for a decree of the Court dissolv
ing the bonds of matrimony between
the plaintiff and the defendant, for a
change of plaintiff's name and the res
toration of the name of Sophia Cramer,
and for othefequitable relief.
This summons is published pursuant
to an order made in this cause by Hon
orable Gilbert W. Phelps,. Judge of the
above entitled Court. The first''pftbli'
cation of this summons will Be -maie
on Friday the a 1st day of 9pfepib,er,
1917, and the last publication on Fri
day the 2nd day of November, 19 1 7, in
the Athena Press newanauer Dated
I this 15th day of September," A, ' D.
I Will M. Peterson, Attorney for
! Flaintiff. Post office address: Pend
leton, Oregon.
'le most havVirti; aelve tn thtt world
tCIIIllllllllllT Itl""
I Valvoline, Mono- Goodyear, JFire-
gram, Zerolene stone, and U. S.
Athena G-arage
: ' Repairing
firaBMMrl1IIVllll HHBB
i I V - . ,: '.
': Agents for
Parts and Accessories, . Lathe Work a Specialty.
Notice to Creditors.
In the County Court of Umatilla
County, State of Oregon.
In the Matter of the Estate of
Henry Pinkerton. deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been appointed by the
above court, executrix of the above
entitled estate, and has qualified as by
law required. All persons having
claims against the above named estate
are hereby notified to present the, same
to me, with proper vouchers, at the
office of my Attorney, Homer I. Watts
at his office in Athena, Oregon, within
six months from the date thereof.
Dated this Hist day of August, 11)17.
E. J. Pinkerton,
Executrix of the estate of Henry
Pinkerton, deceased.
Notice Of final iteport.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Umatilla County.
In the Matter of the Estate of Maurice
M. Johns, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned has filed his final report
in the above entitled esstate with the
clerk of the above entitled court, and
that the judge of said fourt has desig
nated Monday, the 1st day of October,
1917, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon as
the time and the office of the County
Judge in the County Court House at
Pendleton, Umatilla County, Oregon,
as the place when and where hearing
shall b had thereon. All persons in
terested are notified to then and there
appear and show cause, if any tbey
have, why the report should not be ap
proved, the administrator with will an
nexed discnurged, and his bondsmen
exonerated. Dated this 22 day of
August, 1IU7.
M. Melville Johns, Administrator
with Will Annexed.
low About
New Fall
I have my new, samples now and I am pre
pared to give you satisfaction in every" way.
Fit guaranteed. Fifteen years experience. 0
Cleaning and Pressing is a specialty with us.
i i -Yr
j Wonhington Building
fttiMMtoitflCiHiioi Mnioiocoooaa
The Wardrobe
Athena, Oregon
Tomntoos Far Seed.
Many peraona Httve tllti Ural tomato
that ritieus for semi, and they think
thoy mo (loin;; the right thing. Tho
very earliest tomatoes to ripen are not
as sweet ami soli. I as those tlpeuiir:
from a week to two weeks later. Tho
best plan In saving the toiaato for seed
Ik to select the more uniform, medium
size, which ripen evenly anil quickly a
llllle while after the plant has been
producing ripe fruit. Seeds saved from
tomatoivs grown on moilei-ntely thin soil
will retain the good qualities bolter
than those saved from plants which
were forced by very rich soil. PUHtt'
dclphta North American.
it Would.
"What kind of a dress would bo
most appropriate for a garden party!"
"1 think a lawn dress would." Bal
timore American.
Har Rotort.
He My Income Is small, mid perhaps
It la cruel of uio to take you front your
father's roof. She I don't live ou the
Look not mournfully Into tho past.
It comes not back (tgikUh Wisely im
prove the present.
Few Roada In China.
That Industrial development must
stagnate so long as transport facilities
are Inadequate needs no emphasis, and
when It Is borne In mind that there Is
not a road worthy of the name, so much
as 100 miles long throughout China, It
become evident that the country Is
very severely handicapped. Certainly
there nro the rivers and canals, which
Intersect the land in every direction,
hut locomotion on them Is naturally
slow and uncertain. Hallways arc few
and far bottt'oou und serve only to con
nect a few of the larger centers. Com
merce Itoport
Constellation of Orion.
The constellation known as Orion Is
referred to In Job Ix. 0 and xxxvlll, SI.
Orion Is the "giant" of Oriental as
tronomy, anil the giant was Mmrod,
the mighty hunter, fabled lo have been
bound hi the si.y for Impiety. The two
dogs and the hare lu nearby coustclla
ilous Bad hli trull complete.
Ti rura CuiiaUiMllnn rorwvwr.
Tuktivi-AVMrvta Cuul CuUiarlic lee ,'rSftt
U 0. V. tad lu VMV, Jrutvvuuvhutdi ucuaa
Mining of a Sort.
"Well, Itastus. I hear you arc work
ing again. What business arc you en
gaged III!"
"I'a done be engaged In de mining
business, sub."
"What kind of mining are yon doing,
gold, silver or diamond?"
"Va doing calctmlntng, sah." Comua.
A Surpriaa.
Itlch Uncle Is It true that you have
compromised with your creditors for 2
cents on the dollar?
Nephew -Yes, uncle, hut
Rich Uncle But nothing! I doubled
my legacy to you when 1 heard of your
cleverness.- Kxclinnge.
Cold Rica.
Cold rice should never be thrown
a way even the smallest quantity cm
be used. It can bo added to any soup.
A goid omelet can be made from a
mixture of mlnrcd meat and rice added
to the eggs. It can he used In a dessert
In the form of a plain rice pudding or
a rice custard, l.cft over meat can be
chopped and mixed wllh cold lice, then
moistened with gravy and put In a
bakhig dish. Cover with breadcrumb
and bake.
Land for Sale.
HS0 acres, one and one half miles
from Condon, 4S0 in crop, receive one
half delivered at the Elevator, all
fenced and crossed fenced, well im
proved aa to buildings, new barn Ml by
VI ready to construct and guod water
supply. ' Price 131,000, 1V,000 cash,
balance reasonable terms. If interest
ed in wheat, stock or mixed ranches in
Oregon, Washington, California or
Montana, let us hear from you.
Condon Realty Co., Condon, Ore.,
Box M,
How's This?
W offer One Hundred Dollars Reward
for any case of Catarrh that cannot ba
curad by Hall' Catarrh Medlclna.
Hall's Catarrh Medicine has taken
by catarrh tunVrera for the paat thirty
five year, and haa become known as th
moat reliable remedy for Catarrh. Hall'i
Catarrh Medicine acts thru the Blood on
the Mucous surfaces, expelling- the Pol
son from the Blood and hrsUng the dla
e.wd portions.
After you have taken Hall's Catarrh
Medicine for short time vou will aee
great Improvement tn your general
health. Btart taktnc Haifa Catarrh Medi
cine at once and get rid of catarrh. Band
tor teatlmonlal. free.
F. J. CHENET A CO.. Toledo, OMe
sad by ail vtum'-iuu it
It Mieht Pay Well to Cultivate tn
Plant In Thia Country.
American have entirely Ignored or
clso have never known of the really I
wonderful possibilities which exist to I
accumulate a fortune by growing co- I
counts for exporting or for the pro- I
ductlou of the coconut tree's numerous i
marketable byproducts.
In' the Wc.-it Indies, Central and
South America the fruit Is used chiefly
for local consumption, the wuter from
the green coconut being a beverage
decidedly cool and refreshing, with
medicinal values. The leaves from the
center of the top of the tree make an
excellent salad and are to bo found In
all Latin American markets In tho
soues In which they .row. The hewn
tree serves the native for a habitation,
and a roof Is made from the gigantic
fronds. I'rorn the smaller leaves ex
Calient bats of a high grado are fnsh- i
loned, but few of which roach this I
country. Prom sonio localities ripened
nuts nro exported lu bulk In I he holds
of ships, often ns ballast, to this coun
try, where a few concern arc cngnged
In grating coconut meat for the use
of confectioners and bakers.
In the West Indies housewives make
their own butter from coconuts, four
nuts yielding a pound of hl.tli grade
butter nt a cost of less than 10 cents--W.
E. Aughlnbaugh In Leslie's.
8ome Loavei Live Lonr.
Evergreen trees do not retain their
leaves forever, hut arc so called be
cause the new leaves appear before
the old ones nre she!. Miss Vlnnle A.
Pease has been studying the many
evergreens of the Pacific Northwest
to ascertain how long the several spe
cics retalu their leave.' She finds a
wide varletv, the shortest being the
California biuktlmrn, whhh sheds
some of Its leaves In autumn and re
tain the others only until those of the
coming season are mature. The long
est is the short leaved yew. which re
tain Its leaves for from live to twelve
years, some of them persisting for as
long ns twenty-three years. Saplings
lose their leaves more itulckly than
mature trees and trees In the open
more quickly than those lu shady
Hia Title Comae From the Old English
Ua of Wooden Tallies.
Formerly accounts were kept and
lnrgc sums of money paid and received
by the king's exchequer In London, with
little other form than the exchange or
delivery of tallies, pieces of wood notch
ed or scored, corresponding blocks be
ing kept by the parties to the account.
From till usage one of the head offi
cers of the exchequer was called the
"talller" or "teller." These tallies were
often negotlnhle. Adaj Smith In hi
"Wealth of Nations" says that "In 1600
tallies had been ut -10 and 50 and 00
per cent discount, and bnuknote at 20
per cent,"
The system of tallies was discontinu
ed about 1S30, and the destruction In
the night of Oct. 10, 188 1, of the old
houses of parliament 1 thought to have
been occasioned by the overhentlug ot
tho flue when the furnaces were em
ployed to consume the tallies, rendered
useless hy the nlteintlon lu the mode
of keeping the exchequer account. An
uccaunt of th? ancient tally system was
-vrittvu by WUliau Uoa
Frogs and Mud Forts.
Thero Is n frog Indigenous to Brazil
which builds a regular mud fort dur
ing the breeding sonson lu order to
protect her eggs and tadpoles. The
female frog dives to the bottom of the
water, scoops up two bandfuls of mud
and repeats the process until she has
erected a circular wall about one foot
In diameter. She keeps on till the
wall stands nt least Ave Inches above
the surface of the water, and the
wholo Is most carefully smoothed
down with her broad, webbed hands.
The work Is performed only nt night,
and when It Is completed the eggs are
Cleaning White Kid Gtov.
Tut the gloves ou your band and
wash with a clean white soap and rinse
In gasoline. Itcmove from hand, turn
ing the gloves ri,:ht side out and roll
In cornstarch. Wrap them in a towel
and let them remain In this condition
overnight, then shake out the corn
starch and you will And your gloves
as soft and white aa If you bad sent
them to the cleaner to be cleaned.
Gasoline Is Inflammable and must not
be used where there Is a light or a Are.
A little extra attention to yuur Ford car, a little ad
justing now and then, will help to keep it in prime con
dition and add to its ability to serve you. Bring you
Ford car here. Why take any chances? Let those "who
know how, those who use genuine Ford parts, take care
of your car. To be sure of getting the best service from
your Ford car let skilled Ford men care for it. Prompt
attention assured. Touring car :IH0. Runabout $;)5l
Sedan ui5, Coupelet 1505, Town Car 1595 all f. o. b!
Detroit. For sale by
Burke & Son Garage Phone 82 Athena Oreg.
f 1 Burke & Son Garage ; J
Phone 82, Athena, Oregon
Th Two Sides.
"There nre two sides to every argu
ment," said the ready made philoso
pher. "Ye." replied the gloomy person,
"but It makes a difference which side
yon choose. There are two side to a
piece of By aper.''
Cultivate energy without Impatience, 1
activity without rcstlcssucss. infieil- i
bill'- without ill humor-Merley,
A. J. Parker, Proprietor
Shaving, Haircutting, Massaging, Shampooing.
Bath Rooms In Connection,
St. Nichols Hotel Block - . . Athena, Oreg.