The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, September 14, 1917, Image 2

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Cultivate It Earnestly, but D Not
Carry It to Excess.
Thrift Is u composite quality. It em
braces wltulu Itself nearly all of t lie
great virtues. It Involves Industry,
prudence, forethought, self denial.
It certainly bus no relation to nig
gardliness or meanness.
Some men would let their grand
mothers starve for the sake of a few
dollars. Such action cannot be culled
thrifty. A virtue carried to excess be
coiuee a vice mid Is no longer a virtue.
Thrift that does not take Into part
nership honesty of character develops
into covctousncss und avarice.
Thrift is the opposite of thriftless
ness. prodigality, improvidence and
Thrift means better homes and bet
ter food, more comfort and enjoyment,
less waste and less nnxlety.
It Is possible thut a large proportion
of people have earnings so small that
saving seems impossible. But Ibis Is no
reason for their being unthrifty. On
the contrary, it Is reason for making
the best and the most of the Utile they
have for their health, comfort und true
A few dollars In a home nr a savings
bank, or any safe Invesment, Is as good
seod as ever was sown.
Out of It grow confidence, quickened
energies, (Irmer courage, more stalwart
thought and hope, more orderly citizen
ship, education for the children and the
Independence and self respect that lift
aimless, hopeless drudges up to the
true manhood that aspires and achieves,
Christian Herald.
Why ths Exertion Mskts the Lungs
Gacp For Mors Air.
It Is hard to breathe after running
awhile, because your body requires
more blood In circulation. The efforts
of your heart, brain und lungs make
breathing difficult. We breathe to take
air Into the lungs, where the blood
which bus onco been through the ar
terloa and comes hack on Its return
trip to the heart Is exposed to the air
In the lungs before going back Into tho
heart. The air which wo take Into our
lungs purllJes the once used blood and
makes It Into good blood again.
Whcu you run the heart pumps blood
Into your arteries faster to enable you
to run, we are told by the Book of
Wonders. Thus also the arteries send
much more blood back to the heart
through the veins, and this must be
purified by the lungs before going back
Into the heart. To attend to purify
ing this extra amount of spoiled blood
tho lungs need more air. and thus you
arc made to breathe la more air for
the purpose.
Unless you are hi good training
your wind In good condition, us we
say It Is nlmost Impossible for you to
supply the lungs with enough air for
the purpose, but whether you can do
It or not the lungs cull upon you for
more air and cause you to try to get It,
and tbut Is what makes you get out of
In India the Native Guests Literally
Paint the Town Red.
They have some curious wedding
customs In India. At a native wed
ding In Bombay the wedding guests
literally "paint the town red" by
throwing on ono another u kind of red
powder until titty are crimson from
head (o foot. Their disordered while
draperies, the stains and splashes on
their faces anil hair give them the up
penianee of victims of u massncre. In
India hulls which may be secured for a
mall reulul nre provided for these
ceremonies. But Weddings are also
celebrated In the Hindu temples, with
priests In attendance. In u Hindu
temple a bride of twelve must seat
herself on n slone nnd be drenched
with water by her bridesmaids. Be
bind her, her mother Is subjected to a
similar deluge, end at a short distance
behind the bride's mother tho grand
mother undergoes the same treatment,
while In front of the dripping trio two
priests sit beside n briskly burning
wood fire mumbling the prescribed
words for I lie ceremony. One casts n
few grains of rice Into the fire and the
other, with a ladle, throws Into It a few
drops of oil.
During these performances the bride
groom, sealed In n cnrrlage outside
the temple, receives the congratula
tions of his friends. In (he far east
tho bridegroom would seem to lie the
member of the party most to be en
vied. People's Homo Journal.
Japanned English.
A prominent merchant In Osaka, Ja
inn. nent the following to an English
Messrs. Wo have much pleasure to
requesting your latest culnloguo of
your products, price list and discount
sheets. If It turns satisfactory we
shall consider the question of the large
orders. Now, our aim. doing hi this
case Is our first at tempi to props re our
Helves to purchase of the products di
rectory from makers Instead of tho
broker of each side. Wo must beg
your kind cooperation on tills new
movements. We nro of opinion as well
ns our customers here that will proliu
bly obliged us to follow this new prin
ciple. Trusting thut the result will bo
encouraging the further business, and
remain, etc.
Strictly Ornamental,
Man's only iioiuitllltiirlnn garment is
the necktl t. It's as useless as n mon
ocle. Yet we wear 'em. We'd feel aw
fully awkward wulklng down the Btreet
without one. Once upon a time the
necktie was used to fasten the collar
on. But now It doesn't do that. Mao's,
necktie la the Indian's eagle feather,
the cannibal's iiocklaco of teeth, the
mid-African's Ivory earrings. It's his
pride, on which be letdown much
thought, great care. Wc wonder what
would happen to the vanity of the hu
man race, lniiseullne half, In cuse of a
uecktlo famine. Toledo News-Boo.
Effect of Discipline.
"Just see how the chickens mind the
old hen, Hobby," snld Mrs. Norrls to
her son. "Watch them run to her
when she calls Ibeui."
"I suppose sho sut on them when
they wero Utile," remarked the lufunt
pheuouiuuuii reflectively.
Clever Child.
"Yon can't eat your cuke and have
"Well, nin. If I want cake to look at
there's plenty in the baker's window."
Pittsburgh Post.
Loolt Ahead.
Qsnrj Wan! Beecher suld, "Don't bo
like n grasshopper, which lumps Drst
and nfjonviirtl looks round for a place
V' laud."
They'll Help Some There.
Save the old tin cans. You'll be put
ting theni to good use If you only can
the grouch in them Atlanta CoDstltu
tlou. One of the chief secrets of happiness
Is never to allow your energies to
Beyond Repair.
"What happened to you down the
"I turned a (Ire on a nourcllllahle
"One of those liottles with a patent
stopper V"
"No; just the ordinary kind, broken
hilo about tilty pieces." - lllriulnghaui
A Long Raich.
"I thought I put that wise out of
baby's reurb."
"Well, lie jelled for It." explained
dad. "Wlitil his arras won't reach his
bJlu-t y Ul "-1-uolsv Hie ('ourier-Jouraul.
The Difficulty of Bounding Certain
Words en High Netee.
English as Is commonly sung has
become so hard to understand that
musical authorities nre earnestly seek
ing a remedy. And the composer is
principally te blame, says frauds
Toye, writing in the Loudon Nation.
"That there are difficulties In sing
ing certain English syllables on cer
tain notes may ho admitted," says sir.
Toye. "English, unlike German and
Italian, Is not predominantly a lan
guage of ,broad vowel sounds. It Is
avrkwurd, for Instance, tu slug 'fix' or
'her' or 'sun' with n loud, sustained
tone on a high note. But If compos
ers knew their business they would
not, save In nny exceptional circum
stances, usk the singer to do anything
of Iho kind.
"Half Hie Imaginary difficulties of
singing English arise from tho Incom
petence of many composers lit setting
It to music. They seem neither to
think In terms of singing nor to si mly
the natural rhythm of the language.
When they do tho 'problems' of sing
ing In English vanish like the mist be
fore tho sun."
Pugnaeloua Earwigs.
Earwigs nro quarrelsome creatures
and nro always ready to uso their nlp
pored tails against each other on the
slightest provocation. When the light
of n lamp fulls upon tbem congregated
at the sugar some are more scared
than the others mid scuttle away,
wheil each earwig which they nearly
touch In (light will savagely swing
back l(s tall nnd nip In the air with
fury. Sometimes the blow fulls uikhi
a neighbor, which Instantly retaliates,
and half a dozen furious nips nro rap
Idly Interchanged. But fighting weight
quickly settles tho quarrel, tho smaller
earwig scuttling off and tho larger pur
suing him for several Inches, running
backward und reaching savagely to
right and left with his nippers. Tot
(heso same eurwlgs, so vindictive at
meals, will bo crammed, all sizes to
gether. Into any hole or ernck by duy.
Londou i lobe.
A Real Experience.
"Y'es," suld n travehnu man, "I was
once out of sight of land nn (he Atlnn
tic ocean (wonts' -one days."
Another man spoke up: "On the Pa
cific ocean one time I didn't see hind
for twenty-nine days."
A bald man knocked the ashes from
his cigar and contributed Ills bit:
"I sinned scroti the Knw river at
Tokens. In a sklh" once." lie snld, "and
wns out of sight of land before 1
reached the other side."
"What!" demundrd the man who
bad spun the drat yarn. "The Knw Is
not more than IKK) feet wide at To
"Quite true," aald the bald man
qulelly. "The skiff turned over, and I.
sunk twice." New York Times.
Women and the Stylet.
"Tills article snys." remarked Mrs.
MeWlnkle, "Hint osteopathy has been
the cause of the dissemination of a
much wider knowledge of human
anatomy than ever existed before the
development of that branch of sci
ence." "I nin aware." replied Mr. MeWlnkle,
who Is nn observant innn, "that knowl
edge of human anatomy, particularly
of female nuloiny. Is much more gen
eral than II was u few decades ago,
but I had supposed that the modistes
and not the osteopnthlsta were respon
slide" Dallas News.
Objeot Unobjected To.
Doctor YOU are now convalescent,
and all you need Is exercise. You
should walk ten or twenty miles n day,
sir. hut your walking should have an
object. Patient All right, doctor: I'll
(ravel around (tying to borrow enough
to pay your bill.
It All Dependt.
"Dad. what's a DIM who runs an
unto called?"
"K depends on whether he Is being
billed by his employer or by (he man
te has Jus( missed."- Puck.
8omt Nerve.
Bess -Nerve? Why. say, I've seen
Mm loke with a waiter that lie hadn't
tipped! -Town Topics.
Yakima Valley
Direct from Grower. Write
for prices.. Jerry Swurt,
Donald, Wash.
P .0. Wnnuto, R F D 2 Wash.
School Notes.
bj Supt. J. 0. itusiidl tO the student
body in the school auditorium. He i
spoke with reference to demands for
better educated young men and women
and emphasized the chances to gel
such an education in the Athena High
school which should be culminated by
a course in a State University or Col
lege. After explanations were given,
the- work of registration was taken up.
Although all books were not available,
classes in all subjects are now under
routine work.
A meeting of the Literary Society
of the Athena High School is being
held in the auditorium this afternoon.
Election of officers and appointment
of committees will be the chief bus
iness to be done. The classes in Phys
ical 1', (locution will begin next week.
The boys classes will meet on Tuesday
and Friday afternoon's under the di
rection of Mr. Shaffner. The girls
classes will meet Monday and Thurs
day afternoons for regular work under
the direction of Miss Grant.
The enrollment for the entire school
is 157 of which 86 are registered for
High school studies.
The Athena school has the present
enrollment of W pupils in the gram
mar grades. The present attendance
of the different rooms are: Mr. Grib
ble's room, H4; Miss Wolff's room, :I6;
Miss Lawson'B room 2tt, and Miss Sher
man 's room Hi.
Many of the primary children were
accompanied by their parents the first
morning of school. Among the vis
itors during the week to Miss Sher
an's room were: Mrs. Samual Soden,
Mrs. Will Kirk, Mrs. George Myrick.
Mrs. Hansell, Mrs. Shacklefnrd, Mrs,
Oliver Dickenson and Mrs. Schaffer.
The teachers always enjoy meeting
parents of children in their depart
ments. The girls of the nth 8th 7th and 8th
g.-ades will have an opportunity to use
the gymnasium twice a week under
the care of Miss Wolff. The boys of
these grades will likewise have the
Bsme privilege under direction of Mr.
Gribble. On other than gymnasium
days the boys will have special in
struction in industrial education with
Mr. Gribble and Mr. Shaffner, while
the girls of the upper four grades will
learn domestic art under Miss Wolff.
The first two physical education lessons
for the upper grade boys was to clear
off weeds from the school lawn. The
youngsters are eager students in this
The Churches.
Free Methodist Services.
Rev. F. E. Pond, district elder, will
conduct quarterly meeting services
over Sunday in the Opera House.
Preaching tonight, Saturday and Sun
day nights at 8:00 o'clock, preceded
by song and praiBe service beginning
at 7:30. Preaching Sunday morning
at 1 1 :00 followed by the sacrament of
the Lord's supper. A welcome to all.
Geo. T. Klein.
Methodist Episcopal Church.
Sunday preaching services 11:00 a.
m. and 7:80 p. m. Morning topic:
"Shall We Look for One Greater than
Christ." Evening Topic: "Our Church
Doctrines on Original or Birth Sin."
The Sunday school will meet at 10 a.
m. Watch for further announcements
of the special Rally Day and Home
coming services early in October.
You will find a warm welcome in this
church. Walter S. Gleiser.
The Chr'.sliai Church.
The Christian church will begin its
fall campaign Sunday. The Bible
school will begin promptly with Mrs.
W. R. Scott and the junior choir, at
10 a. m. Preparation for Rally Day,
October 7th, will begin at this hour.
The Pastor will preach in the morning
on, "The People We Meet," and in
the evening on The Glorious Gospel.
The Christian church chorus will ren
der appropriate music at both services.
You are specially invited and welcome.
D. Errett, Paator.
Peoples Theatre.
Saturday Sept. 15th.
A two reel Keystone Comedy, a
three reel drama, Reel Life No. 19.
Six reels.
Sunday Sept. Kith.
Mutual Film Corporation presents
Marjorie Rambeau in "The Greater
Woman" also a Cub comedy. Six reels.
Monday Sept. 17th.
Universal, Current Events No. 4 and
Two reel L Ko Comedy, also a three
reel drums. Six reels.
Wednesday Sept. 19th.
The Great Vitagraph presents "The
Combat, " also a big V Comedy. Six
Thursday Sept. 20.
Mutual Master Pictures, five reel
features and a cne reel comedy. Six
Land for Sale.
(ISO acres, one and one half miles
from Condon, 480 in crop, receive one
half delivered at the Elevator, all
fenced and crossed fenced, well im
proved as to buildings, new barn (10 by
14 ready to construct and good water
supply. Price 11,000, 11)1,000 cash,
balance reasonable terms. If interest
ed in wheat, stock or mixed ranches in
Oregon, Washington, California or
Montana, let us hear from you.
Condon Realty Co., Condon, Ore.,
Box U.
S. F. Sharp
Special attenttor. given to all
calls both night and day.
isal It promptly answered. Onto on Third
si. .!. alliens oregor
Dr. J.CBaddeley
LaBrasche Ranch
D. Scott Fisher
Residence and Shop, Adams and 4th Sts
In Athena Monday' Tuesday, Wednes
day, ether days of week in Walla Walls,
2nd and Main over Third National Bank
Dr. E W. Croup - Dr. C. H. Laab
How's This?
Wo offer One Hnn-'-l htO!!
curefl hy Ha'l's Ohtarrh ttodtcm.
Hall's Catarrh Medicine has been taken
by catarrh sufferers tor the past thirty
five years, and has become, known as the
most reliable remedy for Catarrh. Halt's
Catarrh Medicine acts thru the Blood on
the Mucous surfaces, expelling the Poi
son from the Blood and healing the dis
eased portions.
After you have taken Hall's Catarrh
Medicine for a short time you will see a
great improvement In your general
health. Start taking Hall's Catarrh Medi
cine at once and fret rid of catarrh. Send
for testimonials, free.
P. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, Ohio,
Sold by till. Druggists. 75c.
Notice to Creditors.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for Umatilla County.
In the Matter of the Estate of Daniel
A. May, Deceased.
NOTICE is hereby given to all per
sons whom it may concern that Ida L.
May has been appointed administratrix
of the estate of Daniel A. May, de
ceased. All persons having claims I
againBt his estate are'hereby required I
to present them with proper vouchers
in compliance with the requirements
of the law to the said administratrix
at the law office of Will M. Peterson
in the Smith Crawford Building at .
Pendleton, Oregon, within six months
of the date of the first publication of
this notice. Dated thia Mat day of
August A. D. 1017.
Ida L. May, Administratrix.
Will M. Peterson, Attorney for
TOUCAN (it r
LrvUCH 15 n. nUriulNucK
- Chewing Phi&
v, enn nre fHF WING QUALITY .
NOW THE Ram iw" '
Notice to Creditors.
In the County Court of Umatilla
County, State of Oregon.
In the Matter of the Estate of
Henry Pinkerton, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been appointed by the
above court, executrix of the above
entitled estate, and has qualified as by
law required. All persons having
claims against the above named estate
are hereby notified to present the same
to me, with proper vouchers, at the
office of my Attorney, Homer I. Watts
at his office in Athena. Oregon, within
six monthB from the date thereof.
Dated this Hist day of August, )iT.
E. J. Pinkerton,
Executrix of the estate of Henry
Pinkerton, deceased.
Notice Of Final Report.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Umatilla County.
In the Matter of the Estate of Maurice
M. Johns, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned has filed his final report
in the above entitled esstate with the
clerk of the above entitled court, and
that the judge of said court has desig
nated Monday, the 1st day of October,
1917, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon as
the time and the office of the County
Judge in the County Court House at
Pendleton, Umatilla County, Oregon,
sa the place when and where hearing
shall be had thereon. All persons in
terested are notified to then and there
appear and show cause, if any they
have, why the report should not'be ap
proved, the administrator with will an
nexed discnarged, and his bondsmen
exonerated. Dated thia 22 day of
August. 1917.
M. Melville Johns, Administrator
with Will Annexed.
.. 8 i asa aaaaeieaaiaaea a a at t t ' HM0MMilIMM
: -1S& I aaaaissaaawaaaaaaawMBaaaaaas I
iwin m wot
i lij mi u iL...i
iiM now miuui
I have my new samples now and I am pre
pared to give you satisfaction in every" way.
Fit guaranteed. Fifteen years experience.
Cleaning and Pressing is a specialty with us.
The Wardrobe
Worthington Building
9 ti Q ii
Athena, Oregon
i t
Columbia College
Milton, Oregon
Courses :
EXPERT TEACHERS in all Departments. Musical Conservatory a
Specialty. Opens Sept. 10. Better Investigate the Advantages this
School offers. Write for Catalog to the President, H. S. Shangle.
A. J. Parker, Proprittor
Shaving, Haircutting, Massaging, Shampooing.
Bath Rooms In Connection,
St. Nichols Hotel Block - Athena, Oreg.
Oils Tires
Valvoline, Mono- Goodyear, Fire
gram, Zerolene stone, and U. S.
Agents for
Parts and Accessories.
Lathe Work a Specialty.
A little extra attention to your Ford car, a little ad
justing now and then, will help to keep it in prime con
dition and add to its ability to serve you. Bring your
Ford car here. Why take any chances? Let those who
know how, those who use genuine Ford parts, take care
of your car. To be sore of getting the best service from
your Ford car let skilled Ford men care for it. Prompt
attention assured. Touring car 0. Runabout U51
Sedan (U5, Coupelet 1505, Town Car 1595 all f. o. b'
Detroit. For sale by
Burke & Son Garage Phone 82 Athena Oreg.
Burke & Son Garage
Phone 8'2, Athena, Oregon
September 13, 14 & 15
A Western show Recalling Life on the Frontier
Union Pacific System
Tickeis on sale Sept. U, 13, M and 15: return limit Sept 17
Ask J R. MATHERS, Agent ftW, R. R. & N.