PAYING THE DOCTOR. ' WIRING A TWELVE INCH GUN. ' THE THRONE 1.1 THE HOME. Should It Be For Curing You or For Keeping You Well? We Won't yol learned to take ad vantae of the resources of civilization to ajthiuj like the extent we might. For Instance, wo wait until we get sick, and then we pay the doctor to help us get well. It would he much more sensible to pay him to help us keep from getting sick. Fantastic idea, you Hay. Not at all. It already la working in a large num ber of college communities, right here In the slate universities of Missouri and Kansas, fi r instance. In both in stitutions the pupil is charged a fee which Is applied to safeguarding his health. In the University of Missouri the plan is still further developed so that the fee covers medical and sur gical attendance. The health work in both schools Is so Interesting, not only for what It Is dolug for the pupils, but for the example It is setting other com munities, that It Is only right and proper to call attention to It. The Important point Is thai these uni versities and other schools are proving that health can be made much more of a community matter than had been supposed and that tin; wise thing to do Is for groups to pay medical men to keep them well Kansas City Star. A WATER SOAKED TOWN. Whero Nearly a Foot of Rain Falls Every Week in the Year. "It Is a remarkable fact that In In dia, one of the most arid countries In the world, there Is one spot that has the record rainfall of the whole earth," sold Dr. William ilobcrts, British agri cultural expert In India, to a corre spondent of the Washington Tost. "This place is C'heropunJI, In Assam. It Is la the path of the monsoon and In a valley, and there Is almost con stant rainfall. "The average rainfall Is 000 Inches a year, or fifty feet, which is nearly a foot a week. This seems almost be yond comprehension when It Is consid ered that the rainfall of the United States, for Instance, ranges from six teen to thirty live Inches. In some places there have been as high as sixty-five Inches of wnter in a year, but th's is the exception. "During the rainy season In Cbcra punjl I he Waterfall Is heaviest, but there Is tain throughout the year. Not withstanding this terrific moisture, the Inhabitants of the district raise vege tables and grain. They do this by building terraces which carry the wa ter off." It Takes 117 Miles of Steel Tape to Make the Jacket. According to the Mlllgate, Monthly, no fewer than 117 miles of steel wire are wound on a twelve inch g(m that ' weighs thirteen and a half tons. In appearance this wire, which Is of the ! same quality as piano wire, resembles j tape. It is a quarter of an Inch wide and a tenth of an inch thick. It Is ! tested to a breaking strength of 110 ( tons. The wire unwinds from a reel : as the gun barrel revolves, and a ten sion of about fifty tons to the squure ; Inch insures mechanical accuracy in wrapping it round the gun. Various parts of tile gun receive dif ferent thicknesses of wire. At the breech of a twelve Inch gun, where the chief strain comes, there are ninety-two I layers, which give u thickness of nine j and a luilf Inches of wire, but at the i muzzle there ure only fourteen layers. ever the wire the guuiunkcrs shrink on steel rings at white heat. When they cool they contract and (rip with im mense force. The rifling of the barrel Is an nutomatlc process, un example of wonderful mechanical Ingenuity. When the gun Is finished experts test the ac curacy of the rifling witli plastic gutta percha. SCHOOLGIRLS AS HEROINES. Apparently They Are Considered Only by American Authore. Scott never mentions a schoolgirl, says II. D. Sedgwick In the Atlantic. Imagine Thomas Hardy fashioning a schoolgirl out of Wcsscx clay or George Meredith venturing to describe Diana of the i.Irosswuys hi those early yenrs. Arnold Bennett would have created n little miniature old wife, as Van KycU and Mcmllug paint babies like minia ture old men. II. (J. Wells would depict her as incipient temptation to lead Mr. Brltllng, for Instance, Into one of a dozen romantic adventures. (iulsworthy would try fo fit her Into an ethknl system, into a niche of so cial JOStli e or matrimonial ventures. Mr. IIowolls, one may Imagine, might have essayed the task, hut he would have tried to meet the difficulty of get ting the right values -as a painter dabs blues on yeliows to make a green by adding to a primness reminiscent of the "Vicar of Wakefield," a few deli cate hoydonish touches. As there Is no such thing as a school girl on the continent, French and Ital ian novelists do not mention her. In deed, the schoolgirl, as we see her, is an American product und modern. Jam Started as Medicine. Jam In Its early days seems to have been regarded as possessing medicinal jropertle.'j. fialt In "Annals of the Parish" notes "a new luxury that got In among the commonalty about 1700. By our young men that wore sailors going to Jamaica and the West Indies heaps of sugar and coffee beam were brought home, while many, among the cabbages In their yards, had planted berry bushes, which two things hap pening together the fashions of mak ing Jam and Jelly came to he Introduc ed Into the village. It was found that Jelly was an excellent medicine for a sore throat and Jam a remedy as good ns Loudon candy for n cough or a cold or a shortness of breath." Did It ever occur to you that "Jam" was abbre viated from Jamaica'.' London Spectator. Pay of Burgeon In Ancient Times. High honorariums were paid surgeons In ancient t lines. When Darius, the sou of llystaspes, sprained his foot Dnmoecdes was Called In, another sur geon of renown having fulled t" effect a cure. Damooedes was successful, and the king, Inlrnducoil the doctor to the ladles of (he court. The ladles Oiled a Mae of gold wllh money and precious pearls, which a slave was or dered to carry to the doctor. A Cook's Accidental Discovery. One of the best ways of cooking potatoes was accidentally discovered through the unpunetuallty of a train. WbeU the line from Paris to It. Ger main was opened the first train carried an Official party for whom lunch was ordered. The meal was fixed for noon, and shortly before that hour the pota toes were put on to fry. A few minutes afterward a message came that the train would probably be delayed for an hour, so (he potatoes were taken off the fire, but left In the pan. Then catne n second message, "Train Just arriv ing," and I'je potatoes were hurriedly put buck (o fry again. When the party sat down to lunch the potatoes were brought on with the steak. Each chip was then found to be blown out like a small, crisp, golden balloon, to the do or the guests. The cook without knowing it had invented pommel de terre soulllei. Two Hard Jobs. Leave It to us and we'd say that the hardest Jobs are trying to give satis faction either as ii stepmother or as manager of a loll end baseball club. Cincinnati Enquirer, S. F Sharp PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Bpeciil attention given to all calls both night and day. cm 1 1 promptly unitwered. omen on Third eiret. Attiena oregor mm m mm MUSK THE SIGN OF GOOD PAINT Any one who uses or ought to use paints and varnishes, should remember that we have the agency for Sherwin-Williams Paints and Varnishes in tins localitv, For fifty ve.irs this line has been the world's leader - that's why we chose it; and we are leaders in good things here that's why they CHOW us. It's a pretty good combination to do business with. Sold bx Ware's Pharmacy Where Two Shoulrl Rule as One to In sure Real Happiness. "A man may build a throne for the woman ha loves," says the Mother's Magazine, "hut he will find that to make her a queen he must mount it be side her, for only where two rule as one can cither hold true sway. Whether married or single, we do not live unto ourselves alone. All the world some how is affected by what we are, and In the married state we have a greater obligation than merely to keep the peace or to observe the conventions or to demonstrate how we can Improve upon God's law of life and love. "It Is well that we should use every God given power of mind and spirit, every quality and grace and virtue at our command, before and after, In or der to live up to the privileges and re sponsibilities of marriage. But mar riage fortunately Is a thing of the heart rather than of the Intellect, and It Is our wrong attitude of mind to ward matrimony that would drag it down to our own level and limit of comprehension and make It a merely human mistake Instead of a divine gift. "If we would make it a blessing In stead of a curse, if we would have It encompass all of our needs In Joy and aorrow, If we would have It endure with us through life and eternity as the sublime fact of our existence, we must live up to It hour by hour In a spirit of faith and hope and charity." BOMBS FROM AIRPLANES. How'8 This? We offer One Hurclred DalUtf Reward for any case of Catarrh v - t cr.onot be .ured by Bail's Cat ill- In, Hall's Catarrh Medkdne hro beta taken by catarrh sufferers for the past thirty five years, and has become known as the most reliable remedy for Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Medicine acts thru the Blood on the Mucous surfaces, expelling the Pot son from the Blood and healing the dis eased portions. After you have taken Hall's Catarrh Medicine for a short time you will see a great Improvement In your general health. Start taking Hall's Catarrh Medi cine at once and get rid of catarrh. Sand for testimonials, free. P. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo. Ohio. Sold by all Druggists. 76c. Notice to Creditors. In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Umatilla County. In the Matter of the Estate of Daniel A. May, Deceased. NOTICE is hereby given to all per sons whom it may concern that Ida L. May has been appointed 'administratrix of the estate of Daniel A. May, de ceased. All persons having claims against his estate are hereby required to present them with proper vouchers in compliance with the requirements of the law to the said administratrix at the law office of Will M. Peterson in the Smith Crawford Building at Pendleton, Oregon, within six months of the date of the first publication of this notice. Dated this b 1st day of August A. D. 1917. Ida L. May, Administratrix. Will M. Peterson, Attorney for Administratrix. Simple Device That Aids In Dropping the Missiles Accurately. At the numerous aerial bombing schools pilots and observers are taught bow to drop bombs accurately on sta tionary and moving objects on tbe ground and on captive balloons. Bombs of all classes are used, from the eight pound high explosive bomb to the 200 pound bomb ns well as the phos phorus and rochumbite bombs. The Inst rui act it I hat Is used in direct ing tbe placing of a bomb on the object aimed at Is a simple device and Is pro vlded with several adjustments that can be made almost Instantly. One of these gives the speed at which the ma chine Is traveling, another Is an ordi nary water level, und both In conjunc tion with two mirrors which show the pilot the ground below serve to aim the bomb. The wind has to be serious ly considered when dropping bombs, and most bombs are dropped up wind. Bomb dropping Is a most Important branch of the air service, and pilots have been known to drop bombs on en emy trains and transports from fairly good heights and nlso on the vital parts of bridges and on depots and railway Junctions, munition plants, aer odromes and submarine bases. Scien tific Aincii' an. Notice to Creditors. In the County Court of Umatilla County, State of Oregon. In the Matter of the Estate of Henry Pinkerton. deceased. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been appointed by the above court, executrix of the above j entitled estate, and has qualified as by law required. All persons having claims against the above named estate are hereby notified to present the same ' to me, with proper vouchers, at the office of my Attorney, Homer I. Watts at his office in Athena, Oregon, within six months from the date thereof. Dated this 81st day of August, 1917. E. J. Pinkerton, ' Executrix of the estate of Henry Pinkerton, deceased. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieiiiiiiiim'''" lH IIIIIIMH I How About That New Fall Suit? I have my new samples now and I am pre pared to give you satisfaction in every way. Fit guaranteed. Fifteen years experience. & Cleaning and Pressing is a specialty with us. The Wardrobe The Track of the Earth. If the sun and earth and the earth's orbit could be seen, then the track of the earth would be a sp ml around that of the sun. GO take u broomstick, wind wire around It like thread on a spool, take out the Rtl' It nod stretch the coll until the apace between each turn Is, say, one-third of nn inch und make a hundred turns of the wire. Then this spiral or coll would represent the track of the earth through spnee daring a hundred years. The sun moves toward the star Yoga at a speed of twelve miles per Becond and carries the earth, all the planets and their moons along. Hut they nil move mound the sun at the same time nnd therefore traverse spirals, represented fairly by extended colls of wire. Notice Of Final Report. In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Umatilla County. In the Matter of the Estate of Maurice M. Johns, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has filed his final report in the above entitled esstate with the clerk of the above entitled court, and j that the judge of said court has desig j nated Monday, the 1st day of October, j 1917, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon as the time and the office of the County Judge in the County Court House at Pendleton, Umatilla County, Oregon, as the place when and where hearing shall be had thereon. All persons in terested are notified to then and there appear and show cause, if any they have, why the report should not be ap proved, the administrator with will an nexed dlscnarged, and his bondsmen exonerated. Dated this 22 day of August. 1917. M. Melville Johns, Administrator with Will Annexed. Worihington Building W. A. CHASE HtmtWtHHtt4l IHtiMMMlMllitllllllMIIMIll "Athena, Oregon iiiumih Dr. J. C. Baddeley VETEHINAKY SURGEON LaBrasche R.inch Athena D. Scott Fisher CONTRACTOR & BUILDER Residence and Shop, Adams and 4th Sts Athena A Comparison. A German military critic said that Robert K. Ix'c was America's ablest soldier. But when Ie's army of In vasion came up Into Pennsylvania It didn't cut down a tree, trample a gar den or steal a pig. Indeed, wns so good a soldier that he said the burning of Chainbersbnrg was a military blun der for Which he wns not responsible. The olflcer In nil America's wars who did the most burning, hacking und rob bing was Benedict Arnold after he hod turned traitor to his country. But the chief effect of It wns to solidify the col onists Into an effort to win the Revolu tion. Glrard In Philadelphia ledger. A Real Providence. Mr. Younghiishnnd reached home late for dinner. "I got pinched for speeding on the way home," he explained rather aheep. Ishly. "Have to appear tomorrow morn ing and get '$10 or fifteen days.' " Mrs. Younghusbund fervently clapped two blistered little hands. What a providence!" sho cried devoutly. "Yon must take the fifteen days, John! The cook lias Just left I" Harper's Magazine. Home Ground Cornmaal. f'lenn up the old coffee grinder or buy a new one and grind your own corn meal for, niutlins nnd bread. If you do not like bread made of eornmeul alone use some wheat flour with It. Since home ground eorn lnenl does not keep long It Is better to buy whole corn by the bushel and grind for meal aa needed.- New York Sun. BAWWtiR SAL V E th mo't hffoMnft salv in the world- CROUP & LASH Dentists In Athena Monday' Tuesday, Wednes day, other days of week in Walla Walla, 2nd and Main over Third National Bank Dr. E W. Croup Dr. C H. Lash Yakima Valley , Peaches Direct from Grower. Write for prices.. Jerry Swart, Donald, Wash. P .O. Wapato, R F D 2 Wash. nnmniMiHMiiiiiiiimimniiiinnnin4iin Columbia College Milton, Oregon Courses : ACADEMIC, COMMERCIAL, HOME ECONOMICS, ELOCUTION, PIANO, VOICE. VIOLIN AND ORCHESTRA EXPERT TEACHERS in all Departments. Musical Conservatory a Specialty. Opens Sept. 10. Better Investigate the Advantages this School offers. Write for Catalog to the President, H. S. Shangle. t PREBWE0NE5S tECnjsjT) foENTtEMEN.'lHlS IS A LIKtNtSdL (of THE GOOD JUDGE, WHO WAS THET I FIRST MAN TO FIND THLHt W3 nunc oiiwmv ii. I A UTn CHEW OF RICH 1 TOBACCO THAN IN ABC QIEWOFOSDIMAIWFUICI - inwnc a-,iij..ii ... . THIS war is awakening men to the truth about a lot of things besides Preparedness and chewing to bacco is one of them. Soldiers are strong for W-B Cut and the facts are right before you. These shreds are all tobacco, no gummy s wee tcningi Wci tobacco more sap in the leaf than in ordinary tobacco by a long shot. That's why it's so satisfying and so economical a little bit goes a long way. MiJe ly WEYMAN-BRUT0N COMPANY, 1107 Brauhray, (lew YA City THE PARKER BARBER SHOP A. J. Parker, Proprietor Shaving, Haircutting, Massaging, Shampooing. Bath Rooms In Connection, St. Nichols Hotel Block - - Athena. Oreg. Not an Economist. "Are you practicing food economy ?" "I tried It out, hut It didn't work." "What was the trouble?" "My husband almply refused to eat the cold fried eM that was left over from the day before." Detroit Free Press. A Tims Killer. "I've (tot an hour or two to kill. 1 wish I knew what to do." "Just (to over and ask Brown how the new baby is (retting along." Hurt not others with that which pains yourself. Land for Sale. S30 acres, one and one half miles from Condon, 480 in crop, receive one half delivered at the Elevator, all fenced and crossed fenced, well im proved as to bui Idings, new barn 50 by f4 ready to construct and good water supply. Price Sal, 000, 1S,000 cash, balance reasonable terms. If interest ed in wheat, stock or mixed ranches in Oregon, Washington, California or Montana, let us hear from you. Condon Realty Co., Condon, Ore., Jinu. Oils Valvoline, Mono- Goodyear, Fire gram, Zerolene stone, and U. S. Athena Garage Repairing Agents for BUICK and MAXWELL GARS Parts and Accessories, Lathe Work a Specialty. tHIIIIHniMIMIIMMMMMIIHMiniMIMMMMM THE UNIVERSAL CAR A little extra attention to your Ford car, a little ad justing now and then, will help to keep it in prime con dition and add to its ability to serve you. Bring your Ford car here. Why take any chances?- Let those who know how, those who use genuine Ford parts, take ea'o of your car. To be sure of getting the best service fron your Ford ear !et sl:i!!sd Ford n-ien care for it. Prompt attention assured. Touring car I860, Runabout ;)54 Sedan 45, Coupelet 1605, Town Car 1595 all f. o. b' Detroit. For sale by Burke & Son Garage Phone 82 Athena Oreg. Burke & Son Garage Phone 82, Athena, Oregon Pow-Wow WALLA WALLA September 13, 14 C& 15 A Western showRecalling Life on the Frontier LOW ROUND-TRIP FARES yia Union Pacific System Tickets on sale Sept. 12, 13, 14 and IS: raturn limit Sept. 17 Ask J. R. MATHERS, Agent 0-W. R. R. & N.