PAINLESS PARKER, DENTIST He Twisted the Tail of the Dental Trust, He showed the People of the Northwest DENTISTRY THAT WAS PAINLESS DENTISTRY THAT WAS FAIR-PRICED DENTISTRY THAT WAS SPECIALIZED DENTISTRY GUARANTEED IN EVERY ONE OF OUR OFFICES Portland, Ore., Sixth and Washington- Sts. Salem, Ore., State and Commercial Sts. Tacoma, Wash., 1019 Pacific Ave. San Francisco, Los Angeles, Oakland, San Jose, Sacramento, Fresno, San Diego, Bakersfield and Stockton, Cal., and Brooklyn, N. Y. 'LARGEST and FINEST J HOTEL in Ac NORTHWEST Eric V. Hauser, President. n550 im JL- 75 n Rooms Sample J-Awtlier of America's Exceptional HQlelsiJWj , Free Information on i How To Do Tanniny I -From the worthless- looking green hideB ' to the finest, soft tan ned furred leather: moth-proof, at fac tory prices, made up into beautiful ladies' furs, coats, robes, mittens and caps. Taxidermist w o rk. Send for catalogue. W. W. Wearer, Custom Tanner, Reading, Mich. Without Operation Cancers Goiters Tumors Apendicitis Rheumatism Eczema Catarrh AnpyloaiB Hemorrhoids Asthma Diabetes Brights disease. Habits and chronic diseases of every description and kind. 1 have cured thousands of people in the last 12 years by the use of Radium, X Ray, Electric Cur rents, Lights, Bakeovens, Vibra tors, Magnetic Waves, Ozone, Packs, Diet, Adjustments, Man ipulations, MosBage and Baths. Consultation free. Write DR. W. E. MALLORY, 600-5 Broadway Bldg. Portland, - - Oregon C. J. STEEPLE, Stock & Bond Broker. 102 first Ave. South, Seattle, Wash. All active stocks, listed and unlisted, handled " commisBion. Buying and selling orders promptly executed. ! WILL BUY Alaska Petroleum & Coal stock. Write, giving number of Bhares and lowest cash price. I WILL SELL Western Smelting & Power. 50c: Mount Rainier Mining Co., 16c. The Western Smelter ulant is now completed. operations will start the coming summer. Mount Rainier Mining Co. has been installing machinery and getting ready for active operations this sum mer. You cannot, in my judgment, make a mis take in buying these stocks to the limit of your capacity. I believe them to be good for dividends this year. Correspondence solicited. Write me about any stocks you may hold. If they have a market value J can sell them. Machinery Second-Hand Machin ery bought, sold and exchanged: e n ft i lies. boilers, sawmills, etc. J. E. Martin Co., 83 1st St, Portland. Send for Stock List and prices. TO CLEAN SILVER GOVERNMENT EXPERTS TELL OF BEST METHODS. Direction for Preparing a Cleansing Material That Has Much Virtue Must Be Applied With Care and Thoroughness? For the benefit of those who have the care of silver, the office of home economics at Washington has made a thorough study of the electrolytic method of cleaning and has published the results of their work In Dulted States Department of Agriculture Bul letin No. 449. After discussing several types of commercial cleaners and giving the re sults of various analyses, they suggest the following method as being cheap and satisfactory: "An enamel or agateware dish should be partly filled with a cleaning solution of one teaspoonful of either washing or baking soda and one tea spoonful of common table salt to each quart of water and placed directly on the stove to boll. A sheet of aluml num or clean zinc should then be dropped Into the dish and tarnished silver placed In contact with the metal. It is best that the sliver be entirely that the solution remain at the boiling temperature. As soon as the tarnish has been removed the sliver should be removed, rinsed In clean wnter, and wiped with a soft cloth. Zinc may be used In place of aluminum, but it be comes corroded and lnnctive in a much shorter time. The electrolytic method cleans plated or sterling silverware without loss of metal, giving, however, a satin finish rather than a burnished appearance, and has the additional advantages ol being both clean and labor-saving. Clara Glidden, Colorado Agricultural College, Fort Collins, Colo. YES! MAGICALLY! CORNS LIFT OUT WITH FINGERS Tou corn-pestered men and women need suffer no longer. Wear the shoes that nearly killed you before, says this Cincinnati authority, because a few drops of freezone applied directly on a tender, aching corn or callous, stops soreness at once and soon the corn or hardened callous loosens so It can be lifted out, root and all, without pain. A small bottle of freezone costs very little at any drug store, but will posi tively take off every hard or soft corn or callous. This should be tried, as it is inexpensive and is said not to irritate the surrounding skin. If your druggist hasn't any freezone tell him to get a small bottle for you from his wholesale drug house. It is fine stuff and acts like a charm every time. Unaltered. Sandy Macpherson came home at ter many years and met his old sweetheart. Honey-laden memories thrilled through the twilight and flushed their glowing cheeks. "Ah, Mary," exclaimed Sandy, "ye are Jist as beautiful as ye ever were, and I ha'e never forgotten ye, my bonnie lass." "And ye, Sandy," she c led, while covered with th plonnlnc nnintinn nnrRher blue eyes moistened, "are jist as o , , ... Dig a itjear a ever, uu i ueucvv ju jist the same." Liverpool Post. LEARN A TRADE. Gas Tractor and Auto mobile men are in demand. We are giving a com plete course in both for the price of one tuition, for a short time only. Largeclass now graduat ing and have room for few more men. Catalog and details free. Hemphill s Trade Schools, 20th & Hawthorne Portland, Oregon. FRED P. GORIN, Patent Attorney Organizer and Developer: patents secured or PEE REFUNDED; free book on patents. Suites 701. 701-A. 701-B and 701-C. Central building, Seattle, New Houston Hotel SIXTH AND EVERETT STS. Poor Blocks from Union Station. Under new management. All rooms newly decorated. SPECIAL RATES BY WEEK OR MONTH Rate 50c 75c, $1, $1.50 Per Day. WE WRECK AUTOMOBILES For their good parts. Parts at half price. We can duplicate most any part. We have wrecked over 100 different makes of cars of recentilate. If n need of anv write to Auto WrecktnK U., fctf North Broadway, Portland, Oregon. Oregon Vulcanizing Company moved to 333 to 337 St., Port land. Ore. Largest Tire Repair Plant In the Northwest. Country service a specialty. Use Parcel Post 0 "RUPTURE IT'S CAUSE AND CURE" U the title of a booklet. We will mail you one free. Address Dept. C, A. LUNDBERG CO., 1107 Third Ave., Seattle. HIDES. PELTS, CASCARA BARK, WOOL AND MOHAIR. m want all you hare. Write lor prices anil shipping lags THE H. F. NORTON CO. Portlantl, Ore.; Seattle, wn. SHIP Veal, Pork, Beef, Poultry, Butter, Eggs and Farm Produce to the Old Reliable Everding house with a record of 45 years of Square Dealings, and beassured of TOP MARKET PRICES. F. M. CRONKH1TE 45-47 Front Street Portland, Oregon The Reason. "It I stand on my head, the blood all rushes to my head, doesn't It?' Nn nntt vpnturpd to contradict him. "Now," he continued triumphantly, "when I stand on my feet, why doesn't the blood all rush into my leet ( "Because." reolied Hostetter Mc- Oinnes, "your feet are not empty." Ram's Horn. A-Cynical Parent. Daughter Oh, but men are so dreadfully lacking in self-control. Mother Don't get excited about it, dear. If they weren't most girls would die old maids. Boston Transcript. An Improvement. Editor Your story lacks originality Von nmnlov the old hackneyed expres slons. Take this line, for example: "With the low cry she sank to the floor " Author Well, then, we'll have her Rink to the ceiling. Boston Tran script Blamed Aaaln. Guest Good gracious, waiter! Nine and nine make 18. not IS! Waiter Ah. but monsieur must re member that everything has been aug mented by the war. Southern Wom an's Magazine. Silver Cake. Beat whites of four eggs stiff, one and one-half cupfuls sugar, one-half cupful butter, one cupful cream or rich milk, two and one-tlilrd cupfuls flour, two teaspoonfuls cream tartar, one teaspoonful soda or two and one-half teaspoonfuls baking powder, one tea spoonful scant of salt, flavor wltH lemon. Cream butter and sugar to gether. Add egg whites, then milk, nl ternately, with flour in which baking powder and salt have been sifted four times. Last add one cupful coconut if liked. Frost with cream frosting made os follows: One and one-half cupfuls powdered sugar, two tea spoonfuls butter and cream to make of right consistency to spread. No flavoring, as butter and cream flavor It. Beat hard five niln utes and spread on cake. Is a Poor Skin Your Handicap? That Bkin-trouble may be more than a source of suffering and embarrass ment It may be holding you back In the business world, keeping you out of a better job for which a good ap pearance is required, wny "laite a chance" when Resinol Ointment heals skin-eruptions so easily, is so simple and economical to use? It has such a record of success that you need not hesitate to try It. Resinol Ointment is sold by all druggists. ELECTRIC MOTORS Bought. Sold, Rented and Repaired WALKER ELECTRIC WORKS Bumside, cor. 10th. Portland, Ore. Removing An Excuse. "Aren't vou going to be uncomfort able when prohibition hits the town?" "No," replied Col. Stllwen, ri con fess that I have a liking for good liquor and I want to see it given a fair chance." How will prohibition give it a chance?" It will bring these chaps who let you believe th,ey would be wonder fully industrious and clever if they didn't drink to a showdown." Wash ington Star. Garfield Tea, by purifying the blood, erad icates rheumatism, dyspepsia and many chronic ailments. A Poser. On the menu card of a big hotel In New York the following notice Is printed: "Articles brought into the hotel and used at the table will be charged for as though furnished by the house. On reading this one guest inquired "Dees this apply to false teeth?" Boston Journal. Was Against Over-Restraint. He It's hard to keep from kissing vou. She You must be careful not to over-exert yourself. Boston Tran script How He Learned. "I can't afford a motor car." "But I thousht you had one?" "I have. That's how I discovered that I can't afford one." Boston Transcript. Misapplied Culture. The trouble with some men is that they spend too much time developing a paunch instead ot a puncn.n,vans- ville Courier. Delmonlco Cream Roll Potatoes. Here are two Delmonlco potato recipes: Pare potatoes and cut them into bits the size of a pea. Keep them in cold water until all are ready. Foi each Bcant pint of potatoes make u pint, of white sauce, seasoning with onion Juice or celery salt. Stir the po tatoes into the hot sauce, turn into n well-buttered agate sauce pan and cook In the oven until the potatoes are ten der and the sauce is absorbed, with the exception of just enougli to hold the bits of potatoes together. Fold one part over the other as an omelet and turn onto a hot dish. The potatoes should not brown above or below. If necessary, set them on the grate and cover the pan. , Old-Style Mincemeat. One and a half pounds stoned nil sins, three-quarters pound currant? one-half pound sultanas, half pound mixed peel, one pound apples, two pounds of brown sugar, two pounds suet, i one heaping teaspoonful of mixed ground spices, one-half tea spoonful of mixed ground ginger and nutmeg, one gill brandy. Mix th( chopped or grated suet und the well cleaned and dried fruit together wltl the sugar, spices and the candled peel shredded and chopped fine. Mix for several minutes, then add the brandy and pack tightly into clean, dry jars Seol thoroughly, so as to keep out the air, and store in a dry place for at least a week before using. Business Weight. Our forefathers pledged their sa cred honor when they started thiB country." "How much did they raise on tne pledge in cash?" Baltimore Ameri can. HISTORY OF ALFALFA PLANT Records Show It Was Carried Into California From Chile In 185-1 Spreading Eastward. Alfalfa is a very old plant. It was taken from Persia to Greece by Xerxes and his army, 500 B. C. Three hun dred and fifty years later the Romans carried It from Greece to Rome. Pliny, the Roman naturalist, who lived the first century after Christ, tells of its value. It was probably taken from Rome to Carthage and the surrounding ter ritory, and from there to Spain about 700 A. D. From Spain it was carried to France, to Belgium and England. It was esteemed In England when Co lumbus discovered America. Cortez brought it to Mexico, others took it to Peru and Chile, and to New England. In 1854, we have a record of it be ing carried to California from Chile, hut at that time it had been grown TAKES OFF DANDRUFF, HAIR STOPS FALLING Save your Hairl Get a 25 cent bottle of Danderlne right now Also stops Itching scalp. Thin, brittle, colorless and scraggy hair Is mute evidence ot a neglected scalp: of dandruff that awful scurf. There is nothing so destructive to the hair as dandruff. It robs the hair of its lustre, its strength and Its very life: eventually producing a leverlsli ness and t-'-ing of the scalp, which if not remedied causes the hair rootB to shrink, loosen and die then the hair falls out fast. A little Danderlne tonight now any time will surely save your hair. Get a 25-cent bottle of Knowlton's Danderlne from any drug store. You surely can have beautiful hair and lots of it If you -will Just try a little danderlne. Save your hair! Try It Scientific Comparison. "Do you regard the Darwinian the ory as proved?" "No," replied the stubborn citizen, "In my opinion it's one of those things that kept being investigated so long that everybody decided there wasn't any answer and lost Interest." wasn lngton Star. With Plenty to Eat. The announcement that an explorer who is going to try to get close to the north pole is planning to take with him food to lant six years will prona bly result In a great rush of applicants to join the party. Baltimore star. Strategy. Ryan (with newspaper) It took six policemen to get wan fightln' Olrlsh man out of the saloon. Shea Huh! Shure wan of thlm moight hove done It dead aisy. Ryan (warmly) Indade! An' how? Shea Pwhy, be standln' outside th dure an' callin' the Olrishman a loiar. Hot Biscuit Three cupfuls of flour, two table spoonfuls of baking powder, three quarters of a teaspoonful of salt, three tahlespoonfuls of butter, three-quarters to one cupful of milk. Mix and sift the flour, baking powder and salt together twice; then cut In the butter with u fork until it is in fine bits. Add the milk gradually, Just enough to make n soft dough. sDo not handle any more than is necessary. Turn out on n floured board and roll to about three quarters of an inch thickness. Cut, then place on a baking sheet nnd bake in a hot oven from 12 to 15 minutes. Industry. "Industry," said Uncle Eben, "Is whut keeps some of us doin' the same thing over an' over 'cause we's too lazy to learn anything new." Wash ington Star. REAM CUT GARAGES 9x14 Ford Special K 10x16 Ready Cut W.OO 10x18 Ready Cut JO-JO 10x20 Ready Cut 3- Lumber, shingles and hardware complete, de livered to any part at the city. SAM CONNELL LUMBER CO B'dway 149. Fifth and Flanders. Portland, Or. Do Your Own Plumbing Wight Be Worth Trying. Maybe it would be a good idea to blindfold the groundhog. Nashville Tennessean. Queer. "It's a queer world!" "What's the matter now?" "I was just thinking that as a rule the people who can sing have to be coaxed to sing and those who can't insist on demonstrating the fact" Detroit Free Press. With Strong Arms. "Kitty has been trying to learn to skate for a whole month now." "Her Instructor must be very stu pid." . "No; very good looking." Boston Transcript By buying direct from as at wholesale prices and save the plumber's profits. Write ns to day yoar needs. We will give you our rock bottom "direet-to-yoo" prices, f. o. b. rail or boat We actually aave you from 10 to 36 per cant Ail goods guaranteed. Northwest headquarters for Leader Water Systems and Fuller & Johnson Engines. STARK-DAVIS CO. 112 TsM Street Portland. Oregon P. N, U. NO. 8, 1817 WHEN IN SEATTLE TRY THE SEATTLE'S LARGEST HOTEL Only tliree blocks from Depots and Docks. Op Doeite City Hall Park and Court House. THE FINEST DOLLAR ROOM IN AMERICA With detached bath. 1 person, 11.00 Jl.W Ismail. J1.50 12.00 With private bath. 1 person. U.00 B.W KM 2 persons, 13.00 $3.50 W.OO "When In Seattle Try the Frye Fried Parsley. We always use a little fried pnrslej to ornament our meat dishes with. This Is how it Is done: Walt until a bluish smoke is rising from the fat. then remove It to the side of the fire When it has cooled slightly throw In the parsley, and leave It until the fat has almost stopped spluttering. Then lift It out at once and drain it well. when It should be a lovely green color, Be careful not to overfry it, or It will turn an ugly brownish color. Boston Globe. Chicken Pie. Boll chicken until tender. With the water In which it was boiled make a gravy, allowing one-half cupful of flour and two tablcspoonfuls butter to every quart of water. Season with salt and pepper, put in baking dish, add chicken from which bones have been removed Cover with one-half pint cream nnd pieces of butter, cover with a rich pie crust. Bake In not oven. Hie Second Childhood. "The idea of her marrying a man in the evening of life like old Grumley. "The evening of life? He's further along than that; I should say early In the next morning." Boston Tran script. Whenever there is a tendency to conatipa tion, sick-headache, or biliousness, take a cup of Oarlield lea. All druggists. A Misapprehension. "I understand," remarked Mrs. Mc- Gudley, "that they're on the lookout tor some speakeasy liquor around here." "Yes. It Is very objectionable. "Is that so. I kind o' thought maybe as how speakeasy liquor might be bet. ter than the sort that keeps men up o nights tryln' to sing at the top o their voices. Washington Star. Something Accomplished. "My wife went to a beauty doctor to have her complexion cleared. "Well, was it?" "No, but my pocketbook was. DISTRESSING RHEUMATISM How many people, crippled and lame from rheumatism! owe their condition to neglected or incorrect treatment! It is the exact combination of pure Norwegian Cod liver Oil with glycerine and as contained in KOTO ENVISION that has made Scott's famous for relieving rheuma tism when other treatments have utterly failed. If you are a rheumatjsrn sufferer, or feel its first symptoms, start on Scott's Emulsion at once. IT MAY BE EXACTLY WHAT YOU NEED. Scott A Bown. BloomBeld. N. J. Get This Good Book FREE "Health and How to Have It" tells import ant facts every person ought to know. It is clean, concise, and scientific. It tells you why you drag along uncomfortable from day to day. It offers you advice on how to overcome this condition. If it doesn't appeal to you, you are not under obliga tions to follow it. If Its conclusions are common sense, you will want to benefit by it. It's yours for the asking. If your druggist can't give you a copy, write to us direct, The Peruna Company, Columbus, Ohio TAKE SALTS 10 East less meat if you feel Back achy or have Bladder trouble. Size of Alfalfa Plant. in some of the valleys of southern Cal ifornia for a hundred years. Just when or how It spread over the West is not clearly established, but it gained foothold in Utah, Montana, Idaho, Colorado and the semlarid states, and from there is spreading eastward. Some farms in the Cnrolinus, New York and Pennsylvania have grown It ever since these sections wero settled, and its value Is known there, so that It is strange Its cultivation has not become more general, but there Is very little grown In the eastern states. GOOD ROADS ASSIST FARMER Striking Example Shown In Spottsyl- vanla County, Virginia Big In crease Made In Shipments. The value of good roads to the farmer is strikingly shown in the ex perience of Spottsylvanla county, Vir ginia, from an Investment of $100,000 to Improve 40 miles of road. Two years after completing this road the railroad shipped from Fredericksburg, the county eut, during a period of 12 months, 71,000 tons of products of the soli, hauled over the Improved highway to that town. Before the Improvement had been made the total was only 29,- 000 tons annually. Results equally startling' were shown In the quantity of dairy products. In 1900 these amounted to 114,815 pounds j in 1911 they had risen to 253,028 pounds an Increase of practically 140 per cent in two years. Allcocii PLASTERS Meat forms uric acid which excites and overworks the kidneys in their ef forts to filter It from the system. Regular eaters of meat mu3t flusn the kidneys occasionally. You must re lieve them like you . relieve your waste and nolson. else you feel a dull misery in the back or sick neaoacne, dlzzlnesB, your stomach sours, tongue is coated and when tne weatner is bad you have rheumatic twinges. The urine is cloudy, full of sediment; the channols often get Irritated, oblig ing you to get up two or three times during the night. To neutralize these Irritating acids and flush off the body's urinous waste get about four ounces of Jad Salts from any pharmacy; take a table spoonful in a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kid neys will then act fine and bladder disorders disappear. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with llthla, And has been used for generations to clean and stimulate sluggish kidneys and stop bladder irritation. Jad SaltB Is Inexpensive; harmless and makes a delightful effervescent llthia-water drink which millions of men and women take now and then, thus avoid ing serious kidney and bladder diseases. I mm a I -"T X ll Insist on The World's Greatest External Remedy. ICoughs and Colds I (on cneBC ana anoiner between shoulder blades) weak Chests, I -Any Local Pain. BLACK LEG AVOID LIFTING HEAVY LOADS Practical Plan Outlined for Putting Weighty Implements on Wagon by One or Two Men. When putting a heavy hay rack, wnter or grain tank, wngonbox or ma nure spreader, etc., on a wugou, It can easily be put on without uny heavy lifting if the two wheels ure taken off on one side where the tank, or what ever it might be, is to be lifted on. After the wheels are off the tank can be lifted on and the axles can be raised up with a long pole (one at a time) and the wheels put on. Where there are only one or two men It can euslly be taken off In the same way. Customary Crisis. Another crisis seems to run Through every passing minute. The day we notice most is one Without a crisis in it An Honest House. GueBt in country hotel I say, land lord, I leffmy boots outside my room door last night, and this morning they hadn't been touched. Host Sure! What d' ye expect? Ye cud a let' them there for a year if ye'd liked, an nobody'd touch tnem. We're honest here! Judge. Resentful Sacrifice. "Do you approve of .prohibition?' "Yen." said Uncle Bill Bottietop. "I'm wlllin' to abolish llcker rather than Bee It wasted In a lot ot folks around here that can't appreciate It." j-Washington Star. LOSSES SORELY PREVENTED by CUTTER'S BLACKIEG FILLS i Low-priced, I fresh, reliable i I p referred by J western stock men, Dec. use umlaut where vaccines fall. Writ tor Imnlt let ami t.'ctliTinnlnta. 11J R0-Msia Rki. llMkllf Plllt. 14.00 Use any Injector, Hit l utters simpwn nNwi The superiority ol Cutler product II due to over 15 years ol spedilUIng In varriNKj . Asm M ONLY. IN-Waa wn a a V 1 Her Steps Too Audible. "Thump-rattle-bang!" went the pia no. "What are you trying to play, Jane?" called out her father from the next room. "It's an exercise from my new in struction book, 'First Steps in Music,' " she answered. "Well, I knew you were playing with your feet," he said grimly, "but don't step so heavily on the keys it disturbs my thought." Chicago Herald. Shoes are made nowadays from all kinds of skins. Even banana skins make slipperB. New Idea. Embarrassing Classification. He You know, men want to look on women as angels. She But not aB recording angels. San Francisco Chronicle. Out. First Stude How many were out at the game. Second Stude All that bet on the visitors. Froth. tired. Sound Asleep. Myrtyl Aren't your knees dear? Mauryce No, I can't feel your weight at all now. Princeton Tlgerl MILK AT BEST TEMPERATURE Is Mealtime a Worry to You Simplifies Curtain Hanging. When banging lace or muslin cur tains, fit an old glove finger or a thim ble over the end of the curtain rod, and you will Bod that the rod will slip much more quickly through the thin material. IS THE APPETITE POOR IS THE DIGESTION WEAK 18 THE LIVER LAZY, AND THE BOWELS CONSTIPATED Under such conditions you cannot obtain the maximum value from your food. Give proper help a! once TRY HOSTETTER'S Stomach Bitters Fifty Degrees Is Desirable for Several Reasons Bacteria Won't Multiply So Readily. It Is desirable, where possible, to cool the milk Immediately nfter milk ing. A temperature of CO degrees is desirable for several reasons. The bacteria present In the uillk will not multiply so readily as In high temper ature, and an incrense In bacterial number will sour the milk rapidly. We can readily see that quick cooling and the maintaining of a low tempera ture will prevent or at leust delay souring for a considerable time. Natural Result. "I understand Blank doesn't stam mer so much since he got married." "Of course not; he gets fewer chances to talk than he used to." Boston Transcript. Contrary. "People should marry their oppo sltes." "Most people are convinced that they did." Louisville Courier-Journal. Enough. Henshaw I hear he was operated on. What did he have? Oee Whiz. Money. Exchange. PAINTING WILL SAVE MONEY Farm Implements and Buildings Rust ing and Rotting for Want of Little Attention. Let's protect our implements and buildings. Millions of dollars' worth of farm Implements are each year rusting and rotting In our fence cor ners; Uionsands of buildings are rot ting down when a coat of point would save them. Paint and sheds should save this tremendous loss. MAKING TOOLS RUST-PROOF Solution of Benzine and Paraffin Oil Will Prove Quite Efficacious on Steel Articles. Make a solution of 200 parts of ben zlne and one part of paraffin oil. Dip the article in the solution and allow to dry In heated air or In n dry room so that the benzine may evaporate. Any teel articles may be made rust-proof In this maouer. To Ureal: in New Slues. Air. ii , Khakc in AUea'K Fool-iCaso, a powdor, t OUrWhot, swt'alliiK, acliinx, swollen (cut, 'uri'K conix, Iturrowlnfl imllw and bunions, Ai ill drugKlstH and slioo iterei, VS& accept invHiilmlitnte. Hamnlc mill 11 FHKU. Address Alien S. Olmsted, be Koy. N. Y. The Reason. "Why are Indians more stoical in the face of death than wblte men r "That's easy. Indians are accus tomed to dyeing." Baltimore American. "This sidewalk," said the agent, 'shows the kind of work wo can do." "I see a concrete example."- THANK YOUR GROCER Pimnlcs. boils, carbuncles. drv!un and disappear with Doctor Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. In tablets orliquid. Discouraged. Said a man who was sick, Mr. Proctor, "If I don't very shortly get better, The calls of this fancy-priced Dr. Will make me forover his Dr." Boston Transcript. 10 CENT "CA8CARET8" FOR LIVER AND BOWELS Cure Sick Headache, Constipation, Biliousness, Sour Stomach, Bad Breath Candy Cathartic No odds how bad your liver, stom ach or bowels; how much your head aches, bow; miserable you are from constipation, indigestion, biliousness and sluggish bowels you always get relief with Cascarets. They imme diately cleanse and regulate the stom ach, remove Ihe sour, fermenting food and foul gases; take the excess bile from the liver and carry off the con stipated waste matter and poison from the intestines and bowels. A 10-cent box from your druggist will keep your liver and bowels clean; stomach sweet and head clear for months. They work while you sleep. Adrt. if he asks you to try a can of Vf BAKING M POWDER He wants todo you a favor he knows what brands to rec ommend from experience.