f he Athena f tm wnged words. AM INDEPENDENT NKW8PAPEP. F. B. Boyd, Publisher MlllHM llMlml Hales One copy, one year $1.50 When paid in Advance, I otherwia e, One copy, six months 75 One copy, three month 50 t4THENA. ORE. JUNE 8 1917 A POTATO PATCH PILK The Rural Weekly nays: Nowadays we have potato patches ; tomorrow we may speak of them as potato piles. A Missourian has been experment- ing with potato piles for three years, and asserts that last year he got bushels from a plot of ground only elixht feet square, or an equivalent of over 2K,000 bushels to the acre of rimni space used. This pjtato plot wai six feet high. It was made by planting seed potatoes a foot apart each way, covering the layer with an inch or two of well rotted manure arid six inched of earth; then another layer of potatoes, manure and earth, and so on until the pile was six feet hi(h. Around it was a craterlike affair, allowing two inches of space be tween narrow boards for the potato vines to come through. When his crop matured all he had to do was to knock the crater apart, rake out the potatoes and save the earth for the next years pile. This new idea potato gardener, It. E. Hendricks. Kansas City, Mo., believes he has solved the garden question for city folks who have little ground, as far as potatoes are concerned. He says that potatoes can be planted much later if done this way than if put in the ground via old fashioned methods. By the Hendricks method no hoeing is necessary. All one has to do after getting his potato pile built up is to give the growing tubers plenty of water. If Mr. Hendricks experiment can successfully he duplicated in a million backyards this summer he will be entitled to all the honors his food need ing country can beutow. There'll be no potato famine then. .Senator Jones protest to the council of national defense and President Wil son agaiuat intimations that orchard products would be classed as luxuries and denied transportation facilities, is logical and should be convincing to the government. The Spokesman Review has pointed out the inconsistency of action that would injure and probably ruin a great productive industry at a time when Htrenuous endeavor iH made to key up the country to increased production. Senator Jones now well aaya that "ac tion like this is bound to bring indus trial disaster. " While our people are being urged on one hand to produce abundant crops, they are, on the other hand, discouraged from doing no by action of this kind, Conservation of the existing fuod resources of the na tion is equally or more important than increased production. Science demon strates that fruits have not only an in dispensable dietetic value, but when dried possess high calory contents ap proximating pound fur pound, meats and breadstuffs. One of the greatest lessons that the war in teaching is the power and duty of coi peration ; that no one may live for self alone, hut each for all and all for each Wherever you take hold to help in these affairs you will work with some one ill a common cause; you will work, not fur yourself alone, but for country; not for your country alono, but for France, for England, for Bit glum, for Serbia, for Russia, for Po land, for Italy, for Japan, for China, for all the world, to save it from the ruin of misapplied knowledge and self lab counsel. Nothing like this vast cooperation was ever known before. H used to be said that the United States has learned to think in the terms of a continent anil that E irnuc had to learn that lesson, ilut now people must think In terms of all the contin enta. The whole world is in the pang of readjustment; of hardly leas than the whole world will you be a citizen when this work is finished. No slackers in Athena. All men be twM n the ages of H and lit) registered Tuesday. There are tPi in th.i class and each stands ready tu serve his country. AthiMia believes In better roads just (o the extent that a majority of four, ia a majority of four. The Red Cross jitney dirk "jit neyed' the lidv sum of ln,5U Into the treasury Tuesday night. i' And the Y. M. 0, A. Fund iji being uvenuukcu in Aim 1 1 t Haw the. Famous Expression "Swat the Fly!" Originated. ! Oii'-e irpon a time there was a man I errtb a large assortment of ideas, and be w ent to a baseball game to find sur cease from tbvugjt In the crack of the ba! and the loriz bit. Now. the partic ular Idea that bad Ireeo buzzing the loudest bi bis bead at that time tras the common housefly and bow to make it uncommon. lie uerer could look at a iy without reclbig a cruel desire to squash It. He tru. in fact, about to publish a health buiietiu Indicting the fly ou more counts than the fly baa eyes, and it has several thousand and fifty. Well, sTaUM be got to the game and bad just rid himself of the whole notion for a moment and was eaiferly atraftlng ac tion on (be part of the oatxruan some bodyIn fact, a lot of tliern shouted, -Bw.it the ball:" The batsman did. He swatted the prettiest fly any fan would ask to see. .A lid then a Idle the crowd roared the fly hater look out a pencil and acrib Med on a bit of paper those three whined words that were destined In the months that followed to fly aronnd the world and back again, "H rat the fly." The man was Dr. H. .. Cruinblue of Kansas. -J. Walowrlght Evans lu Na tion's Business. The Churches. THE SHORT STORY. It Chief Fslling as Seen by a Some what Cynical Critio. The short story, taken lu tiro aggre gate. Is a collection of 11,000 words that ted how the hero happened to marry the girl, ft seldom mentions the enor mous number of gbis Ihut thu hern has kissed prior to Ihu affair hi bund, nor does it bear heavily on thu pre fiOMi little love affairs of I be heroine. The chief trouble with Ibe abort story Is Hurt It tills tho reading public with the Idea that fo be happy one need only to be married. This Idea Is erroneous, for the suc cess of n courtship depends not on the marriage, but on tint manner In vvblcli the coulriicUiig parties readjust their Ideas and peculiarities In order that there may not bo a wbolesule interfer ence of Ideas and peculiarities and a consequent stripping of mental gears and wrecking of hopes. Every short Ntury should have foot notes attacked, explaining Ihu status quo of the hero and heroine ut tho end of live years, together with tho condensed but honest reason for tho iinsaf Isfuctory or satisfactory results. Puck. 8plklng the Guns. The expression "spiking guns" la a survival from the day when all that was ueceasary to pin u gun our of ac tion (provided, of course, that you had access to III was a large nail or aptko and a hummer. You simply drove iba nail Into thu touch hole at the breech. If tho null vvas long enough in turn round at the end on Ilia bottom of the bore so much tllO belter. It Is just aa simple, perhaps simpler, to put n mod ern grrrr out of union. All you want Is a hammer. The breech block of the modern gun Is held Hosed by screw threads. After fire breech block Is Inn ou Ibe shell a turn of two or three Inches engages lire I bread). By knock ing n bur on these Uncurls you prevent Ihein engugllrg. Any II I tempi to Ore thu gun without lbs jircecb block belug perfectly closed would, of course, be of muleiial oajuttailca lu the enemy. An Ancisnt Infernal Machine. In the Diary of Samuel I'epjs. under dale of March II. HUB, ho says: "Home to dinner. In Ibe aflernoou clinic the Carman lr. Kuulllcr, lo ills course with us about his engine to blow up ships. We doubted not the mailer of fact. It being tried In Crom well's time, but Ihe safely of carrying I lo-ln In ships; but hu do tell us that wherr he comes lo tell Ihe king tils secret, for none but the kings, succes sively, rrnd their heirs must know It, It will appear lo be of no danger lit all. Wii concluded nothing, but shall die course wlib Ihu Duke of York tomor row about It." Ananias. The name Ananias Is In disrepute be cause of the liar of Unit name men tioned In the llflh chapter or the Acta of tho Apnsllos. Two others of the tonne are mentioned In lire Scriptures. One or tliesu was u high priest In A. I. IS who was afterward assassinated; the other was n Jewish disciple at Damascus. Tradition makes him to hart been bishop or Dtimiiseus and to hare died by martyrdom. Marriag In Argantlna. Ill Ihe Argentlno republic If a man ingulfed to mirry hesitates beyond a reasonable time In leading bis lluucee to Ibe Hilar be Is heavily Hired, and If a resident uf the republic should fall to iiiurry be Is taxed until ho icin hes the age of eighty. The Giraffe's Neok. "Why de- Ihe glrriffc have such a long ncckV" asks Ihe teacher. "Itccuuse Us hi-nil Is so fu r uway rroru ris burly," hotully answers the boy. Splash. Maiden- What's Hurt "trough of the sea" we rend rilmuiv Corney Oh, Ihut Is what the ocean greyhounds drink mil ot. CiiHsell's .toiuo.it Might Havs Bean Worse. "Did tho play have a boppy endlngf" il iiiIkIiI have been worse. My wire only forgot her Irrriidkeivliler and one glove.'' When yuti have an elephant on band Mid lie wants lo run away, bettor let liliu run Lincoln. "Iluvv's your wrle's cold tide morn ing?" asked a nelghlHrr. "Much lielter. Iliiiuk von There',- a ilarree tomorrow evening ihnt she wants In go lo." A Feint and a Faint. Smile-Dbl you ever ralnt? Susie I tin e But I humped my heud so hard Hint I fainted really ami truly, and I've never tried II again. hona, Tha First Clock. The eatilosl complete clock was mad by a Saracen melal worker tn Ihe thirteenth century. Pre? Methodist Services. Free Methodist church services for Sunday, June 10th: preachir.g at the Union school house by Rev. Mrs. Geo. T. Klein at 11:00 a. m. Preaching at Weston Mt. at ItlM a. ,n. and Water roan school house at 1:00 p. it. by the pastor. You are welcome to attend these service. Geo. T. Klein, paster. The Christian Church. Sunday at the Christian church will , begin with Mrs. W. R. Scott and her I Junior Choir. Thev will also sing at ' the evening service. Bible school at I :00 a. m. Geo. R. Gerking, Director. Classes for all grades. Communion and preaching at 11:00 a. nr. Evening -'.'to t s;00 o'clock. Morning ubject, "What About Our Nation?" Evening subject, "The Mission of Christ to the World." Special music I at both services. D. Errett, Minister. At the Baptiat Chnrch. The Umatilla Baptist Association has come and gone and it was one of the best conventions, so all said, they had attended for a long time. There were more in attendance this time than any other year in the history of the 1 Association. Regular preaching services both morning and evening. Bible school at 10: a. m. All have a cordial welcome to attend these services. E. L. Mills, Minister. Methodist Episcopal Church. The pastor of the Methodist church is leading in the attempt to make that church a eummiliiitv war lino fnrrrm as well as a religious center. At thu i church thu bunuvolunt. claims of our country have a ruruly (roaring tho Liberty Loan, the Y. M. C. A., the Red Cross. In addition it is desired that thu people discuss among them selves thu needs of thu hour as thuy apply to us. Sunday school at I0:00 a. m. W. C. Emmcl, Supt. Preaching services at II a. m. and N p. in. Morning topic: "How to Make Men Like Christ." Evening topic: "The End of the Age long Battle Between Science and Re ligion." Special music has been pre pared for these services with a com munity song service at the beginning of each. Herman war time economy already says: "Sunday you may rest from eating. The markets closed, so go to meeting. " A MOTHER TO HER SON. Do you know that your soul is of my soul, such part, That you seem to be fibre and core of my heart? None other ran pain me aa you, dear, can do; None other can please me or praise me as you. Remember the world will be quick with its blame. If shadow or strain ever darken your name, "Like mother like son" is a saying so true, The world will judge largely of "Mother" by you. Be vours when the task, if task it shall be, To force the proud world to do homage to me. Be sure it will aay when the verdict you've won, "She reaped as she sowed, "Lol this ia her son. The New Northwest BARBED WIRE IN WAR. SEAL Putting Up and Cutting Down Barrier Is Perilous Work. The erection of war entanglements, Iron, when tho trenchea are some dls Line apart. Is at all times dangerous. The men slip over the parapet aud In thu first place pound In the supports with mallets, the bcuda of which are carefully w rapped In cloth In order to deaden the sound. Two other men tarry the wlro drum-a wooden cylin der round which the wire Is rolled hy means of a long pole through tho 'enter, and a comrade attaches the wires to the supports. The Wort Is slow and nerve strain lug, toys a wrl'cr In Ihe Londor IJraptllC, for atar shots burst often and rnmpel the men to i rOUch low and re main motionless until Ihe dure burns out. To enrb soldier who tnkes part lu modern warfare thick gloves for grip lilii!! wire aud strong pliers for cuttln, It are ns essential as Ihe rife mid bayo net. Before an flOMUlt by his own regl uront Ihe soldier cuts his own wire, mil be must then endeavor as best he may to cut and buck bis way through I he enemy's, pulling down a support here, cutting the wires while the ma chine gun batteries ntp out their mea ago of death toward him. Thus barbed wire, so simple In Itself, so deadly when used In the nays tie serllatl. enters Into every phase of op oration lu the riling zone. Before the Public Service Commission of Oregon. In the matter of prescribing and fixing standards for grain, hay and other agricultural products and the pro mulgation of rules and regulations concerning the handling, weighing, inspecting and storage of grain, hay ami other agrieullnral product and the management of public and ter minal warehouses. NOTICE. ro all Interested Parties: Please take notice that, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter HUH ' of the General Laws of Oregon for the year I'll.', public huarings will be held for the purpose of establishing standard guides for grain, hay and other agri cultural products anil the promulgation of rules and regulations concerning the handling, weighing, inspecting and storage thereof at the following times and places, to wit: June IB, nil 7. t 33 Court House, Portland, Oregon, at 10:00 o'clock a. nr. June IH, 1017 Tacoma, Washington. June 30, 101? Spokane, Washington. June 31, lU at the County Court House at Pendleton, Oregon, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock a. m. These public hearing will be con ducted jointly by the Public Service Commisaion of Washington and the Public Service Commission of Oregon, and all interested parties arc urged tu t be present and give such testimony or j ' advance such information as mav he ! deemed pertinent to the inquiry, uth Dated at Salem, Oregon this day of June, 117. By order ot the Commission, Assistant Secretary. $100 Reward, $100 The readers ot this paper win be pleased to learn that there Is at least . one dreaded dlaeaae that science ha j been able to cure In an it stages and that Is catarrh. Catarrh being- greatly ' Influenced by constitutional conditions t requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Medicine is taken Internally and acts thru the Blood on the Mucous .Sur faces of the System thereby destroying : the foundation of the disease, giving the : parlent strength by building up the eon ' stltutlon and sssls'ing nature In doing Its work. The proprietors have so much faith In the curarlve powers of Hall's Cstarrh Medicine that they offer One Hundred I Milan for any case that it falls to cure. Bend for list of testimonials. Address V. 1. CHENEY CO.. Toledo, Ohio. Sold by all Druggist. 75c. Notice to Creditors. In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Umatilla County. In the Matter of the Estate of Myrtle 8, Scott, Deceased. Notice is hereby given to ail persons whom it may concern that Will M. Peterson has been appointed adminis trator of the estate of Myrtle S. Scott, deceased. All persons having claims against her estate are required to pre sent them with proper vouchers as re quired by law to the said administrator at his law office in the Smith Crawford Building in Tenuicton Oregon, within six months from date hereof. Dated at Pendleton, Oregon, on this 3(lth day of Ma4, 1017. Will M. Peterson, Administrator of the Estate of Myrtle S. Scott, decease d. Post offlre address: ' Pendleton, Oregon. 8UMMON3. In tho Justice Court of the State of Oregon for Umatilla County, Pen dleton District. William Roesch and William Bngcrt, partners, doing businoss under the name of William Roesch Bottling Co., Plaintiffs, va. J. F. Prince. Defendant. To J. K. Prince: In tho Name of the State of Oregon, Greetings: You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled action within six weeks of the date of the first pub lication of this summons, to wit' by June M, 1S17, and you will take no tice that if you fail to appear and an swer or plead within said time, the plaintiffs for want thereof will appeal to the above entitled Court, for the re lief prayed for in the complaint, via; for judgment against you in the sum of tt0.il. This summons is published by the order of the Hoc. Joe. W. Parkes, Judge of the above entitled Court, sa d order being dated May 7, 1917, and the first publication of this tsummons is dated May 11, !I7, Frederick Sterner. Attorney for Plaintiffs. This immense factory is the home of flSK im at a v.a m. ea- Time to Re-tire? (Buy Flak) The Standard of Tire Value BUY at least one pair of Fik Non Skid. Learn from ;vrtr ml ukp that thev are the beat tire value vou can buy. This great manufacturing plant shown above grew from a very small beginning is the result of making and selling honest :j tire Value at an honest price. Get acquainted with Fisk Quality Fisk Value. "When you pay more than Fiik prices you pay for some thing that does not exist." They are recommended by dealers everywhere. FISK DEALEF8 IS ATHEXA Athena Oarage PHONE 352 ington, California or Montana, address Condon Realty Co., box 31, Condon, Ore.- Adv. CROUP & LASH Dentists In Athena Monday' Tuesday, Wednes day, other day of week in Walla Walla, 2nd and Main, over Third National Bank Dr. S. W. Croup - Dr. C. H. Lash Land for Sate. No. 93 4S0 acres, IPSO in cultiva tion, 10 miles from town; t-room house, bam 16 head, shed and granary, good water supply. All in crop. Price, including machinery and crop, if sold at once, $20,000. Reasonable payment down, balance on good terms. With or without stock. Partners dissatis fied, reason for sale. If interested in grain, stock, fruit or alfalfa ranches in Oregon, Wash- S. F. Sharp PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Special attention given to all ealia 'mth night and daj . Calls promptly answered. UffloeoaTblrO Otret. Athena Oraaor Dr. J. C Baddeley VETERINARY SURGEON LaBrasche Ranch Athena DR. G. S. NEWSOM. Physician and Surgeon. Office Corner rlth & Adams St. D. Scott Fisher CONTRACTOR & BUILDER Residence and Shop, Adams and 4th Sts Athena THE PARKER BARBER SHOP A. J. Parker, Proprietor Shaving, Haircutting, Massaging, Shampooing. Bath Rooms In Connection, St. Nichols Hotel Block Athena. Oreg, LESS WORK No coal, wood or ashes to lug. No waiting for the fire to burn up. Meals in a jiffy and a cool kitchen all the time. Bakes, broils, roasts, toasts. Better cooking be cause of the steady, evenly-distributed heat. More convenient than a wood or coal stove for all the year 'round cooking, and more econom ical. The long blue chimneys prevent all smoke and smell. In 1, 2, 3 and 4 burner niies. with or without ovens. Also cabinet models. Ask your dealer today. NEW PERFECTION OIL CCffTOVE FOR SALE BY Foss-Winship Hardware Company. i Flower-gowned, Forest-bound, Hose-crowned, Portland! June 13, 14 and 15 Brilliant i Instructive " it Patriotic Excursion Fares via UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM OREGON WASHINGTON RAILROAD & NAVIGATION COMPANY Tickets on Sale Jaae n, 13 and 14; return limited to June 18 J. R. MATHERS, Agent. MED Service Station Complete line of Ford Parts and Accessories. All Ford work regulated by thi Ford Motor Co's Bulletin of Universal Prices. Gas, Oil, Air-Mohiloil and Zsrolene are right grades for your Motor. - Racine, Goodrich and U. Sr Tires and Tubes. All sizes. We buy old Rubber, Brass and Aluminum BURKE 8 SON GARAGE ' " ;;.!;: , , CORNER MAIN AND SECOND STS., ATHENA, ORE' fiL I We carry the best MEATS That Money Buys Our Market is Clean and Cool Insuring Wholesome Meats. READ t MEYER Main Street, Athena, Oregon