The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, May 11, 1917, Image 3

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    I Press Paragraphs j
Farmara are bringing thsir plowirg
to a close.
Cut flowers for sale. Mrs. L. Sher
man. Adv.
School closes next week for the sum
mer vacation.
A daughter was born to Mr. and
Mrs. Clifford Stone on April 28.
Dr. and Mrs. F. D. Watts of Wes
ton were in the city Wednesday.
A daughter was recently born to Mr.
an i Mrs. Charles Schatz of Ac'ams.
Dr. and Mrs. W. R. Scott have as
their gueat, Mr. John D. Matheson of
Mrs. S. J. Harden and daughter,
Miss Edna, are visiting this week at
Tekoa, Wash.
Hugh Worthingtoi ii this week
painting the big barn out at the Mc
Intyre farm.
Marshal Dobson is putting in a con
crete crosswalk on Main street at the
intersection of Second street.
Mrs. Mary Shick has returned from
Walla Walla, where she has been at
tending her sister, who is ill.
W. W. Harrah, well known farmer
and Farmers Union man, was in the
city Tuesday from Pendleton.
The warm weather of the last few
weeks has greatly improved crop an!
garden conditions in this vicinity.
Edwin Ingleman and Ralph Hymer,
brothers of Mrs. C. T. Smith, motored
up from lone the first of the week.
Mrs. N. A. Miller is home from
Walla Walla, where she has been tak
ing osteopathic treatment for several
Dave Nelson, prominent retired
farmer of Pendleton, was in the city
Wednesday and attended the good roads
Private B. C. Ogden, in the recruit
ing service for the U. S. army, was
in the city Monday and Tuesday of
this week
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Harris and Mrs.
Lizzie Mansfield drove over from Wes
ton yester jay in Mrs. Mansfield.s new
Dodge car.
The Catholic ladies took in over $30
at their pastry sale, Saturday, and are
thankful for the generous patronage
they received.
See Ware's Pharmacy Show window
for the latest and best in fine box
stationery, correspondence notes, and
cards. Adv.
Mrs. Marth't Mays has returned from
Starbuck, whire she spent fcthe latter
part of the winter and spring with her
son and family.
Mrs. Laura Woodward. Miss Eva
Woodward and Miss Stella Lieuallen of
Walla Walla attended the musical re
cital of Mrs. Scott's pupils.
Old Iron Wanted Max Felstein will
pay W.fil) per ton for old castings,
scrap iron, horseshoes etc. delivered in
Athena. Weigh, on Burke and Son's
Sugar $9.25
Pure Cane Berry
If you will purchase $5.00 worth of
other groceries-anything you wish
except flour, lard, butter and eggs
we will sell you the Sugar at the
above price. Better order early as
we have only 20 bags to sell at this
price. It will pay you to take ad
vantage of this offer, as sugar is
sure to be higher when the canning
season starts.
S & H Pure Food Grocery
Quality 0 Quantity 0 Service
We are displaying an assortment of Flies, Hooks,
Spoons, Lines, Leaders, Rods, Reels, etc. Secure
your license before the raise in price, on May 2 1st
Oils Tires
Valvoline, Mono- Goodyear, Fire
gram, Zerolene stone, and U. S.
Athena &arage
Agents for
Parts and Accessories,
Lathe Work a Specialty.
Rev. D. Errett has been invited to
deliver the Commencement address at
Spokane University, on June nth, ar.d
has accepted the invitation.
Among the many homes undergoing
painting and renovating, are those of
Mrs. A. Shick and Arthur Shick.
Bennett is doing the work.
One guart water glass will preserve
I gallons of eggs. Now is the time to
lay in a supply for winter use. For
sale by Ware's Pharmacy. Adv.
Mr. and Mrs. D. Scott Fisher, Miss
Katherine Pierce and J. H. Booher
formed a party attending an entertain
ment in Milton Saturday evening.
David Taylor has made improve
ments on his Third street property.
Dr. Sharp's office has been reshingled
and a concrete sidewalk put down.
Miss Katherine Pierce returned Sat
urday from Portland, and resumed her
position in the Golden Rule store. Mrs.
Gunn took a like position in Pendleton.
Mrs. W. R. Harden and daughter
Edna, are visiting this week at th.3
home of Mrs. Chet McColIough, at
Tekoa, Wash. They will return home
0. M. Richmond and family, who
have been living in the Hiteman resi
dence on College and Hth streets, the
past winter, moved the first of the
week to their home near Walla Walla.
The Girls' Honor Guard of Milton will
give a 'jitney' dance in the Elam build
ing, on the evening of May 16th. A
cordial invitation is extended to the
young people of Athena and vicinity.
The next meeting of the Sunshine
Club will be held next Thursday at the
home of Mrs. Chas. Gerking, at which
time the annual picnic will be planned.
All members are requested to be pres
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McArthur ar
rived from Portland Wednesday even
ing, for a visit with Athena relatives.
Mrs. W. S. Perry and daughter, Mrs.
Delbert Proebstel, will arrive tonight
to join them.
Glen Dm fey is among those called
to join the Officers training camp at
San Francisco. A large percentage
of college men from both Eugene and
Corvallis, are noted in the list for the
first call.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Martin spent the
week-end at the farm northwest Of
town. Monday, Mr. Martin took his
daughter, Bessie, a student of the
Athena school, to Walla Walla for
treatment for an injured knee.
George Gross arrived home last eve
ning from Portland, looking like a new
man, after his course of treatment in
a sanitariam there. His many friends
are congratulating him on his return to
health. Mrs. Gross and Miss Verva
accompanied him.
Rev. J. W. Goode and family last
week motored to Salem, in their Ford,
and report a very pleasant trip. They
will visit at the home of Mr. Goode's
parents, who celebrated their golden
wedding anniversary, before going to
Cheweiah, Wash., to reside.
Lawrence Sharp dropped in home
between trains yesterday. He is now
firing on the main line of the O.-W.
out of La Grande. For several days
he has been firing a switch engine at
Reith, and was on his return to La
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Shick went to
Walla Walla Monday, taking their son
Lorain, who has been undergoing
treatment for several weeks, follow
ing an operation for deafness. The
tonsils and adenoids were removed and
the lad's hearing is improving rapidly.
Mrs. A. J. Wagner returned Wed
nesday morning from Spokane. She
informs the Press that ber son Ace, who
has been at Spokane for several weeks
receiving treatment for his afflicted
eyes is getting better slowly, and will
probably return to Athena in a few
After long years of stubborn resist
ance against persistent and combative
inclination to become the owner of an
automobile, our friend Sim Barnes of
Weston, has compromised with his con
science and purchased a Ford. Tbe
Press man is expecting an invitation
to go fishing, soon.
Mr. and Mrs Carl Christian were in
the city from Adams, Tuesday evening.
Carl will have a 20 acre crop of pota
toes as his "bit' of contribution to the
increased food production movement
He reports that the farmers near Adams
are very much interested in crop pro
duction and conservation.
Rev. Edgar L. Mills, the evangelist
who last winter held a most successful
meeting in the Baptist church, has
been hired by the local congregation
as pastor for the coming four months,
after which he will resume his evan
gelistic itinerary. Rev. Mills preached
his first sermon last Sunday.
The Thirty-second annual state con
vention of the Oregon State Sunday
School Association will be held at tbe
Christian church in Pendleton, May
18-20, J. W. Maloney, county presi
dent, presiding Davis Errett, pastor
of the Athena Christian church is on
the program for response to tbe ad
dress of welcome.
Superintendent Russell has been en
gaged recently in cataloguing the
volumes of the school library. He i
now making selections of 1 00 new books
for the High school and the grades.
The number of books now in the library
total 470 volumes. The new books
will supplement the various branches
of school work.
One of the largest audiences in the
history of the city gathered in the
Christian church auditorium Wednes
day evening to hear the Recital by the
music class of Mrs. W. K. bcott
Twenty-three pupils appeared, and did
signal credit to the teacher, who was
showered with congratulations upon
the splendid work accomplished.
Mrs. F. B. Radtke was hosteBS to
the Star Club Wednesday afternoon,
entertaining about fifteen ladies. The
rooms were tastefully adorned with big
boquets of yellow daffodiels and tulips,
and the hostess was assisted in serving
ices, cake and coffee by her mother,
Mrs. Armfield. The next meeting of
the club will be held at the home of
Mrs. H. A. Barrett.
Last Friday evening the Athena
Baptist Sunday school banqueted the
school of the Adams Baptist church, in
the church here. The banquet, served
at 7:80, was the result of a contest
held with the neighboring Sunday
school, in which the latter came out
victorious, and about, seenty-five
partook of the famous hospitality of
the Athena Baptist ladies.
While making excavations last week
for a basement at the Richards res
idence on Jefferson street, workmen
unearthed a splendid specimen of an
Indian spear head. The relic is of
ight Hint rock, about six inches in
length, and was found four feet under
ground. No doubt, could it speak, it
could a tale unfold of the long ago
buffalo hunt or Indian battle.
23 Years Ago,
l From the Press of May 11 1894
Scribbler says: J. B. Saylor a But
ter river rancher, is visiting friends
and relatives in this vicinity.
The outlook for a bountiful harvest
was never better at this time of year.
The prospects are simply "out of
It has been ascertained from reliable
authority that pool balls are tha same
color here as thev are in New York.
What is the difference between a
model young lady and a Coxeyite on a
MgT Give it up' The former is tidy
and neat; while the latter is needy and
S. C. Stanton and J. S. Post will
start on a prospecting trip in a few
Parties at Weston are paying 42 1-2
cents cash per hundred for potatoes.
Lower Main street is being graded,
and the poll tax collector is after the
boys. No doubt several fire companies
could be organized at the present time.
The directors of school district No.
95, in the Reed and Hawley mountain
district east of the city have retained
the services of Miss Essie Foss as
John McBean, the reservation
interpreter, was in town this morning.
He says that wholesale horse steal
ing is going on from people living on
the reservation. Each morning some
one reports the loss of from two to five
or sis animals, and no one seems to
know just who does the stealing. If
it be one gang, a long list of charges
will be brought against the members
in the event of capture.
A, R. Bradley will ship a carload of
potatoes to an Eastern market.
The advance guard of the Coxeyites,
B0 strong, arrived in Pendleton Monday.
Miss Cora McEwen, of Vansycle is
slowly convalescing from an attack of
whooping cough.
W. E. Young has been kept busy
the past week rigging up pack saddles
for parties who are going from this
city on prospecting tours.
The Weston Normal school nine
came over Saturday to get a litte prac
tice for their game with the "Potatoes"
which occurs at Weston tomorrow. A
scrub nine pulled together just to give
them a practice game you know, and
the score was 11 to 19 in favor of the
scrub nine.
The Pendleton Bicycle Club came up
to Athena Sunday where they expected
to meet the Walla Walla club. Ow
ing to the poor condition of the road
and a strong head wind, only one Walla
Walla man, the captain of the club,
accompanied by Felix Mitchell, captain
of the Pendleton club got in, the re
mainder stopping at Weston. When
the roads are passable our citizens
would be pleased to have the clubs
come often.
Billy Gholson while hunting horses
in the Geer Spring country last week,
had the misfortune to lose his pocket-
book which contained among other
valuable papers a note for the sum of
9170. He advertises in another
Nathan Pierce and son Henry have
leased on the Lapwai reservation 900
acres of land, making about 2000 acres
which they control at the present time
Athena's business street presented
considerable animated activity last
Saturday ; lots of people in sight but
very little money.
Another young editor has been added
to tbe editorial staff of the Inland Re
All lovers of baseball will applaud
the efforts of a few of our boys who
have been at work for the past two or
three days on the grounds in Richard s
addition. Rotary harrows and heavy
rollers have worked wonders, and the
result of the labor is a diamond and
field as smooth and hard as a floor.
Find Relief in "Needling."
For ages one of the customs of Chi
nese physicians has been to thrust flue
needles Into the body to let out palus
and various maladies, and It appears
that bleeding In this way Is often real
ly useful. After long observation In
China, Dr. James Cnntlle reports him
self so nun h Impressed with the re
sults that he has adopted the procedure
himself for certain cases. Needling
seems to lessen the tension In the In
flamed part and to relieve neuralgic
and rheumatic pains, swelling and
stiffness from sprains uud fiuetures.
and espc l.-rlly the Indefinite hip pains
usually called sciatica.
Quit Fatal.
A Newark firm doing n Itlg buslnesa
In accident Insurance received this nota
from one of Its clients a few days ago:
"I received a fatal accident to my
hand. Have been looking for you to
adjust damages. Please come soon. I
don't waht It to heal till vou bar seen
It, and It Is quite a Job to keep it
bound up. Ho please attend to U prompt
ly before It gets well." NewaMf Call.
lawyer Did you see what passed
between tbe two men during the af
frnv? Witness No. sir. lawyer
But you were present, weren't you?
Witness leu. sir, nut my eyes are not
quick enough to follow a bullet. Bos
ton Transcript.
Silly Moments.
"You're so smart, can you tell why
the seaside?"
"Certainly; because It was blue."
Jlalllmor AmerU-nn.
1 This immense factory is the home of I
Time to Re-tire?
(Buy FUk)
The Standard of Tire Value
DUY at least one pair of Fiik Non Skids. Learn from
actual use that they are the best tire value you can
buy. This great manufacturing plant shown above
grew from a very small beginning is the result of
making and selling honcsttire value at an honest price.
Get acquainted with Fisk Quality Fisk Value.
"When you pay more than Fisk prices you pay for some
thing that does not exist" They are recommended by
dealers everywhere.
Athena Garage
Phone Your
iflt! ffi i iffi i mTs i ffi li iflli imt j m i ffiiiui i ifli i iffi i itu : i iui i ffl i un i ml 1 1 m i im i ffl (ml i ffi riTTi 1 1 m u 1 1 in 1 1 uj' 'Tl! f ittjt: Si i !?! 'liL i Si lim tiyii af j mi nTu i
Prompt and careful attention is given to all orders
that come to us by 'phone; in fact, a great portion
of our business is done that way.
cTVfanv of our customers do not see us from one
week's end to the other, and their requirements are
met quite as satisfactorily as if they" had made a
personal visit to the store daily.
Simply" call 'Phone No. 152 and tell us what you
want. Leave the rest to us and you will not be
Rice per pound 8 1 3c
Alber'sOats per package 35c
Fancy Mixed Cakes 30c
Fancy Pumpkin per cau 20c
Sliced Pine Apple 12 12c, 15c, 20c, 25c
Fancy Sweet Potatoes per can 20c
Dried A pples per pound 12 l-2e
English Walnuts per pound 25c
Kippered Herring per can 12 l-2c
Corn Beef per can 30c
ff Fresh Spinach, Lettuc;, Radishes, Green Unions. Sweet, juicy Oranges, 15c doz.
iiii:UHiiiiisuiiimMUiiUHiiiii!.-iiMini::i: ."JLiiii.iiiiMiuniiiujiiiiuLUiiiiiiiiuiiii.iSjt . ...t:i!..!i iu.i.ii:..i.u..i ...:iiri:uiDun.muiuUiiiuiuuflu:.uii;HuiiiJUiiUiiui.ii uii.:uiwniuHiiui:j..iuiuiiiH nuiujiiiiiuii..HiEuiuiiuiuiiiiiiiiMit.jjjiiiu i i mi mi.
Here's the HOME OF
QUALITY Groceries
sold at prices that are right
Good Groceries Hits the Right Spot ery Time
to Come to Every Time for the Best in Groceries
TRY THESE they will please. One best, The eTWonopole Monopole
BB Vegetables, Monopole Fruits, Monopole Salmon, Mono
pole Oysters the leading quality brand. None other is quite so good in Quality.
main street DELL BROTHERS