AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER F. B. Boyd, Publisher Subscription Rates. One copy., one year $1.50 When paid in Advance, (otherwise, $2.00 One copy, six months 75 One copy, three months 50 tATHENA, ORE. MAY 4 ..1917 Looking the food production problem square in the face, The Rural Weekly, a St. Paul publication, suggests that the government should, as a war mea sure, commandeer all land that can be tilled or used for grazing, vacant city lots, etc., not now used for agricultural purposes. Same should be leased to those who are willing to cultivate them at a normal rental. The St. Paul paper continues: "Money and land, however, are not sufficient for production of crops. There is another essential element necessary to this, and that is labor. Higher prices for agricultural products i will avail little unless sufficient labor can be obtained to work the farms, as there is a limit to the amount of work the farmer and his family can accom plish. "To make certain that crops will be actually planted and harvested, the government should provide an indus trial army, to be used first of all on farms, and secondly in the manufacture of necessities of life and in the trans portation service. "This industrial army should be sub ject to the directions of properly consti tuted authorities. All citizens from the ages of IB to 50 years should be subject to service therein for a period of at least 1)0 days each year. "During seeding time and harvest all schools should be closed, thus liberating pupils of working age to be enrolled in the industrial army. "The government should prohibit speculation in agricultural products. "In addition, the government should fix maximum and minimum prices for agricultural products, and the prices so fixed should govern each croji; in other words, farmers should have the assur ance that, having produced a crop, the price thereof will be uniform until an other crop is produced." port for service. For example, he will be authorized to select the number of men required from betWesn Hi and 85 years. If the emergency should be pressing he can order selection of men between 28 and 80 years, between 31 and 35 years and between 36 and 40 years. The chances are that the older men will not be called at all, as the re sult would be to disorganize industry and agriculture. The President and his advisers realize that the first duty resting upon the United States is to supply food and other necessities to the allies. This means that the farmers, the factory hands, shipbuild ing and railroad hands, among others, must be affected as little as possible in the application of the co nscription scheme. factory has on its payroll 2,500 men. j "This is a good record for the city of Portland, but property in other states formerly used in the manufac ture of beer is showing up equally well." The general conception of the selec tive military draft system as provided by the bill which was passed by Con gress indicates that the armies to be raised by the United States will be created from "classes" which, when called, will report for services. What ever the maximum age fixed it is not intended by the men who will make up the conferees to permit a call to the colors of all those between 21 and 40 in the country. The provision of the act will be rewritten so that the President will be able to create "classes" for re- Up-to-the-Times Magazine takes a broad view of the road question, say ing: "Good roads lighten the burden of traffic, reduce the cost of living, raise the value of farm lands, build up the church and Bchool, banish the isola tion of rural life and spread prosper rity, intelligence and social advantages through the length and breadth of the land. Success to Oregon in her at tempt to secure six million dollar good roads bond issue, and which J is to be voted on June 4th. In voting public funds for the construction of an intel ligent system of good roads Oregon takes the right viewpoint. Highways are not private property nor are they intended for any particular class, but they are for the welfare and conven ience of all the people. They benefit all the people and all property in the state, hence every one should contrib ute towards their construction and maintenance. That the money for such work should be secured from a bond issue extending over a long term of years, is something that none can very well question. It is good to know that the Oregon bond issue proposes among other things to hard surface two trunk roads leading through Uma tilla county, one coming by way of Umatilla, Hermiston, Stanfield, Echo and Pendleton and on up the river to Union and Baker counties, and the other coming via Heppner, Vincent, Pilot Rock and Pendleton through Adams, Athena, Weston, Milton and Freewater to the state line." 23 Years Ago, Krom the Press of April 27 1894 Spri ng gryn looks fine. Zo. Houser, republican nominee for sheriff, was in the city Sunday, feeling the political pulse. F. C. Wallace is organizing an in dustrial army in Walla Walla, which will march to Washington. The Umatilla river at Pendleton last Tuesday night reached the highest stage of the season 7 feet s inches. Money has been raised for a public library in Pendleton. The Commercial Association leads the list with $1000. W. H. Fletcher the saw mill man from Fletcher mountain was in town Monday full capacity. W. H. H Scott, who wants to be sheriff under the auspices of the popu list contingent, was in the city from his ranch Monday. Mr Scott has a host of warm friends and ardent admirers in this precinct. He is a good man and will make a strong race. Nelse Stamper was suddenly attacked with heart trouble one night this week. He was unconscious for some time, Harry Brown, editor of the Weston Leader was in town Tuesday and called. On Wednesday evening at the resi dence of Hon. T. J. Kirk in Athena, George C. Osburn and Miss Amanda Brandon were united in marrigae. Rev. W. W. Brannin otPendleton officiating. The wedding was a very quiet one, only a few friends being invited,. Grand picnic at Athena, May 25th. Pennoyer, Oregon's governer, will address the people of Umatilla county on that day in Athena. The governor will only speak in this county on that date Athena being selected as the most central location. Reports from Walla Walla valley says that acres of strawberries will probably rot on the ground. The crop will be immense and dealers say that berries will be so cheap they cannot be handled with profit. JJames Long, the barber who conduct ed a shop in Athena last summer has returned from Walla Walla to work for Jack Parker. of the Court forever dissolving the bonds of matrimony now and hereto fore existingbetween plaintiff and de fendant, for an absolute divorce from i be defendant and for such other . equitable relief as may appear proper. I This summons is published pursuant to an order duly made by Honorable Gilbert W. Phelps, Judge of the above entitled Court, and the first publication will be made on Friday, the 13th day of April, 1017, in the Athena Press, a newspaper published weekly at Athena, Umatilla County, Oregon, and the last publication will be made on Fri day, the said 25th day of May, 1917. Dated this the 12th day of April, 1917. Will M. Peterson, Attorney for Plaintiff. Postoffiee address, Pendleton, 'Oregon. O.-W. to Fill Trestles. rhe Weston Leader reports that ore- He is now operating the mill limitay work is now in progress for me great, mis to ue iiiaue oy uie R. & N. Co. on Pine and Dry creeks to replace three high trestles. It is ex pected that one hundred men and two carloads of horses will be employed. How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Medicine. Hall's Catarrh Medicine has been taken by catarrh sufferers for the past thlrty- flua vhm and has hhKnmn tnnw- mm tti dui under me emcieni skim oi ur. ueu i most rename remedy ror catarrh. Hairs Speaking of the results of Prohibi tion in Oregon Collier's Weekly says: "The Rainier Brewery of Portland, Ore., which as a brewery employed 156 men, now gives employment to 1,600 men as a tannery. "The Portland Brewery, which em ployed u hundred men in making beer, now gives work to 500 men in making furniture. MHL n 1J TV. "",ntu" F?' " I The closing exercises of the public land, gave work to 13S men when beer gehool wili be held in the Christian was manufactured, but now as a shoe church this afternoon. he came out all right. T. P. Page has discovered that 2500 or 3000 sacks of his wheat, which last winter showed no sign of damage, is now heating and will not bear shipment. He intends to use it for hog feed, and will purchase quite a number of porkers. Weston Leader: Company B, Third regiment O. N. G., is improving in efficiency as a military organization, both as to its personnel and drill, and altho one of the youngest companies in the state, will soon rank among the best of our military organizations. Miss Mattie Foss is teaching the O'Hara school on Dry Creek. Agent Muirhead, of the W.and C. R. railroad removed his family to his ranch on the mountain last week. Olaf Harmo, aged 41 years, died Monday April 30th, at Graceford, west of Adams. The deceased was a native of Norway, and leaves three brothers. While Wallace, an organizer of the industrials, was addressing a meeting Sunday at Walla Walla, he was rotten egged, one striking his cheek. Seven ty eight signed the roll. A baseball game at Adams Sunday between the Athena and Adams clubs resulted in a scora of 31 to 37 in favor of Athena. Thieves are trying to do up the Tri bune by robbing the strong box. Two attempts have been made, one suc cessful to the extent of a few dollars, the other successful only in that two pair of shears were massacred. The burglar used them in opening the money drawer. EAGLE'S WINGS " Blue Bird Extraordinary SATURDAY Afternoon 2:30; Evening 7:15; Prices 15c and 25c Are We Prepared? It takes five men working at Home to provide one man at the Front. See this powerful Photoplay, Fathers of Men SHMBW ., m-J ...... Vitagraph Blue Ribbon Extra For Monday Featuring Robt. Edeson In James Oliver Curwood's great Northland Drama, "Fathers of Men. We Peoples Theatre Prices, 10c and 20c T OTT D np A7"' Here on JLj 1 JD Hi JCv 1 I Wednesday Night Catarrh Medicine acta thru the Blood on the Mucous surfaces, expelling the Poi son from the Blood and healing the dis eased portions. After you have taken Hall's Catarrh Medicine for a short time you win see a great improvement In your general health. Start taking Hall's Catarrh Medi cine at once and get rid of catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio. Bold by all Druggists, 75c Notice of Final Account. In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Umatilla County. In the Matter of the Estate of Lucinda Russell, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has filed his final account and report in the above entitled matter and that the Court has fixed Saturday, May 5th, at the hour of 10 o'clock, a. m., of said date as the time and the County Court room in the County Court house at Pendleton, Oregon, as . I 1 3 ' J . I ine place lor nearing saiu Hccuuni anu report. Objections to said final ac count and report should be filed on or before said date. Charles A. Barrett, Executor. Notice af Final Account. In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Umatilla County. In the Matter of the Estate of B. F. Coleman, Deceased. To all persons whom it may concern : Notice-is hereby given that Will. M Peterson, administrator with the will annexed of the estate of B. F. Coleman deceased, has filed with the clerk of the above entitled Court his final ac count and report in the administration of the estate and that the County Judge by order duly made and entered, has appointed Monday the 14th. day of May, 1 Ml 7, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon as the time, and the County Court House of Umatilla County, Oregon, at Pendleton, as the place, where all objections and excep tions to the said final account and re port will be heard, and the settlement thereof made. Dated at Pendleton, Oregon, on this 7th day of April, 1917. Will M. Peterson. Administrator with the Will annexed of the estate of B. F. Coleman, deceased. CROUP & LASH Dentists In Athena Monday' Tuesday, Wednes day, other days of week in Walla Walla, 2nd and Main, over Third National Bank Dr. E. W. Croup - Dr. C. H. Lash S. F. Sharp PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Special attention given to all calls both night and day. Oal l promptly answered. Omee on Third Strxt. Athena Oresor Dr. J. C. Baddeley VETERINARY SURGEON LaBrasche Ranch Athena SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Umatilla County. The Farmers Bank of WeBton, a Cor poration, Plaintiff, vs. F. G. Lucas, Katherine Lucas, J. R. D. Genson, M. J. Genson, C. K. Bis sett, H. 'McArthur, W. D. Banister and Emily Banister, and Gen son, husband of M. J. Genson, De fendants. To J. R. D. Genson and M. J. Genson, defendants above named: In the Name of the State of Oregon, You are hereby required to appear and answer on or before the 19th day of May, 1917, the complaint filed against you in the above entitled cause on the 9th day of January, 1917, and you will take notice, if you fail to answer or otherwise appear in said cause on or before said day, plaintiff for want thereof will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for in its complaint, on file herein, to wit : A judgment against the defendant, F. G. Lucas, for the sum of 1724 with interest at the rate of 10 per cent per annum from Decem ber 89, 1916; 1100 attorney fees and plaintiff's costs and disbursements of this suit, for a decree foreclosing that certain mortgage on the following de scribed real estate in Umatilla County, Oregon, made, executed and delivered by the said defendants, F. G. Lucas and Katherine Lucas, on the 83rd day of December, I9i3, securing the said promissory note and duly recorded in Book 49 at page 556 of the Mortgage Records of Umatilla County, State of Oregon, to-wit: The Northeast Quarter of the South west Quarter and the South Half of the Southeast Quarter and the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section Six, Twp 3 N. R. 37 E. W. M, together with the tenements, heredita ments and appurtenances thereto be longing; that said property be sold in the manner provided by law; that the proceeds thereof be applied to the pay ment and satisfaction of the plaintiff's said judgment and the costs and ex penses of said saU' ; that any party to this suit may become a purchaser at said sale; that said defendants and each and all of them and all persons claiming by, through or under them be forever baired and foreclosed of all right, title and Interest in and to the said real property and each and every part thereof, except the statutory right of redemption, and for such other and further relief as pertains to equity and good conscience. This summons is published pursuant to an order of the Hon. G. W. Phelps, Judge of the above entitled Court, made on the 3rd day of April, 1917, which provides the first publication of this summons shall be made on the nth day of April, 1917, in The Athena Press, and shall be published once a week for six consecutive weeks. Fee & Fee, Attorneys for Plaintiff. DR. G. S. NEWSOM. Physician and Surgeon. Office' Corner 4 th & Adams Sts. L. S. VINCENT Successor to H. H. HILL Expert Watch Repairer En grayer and Jeweler D. Scott Fisher CONTRACTOR & BUILDER Residence and Shop, Adams and 4th Sts Athena SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Umatilla County. Martha Isabelle Parrish, Plaintiff, vs. Alvan W. Parrish, Defendant. To Alvan W. Parriah, Defendant above named: In the name of the State of Oregon, vou are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint of the Plaintiff filed against you in the above entitled suit within six weeks of the date of the first publication of this summons to-wit: On or before Friday, the S6th dav of May. 1917, and you will take notice that if you fail to appear and answer said complaint or otherwise plead thereto within said time the plaintiff for want thereof will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for ana demanded, therein, namely for a decree SHEETS & BOWLING ATHENA Blacksmiths & Horseshoers Satisfaction Guaranteed SAVE YOUR TEETH And save money by letting us fix your decayed or aching teeth. Try our Painless Scientific methods at very reasonable prices. All work guaran teed. Newton Painless Dentists, Pendleton, Oreg. Cor. Main & Webb Sts., entrance on Webb. Phone 12. W- R. Proctor, Athena Oregon CONTRACTOR & BUILDER Work of aft kind): solicited. Satisfac tion guaranteed. Prices right. Phone 12 flU 1 "Ctf'the-Tray" I M the lunch service I recently inaugurated H I UNION I 1 PACIFIC I I SYSTEM I that is proving immensely M A new reason why you should insist that your B tickets nod Union , 1 . Pacific System. M . Coffee Me WB Wm Sandwiches . . . . loc Pi MO 3JH H Doughnut .... JC Hard Boiled Egg . . Sc Special Meat or Fowl Sandwlche (In aaaaoa) m jig -r ' f... '. AS "OtMH-Tiar" fxxlJ an PS afaaatt aiaa aaality aiatrta la Uaioa Pacifc tyataa alalac fell U can. .Walter, aaaa tafaaga SBBj H an BM toariat can at ncaltiatt jt M wiUUialbcdaaticaaUaricca. jfp Yai taja; Ikla naun. K-. Bj Was. McMurray I Qeoaral Faamgir Agaot Portland jj? LUMBER IS NOT HIGH Recent reliable statistics show that now is the right time to build. If you have been laboring under the impression that lumber is high, we invite you to carefully studv the following table: PERCENTAGE OF INCREASE SINCE 1914 Copper Metals (26 grades) Wheat Beans Gasoline Corn Hogs Oats Lumber Labor .114$ .50$ 74$ -67$ 22$ .15 to 18 .12 to 15$ If you are ever going to build, no better opportunity in your life will ever come than right now. Take a look at the above statistics and you will immediately begin to realize why LABOR and LUMBER make up from 8- to 9-10 of the total cost of your building. Both are at a comparative ly low level. Lumber right now is BELOW NORMAL. Do'nt be fooled into believing that lumber is etiher "Scarce or High. It is nietherl It never could be bought to better advantage than right now. Our guaranteed material saving plans are prepared by expert archi tects. We can fit your Ideal building to your pocketbook. The Tum-A-Lum method does it I The present LOW LEVEL cannot be maintained long. Exports are practically shut off now, but as soon as the war ends, billions of feet will be demanded by every warring nation at once. The cost of building will naturally GO UP in the U. S. and will probably reach a HIGH point for years, while the reconstruction in Europe is taking place. Don't wait for the high point I Build now while it is possible to build cheaply, even if you have to sell when the high point comes, This is the year to build, and the earlier in the year you buy, the more you will save. Thousands of buyers have lost money by not buying in January or February. Get in while the prices are still low. TlTM-A-LTJM LUMBER COMPANY Don't say lumbsr say "Turn-A-Lumber" IIIHtllllllllltlHlMllltlllllllll.HIIHItlHIi; BURKE a SON GARAGE (IIIHIilli!lillllMIIIII SilSii-SSZSSJlllflSISi I FORD Authorized Sales and Service THD POLICY OF THE FORD MOTOR COMPANY HAS BEEN CHANGED. HERETOFORE THEY RE QUIRED AGENTS TO STOCK CARS FOR FUTURE DELIVERY, BUT THEY NOW REFUSE SHIPMENTS UNTIL AGENTS HAVE TURNED IN BUYER'S ORDER AND AGREEMENT TO COVER SHIPMENT. WE HAVE SOLD THE STOCK OF CARS AND YOU SHOULD SIGN NOW TO INSURE EARLY DELIVERY. SIGN FOR YOURS TODAY. GAS. OIL AND AUTOMOBILE ACCESSOR IES, RACINE TIRES AND TUBES. CORNER MAIN AND SECOND STS., ATHENA, ORE. niiiium ai ii 1 1 imm il it mi ii ii n in it ntm THE PARKER BARBER SHOP A. J. Parker, Proprietor Shaving, Haircutting, Massaging, Shampooing. Bath Rooms In Connection, St. Nichols Hotel Block - Athena, Oreg. HOFFMAN & PROCTOR Agents for the Overland Cars jQZotxry Club M aftaaaanfar ff Best Low Price Car Made Prices from $626 to $1950 f. o. b. Toledo. Ohio PHONE 12