2001 100 Baths Near Both Depots Absolutely Fireproof Hotel Hoyt Comer Sixth and Hoyt St.., Portland, Ore LOU HIMES, Manager. RATES: 76c to $2. SPECIAL Week or Month Oil ny ,l s,UUVUlAfl aim j, i - J HOTEL in tbe NORTH WEST t 3 Eric V. Haiuer, President. tSSO te. .1 75 h Rooms ilSS! Sample i LSI. (Ml Jlaili Rooms, Anolher of America's Eiceplioul Hotebi; We Are Buyers of Veal, Hogs, Hides, Poultry, Eggs, Etc. Your shipments to us will bring; to you prompt returns and best possible prices. WRITE FOR SHIPPING TAGS. VALLEY PRODUCE COMPANY, 116 Front St, Portland. Oregon p, 1 Veal, Pork, Beef, SHlK Poultry, Butter, Egg and Farm Produce to the Old Reliable Everting house with a record of 46 yearn of Squaro Pcalinfrw, and be assured of TOP MARKET PRICES. F. M. CRONKHITE 45-47 Front Street Portland, Oregon HIDES, PELTS. CA8CARA BARK, WOOL AND MOHAIR. We wul ill you have. Write lor prices anil shipping tags THE H. F. NORTON CO. Portland. Ore.; Seattle, Wo. 10,000 LBS. HENS WANTED 19c per pound Ktiarante.il. No commission. Checks by return mnil. The Savlnar Co., 100 Front St.. Portland, Ore. Cap. $10,0(10. Mar. 087. "C. B." MINERS & CO. UNIVERSAL REPAIR and MACHINE SHOP . AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING AND REBUILDING. N. E. Can. FIFTH AND QUSAN Ifl. PORTLAND, OREGON LEARN A TRADE. Goa Tractor and Auto mobile men are in demand. VVV are giving a com plete course in both for the price of one tuition, for a abort time only. Largo class now graduat ing and have room for few more men. Catalog and details free. Henpeill'i Tride School, 201b & Hawthofoe Portland, Oregon. WE WRECK. AUTOMOBILES For their good parts. Parts at half prico. We can duplicate muHl any ttart. W; have wrecked over 100 dilteront makeH of cars of recent date. If In need of any write to Auto Wrecking Co., 9 North Jiroailway, Portland. Oregon. FRED P. GORIN, Pateot Altorney. Organizer am) Developer. Patents necured or Fee Itefunued. l RflUS, Toy X-Kay Plate; shows every bone in your body right through your clothing. Suites 701, Vol A, 70114, 701C. Central bldg., Seattle STUDY luukueeiir.fr. shorthand, tolntmiidiy. BaleiimuriHhip, Kngllnh hranchoH, at un accredited chool; write, or phone Main 690 for catalogue; graduates rusrantaed position, lichnko-Walker pqMnn Uoiiege, ,t7 4th street, near Morrison, Portland, Dragon. O FORD CARS Every Ford Cor should carry one ex tra tire It save changing on the road. THE TWIN RIM fits both front and rear wheel. Applied in C min utes. Saves time, clothes, temper und rellgiun. Price $6. Sent parcel post prepaid, upon re ceipt of price. OREGON VULCAN II I NO CO., "The Tire Shop." 333-S.J6 Hurnuide Bt., Portland, Oregon tO Granulated Eyelids, Jl W fTT I-. yes inrlumed by expo sure to Sun, Dust and Wind quickly relieved by Murine Eye Remedy. No Smarting, just Eye Comfort. At Your Druggist's 50c per liottlc. Murine Eye SalveinTubea25c. ForBeokellheEyeFreeasIc Druggists or Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chisago Eye9 Her Idea. "Mrs. Jinks must he determined to get on socially by leaps and bounds." "What makes you think bo?" "She gives so many hops." Haiti moro American. Good health cannot ho maintained where there is a constipated habit. l.arHeh) Tea ovorcomcH cunHtipation, Tottle'a Example. "What is a conjunction?" the teach er asked. "That's what joins together," an swered a bright eyed little girl. "Glvo ail example, Tottlo." "The marriage service." Unappreciated. "Why aro you in prison, my good man?" asked the sympathetic viBitor. "1 wanted to do a deeil of klndnesa, mum, but do law didn't see it dat way." "No?" "I win told dat a cer tain millionaire's money will a burden to him, an' I tried to lighten hiB bur den." "Why did you strike this man?" asked the judge sternly. "He called me a liar, your honor," replied the lionised. "Is thut true?" asked the judge, turning to tho man with the niussed up lace. "Sure it's true," Bald the accuser. "I culled him u liar because he in one, and I can prove It." "What huvo you got to say to that?" asked the judge of the defendant. "U'b got nothing to do with tho case, your honor," was the unexpected reply. "Even If I am a liar, I guess I've got a right to be sensitive about It, ain't 1?" Topeka State Journal. Allcock r&ai. PLASTERS l V WIN 11 A I ho The World't Greatest External Remedy. Backache, Rheumatism, Lumbago, -Any Local Pain. Will reduce Inflamed, Strained, Swollen Tendons, Ligament, or Muscles. Stopsthelamenesaand pain from a Splint, Side Bone or Bone Spavin. No blister, no hair gone and horse can be used. $2 a bottle at druggists or delivered. De scribe vour case for special instruc tions and interesting horse Book 2 M Free. ABS0RBINE, JR., the antiseptic Imiment lor mankind, reduces Strained, Torn Liga ments, Swollen Planus, veins or Muscles; Heals Cuts, vires, ulcers. Allays pain, rues at. 00 a Dottiest dsswrier aeiirSfSS. Boole E.lilenee" free. W. F. YOUNG, P.O.F., 403 Temple St., Springfield, Mass QorQ Q Every Niqht For Constipation Headdche.Indigestion.ctc RRANDRETH Safe and Sure nnrvrrm SAGE TEA DANDY TO DARKEN til It's Grandmother's Recipe to Bring Back Color and Lustre to Hair. When you see your fowls picking the feathers from their mates, It's an Indication that they want animal food of some kind. When fowls begin the practice of "feather-pulling" they become almost worthless. See that they are provided with meat before they get .the habit. It's not how much you feed, but the kind and the manner you feed it. If you have a hopper, you can feed enough to last the fowls several days. If you feed In litter, make sure that the litter Is deep enough that the fowls will have to work long and hard to obtain it, then you will get eggs. It's the loafing fowls that Introduce evil habits, such as cgg-eatlng, feather-pulling and such things.' Make them work for a living and you will escape such evils. Hens Which are not nrnnerlv fori . , j . nnu do not huve pure air to breathe, surrer rrora the cold more than those which are well red and kept In well ventilated houses. An uncomfortable hen Is not a good layer; therefore, make the nnultrv house comfortable and cheerful, If you want to get the best results from the food you feed. Although geese und ducks are water fowls and often will swim In the cold est wnter, they must have the floor of their house well bedded with dry material or they will not be healthy. You can turn gray, faded hair beau- tlfnlly dark and lustrous almost over night if you'll get a 60-cent Dottle or "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Com pound" at any drug store. Millions of bottles of this old famous Sage Tea Recipe. Improved by the addition of other Ingredients, are sold annually, says a well-known druggist here, be cauBe it darkens tbe hair so naturally and evenly that no one can tell It bus been applied. Those whose hair is turning gray or becoming faded have a surprise awaiting them, because after one or two applications the gray hair van ishes and your locks become luxuriant Iy dark and beautiful. This Is the age of youth. Gray- haired, unattractive folks aren't want ed around, so get busy with Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound to-night and you 11 bo delighted with your dark handsome hair and your youthful ap pearance within a few days. This preparation is a toilet requisite and is not Intended for the cure, mltl gatlon or prevention of disease. Never Again. A recruiting sergeant stationed in the south of Ireland met Pat and asked him to Join tho army. The lat ter refused, whereupon the sergeant asked his reason for refusing. Ami I tho king and the kaiser cousins?" asked Pat. Yes," said the recruiting sergeant. Well," Bald Pat, "begorra, I once interfered in a family squabble, and I'm not going to do so again." House Building in Bermuda Simple and Cheap Process. When a native of Bermuda decides that he wants to build a house he goes to some quarry where the soft, rich, creamy coral sandstone has been stripped of Its thm earth covering, and begins sawing, He, or someone em ployed by him, with n long, coarse toothed suw, cuts out blocks of stone measuring about two feet long, one foot wide nnd six inches thick. As soon as he has quarried enough of these blocks he allows them to stand In tho open air for a few weeks to harden, for when first cut they are as full of holes as a Swiss cheese and almost as soft, Joseph Laren writes In St. Nicholas. The hardening period over, the blocks are placed one on top of another to form the walls, nnd one beside another on a support lug framework, overlapping a little at their upper and lower edges to make the roof. When the building has been erected the Iterntudinn covers his outside walls und roof with n thick coat of white wash, which hides all the cracks and joints nnd holes in the stone nnd gives the house a smooth, beautiful finish, which Is very pleasant to the eye, and just as pleasant to the sense of touch. Even the big chimneys, the porches anil the fences are built of the same stone. Tho white roofs hnve another Iro portnnt office, for the rnln that falls upon them, as It runs off, Is cnught nnd led Into cisterns. It Is easy to under stand how important this is when one earns that lliere are no streams or wells In Bermuda, and that the island ers are thus entirely dependent on those cisterns for their water supply, Logical Conclusion. "He is not out of the woods yet." "That Is why they think they can tree him." Baltimore American. Safe. A few days ago a well-dressed and vory charming young lady hailed a four wheeler, there being no taxi In sight. Just as she was getting In she noticed that tho horse seemed In- dined to ho frisky. He was jumping about and swish ing his tail in a way that alarmed her; she was a timid little thing. QO she aililressed a few words to the undent Jehu; "I hope," she said, smiling bravely, "you will not run away with me." I ho cabby sighed mournfully. "No, mum," he replied, "I havo a Wife nnd seven kids at 'ome already!" The Unwltten Law, Hewitt When I was In Kentucky I was arrested for violation of the liquor law. Jewott How was that? Howctt I declined to take a drink. Exchange. A Jingo. "Father," said tho small boy, "what Is a Jingo?" "A Jingo, my son, Is a man who shoots orf his mouth, but uovcr learna to fire a gun." Washington Star. Award! GRAND PRIZE at the P.P.t.E JJB'k I'YISISMSItt 11 jPjljL US.MJSMU CSt (.lOOKfORWrSUBfl 85the SUlt-EVTRVmitRE a new suit fREEifthev rip - BEWARE Of IMITATIONS If your dulcf unaot Hiiiply you, we will trad ihtm, rharsc pi paid, on receipt oipner, 85c radi. Levi Strauss A Co.. Sun Francisco PAINS SHARP AND STABBING Woman Thought She Would Die. Cured by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. P. N. U. No. 13, 1817. Ogdcnshurjr, Wis. "1 sulTeroil from female troubles which caused piercing pains like a knito through my back nnd side. I finally lost nil my strength 0 1 had to go to bed. The doctor advised an oper ation but I would not listen to it. I thought of what I had road about Lydia r.. I inMiam s vege table Compound and tried it. Tho first bottle broucbt great relief and six bottles have entirely cured me. All women who have female trouble of any kind Bhould try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegctaolo Compound." Mrs. ETTA Di'ltlON, Ogtlensburg, Wis. Physicians undoubtedly did their best, battle,! with this caje steadily and could do no more, but often the most scientific treatment is surpassed by the medicinal proierties of the good old fashioned roots and herbs contained in Lydia B. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. If any complication exists It pays to write the Lydia EL, Pinkhatn Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass., for special free advice. The Road o' Dreams. Out on tho edge of the work-a-day sphere, Far out from the course of time. Where, tho silvered light of the moon shines clear, The vesper call-bells chime. Always, It seems. Luring with schemes, You to the road o' dreams. And wild and free are thoughts that arise In breasts of pilgrims there And hold is the message Hashed from ths skies: "A wreath for thoso who dare." Only what seems Sheds golden Rleams tint on the road o' dreams. A poor, poor place Is the work-a-day land; Few of Its HWeets are real Compared to Joys thnt are evor at hand When the day dreams o'er you steal. What Is what seems With reality teems, There in the road o' dreams. And so we are prone our faith to renew Dally at eventide, Knowing our souls will he soaring to view Joys our flesh Is denied. Kver It gleams Faith In what seems Out In the road o' dreams. Pittsburgh Tost. New Things Under the Sun. An experimental plant that obtains power froth the ebb and flow of tho North sea tides has been built at Ham burg. Two sets of revolving rings Instead of one feature a new double egg bent er of twice the ordinary capacity. Harness to surround baby's legs and body nnd hold It securely In a choir has been patented by a woman Inventor. Driven by a storage battery, nn elect lie tractor with but one wheel bus been invented tot hauling heavily loaded wagons. Street letter boxes Invented by a Hungarian can be opened only when I postman's bag Is fastened beneath them to receive their content. Driven by a gasoline englue, n Tn coina Inventor's machine gathers the chaff, straw and broken heads ofigrnln left behind after threshing. Though the chair that belong with a new school tlesk Is attached to It. It can be adjusted for height ami dis tance to suit any Individual user. An English inventor has perfected n stove thut can be used as tin open grate or a range, a water boiler being operated with It in either form. Plates hnve been invented that can be chained to automobile wheels to give thetu purchase In sand or mud. The principle of the minimum wage bus been adopted by the labor iuulsni of Vera Cruz, Mexico. i M IF KIDNEYS ACT BAD TAKE SALTS Says Backache is sign you have been eating too much meat. When you wake up with backache and dull misery in the kidney region it generally means you have been eat ing too much meat, says a well-known authority. Meat forms uric acid which overworks the kidneys in their effort to filter it from the blood and they become sort of paralyzed and loggy. When your kidneys get slug gish and clog you must relieve them, like you relieve your bowels; remov ing all the body's urinous waste, else you have backache, sick headache, dizzy spells; your stomach sours, tongue Is coated, and when the wea ther Is bad you have rheumatic twinges. The urine is cloudy, full of sediment, channels often get sore, wa ter scalds and you are obliged to seek relief two or three times during the night. Either consult a good, reliable phy sician at once or get from your phar macist about four ounces of Jad Salts; take a tablespoonful in a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts Is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, com bined with lithla, and has been used for generations to clean and stimulate sluggish kidneys, also to neutralize acids in the urine so it no longer irri tates, thus ending bladder weakness. Jad Salts is a life saver for regular meat eaters. It Is inexpensive, can not injure and makes a delightful, ef fervescent ltthia-water drink. A Complexion That Everyone Admires! Don't envy a good complexion, have one. Each time you cleanse your face with Resinol Soap you give It a "beau ty treatment" with the soothing, heal ing Resinol medication. If aided, in severe cases, by a little Resinol Oint ment, this usually leaves the com plexion naturally clear, fresh and free from pimples, redness, roughness and blotches. Resinol Soap for the sham poo keeps the hair live, rich, and free from dandruff. Garfield Tea, taken regularly, will correct both liver and kidney disorders. The Strange Part. Hardup You see this half dollar? "Yes. Why? Is there anything ex traordinary about it?" Hardup Rather! It's mine! Exchange. Was All There. Abe Did you get the opera score? Pandora Yeah; they were tied in the last minute or the play. Uharral. Those Dear Girls. Alice Jack told me last night that I was beautiful. Marie And yet you say he lacks imagination. Boston Transcript. Put Him Out! Put Him Out! The lady lecturer had got her sec ond wind. She was going strong. "Yes," she cried, waving her arms, women have been Wronged for ages. They have suffered In a thousand ways. She paused to let this momentous statement sink in. "There's one way which they have never suffered," breathed a meek lit tle man. The lady lecturer fixed him with a baleful eye. "And what way Is that?" she hissed. "They have never suffered in si lence." Exchange. GIVE "SYRUP OF FIGS" TO CONSTIPATED CHILD Delicious "Fruit Laxative" can't harm tender little Stomach, liver and bowels. Look at the tongue, mother! If coated, 5 r little one's stomach, liver and bowels need cleansing, at once. When peevish, cross, listless, doesn t sleep, cat or act naturally, or is fever ish, stomach sour, breath bad; has sore throat, diarrhoea, full of cold, give a teaspoonful of "California Syrup of Figs," and In a few hours all the foul, constipated waste, undl gested food and sour bile gently moves out of Its little bowels without grip ing, and you have a well, playful child again. Ask your druggist for a 60 cent bottle of . "California Syrup of Figs," which contains f ill directions for babies, chlldr n of all ages and for grown-ups. THICK, GLOSSY HAIR FREE FROM DANDRUFF Glrlsl Try Itl Hair gets a ft, fluffy and beautiful Get a 25 cent bottle of Danderlne. If you care for heavy hair that glis tens with beauty and is radiant with life; has an incomparable softness and Is fluffy and lustrous, try Danderlne. Just one application doubles the beauty f your hair, besides i imme diately dissolves every particle of dandruff. You can not have nice heavy, healthy hair If vou have dan druff. This destructive scurf robs the hair of its lustre, its strength and Its very life, and if not overcome it pro duces a feverlshness and ltihlng of the scalp; the hair roots famish, loos en and die; then tbe hair falls out fast Surely get a 25-cent bottle of Knowl ton's Danderlne from -ny drug store and Just try it FOR ITCHING, BURNING SKINS Bathe With Cutlcura Soap and Apply the Ointment Trial Free. For eczemas, rashes, ltchings, Irri tations, pimples, dandruff, sore bands and baby humors, Cutlcura Soap and Ointment are supremely effective. Be sides they tend to prevent these dis tressing conditions, If used lor every day toilet and nursery preparations. Free sample each by man witn Book. Address postcard, Cutlcura, Dept. L, Boston. Sold everywhere. Adv. I With the Fingers! ! Says Corns Lift Out Without Any Pain You reckless men and women who are pestered with corns and who have at least once a week Invited an awful death from lockjaw or blood poison are now told by a Cincinnati authority to use a drug called freezone, which the moment a few drops are applied to any corn or callous the soreness Is relieved and soon the entire corn or callous, root and all, lifts off with the fingers. Freezone dries the moment it is ap plied, and simply shrivels the corn or callous without Inflaming or even Ir ritating the surrounding tissue or skin. A small bottle of freezone will cost very little at any of the drug stores, but will positively rid one's feet of every hard or soft corn or hardened callous. If your druggist hasn't any freezone he can get it at any wholesale drug house for you. Stormy Debate. Chief of Mcintosh Clan (Indignant ly to cabby, after a dispute over the lare) How dare you speak to me like that? Do you know I'm the Mc, Intosh? Cabby You look to me more like the umbrella. Ideas. It May Be. "The ancients had many patron deities." "Um." . "Mercury was the patron of mer chants, I understand. "And Nemesis of bill collectors, I spose. Kansas City Journal. Political Influence. Down in Tennessee two natives met after several months and fell into in timate conversation. "Sam, what's youah daughter Mandy doin'?" asked the friend from Coon Hollow. "Teachin' school and doln' fine." "I thought she didn't git no certifl cate?' "She didn't at fust, but when she done took huh examination the third time I done brung a little political in fluence to bear." "What kinder political influence?' "Well, I'm local tax assessor, an' the school bod lives In my district, Exchange. THE NEWEST REflEDY FOB Backache, Rheumatism and Dropsy. Get the Habit of Drinking Hot Water Before Breakfast Bays we can't look or feel right with the system full of poisons. Millions of folks bathe Internally now instead of loading their system with drugs. "What's an inside bath?" you say. Well. It is guaranteed to per form miracles if you could believe these hot water enthusiasts. There are vast number of men and women who, immediately upon arising in the morning, drink a glass of real hot water with a teaspoonful of lime stone phosphate In it. This is a very excellent health measure. It Is in tended to flush the stomach, liver, kid neys and the thirty feet of Intestines of the previous day's waste, sour bile and indigestible material left over in the body which if not eliminated every day, become food for the millions of bacteria which infest the bowels, the quick result Is poisons and toxins which are then absorbed Into the blood causing headache, bilious attacks, foul breath, bad taste, colds, stomach trou ble, kidney mlsory, sleeplessness, Im pure blood and all Borts of aliments. People who feel good one day and badly the next, but who simply can not get feeling right are urged to obtain a quarter pound of limestone phosphate at the drug store. This will cost very little blit Is sufficient to make anyone a real crank on the subject, of internal sanitation. Just as soap and hot water act on the skin, cleansing, sweetening and freshening, so limestone phosphate and hot water act on the stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels. It Is vastly more Important to bathe on the Inside than on the outside, because tbe skin pores do not absorb impurities Into the blood, while the bowel pores do. Kidney, Bladder and Uric Acid troubles bring misery to many. When tho kidneys aro weak or diseased, these natural filters A, .. 1. .,... ),.. M.,.l onSlolanOn .,,,.1 the poisons aro carried to all parts oi tho body. There follow depression, aches and pains, heaviness, drowsiness. Irrita bility, headaches, chilliness and rheu matism. In some people there are sharp Eains In the back and loins, distressing ladder disorders and sometimes obstin ate dropsy. Tho uric acid sometimes forms into gravel or kidney stones. When the uric acid affects tho muscles and joints, it causes iumbago, rheumatism, gout or sciatica. This is the time to try Anurlc." During digestion uric acid Is absorbed Into tho system from meat oaten, and even from somo vegetables. Tho poor kidneys got tired and backache begins. This is a good time to tako "Anurlc," the now discovery of Dr. Plerco for Kid ney trouble and Backache. Neglected kidney trouble Is responsible for many deaths, and Insurance Company examin ing doctors always test tho water of an applicant beforo a policy will be Issued. Have you ever set aside a bottle of water for twonty-four hours'? A heavy sedi ment or settling sometimes indicates kid ney trouble Tho truo naturo and char acter of dlsoases, especially thoso of tho kidneys and urinary organs, can often be determined by a careful chemical an alysis and microscopical examination tins Is done by expert chemists of tho Medical Staff of the Invalids' Hotel. If you wish to know your condition send a sample of your water to Doctor Plcrco'a Invalids' Hotel, BulTalo, N. Y., and de scribe your symptoms. It will bo ex amined without uny expense to you, and Doctor Plorco or his Stall of Assisting Physicians will Inform you truthfully. W. L. DOUGLAS "THE SHOE THAT HOLDS ITS SHAPE" $3 $3.50 $4 $4.50 $5 $6 $7 & $8 AgViN Save Money by Wearing W. L. Douglas shoes. For sale by over 9000 shoe dealers. The Best Known Shoes in the World. W. L. Douglas name and the retail price is stamped on the bot tom of all shoes at the -factory. The value is guaranteed and the wearer protected against high prices for inferior shoes. The retail prices are the same everywhere. They cost no more in San Francisco than they do in New York. They are always worth the price paid for them. Tphe quality of W. L. Douglas product is guaranteed fcy mote P than 40 years' experience in making fine shoes. The smart styles are the leaders in the Fashion Centres of America. They are made in a well-equipped factory at Brockton, Mass.. by the highest paid, skilled shoemakers, under the direction and supervision of experienced men, all working with an honest determination to make the best shoes for the price that money can buy. Ask vour Bhne dealer for "W. T,. Done-las shoei. If ho can. not supply yon with the kind you want, take no other iii.ttti'. write ior in uret .slintN.it' tho hlrl by return mall, postage free. LOOK FOR W. L. Douglas v name and the retail price stamped on the bottom. Write for Intereatiiifr booklet explalnine how to t Kl.timaru 01 quality for the price) Boys' Shoes Best In the World $3.00 $2.50 & $2.00 President u W. L. Doug-lits Shoe Co.,, 18ft Spartt St ., Brockton, mass. Willie Willis Ma, what do they mean by "measured tread?" Mamma Willis For example, your father's tread when he came home last night measured about two quarts. Life. Pure Blood is essential to Goodlllealth. Garfield Tea diBpels impurities,' cleanses the system and eradicates disease. Native No doubt in case of war we shall throw In our lot with Britaim and France, and the alliance will be of fensive. Hyphenlte It will be to me.- Indeterminable. "When do you think the war will end?" asked one inventor. "There's no saying," replied the other. "We have the submarine; now we're getting the submarine de stroyer, and then we'll want the con trivance to destroy the destroyer, and so on until the calculation runs away off into the higher mathematics." Exchange. The Toiler. "Does a farmer have to work hard." "Yep. But not so hard as the aver age person who has to buy what us farmers raise." Washington Star. Life's Speedway. With Sybil's hand upon the wheel. I lounge, secure in her protection; No fear of spills or Jolts I feel She drives an auto to perfection. Ah, Sybil, lass, I long adore, I view it not with satisfaction That you can drive so nicely, for You drive a lover to distraction! Jester. scons EMULSION OF NORWEGIAN GOD LIVER OIL usually stops a stubborn cough or chest cold when ordinary specifics fail. It helps strengthen the lungs and throat adds energy to the blood and gives the system the force to help resist disease. use scon s Refuse Substitutes Scott & Bowne, Bloomfietd, N. J. 16-8 Correct. Poet (rejected and dejected) I'll be thought better of when I am dead and gone. Editor That's so; you' won't be writing any more then. g SOUR, ACID STOMACHS, GASES OR INDIGESTION Each "Pape'a Diapepsln" Digest 3000 grains food, ending all stomach misery in five minutes. Time it! In fi - minutes all stom ach distress will go. No Indigestion, heartburn, sourness or belching of gas, acid, or eructations of undigested food, no dizziness, bloating, foul breath or headache. Pape's Diapepsln is noted for its speed in regulating upset stomachs. It is tbe surest, quickest stomach rem edy in the whole world and besides it Is harmless. Put an end to stomach trouble forever by getting a large fifty-cent case of Pape's Diapepsln from any drug store. You realize in five minutes how needless it Is to suf fer from indigestion, dyspepsia or any stomach disorder. It's tbe quickest, surest and most harmless stomach doctor in the world. Used An Umbrella. Doctor Well, how did your wife manage the shower bath, deacon? Deacon She had real good luck. Mme. Moody told her how she man aged. She had a large oiled silk cap. with a cape to it like a fisherman's that came all over her shoulders and head. Doctor She's a fool for her pains. That's not the way. Deacon So my wife thought. Doctor Your wife did nothing of the sort, I hope. Deacon Oh, no; she used an um brllly. Exchange. Private Doolan, after serving three weeks in the army, was brought be fore his officer for some petty offense. Therefore, he sent this touching epistle to his mother: . "Dear mother, I am now a defaul ter." His grief was too great to write more, so be got a comrade to post it for him and set himself down to "do his punishment in silence. Five days later he got this: "My dear son, I'm so glad to hear of your promotion. Be sure and be kind to the men under you, and never forget you were a private once your self." Exchange. "Anuric" cures, Backache, Lumbago, Rheumatism. Send 10c. Dr. V. M. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y., for large trial package. KNOW THYSELF I Read all about yourself, your system, physiology, anatomy, hygiene, simple homo cures, etc., in tho "Common Sense filed ieal Adviser," a book oi lUi pages. Scud to Dr. V. M. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.. three dimes or thirty cents In oue-cent stamps for a cloth-bound copy. . 10 CENT "CA8CARET8" IF BILIOUS OR COSTIVE For Sick Headache, Sour Stomach, Sluggish Liver and Bowels They work while you sleep. Furred Tongue, Bad Taste, Indiges tion, Sallow Skin and Miserable Head aches come from a torpid liver and clogged bowels, which cause your stomach to become tilled with undi gested food, which sours and ferments like garbage in a swill barrel. That's the first step to untold misery indi gestion, foul gases, bad breath, yellow skin, mental fears, everything that Is horrible and nauseating. A Cascaret tonight will give your constipated bowels a thorough cleansing and straighten you out by morning. They work while you sleep a 10-cent box from your druggist will keep you feel ing good for monthi. A Little Stick of WRIGLEYS Makes the Whole World Kin! This famous chewing gum aids appetite and di gestion, quenches thirst, keeps the teeth dean and breath sweet Fresh, clean, wholesome and delicious always. No wonder WRIGLEYS is used around the world, when ever and wherever people want lasting refreshment. ON SALE EVERYWHERE The Flavor Lasts After every meal" MWsjtrmsiNjoictp SHCfjP HIBBCa in Musntui MOXDaiVfR. IW SIBWOM ret 731