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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1917)
WHEN at SEATTLE 1 THE FJRYE HOTEL OP- SEATTLE'S LARGEST Only three blocks from Depots and Docks, poaita 3tr Hall Park and Caort Una ROE FINEST DOLLAR BOOM IN Wttii detached baUi. 1 person, tl.W JUO 2 persons. ILJO U.M With Bthmte bath. 1 person, tXM &M UM 1 persons, $3.M $UH fJ "When In Seattle Try The Frye" ELECTRIC MOTORS Bought, Sold, Rented and Repaired WALKER ELECTRIC WORKS Barnaide, cor. 10th. Portland. Ore. "RUPTURE IT'S CAUSE AND CURE" is the title of a booklet. We will mail you one free. Address Dept. C. A. LUNDBERG CO., 1107 Third Ave., Seattle. LARGEST and FINEST J HOTEL in the NORTHWEST Eric V. Hauser, President. j550 75 j Rooms JraWBl Sample 61-00 Rooms jUay-Upffiasew $2 Up .(.Another of America's Exceptional Hotels New Houston Hotel SIXTH AND EVERETT STS. Four Blocks from Union Station. Under new management. All rooms newly decorated. SPECIAL RATES BY WEEK OR MONTH Rates 50c, 75c $1. $1.50 Per Day. C. J. STEEPLE, Stock & Bond Broker, 102 First Ave. South, Seattle, Wash. All active stocks, listed and unlisted, handled an commission. Buying and selling orders promptly executed. t. I WILL BUY Alaska Petroleum & Coal Htock. Write, giving number of shares and lowest cash price. I WILL SELL Western Smelting & Power, 60c Mount Rainier Mining Co., 16c. The Western Smelter plant is now completed operations will start the coming summer. Mount Rainier Mining Co. has been installing machinery and getting ready for active operations this Bum mer. You cannot, in my judgment, make a mis take in buying these stocks to the limit of your capacity. 1 Relieve them 10 Dt good lor inviaenas this vear. Correspondence solicited. Write me about any stocks you may hold. If they have a market value 1 can sell them. Of HO Vea, Pork Beef' SHlr Poultry, Butter, Etfgs " and Farm Produce to the Old Reliable Everding house with a record of 45 years of Square Dealings, and be assured of TOP MARKET PRICES. F. M. CRONKHITE 45-47 Front Street Portland, Oregon AIR UNITS OUTLINED Uncle Sam Decides on Equip ment for Each Squadron. HIDES, PELTS, CASCARA BARK, WOOL AND MOHAIR. We want ill you have. Write for prices and shipping tags THE H. F. NORTON CO. Portland. Ore.; Seattle, Wn. O Oregon Vulcanizing Company moved to 333 to 337 Burmside St., Port land, Ore. Largest Tire Repair Plant in the Northwest. Country service a specialty. Use Parcel Post. FRED P. GORIN, Patent Attorney, Organizer and Developer; patents secured or FEE REFUNDED; free book on patents. Suites 701, 701-A, 701-B and 701-C, Central building:, Seattle. O Maf. Oranalaled Eyelids, flevC Eytn inflamed by expo- quickly relieved by Mirloe r VIR!4 EysRemeiy. No Smarting. ju,t Eye Comfort. At Vnr rtnureirt't 50c per Bottle. Murine Eyt VSSSmm iM ft smti Ce-CWcaw Vast Amount of Supplies Needed to Keep Twelve Airplanes in Active Operation in Field. Uncle Sam's military experts have completed the first standardized schedule of equipment for airplane units ever adopted by the United States army. By adoption of the schedule airplane units will be as com pletely standardized as are regiments, battalions and companies of Infantry, which has never been done before. Each airplane squadron will have the following equipment: Twelve airplanes. Twenty-three motortrucks, Including a tank truck for fuel. One seven-passenger automobile. Seven motorcycles. Twelve rortnble canvas hangars. Two portable machine shops with stock material and equipment. Ten spare airmotors. Full assortment of spare parts for airplanes, motortrucks, automobiles, and motorcycles. Fuel and oil sufficient to last six months. Full photographic, signal and other equipment. Twelve machine guns and ammuni tion. Twelve rifles and ammunition. Twelve shotguns and ammunition. Twelve re7olvers and ammunition. The mechanical equipment of each squadron, exclusive of the ordnance and quartermaster's supplies, will cost approximately $405,000. The statistics were compiled after observations were made of a squadron In actual practice on n war footing on the Mexican border. While the list furnishes an outline of the equipment necessary for an aero base for each squadron, it is intended that the personnel for the operation of this base shall not be drawn from the squadron. It Is intended that the skilled mechanics shall be provided through the mobilization from commer cial factories In time of war of a re serve of men highly trained In the par ticular branches required. On the basis of the regular army list, National Guard air units must be equipped. Before a state airplane com pany or squadron can be accepted as a part of the federalized National Guard it must be able to produce for Inspec tion the full equipment specified, and the expense of assembling and caring for the material is so great that It is regarded as unlikely that many states will desire to develop this particular branch of the military service, al though congress has provided for 12 alr squadrons, one to operate with each of the 12 National Guard divi sions. . Plans are being perfected by the war department by which National Guardsmen who wish to enter the avi ation service will be educated by the government When a sufficient num ber of members of the Guard in any locality have complied with the neces sary preliminaries and passed the pre scribed examination, an airplane com pany of squadron equipment will be supplied, complete In every detail, by the federal i ivernment, which will also bear the expense of maintenance. The unit will then be regarded as a reserve of the regular army subject to the call of the president only. The tactical organization of the aerial service, as at present projected, makes '.he airplane company, the mate- lai and personnel for the operation of one airplane, the unit. Twelve of these companies form a squadron; three squadrons seventy-two companies and airplanes form a brigade. Use Grandma's Sage Tea and Sulphur Recipe and Nobody will Know. Shameful. Hostess Doesn't it seem a shame, Mr. Jones, that this poor little lamb Bhonld have to die for us? Mr. Jones Ah. yes, indeed. It is rather tough Ideas. Physician You shouldn't attend so many picture shows, iney are a oe vara atraln on the eves. Mrs. Dasher But think how restful they are to the mind. Puck. "Why don't you determine on a line of conduct?' "I did, but all the lines I could call on were busy." Baltimore American That Accounts For It. "I see where a Chicago university nrnfusnnr aftva vou can taste music "Well, speaking of the rag, my wife Is always chewing it. norma nuien Union. His Resiliency. Magistrate If, as you claim, your mr won irninz ar a verv low rate, hard ly moving, in fact how was it that this man you struck was knocked two blocks ahead? Mntnriat The onlv way I can et plain, your Honor, is that the man is in the rubber business Baltimore American. READY CUT GARAGES 914 Ford Special 10x16 Ready Cut '" 10x18 -Ready Cut - 0. 10x20 Heady Cut , '" Lumber, BhinKles ana naraware wiuy,, Hvered to any part of the city. i. . fnuxici III !MP.rR CO. B'dway 149. Fifth and Flanders. Portland. Or. By buying direct from as at wholesale! prices and save the plumber's profits. Write us to day your needs. We will give you our rock bottom "direct-to-you" prices, t o. b. rail or boat We actually save yon from 10 to 35 per cent All Roods guaranteed. Northwest headquarters for Leader Water Systems and Fuller & Johnson Engines. STARK-DAVIS CO. 212 Third Street Portland. Oregon African Natives Crying for More Wrist Watches The use of Sage and Sulphur for re storing faded, gray hair to its natural color dates back to grandmother's time. She used it to keep her hair beautifully dark, glossy and attractive. Whenever her hair took on that dull, faded or streaked appearance, this simple mixture was applied with won derful effect. But brewing at home Is mussy and out-of-date. Nowadays, by asking at any drug store for a 50 cent bottle of "Wyeths Sage and Sulphur Com pound," you will get this famous old preparation, improved by the addition of other ingredients, which can be de pended upon to restore natural color and beauty to the hair. A well-known downtown druggist says it darkens the hair so naturally and evenly that nobody can tell it has been applied. You simply dampen a sponge or soft brush with it and draw this through your hair, taking one strand at a time. By morning the gray hair disappears, and after an other application or two, it becomes beautifully dark and glossy. Wyeth s Sage and Sulphur Com pound is a delightful toilet requisite for those who desire a more youthful appearance. It is not intended for the cure, mitigation or prevention of dis ease. Its Endurance. 'Does your wife always insist on having the last word?" Yes, and it lasts all right, too. Baltimore American. AS IMPORTANT LETTER FROM A WOMAN And Overdue Notes. The train was late, even later than is usual on a Boston & Maine leased line, and as they crawled through one station a weary traveler was heard to exclaim ; 'What a villianous station this is! They try to irritate one on purpose. Look at those girls in the refreshment room! Why do they dress them all in black?" "Don't you know?" said a fellow passenger, in a most solemn tone of voice, and with a look of awe on his face. "No," replied the curious and fret ful traveler. "Why," said the other, "because they are in mourning for the late trains." Philadelphia Ledger. A postal card to Garfield Tea Co.Brooklyn, N. Y., asking for sample will repay you. Now Sister Stays Home. The alleged young woman was out rowing with a possible suitor and had taken her little sister, who was ex hibiting much fear at the waves. "Why, Martha, if you are so nervous now, what will you he at my age "Thirty-nine, I suppose," meekly re plied the little sister. San Francisco Chronicle. Unangelic Appearance. "You used to say that girl was an angel." "Yes. And I'm sorry I said it. She got interested in flying and, after see ing her in her aviation costume, must say she doesn't look the part' Washington Star. GUARDS INDIAN FUN Woman Gares for Surplus lions of the Red Men. As Result of Her Vigilance, Uncle Sam Has Made Record of Never Losing Penny for His Wards. Too Much Zigzagging. "Didn't you know that if you struck this pedestrian he would be seriously injured?" "Yes sir," replied the chauffeur. "Then why didn't you zigzag your car and miss him?" "He was zigzagging himself, your honor." Birmingham Age-Herald. Constipation can be cured without drugs. Nature's own remedy- selected herbs is Garfield Tea. There Is nothing that will bring com fort and renewed hope to the Invalid so surely as good news. When the vital forces are at a low ebb aud every thing seems useless, a ray of joy and assurance will stimulate the weary body to new effort and energy. A let ter from a loved one has turned the tide in many a siego o slckuess. Dr. Pierce, o the Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y., has good news for every suf fering woman. Write him today and tell him your troubles, and he will send you jtjst-the right advice to restore you to health nnd bring back the roses to your checks, and without charge. His " Favorite Prescription " has been the rescue of thousands of suffering women. Many grateful patients have taken Dr. Pierce's advice. Mothers, if your daughters arc weak, lack ambition, are troubled with head aches, lassitude and are pale and sickly, Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip tion Is just what they need to surely bring the bloom of health to their cheeks and make them strong and healthy, For all diseases peculiar to woman, Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is a powerful restorative. During the last 40 years It has banished from the lives of teas of thousands of women the pain worry, misery and distress caused by irregularities and diseases of a femi nine character. If you are a sufferer, if your daugh ter, mother, sister need help, get Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription in liquid or tablet lorm from any medicine, dealer to-day. 130 page book on wom an's diseases sent free. The modern improvement in pills Doctor Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. They help Nature instead of lighting with her. Sick and nervous headache, bili ousness, costiveness, and all derange ments of the liver, stomach and bowels are prevented, relieved and cured. With Restrictions. "I say, officer, can one speed on this driveway? "Sure, sor, but ye can't race unleBs ye go at a walk." Baltimore Ameri can. There is great suffering In British East Africa and Uganda, wherever that is, as a result of a scarcity of wrist watches. Ac- cording to Uncle Sam's consul at Mombasa, the natives are crying J Tor wrtst'watches nnd the Indian traders who minister to their wants can't get enough to supply I the demand. The natives insist that the J watches be bright and shining with leL'her bands nnd holders. J The traders, Uncle Sam's repre- seutatlve reports, are very -deslr- J 1 ous of establishing connections ! with American manufacturers of 0 1 wrist watches as the war has cut J them off from their usual e ' sources of supply. National Forests' Water Power. in the fiscal year 1910, says Henry S. Graves, chief of the rorest service, id his annual report, 20 new water power projects which utilize national forest land began operation. This was on In crease of 18 per cent In the total number. In the fiscal year 1915 the number of new projects which begnn operation was 12. Forty-two per cent of the total developed water power of the United States utilize national for est land, the forest service figures show. C. E., 16 I can tell how much water runs o?er Niagara Falls to a quart. Queen Well, how much? C. E., 16 Two pints Texas Long-horn. MOTHERHOOD WOMAN'S JOY Suggestions to Childless Women. Among the virtues of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is the ability to correct sterility in the cases of many women. This fact is well established as evidenced by the following letter and hundreds of others we have published in these colums. Poplar Bluff, Mo. "I want other women to know what a blessing Lydia m. iiiiviiwii o i Ra table Compound has been to me. We had always wanted a baby in our home but I Was in poor health and not able to do my work. My mother and hus band both urged me totrvLvdiaE.Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound. I did bo. my health im proved and I am now the mother of a fine baby girl and do all my own house work. "-Mrs. Allia B. Timmons, 216 Almond St., Poplar Bluff, Mo. ihmany other homes, once childless, there are now children because of the fact that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound makes women normal, healthy and strong Write to the Lydia E. Pinkham Medi cine Co., Lynn, Mass., for advice it will be confidential and helpful. Got the Best of It. Agnes I hear that you and your fiance had a fight. How did it come out? Edith (flashing her solitaire) You will notice that I am still in the ring. Boston Transcript. Serious. "She's only flirting with him." "It's more seriouB than that I saw her looking up his rating." Boston Transcript. O, Fudge. "How came you to shoot my cow?' "She went moo." "Well?" "So I thought she was a moose." Louisville Courier-Journal. The Phunny Physician. A physician is a man who tells you you need change and then takes all .you have. Boston Transcript. Bow many guardians can congratu late themselves upon the fact that they have never lost a penny for a ward during a period of half a dozen years? Uncle Sam, however, can say tills for himself when It comes to the guardianship over the money of his Indian wards. This is somewhat not able In Itself, but It Is still more so when It Is realized that a woman looks after the surplus cash of the Indians and sees that It Is safely banked and that the highest possible rate of Inter est is secured. There are thousands of Indian bank depositors In the United States, and (heir cash holdings amount to over $10,000,000. Their tribal holdings In banks amount to $4,000,000 more, mak ing a total of $22,000,000 on deposit. It Is the duty of Miss Edith A. Fries of the bureau of Indian affairs at Wash ington to see that the money Is placed to the best possible advantage of Its owners, and also to make sure that II Is fully protected. Miss Fries takes no chances, or the government record could hardly stand flawless as It does today, with not a loss of a single dollar to be accounted for. Every chance of loss Is elimi nated by the thorough manner In which she goes about her work of safe guarding the money In her care. In the flrst plnce, no banks are per mitted to scrv; as depositaries of In dian funds except such as are able to give evidence of stability nnd safe management; in the second, no dollars enter their coffers until they are cov ered, dollar for dollar, by bonds, which secure their safety. It has happened In a few Instances that a bank, after serving acceptably for several yenrs, has suffered reverses and closed Its doors, but In every case the full amount due the Indians was collected from the sureties on the bonds. To keep the funds in her charge In tills condition of happy security, Miss Fries has to give a full day's work six days of every week to tier task. She has become well acquainted with national bank operations and with the laws of the state banking departments of every section In which Indians hold residence. She has learned the ca pacity of the leading banks In those sections nnd also the highest rate of Interest each can pay, and she mnkes It her business to procure for t lie Indians the highest possible price for their money consistent with safety. The government, be It known, does not permit the Indians to handle the moneys which accrue to them in one way and another unless they have de veloped to n condition of self-helpfulness, nnd shown entire competency to manage their own affairs. The money derived by them from the sale of lands granted by the government or through (he development of resources on their allotments Is not paid to them outright, but Is given to the Indian field super intendents, who handle the funds for the Indians In their agencies. When a superintendent accumulates a large trust sum, as ho frequently does, he Invites the stnte and national banks In the vicinity of the agency to submit bids as to interest rntes. These rates are sent to the Indian office, and It Is the work of Miss Flies to consider them nnd to select a bank or banks li. which to place the funds. Many banks regard Indian moneys ns desirable de posits, and us a result good Interest rates are quoted. It Is not unusual to receive 4 per cent on check accounts. On time deposits the rate often reaches 5 per cent and occasionally 0. A Balance Due Him. Mother Well, for mercy sake! Here you are at that jam again! Didn't I whip you for that an hour ago? Tommy Yes, ma; but I heard you tell Aunt Jane you thought you'd whipped me too hard, so I thought I'd make it even. Boston Transcript You Can fiet Allen V .'oot.Ease TRtE. Write AUen8. Olmsted, Le lioy.N. Y.,forn free sample of Allen's Foot-iOase. it cures sweiuing, hot swollen, Bofatag'ieat, It makes new or tight sluies easy. A certain cure lot Dotns.lhgrewlnnalla aii'l bunion. AHdrug lUts tslllt -Etc. bon'l aceeut any substitute, Him I don't know how to tell you how I love you. Her Don t worry about that. I'll take it as it comes. What you want to get nervous about is how to tell papa about it Pitts burgh Post. Sensitive Throats need careful treatment from within more than they need bundling wraps during changing seasons. The pure cod liver oil in scorn EMULSION is helping thousands to strengthen the tender linings of their throats, while at the same time it aids the lungs and improves the quality of the blood. Throat Specialists endorse SCOm EMULSION-Try It Scott & Bowne, Bloomfield, N. J. 16-11 For light, wholesome cakes, biscuits and pastry, use K C BAKING POWDER Always safe and reliable. If it isn 't all we claim your grocer will refund your money. JAQUES MFG. CO., CHICAGO kc 'Jfr' r 1 "I hear that Booth Chamberton writes no less than 20 novels a year." "He must be what you might call a literary celerity." Boston Transcript. Extreme Enthusiasm. that Mrs. Smith is to corporal punish- "I understand stoutly opposed ment." "So much so that she will not even let her cook whip an egg." Baltimore American. Lost "Where have you been all the even ing?" demanded his wife as the last dance ended. "I couldn't find you." "That is easily explained," he re plied. "You looked so beautiful that I was lost in admiration." Louisville Courier-Journal. "The Browns are celebrating their silver wedding next Saturday. "Their silver wedding? Why, they have been married only five years." "I know, but that's five times as long as anybody expected them to stay married, so they feel they are entitled to a discount. New York World. Hard to Rob Uncle 8am. The recent arrest of a government clerk charged with stealing $000 In unsigned National bank notes brought out the fact that only four times be fore In history has anyone succeeded in robbing the United States treasury. P. N, U. NO. 4, 1917 Valuable Reading. Read papers and magazines thai deal with your work, and then read Just as many as you can that deal with other men's work. In that way only can you get a broad knowledge of what the world is doing. Must Be Properly Cultivated. Time, when well husbanded, is I te a cultivated field, of which a few acre produce more of whnt Is useful to life than extensive provinces, even of the richest soil, when overrun with weeds and brambles. David Hume. Plumage. The turkey loves to strut and pose, But cooks disdain his feathery pride. A fifty-dollar suit of clothes Does not improve the man Inside. Washington Star. Contrary Experience. "It Is much easier," said the scien tist, "to -support a weight than it is to lift it." "I haven't found it so," returned Hobbs, "I can lift my wife quite eas ily." Boston Transcript. What Can a Poor Girl Do? Nell Oh, dear! I'm In such a quandary. Belle What is it? Nell Jack promised to stop drink ing if I marry him, and Tom threat ens to begin if I don't Boston Transcript. Banish Worry and Live Longer, Says Urole Sam The public health servlc which has been gathered statis tics on nervous diseases and tholr tendency to shorten life, has Issued a bulletin ugalnst worrying. "So far as Is known," says the bulletin, "no bird ever tried to build mere nests than Its neigh bor; no fox ever fretted because be had only one hole In which to hide; no squirrel ever died of anxiety lest lie should not lay by enough nuts for two winters Instead of for one; and no dog ever lost any sleep over the fact that ho did not have enough bones laid aside for ills declin- years. m A has three members you should know if yon desire to enjoy life. 1. The popular liquid form of Peruna the reliable tomoof the American household, with a long history of success In treating all catarrhal difficulties. 2. The tablet form, which is made after the same formulary and is more convenient for many. 3. Mansiin. the ideal laxative, by the regular use or which conatlinttion may M overcome ana natural action restored. ManaUn has nn habit forming drug, but Is an aid to nature. Your druggist has all three. So many thousands have received beocfit from tho use of one or both these remedies that they are a recognized part of tho equipment of every careful household. THE PERUNA COMPANY CekimW, Ohio Knew Her Limitations. The young girl was visiting her girl friend for the first time after her mar riage. "And does your husband give you all the money you want?" she asked. "Why, no, dear. There isn't that much money." Christian Intelligencer. High Cost. "You call that machine of yours a flivver?" "Yes," returned Mr. Chugglns; "and with gasoline liable to rise In price at any time, my hardest problem Is tho high cost of flivving." Washington Star. Resemblance. are like wedding guests The "Bananas in one respect." "What is that?" "They are always ready to throw the slipper when tho paring comes oft." Washington Star. Resting In Mexico. "Wo've got all kinds of mineral lamia in Mexico so rich you can see the metal in tho dirt. But we've got to wait for settled conditions." "You are sort of resting on your ores, eh?" Judge. Game. "When you're whipped," said Mr. Dolan, "you ought to say you've had enough." "If I'vo strength left to say I've had enough," replied Mr. Rafferty, "I'm not whipped yet." Exchange. Prophecies Unfulfilled. "What has become of tho man who said I would win in a walk?" "He's telling his trouble to the man who said it was going to be a land slide." Washington Star. Willie and "It." Willie Pa Is going to let you marry sister. Mr. Spoonor How do you know? Willie Ho said after all it was bet ter than nothing. Boston Transcript "Tho actor you see yonder prides himself on never being familiar." "I daresay; not even with his lines." Kxchango. nm MANY s Distinctive REASONS Why you should try Hostet ter's Stomach Bitters WHEN THE APPETITE IS POOR WHEN THE DIGESTION IS WEAK WHEN THE LIVER IS LAZY BUT, the all important one is, that it helps Nature in restoring normal con ditions. Insist on HOSTETTER'S Stomach Bitters No Danger. Fond FatherMy Bon is taking al gebra under you this term, is he not? High School Teacher He has been exposed to algebra, but I doubt if he will take it Life. Constipation, indigestion, sick-headache and bilious conditions are overcome by a course of Garfield Tea. Drink on retiring. self Explained. The Man Jobbs says he Is made man. The Girl Do you know, I often wondered why he bagged so at the knees. Baltimore American. To keep clean and healthy take Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. They regu late liver, bowels and stomach. Clothing Output Large. Approximately half a billion dollars' worth of men's and boys' clothing is manufactured In tho United States every year. Uncle Sam's census statis tics on the Industry, just made pub lic, show the total vnlue of the output In 1014 was $408,210,080. There were 4,810 establishments engaged In (be In dustry, during that year, giving employ ment to 200,800 persons. To Open Big Coal Field. Uncle Ham's geologists estimate that there are 10,000,000,000 tons of lignite coal In the Nenana leld of Alaska which will be opened up by the govern ment .railroad now under construction from Seward to Fairbanks. Allcoek PLASTE Sk World's Greatest 'External Rtmtdy. Rheumatism,, Lame Back, Any Local Pain Intltt on having ss Man's Handicap. How old Is a man when life becomes a burden? When a woman loses her shape and digestion, she can find con solation In the claim that' she Is about the best thing In the world, but a man can't do It From E. V. Howe's Monthly. 'Dearest," he murmured, "I'll try and be worthy of you, although I know I am not fit to tie your shoe. This was perfectly true. His waist meas ure was 09 inches. Judge. "Whar you git dem hens, Kastus?" "liaised 'em." "Frum whar eggs or coops?" Bos ton Transcript. tho Strenuous Effort. 'That fellow has never mado least effort to support himself." 'Oh, yes, he has. To my certain knowledge ho's proposed to every girl with money he could meet. Sau Francisco Chronicle. M CAUSE OF "Your dog bit a policeman. What have you to say?" "Your honor, I feel sure the dog didn't know he waB a policeman." Louisville Courier-Journal. Drive away eczema with Resinol Keainol Ointment and lUlbtol K-iap easily heal eciem and BKWt nther eruption nut due to t rious Internal dinordcra. Suld lyall druKglita. Tiiko Suits to flush Kidneys Buck hurts or liladdcr bothers. Evil Always There. There is evil in every human heart, which may remain . latent perhaps, through the whole of life; but circum stances may arouse It to activity. Hawthorne. If you must have your meat every day, eat it, but flush your kidneys with Baits occasionally, says a noted authority who tells us that meat forms uric acid which almost paralyzes the kidneys in their efforts to expel It from tho blood. They become slug gish and weaken, then you suffer with a dull misery In tho kidney region, sharp pains In the back or sick head ache, dizziness, your stomach sours, tongue is coated and when the weath er is bad you have rheumatic twinges. The urine gets cloudy, full of sedi ment, tho channels often get sor- -id irritated, obliging you to seek re,i:f two or three times during the night. To neutralize theso Irritating acids,, to cleanso the kidneys and flush off the body's urinous waste get four ounces of Jad Salts from any phar macy here; take a tablcspoonful In a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts is made Mrom the acid of grapes and lemon Juice, combined with llthla, and has been used (Or generations to flush and stimulate sluggish kidneys, also to neutralize the acids in urine, so It no longer Irritates, thus ending bladder weakness. Jad Salts is Inexpensive; cannot in jure, and makes a delightful efferves cent llthla water drink. BLACK LEG LOSSES SORELY PREVENTED by CUTTER'S BLACKLC8 PILLS id. mm? pralfidbf net tern jjjjjjj" proifiot whnre vaccines fall. - WrlledirUorTlrlaiKlh'stfmonl' 10-doMokg.BlicMtf Pills, 1 50-daie pkf . BJacklti Pills, $ llseanvlrilc. to! . 1 mt fVtftr' - Th wueriorttr "f CuttM prodw tt is doe t" over IS yeanol MKUUlng VAn inm AM. 11 RIM! ONLV. I - i .1 UN CUTi'lXK'i. Ii uuutUlfirtble, Thi Cutter Laboratory, Baraalay, California mm I Stroll ML II TUMORS, GOITERS AlilMTidirdtlM, Rhoi; bleu. Skin Din Bte. Cancer. Bowel Trou- ChrofiJc inseaiwa of every tlcHcription nnd kind curod In the shortest time pOsMlDM t the l'uit coet, I have etired (hoij-iinih. '.I .".i!- in ili lax i U'ti yt urs without ouerationH by tbfl vw ut K Allium, X-Huy, Klectric Current, l.i'liM. Houl. llak.- Ovomt, Adjuftt mentH, HanipuUtlona, Mawaga nnd Baths. Call and aeo the wonderful ollico equipment. Consul tatiun fra Write. DR. W. E. MALLORY 600 to 604 Broadway Bldg. Portland, Oregon QorQQ Every Niqht For Constipation Hedddche,InrJiestion,etc RANDRETH Safe and Sure H iiiiiriirrrrWl I