The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, February 09, 1917, Image 3

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THE r mim.?.
Only three blocks from Depots' and Docks. Op
posite Cltj Ball Park and Court Boon.
Wltk sVsteebed beti. 1 panon, OM tlM
7 8 persons $LM $2.00
With Prirate bath. 1 person, Em tut UM
iperaona. 3.M s.sf tut
"When In Seattle Try The Frye"
New Houston Hotel
Four Blocks from Union Station. Under new
management. Alt rooms newly decorated.
Rates 50c 75c $1. $1.50 Per Day.
Stock & Bond Broker,
102 First Ave. South. Seattle, Waih.
All active stockB, listed and unlisted, handled
on commission. Buying and selling orders
promptly executed.
I am recommending the purchase of Alaska Pe
troleum & Coal, Wetttern Smelting and Power,
Thomas-Culrosa Mining. Mount Rainier Mining,
Josevig-Kennecott Copper, American Telegra-
phone & American Marconi;
Above stocks should be bought now for invest'
merit and market profit. There's a reason.
Kennecott has paid dividends so far this year
$11,142,072. Josevig-Kennecott has equally great
possibilities. Kennecott is now selling around
$50.00, Josevig-Kennecott at $1.00. The oppor
tunitys yours, seize it.
Dr. Elof T. Hedluni Dr. Seymour S. Skiff,
Dr. J. Howard Miller, Dr. L Bogan.
Nothing contributes more to life than a good set
of teeth. A cast Aluminum Plate or a Porcelain
and Gold Bridge will laat you a lifetime. Let us
examine your mouth and tell you in advance what
It will cost. The work will be guaranteed and the
charges will be reasonable.
Telephone, Marshall 98. A 3363.
Open Evenings.
455-459 Morgan Building, Fourth" Floor.
Washington at Broadway,
By correspondence in your own home.
Write today for information.
308 Liberty Building. Seattle, Wash.
Colds and How to Avoid
Of Kansas State Agricultural College.
A cold Is a germ disease and Its
development is favored by undue ex
posure to cold, by fatigue, by Improper
sleep, and by overeating. One should
keep away from tbe germs by avoiding,
direct contact with persons who are
suffering with tills disease and those
who are careless about coughing and
sneezing without using their handkerchiefs.
One must live hyglenlcally in order
to keep the body in good condition.
Hygienic living means proper food.
clothing, exercise, rest, plenty of fresh
air, and good habits generally. When
one Is fatigued or worried, or when
prolonged chilling or Indigestion dis
turbs the system the vitality is lowered
and the way is made easy for the de
velopment of the germ. Clothing
should be neither too warm nor too
cool. Too much clothing Induces ex
cessive perspiration, which eventually
will cause chilling of the body.
It is advisable to harden oneself
to cold, but care must be observed not
to overdo the matter. Because a little
hardening will do good It does not nec
essarily follow that more will do bet
ter. The temperature of the living
room should never be kept so low as
to chill the occupants. Special atten
tion should be given to keep the air In
this room moist, as the drying of the
mucous linings of the air passages
causes them to crack and allow germs
to enter.
A cold may be contracted In spite
of these preventive measures. Then
the body must be given a chance to
cure itself. This necessitates even
more careful living. Drugs can only
remove conditions standing In the way
of nature's cure. They are all right if
prescribed by a physician, but no drug
Is known to be un absolute cure for u
Colds should never be neglected
"Only a cold" too often expresses the
attitude. Colds pave the way for pneu
raonia and other serious diseases.
Look Young! Bring Back Its
Natural Color, Gloss and
Common garden sage brewed into a
heavy tea with sulphur added, will
turn gray, streaked and faded nair
beautifully dark and luxuriant. Just
a few applications will prove a revela
tion if your hair is fading, streaked or
gray. Mixing the Sage Tea and Sul
phur recipe at home, though, is trou
blesome. An easier way Is to get a 50
cent bottle of Wyeth'a Sage and Sul
phur Compound at any drug Btore all
ready for use. This is the old time
recipe Improved by the addition or
other ingredients. ,
While wispy, gray, faded hair Is not
sinful, we all desire to retain our
youthful appearance and attractive
ness. By darkening your hair with
Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound,
no one can tell, because it does it so
naturally, so evenly. You just dampen
a sponge or soft brush with It and
draw this through your hair, taking
one mall strand at a time; by morn
ing all gray hairs have disappeared,
and, after another application or two,
your hair becomes beautifully dark,
glossy, soft and luxuriant.
This preparation is a delightful toil
et requisite and is not Intended for
the cure, mitigation or prevention of
No Cause For Worry.
Mrs. De Style Oh, doctor, you must
do something to get me on my feet.
This is Ay "at home'' day.
Doctor Don't worry, madam. You'll
be at home, all right. Boston Transcript.
Our Opportunity.
"Opportlunity knocks at every
man's door."
"Too often however, It is the oppor
tunity to open a peanut stand, where
as we would rather start a band."
Louisville Courier-Journal.
Bought, Sold, Rented and Repaired
Burnsidc, cor. 10th. Portland, Ore.
Oregon Vulcanizing Company
moved to 353 to 337 BurnBide St., Port
land, Ore. Largest Tire Repair Plant
in the Northwest. Country service a
specialty. Use Parcel Post.
Nt wan! ill you have. Write for prices anil shipping tags
THE H. F. NORTON CO. Portland, Ore.; Seattle, Wn.
Better Directions Wanted.
Officer (as company is temporarily
about to vacate trench which has" been
reported mined) You two will remain
here, and If there is any explosion you
will blow a whistle. You understand?
Private Spuds Yes, sorr! win we
blow it going up or coming down, sorr?
Tour of Duty.
"Now, Tommy, I'm going out, and I
want you to stop and mind the house
just as father would if he w.ere
Tommy Oh, bother! Does- that
mean I've got to kiss nurse? London
Playing Croesus.
Hub (Just starting for office) By
the way, was there any of that boiled
squash left over from dinner last
Wife Yes, dear. Why?
Hub I want to put a little on my
moustache to make my business asso
ciates think we can afford eggs.
Queen-Nathalie of Serbia,
Missing Since War Began,
Found Working in Hospital
The mystery of the whereabouts oi
ex-Queen Nathalie of Serbia, who dis
appeared at the outbreak of the war,
was cleared up when she was discov
ered working as a common serving
woman in a big hospital in Bordeaux.
While Investigating the medical serv
ice of Bordeaux, Jean de Bonnefon, a
well-known Catholic Journalist, who
used, to attend the court ceremonies in
Belgrade during the reign of the last
Obreuovltch, found the queen sweep
ing the hospital floors.
When the war began the queen,
whose history Is the most tragic court
story known to Europe, placed her pal
ace at Biarritz in the hands of a
friend, princess Ghika, and ordered
It converted Into a "military hospital.
"As for me," she added, "I am go
ing to efface myself. The times are
so tragic that those who were once
rulers of men must aid them in all
On the same evening Queen Nath
alie, unattended, entrained for an un
known destination, and her suite had
not heard a word of her since. In the
hospital where De Bonnefon found her
she volunteered her services under the
name of Nathalie Keehoko, her maiden
name, and for the last two years has
performed the meanest and most ex
haustlng duties.
"When I last saw her at the Bel
grade court," writes De Bonnefon,
"King Milan's widow wore a blazing
diadem and looked a haughty and
queenly beauty. She was attired in a
purple velvet cloak lined with ermine.
Now she wore brown Holland overalls
instead of the purple cloak."
The wounded soldiers are totally Ig
norant of her identity. They speak
gratefully of her "saintly goodness"
and her untiring snorts to aiu tnem.
At the queen's urgent request the ex
act location of the hospital Is kept se
cret, as she Intends working Incognito
until the end of the war.
Veal, Pork, Beef,
Poultry, (utter, Eggs
and Farm Produce
to the Old Reliable Everding house with a
record of 45 years of Square Dealings, and
be assured of TOP MARKET PRICES.
45-47 Front Street Portland, Oregon
Bronchitis or Tonsiliiis
The irritatingtickling cough
affects the lung tissue and
wears down nature's power to
resist disease germs.
EMULSION the cold, allavs the in
flammation, steadily removes ine
irritation and rebuilds the resistive
power to prevent lung trouble.
SCOTTS has done more
for bronchial troubles than
any other one medicine.
It contains no alcohol.
Scott & Bowne, Bloorufieid. N.J. 16-10
first aid for
skin trot
Sold by all druggists.
Forest Ranges Are Heavy
Stock Producer,
That the Natlonal Forest ranges In
Northern Washington are among the
greatest beef and mutton producers
of any open range land in the country,
is Indicated by reports from the Oka
nogan National Forest concerning the
weights of sheep and cattle shipped
from these ranges this year, recently
received by District Forester George
H. Cecil, Portland Ore.
Shipments of lambs direct from
these ranges averaged 92 Vi to 95
pounds at the stockyards, while one
shipment of Roan Shorthorn-Hereford
steers averaged 1366 pounds each
with the shrinkage off. The average
on the Okanogan Forest for top beef
this season will exceed 1300 pounds.
The stock growers and the Forest
Service cooperate through twelve lo
cal stock growers' associations in the
Okanogan country. The various prob
lems of the stock business are thresh
ed out at the association meetings, so
that each member may profit from the
experience of others.
It is expected that in the near fu
ture only high grade bulls will be per
mitted on these ranges. Already a
number of the associations have
bought such bulls, which are run on
the range, each member paying a ser
vice fee prorated according to the
number of cows he turns out on the
If you are
Gall Kane.
Movie actress who has big personal
following among patrons of the silent
Automobile windshields absolute
ly clear and transparent despite' severest frost,
snow, rain or fog; excellent for store windows,
eye glasses, etc. Full size can for 25c. Dealers
and Jobbers, write, Tilco Co., St. LouIb, U. S. A.
FRED P. GORIN, Patent Attorney,
Organizer and Developer; patents secured or FEE
Krlr UNljr.D; free book on patents, suites via,
701-A, 701-B and 701-C. Central building. Seattle.
C Granulated Eyelids,
gnrij Eyes inflamed by expo-
ure to tan. Dost and Win!
2uickly relieved by Marina
ye lead j. No Smarting,
tint Eve Comfort. At
Your Druggist's 50c per Bottle. Marls EjJ
Salvem l ubes Lie. rornuuirei.jii
Druggists or Murine Eye Remedy Co., Ckicagi
"Did you pay that freak election
"Yes; I ate a gallon of molasses
with a toothpick."
"Weren't you annoyed?"
"Not much. The other man bought
the molasses, and even though I lost
the bet, I beat the high cost of living
a little." Washington Star.
When Home Beckons to Pa.
If pa Is carrying the baby he is
ready to go home. He tells his wife
she can get the balance of the things
tomorrow Fort Worth Star Tele
Getting Hia Measure.
"Is Blleelns oulck at repartee?"
"No," replied Miss Cayenne; "he is
merelv one of these people who say
disagreeable things and rely on your
politeness to avoid an angry demon
stration. " Washington oiar.
When He Believed.
That one of the professors at
Princeton has had his domestic trials
was recently evidenced when a young
wnmnn nf rather serious turn endea
vored to Involve him in a theological
"Professor," she asked, "do you or
do you not believe in infant damna-
"I believe In it," said the professor,
"only at night." New York Times.
Is the title of a booklet. W:rillU!joo w
freo. Addr.M Dept. C.
1107 Third Ave., Seattle.
Do Your Own Plumbing I
Br buying direct from ua at wholesale prices
and save the plumber's profits. Write us to
day your needs. We will giro you our rock
bottom "direct-to-you" prices, f. o. b. rrdl or
boat. We actually save you from 10 to 6 per
cent. All goods guaranteed.
Northwest headquarters for Leader Water
Systems and Fuller ft Johnson Engines.
212 Tlsrd Street, PortlaaJ. Oreroa
Mo Choice.
Mother (to Johnnie, who had been
forbidden to walk on the flower bed)
Johnnie, didn't I tell you the other
day that when you felt like walking
on the flower bed to say, "Get thee
behind me, Satan?"
Johnnie Yes, mother, and I did say
that and he got right behind me and
shoved me in. Life.
A Little Bit of Everything.
Fifty thousand combinations are pos
sible with a new combination padlock.
An entirely new and apparently rich
oil field has been discovered In Burinn.
By nn electrlcnl refining process a
plant in Norway Is producing 0,000 tons
of zinc annually.
Switzerland, In proportion to Its pop
ulation, spends more on poor relief
than does any other country.
The Chilean government has post
poned conversion of Its paper currency
lo gold until January, 1019.
According to a German scientist, a
particle or water evapoiuteu irom me
ocean is condensed und returns In leu
duvs, but it remains there 3,460 yeurs
before being evaporated again.
There are no distilleries, breweries
or public houses in Persia, and the only
Intoxicating beverage used Is home
made nine.
A clip has been Invented for holding
n snoon on the edge of a cooking u'en
sll or medicine glass.
New York state consumes 370,550.00(1
feet of lumber annually In Ihirklnt
packing boxes and crutes.
A bed that folds lnt a' wall and l
hidden by a pair of doors Is the Idm
of a Colorado Inventor.
One I'nrls motion picture plain pro
(luces an ivernge of 3.0(10.000 feel ui
films weekly.
The temperature of a new rlcettl.
fiatiron can he regulated to four dlfTci
ent degrees.
Oxygen and alcohol vapor are belli)
used to stimulate the be-.irt by fSngCxI
The first electric lamps ever made In
Argentina were recently turned tan at
a new plunr.
The white pine Mister which Is dam
aging the forests lias been traced lo
the current und goosebery hushes. Con
sequently the state of New York bat
ordered the destruction of the berry
bushes as one of the steps toward the
eradication of the plague.
Isn't Bllggins remarkably method
'Yes; he's as punctual about getting
to work In the morning as he Is about
getting away to golf In the afternoon
Utterly Useless Information.
The eyes of a potato do not require
A derrick is no service In lifting a
The incandescent Is not a good gar
den bulb for fall setting.
Shooting stars do not require a con
stant supply of ammunition.
We do not believe that a second
hand tooth brush store would really
Trousers may be prevented from
bagging at the knees by not sitting
We are told that centipedes do not
have to wipe their feet before enter
ing their homes.
In eating a bowl of soup always be
gin at the top and eat downward.
never the reverse. Boston Transcript.
P. N. U.
NO. 2, 1917 I
Italy Is enforcing a series of regu
lations governing the width of wheel
rijo allowed on highways.
The World's Greatest
External Remedy.
Coughs and Colds
(on client nnu anotner
between shoulder blades)
Weak Chests,
-Any Local
Insist OR
no more necessary
than Smullpox. Army
experience bis demonstrated
the almost miraculous effi
cacy, and harmlessness, or Antityphoid VacclnaUon.
Be vaccinated NOW by your physician, you and
your family. It Is more vital than house Insurance.
Ask your physician, druggist, or send for Have
you had Typhoid?" telling of Typhoid Vaccine,
results from ua , and danger from Typhoid Carriers.
r.oDucisa vaccinss a, ukosr u. s. aov. ucsaal
Might Lose Bali, Too.
Two EngliBh soldiers caused some
amusement at a golf course the other
day. The first man teed up and made
a mighty swipe, but failed to shift the
ball. The miss was repeated no fewer
than three times.
For heaven's sake, Bill," the other
broke out, "hit the thing! You know
we have only four days' leave." Phil
adelphia Ledger.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are the
original little liver pills put up 40 years
ago. They regulate liver and bowels.
First Girl Mr. Dauber said my face
was classic. What Is classic?
Second Girl Oh, most anything
old. Boston Transcript.
Remember," says the booking
agent, "the Op'ry house at Plunkville
can book only a certain number of
WBMl their specialty something
"Not that. But the Op'ry house is
over a livery stable and any snow
liable to scare horses can't be booked."
Kansas City Journal.
Popular Music.
"Is her voice high or low?"
"It's sort of in between. One of
these mezzanine voices, you might
say." Pittsburg Post.
A Masculine Mrs. Blunderby.
Visitor Do you employ many wo
men on your farm, Mr. Hawbuck?
Uncle SI No, sir; they be too con
trarious an' onsartin. Gimme manual
labor every time Boston Transcript.
"Father, what did you do In the
great war?
"I nursed you while your mother
was selling flags.
He I could die tangoing.
She That's no reason why you
should expect me to keep a suicide
pact. Philadelphia Ledger.
Take Salts at first sign of Blad
der irritation or Backache.
f Mothers' Cook Book
It mum be soniewhcre written that the
virtue of the mothers shall occasionally
be visited on the children as well aa the
sins of their lathers Bleak. House.
Some Simple Pudding Sauces.
The best of paddings may be ruiued
by an Insipid Ill-chosen sauce. Hard
sauces are to be served on hot pud
dings. The, following are a few which
may be varied by different flavors.
Warm but do not melt a half cupful of
butter and mid gradually n cupful of
nnlverlied iuirnr. then fold in the
Whites of two eggs beaten stiff. Fluvor
with the juice of n lemon and two tea
spoonfuls of vanilla. Pack in a mold
and keep cool until ready to serve with
the pudding. A good hard sauce Is
made by using the same nniount or
sugar with the .white of one egg and
half the butter.
Mash it pound of maple sutnr, add a
half cupful of water and boil until It
threads, Pour this in a thin stream on
tile well-beaten whites of two eggs,
stirring und beating the mixture brisk
ly all the time. Add a half cupful of
Whipped cream just nt the Inst.
Fluffy Sauce.
Scald a cupful of milk in a double
boiler. Stir In a level tnblespoonful of
cornstarch, wet with n little milk. Cook
ten minutes, stirring often. Cream two
tablespoonfuls of butter, add one cup
ful of powdered sugar until very light.
Add a tenspoonful of vanilla and a
pinch of salt, then beat this Into the
thickened milk which lias been cooled.
Beat the white of an egg dry and whip
It Into the sauce until light and fluffy.
Fruit Sauce.
Take a cupful of sugar, a tablespoon
ful of cornstarch or two of flour, mix
well with the sugar und add a half cup
ful of boiling water, cook until smooth
nnd the starch or flour Is thoroughly
cooked, then add u cupful of any kind
of canned-fruit Juice, or If that is not
nt bund add two or three tablespoon
fuls of mild vinegar, more hot water
nnd a tnblespoonful of butter with a
grating of nutmeg nnd a pinch of salt.
This sauce Is especially nice with cot
tage pudding, a pudding mnde like a
plain cuke.
To make a most delicious sauce
which Is neither a hard or stiff one use
two tablespoonfuls of softened butter
nnd a cupful of powdered sugar and
when well creamed fold In a half cup
ful of whipped cream. Flavor to taste.
The Speed of Animals
According to the naturalists, no ani
mal Is known to have exceeded the
speed uttulncd by the fnmous race
horse Sysbonby. Instantaneous photo
graphs show the full length of one com
plete Stride as about 20 feet. In Ihe
stride of the fastest racers the hind
quarters and limbs are raised consid
erably higher than the shoulders, and
from this relatively great height
brought downward and forward, widely
separated from each oliier, as a sports
man says, "lo avoid striking the fore
legs." The ham, w hich is hunted with faal
hounds has not In reality the speed of
Ihe dog. Tlie dog, on the oilier hand
dose not attain the speed of Hie horse
The giraffe Is said lo run at the rale
of 15 meters per second under I he most
favorable conditions. The elephant
going at Ihe. rale of IWO yards tj sec
ond, carries a weight approximating
tlini Curried by six horses. i
Maldlesa Again.
Mrs. Degraw is minus a maid again.
It happened this way :
"Maggie, I think you had better wash
the windows t ay, before we put up
the new white curtains.
"I don't wn-h no windows for nobody,
mum. I don't wash my own windows
at hum, and I certainly won't wash
"But washing windows 1b Just as
much a part of housework as washing
floors, Maggie.
"I don't wash no floors, neither."
The door bell rang. Maggie stood
"Why don't you go to the door, Mag
"Go to the door yourself. You look
better than I do."
"Maggie, do as you ar told."
"Not when I ain't dressed up, mum.
And while we're talkin' frank, let me
tell you that I don't like the way this
house is managed. Not a bit!
"Then, my young woman, you trot
upstairs and pack your trunk, and get
out of here as fast as you can. I didn't
hire you to be the lady of the house."
(Exit Maggie in a great rage.)
MrB. Degraw's help wanted a ap
pears In another column. Newark
in purity first
is what you
should always
There are many
other reasons
Why but try a
can and see for
His Executor.
A couple of Kentuckians, meeting In
a feud district, according to an ex
change, one asked the other:
"Look here, Bill, what did you shoot
at me for? I ain't got no quarrel with
"You had a feud with Ben Walker,
didn't you?"
"But Ben's dead." ,
"Well, I'm his executor."
Garfield Tea was your Grandmother's
Remedy for every stomach and intes
tinal ill. This good old-fashioned herb
home remedy for constipation, stomach
ills and other derangements of the sys
tem so prevalent these days is in even
greater favor as a family medicine
than in your grandmother's day.
Spectacular Establishment.
"Why do you let your hair grow
"For the benefit of my audience,"
replied the eminent pianist. "It gives
the people who don't really care for
music something to amuse them till I
get through playing." Washington
Children," said the teacher to her
class in composition, "you should not
attempt any flights of fancy, but write
what 1b in you.
As a result of this advice, s-year-om
lllchard passed In the following com-
we shall not attempt any fiites or
fancy, hut rite just what is in us. in
me thero is my stummick, lungs, liver,
two apples, two cakes and my dinner."
It is highly important that you
pay special attention to
the stomach, liver
and bowels
to sluggishness or weakness
you should try
Stomach Bitters
The American men and women must
guard constantly against Kidney trou
ble, because we eat too much and all
our food is rich. Our blood Is filled
with uric acid which the kidneys
strive to filter out, they weaken from
overwork, become sluggish; the ellm-
inatlve tissues clog and the result is
kidney trouble, bladder weakness and
a eeneral decline In health.
When your kidneys feel like lumps
of lead; your back hurts or the urine
Is cloudy, full of sediment or you are
oblieed to seek relief two or three
times during the night; If you suffer
with sick headache or dizzy, nervous
spells, acid stomach, or you have rheu
matism when tbe weather Is bad, get
from your pharmacist about four
ounces of Jad Salts; take a table
spoonful in a glass of water before
breakfast for a tew days ana your mo
neys will then act fine. This famouB
salts is made from the acid of grapes
and lemon juice, combined with lithla,
and has been used for generations to
flush and stimulate clogged kidneys;
to neutralize the acids In the urine so
it no longer Is a source of Irritation,
thus ending bladder disorders.
Jad Salts Is Inexpensive; cannot In
jure, makes a delightful effervescent
lithia-water beverage, and belongs in
every home, because nobody can make
a mistake by having a good kidney
flushing any time.
Fashion's Fancies.
jf in
said the
"made me what I
-A Possible Excuse
"My wife," triumphantly
Hon. Bray Lowder,
Well, don't hold It against her,"
returned old Felix Fogy. "Maybe sho
couldn't do any better." Judge.
Convict I'm In here for having five
Visitor How are you enjoying your
liberty? Boston Transcript.
Big Nights There.
"Saturn has eight moonB."
"I wonder if moon songs are eight
times as numerous with them as with
us." Louisville Courier-Journal.
According to the Formula.
A tramp knocked at a kitchen door
and said: "Please, kind lady, I'm a
sick man. The doctor gimme this
medicine, but I need something to take
it with."
The lady was ready to help.
"Poor fellow!" she said, "do you
want a spoon and a glass of water?"
The tramp answered: "No, mum, I
wouldn't trouble you. But this medi
cine haster be took before meals.
Have you got a meal handy?"- i
No Booner do the women vote their
way Into the electoral college than the
men start In to abolish It again.
The Easiest Way.
She had two boys. The mother
wlBhed not only to give them a Ber
lous idea of her desire to make them
good, but also to make clear to their
minds the gravity of the task before
her. At the end of a particularly
touching adjuration five-year-old Fran
cis was suddenly overcome with the
Impossibility of ever attaining his
mother's ideal.
"Don't try to make us good, moth
er," ho Bald earnestly. "Just shoot
us." Philadelphia Ledger.
Comforting Knowledge.
Sir David Henderson, director gen
eral of military aeronautics, possesses
a vein of grim humor.
"Don t he nervous, ne once reninrn-
ed to a novice in the art of flying who
showed some trepidation while prepar
ing for his first flight. "Don't be ner
vous, man; you II come down again.
Thero Is no known instance of an aero
plane not alighting." Boston Transcript.
It Cures While You Walk.
Alloa's Foot-EMS Is R certain euro for hot,
iti'iiiIiii;,,'HlluH,iuilstvollcii,fu-lilaj(fjHt. Hold
by nil Druggist!, Prloe 2oo, pon'j rvooopt any
substitute, Trial package sfRBs. 'Address
AIlonH (ilnlhteo.J.o (toy, N
8he Knew.
First Girl I can't juBt recall what a
fueue Is. Do you know?
Second Girl Certainly! It's one of
those horrid family quarrels that
southerners carry on through genera
tions. Boston Transcript.
h r. blue anil gray Is
season's coinbliialloim,
A gray diiveaklit "Irolter" Milt h
white suede trimmings.
l-'ahrlc gloves are worn a grsftl deal
I'xci-pt for formal occasions.
The long loose slee ves .nown
aliKol sh-eves are c-ootiog in an'tun.
Volla of coarse dark tulle are heav
ily e inlirold'Teil In white or gray.
A rtwtdfr wooitiM can follow almost
sny fashion and look right In II.
Many of Ihe hest-looklng dresses
for small girls rjo fashioned on middy
If you ale so fortunate as to own a
Palatal shawl, malic It Into ah evening
w rap.
Blfj Ships of Concrete.
So successful was the barge mnde
entirely of re-enforced concrete which
N. K. i'rogner bllHI nt Chrlstlnnlu last
SlUnmar that eight others, two of 100
tons nnd six of 8.000 tons burden, are
being built In the shipyard at Moss
on the fjord at ('hrlstlanln. It takes
Ave weeks to build a 100-ton barge
and four months for one of 3,000
Every Niqht
For Constipation
Safe and Sure
Portland, Oregon. "For a long tim9
x nave been so
nervous I could
almost scream at
times, and have
mU; bad spells that I
could not get
around. My back
fained so at night
could not sleep
doctors did mo
no good. A lady
in Gearhart rec
ommended Doctor
Pierce's Favorito
Prescription to mo so I thought I
would give it a trial. I have now
used four bottles and am still using
it. It has done me much good."
Mrs. D. Shoemaker, 380 N. iotb St.
The use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite
Prescription makes women happy by
making them healthy. Then! are no
more crying spoils. "Favorite Pro
scription" cures inflammation and
female weakness. It makes weak
women strong, sick women well.
Like an open book, our faces tell
the tale of health or disease. Hollow
cheeks and sunken eyes, listless steps,
sleepless nights, tell o wasting de
bilitating disease some place in tbe
body. It may be one place or
another, the cause is generally trace
able to a common source.
Get Hie " Prescription " to-day either
In liquid or tablet form, if you want to
better your physical condition speedily.
Dr. Pierce's Pellete regulate stom
ach, liver and bowels.
Qucsttoma of Sex t Are fully and
properly answered In The People's Com
mon Sense Medical Adviser. All the
knowledge a young woman, wife or
duughcr should: have Is contained In
this big Homo Doctor Hook of 1008
pages with engravings and color plates,
and Ismail In cloth. By mail, prepaid
in rmepit of 3 dimes. Address UU3
Main Street Buffalo. N. Y.
Suffered Several
Mrs. Elizabeth Reuther, 1005 11th
St., N. W., Washington, D. C
writes: "I am pleased to endorse
Parana as a splendid medicine for
cutarrh and stomach trouble, from
which I suffered for several years. I
took it for aoveral monthi, end at
the end of that time found my health
was reitored H have felt splendidly
ever aince. I now take It when 1 con
tract a cold, and it sdon rids tbe sys
tem of any catarrhal tendencies."
for a
Those who object to liquid tnedl
cinae on now prooure Peruna Tablets.