The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, January 19, 1917, Image 3

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. " "
usually stops a stubborn
cough or chest cold when
ordinary specifics fail.
It helps strengthen the
lungs and throat adds
energy to the blood and
gives the system the force
to help resist disease.
Refuse Substitutes
Scott & Bowne, Bloomfleld, N. J. ., J 6-8
cleared away
my pimples!
Restael Ototanant, with the help of Renft
Soap, usually remove pimples and nuke the
coraplexitn clear and fresh. It is a most valu
able hooMhold remedy for aores, burns, chsf
ins, dandruff, etc Sold by all druggists. For
trial free, write to Resinol. Baltimore! Md.
Perfect Health Is
A Prescription That from Girlhood to
Old Age Has Been a Blessing
- to Womanhood.
TOiea a girl becomes
when a woman becomes a mother,
when a woman passes through the
changes of middle life, arc the three
periods of life when health and strength
are most needed to withstand the pain
and distress often caused by severe
organic disturbances.
'At these critical times women are
. best fortified by the use of Dr. Pierce's
Favorite Prescription, an old remedy
of proved worth that keeps the entire
female system perfectly regulated and
in excellent condition.
Mothers, if your daughters are weak,
lack ambition, are troubled with head-
- aches, lassitude and are pale and sick
ly, Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription
1b just-what they need to surely bring
the bloom of health to their cheeks
and make them strong and healthy. .
For all diseases peculiar to woman,
: Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is a
powerful restorative. During the last
..o Tears It has banished from the lives
oftens of thousands of women the
pain, worry, -Riisery and distress caused
i., ... irregularities -M(i. diseases of a
feminine character. . v
If you are a sufferer, it your daugh
ter, mother, sister need help get,; Sr.
Pierce's Favorite Prescription in Aji-wd
or tablet form from any mel tie
dealer today. Then address rilir
Pierce, Invalids Hotel, Buffalo; N:..,
entirely free. You can also obtain a
book on woman's diseases, sent free.
Dr. Pierce's Pellets regulate and in
vigorate stomach, liver and bowels Keep
the body dean inside as well as outside.
"There goes another married man,"
aid the girl at the candy counter.
"How do you know?" asked the
"He used to buy a three-pound box
of candy twice a week and now he
buys half a pound once a montn. '
Philadelphia Public Ledger.
- : '!- Such a Relief.
Old Soake (arriving home at 1 a.
m.) Heavensh, Mr. Burglar, how
yesh (hie) frightened me. 1 (nicj
thought yesh m'wlfe, at first Boston
Happily Disposed Of.
"Mr. Beats," the grocer said wear
flv "I nnlc vnn for the last time, will
you pay that $20 you owe me?" '
"For the last time?" Beats replied
cheerfully. "I'm glad to hear you say
that, old man. You know, I was get
ting awfully tired of hearing you ask
that foolish question!" New York
Picked a Winner.
Ethel How did you win papa's consent?
Jack I played poker with him. He
said he preferred to keep the money in
the family. Boston Transcript.
Method In Her Madness.
Father Betty, I am shocked! Your
mother tells me you are engaged to
- three young men.
Betty Oh, well, papa, they are all
football players, and when the season
is over I can marry me survivor.
Boston Transcript
bv keeping the system
strong and healthy and
1 1 1 J L.
ine diooq ncii nun h"1-
To that end TRY
Stomach Bitters
It helps Nature bring
back the appetite, aids
digestion and promotes
strength and vigor
- CIINA'5 m
iff f
I fit H fife !yu4
CHINA of today, torn by politi
cal dissension from within and
without, Is not the China of
yesterday. It is no longer a
country of small shops, rickshaws, and
coolies. Canton Is going In for mod
ern department stores and skyscrap
ers ; automobiles are displacing wheel
barrow carts and other clumsy vehicles
In Shanghai and elsewhere; the coun
try is building railroads, and fewer or
ders are going abroad for locomotives,
curs and coaches, whfch means that
China is learning to build these things,
says Monroe Woolley writing in Grit
The drngon; long slumbering! is now
thoroughly awakened. Sun Yat Sen
and Yuan Shi Kai, although enemies
politically, set an alarm clock that has
lumped China out of a lazy bed at a
single bound.-
Industry is the leading progressive
Influence of the age. It is the factor
which more than all else Is to lead the
Chinese to better things just as the
Japanese were led from the era of
paganism to full-fledged civilization In
a few decades. China will change to
the new order of things almost over
night. She will cast off the cloak of
medievalism and grab a garment of
western cut much quicker and much
more effectually than did her neigh
bor beyond the strnlt. v
In Hankow, China already has a
promising industrial capital. Hankow
might properly be termed the New
York and Brooklyn of the empire be
cause two large cities are divided by
the Yangtse Klang. But the Chinese
Insist that Hankow Is designed to be
their Pittsburgh, and the nature of the
city's business makes comparison to
our own steel center more fitting.
Hankow is a humming hive of Indus
try, and the Chinese declare It will
keep humming as long as China lasts.
That may be a long, long time, for the
ancient empire can prove an antiquity
of 8,000 years. "
Hankow's Fortunate Fire.
As in the case of Chicago, a fateful
tire has been the making of Hankow.
It was burned during the rebellion of
1011-1012. Following the Are the gov
ernment borrowed 10,000,000 pounds
sterling of British capitalists to rebuild
and improve the city. An appropria
tion of nearly .$50,000,000 should effect
a wonderful change in China's Indus
trial center, which Is already China's
most Interesting city, especially from
an economic standpoint
- Hankow may be said to be t
cities in one. Hankow and Han;
between' which is the colossal
works, are located on one side o(
river while Wuchang lies opposite,
of the projects planned with the
rowed money is a huge bridge to
the Han river, or a tunnel to rui
neath it probably both. The
divides Hanyang and Hankow
empties into the Yangtse Klang
site Wuchaiig.
Part of the funds will be used to
struct a commercial canal back of
kow proper, with the ncce
bridges. An elaborate systen
wharves is now under way, and :
tiutlons are advancing to purchas
city's electric light and water w
Making Baskets.
Little children in the Philip
make baskets, and If you have
happened to examine any of their
mnnshlp, you will see how perfect
and wonder how such tiny childrf
some of them are, could weave tin
kets so perfectly.' The little chi
in this country have begun to do
work of that sort with raffia, but
do not equal the children of the Is
in designing and making baf
These are of all shapes, and it is
that no two are alike, and yet tb
sign Is so perfect that It can be i
ured in any part The govern
agenFgathers up the baskets and
the children who make them, and
they are sold in this country.
Natural lee Factory.
Late in autumn, after producint
sets of blooms, the frost weed
comes a miniature ice factory
forms crystals of "Ice" about
cracked bark of the root In eac
tie broken rootlet there appear c
of "ice," exactly right in size foi
refrigerator of a fairy queen. Ai
no botanist has been able to dlK
owned privately. Trolley systems are
likewise to be built. Considerable
money will be put In reclamation pro
jects in and about the triumvirate of
cities to be known as Greater Hankow.
The Hankow Improvement bureau will
be dominated by the British, and the
engineer appointed to reconstruct Chi
na's Pittsburgh will quite probably
come from Europe.
It is the central government of China
which is overseeing the rebuilding of
busy Hankow. This Is fitting since the
city was destroyed by the rebels. The
revolution started in Wuchang, where
Is situated the arsenal and Iron f"'
dries. Wuchang, a city In ltsel
250,000, Is a walled city, but the
elgn concessions all He along the
In Hankow. Wuchang Is not an
port such as Is Hankow, but It
number of big Industrial instlt'
among them a woolen mill, a
mill, and an albumen factory.
Will Be Busiest Place In Ct,
Northeast of Wuchang, in the (
nngle formed by the junction
Han and Yangtse Klang, is sltua
port, or "mart" of Hankow, d(
to be the busiest pjace In China c
as the threo cities merge into C
I-Iartkow. Hanyang takes Its
from the two rivers, Han and Y.
Klang. In Hanyang lies most of Uieu.
er Hankow's claim to distinction as an
acflve Industrial center. ,
Here is located the Hanyang iron
works founded by the late Chang Chln
tung. These huge works own their
own ore and coal fields located near
by. ' Balls for China's roads used to
come principally from us; now they
come from the Hanyang mills. An
arms factory Is also located at Han
yang, and many thousands of Chinese
are employed there under the direc
tion of skilled foreigners.
' For all practical purposes Hanyang
may be considered as merely forming
a suburb of Hankow. The construc
tion of a fixed bridge across the Han
river will probably not be practicable,
owing to the sudden and great changes
In the height of the water level. It Is
therefore proposed to facilitate com
munication between the two cities by
means of a transporter, and when this
contrivance' is completed the three riv
er towns will practically be welded into
one, forming Greater Hankow.
Hankow is the strategic center for
China's system of railroads. Its rlv-
Success With Dairy Depends Greatly
Upon Attention to Details In and
Around Barn. -
In order that milk may be sanitary
and healthy the cows must be healthy,
dean and well cared for, and must
not be given feeds that will produce
objectionable flavors In the milk ; barns
must be welb lighted, ventilated and
kept clean and be roomy enough to
prevent undue crowding of cows ; barn
yards must be kept reasonably clean,
and should be well drained so as to
Insure, as far as possible, cleanliness
of row; manure must not accumulate
near or be piled against the barn ; the
floor of the milk room should lie of
! .
rf!w . . ...
Interior of Sanitary Barn.
concrete, the room being well lighted,
ventilated and screened ; utensils such
as cons, bottles und milk pails must
be washed and scalded, after each use,
and all tinware must be free from open
seams and rust ; water supply for cows
and. for cooling and cleaning purposes
must be clean und free from contam
ination ; steam or hot water should be
used for cleaning and sterilizing uten
sils. Clemson College Bulletin.
Formula for Making Covering Used
by Government on Lighthouses
Maintained Along Coast
To make the whitewash which litis
been used for more than ten years In
the White House at Washington and
on the. lighthouses maintained by the
government along the coasts, take n
half bushel of unslaked lime and slake
It with boiling water. Cover during
the process to keep in the steam.
Strain the liquid through a fine sieve
or strainer and add to it a peck of
salt, which previously has been dis
solved in warm water r 3 Bounds of
s It
When the ulfference between good
and bad -pasterns and good and had
feet Is as clearly evident as in those
shown here It does not require much
"horse sense" to point out the faults.
i e a
Pastern Types.
"A" is a good example of a pastern
that Is too upright and too straight.
In "B" the pastern goes to the other
extreme, being too sloping. The cor
rect type of the forefoot Is seen In
"C," while "D" shows the correct type
of hind foot
Exaggerated Sente of Possession,
"The airs some
people put on!"
"There's Dub
wnlte." "W h a t about
"He has only
$7 deposited In a
$30,000,000 , insti
tution, yet he
speaks of . the
president as 'my
banker.' "
Easily Located.
'I have an engagement to meet my
wife downtown."
"Did she name the place?"
"The time?"
"Then how do you expect to find
"My wife's a methodical little wom
an. She's usually at the ame movie
theater at the same hour every afternoon."
A Real Innovation.
"You can get almost anything In
one of these big department stores."
"Yes. They nre . wonderful places.
I wouldn't be surprised If they were
to ottt matrimonial bureaus and fur
nish mates for single persons."
"That would be a fine scheme, pro
vided they also had an exchange de
partment with a competent divorce
lawyer in charge."
'Your honor, I
don't need a lawyer."
have one. Yoa
may be convicted,
you know."
'Whnt I mean,
your honor, is that
I can be convict
ed just as well
without one."
Usual Explanation.
"Before the recent election Mr.
Twobble said his victory wns assured."
"Yet, he was badly defeated. How
does he account for that?"
"He says it was due to n combina
tion of circumstances over which he
had no control."
"He didn't get enough votes."
"My friend, I fear you are slightly
tn error."
"Permit me to shake your hand,
"But why?"
"You are the first man I ever ar
gued with who didn't tell me I was
all wrong."
The Way of the Amateur.
"How Is Biggins getting on with
his vegetable garden?"
"He's enthusiastic about It worka
In It every day himself. By the way,
he asked me not to forget to give him
the address of the market huckster I
deal with." '
At the Wedding.
'Ton know, the beginning of the
happy pair's acquaintance was when
ba offered her' an umbrella to keep
her new hat from getting ruined."
"I see. He wns her rain beau and
that Is why she carried a shower
The Happy Life.
"Mrs. Gadder never seems to have
any servant problem."
"Do you know why?"
"She's never at home long enough
to find out whether she has or not."
A Punctured Enterprise.
"So the submarine Is going to make
a dash home."
"Yes, If the enemy docs not put a
period to its trip."
and expense in Sooty Chimneys. Soot wastes fuel,
causes flue firet, destroys property. YOU may
be the next loser. Eliminate fuel-tire loss by using
boot Destroyer
Prevents and Extinguishes Chimney Fire, Bums
with the fuel. Destroys all the soot in chimneys,
oiDes. heaters. Harmless to use: no flash, no ex
plosion. Saves time, Fuel, worry, and 1b your only
Honey back without question if not satisfied after
using, full directions every package. By mail
to any addresB, for smalt range or heater, 25c: for
lanre ranae. heater or furnace. 76c. DEALERS.
write for our proposition.
TRUXAL CHEMICAL CO., 623 Hetty BUg., PwlIuJ, Or.
High-Brow Stuff.
'What are you giving your oows
now In the way of galactagogues?"
asked the professor of the milkman.
Oh, said the milkman, who had
just been graduated from the state
agricultural college and was not to be
stumped, "their sustenance is wholly
of vegetable origin, rich In chlorophyll
and opulent in butyraceous qualities."
"A pint. If you please," said the pro
"A pint, if you please." said the pro
"Git up," said the milkman. Coun
try Gentleman.
Shake Into Tour Shoes
A.Den'i Foot-Ease, a powder for the feet. It cores
painful, swollen, smarting, sweating feet. Makes
new shoes easy. Sold by all Druggists and Shoe
Storca. Don't accept any substitute. Sample
FKKK. Address A. . Olmsted, Le Roy. N. Y.
Very Close to It.
Two members of the Massachusetts
Medical society met the other day.
Said one:
"I heard today that your son was an
undertaker. I thought you told me he
was a physician."
"Not at all." '
"I don't like to contradict but I'm
positive you did say so."
"You misunderstood me. I said he
followed the medical profession."
AMA Granulated Eyelids,
..rn Clin, nuslnnii Wind
SJD quickly relieved by Murine
HVCS EyeBemedy.NoSnurting,
Your Druggist's sue per notiie.
SalveinTubet 25c. For BeokellheEyef reeuk
Druggists or Murine Eye Remedy Co., Cnicagl
Stock & Bond Broker,
102 First At. South, Seattle, Wash.
All active stocks, listed and unlisted, handled
on commission. Buying and selling orders
promptly executed.
I am recommending the purchase of Alaska Pe
troleum & Coal, Western Smelting and Power,
Thomas-Culross Mining, Mount Rainier Mining,
Joeevig-Kenneeott Copper, American Telegra
phone & American Marconi.
Above stocks should be bought now for Invest- -ment
and market profit. There's a reason.
Kennecott has paid dividends bo far this year
$11,142,072. Josevig-Kennecott has equally great
possibilities. Kennecott 1b now selling around
$60.00.r Josevig-Kennecott at $1.00. The oppor
tunity js yours, seize it.
On lr three blocks from Depots and Docks. Op-
posite City Ball Park and Court Bouse.
With detached bath. 1 person, S1.M 11.59
! persons. I1.S0 S2.M
With private bath, 1 person, 12.80 $2.50 (MS
2 persons, 13.00 $3.50 I4.M
"When In Seattle Try The Frye"
ncVElUMttl ttf film ntwnj gv Q
i550 ttatA. SOFOOTrl
1W SliU! ROOMS t
bay-up RarNssiia UP 1
New Houston Hotel
Four Blocks from Union Station. Under new
management All rooms newly decorated.
Rates 50c ,75c .$1. $1.50 Per Day.
Is the title of a booklet. We will mall you on.
free. Address Dept. C,
1107 Third Ave., Seattle.
Pointers From Expert of Missouri Col
lege of Agriculture Starve the
Pest, He Says.
liege of
I UibMe
1 have
1 your
one of
) and
: clilcka
ce and
1 plenty
e fresh
y secret
rtlck on
pay at
Neglect ntment.
d flies
be re
tere Its
Just Facts.
Flirts lough at love and love laughs
at flirts.
Of two evils choose neither; both
will turn out bad.
Being a yellow dog Isn't as bad as
being called a cur.
The muscles of the human Jaw eurt
a force of 534 pounds. '
The Brazilian coconut palm lives'
from 600 to 700 years. .,
The reputation of many a puffed up
cigar goes up tn smoke.
It's a wise boy who knows enough to
laugh at his father's Jokes.
Most men's Intentions aro several
laps ahead of their actions.
If a man Is afraid to think for him
self he should get married.
It's well to Investigate an oil well
that won't bear looking Into. ,
Kats every year destroy about 5 per
gent of the growing sugar cane In Jamaica.
A bed that folds into a wall, and Is
hidden by a pair of doors Is the- Idea of
a Colorado Inventor.
Love Is responsible for some hard
frosts In summer and some hot waves
in winter.
To have been one of tho mechanics
who helped build the Monitor was a
distinction of Peter A. Floyd, who
recently died at La Orande, Ore. Floyd
served as a fireman on the frigates
North Carolina and Pensacolu during
the civil war.
Motorcycle production in the Unit
ed States In 1914 amounted to 02,703,
valued at $12,300,447, against 18,628
In 1000, valued at $3,015,088. This Is
an Increase of 237.1 per cent In num
ber and 808 per cent In value.
Forty-one women out df every 100
marry between the ages of twenty and
and twenty-flve.
The United States pays rear admir
als $8,000 a year; Japan pays hers
$1,643 a year.
A gold coin loses 8 per cent of Its
value during 16 years of constant use.
The rose soon fades, but the thorn
continues in business at the old stand.
FRED P. GORIN, Patent Attorney,
Organizer and Developer; patents secured or FEE
REFUNDED; free book on patents. Suites 701,
701-A, 701-B and 701-C. Central building, Seattle.
moved to 833 to 337 Bumside St., Port
land, Ore. Largest Tire Repair Plant
in the Northwest. Country service a
specialty. Use Parcel Post.
Always Good Humored.
Oouverneur Morris - we-i talklnb
about the late Richard Harding Davis.
"Davis was never at a loss tor a
Joke," said Mr. Morris. "I dined with
him at Crossroads farm one evening,
the dinner being served by a new and
very awkward waitress.
"The waitress, halfway through the
dinner, Bllpped with a tray, spilled a
bottle of beer down Davis' neck.
"JIe said to her reproachfully, as he
swabbed up the beer w'th bis napkin:
" 'It was ginger ale, not beer, I ask
ed for, Qretchen.' " Washington Star.
Can 101 Til TnvalMa' Tin.
tel, Buffalo, for iarge trial package of
'AvMiiii" trt riAnova mroa halui.h(
The End of the Trail.
A young Swede appeared at the
county judge's office and asked for a
"What kind of a license?" asked
the Judge. "A bunting license?"
"No," was the answer. "Aye tank
Aye bane hunting long enough. Aye
want marriage license." Everybody's
of fin Vea1' Por't' Beef'
Vf-flr Poultry, Butter, Eggs
and Farm Produce)
to the Old Reliable Everdinft house with a
record of 4fi yearn of Square Dealings, and
be assured of TOP MARKET PRICES.
45-47 Front Street Portland, Oram
An Eye to the Future.
"What's the Idea of your working
so hard for prohibition?"
"I want to be recognized as one of
the deserving patriots who helped to
elect the ticket," replied Uncle Bill
Bottletop. "Maybe they'll give me the
Job of hunting around for any Illegal
liquor and destroying It," Washing
ton Star.
Hitting Back.
Uncle Silas . (visiting city relatives
who use electrical appliances for cook
ing at the table) Well, I swan! You
make fun of us eatln' in the kitchen.
I don't see as it makas much dif
ference whether you eat In the kitch
en or cook in the dining room. Life.
Satisfactory To Her.
Pa I greatly disapprove of that
young Smlthson, and one particular
reason 1b his lack of industry in his
Daughter His calling? Why, papa,
he calls seven evenings in the weekl
A Truthful Statement
"Gadspur says his marriage to Mrs.
Oadspur brought a great deal Into his
"Frankly spoken."
"What do you mean?"
"Among other things she has
brought into his life a town house, a
country house and a flock of motor .
cars." Birmingham Age-Herald.
Early To Bed.
Fresh Why don't you get a Big
Ben? They go off so punctually!
Soph You've said It that's why.
Stanford Chaparral.
A Hot One.
He Before we were married you
used to say there wasn't another man
like me In the world.
She Yes, and now I'd hate to think
that there was." Boston Transcript.
Plowing With Shells
"They aro- taking the war noncha
lantly In Europe."
"Yes, as soon as the shells have
quit plowing a field they sow it to
crops." Louisville Courier Journal.
An Ungallant Person.
"Have you observed the feminine In
fluence In the election?"
"I believe so," replied Mr. Growcher.
"It seemed harder than usual for the
vote to give its reasons or make up Its'
mind." Washington St ..
, No Strange Experiments.
"Did you have a homily when your
minister came to dinner, Mrs. Jimps?"
"Dear, me, no, mem. I don't never
try them strange dishco." Baltimore
Do Your Own Plumbing I
By buying direct from as at wholennte prices
and mvc the plumbur't profits. Write us to
day your needs. We will give you our rock
bottom "direct-to-you" prices, f. 0.0. rail or
boat. We actually save you from 10 to 116 per
cent, AH goods guaranteed,
Northwest honilqimrters for Loader Water
Systems and Fuller & Johnson Engines.
212 Third Street Portland, Orefon
Lm tfl
IrMh. rftlJ-lei
pre ttf cd by
western ttuc le
mon, beta 11 so
pro (net whore
UHiKlnaa fall
iu-aotpK.DisciuflK niis. i Rlklav Pillt. 14
lt any inlector, Iwt Cutiet'i tmptl anil stTODf t
Tl ntperfority Ctitttrt (iroilutts Is ftue to over 15
yMriorpMtHlnS l VArriNHS AND SlikiiMB
onlef direct, ,
Tht Cutter UMrawry. rtnwty, usiiwrnrs
P. N, U.
NO. 63, 1916
Potato Doughnuts
(Writ far Rsclpe)
retain the moisture several days. An
excellent wholesome food when made
with the pure
i6 Baring Powder
Always sure to please.
Try a can today at our risk.
A Handy Book containing 10 Cook
ing Ltssona and 54 Toted Racipos will
ba mailed you FREE if yoa will send
your nam and address to
Sold by