The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, January 12, 1917, Image 2

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    Buy Your Heater NOW
Cold weather will be here
before you realize it. We are
prepared for it with the best
line of Heating Stoves on the'
market There is nothing to
equal them. Fine Heaters, easy
on coal, and very clean and
very handsome in design.
Come and see them NOW
Barrett Building. Athena, Oregon
Preston-Shaffer Milling Co.
Is made in Athena, by Athena Labor, in one of the
very best equipped Mills in the Northwest, of the
best selected Bluestem wheat grown anywhere. ,
Patronize home industry. Your grocer sells the
famous American Beauty Flour.
The flour Your Mother Uses
i 3
Merchant Millers and Grain Buyers
' Athena, Oregon. Waitsburg, Washington.
Good Groceries go to the Right Spot
Every Time
This is the Right Spot
To go to Every Time for Groceries.
Try These They'll Please!
Monopole Vegetables
Moncp'jle Fruits
Monopole Salmon
Monopole Oysters
JELL BROS., Athena, Or.
Caterers to the Public in Good Things to Eat
Subscribe for The Press
Bring Us Your Job Printing
Patronize Home Industry
Home ot
pfe Groceries
j- ntviwivu naw -v -w
1550 50FOOIr
iuiso m s m 5 m:h rooms '
DAY-IP iitM W 1
FRED P. GORIN, Patent Attorney,
Organizer and Developer; patenta secured or FEE
REFUNDED; free book on patenta. Suites 701.
701 -A, 701-B and 701-C, Central building, Seattle.
Oregon Vulcanizino Company
moved to 383 to S37 Burnaide St., Port
land. Ore. Largest Tire Repair Plant
in the Northwest. Country service a
specialty. Vw Parcel Post.
Consult us about reduced freight rates on
household goods to all points. Fast through
service. Pacific Coast Forwarding Company, 2til
Wilcox Building, Portland, Ore. ..Marshall 2467.
Bought, Sold, Rented and Repaired
Burnsido, cor, 10th. Portland, Ore
fit Tin Veal, Pork, Beef,
Sr-HaT Poultry, Butter, Egg.
and Farm Produce
to the Old Reliable Everdlne hooso with a
record of 46 years of Square Dealings, and
be assured of TOP MARKET PRICES.
45-47 Front Street Portland, Oregon
g-j Oranulaled Eyelids,
'afilR Eyes inflamed by expo-
quickly relieved by Hurlno
WT Vff CyeBenndy.NoSnuiting,
,ut Eye Comfort. At
Your Druggiifs 50c per Bottle. Murine Eye
Druggist, or Murine Eye Bemedy Co., Cbicago
In Kern County, California
20 acres fenced and having old well,
about five miles from Bakersfield, Cal
ifornia, near highway. Good alfalfa
land or potatoes and other vegetables.
Good crop is being raised on adjoining
land. Near good homes and schools.
Only five miles from Bakersfield. Low
price and easy terms to the right man
who wants some good land and good
location wherjlie can do well. Address
M. A. Green, 822 Mission Street, San
Francisco, California.
Difficult Indeed.
Shamus O'Callaghan sat at the door
of his cottage, his head bowed on his
hands, and sobbing with emotion. H1b
friend, Terrence O'Halloran, chanced
to pass.
"Arrah, ye're looking very sad the
day," he said, laying a sympathetic
hand on the mournful one's shoulder.
"Ah, and It's feeling very sad I am,"
responded Shamus. "Ol've lost me
"Lost your mother-in-law?" said the
surprised Terrence.
"Ay," replied Shamus. "01 tell ye
It's very hard to lose your mother-in-law."
"Hard!" exclaimed Terrence. "Be
gorra, me bhoy, It's almost Impossi
ble." Chicago News.
A Giveaway.
Kid Brother How soon are you and
sis goln' o be married?
Annantod Sultni Shfl hfLnn't TiAmed
the day yet, Willie. I hope she
doesn't believe In long engagements.
Kid Brotuer ane aoesn i. 1 Know,
'cause all her engagements have been
short Boston Transcript.
HI Views.
"I cough a great deal."
"Try rubbing your throat with gaso
line." "Huh I T'rl na noon cough as honk."
Kansas City Journal.
About Finished.
"I saw that pretty girl smile at you
in a puzzled way, as if she thought
she might have met you somewnere.
"Yes. We were almost engaged at
the seashore last summer."
"The smile you' saw was the fag end
of a June flirtation." Birmingham
Of Course.
"My friend, the glazier, has a sad
"Why shouldn't it be? Isn't it fuM
of panes. Baltimore American.
All Slave of Habit. -
We are all so much the slaves of
habit In our appetites that It Is with
great reluctance we make any change
lu our dietary. We want what we
want, whatever the cost, If we have
the price, and while we loudly com
plain about the cobI ot living we con
tinue to buy In usual quantities. Yet
It is within the power of the house
wives of the country to force prices to
a lower level by united action In the
practice of kitchen economies. St
Louis Globe-Democrat.
As Winter approaches it
is advisable to help Nature
maintain the highest possible
standard of health. .
Stomach Bitters
When a safe tonic, appetizer
and stomach remedy is needed
air cj
t ' 1
View of Nljnl Novgorod.
THE BEGINNING of 1917 will
complete a century since the
great fair of Nljnl Novgorod
was established on its present
site, while the fulr of 1016 was actu
ally the ninety-ninth since the removal
of this famous national mart from its
former location at Makarlev to the
banks of the Oka In 1817.
Yet the legitimate antecedents of
the fair may be traced back much
farther than that date. History re
cords a fair at the mouth of the Volga
In the kingdom of the Hozure and at
Plunder for the Czars.
The spacious field of Arsk In 1275
was the scene of a reunion of peoples
hostile In sentiment, alien In faith,
reconciled by economic needs, says the
London Times. The fair they held
was attendee! even by the Kazan czars
with their retainers, but their un
bridled revels not infrequently cul
minated In murderous assaults upon
the unfortunate merchants and plun
der of their goods. When at length
Mongol supremacy began to totter and
the Muscovite grand dukes became
strong enough to dispute the author
ity of the Kazan czars over the Volga,
a fair sprang up alongside on Russian
Ioaun III, seeing that the Tartars
had robbed Russian merchants at their
fnlr, forbade them to proceed to Kazan,
and established a Russian fair at the
newly founded town of Vasll-Sursk,
at the confluence of the Sura with the
Volga. In proportion as the Volga be
came more settled the fair expanded,
and received official recognition. Czar
Mlhall Peodorovlch conferred upon It
the right to levy customs duty on vari
ous commodities. The fair passed un
der the jurisdiction of the Kazan court
In 1700 and Empress Elizabeth Petrov
na ordered booths to be erected at
state expense on the bank of the
Gradually the fulr grew Into the
principal distributing center for the
entire Internal trade of the country,
and the Makarlev site became too con
gested for Its requirements. More
over, the fair was situated on shifting
sand, and, added to this, the Volga en
croached more and more upon the
Makarlev shore and Insidiously re
duced the fair area. So- the state
chancellor proposed that the fair
should be removed to Nljnl Novgorod,
but the merchants flatly declined to
entertain this suggestion, and the ques
tion was left open. An accident, how
ever, took the decision out of their
All Fair Shops Burned.
A fire broke out among the fair
buildings, which were speedily reduced
to ashes, and no further opposition
was raised to the choice of Nljnl Nov
gorod as the new site. The advantages
of Nljnl Novgorod were manifest. Al
ready a flourishing commercial center,
It was also nearer to Moscow, a city
which was even then steadily gather
ing Into Its hands the reins which con
trolled Russia's domestic trade.
The fair migrated to Nljnl and took
up Its quarters temporarily In wooden
booths on the shore of the Oka op
posite the town Itself. The govern
ment, seriously concerned for the per
manent prosperity of the fair, decided
to lose no time In building stone prem
ises for the accommodations of goods.
Emperor Alexander was so Impressed
by the national importance of the fair
that he appropriated for its improve
ment 1,600,000 rubles ($750,000) origin
ally assigned for the construction of
the winter palace. In five years the
Gostlnny Dvor was ready, and the fair
removed to Its new quarters. There
after it developed with great rapidity.
The Nljnl Novgorod fair begins of
ficially July 28, when a solemn service
Is held in the cathedral, after which ft
cross procession leaves the church and
wends Its wny to the chapel of St. Ma
carlus. Here another service Is con
ducted, and after the fair flags have,
been duly consecrated and sprinkled
with holy water they are simultaneous
ly run up and the fair is declared for
mally open. The bulk of the goods,
however, is still unpacked and not be
fore August 7 are all the shops open.
On that day Is celebrated the memory
of St. Macarlus (Makari Jeltovodskl)
and a cross procession makes the
round of the fair lnclosure. Septem
ber 7 the flngs are lowered, and all
settlements on account of bills of ex
change entered Into at the fair must
be concluded.
Strictly speaking, the great fair of
Nljnl Novgorod constitutes a combl'
nation or congeries of several markets
whose terms of activity are not neces
sarily concurrent. Thus the first mar-'
ket to do business is that for textile'
goods, lasting approximately from July
28 till the beginning of August (old.
style). The second Is the fur and down
market, which runs from about August
20 to early September. The third is the
wool market, from August 28 to Sep
tember 23, and the fourth the raw
hide market, which starts about Au-,
gust 23 and continues until the end
of the navigation season.
Serves as Clearing House.
If firms abstained from attending
the fair, they would run the risk of
losing touch with old customers, who
would patronize other firms accord
ingly. It has to be borne In mind that
the Nljnl Novgorod fair Is not only a
place for the conclusion of commer-,
clul transactions; It Is also a center
for the delivery of goods against
previously concluded bargains and for
the settlement of bills of exchange.
This circumstance affords another
Incentive to attendance at the fair In
order to receive payment from in
numerable small clients a task which
the banks are not In a position satis
factorily to discharge. Again, did)
flr-nis remain away from the fair, their
absence would tend to engender
doubts as to their stability, and In
this manner undermine their credit
with provincial customers.
The Nljnl Novgorod fair is a coa
venlent rendezvous for both buyer and
seller. Tfie former is nearer to the lat
ter than at Moscow, and It is there
fore far easier to gather Information
as to his commercial standing and
reputation, a matter of no small lm
portance in a country when long-term
credit is the rule and not the excep
The Ruling Passion.
"Who is the gentleman being sup
ported to his chambers by a group of
sympathetic friends?"
"Merely a political prophet who
guessed wrong."
"Do you think he Is cured of the
"No, Indeed. He'll be guessing again
in n week or two."
Lemuel's Criticism.
Little Lemuel Say, paw, are you a
self-made man?
Paw Yes, son, and I'm proud of It
Little Lemuel But, paw, why didn't
you use a looking glass?
Causes for Lack of Sleep.
In cities multitudes do not know
what "muscle fatigue" is, nor of the
deep sleep that follows a day of pure
ly muscular work. A second cause for
luck of sleep Is the general use of cof
fee, tea, cocoa and alcohol.
Many persons are firmly convinced,
because they have slept shortly after
taking one of these, that they are not
kept awake by such beverages ; but as
a rule they are. The physiological hour
for sleep is Ignored by an artiilctal
hour dictated by drugs.
A third reason for lessened sleep Is
the evening entertaiumcnt habit, de
spite the necessity for early rising. The
theater, opera, bridge-party, etc., un
duly waste the sleep time. A last rea
son for lack of sleep Is nerve-cell ex
haustion, among the causes ot which
In our cities may be named the almost
continual Hght-stlmulatton (rhythmic
electric signs, etc.) and sound-stimulation.
Plants That Prepare for War.
Many plants protect themselves from
their enemies by the use of spikes or
prickles, and venom, just as certain
nnlmuls do. Of those using the first-
named device to make themselves
"armed to the teeth," the bramble, the
gorse, and the holly are familiar In
stances. Among those which protect
themselves with venom as reptiles do
are the deadly nightshade, or belladon
na, and the nux vomica. Less de
structively Inclined are those plants
which are simply protected by their
disagreeable taste. The common but
tercup, which Is one of these. Is gener
ally shunned by horses and cattle. A
plant which, like the skunk. Is pro
tected by a disagreeable smell, Is the
figworni. Only that hardy and Insensi
tive animal, the goat, will touch It
The Future's Bright Hope.
Grandpa thought pa was going to
turn out to be something-wonderful,
and pa Is confident that son will make
a mark in the world. Each generation
seems to realize that It is a failure.
but It Is betting on the next genera
tion. Forth Worth Star-Telegram.
In this country 30 to 40 per cent
of the cases requiring charitable re
lief are due to sickness.
mnwiEM'S imnvt.&
. i ,.;t!rilf nprves. because
Women, more than fZr ore delicate
tiring work and physic stram to env m
nervous systems and bring; premature age
i l tohul inMliffentlVe
weaKness uiucw . . f k;M
Drug-ladeh pills and alcoholic concoct " 'Is in
... .u k..t h mncentrated medicinal food properties in
woman SU.B - ("Ifl
snu icm mm v-m ks tr-im va m m m -
MM 3 kU
hii un
ot women to gam , . . -, ....
tiredness, nervousness, impatience and imtaDility.
SCOTT o is a itqma-rQoanv
. RlnnmfielcL N. J 1
In Solano County, California
160 acres known as Northwest Quarter,
Section 28, Township 20, Range 2 West,
in northwestern part of Solano County.
Low price and easy terms to the right
man. Address M. A. Green, 822 Mission
Street, San Francisco, California.
At the first sign of
skin trouble apply
Don't Walt for that eczema or similar affec
tion to get well-established and stubborn. Nip
itinthebudwlthalittleKesliiol. Is so nearly
flesh color that it hardly shows at all. Aided
. by Resinol Soap, Resinol is most effective in
removing pimples and clearing unattractive
complexions. Sold byall druggists.
Pan Handle Poultry Show.
In connection with Farmers' and
HousekeeDers' Week.
The Poultry show and the Univer
sity of Idaho Fanners' and House
keepers' Week have become an annual
date. The show will be held this year
in a very comfortable building on
Main street; the prospects now are
that It will be the new Masonic Tern-Die.
A special premium of $10.00 will be
offered for the largest and best dis
play in each class, and $15.00 special
premium for the largest and best dis
play In the Bhow. Our premiums will
be liberal, and prizes promptly paid.
Many new coops have been built thiB
year and the association has money
in the treasury.
Write L. R. Scott,. Moscow, Idaho,
for information regarding the Poultry
show, also to secure the premium list,
which will be out about January first
"Anuric" cures Backache, Lumbago,
Rheumatism. Send 10c. Dr. V. M.
Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y., for large trial
. Short Course for Miners.
The winter short course for miners
and prospectors at the University of
Idaho opens January 4 next at mob-
cow, and continues for eight weeks,
ending February 28.
This is the fifth term of the short
course at the University ot Idaho, and
an unusually large enrollment is in
dicated for this year. There are no
entrance requirements, nor is there
any age limit The students ages
have run from 18 to 66 years, and
every man who has taken the course
has found that it has improved his
earning capacity. Last year 17 men
enrolled in the course, coming from
all parts of the northwest
A Babel.
"Everybody at the party was talk
ing at once I "
"They were quite right," comment
ed Miss Cayenne. "Everybody might
as well talk. There was absolutely
no fear of interrupting anything worth
listening to. Washington Star.
Can't See Through It.
"True," persisted the wretch who
was trying to swap his glass eye to
the bartender for a drink of whisky.
"It is not a genuine optic, but it is
such a clever imitation that you can
not see through the de-jption." Kan
sas City Star.
A Loyal Lad.
Office Boy De boss kin see no call
ers dis mornln'.
Insistent Visitor Say, I'll give you
a quarter to take this card to him.
Office Boy Aw, shucks! He gives
me bigger wages for not doin' it.
Boston Transcript
Passing of the Ink.
"A drop of ink makes millions
"It used to," replied Mr. Penwiggle.
"Now it merely makes some busy man
wonder why you didn't use a type
writer." Washington Star.
Remembers Her Bible.
"Two fellows declare that they can
not live wltbout her."
"And which has she decided to
"The rich one. She says the other
could get into heaven easier If he
snould really die." Boston Transcript
TarrthlA Varn.
"Do you believe that awful story
uiey re letting, riercer
"Yes, what is It?" Everybody's.
Exception Taken.
"Beauty is In the eye of the behold
"Not If the beholder's cross-eyed.'
Baltimore American.
Every Niqhf
For Constipation
Safe and Sure Q
H I 1 rrrrW
Compounded of vegetable
drugs in a perfectly appointed
laboratory by skilled chemists,
after the prescription of a suc
cessful physician of wide ex
perience, and approved by the
experience of tens of thous
ands in the last forty-five
Peruna's Success
rests strictly on its merit as a
truly scientific treatment for
all diseases of catarrhal symp
toms. It has come to be the
recognized standby of the
American home because it has
deserved to be, and it stands
today as firm as the eternal
hills in the confidence of an
enormous number.
What Helped Them May Help Yon
Get our -free- booklet, "Health
and How to Have It," of your drug
gist, or write direct to us.
The Peruna Company
. Columbus, Ohio)
Easily Dazzled.
"Is Gadsby susceptible to feminine.
"Judge for yourself. He once bought
a translation of the Koran from a
blue-eyed, golden-haired book agent
thinking It was a : opular novel."
Birmingham Age-Herald.
They See It Frequently.
Uncle SI Umph I reckon, you high
toned club fellers never 'git up soon
enough to see the beauties o' sunrise?
City Nephew Oh, we see It often,
Uncle, but it's when we're coming
home. Jacksonville Times-Union.
Sigh of a Sufferer.
"I'll teH- you what to do for that
cold," said the solicitous friend.
"Please don't I've taken so many
different kinds of prescriptions for
this cold, I don't believe it's any long
er what's the matter with me."
Washington Star.
Barnyard Stringency.
"Why have the hens quit laying?"
"They have their troubles," replied
Farmer Corntossel, "the same as other
folks. They're worrying about the
high cost of chicken feed." Washing
ton Star.
Pat's Blunder.
During a camp parade of the bu
glers recently an Irish corporal was In
charge. He was asked by the com
manding officer it aU the buglers were
present, when he replied: "No, sorr,
wan man absent"
"Well, then," Bald the officer, "go
and find him .and ask him what he
has to say for himself."
A few minutes later Pat came run
nig back. "Shure sorr," he cried,
"and weren't we a pair of duffers not
to know it? It wor meself. Bedad,
sorr, 01 forgot to call me own name
entolrely." Boston Transcript
Suffered From Backache ahd
Kidney Trouble for Years.
Dear Headers 1 wish to tell yon
that I suffered from backacke and
kidney trouble for years. I heard of
Doctor Pierce's Anuric Tablets and I
tried them. They cured my backache.
I hope people that are troubled with
hackache will give tliem a good trial.
1 am sure they will not tail to benefit.
: Yours sincerely,
Mrs. Geo. Deminq.
Note: Folks in town and adjoining
places are delighted with the results
they have obtained by using "ANURIC,"
the newest discovery of Dr. Pierce, who
is head of the Invalids' Hotel and
Surgical Institute, in Buffalo, N. Y.
Those who started the day with a back
ache, stiff legs, arms and muscles, and
an aching head ( worn out before the
day began because they were in.and out
of bed naif a dozen times at night ) are
appreciating the perfect rest, comfort
and new strength they obtained from
Dr. Pierce's Anurio Tablets. To prove
that this is a certain uric acid solvent
and conquers headache, kidney and
bladder diseases and rheumatism, if
you've never used the "Anuric," cut
this out and send ten cents to Doctor
Pierce for a large sample package. This
will prove to you that "Anurio" is
thirty-seven times more active than
lithia in eliminating uric acid and the
most perfect kidney and bladder cor
rector. If you are a sufferer, go to. your
best druggist and ask for a 50-cent box
of Anuric." You run no risk for Dr.
Pierce's good name stands behind this
wonderful new discovery as it has for
the past half century for his "Golden
Medical Discovery" which makes the
blood pure, his "Favorite Prescription'"
for weak women and his "Pleasanl
Pellets" for liver ills. All Dr. Piwee'l
medicines can be had In Tablet lorm
by mail or at drug Btore.
P. N. U,
No, 62, 1918