The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, January 05, 1917, Image 4

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Press Paragraphs;
M. L. Watte transacted business in
Pendleton, 'L'oesday.
Miss Ada Det'reeoe was a week end
guest of Pendleton friends.
Charles Clerking is serving on the
grand jury at Pendleton, this week.
Lost An anto ohain, on the road
nest of town. Leave at this office.
Mise Bertha Sebaikey has recovered
from a Blight attaok of appendicitis
Fix np that harness. Watta and
Rogers have the oil and the machine.
Athena Camp, W, O, W, will enjoy
a banquet on the evening of the 17th.
Miss Lillian Ware has retnined from
a visit with friends at Maiden, Wash.
Found On the road sonth of the
city, a lady's muff. Call at this offioe.
Mrs, Josoph Forrest was in the oily
yesterday, from her home at Lowden,
Mrs. Sabina Morton returned Wed
nesday evening from a week's visit in
Mis. George Banister baa been ser
iously ill deling the past week, bnt is
Pastor Errett of the Christian
cbnroh has boon ill the past week
with In grip.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Uraot left
yesterday for Montana, where they in
tend to reside.
Harlan Fell, of Pendleton, was a
gnest of Mr. and Mrs, I. W. Ware
during the holidays.
The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
J. B, Barnes has been quite siok with
the grip this week,
Ross King, one of Weston's upland
potato kings, tiausuoted business in
Athena Wednesday.
Mrs. Cbas. W. York left this week
for her home in Spokane after visiting
her sister, Mrs. Bice.
f Patiiarou degree will te con
ferred by Lilloy Knonmpment, I, 0.
0. F. nest Monday night.
Mrs. Merlo Roby of Eugene, is ex
peoted to visit relatives and liiends
in Athena and vicinity, soon.
Mr. Hartley, a young man of Pen
dleton, was a guest at the Oeo. Ban
ister borne on Christmas day.
Roy MoPherrin, proprietor of the
Palaoe restanrant, has moved his fam
ily into the Grajfoottage on Carrent
nt r e ejt, v
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Lumsden tgjft
returned home from a visit w4ttf tel
atives and friends in Portland.,
Mrs. Rotert Wright and daughtaV
Miss Hazel visiied reoer.!y at the D.
H. Mansfield borne iti ibis oily.
Beit Logsden has been spending sev
eral days in the oity, visiting friends.
Mr. Logsden came from Heppner.
Mr. and Mrs. I. W. Ware weie
Christmas visitors at the home of
Mr. and Mrs, Hoo, Fell, in Pendleton.
The Mogul tractor uses any old fluid
for engine to the greatest advantage of
any traotor made. Watta and Rogers.
Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Barnes of Wes
toon, spent New Years Day visiting
their eons and otber relatives in
Miss Gladys MoLeod has returned to
the University of Oregon, after a
pleasant vaoation spent at her home
on the West Side,
Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Richards and
little eon, Roland spent Christmas
with Mr, and Mrs. Otis Wbiteman, at
LaOross, Wash.
Mrs, MoPbeiriu has returned from a
holiday visit to Portland, in company
with her daughter, Mrs, Fred, Oswald
of My rick station,
Mr. Oren Gibbs and Miss Myrtle
Weiler of Pendleton, spent the hol
idays at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
James Hoggins in Athena.
Miss Greta Molntve, who is attend
ing Faoitlo University, spent the hol
idays at the home of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Hngh Molntyre.
Mrs. Mary Tompkins, her daughter
Lillian, Miss Jessiaa MaEwen and
the John Tompkins family, left last
week for Long Beaoh, California.
Mrs. Elmer Johnson and little son,
come up from their home at Days
Creek, Oregon, for a holiday visit
with hei mother, Mrs. S, B. Piersol.
Mr. and Mis. J. N. B. Gorking of
Lnidlaw, have been visiting relatives
In this community for several days.
Mr. (Jerking returned home Wednes
day. Mrs. Lizzie Sanlsbnry arrived last
week from ber home in Pauline, Idaho
and is eujuylng a visit with her mo
ther, Mrs. Anna Mnlntvre, and othBr
Mrs. M. L. Watta and daughter,
Vernita, were guests of Pendleton
friends during Chiistmas week. They
were accompanied borne ty Miss
Gwendoline Rogers for the week end
pA wonderful year is behind
us and we believe a still
more wonderful year is ahead
of us. Ybur friendship and
goodwill during 1916 have
been enjoyed and appreciated
We shall do our utmost to
deserve a continuation and an
increase of same during 1917
and thus help you as well as
ourselves, to enjoy the fullest
measure of the New Year's
m Clothes
: And r
J. C. Penney Co. nc
Mr. upd Mrs. George Thompson en
tertaJgeAlop flew Years day. Among
Ihe goents were Mr. and Mis. Wm.
Rice of this oity, and Mis. York of
A little daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
J C. Welter was operated on for tbe
second time last week at tbe hospital
in Pendl6fon for removal of an aboess
on the neck.
Mrs. Bowles, of Walla Walla, is
visiting her daughter, Mrs. F. S. Ls
Grow in this oity. Her daughter,
Mise Lama Bowles, is visiting in Se
attle and Taaoma.
Mr. and Mis. W. H. Johnson have
arrived from Freewater, and are re
siding in Athena. Mr. Johnson is em
ployed with the Preston-Sbalfer
Milling company. - .
Tbe Athena Irook company has re
ceived two oar loads of ice from Mil
ton. Other carloads will be reoeived
nntil the ioe house is filled for tbe
summer supply.
Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Rneiell enter
tained as their holiday guests, Mr.
and Mrs. E. Starn of Waaoo. Mra.
Staro was formerly a student of tbe
Weston Normal school.
Miss Kathenne Sharp and Mise
Carrie Sharp spent tbe holidays at
their home in Athena, retnining
this week to their sohools respectively
at Dayton and Ellensburg, Wash,
Mr. and Mrs. Cbas. Bryan, who
have located in Ellensbnrg. Wash.,
write Athena fiienda that tbey are in
tbe merchandise business and doing
well in the Normal school town.
Mrs. J. E. L. (larking ia visiting at
tbe David Taylor home this week.
Mrs. Gerking, wbo lives at Norton,
Wash., is on her return from a visit
with ber son, E. G. Gerking at Ke
putlio Wash.
Wednesday evening, at the Baptist
ohurob dining rooms, the Sunday
suhool olasa cf Mrs M. L. Watts was
honored by a splendid canquet as tbe
result of a reoent oontest in which
this oIbsb was winner.
Walla Walla's annual poultry show
will te held January 8tb to 13tb, in
oluaive. A large number of entries
have been made ty tbe leading poul
tiymen of tbe Northwest and valuable
prisses will te awarded.
As a token of appreciation for ber
faithful servioes aa pianist at the
Christian oburob for tbe past Hve
yearn, Miss Zola Keen was made tbe
recipient last evening at the regular
choir practice, of a handsome ont
glass vaee,
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Zerba bad as
bouse guests duiing the holidays, their
sisters, Misses Clara and Florence Zer
ba of Walla, Miss Bonnie Sims of
Sheridan, Miss Lela Bloom of La
Grande and Mi. Lotber R. Taylor of
The Foss-Winship Hardware Compa
ny make a uneoialty of O V B Cutlery,
tbe best made, When yon see that
brand, you may know that it stands
tor a guarantee with the firm tack of
the pnaiantee, Big 3 Wasbeis ate in
big demand,
Senator and Mrs, C, A, Barrett will
leave this evening for Salem, to re
main until after tbe legislative session.
They will be accompanied by their
daughter, Mrs, Plamondon, and Mrs,
Whitehead, tbe latter haviug a legis
lative clerkship.
Miss Rnth Rotbrook has letnrned
to resumu ber studies at tbe Univeisity
ot Oiaguu. after spending tbe Christ
mas vacation at her home he. A.
ber gneat, she entertained Miss Hazel
Rader, a fellow student, and a number
ot pleiBant funotions weie held in ber
Austin Foil accompanied his father,
hi J. Foss hs lar as Moro on his ictnrn
home last week, and visited a conple
ot days at the home ot John Foes.
John is oun of tbe proprietors of tbe
leading garage iu Moro, an estab
lishment fully equipped for all kinds
of automobile lepairlng.
Sunday Services, Methodist Cbuioh:
Sunday school 10 a. m., W. 0. Emmel
Supt. ; proaobiug eerviacs 11 a. m. and
7:30 p. m; rnoraiug topic: "Thns,
Conscience Doth Make Cowards of Us
All;" evening topio: "To Thiue Owu
Self Be Tine." The music will be
led ty the ohoroe ohoir under the di
rection of Supt. J. O. Russell.
Tom Caton, after spendiug the hol-
idaya at his home near tbe oity, re
turned Tuesday moiuing to resume
his studies at Whitman college. Mr.
Catou was entertained at tbe home of
Or. and Mrs. Will R. Scott Tuesday
eveuiug, by tbe members of tbe Male
Choros of the Cuiiatiau oburob.
Those present spent a most anjoyable
eveuiug. lunch being eeived letore de
parture of the guesta.
Some New Year Reflections," will
be the morning theme at tbe Christian
ohnrch Sunday. All members ate es
pecially uiged to be preeent. Th
eveuiug eubjeot will te: "Temnta
tion." Speoial nioeio at toth serv
ices. Bible school 9:50 a. m., classes
for everybody. At the moiuing uei-
vioe the uhoir will sing a selection
from the Cantata, "Hail, Redeemer
and Kiug." In tbe evening, the Male
Chorus. D. Errett. Pastor.
Of tbe young lady teaobera in the
Athena aofaooli, who went away dur
ing thu Ohriatmas vaoation, Miss Fay
Barnes spent tbe week in Portland,
Miss Jessie Brieiley visited her parents
at Stantleld, Miss Leota Wagner vis
ited fiiends iu Pendletou, and Mise
Fortna went to North Yakima for the
week. Miss Maud Sherman apent the
vaoatiou at ber home In this oity, and
on New Yeats eveuing eutertained a
paity of little folks, giviug them a
meet happy time.
Monday, New Yean Day, being tbe
natal day of J. R. Mathers, agent at
theO.-W. U. N. depot, Mrs. Math
ers entertaiued iu his bunor at tbeii
borne Monday evening. Tbe eveuiuii
waa passed most pleasantly, and tooth
someiefresbmeuta weie served. Those
invited were Mr. aud Mre. M. L.
Watts aud Mian Yeruita, Mi. aud Mis.
F. B. liadtke, Mr. and Mrs. F. B.
Boyd. Some oummittee work iu oou
uectlun with the O. E. S. waa attend
ed to dnriug the eveuing.
Melville Johns arrived iu the city
Wednesday from-his home in Vancou
ver, Wash, aud is a gnest at tbe
W alts home. Mr. Jubua lias to
! Jm
pointed administrator of the eatate of
his late father, M. M. Johns and baa
oome to look after tbe estate here.
He contemplates makiug his home in
Athena. Flint Johns has entcmd the
Univertily of Oiegon to take a tonr
year course, and their mother, Mrs.
Johns, will take op ber residence in
Eogene for a time.
Lost In Athena, Deo. 24, a one-fingered
auto driving glove. Leave at
Piess office and get ieward.
A variety of weather bae been ex
perienced this week. Monday a min
iature blizzard swilled tbe suow into
drifts, to the extent that a freight
train waa stalled for several hours at
a point between Atbena and Weston,
and the maoadam road eaet of town
was practically impaiiable. County
Judge Marsh was in town Wednesday
and set men and teams at work open
ing up tbe road, Rain followed the
suow storm with rising temperature,
the remit teing that praotioally all
moisture ia soaking into tbe soil.
When yon want boote and shoes re
paired right, take them to Billy Care
tens, at Oooman'a ibop, All woik
guaranteed to give satisfaction, or no
Wednesday evening of last week a
Dumber of the young ladies ot Atneua
were boitesses at a very pretty dancing
party which wai held in the opeia
bouse, with Mis. F. S. LaGrow, Mrs.
I. W. Ware and Mre. Morton aa pat
ronesses. Atout thirty-five couples
enjoyed tbeir hospitality. Punub was
served throughout tbe evening, Miss
Canie DeFreeoe presiding at tbe
pnuob bowl, Duiing tbe last dance,
oonfetti was thrown, the evening end
ing merrily. The yonng ladies plan
several similar occasions at intervals
during tbe winter.
For Sale Four lots and a four-room
house in Athena. Enquire of Donald
Innovation at M. E Church.
As an innovation in Athena ohurob
servioes, motion piotures will be
shown at every Sunday evening ser
vice of the Methodist oburob,
menoing Jounary 21. On that even
ing a four reel feature will be shown.
Rev, Gleiser has secured a modern
fire proof raaobine for projeating the
piotures. Tbe pipe organ accompan
iment by Mrs. J. O. Rnssell will
greatly enhance tbe effectiveness of
tbe piotures, many of which will be
of a sacred nature. OrobeBtra music
will te used witb some of tbe pio
tures. To enable tbe entire familiea of
Athena people to atteud and eujoy
these exhibition!, competent young
ladies will be seoured to oare for tbe
babies, in a warm room of the church
baeement. Nc admission will be
chaiged. Titles will be announced
previous to eaoh Sunday night's piotures.
23 Years Ago.
From the Press of Jan. 5 1894
Major Cornoyer, who has been ill
for the past three weeks, is convales
cent. The Leader dubs Weston as "the
bub of the county." Great Salt Peterl
wheie's tbe spokes?
An earthquake shook was felt at
North Yakima a few days siooe, and
the inhabitants were terribly alarmed
for a abort time.
Jaok Paiker last week sold bisolub
rooms :o Pinkerton & King, wbo now
aster to the wants ot tbe patrons of
that popular resort.
Tbe A. O. 0. W. have reoeived
twelve applications for membership
during tbe past two weeks.
Cbas. F. Coleswortby and Mre.
Maggie Beaobam were united in tbe
holy bonds of matrimony at Weston on
Sunday, Rev. Leonard of tbis oity offi
ciating. The Eastern Oregon State Normal
School at Weston resumed its work
Tuesday with an inoreesed attendance
and bright ptospeots for tbe coming
tor m.
The Pendleton Dally Tribune comes
to our table on tbe same day it is
printed. Thus we get today's dis
patches to day and not 24 houis old as
Leader: Weston was a sort of Mec
ca for hungry newspapermen on Chiis
tmas day. Neaily all of the county's
papers were lepreseuted.
Mary Pickford
KilF f&irtous Habere 'Punuiiouni jfjy
Saturday Jan 6
At regular prices, in a Different Screen Protrayal, in
"A Gfirl of Yesterday"
Sunday Afternoon and Evening
88 Big My ntry Should Call"
rJMondar BURR M'INTOSH Night Only- in
For Tuesday the Peoples Theatre is pleased to announce
Lillian Russell
The Great cActress, in
m a
In Athena Monday' Tuesday, Wednes
day, other days of week in Walla Walla,
2nd and Main, over Third National Bank
Dr. E. W. Croup - Dr. C. H. Lash
F. Sharp
Special attention given to all
callb both night and day.
Calls promptly aoBwered. Office on Third
6tret, Athena Oregor
Physician and Surgeon.
OfEoe iu Poet Building. Phone. 501
Dr. J. C. Baddeley
LaBrasche R.inch
Expert Watch Repairing
No Job too Difficult. Satis
faction Guaranteed.
Successor to
H. H. HILL .
Expert Watch Repairer En
graver and Jeweler
The regular annual meeting of tbe
stockholders of tbe First National
bank of Atbene, Oregou, for the elec
tion of directors for tbe ensuing year
end for tbe transaction of snob otber
business as may lawfully oome before
it, will be held io its offioe in Athena,
Oiegoo, Tuesday, Jauuary 9lb, 1917,
at the hour of two o'clook, p. m.
F. S. LeHrow, Cashier.
Deo, 12, 1(116.
Foley's Honey end Tar
for, sure. No opiates.
I oil
light where
earth and sky and air have
seemingly been fashioned by
Dame Nature to charm the
hearts and minds of men.
All manner of sports and recreations are
enjoyed out -oi'-doors. Polo, golf, tennis and
automobiling over countless miles of beau
tiful roads, and the way to go is via
Union Pacific System
Wc will be glad to furnish comolete in
formation, and help plan your
California Trip.
Touring Car . . $360.oo I
Runabout . . . . 345.00 I j
Chassis 325.00 i f
Burked Son I
j and Fortiftion j 1
A. J. Parker, Proprietor
Shaving, Haircutting, Massaging, Shampooing.
Bath Rooms In Connection,
St. Nichols Hotel Block - - Athena, Oreg.
No. 4516.
gT. R. Mathers. Agent JM
1 . --r2J-tai i
I x.
of the First Nationai Bank, at Athena, in the State of Oregon, at the close of business
on December 27th, 1916. RESOURCES.
Loans and Discounts 490 035 73j
Overdraws, secured,$ ; unsecured, ,r
U. S. bonds deposited to secure circulation (par value) 12 500 oo
Total U. S. Bonds ,, " 12 500 oj
Other bonds to secure postal savings 970 oo
Securities other than U S bonds (not including stocks) owned un
pledged 2 789 70
Total bonds, securities, etc 3 759 7
Stock of Federal Reserve Bank (50 per cent of subscription) 3 000 o
Value of banking house (if unencumbered) $ 9 000. . . .
Equity in banking house 9 000 o
Furniture and fixtures 1 000 o
Net am't due from ap'vd res'v agt's in N,. Y. Chicago St. Louis, $18 064 40
Net am't due from ap'vd reserve agents in other reserve cities 79 338 91
Net am't due trom banks and bankers (other than included in 12 or 20). .
Outside checks and other cash items 105 05
Fractional currency, nickles and cents 151 24
Notes of other national banks
Lawful reserve in vault and net amount due from Federal Reserve Bank.
Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer and due from U. S. Treasurer. .
Total $ 685 833
Capital stock paid in $ 50 000 o
Surplus fund 5Q 000
Undivided profits 129 982 79
Less current expenses, interest, and taxes paid 8 838 94
Circulating notes outstanding
Net amount due to banks and bankers other than included in 29 or 30
Individu3l deposits subject to check
Cert's of decosit due in less than 30 days
Certified checks
Postal Savings deposits
Total demand deposits, Items 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38,
39 and 40 $546 240 50
Total $ 685 833 91
State of Oregon, County of Umatilla, ss: I, F. S. Legrow, Cashier of the above
named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best ot mi
knowledge and belief. F. S. LeOrow, Cashier.
97 403 31
4 332 81
256 2
63 921 ll
Zl 113 OJ
. 12 500 oi
5 949 "J
. 311 374
233 914
35 91
415 '
Subscribed and sworn to before me ! Correct
this 4th day of January, 1917.
B. B RICHARDS. Notary Public
for Oregon. My commission expires Mar.
12, 1917. I
W. S. Ferguson
M. L. Wat -