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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 5, 1917)
To Advertisers The o4thena press circulates in the homes of readers who reside in the heart of the Great Umatilla Wheat Belt, and they have money to spend mm 'Iwcripuott Rates t C6py, one year, $1.50; for six "fhs,7Sj.;- for three months, 50c; 'e in advance, and subscript c solicited on no other basis Entered at the Post Office at Athena, Oreuon, as Second-Class Mall Matter ' OLUME XXIX. ATHENA. UMATILLA COUNTY. OREGON. FRIDAY. JANUARY 5. 1916. J fcL NUMBER 3 Get That New Edison Now Now is the time tojset that new Edison Phonograph, now when yon have lots o( time to enjoy it. You may be one of those who do not oare or Talking Machine Mnsio, but the new Edison ia not a talking machine. It actually reprodcoes all forms of Mnsic, with snob abso lve fidelity that Ibe reproduction oannnt be told float tie original. 'Ibis baB been ptoven by actual comparison before moie than 300,000 people. Three hundred American leading newspapers have testified to thn ttnth of these claims, Read what the; have to say, Ask or send fot booklet, "What the Clitics Say" Not only does We Edison Owner liW Ibc world's best mosio peifeotly rendered, but numerous otbet ad vantages as well, Edison reaotds are Mtaolically iudesttaotible, rec ords played bundled ot limes lepiodnei'Jii as perfectly as wbeo new, Tbey play longer than other records of same Bize, The Diamond point reproducer is permanent no needles to change, no bother, no ttonble, Atk any Edison owner there'are getting to te lots of themjall around you, Corns in and hear this wonperfol insltumeut, Do it now, THE DAVIS-KASER CO,, WALLA WALLA Complete Furnishers of Homes, Offices and Schools 10-20 Alder St. This is one of two or more . ractors that will be on Exhibition and Demonstration by us at Weston, in near future Come and see THE WORLD'S PRIZE WINNERS The New Year is with us, also many Rood cheer cards. W,are taking inventory to find out where we are at. We pityfcablv wjn jet you know next week, We have afine stock of Harness Oil of very best grade ami revolvingvtank, with whioh to do the job ot oiling, Engines gal'WWeere and Dutchman ?lows a plow for every soil "frAjjry day. Watts Rogers, Weston "Just Over the Hill" 5 flty of K mm BANK ATHENA OREGON For Twenty-five Years this Bank has striven to furnish every facility con sistent with good Bank ing. That it has succeed ed in doing so, is evident in the number of patrons. We can please, you. Es tablished 1891. Capital and Surplus, 100,000.00 Farm Loans NO COMMISSION NO BONUS NO DELAY NO RED TAPE LOW INTEREST RATES LIBERAL REPAYMENT PRIVILEGES Hartman Abstract Company" Corner Main and Court Streets, Pendleton, Oregon J ' I "KS f The Old Goat Has New Life If a good Cigar is becoming to you then you will sure be coming to us Billiards and Pool Fine Cigars, Cigaretts, Tobacco; Confections of best quality. Cleanliness a specialty. Courteous attention. BUSH C& COLEMAN, The New Proprietors MID-YEAR EXAMS A GOOD FOR THE CROPS. IN ATHENA'S SCHOOLS New Courses Offered in High School DepartmentDebate Teams Selected for Contest. Dmiug the pant week the students of ti e High school have been bqsily studying and making pipaiatioos tot the Hi el. mid-veer examinations ever given in the school and as a result they have aroused union interest among the studeot body. The; will oomraeuoe at 8 o'uloak oo Wednesday morning January 10, the Remeeter ending oo the 12th. Among the new coutses offered to the high sohnol stu dents next semester are: Civics, Mod ern History, Botany, and Current Lit eatnre, History and Vocational course, the latter which will be a olass of rend ing and making reports. This course will be taught by Mr. Kussell and promises In be voiy interesting. In the ttyout for the debate teams held in the high sobool auditorium Friday, Dec. 22, 1916, Homy Koepke and Zola Keen were obosen to delate on the affirmative tide of the question and Edna MoAlexander and Florence MoLennan were picked Cor the neg ative. The negative will debate in Milton January 10. the affirmative xpeoted to debate tbe I'endletcn high aohool team in the local auditorium on the same date, but learned by Tues day's East Oregenian that tbey had dropped ont of the debating league. With Peudletou'a withdrawal, only Athena and Milton are lelt in this end of tbe county, and they will have but one debate. The winner will then meet tbe winning team of the other end of the ooanty. Pendleton's excuse for dropping out is that tbe members of the debate teams would gtaduate at tsis neonate! and also that tbey oould uot get suitable material to work on the question. Considerable com ment is being made by other schools oonoermng tbeir belated decision, as tbey bad identically the same miter ill as the test of the league. The Atheuti High basket ball teams lost two games when they olastied in a double-header contest with the Pen dleton teams Deo. 22, the girls losing 39 to ? and the boys 28 tc 27. Tbe Athena gills, though the; fought gamely, were ontolaiaed and had no obanoe to win. But from the stand point of good basket ball, tbe Pendle ton boys' team was outplayed fiom start to finish. Tbe locals were out weighed and, as the 15 fouls oalled on the visitors to tbe nine on Athena plainly indioate, outioughed. Athena lost through inability io oonveit fouls ioto points. The Waitsburg boys defeated Athena in the looal gym. Deo. 29 by the score of 52-25. The Atbeoa boys showed lack of practice through tbeir passing and were easily smpassen by the fast Waitsburg quintet. Tbe Hollev bro thers were tbe Waitsburg stars, flo uring 43 points, while Boober started fur tbe locals with 17 ot the 25 points. 1'ooigbt tbe Athena teams will go to Milton, where tbey will play Colum bia College io a double-header game. Next week both teams go to Waits burg to play Friday night, and from there to Touohet tor a game Saturday night. Prinoipal and Mrs. J. O, Bus- sell will aooompany the teams. Following is tbe monthly report for the Athena pnblio sobool for montb ending Dec. 29, 1910, in comparison with tiiu pi needing month: Deo. 1 Deo. 29 No. pupils end montb 185 188 No. new pupils registered 7 . 8 Total No. reg. to date 201 No. pupils at end of mo. 188 No. days taught during mo. 18 Total days attendance Total days absence No. times taidy 30 No. neither absent or tardy HO Average No. belonging 187.5 Ave. daily attendance 181.5 Pet oem ot attendauoe 90.8 No. visits by parents 38 Tbe per Oeut of attendance for the past four months has been held up to tbe average of 97.9. Tbe Atben Press Honor Gup baB helped in this respect. J. O. Bussell, Snpt. Boll of Honor. First Grade. Atbeoa Rossell, Katb leen Badtke, Doiothy Geiseel, Beatrice Dickenson, Florenoe Ross, Dorothy Bear, Esther Helms, Lepba Cox, Opa Stan. Elver Miller, George Pambruu Weldon Bell, Winston Taggait. Second Gtade. Marjorie Bonder, Lois Johnson, Arleta Willaby, Edua DeFreeoe, Lorena Schubert, Joe Enge mann. Boy DeFreeoe, Bonald Lienel len, Melvin Coppook, CliHortl Wood, Freddie Badtke, Edward Bass. Tfaiid Grade. Veva Bentley, Bobert Carateui, Muriel Garden, William Coppook, Marl Diokenson, Clara Eogj mano. Leonard Geiasel, Ellen Henry, Alice Huffman, Bay Huffman, Harold Jaokacn, Veia Miller, Mbx Newaom, Dean Piukeiton, Olive Sbick, Arthur lavlor, Mar; Biobmbnd, Chester Cox. Fonitb Grade. Stanley Bush, Wil bur Harden, Arthur Holt, Blanche Johnson, Marvel MoAlexander, Harold MoLennto, Fay Pambron, Eppa Piei eol, Elmo Buscell, Dalbretb Taylor, Dorothy Willaby, Leonald Willaby, Bulb Hutt. Fred Haas. Velton Bead. Fifth and Sixth Giades. Brooks Anderson, Vernou Miller, Turn Kirk Alton Lieualleo. Lorain Sbick, Bi aid Carlano, Thelma Cratiiil, Bee NEWLY OFFICERED MASONS AT BANQUET (Newark Evening Newt) Prof. H. A. Post Joins Benedicts 200 189 15 3267.5 2434.5 107.0 46.6 1 143 185.4 182.3 98.3 9 Prof. H. A'. Poet and bride have in tuined f mm a ahoi't honeymoon trip and are established iu Ibe Sherman home ou the West Side, where tbcv aie at home to tbeir friends. Of the wedding of tbe young couple, tbe Walla Walla Bulletin says: The marriage of Miss Lama Drum, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Drum, to Homer Avery Post, of Ath ena, occurred on Christmas afternoon at 6 o'olook. Tbe ceremony was a simple one, attended only by members of the two families and a few intimate friends. Dr. Stephen B. L. Penrose read the service. Miss Enla Grand berry played Mendelssohn's W aiding aroh as tbe bridal patly took tbeir places before au exquisitely ananged bower of oiange blossoms and soft greenery. The bride wore a beoomiog frook of Georgette crepe, with laue and pearls. Her veil was short and held to her hair with a wreath o." orange blossoms, and she cairiod a shower of bride roses, The bride was given in narriage by her father, and sister, Mies Barbara Drum, wan bridesmaid. Mr. Post was attended by bis brother, Maurice Post, of l'u-oome. Revival Meetings At Baptist Church BBnisler. Dorothy Kopk, (.4nrrifle Martin. Elsa Biugel, Ethel Geiasel, Myrtle Downing, Mildred Matheia, Amta Payne, (van Cux, Charlotte Bass, .Eddie Evans, Leslie Maivio, Lowell Rluhmnud, Lea Banister, John Pinkertou, Delbert Bead, Sadie Pam bruu. Eva Carstens, Edra Cartaua. Luaiuda Dell, Audra Wiusbip, Velum MoAlexandar, Mildred Sinn Lou , Both Jackson, loon Cardan, Conrad Miller. Seventh Grade. Lela Schubert, Sa vannah Smith, Jeaunettu Miller, Dol lie Banister, Nina Tharp, Helen Dow ning, Henry Knight, Dorvan Phillips, Willard Parker, Lloyd Mathers, Eighth Grade. Batbeeu Bead,'! hel ms MnEwen, Mildred Wiusbip, Geoigu Lieualleu, Clay Jackson, Elizabeth Matheis, Maebelle Duncan, Edna Fink ertou, Fnink Miller, Esther Miller, Wayne Huffman. High Sobool Boll of Honor. Freshmen. Enid Cartano, Ida Cra till, Martha Hutt, Aieia Litllejobu, Hazel MoFarland, Velva Mansfield, Belle Pambrun, Helen Russell, Velira Sobnbert. Vernita Wilts, Fay Zeiba, George Adams, Bulph Richmond, Boy Bicfamond, John Sanodeie, Keunetli Bentley, Lrwrenoe Baker, Claude Ba ker, Harry Martin. Sophomores. Lola Key, Ha?ol San dres, Lnoille Taylor, Frauoes Will iams. Juniors. Kalbren Frnome, Zola Keen, Flurence McLennan, Marguerite McLennan, Augie Pambrun, Henry Kcepke. Seniors. Mamie Him ml. School Notes On acooont of tbe Waitsburg-Tnu-obet tiip, tbe next meeting of tbe Literary eooiety has been postponed to Jan. 19th. Several of tbe AthenB High alumni returned home duiing the past week to enjoy tbeir Cbrlstnfas vaoalion, Among tbeni ars: Greta Mclutyre from PaolBo University; Gladjs Mc Leod fiom Univoisity ot Oiegon, aod Tom Caton from Whitman College. Among tbe High sobool visitors for tbe week were Frank Luokwood and Pbilip Yenney of tbe Walla Walla High sobool. Velma Gerking entered the High eobooi Tuesday, as a new etudeut. She comes from the Weatou high sobool. Helen Sbiok, wbo has teen absent fiom sobool fur three mouths on ac count of illness, baa lesomed her studies. Lucille and Lois Smith have entered school in Miss Sberman's room. Misi Fortoa's room won the Athena Piess Honor Cop for this montb, over Mine Wagner's by one point and Mies Shern D two points. Following aie i reaeived by eaob room: $, 171; Miss Wagner, 170; lan, 109; Mise Baroei, 165; 1, 136. The evangelistic meetings whioh have been iu progress for over a week in the Baptist ohurob are electing much interest, and the good crowds promise to Ml tbe side room also, tbe auditoiium having been tilled most ei-eiy evening. Edgar L. Mills, tbe .evangelist, is a mau of unusual gifts, a talented and oonviuoiag speaker, nu:i draws crowds tu every community from miles around. One of bis subjects tor sorre evening next week will be "Hole;: the Walls," and he says he will i them rlgbt ool. All the ssrvices a great benefit to Ibe oommunity ri no oue should miss these spleudid up portnnitles eaob ovonii, . i ue large uimru di t) p VPa makb tha shag service TSiC i' lively and enthusiastic antr Tklst'art of tbe service is very attractive. Tbe choir has been in training for a special program which they wiil render this evening. Mr. Haslan, wbo is training them, says "tbey have unusual voices whioh promises to moke this the best program be bas heard." Tbe hike whioh ia being planned by Mi Haslan for tbe boys will tBke plaoe as soon bs tbe weatber per inks and will include a lunch around tbe camp fire. There will ho all day Mtvices Snn Ar with dinner nt noon. Tbia will acoommndate those coming a dis tance and eveiyone ia invited to bring their dinner nud stay to the all day servioea at 11 a. m,, 2:30 and 7:30 p. tu. Everv oue cordially iuvited, Dmiug tbe reoent thaw, tbe fish pond at the Samuel Pamlirnn piaoe south of town was undermined by the water, and bieaking loose, releaeud n ' nut throe tbouaaud youug trout which had been planted there. Miss Clara Zerba Weds School Man Wednesday afternoon, Deoember 27, 1916, tbe farm home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Zerna was the scene nf a very pretty wedding, when Miss Clara Zerba, sistor of Mr. Zeihl and , a for mer popular girl of this city, having been reared in this vioinity, heoame the bride of Mr. Lntber B. Taylor, ot MoMinnville. She has recently made her homa in Walla Walla. Tbe bride was beautifully gowned in white satin and silver lace and oar iled a abower of bride's roses and 'lilies of tba valley. Her sinter. Miss ' Morenoe Zerba, noted as bridesmaid, curing yellow chiffon over satin, t immed in silver leas and carried a I ouuot of pink oarualiona. Bo? Zer ba, brother of tbe bride, was teat man, Tbe bridal party marched in to the strains of Lohengrin's Biidal Ono nis, with Miss Boonie Sims nt the piano. Tbe room was tastefully deo united in yellow aud White ohrysau I'l mi urns and mistletoe. Tha impress i i doable riug ceremony was uaed, tli i offloratiog alergymnn being tbe Ho?. Bollor, of Walla Walla. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Zerba, Miss Florence Zerba, Buy Zerta, MisBies Edna and Grace Zerba; Misses Both Godtold. Ethel Fienoh. Laura Smith and Mr. Boy Maxwell of Walla Walla; Miaa Bonnie Sima of Sheridan, Misw L'la-Bloom LBGiBnde and Miss Lizzie ftinfBrd of Athena. After the oetemony a sumptuous dinner was served by Mrs. Clarence Zerta, assisted by Miss Lela Bloom, after wblcb the happy couple departed by auto for Walla Wnllu, from whence they took theHail! for Mo Minnville, where Urn groom s a mem l:er of the blgb snhdol faculty. Tbey will be at homo to their friends after February HrBt at MoMinnville, Woodmen, Knights of Pyth thias and Odd Fellows Install Officers for the Ensuing Year Wednesday evening, Deoembar 27, was an auspicious eveut in tbe his tory of Dolph Lodge No. 80, A. F. and A. M., the occasion being the in stallation of offioeri for the ensuing year. Masonic Hall was Oiled with invited' guests oompiisiug members of Masons''familiea and friends. The program rendered was well appreciated, and was as follow! : Opening Prayer, by Davis Errett. Vocal solo, Miss Helen Bueaeil, aeoompanled by Mrs. Saott. Violin solo, Floyd Pinkeiton. Vocal solo, Mis. W. B. Scott. Song by Men'a Chorus. Piano seleotions Mrs. J. O. Bnssell. Address by Davis Errett. Presentation of Masonic Apron to Past Worshipful Master Samuel Pamtrun by Mr. Errett. Installation of Officers by A. M. Johnson, P. W. M. Officers: W. M., Cues. O. Henry; 8. W,, Bond Hill; J. W., Balph T. Cannon; Treasurer, Irving Brooks; Secretary, A. B. Steele; 8. D., J. R. Mathers, . I, 1.1. , W. B. Soott; S. S.. Fred Flint; J. S., Edward Bonn; Ty ler, E. B. Cos; Marshal, David Tay lor. After tbe impressive aercmouie.i .nf installation, the tables were laid tor a most anmptuoua banquet, and tbe remaining time was pained in social iuteroourse. The Woodmen. Wednesday evening tbe looal Wood men Camp installed offioeiafor tbe en suing year. With Eugene Sohrimpf aa Installing offtoer. tbe following new officers were installed. Past Consul Commander, W, H. Keen; Ooninl Commander, Edw. Sa basky; Adviaor Lieut., Man. Sbiok; Clerk, Dr. J. D. Piamondon; Banker, H. 0. Wortbingtoos' Esiort, Blmer Boober; Watchman, LeBc MoOnh. bina; Sentry, (JleVe Mye'r; Managers, J. W. Groasi W. T. Boober, and Oaea Cannon. . Knights of Pythias. O. O. Hanry, inatalltog offloer, in N stalled tba following new oftloiala in PythiBff Lodge, No. 29, K. of P., laat night: O. O., E. H, Bann; V. 0., Fred Badtke; Prelate, Arthur Cop pook! M. ot A., Harvey Boober; K. of B. & S., B. W. Konaaek; M. W., W. E. Dobeon; M. F., Henry Keen; M, of E ., E. H. Benn; I. G., Ace Wagner; O. G., Vert Mazlin. The Odd Fellows. Tomorrow night, in I. O. O. F. Hall Wild Horsa Lodge No. 73. I. 0, O. F. will install tbe following uflioers:. B. A. Tbompaon, N. G. j Wm, Kon Haek. V. G. ; Chas. Smith, Bee. Sec; M. L. Watta. Fin. Sec; G. W. Groes Treas. ; G. W. Gross, tmstee. January Clearance Sale Friday Morning, January 5th we will open our January Clearance Sale. It offers the greatest reduction of prices you'll see in th6 year 1917 A the same time, values got to be found elsewhere; and remerjiber this: "ft takes more than marked-down prices to make value " If you want high class, dis tinctive, new, up-to-the-minute clothing and dry goods, you'll get more ot it here than anywhere else, and for less money Our merchandise is our best argument Come and investigate s f Pendleton's Greatest Department Store The Peoples Warehouse Where It Pays To Trade 1