Press Paragraphs M f.iata Waaoer was a meat of Pendlelou friends last week. Beit Cartano ibipped oarload oi n.torii t.n Portland laat Friday. r" Ott a little Labor Saer it Fix & Radtke'e. It makes washing eBay. Mia. Henry Dell baa teen among tl.a rnnnrterl ill this week, with la Commenoing January , Ware's Pharmacy will close eaob evening at 8 o'olook. '.'''.'.s ' Mrs. Burt Wilson was In tbe oity this week fiom Gem, Idabo, visiting relatives. r Mis. Homy Wood baa been qolte siok tbis week at bet borne on tbe West aide. I'd Kulgbt la bere.from Baker, vis iting bis paieuts, after an uhseore of eeseral years. . Mrs. M. Ii Watt8 lias heeo oontloed la ber boma this ueek with a latere oase of tlie grip. . Miss Jessie Biieily visited ber pa rents at Staufltld, doriug tne Thanks giving vnontlon. ,'. Miss Forma bad aa ber Thanks giving gnest, ber sister, who teaobea in tbe Milton schools. Miss Vernlta Watte bad as bet Thanksgiving B nest, Miss Mildred Rogers, ol Pendleton. ; Ohailas Nelson baa pnrobased the Wm. MuKenzis faun neat Weston, ooptaiuiag 800 aoies, (or $50,000. Mrs. Dean Dudley ia enjoying a vis It from ber molbei. Mrs. Gates, wbo recently arrived from Denver. Mrs. E, A. Merritt left Tuesday lor ber borne ia North Powder, after a sbort visit witb Atbeua friends. Mie. Frank Grasty is down fiom ber home at Lease, Wasb., visiting at tbe borne of Mr, and Mrs.-Sam Panibrnn, Tbe Star Club will meet next Tues day afternoon at tbe borne of Mia. F. B. Boyd for tbeir first December ses sion. : is ' y ' Mr. and Mrs. Harry Watren, wbo lived on tbe Stewart plaae for some lime, beve taken a homestead in Lake county. Prof and Mra. W. 0. Tbom bave moved into tbe cottage on East Jeffer son street, vaoutedty Mr. and Mis. Keller. ;, Miss Lillian Tompkins and Wetley To in pa ins were ovar last evening from Walla Walla, attending tbe Bigb Bobool play. Mr.' and Mra. Emery Aahilles aod little dangbter, Floienoe, are visiting Atbena fiiends, tionj tbeir Vansyole bomeatead. Tbls district waa visited by a bard rain storm Tuesday, wbiob about four o'olook obanged to snow and wind, and tor three boars a blizzaid of tbe old-liDie type raged. About tbree luetics if snow fell, badly drifted. . . Mia. W. 8. Fergnaon baa returned from Portland, very moob improved in bealtb, after a course of speoial treat ment iu a sanitaiium. Tbere will be eleation of offlonrs Id Dolpb Lodge, A. F. & A. M. Deo 18, at wbiob time all members ai re quested to be present. Carl Sbeard bad a aoooesaful dook bunt in tbe, Hermiston country, tbis week, and be remembered tbe Press family witb a mallard. Miss JesBie Riokman, of Wenatohee, Wasb,, baa arrived in tbe city and will make her boma with har on.ui. aunt, Mis. David Taylor. ' Weston is arranging for a common itv Christmas Iran, in nhiah all tha oburobea will paiticipatt, backed by tbe Weaton Weltaie olnb. Mr. and Mia. Georae Banaell ieoent 1; lett tbeir borne iu Moro, Crook county, for California, wbeie tbey will lemaiu for aeveral moutba. Billy Urubum, a Weston oaipeutei, has been employed witb D. Soott Fisher, tbe Dadt week, in maklns re pairs to the Christian ohurob parsou age. Lost &n Indian robe, brown colon predominating; somewhere between town and tbe Bern Bannister borne, Saturday nigbt. , Finder pleaae re tarn to tbiB offioe. Mrs. R. A. Thompson has returned from a pleasant visit with bet parents at Beppoei. She was aooompamed borne by ber cousin. Miss Franklin, wbo will visit here for some time. A new whistle baa been Installed at tbe Richaids chop mill end wiL heieafter regnlate tbe industrial boura of the city. Tbe wbistle la blown at 8 a. at., 13 o'olick noon, I p. m., and 5. m. -'Mrs. MoKiuoey, wbo baa been em ployed in tbe Golden Rule Store for several months, has gone to ber borne iu Poitland, and bel place in the store baa teen taken by Miss Pierce, also of Portland. The girl frienda of Miss Ruby Ban mater gave ber a "snower" Friday evening, at tbe borne of ber parents, east of town. Many beautiful and nsetul gifts were inolnded in the list of presents. Ernest Koopke left yesterday for Seattle, where be will join bis family, who have been iu that oity since Sep tember, the little dangbter attending school tbeie. Mr. Koepke will remain for the winter. Roy Ostiander, foimerly a popnlar Athena boy, la in a Walla Walla hos pital, wbeie be leoentlv underwent aa operation for compound hernia. Bis mother, Mia. J. Inglii, went over Wednesday morning to attend bim. Roy waa formerly empluyed at tbe lo cal O.-W. depot, bnt baa lately been In a Washington station. A Piano lor Christmas Make soma ona happy for life witb a Piano for Christmas. Noth ing eould be a moro enduring, pleasing, gaueious gift than one of our flue Pianos. The appioiation of sooh a gift would grow with the years. Come to ue for a Piano.' i"ou will be sura of an instrument that will meet every teat, musically, strOoturally and for handsome appaaranoe. Onr methods of merohandising made too high a prioe impossitle. tbey insure considerably lower priaea than exolusive piauo stores can afford to quote. Xou oan afford to buy a GOOD Piano here. , Make soma one happy for life with a Piano for Christmas. Un' easy terms may be bad if desired. Delivery may be made when de aired, but selection ahould be made now. ' THE DAVIS-KASER CO WALLA WALLA Complete Furnishers of Homes, Offices and Schoola 10-20 Alder St. CHRISTMAS GOODS See our line of Christmas goods be fore you buy. Have a complete line of Toys, Toilet Sets, Toilet Articles, Fancy Linens, etc. cA fine line of Mechanical Toys tor boys. Kid Dolls, all sizas, - 49a to S. 98 Dressed Dolls ell sisea 35c to 3.98 Onole Sca Dolla. - - 'So. Set of dressed Doits good size. Boy and Girl Seta 480 to 8o. Boy Soont Dolla extia large 1.9s Doll Bed! - - 490 to 1.49 Kiloben Cabinet - 888 to 1.98 Train & Track - 1.28 to 3.98 iSteam Toya - 98o to 1.98 "Ereotoi" Seta all sizes and prions. See our Hue of Ivory Goods. A complete line of nail files, shoe spoons, button books, oomba, brush es, hair receivers, powder jars and a dandy line of Toilet'Sets. Fancy tatla runners and covers - - 49o to 2.98 Pillow tops - s 25o-49d-98e Fanoy Linen Towels eaob 25c to 98a Faaoy Turkish Towels pair - - - 49s to 98o. Table Linen yaid - 69o-98o-l.9 Napkins, seta of six, - - . 7 980-1.49 1.98-S.98 Fanoy Puraes.veiy latest 98c to 2.98 A complete line of Coasters, Hand Cars, Drums, Steam Toys, etc,, for your boys. yj Commencing Wednesday nlgbt. with Mary Piokford in "Esmeralda," Man age! Maitin of tbe Peoples Theatre will begin the servioe of Paramount Pictures on Wedoesday and Saturday nights of eaob week. Mrs. I. W. Ware ia reooveiing at her borne on Fiftb attest, after a minor operation, performed by Drs. Plamon don and Sharp. Miss Rsna Bergevin, of Seattle, ia with her for a few days in tha oapacity of trained nurse. Lee Tong, one of tbe best informed Orientals on tbe Coast will preaob at tbe Obristian obnrob Sunday, 11 a. m, under tbe auapioes of tbe Christian Women's Board of Missions. He is direotor of tbe Christian Missions in Portland. At the boma of Mr. and Mrs. B. D. Tbarp, Sunday, a birthday dinnet waa enjoyed by tbe families of Mr. and Mrs. John Maitin, and Mr. and Mm. Tbaip, tbe oooaaiou tieina in bonni of Mrs. Martin aud Mis. Tbarp, whosx birthday it waa. Beginning nfxt Wednesday, The Peoples Theatr will ont ou Hip f - in -ous Purumnont Diutores. vhi-'ti IM be shown eanh Wedne-dny and 8 i' day night. Next Wednf-s-lav iiiit Maty Piokford will to seen i.i nno l bei popular plays. Mrs. Joseob Forrest and daughter bave moved to Lowden Station, Wash, where tbey bave token up tbeii rsa idnnoe on a farm. Mrs. Forrest waa op from Lowden this week' visiting ber motber at ber borne near Tbiiu Hollow, and returned Wednesday. Dr. J. D. Plamondon and Henry Bariett made a trip tc Piesnott Tues day, and returniug in the blizzard, tbey passed tbiee oara at tbe toot of Diy Cieek bill, wbiob were tied op in the snow drifts. Benry's Chalmers oar olimtjed right along, and th trip boma was safely made. Baptist Cbnrcb next Sunday: Sun day sobool at 10 a. m., preaching 11 in., obait aermon on The Golden Altar and Tbe Table of She Bread. B. Y. P. U. meetiog at 1:80; preaob lug at 7:30, snbjeot of eermnn: Ibe Bible and tbe Four's Controversy." Publio moat cordially invited. Mr. Fay Loveiidge of Dmkee, Un ion oonutv, joined his wife bete and after a week's visit, waa aooomnanied borne by ber aod tbeir little dangbter. Mrs. Loveiidge baa teen bere einae the death of ber Bister, Dolly White, some weeks ago. Sbe leaves her mo ther ia slightly improved bealtb. Weston Leader: Joe Bbdgson baa leased 42S aores of land eight milea east of La Crosse, Waali., wfaiob will be farmed by hia eon, J. L. Hodgson, luoloded with tbe place ia a complete farming outfit. Mr. Hodgson left for bia new ranch thia week witb a oar- load shipment of hoiaea and honsebold goods, Jaivis Bold a former resident of thia oity. drooped dead from beait failure at Pilot Rook, yeaterday. Tbe lemaina will be bmught to this oity and interment will take place tomor row at Eeea oemetery, where bia wile ia buried. Mr. Unrd was a Mason, and at one time waa Master of Dolpb Lodge No. 80 of this oity. Mis. Georgia Partob and ber bro tber. Blaine Hansel I. are visiting at tbe Marion Bai'sell borne nei town Mrs. Partob will soon be joined by her husband, wbo will aoaompauy ber to tbeir home near Sonnyside, Wasb Sha baa been ill at the boms of ber parents, Mr. and Mia, George Ban sell at Mora, for some time, bnt is reaov ering. Mi. and Mra. 0. L. MoFaddeo bave returned from tbeir abort . wedding trio, and are oozily eatabliabed in the Catou reaidenoe. Their many friends bave given them a cordial wel come, and among the attentions given the newly-weds were two or tbiee sir enades. Tha bride and groom bave been tba recipients of many ooslly and beautiful presents. Mra. F. B. Boyd and Miss Lillian Ware went down to Pendleton Tuesday evening to witness the production of "Everywoman," tbe groat allegories! play of Benry W. Savage. Tbey weie mnob pleased with tbe performance. Tbey remained Tuesday night ' al the home of Mr. and Mrs. James H. Stnrgia, wbo bad left Sunday noon for a trip to San Fraucisoo. Mr. and Mia. E. A. Dudley will leave next Thursday tor a winter's sojourn In California. En route, tbey will oa joined by Mr. and Mrs. Victor MoDonald, of Walla Walla, wbo will aooompany them to the San Diego ex poaitioo. Tbey will witness tbe Peon aylvania - Oiegoo football - game ou the Stanford campus, in whioti tbeir sod, Glen, 'will be a player, A. L. Swaggart returned this morn iug from Portland, where be tock first prize witb the best pan of tbree boga at tba . Northwest Live 8took Show, over competitors from alHntber North west states. Mr. Swaggart also cap tared third prize for tbe best carload of fai bogs delivered doriug the week at tbe Poitland stock yards, lie was aooompanied to Poitland ty bis sou Frank. Methodist Uhnrob Sunday Seivioes Sooday sobool 10 a. m., W. C. rSmniel Supt. Pieaobing services 11 a. m aod 7:30 p. ra. Mornit-g topic, "Tbe New Bell of File and Brimstone. The Christmas program baa been plan ned for Christmas Eva witb a jolly good treat tor oor youngsters. All are invited to attend these aervioeg. Spa oial mnsio by tba ahorns oboii nnd tbe dlreotlon of Sopf. J. O. Bossell. The first of a series of entertain menta for tba benefit of the Athena Band will be given at The Peoples Tbeatieon Thursday night. December 14, and will tncinda several mnsloal numtera by members of tbe tand Tbe Bootob comedian singar, Jook Colemrt. will enrich tbe picgiam witb one of liis entertaining numbers. A feature of tbe entertainment will be tha novelty mosioal act by Mr. and Mrs. Tbonj. ia wbiob good uiusio will ba rendered on ordinaty bottles and soap bowls. This sot baa been well reoeived at tbe principal vaudeville theatres in Portland and will donbtleas please. Aamlssioo will ls 85c. end r i j '. WW n Famous Players Film Co. e j jaWednesday" Only" You will be more than pleased with her in this great screen success, "ESMERALDA" Francis Hodgson Burnett Author 'The Dawn of Tomorrow -I OA i 1 4 t jm jpr sjsfav Qpf qgr JM 'Hm st ' "'.'7T. .(. '.'A Coming Saturday .( If t ii: :i ' ft Charlotte Walker in OUT of D ARKNESS These Pictures will be only 5c and 15c should not miss any of them 5 vs5 Km ; " i 94.5 00.8 I jaasBBaBaiiBBBSBBaBsaraaBaiaBaaBBa 65 ,-V k Tomouow, the annual bazaar aud dinner of Ibe ladies of tbe Christian obuioh will te held in the basement of the obnrob. Many aitioles suitable for Cbiistmas presents will be for sale, aod tbe usual tonntifol dinner will be served. Don't tail to patronize the ladiea and give yoorself a treat, Din ner begioa at lii and will be seived nnlil 2:80, when a cooked iood sale ill begin. Tbe piioa of the dinner will be 30 oeute the plats. At tbe Cbristiau Cbnrob Sunday: Bible school 9:50, Geo.' B.' Working, direotor. Lee Toog, Sopeiinleudent of the Christian Cbineae Mission of Portland, will oaonpy tbe jolpit at tbe 11 o'clock bonr. Preaohiog by tbe pastoi at 7:30 p. m., topia, "Contend ing Earnestly." Evaugelistio services ooolinue during tbe week, exoept Sat- uiday. Topics for Monday and 'lues- day evenings, respectively, "Credibil ity of tbe Bible," and "What Will You Co Witb Jeans'" Tba people are cordially invited and weloome. Wednesday, Deoember 6, at 6 o' clock in tbe afternoon,, tbe wedding of Bosa Payee and Miss ltoby Bannis ter, both of this oity, oaonrred in W ilia Walla. The wedding ceremony was performed in tba White Temple Baptist ohurob, and Rv. M. iS. tiol ien offioiated. Ibe biida and gioom were attended by Miss Bessie Bannis ter, tbe bride's sister, and Mr. Rex Payne, trothet of the groom. Mis. Bern Bannistei and Mrs Lola Payne, motbeia of tbe jootig people, respect ively, witnessed the nuptials, tbe party motoring over together troin Atbena. After tbe impressive ceremony, the paity repaired to the Daorea Hotel, where a wedding dinner was seived. Tbe bride was attiied iu an appropri ate traveling autt, and tbe young peo pie planned to leave on tbe night tiain foi Seattle tor a sbort honeymoon trip, after wbiob tbey will return and take uu residence in tbe Pavne home in Athena until Bpiing, wben Mr. Payne will engage in formiog west of town. Tbe biide was tbe recipient of many handsome piesents, tandered ber in e "shower" given Friday nigbt si tbe borne of ber patents, Mr. and Mis, Bern Baunistar, near town. School Notes. Physical Cultuio oIhbsss promise to become more interesting. Sopt. Bus sell baa urdered new gymnasium ap paratus, wbiob conaista of indoor base tails, eupplioa, wands, dumb bells, to. This gives tha girls an indoor (tame besides basket ball, aa well as lirferent and more attractive exercise. : Statistics compiled fay Piioolpal J. O. Russell ou tbe result of tbe class lnst.-nctiou and First quaiterly tests in High sobonl ending Nov 10, aro as follows: Average ataoding of 19 tak ing ts-it, 80.8. Aveiage standing of 28 girls taking: testa, 89.9. Average standing of 21 tnye taking tests, 8a. 4, Vaiiatioo above- average for tlio girls, 8.1. Variation below average foi top boys, 4.4. Aver jigs of glila' basket tiall team, 3 sobs., 8R.0. Avereae of tovs' basket bell team. 2 subs., 88.6. Vaiiatioo of girls' team below aobool i aveiage 0.2. Variation of boys' team below school average, 3.2. Tbe tollowiog ia the monthly ia port for Atbena Pnblio Softools fur tbe mouth ending Ueoemcai i, in com par ieoa witb tbe corresponding moulb of last year: 19U 1916 So. pnpils end last mo. 178 185 New -popila registered 7 Total Ka. reg'tred to data 190 801 No. popita end of month 174 r 188 No. days tnugbt 15 18 Tnl.l ilnva attendance 2446.5 8267.6 15o. A baaaflt Jitney datura will be ! Total daya absence, "'-u iyi-u given at tba opera house after tha f No. times tardy, 8 SO abow. A good piotura program will ! No. neither as. or tardy 113 140 be given in connection with tba show. .. Av, No. belonging 171.6 187. 6 Coma earl r. ' A. dailr attendance 163.1 181.5 Per oent of attendance No. viBita ty parents 38 J. O. Russell, Superintendent. Tbe base ball season will start iu earnest next- week with two double bender games, on Friday and Saturday nights, Deoember 15 and 18. On Fii day nigbt both boya' and girls' teams of Milton High sohool will meet the Atbeua teama in tbe looal gymnasinm. The Milton team waa the fastest In the oounty league last year, winning tba obampionebip. A good game is ex neoted. The Atbena Bigh girls' team defeated tbe Milton eqnad last year iu two gomes aud are out to repeat tbe performance this Benson, December 18, both Atbena teams will go to Weston lor a double-beader game. The Wes ton teama bave undergone some chang es since last year, when tbe girls de feated tbe local squad In two games early in tbe aaasoo, ana tne Atnena sextette is out to reverse that result iu tbe ooming contest. Tbe local boys will bave to put np a bard fight in or der to win from Weston, as both teams ere very strong. The First nnd Second grades won tbe Atbeua Press honor cup- tbla month, bavmg the lowest per oeut of tardiness and misbehavior and the highest per cent of attendance, and grades above 90. The Fiftb aud Siaib grades, wbo bad tbe oup last month., lost this time by 12 points, having 168, wtiil" the 1st room had 17U!-j poiots. Tbe standing of tbe rooms tolluwai Primary, 17OJ4 polnta: 3rd aod 4th gtades, 167 points; 5tn and 6th grades, 108 points; High sohool, 143, and 7th and 8tb grades, 143. A Christmas program is to te given in tbe auditorium Friday afteiuoon, Dec. 23, in which there will be given three or fool lelectioos. A Christmas tree aud a "real Santa Claus" will be addition to tbe program, wbiob prom ises to be very Interesting and is the Hist of its kind to be given in tbe iohool. Tbe publio is cordially invited. Miss Sbermau baa rented a piano for ber 100m, to be uaud in enteitaiuateucs and every day woik, Mrs, Riohmond waa a visitor in MiBS Barnes' loom this week. Thn superintendents and prinoipalB of tbe soboola of Umatilla county met 10 the County Sobool Superintendent's office ou Saturday, - Deoember 2, for the purpose of organization and to plan tbe oounty sobool contests for the eiiaoiog year. Tbe new organization ia to be knowu as "Tbe Sobool Mas ter's Club of Umatilla Coooty." Sopt. John B. Washtuin of Miltoo, waa eleoted president and Sopt. J, U, lias-s-II of Atbena, aeoretary-treaiurer. Superintendents Gilbert C. Wood of Ferndale and (i. R. Ratlusoo of Wea ton ware elected to complete tbe mem reiahip of the Exeontive Committee. Twenty-one superintendents and prin cipals were in atteudauoe, Among aev- real important matters discussed, In dustrial Fairs, Deolamatory Couteste, Intiitutea, Athletica aud Sohool Leg. Islatioo, losied tboie present for a five bom spsslon. For tha porpom of In-, teiscbolastin contests, the soliools of the county bave beeo dnided into East Eod, West Ehd aod Centiol dis tricts. In tba east eod of tbe oonnty, ii was voted to bold a looal Institute for teaohers at Miltoo some time iu Februaiy. Tbe deolamaloiy onotest will be held iu Atbena, as well as a probable gride sobool athletio cootest. Eaob oonuty organization is entitled to be lepresented at tbe Stale resell ers' Association, wbioh meets at Port land on Dec. 27-28-29. In ooDse qonuee, Sopt. J, O. Russelt of Atbeua was tleoted ei the Sobool Master's GIFT WILL CARRY THE RIGHT mm IMPRESSION if the are practical and are pur chased at the Quality Store of Athena A List of Practical Gifts , Tor Ladies FELT SLIPPERS FANCY BASKETS lVORY PIECES IVORY SETS , JARDENIERES FANCY RIBBON FANCY TOWELS HOSIERY SILK WAISTS HANDKERCHIEFS PIN CUSHIONS LOOKING GLASS SERVING TRW S CRUMB TRAYS PURSES FURS NECKWEAR SILK PETTICOATS For Men Club delegate, aud ba will hare active vote on all matters 10 cnn; fore the business seol inn of th Association, 'J be porpcie of sauizalion Is to elf cat a maana mote tba best interests of all tl ty schools. "A bc.i 1 1 i'," . A iaun-' FELT SLIPPERS FANCY ARM BANDS HANDKERCHIEFS KNIT MUFFLERS HOSIERY BELTS PURSES NIGnT ROBES NECK WEAR SUSPENDERS LINEN KERCH'FS MUFFLERS GLOVES, SHIRTS JEWELRY PAJAMAS Dolls-Dolls and POLLS Do your Christmas shopping early, . and do it at fcfosgrove Mercantile Companys