The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, December 01, 1916, Image 3

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j; J Press Paragraphs
Bob Beckham bdown from Alrta
where be spent several mouth
Mrs. Lillie Millar retained Wwsdaj
from a business trip to Portland.
Manager Martin pnttiag In a new
stage at ttae Peoplo'6 Theatre.
vaRgart will ship two oar-
loads of bogs to Portland tomorrow.
Mr. H. E. Hobart of Boise, is a
guest today of Pastor and Mrs. D.
Cleve Myers will open a iboe re
pair abop in the Garden building,
Mr. Bnd Mrs. I'. S. LeUrow visited
iu Pendleton Sunday, with the Jas. H.
N. A. Miller was in Portland this
week, purchasing stock for bia furni
ture store. .
Boland, the little eon of Mr. and
Mr a. B. B. Richards, baa been ill the
past week.. .
"Oak Farm," at Sohool auditorium
next Thursday evening. Cartaiu rises
8:18 sharp.
Prof. W. 0. Thorn went down to
Pendleton Monday morning, on a short
business vieit.
A sbooling matoh, held at Helix
Wednesday, was attended br several
Athena shooters.
MissLielub Blaokard of Pendleton,
was a guest for saverel days of Miss
Adah Defreeoe.
J. L. Thompson, 'clerk for Fix & Bad
tbo, left last week to join bis wife at
Lot Angeles, Calif. .
Dr. and Mrs. Win. B. Scott had as
their dinner goests Ibauksgiving Day,
Mr. and Mrs. Davis Euett, Mr, and
Mrs. James Potts. Miss Myrtle Putts
and Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Nelson,
Iha usual Saturday night danoa will
be held iu the .Atbena opera bouse
tomorrow evening.
Mrs. Elmer Merritt oame down from
N9J.U1 Powder a few dayg ago, and
visited friends in Atbena.
Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Boyd spent the
day yesterday with Mr. and Mrs.
James H. Stuigia iu Pendleton,
Get your reserved seats for "Oak
Farm" at Ware's Pharmaoy. Sale
begins at 10 o'olook tomorrow.
Mr. and Mrs. I. W, Ware enter
tained Mr. and Mrs. Fell and son, of
Pendleton, at dinner yesterday.
The Dr. A. B. Stone piano, with
player attachment, will te sold very
aheap. Call at Golden Bale Store,
Mr. and Mia. A. A. Foas apefit
Thanksgiving day at lbs borne of Mr.
and Mrs. U. B. Bishop, in Freewater.
Mr, and Mrs. F. 8. LeGrow and
Grover Bowles took Thanksgiving din
ner at the Bowles home in Walla
D. H. Mansfield is ebipping out a
oarload of borsea and mules today.
Thn stock is oonsigned to the Kansas
City market.
Atbena had amusements to apare,
Monday evening of this week. There
were three attractions and all were
well attended,
Mrs, Minnie DePeatt spent Thanks
giving in Pendleton, witb her aister,
Mrs. Geueviava Harris, who has teen
ill ior some time.
High Sobool play, "Oak Farm,"
Thursday evening, Deo. 7. Beserved
seats sale opens tomorrow, at 10 a. m.
at Ware's Pharmaoy.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Johnson, who
have been in Southern Oregon for
some time, will probably invest in a
home In that part ot tha elate.
Mr. and Mrs. V, Stroble oame up
from Pendleton yesterday and took
Tbauksgivtug dinner at the home of
their daughter, Mrs.V. J. Bnrke.
Shop Here
Christmas will be here before we are ready if we are not alert
tbink of it, only three abort weekal v
As nsual, we have planned aad worked all year that we might be
ready witb the right goods at the riyht time, enabling ua to show now
an immense stock that is a nontinuona revelation of happy gift sugges
tions hundieds and hundreds of entirely new items and most of them
items that will appeal tu nearly all.
' Every department In tuis store ia replete with Novelties as well as
the good old staple items always in demand at Ohristmaa.
Give gifts tbat are useful gifts that endure. Give worth-while
sifts this year of all years gifts of One f urniture of One Bngs, of One
China, of Silterware--uever forgetting a Monarch Range or a Mo
Dougall Oabluot. ". ' '
Bnt, all can be suited. There are oboioe new items frou a few
cents np, gilts to please all, '
Everything is in favor of the early shopper, assortments, eervioe,
etc . A deposit will hold goods tor later delivery it desired, bnt do
your seleotiog early.
Complete Furnishers of Homes, Offices and Schools 1(1-20 Alder St.
Henrv W. Savage's grdatest
Play, has been secured for
a cTWatinee and night per
formance at Pendleton, Dec
5th. Mail orders now.
See our line of Christmas goods be
fore you buy. Have a complete line
of Toys, Toilet Sets, Toilet Articles,
Fancy" Linens, etc. tA fine line of
Mechanical Toys tor boys.
Kid Dolls, all sizes. 19c to 3.98
Dressed Dolls all eizea 25o to S.93
Uoole Sam Dolls - - f9a.
Set of dressed Dails good size.
Boy and Girl Seta 19s to 980.
Boy Soont Dolls extra larga 1.95
Doll Beds - 49a to 1.49
Kiloben Gabiuet - 98a to 1.98
Train & Track - 1.38 to 2,98
Steam Toys - - 98o to 1.98
"Erectoi" Sets all sixes and piiois.
See our line of Ivory Goods. A
oomplete line ft nail dies, shoe
spoons, button hooks, oombs, brush
es, bair reoeivera, powder jan and
a dandy Una of Toilet Bete.
Fancy tatle ruonera and covers
- . 49o to 2.98
Pillow topa - 25o-49o-98o
Fanoy Liuen Towels each 25c to 98o
Fanoy Turkish Towela pair
. . . 49o to 98 o.
Table Liuen yard . 69o-98o-1.49
Napkins, aets of eix,
. 980-1.49 1.98-2.98
Fancy Parses, very latest 98 o to 2.98
A "complete line of Coasters, Hand Cars, Drums, Steam
Toys, etc,, for your boys,
J.C.Penney Co. Inc.
The ladies of the library hoard re
oeived 15.00 from tha "fire salt" of
damaged books, held last week. Many
books were only slightly damBged.
Mrs. W. . Taylor, Sin. D. H.
Mansfield, Mrs. F. B. Boyd, and Miss
es Luoille Taylor and Velva Mans
field spent the day Satuidav in Walla
Mr. and Mrs, Charles Nelson and
obildren are beie from Alberta. Mr.
Nelson baa disposed of his (arm in
Canada and may deoide to pnrohase
land In this vicinity.
, Mr. and Mra. W. E. Dotson left
Wednesday morning tor Toppenisb,
Wash., where they spent Thanksgiv
ing witb tha family of Cbarlea Gay.
They will return Sunday.
Miss Bena Bergevin, a trained nurse
from Seattle, arrived borne Wednes
day afternoon and will spend bei va
cation witb her parents, Mr. and Mra.
Louis Bergevin sooth of town,
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Barnes and
little daughter, Mary Jean, spent
Tbankgsiving with relativea in Wes
ton, and attended the Odd Fellows'
tanqnet held there last evening.
Arohie Shiok left Tuesday for
Granta Pass, whore bis wife and baby
have been visiting for some time. Be
will take Mra. Sbiok to a Portland
sanitarium for treatment for toper
oolar trooble.
One of our substantial young farm
ers stepped into Boober'a tailor ahop
one day tbia week and ordered one cf
Jaoob's bast suits, paying f 58 there
for. Jake didn't say when tha wed
ding was to follow. ,
The aobool ohildren aad general
poblio were very muob interested in
the dog and pony show, wbiob exhib
ited at the High snhool anditorinm
I'ueaday evening. The performance
merited the generous patrouage given.
Mr. and Mis. W. 0. Bead and son,
Velton, went down to Arlington yes
terday morning, where tbey are visit
ing the family .of Mr. Bead's aister.
W. O. took bis shooting iron along
witb the intention ot bagging a goose
or two. .
A splendid Thanksgiving dinner was
enjoyed yesterday by the families of
Prof. J. O. Bnssell and W. 0. Emmel
at the borne of the latter, on Fifth
street. Games were played during
the afternoon and a holiday spirit pre
vailed, Mrs. DePeatt baa reoeived news that
Mr and Mrs. Ortia D. Harris will no
to Ealispel, Montana, after tbe first
of tbe year, where Mr. Harris will
have the pastorate ot the Christian
ohurob. Tbev are at present located
at Davenport, Wash,
Mis. H. A. Bairett very pleasantly
entertained the Star Club Tuesday af ternoon,
when- fifteen ladiea were pres
ent to partake of ber. hospitality. Re
freshments appropriate to tbe season
were served, witb plum pudding as
tbe pteoe de resistance.
Don't forget tbe bazaar and dinuer
to be held Saturday, Deo. 9, by the
ladies of tbe Christian ohurob in tbe
ohurob banquet room. Artioles far
sale oi donations to tbe dinner will he
thankfully reoeived, and the patronage
of tbe pnblio is solioited.
Cliff Banister of Boldman ba for
sale, thoroughbred Bronze tnrkeys,
for breeding purposes. His Hook of
birds are from the best strains in the
oountry. The males weigh as high as
40 pounds, and the females in propor
tion. Address, Cliff Banister, Hold
man, Oregon.
Glen Dndley suffered Injury to hia
leg in last Saturday's football game
between U. of O. and tha Agricultur
al college. Although a fracture was
reported, Glen at onoa wired his pa
rents here tbat it waa only a bad
sprain and ha still expects to make the
trip to California witb tbe team,
Henry W. Savage's Everywoman
Company, one of tbe largest dramatio
and musioal organizationa now tour
ring, will give a matinoe and night
performance at the Oregon Theatre,
Pendleton, Tuesday, December 5. Mail
orders for tioketa will reoeive piompt
attention, and are now selling, if ao
onuipauied by check or P. O. oi'der and
a self addressed envelope.
Ber. Good returned the Bret of tbe
week from a fortnight's visit with bis
parents at Salem. He was aooropu
niud by bis little daughter, tiev
Good has taken obarge of the revival
meetings being held by tbe Free Metb
odists, in the absence of tbe evangel
1st, who was called away. Bet. Glei
aei baa also been essistiog in tbe meet
Snnday Services, Methodist Church:
Sunday aobool 10 a. n., W. C Em
mel, Supt. Preaohing eerviona 11 a,
m. and 7:30 p. m: rooming topic,
"Tbe Disciple." fepecial lonaio by
tbe ohorns choir under the direction
of Supt. Bussell. Ibe growing con
gregation ia enooniaging ia this
bouse of welcome wbure tbe brother
hood of man stands first. Walters.
Gleiser, pastor.
Mi. and Mrs. Joseph N. Soott and
two little daughters left Wednesday
via. Walla Walla, an tbeir trip to
California. Ibe family took Thanks
giving dinner witb Mrs. Biobmooflf
in Walla Walla, and will be joined In
Portland by Mr. and Mis. Claude
Seeder. After visiting a day nr two
in Ibe metropolis the party will go to
Grants Pass to visit tbe family of
Bev. J. H. Harmon, before going on
to Long Beaob, Cilif,, lo apeod the
Mr. and Mra. Geo. B. Woodwaid
write tbat tbey desire tbeir oopy of
tbe Piess sent to No. 4432, Finley
Ave., Los Angeles, wbera they are
established for th , present. They
annonnoa tbat their trip down waa
pleasant one, not marred by any ac
cidents, not even a punoture or n stop
on tbe road beoaoae ot tba car. Tbey
were on the road twelve days between
Pendleton and Los Angeles, covering
1S50 miles.
: Maorioa M. Johns, a foimer resident
ot this oity and a pioneer ot Umatilla
oonoty, died Sunday at 12:16 o'clock
in Claremont, California, at tbe result
of Brigbt's Disease, from wbloh ha
bad been a sufferer for many months.
Tba fnaeral will take plaoe either to
day or tomorrow at Vauooover, Wash,
tbe home of the family. Mr. Johns
accompanied by hia family, went to
California several weeks ago, with
the hope that a obange would be of
benefit to the patient. He leaves his
wife and two sons and .a large circle
of friends iu Umatilla county, Port
land and Vancouver.
Yesterday, at tbe hour of 5, p. nr.,
at tbe home of the bride in Weston,
Bev. D. Errett of this oity prononnced
the words that united in marriage Mr.
Onrran Lane McFaddea of Athene,
witb Miss Gladys Bannister. Tha
ring ceremony was nsed, and Mrs.
Balpb Saling sang "0, Promise Me."
Tbe bride and groom were attended by
Miss Edna Bannister and Mr. 0. E.
Fiske. Little Misses Doiotby MoOon
nell and Katbreu Kidder were dainty
flower girls, and Caiolyn Kidder bore
the two rings iu tha obaliue of a lily.
The rooma were appropriately deoorat
ed, and abont fifty gnests witnessed
the oeramony and partook of a splendid
wedding dinner, served by the biide'a
mother and sisters; among them the
groom's mother, from Corvallis, Mr.
and Mrs. E. H. Leonaid ot Waltsbnrg,
and Mrs. Fred Stipe of Spokane.
Tbe brida is the third daughter ot
Mr. and Mrs. John , Bannister, prom
inent farmers, and residents of Wes
ton, where Mr. Bannister holds tbe
office of mayor of the oity. Mr. Mu-
Fadden is a popular drng aloik in tbe
employe of the Ware Pharmaoy of
tbia city, and the young people will
take np their ieaideuoe in the Caton
oottage, after a short honeymoon trip.
School Notes.
Next Thursday evening, the pleas
ing oomody-drame, "Oak Farm" will
te presented fay the students of the
Bigb sahool. Mayme Sheard makes
a oharmlng leading lady as Helen
Trnmtle, tbe sweetheart cf Donald
Weatbeiby, (Rex Payne) and the uieoe
ot Silas and Sarah Weatheibv, (henry
Koepke and Franoea Febi) the owners
of Oak Farm. The pranks of Sally
Smart (Floienae MoLennon) and Joel
Weatherby (Sylvester Crahill) will
ohaso away tbe tines, and even tbe
most grim of pessimists will ohuokle
to see them. The valiant attempts of
the learned Professor Spudge (Verne
Dndley) and the deaf old Doctor
Meredith (Lawrenoa Tbarp) to seours
tba moon desired hand ot the wealthy,
dignified old maid, Cynthia Warner
(Edna McAlexandei) will oertalnly
oausa roars of laughter from the au
dience. However, this play is not all
comedy, for (he villainous Mr. Prune
(Lloyd MoPberrin) brings about muob
sorrow and anxiety to the owners Oak
Theieoeption given by tbe nolo'
class to the High sobool pupils, alum
ni and faonlty, proved to be the most
snooessful social function ot the year.
The guests were reoeived fay tbe senior
class and Supt. J. O Russell. A pleas
ing program was rendered for tbe eu-
teitainmeut of the assemblage.
Last Fiiday afternoon, the Literary
Sooiety of Athena High sahool mot in
tbe auditorium. An interesting pro
gram was given by tbe etndents, con
sisting of musical nnmbera, a panto
mime and a story, after wbiob a de
bate on the state question by the de
bating members ot the oluse, was giv
en. -
The donble beader basketball games
wbiob Albena Bigb waa to bave play
ed with Columbia oollege at Miltoc,
Saturday night bave baen posponed.
Atbena has a heavy schedule, and
aftei next week, there will ba one or
more games eaob week until March.
The games cover a large range of ter
ritory, reaching uortb to Wnilsburg
and the Touobet district and south as
far as Hermiston.
Library Notes.
Tbe Annual Library Ball proved a
oomplete auooess, both from a soaial
and financial standpoint, a large num
ber partioipatiug, and tbe total re
ceipts of the evening were f 103. Ex
penses for the eveniug were f'45, leav
ing a tidy little sum in tbe treasnry.
Tbe ball was tastefully deoointed in
evergreens, and the ladies served cider
throughout the evening. Splendid
mueio Was furnished fay Prof. Thorn's
oioheetra of four pieces, and daucirig
continued until midnight.
Tbe ladies-ot tbe boaid anuonuce
that (be looul library will open to
morrow, Saturday afternoon, in tba
Nelson bnilding, north side of, Main
street, where regolar bonrs will te
kept nntil the Post building is fl.'iialied.
Tbe following new books bave been
All in MessBge of New Thought.
Arni Id Century Cook Book.
Biyant How to Tell Stories to Chil
dren. Olodd Story of Primitive Man.
Cromwell Agrionltuie and Life.
Denob Making of tbe Movies.
Edwards Panama.
Foss Songs of the average Man.
Griffls Bulgium, the Land of Alt.
Hale What Women Want.
Hawthorne The United States.
Hirst Gnide to South Amerioa.
Hyde Teaobei'a Philosophy.
James Applied City Government,
Linooln Speeches and Letters,
Moore Keeping iu Condition.
Peanoo The Seoret Book.
Shaw Weeds.
8 help Handbook of European War.
Steiner Against tba Current,
Tarkington The Man From Home.
Ten oyson Idyls of the King.
our Ovcrcoa
fits when we measure you
Workmanship and Materials Guaranteed.
Third Street Jacob Boohsr Athena, Or
Webb History til Philosophy
Woolman Textiles.
Atkinson Johnny Appleseed.
Blake Sczanna Stirs tbe Fire.
Brebnet Master Detective,
Cooper Tbe Pathfinder.
Cooper The Spy.
Davis The Friar of Wittenberg.
Davis The Bud Cioss Girl.
Gale Christmas.
Qlaspell Lifted Masks.
Gray Ensign Russell.
Jordan May I vol son Taoklea Life,
Looke Septimus.
iUtber The Woman of It.
MacNanghton Peter and Jane,
Mikels Short Stories for High Schools
Newlin Unpietenders.
Nyebnrg Conquest.
Porter Jnst David.
Beed Lavender and Old Lace.
Bichmond Under the Country Sky,
Van Slyke Eve's Otbei Children.
Vermilye Creeping Tides.
White The Holes of the Game.
Children's Books.
Aaurud Llabeth Longfiook.
Aloott Hose in Bloom.
Beard Shaoks, Shelters and Shanties.
Burrell Saturday Mornings.
Cave Boy Scout's Hike Book.
Cox Brownies; Their Book.
Cotler S'oiies ot King Arthur,
Field Commnuity Civics.
Frye Brooks aod Brook Basius.
Grimm Fairy Tales,
Hall Jan and Betje.
Hughes lorn Brown's Sobool Days.
Hnrrl Raphael.
Judsou Early Days in Old Oregon.
Kennedy Surprise Island.
Koob Little Journeys to Bosnia.
Lang Sleeping Beauty.
Longfellow Hiawatha.
Noel Buzz,
O'Neill Kewpie Kutonts.
Overton Life of Eobert Louis Stev
enson. Paine Campus Days.
Paine Judgments of tbe Sea.
Penault Tales of Moiber Goose,
Poolssuu 1 brongb tbe Farmyard G ate
Piitubard Stories ot Thrift for Young
Bolt-Wheeler Thomas A. Edison.
Sewell Blaok Beauty.
Tappan An Old, Old Story.
l'appan American Hero Stories.
Tappan Story "it the Greek People.
Terrell Blstei-lu-Cbief.
Wyss Swiss Family Bobinson.
New Beutal Backs.
Chamterlaln John Bogardus.
Deland The Bising Tide.
Harten Se-jond Choice.
Lutz A Voice in tbe Wilderness.
MoOntolieon From the Housetops.
Tarkington Seventeen.
Peoples Theatre
Monday Might
Pathe Presents
The Grirl
Green Eyes"
tA Gold Rooster play in five parts.
Clyde Fitch's Broadway Success
Admission only 5 and 15c
Tuesday Only
Foley's Kidney Cure
makes kidneys and Madder rizH
, 'it
"i-whi r,
Wm A. Brady
Alec B. Francis
appearing as "Old Tom"
Wednesday Night
Last Chapter of
e Ok
Has New
J Goat
Peg o' the Ring
If a good Cigar is beco ming to you
then you will sure be coming to us
Billiards and Pool
Fine Cigars, Cigaretts, Tobacco;: Confections of best
quality. Cleanliness a specialty. ; Courteous attention.
New Proprietors
Friday" Night
Last Chapter of
and the beginning of the 7-week Serial
"Is Humanity in the
Grip of Evil?
Don't Miss Any of These Pictures
I tor?-' ; '