Press Paragraphs Hog-killlne. lime is draniug Dear. Arthur Ubapmuu was a Pendleton visitor Tuesday. . U. Key of Weston, was an Athena visitor Wednesday. , . Mrs. Hornet' I. Watts visited In. Walla Walla Tuesday. Mr. an Mrs. Eugene Sohrimpf viBited iu Peudlstou Tuesday. - Tbe Ht, Nichols Hotel will aerie its usual Thanksgiving dinner. Mi. - aud Mrs, Charles May were down from tbe ranch yesterday. Jennie Bill is here from bis home in Stevens county, Washington. Dr. FUmondon returned Tuesday from a short business trip to Portland. W, ft. Pioolor has moved bis fam ily into tbe Kemp residence on Adams sheet. . ....r . , Mis. Elmev Boo her left yesterday morning, for Condon, for a visit wltb relatives. , Mrs. B. A. Barrett will entertain tbe Star Clot next Tnesdav afternoon, at bar borne. - 1 . Dr. aud Mrs. Baddeley went to bear Sabnmaun-Heink, at Walia Wal la, Monday. evening, Mr. Saury Koepse left tbis week fcr a visit witb bis dauRbter, Mrs. Sbulta in Blleusfcurg, Wash. . New Ov;ilaud oar tor Sale. In quite at Tharp Bros.' tlaoksmlth shop, 01 see i W. B. Fioator. Miss Laura Volotyte is assisting, iu the sales dspaitment of the. Golden Rule store, duiiug the tire-holiday rush. y. Master Wendell LaBrasobe, oame np from- Peudletoo, aud spout tbe week end with bis aunt, Mrs. Joseph Baddeley. , . Mrs. J. D. Flamondon and her guest, Mia. Krauoea Wbitebead, spent tba flint of the week . visiting in Walla Walla, : Win. Roasell and eon, Boy; Elmer Boober and Wm. Harden left yester day morning by train for Arlington, to sboot geese. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Pinkerton will visit relatives in Iowa and Missouri. Tbey will be gone tor tbe greater part of the winter, A new roof is being pnt on tba Post building, and other repatra made tn tba damaged atruotnre, n tba result of tbe recent tlie. - Qihnd Chancellor Wurtman and Grand keeper of reoord and seal, Wal ter G.Uleeeon met witb tba local Py thian lodge last evening. ',. Mrs.. A. R. Cop'pook hag been brought borne from tba hospital in Pendleton, being on tbe road to recov ery, from a reoeut operation. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Kidder and Miss Stella Lianallan of Walla Walla re turned Tuesday evening from an auto mobile trip through Central Oregon. There will be a big danoa held in the opera house Monday night, Nov. 87, after tba show. Mosio tarnished by Reese Bros.' toll orobestra. Adv. Many people of Atbena have been under the giip ot the dread la grippe this week. Among tbem are the lam iy of Charles Coomaus, and Mrs. W. W, MoPberson. Frank Swaggart is over from Wal lowa county. He arrived yesterday morning by team, and enoountered about a foot of snow on the aummit of the Blue Mountains. 'the Foss-Wiosuip Hardware com pany will give you a 60-tent OVB Hnost warianted Butober Knife for 25 oeats. Ask to see tbeit oomplete line ot tools and ontlery. :r- Only Four Weeks To Christmas Make tbis a real Christmas. Make yourself liBppy ty making others happy. Its never tbe gifts you gave tbat make you unhappy on Christmas, but tbe ones you failed to give. . Give gilts tbat ate adapted to tbe oiioumstaooes gifts that serve a useful purpose, gifts that endure. There la increasing appreciation for such gifts sa time goes on and tbey ooutinnally reflect tbe kindness and tbongbttolD03s of tbe donor, There ate worlds nl each gifts to ohoose from, especially at Davis Kasers, tbe recoguiasd gift goods emporium. A few cents will toy a real gift heie, or one oau go into the hundreds of dollars on some of tbe finer turuituie, on New Edison Phonographs or Pianos. No mat ter how much or how little you wish to. pay in any partionali oase, yuu will And unequalled assortments and unequalled values here at tbat prioe.. ' Toys, too, (or the kiddies toysand games and books. Eveu here, a surprising propoitlon of our assortment is ot tbe duratile, ednoatiooal find t sliding sort. t , To assure yourself a happy oooasion on Christmas, give- freely, shop early and sbop here, where you oau find almost unlimited aasoit meut ofgoods. suitable for gifts at lowest priuea. ' . THE DAVIS-KASER CO,, WALLA WALLA - Complete Furnishers of Homes, Offices and Schoole 10-20 Alder St. Th c Old Coat Has New Life If a good Cigar is becoming to you then you will sure be coming to us v Billiards and Pool Fine Cigars, Cigaretts, Tobacco; Confections of best quality. , Cleanliness a specialty. Courteous attention. BUSH CiS, COLEMAN, The New Proprietors THANKSGIVING Till You will feel more thankful if you have one of our all-wool Suits when you so to dinner Mens Suits Blue Seise or Plain Grey . w. . $9'90 Blue Serge or fancy pat. $.2.50, 14.75 Men's Silk Ties . ... . . . . . .25; to 45c Men's long silk scarfs, white or .black and white ........ ... $1.98 Paris ftarters single or double grip, 19c Kid and suede gloves .... .98c to $1.49 Mens and Boys fancy dress caps with ear tabs ........... 25c to 49c Mens leather caps with ear tabs, 98c Mens dress hats ,'. 98c to $2.98 We have one of the best TAILORED-TO-MEASURE lines6f Mens Suits to be had. Perfect fife and satisfaction; see our line before bu jing; $15, $1750, $20 1 J. C. Penney Co. he. HMII7 ", Glen Dndley is sobedulod to hold down one of tba guard positions for tbe University in tbe great game ot football tomorrow between 0. A. 0. and tbe University ot Oiegon. Monday evening Mr. and Mn. Hen ry Koepka, witb Fruf. and Mrs. J. O. Knssell aa tbeir guests, motored to Walla Walla, where tbey heard tne famous Madame Sohumann-Heink, . Tbe meetings of the Free Methodist ohurcb have been transferred from the Dreamland ' Tbeater bniiding to tbe triok, one door west from tbe postoffioe, where tbey will oontinue for soma time. John Walter has returned from a trip into Monlaoa. Mr. Walter saw some good land while on his trip, and one body of 1000 acres appealed to him so stiongly tbat he may retnrn neit spiing and pnrobnse it. The ladies of the Christian oburob announoe tbeir annual Fair and dinner to take place in tba oburob dining room on Saturday, December 9. Con ttibntiona for tbe dinner or artiolea for sale will be thankfully received. Owing to tba nonoompletion of the It oal library quarters, tbe ladies of tba board announoe tbat tba library will not be opened for another week. Those having -rental book! will please hold them, without obarge. tbe Ladies' Library Board have all atrangemenia oomjleted for the hold ing ot tba annual library ball tomor row evening. In tbis instance, the ball will be a hard-timea affair, and will be carried ont in detail to that end. . - --' . Revival aervioes begin at tbe Chris tian oburob Sunday. Thia Is io'ao coidance with previoua plane. Tbe meetings will oontinue iudetlnitely. Tbe pastor will conduct the services and tbe Christian cbnrob chorus will assist. - Grand Annual Libraiy Ball tomor row evening. Tbe affair is given as a "bard times" party, and a flue of ten cents will be imposed upon all gueals appearing in otber than "hard times" ooetcme. No "dress ops" will be tol erated. . A maof-tna nf thA minnlnnlfl nf sobools in tbe oonnty is announced to be held in tbe office ot County Snpt. Youna on Saturday morning, Dec a, at in n'nlnnb. The mattar of arrang ing ioteiaobolastlo debutes aud other contests will ce disonssed. Beward Reasonable reward for in formation leading to recovery of one blaok mule, brand O on left ahoulder; one bay mare, snip in forehead, brand aa, (dim brand.) on left bip, two split ears. Strayed from Sheen oreek, Un ion oonnty. Address, Bany Banister, Atbena, Oiegon. ' ' Mia. J. E. L. Qerking, who mauy yeara ago resided in tbia coiomnnity, bnt who is now a resident ot Wash ington, risitid for several days at tbe home ot Mr. rod Mrs. David Tayloi. Mia. Gerking baa left for tbe home ot uer eon, E. J. Gerking, at Northport, Wash. . Cliff Banister of Boldman has for sale, tboroughbred Briuza turkeys, for bleediug purposes. Ills Hook of hirda aie from tbe best strains in tbe oonntry. Tne males weigh aa high as 40 pounds, and tbe females in propor tion. Address, Cliff Banister, Hold man, Oiegon. A. Mackenzie Meldrum of Spokaue, was in tbe oity tbia week, in the Iu terests of tbe great meeting ot tbe Christian oburob workers in Walla Walla, wbioh takes place today, A number of anto loads of those interest ed iu the Movement, went over from Adams and Athena. Tbe Misses Dolly Banister, Beulah Banister, Ida Crsbill, Vernita Watts and Tbelma MoEweo, eaob sold a dol lar's worth of oandy tbia week, tbe ptooeeda going to tba UampHra Gills organization. Tbe CampUre Girls will give a party this eveniug in cbe basement of tbe ioethodist Episcopal ahnrch. Mr. and Mrs. Samnel Bawortb oame dowu from their home near Spokane, and spent seveial days witb relatives and friends in Athena aud vioioity. Samuel says he has a copper on all the piaiiie obiokeus in Spokane oonuty and exteuda M general invitation to bis Atbena tiiends to go op next fall and sboot 'em up. "Tbe Men and Millions Movement" will be represented hy a number ot leading men ot tbe Christian oburob at Walla Walla today. Tb,ese men are tbe seleotnd leaders of all tbe inove meota among tba chuiob organiza tions, inoluding Christian eduuation, benevolences and missions A num ter will attend from tbis vicinity. As a treat fo bar class of boys in the Baptist Sunday school, Mrs, M. L Watts took tbem to Pendleton last Saturday afternoon, wbeie tbe young sters were regaled witb ioe oream and otber things tavorabla to tba appeiite ot a toy. Tbis is tbe seoond titer, given bar boys by Mrs. Watts, a former oooasioo beiug a trip to Milton. Yesterday alternoon at tbe regular weekly meeting of tba Christian Aid society, pleasant iorpiisa was carried out in honor uf Mrs. David Taylor, whose sixty -ninth birthday onourred last Saturday. A savory luuoheon was served hy tbe members, and all joineu in doing honor to tbeir obief officer, who for many yeara baa presided over tbe aooiety. Sunday services, Methodist oburob: Sunday aobool 10 a. m., W, 0. Emm el Sopt. Special Thanksgiving sermon, 11 a. m., "When Thera la Feaoe and Plenty. ' Uozy Corner preaching ser vice 7:80, p. m. Good mnsio, good fel lowship, witb a royal welcome for every one, Tbe eborns choir under tbe direction of Sopt. J. O. Rnssell, leads tba singing. Waltei 8. Uleiaer. At tba Cbiistiao oburob Sunday: Bible school at 9:50; preaching 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m., respective sub jects: "lbankigiviog," and "Every Man an Evangelist." Evening prayer and praise service 6:80. Except Mon day evening, there will be revival services during tba week at 7:30 p. m The pnblio oordially iovited aud wel come. Hob jeota for tbe week : Toes- day. "Tba Round Co:" Wednesday "A Light-bearing Cbnroh;"Ihnrsday, "Life Saving;" Friday, "The CouUiot of Christianity." The Criterions, known as one of the beat qnartettra and entertainers, will be beaid at tbe Christian obnrcb next Monday evening at 8 o'clock. This is the second cumber ot tbe Lyceum aoorse in tbe series of entertainments at tbe oburob, and the reputation of this splendid quartet abonld draw a foil house. The genera! admission 1b 50 cents, children uuder 12, 85 cents. The friends of Rev. W. E. Arm field aud family of Spokane, were ebooked thia week to hear of tba trag ic deatb ot their young son Julius. Tbe young man was injured in i runaway and after tba amputation of a broken limb, died from shook. Rev. Arm field was formerly pastor ot the M. E. oburob here and was instrumental in tbe ereotlon of thr present church bniiding. .. . D. L. MoPbail, a native of Canada, and brother of Mis. Ed. Potts was in tbo oity tbis week and pnrobased two seotiona of Alberta land from Robert Ooppock at (14 per aore. Mr. Ooppouk paid fl.2S per aore for tbe land sev eral years ago. .Mr. MoPhail reports very prosperous times over tbe bound ary, wbara big orops were harvested and when ha left heme, wheat waa Selling for 3 per busbel. In its statement to tba oompttollar of tbe ourraooy, published in today's Press, the First National Bauk of Atbaoa shows that its loxoa and dis counts amonnt to $586,8!8.49; depos its total (679,797.75, and oaeh and ex change, (345,495.98, The banks of the Northwest show evidenoe of un precedented prosperity, bat none greater than the looal institution, pop ulation of territory it serves, con sidered. Yesterday iu Walla Walla, tbe wedding ot Miss Lucille MoQuary, of Mllion, and Mr. Jesse Booth of St Johns, was solemnized in tbe presence of the parents of the bride, Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Edwaidsof Milton and a few other friends of the oonttaoting parties. Tba tride is a nieoe of F. B. Boyd. Tbe young people went to Portland yesterday, and will 'make their home in St. Johns, a sutorb of tbat oity. - Amusement lovers who erijoy good mnsio, singing, dauolng and comedy, will miss something great along those lines of tbey tali to Bee tbe Reese Bros' Afrioandtrs, a company of 16 colored artists wltb braes hand and orchestra, giving a twa-bour sbon of minstrel, musiual oomedy and jubilee aiuging. Nothing bnt Fnn. Doors open at 7:30 performance begins at 8:20. A guar anteed ahow. Mcney back if not sat isfied. Tbis show has played all tne prlnoiple towm in Westem Oregon and Washington. Don't miss it. Athena Opera House, Monday night, Nov. 27. Prioes 25 aud 50 cents. Adv, Itt Tlie to Prepare' For Christmas School Notes, The first double-header game of tbe season was played last Friday night with Columbia College, Athena win ning both games with a sooreot: Boys, 86-29, and girls, 29-25. Both games were, haid fought and the teams show an imnrovemeut over last year. Tbe Atbena teams made several baskets trom difficult plaoea and the team work was very good. Coaoh Russell was very pleased witb the toams and bought they did exceptionally well, but for a few errors. On Dec, 2 toth tesmB go to Milton to play Col umbia College. After the games, re freshments coosieting ot sandwlohss, oake and cocoa were served the visit ing teams and tbeir tiiends, aa well as to the student body of the High school and the Alumni, Tba High school has tilled a long- felt want in the pnroCsee of some dishes, the money being taken ont of tta stndent fund. The dishes have been needed a long time and will greatly lessen the difficulty of enter taining, A onptoard will soon he made far tbem by the manual training olaes. It is hoped tbat a stove will soon find its place in tbe domestio science loom. The visiturs for the week iu Miss Sheimau's room numbered tba follow ing: Mrs. S. Hutt, Mrs. John Stan Ion and Mr. Lon Hudgen, ohairman of t'-e Umaploe sobool and State Repie seutotive for tbis district. He also visited several of the other rooms. George Pamt tun, Esther Helms and Ranald Lieuallun have been absent oo aooount of illness. Three new pnpils, Wnyua and Eve rett Hjffmau iu tbo eighth, and Irene Pickets in tbe Hftb grade, have en tered school tbis week. Tupsday, Nov. 28, at 7:80 p. m.. a Dog and Pony Sbow will be giveu in tbe pm Ho school audiiorinm. Tbis sbow is now being giveu iu Baker and Pendleton. Aside from tba- sbetland pony; tbe bursa, Chester, nitb.the "human mind," there are also spio imeus of brown bear, giay Bqulrrel, opossum, wild oat, monkey and seven or eight perfoimlug dogs. Tbe exhib ition is not onlv inst'rnotive to aolrool onildien, tut will alfnrd fnn und en joyment for adults es well. Tbe eubool Is to receive 50 per oeut at the re aeip's. Iu consequence at the coming of tbo show, trom tbe 21sl to the 28tb las tieeo designated as auimal sludy 'week ibrougbout tbe grades. Wednesday afternoon tbe regular na aembly was held In tbe auditnriuin, at wbioh time tbe students listened to and appreciated a veiy interesting talk on the topio, "College Life," given ty Rev. Gleiser, pastor of the M. E. oburob. Mr. Uleiser strongly em- Only twenty shopping days now remain in which to do .all your shopping and make all of your gifts; a very short time indeed, when you think of all things you-have to do. SPECIALS Every department in this great store will be offering special bargains every day from now on till Christmas. It will be to your interest toTead our ads and visit our store just as often as you possibly can; you may chance to find just what you want at a bargain, if not today maybe tomorrow. WD WILL HELP YOU You may leave your packages that you want to send away, hero, and - we will attend to the sending we will hold them till the;proper time and send them so that they will arrive at their destination at exactly the right timethe service is absolutefy free to you. WE ADVISE YOU to do all the shopping you can at home in your own town, your stores probably need the business, but we realize that there are many, many things that your home store cannot possibly afford to handle for your convenience and we will be more than plea sed to serve you with those things; you'll find our prices right, the lowest, quality con sidered, and at any time we will refund your money with a smile if you are not pleased with your purchase when you get home with it. . , " BRANCH NO. 1, U. S. POST OFFICE is here in our store. This is a new convenience we have to offer to our patrons; all packages may be mailed here in the store and will receive exactly the same attention as if they were mailed at the Post Office. Pendleton's Greatest Department Store The Peoples Warehouse Where It Pays To Trade pbasized tbe tact tbat "He who wonld succeed sbonld be college trained," and stated: "The activities in col lege depend npon the activities one enters into in nigh - school." His points were well illustrated by several amusing examples. ' The play, "Oak Farm," to be giv en Thursday, December 7, is progrera ing uiotlv uuder the supervision of Mr. and Mrs. Bussell. Tbe members of tbe oast are taking an aotiva inter est in tbeir respective parts, aa seen In tbe chaructets of tbe ideal old oonple, Mr. and Mrs. Weatherby; tbeir obarm ing niece, Helen, who is deeply griev ed at the departure of her lover, Don ald Weatbertiy; tba amnsing antics ot Sallv Smart and tbe "bappy-go-lnoky" Joel Weatherby; tbe talkative travel ing salesman and lastly the reserved old maid, Cynthia Warner, who, on anooont of her tidy bank aooonnt, baa many suitors, among whom are tbe deaf old village pbjsioian, tba dia ttiot eohool teaober, tbe villain, Mr, Piune, aud tbe village postmastor. bulls In Parliament. Lord Londonderry ouce threw the house of lords into ronrs of laughter during the delmle on the second read ing of the li'isli land hill by grnvely do clariiiK that "this Is tire reason why you have fulled to settle tlio li'lsh land question In tlio future ns .vnn Hiiro (lone In the past.' Iu the course of the same Bpeccb bo couclndcd rl period with: "This la the keystone of tire bill. Are you going to kill It?" Iteifer still was u sememe which be uttered, Iu 18!l" ivlieu spending once more on lire Irish land question "That, your lordsblp will see." refer rim; to n rruatiitluii he hml just made, "lutloises up to the hilt what I have saiil. "-London Tntler. Peoples Theatre 1 "Home of Good Pictures" ' r - V Might Nov. 27 We Present a . WILLIAM FOX Production of Theda Bara's Triumph Supreme beyond dispute. Superbly solitary in con ceded pre-eminence. Imitation preposterous, futile. Burn j as a Tax Collector. Iu the olden cluys cnridles were trued articles, mid it was the duty of Hubert Urii us us an excise nlllrei' see that i the tux wns not evaded. He generally looked the other way. however, ns ivlieu pusslnr; tlmmxh Hie Ullchon one night nt William I.oiIiihm-'s of Kcnni lrull, where Hie gudewlte wns busy ualiliis chikIIcs. lie merely renin ilied, "Kullli. lundirni. je're thinntr the nlcbt," uuil passed Into r lie purlor. Ht Jnnies' (Jnzette. no Cousa For Him to Complain. "See here!" reiuinkirl Hie nuest lo the new waiter. "There (hicsn't seem to he any snp on this iiicnii r riril." "Oh. no. sil l" replied the waiter nerv ously "1 didn't spill II hi llils table. It wns ( tie one on Ihe oilier side of the room ' Lit lie Leomler fc'i'- fcinndpn. give me h penny, will yon? Grandpa- Why. Lemuel, yon nre too old to be begglnn for pennies f.lttle Leniider - Yea. grandpa. Moke It n dime, pleasa.' " ' fcs ? V v.r' 'WM HCf- V..' Highest Competitive Awards at both the San Francisco and San Piego Expositions, were given to Zerolene an oil made from asphalt-base crude. iheSianJard Oil for Molar Cars Sold by dealers everywhere and at all Service Stations of the Standard Oil Company Athena I f " rr-. I U'iir - i ill"' I , - j - r , vv.,', ' 1 I ; . ' ,v, " .- ypr4r-r: , ty v I i "ff , ' I L''V'v I I , t! vi ''I'-"-" A m- if p- -,m uiSjEYrTln 1 1 ITFTrri't i . i t 1 1 r n n i -fajuiajj' a-- -jTrjn 1 1 1 1 j 1 1 j j itTTTTTTTIJJ lr?ri E3MQac)0Se PI5CA RPEP.PL EM5 WITH CARMEN )lhM0 "CAHIViEI" The theme, the naze, the wonder of a dazzled moving picture world. Everywhere received with spontan - y i , i ...... eot's acclamation and rapturous applause. A Gorgeously Gigantic Gem A masterpiece of photoplay accomplishment. The product ot time, thought, lavish expenditure and ac cumulated experience heretofore never unionized and concentrated. Admission 10c-20c. Dcn't lltzz It