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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 24, 1916)
Local Advertisements Liveetook Dealer. UsrtGartano baa engaged io tba livestock boeiDess. He ia prepared to pay (be highest market prioea at all times for ooiokena, boss, cattle and abeep. It yon bavn stock to aell, be tore a.nd ass bini. Beginning Deoember 1, milk viill be aold at $1.25 per pint and (3.60 pet quart. Cbarlea MoFarland. ROUGH MUSIC. An Evildoer' Medicine, One Doee f Which la Uaually Enouoh. Thcro are moro ways tbnn ono to punish evildoers. ' Did you ever bear or chastising a wife beater by means of "rough music?" No, this la not a reference to the phonograph record which the children bare played with. U Is even worse. It lias been In use in the southern counties of England for ot least four centuries, and it is so effective that it is likely to persist for several centuries to come. The one disadvantage of this method of pun ishment Is that It punishes the victim qulto as much ns it does the guilty party. It ts inflicted on men and wo men alike, but it is most merciless when it is directed against the hen pecked husband. lVliAn H la tlin pnnspngus of opinion h, Diiiono Hint n man or woman 1 Surfaces of the System. One Hundred in the village that a man or wumuu .. reward i. offered for any case There Is more Catarrh in this section of the country than all other diseases put together, and for years it was sup posed to be Incurable. Doctors pre scribed local remedies, and by constant ly failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced it Incurable. Catarrh is a local disease, greatly Influenced by con stitutional conditions and therefore re quires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. f'hpnev & Co.. Toledo. Ohio, is a consti tutional remedy, is taken Internally and acts thru the Blood on the Mucous has been guilty of conduct unbecom ing a decent, self respecting Durgner the neighbors assemble at the home of one of them, Quipped with tin pans, fire shovels, pokers, kettles, pairs of Iron potllds, cow horns and anything else that will make a hideous noise, and march In silence to the house of the offender. Suddenly they break forth with a raucous, deafening din. When the rest of the village has been aroused and there is a sufficiently large audience the wit of tho "rough musia band" lays the chargo against the of fender in verses that are not usually distinguished for refinement and con sideration. After this has been done the band marches to every tavern in town, where the charges are repeated. One such punishment, as a rule, is snf-flelont.-St, Louis Globe-Democrat. that Hall's Catarrh Cure fails to cure, Send for circulars ana testimonials. P. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by Druggists. 75c. Hall's Family Fills tor constipation. Foley's Honey and Tar torchlldren.sate.svre. No opiates. RAIN FROM A CLEAR SKY. An Alleged Phenomenon Linked With the Falling of Dew. In English dictionaries we find the word serein defined as a fine rain which sometimes falls from a clear sky shortly after sunset. The word is French, hut has become the interna tional designation In meteorological works for this alleged phenomenon, which ts always described as quite rare, lias the phenomenon a real exist ence? The fact that a stereotyped descrip tion of It has been passed on from one meteorological writer to another since the latter part of tho eighteenth con nry is by no means conclusive evidence on this point, for science has perpetu ated many myths by tho process of : reiteration. Professor Qustnv Hellnmim, in a re cent publication of the Husslan Mete orological Instilutc, sees In the concep tion of the serein merely Hie survival of the old fashioned belief that even ing dew falls from the (clear) sky, and f ho Qnds that the serein of early French " writers was Identical with that "even- ' lug dampness" which was supposed to bo Injurious to human health. ! It still remains possible that roln may sometimes fall from a clear sky, ' though this Is not likely to be a pho . nomelion peculiar to the early evening. ' Borne enscs can be explained as due to tho obllqtio falling of raindrops, carried horizontally by the wind, when the clouds from which they came have passed awny.-Clcvoland Plain Dealer. CROUP & LASH Dentists In Athena Monday' Tuesday, Wednes day, other days of week in Walla Walla, 2nd and Main, over Third National Bank Dr. E. W. Croup - Dr. C. H. Lash S. F. Sharp PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Special attention given to all calls both night and day. Call, promptly answered, once on Third street, Athena Oregor DR. G. S, NEWS M. Physician and Surgeon. Office In Post Building. Phone, 001 Dr. J. C. Baddeley VETERINARY SURGEON LaBrasche R nch Athena ii. ii. hill Expert Watch Repairing No Job too Difficult. Satis faction Guaranteed. WESTON, OREGON S 23 Years Ago, : ?rorn the Press of Nov 24 1893 At the aonsal meeting of the stock holders of the Flouring- Mill Company November 18, tbe followlug officers were elected for tbe enBniDg year: Directors'. 0. A. Barrett, T. J. Klik, L. D. Lively, David Taylor and Jos. Fisuob; president, O. A. Barrett; viae president, T. J. Kit hi ; treasurer L. D. Lively; eeoretary, Labs Frauoe. Tbe repoit of the sooretarv showed a profit and tbe Mill io tbe last year to have transsoted a tosloess of over (50,000, and to have used 60,000 bushels of wheat and 10,000 tosbela of bailey. A passenger and mail train will be tat on the U. P. line Sunday between Dayton and Pendleton, arriving at Athena at 10 a. m. and 5 p. m. Ihe United States Circuit Conit oommenced In Portland this week. There were forty grand jurors and sixty trial jurors summoned. Among tbe latter weie J. N. B. (Jerking ot Athena and J. M. Ferguson of Adams. George Fiooma has just filled bis barn with ISO tons nf bay. He says horses left with him shall not go away bangiT. Ed LeFave has received a blue rib bon as a World's Fair prize for the best sample of Blue Stem wbeat. Be ia joslly prond of tbe honor and has left tbe ribbon at the Pioneer drug store wbete bis friends oao see it. Considerable snow fell Thursday nbiob will doubtless iuterfeie to some extent with tbe threshing. Mis. Wilss Coyle died in Miltou last Monday aud was bulled Id the Weston oemetery Tuesday. She leaves three children without a mothei'e oaie. The dread disease, oousumption, was tbe osuse of bei death. The Hotel Pendleton Is in tbe bands ot tbe sheriff. Ihe Hotel oompany baa biougbt action against tbe pro prietor, David Hoin, loi rents ovei due. A quiet wedding was solemnized Snnduy afternoon at tbe residence of G. W. Itigby, Mr. Bigby performing tbe ceremony. Tho contracting parties were X'. A. Lieuallen, Mayor ot Ad ams, and Miss Laura Ferguson. Maeterlinck on Medicine. M. Maeterlinck might almost bo de scribed as n poet lu spite of himself. Had tho drslro of his heart been at tained, he would hnvo beeu a doctor. Some years ago he confessed to his early ambitions In a letter addressed to a French medical Journal. "1 never commenced tho study of medicine," he wroto. "I did my duty In conforming with the family tradition which or dains that tho eldest sou shall be an arocat I shall regret to my last day that I obeyed those traditions and con secrated my most precious years to tho Tnluest of sciences. All my instincts, all my Inclinations, attached mu to tho study ot medicine, which I nm more thnn over convinced is tho most beau tiful key which gives ncceas to tho great realities of llfe."-Londou Spec tator. Youthful Genius. Tascal wroto treatises on acoustics at twelve, at which age be was busily occupied in constructing elaborate cir culating machines, aud at sixteen bo published bia treatise on "Conic Sec tions," which Descartes refused to be lieve was not tho work of u great mas ter. John Stuart Mill was studying Greek at throo, bad practically uiastnr ed tho language at seven and a year later was acting as schoolmaster to his younger brothers and sisters. John Itusklti actually produced n manuscript work in three volumes before ho reach ed bis seventh birthday. D. Scott Fisher CONTRACTOR & BUILDER Residence and Shop, Adams and 4th Sts. Athena Notice to Creditors. In the Gouuty Conrt of Umatilla County, State cf Oregon. In the Matter of the Estate of Mattie Phillips, deoeased. Notice is beteby given that tbe un designed has been appoiuted by tbe Btove entitled Court administrator ol I be estate ot Msttis Phillips, deoeased; and that all peisoos having claims against the said estate should prnseut them to my attorney. Homer I, Watts, at his office lu Atbena, Oregon, ver ified as by law required, within 6 months from tbe date of tbe Bist pub lication ot this notioe, on Oct. 27, 1018. S. T. Phillips idministrator. L. S. VINCENT Successor to II. II. HILL Expert Watch Repairer En. grayer and Jeweler The Original HUMAN BAKE OVEN INC. For and Other Chronic Ailments Testimonial I wss laid up with Rhsuinstism fiom Jsu, till June, 10115, and tried every, thlug Imsgiuabls to get relief in vain until I tried the HUMAN BAKE OVEN. My pain was all gnus tu two weoks aud bss not returned. I oan heartily endoise tbe treatment. Signed Wm Mats, Chief Walla Walla Fire Dept. Entire topt Itoor DENNEY HLDU., Walla Walla, Wo., Koomstir patients LICENSED I'tlVSIOIiN. Phone 309. Tibetan Penal Coda. The Tibetan penal code Is curious. Murder is punished Willi a lino vary ing according to the importance of tho slain, theft by a tine of seven to one hundred times tho value of tho article Btolcn. Hero, again, tho line depends on tho social Importance of the person from whom the theft has beeu commit ted. The hnrboror of a thief Is looked upon as a worse criminal than tho thief himself. Ordeals by fire und by boiling water arc at 111 used as proofs of Innoteiire or guilt, exactly as was the In liurope lu the middle ages. And If tbe tumns never Indict death I '.cy tiro adepts at torture. Literary. 'Oh, I altiiply adore Meredith and Jlrowi Ing and Henry James," said the gvialilug young person. "So do I," said Little lllnks. "They are perfectly delightful. It's like send ing your mind to a gymnasium. Id- do yon rend them tu the original V" New York Timed. The Rip Van Winkle Kind. Salesman Why uot try one of our Ftp Van luklo rugs, madam; Pros pective run-baser A hat kind are they? RnlrsBinn They lmv an un Usually Ions uafv -ImliauunuHa Star. The Outlet. rilVslolOKV TORliHT ClMVIUH!. yon tuny explain hw we hear things. Clar euro 1" tells 'em to ma as a secret, and ma glvex n nway at the bridge cluli. Olcvi'tnod leader. This worlJ is to the sliairt. heaven to the mrwt worth!-, Cleero t Notice to Creditors. In the. Counly Conrt of Umatilla Connly, State of Oregon. In the Matter of the Estate of Maty Jane Phillips, deoeased. Notioe is berety given that the un dersigued has been appointed by tbe above entitled Conrt administrator at tbe estate of Mary Jane Phillips, da oeaeed'; and that all persons having claims against tbe said estate should piesent ttieui to my attorney, Homer I. Walts, at his oflloa in Atbena. Ore gon, veiiUod as by law required, with in 6 mouths fiom data of the Brat pub lioutiou of this notioe, on Out. 27, 11)16. S. T. Phillips, Administrator. Notice to Creditors. In the Countv Conrt ot Umatilla County, State ot Oregon. In tbe Matter ot tbe Estatn ol Alexander Kiunear, deoeased: Notioe is hereby given that tbe nn deisigned has been appointed by tbe above entitled court, Executrix of the estate of Alexander Klnuear, da censed, aad that all persoua bavlng claims against the said estate should prosent them to my attorney, Homer I. Watts, at bis office in Athena, Ore ion, verified as by law required, witn- in 6 months from tbe date of tba 'first pntlioation ot this notioe on Non. 21 It) lb. Margaret Kiunear, Executrix. M pi r f -. nt wnere u v. is a earaen or aeiis earth and sky and air have seemingly been fashioned by Dame Nature to charm the hearts and minds of men. All manner of sports and recreations are enjoyed out-of-doors. Polo, golf, tennis and automobiling over countless miles of beau tiful roads, and the way to go is via Union Pacific System We will be glad to furnish complete in formation, and help plan your California Trip. J. R, Mathers. Agent Athena A big new discovery in cigarette blending The big thing about Chesterfields is their unique ,i '! blend. The Chesterfield blend is an entirely new com " bination of tobaccos. This blend is the most important ' new development in cigarette making in 20 years. As a result, Chesterfields produce a totally new kind of cigarette enjoyment they satisfy! Just like "bite" before bedtime satisfies when you're hungry. . But with all that, Chesterfields are MILD, tool This new enjoyment (satisfy, yet mild) comes ONLY in Chesterfields because no cigarette maker can copy the Chesterfield blend. fittjHifsneSaixo Or. "Give me a package of those cigarettes that SATISFY 7' I .-'if . iilMiiiriim(ffti'i!rr'rirrr-iniiiriiiim 88WaiiM-fc-T n wi iimmmm'(nAmmm naiar-sm "rnnmnr nf t rm -j-j THE ATHENA MEAT MARKET We carry the best SWEATS That Money Buys c ' Our Market is Clean and Cool Insuring Wholesome Meats. READ & MEYER Main Street, Athena, Oregon lam Loans NO COMMISSION NO BONUS NO DELAY NO RED TAPE LOW INTEREST RATES LIBERAL REPAYMENT PRIVILEGES Hartman Abstract Company" Corner Mainland ourt Streets, Pendlelon, Oregon BUILD YOURS This Year Never a better time to Build than Now The lara-A-LiBin Method makes Lumber lowar today tbaa it was tea years ago battel la qaalit? and you oan bo; It as oheaply riiibt now aud bare in joqi town as Jon oan bay it aoynbere. A oomplele service department, eompoaed ot skilled Arobiteots and sxpert estimators who plsn jonr building along the most modern aud effloient linos. ' We oan tell you the eiaot oost ol material , neaessary for the building, For tbe porposa of getting started, we have prepared the beat plsn book ever pooliabed, and oan make eny design to SUIT YOUR IDEAS and YOUR POCKET BOOK. We would like an opportunity to SHOW VOU. "See Johnson About It." TUM-A-LUM LUMBER COMPANY TliC FIRST NATIONAL BANK Of ATHENA Capital and Surplus $100,000:22 No. 4516. yrJ'"1 ( ll.-V'-' y p mm. REPORT OF THE CONDITION oli comfort When the rains and cold weather comfort prepared with a good oil heater. A gallon of pearl OIL gives 9 hours of intense, odor less heat Prices J $3.75 to $7.75 fection en Oil Heater For Sale by FossAYinship Hardware Company of the First National Bank, at Athena, in the State of Oregon, at the close of business on November 17th, 1916. RESOURCES. . ! Loans and Discounts " 536 333 49 i Overdratls, secured,! ; unsecured, j U. S. bonds deposited to secure circulation (par value) 12 300 oo Total U. S. Bonds Other bonds to secure postal savings 97000 Securities other than U S bonds (not including stocks) owned un pledged 1856 37 Total bonds, securities, etc . Stock of Federal Reserve Bank (50 per cent of subscription) v aiue oi oanmng nouse i it unencumbered I S 9 WW ... , Equity in banking house 9 000 Furniture and fixtures 1 000 Net am t due irom ap'vd res'v agt'a in N. Y. Chicago St. Louis, $27 009 45 Net am't due from ap'vd reserve agents in other reserve cities 143 190 70 Net am't due from banks and bankers (other than included in 10 or 18). . Outside checks and other cash items, $5(1 00 Fractional currency, nickles and cents 11811 Notes of other national banks Federal Reserve Notes .".'.'.".'.'.".. Lawful reserve in vault and with Federal Reserve Bank . Redemption fund with O. S. Treasurer and due U. S. Treasurer. . Total ,. .$8io 155 85 LIABILITIES. - , . Capital stock paid in . . " I SO 000 oo MUrJlu". ?nd v V..'.."' 50 000 oo Undivided profits , $24 799 84 Less current expenses, interest, and taxes paid.... 6 941 75 Circulating notes outstanding , ,,,,, Net amount due to banks and bankers other than included in 29 or 301 ' Dividends unpaid , Individual d-posits subject to check .'.'.'.'..'..'.".'.'.'.". Cert's of denosit due in less than 30 days " '"""" Certified checks Cashier's checks outstanding. .',','".",""" United States deposits !"! j "" "" Postal Savings deposits 1" .. .. Total demand deposits. Items 33, 34, 35, 36, 37. ii." Mnd0 $664 310 48 Total .,.,,,, ,,,.,,,,,. $ 8 10 1 55 84 of Oregon, County of Umatilla -lr. i' Lnm, cishieV of the above Jnir do solemnly .wear that the above statement is true to the best ol my knowledge and behef. F, S. LeGrow. Cashier. 12 500 oo 2 826 37 3 000 oo 170 200 15 11019 95 168 11 - 105 oo 5 oo 63 372 77 625 oo 17 858 09 12 500 oo 15 107 27 380 oo 427 402 25 23 054 92 . 344 88 78 oo 430 43 Subscribed and sworn to before me this 23rd day of November, 1916. B.B. RICHARDS. Notary Public for Orefcon. Mv MmmiHin. r witA ' T " mai Correct Attest: W. S. Ferguson M. L. Watts, H. KocpVc, ' Director.