The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, November 17, 1916, Image 3

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    Press Paragraphs
Mis. J. M. tjflasgart la in Bailor
foi a fortuight's visit witb friends,
Beit Pieraol was down from bis
mountain ranoh the Ararat the week.
Boro, to Mr, and Mrs. Thomas
Boober.'Noremcei 17, J9)tt, a daugb-
tut. ' -., .
D. Suott Fisher made a business
trip to Walla Walla tbe first of tbe
week. . Willaby bas eo far recovered
from tiiB reoent illness as to be able
to get down town.
Miss Mabel tilomgren, of Weston
vlditnd ber sister Mrs. J. H. Barnes in
tbia city Sunday. -
S. S. Pieraol will leave shortly for
Iriigon, ' where he will clear land tor
bis son-in-law, Dr. Kem.
Miss' Ada DePreere, tnanaai for
tbe loual telephone exaheuge, visited
in Pendleton Saturday night.
Mis. J. O. Russell and her sou, El
mo, have roth been 111 witb tbe grip
this week, bnt are improving.
Mr., Heath, a recent arrival in tbe
city ia employed as book keeper witb
the 'Ium-A-Lum Lumber Cumpany.,
Mr. and Mis! Peter Weidert will
move from the faim to Walla Wall
tor remain during tbe winter months.
Uiover Bowles oame down from
. Monlaua last week, and is a gnest at
the borne of bis sister, Mrs. F. S. La
ta row. , .
Mr. and Mis. 8. A. Baines and
daughter, Miss Mamie, and Mrs. W.
A. Graham, of Weston visited rela
tives In Athena l'uesday.
At the Baptist churoh last Sunday
evening a moat interesting program
was rendered ia honor of Temperance
Sunday which was generally observed.
' Special Agent Marinor of tha Aetna
' Fire Inaorauoe, wbioh is represented
io Athena bv B. B. fiiobarda. ana In
tbe oitv yesterday, adjusting tha Ulave
Myer Are loss. -' ,
Atbena High meets Columbia col
lege io a double beader basket tall
contest tonight Id tba High eoSool
gymnasium, Get ticket and tooet
tbe borne teams.
Charles MaFarland, tba dairyman
finds it necessaiy on aouonnt of tbe
increased cost of feed, to raise tbe
price of milk, commencing witb de
livery of December 1st.
Mr. and Mis. George Sbeaid have
moved into tba Koowltoo residence
near town, reoently rented from F. W.
Lung. Mr. Sheard baa obtaiued a
five-year lease on tbe place.
Little Donald, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Matt Johnson, was brongbl borne from
tbe hospital In Pendleton Monday, and
though in a very weak oondition, it
is hoped will steadily regain, bis
health. , ' -
The members of tha Star Clnb were
pleaaatlly entertained Tuesday after
noon at the borne of Mrs. I, W. Ware
on Fittb street. Tbe hostess waa as
sisted in serving a dainty luncheon
by MissLillie Ware. ; ;. .
The Hie laddies appreciate the kind
ness of tbe propiietora of tbe Palace
Restaurant in giving them hot coffee
and sandwiobea eo tbe night of tbe
die., All of them say the lnnoh
"struck tbe xigbt spot."
Mr. and Mrs. Davis Errett, Mrs.
Jiokson Nelson and Mr, and Mrs.
Geo. R. Gerkiog yesterday motored Io
Walla Walla, where tbey attended a
meeting at the Christian oburob. Mr.
Eriett delivered an address on tbe
"Men and Millions Movement,"
Dr. G. S. Newsom aod family have
moved into tbe farmer Myriok reel
denae on Fourth street, where tbe
dootor ' has established bia ofttoe.
Shortly Dr. Nawsom will ba prepared
to acODtnmodate patients witb the fa
mous human bake oven treatments.
Another' Carload of Those Fine
American Beds and Springs
' '
". '
- Ameiiaan Beds are made of smooth, light steel tubes dent proof,
strong and yet light to bandla. From the cheapest at (3.50 to the best
at $53.60, tbey all have tbe celebrated Amerioan maleable lnga, guar
anteed for 25 years. The rails are reveisible and interchangeable,
yet tit so peifeotly tbat beds alwavs stand straight and rigid.
Any style of spriug may be nsed witb them. Amreioan Beds
have an nnusoallysmootb, baid Uuisb handsomer, more easily cared
for and moie durable than ordinary buds. A big assortment of atyles
is bore in all tbe popular tlnishes Mahogany, Circassian Walnnt, Old
Ivory Two Tone, Oxidized, Brass Bronze, Vernis Martin and White
- Oue of tbe most popular beds In this line ia onr No. 851, in Brass
Bronze, finish at 111. 50.
- Also see our No. 919 Amerioan Twin Beda in White and Vernis
Martin, at eaub $3.50. These have 1 1-1 inch posts and 1 iuuh filler
tnbes with smooth joints.
Here ia also a good Hue of tbe popular Poroh or Bunkbouse Beds,
oompleta with spring at $3.75 for 3 4 and $9.50for full eize
Amerioan All Steel Springs, 8-4 and fall eize at $1.25 and $4i60
' No 5 Anierrion Coll Spiing 96 extra quality, large einglej cone
coils, witb interlocking Inp, mounted on strong ateel slat base and witb
braoed euds the beat onil sciogs of this tvpe we kneow of, a lifetime
aprlng. Piioe B-4 niza, $7 bO; lull size, $3.50. .
Tba Wonder Spriug, a suspended ooil spiing on a tsbular frame
with 1-ioob elevation and wide band edge. Bus ill Hellioal spring
ecppoita at each end. Price $8.00. '
Complete Furnishers of Homes, Offices and Schools lU-20 Alder St.
The 01
d Goat
Has New Life
If a good Cigar is becoming to you
then you will sure be coming to us
Billiards and Pool
Fine Cigars, Cigaretts, Tobacco; Confections of best
quality. Cleanliness a specialty.1 Courteous attention.
BUSH CIS, COLEMAN, The New Proprietors
Our lines are now complete, and our
prices speak for themselves. We have
but one price;the same to everybody.
See' our Blankets, Comforts, Gowns.
U otton Blankets, 49o to $1.98
Wooloap Blankets, f 1.98 to i 85
Wocl Blankets, - - 3.98 to 4. 9S
Comforts, . - 98o to 3.1)8
While Outings. 8 IStoto 10a.
Colored Oatiugs, 8 1-Sa 10a 13 1 3a
Ladies' outing Gowns, 49o to 1.49
Misses' onting downs, 9u to 79a.
Men's outiig Gowns, 49a to 98a.
Boys' anting Gowns, - 19o to 69a.
Men's Pajamas, 080 to 1.49
Baja' Pajamas - - 7Ho.
Li dies' fl'oe Union suits 49a to 98u
Lidiea' Cotton Union eniU 93a
(short or long sleeve.)
Li dies' Wool Union suits, 1.98
Ladies Silk A Wool " "1.98 3.98
Men's fleeoa Union suits 98o
" . heavy cotton lib " " 98o
" wool mix" ' - 1.19
" Wool Union snita 1.98,3.98
Boys' fleece Union Soils 490
" Wool Union suits - 98a
Children's mittens & gloves 15a 35o
Lidiea' mittens & gloves 350 490
Bnya' mittens & gloves 350 19o
Mao's lined gloves 490 89o 98a
" " mittens, 49o 69a 8a
" dress gloves 98o to 1.49
See our line of Furs. Have them for ladies and children
in the latest styles. Just received a shipment of of mens
wool Shirts, 98c to $1.98. All sizes.
J. C Penne y CoJnc.
Giend Chancellor Henry Wortnian
and W. i. Qleeeon, i. K. of B. Ss H.,
of the Knights of Pythias, will visit
Pythian Lodge So. 39, K. of P. on
Tbuisday, Nov. 33. Tbe offloiala will
be In Pendleton tha 30; Milton tbe 31;
Weston the 33; Atnena 33, and He
lix tba 34.
Reward Reasonable reward for in
formation leading to recovery of ana
Hack mole, brand 0 on left abonlder;
one bay mare, snip in forehead, brand
58, (dim brand.) on left hip, two split
ears. Strayed from Sheep oraek, Un
ion county, Address, Hany Baniater,
Athena, Oregon. ,
Under tha direction of Bandmaster
W. 0. Thorn, the Atbena Baud bas
been reorganized, and rehearsal meet
ings are being beld in tbe Olty Hall,
Several new members bave joined the
land tba instrumentation will in
clude a reed seotion, witb tbe acquis
ition of at least two saxophones.
In reporting a luncheon given lest
week by the president of a looal
ohuioh Aid society, the Press was
made io say "in honor of tbe eleotion
results," when it should nave read,
"tbe eleotion of the Aid society offlo
ars." However, snob, jubilation would
have been entirely fitting, under tba
Mr. and Mrs. Otis Wbiteman and
three soua motored down from La
Cross, Wash., Friday evening in their
new Chalmers oar and spent the week
end witb tbe H. H. Hill and B. B.
Riobarda families. Mr. and Mis.
Wbiteman bave moved in to La Cross
from tbe farm, to send their boys,
Dale and Sbelby, io sobool.
The well kno vn DeMoss Family of
Enter tainera will be at tbe Baptist
churoh In tbia city Tuesday evening,
Nov, 31, Ibia company bas an inter
national lepntatioo, and will give an
entertainment of orobestral overtures;
violin, fluie, and oello solos; vocal
dnets, trios and quartets; banjo clnb,
bell ringing and ooaiino trios, lead
ings Ind monologues.
Tbe lady hoard of managers of tbe
Athena Branch Library announce
tbair annual library ball for the even
ing of . November 25th. In tbis in
stance, tbe ladies .will give a bard
times ball and (be event promises to
be a snocess in eveiy partioulai. Tba
ball will be beld at the Atbena Opera
House, and good mnsio will be a fea
ture of the oooasion, '
' Mrs. Fianoea Whitehead arrived
Tuesday evening from ber homestead
io Lrke oonnty, and ia visiting at the
home of Or. and Mis. J. D. Planrou
don, Mrs. Whltebead bas jnst com
pleted a three-years lesidenoe on ber
homestead, tier fiiends in Atbena
will be glad to welcome ber, she bav
iog lived here six years ago, when Mi.
Whitehead was agent at the looal
N. P. station.
Miss Sabra L. Nason, oonnty librar
ian, was in tbe city yesterday, assist
ing the looal library board in arrang
ing tor tbe reopening of tbe library,
reoently damaged ty Bra. Tbe ladies
ezpeot to open tbe library nut Wed
nesday afternoon in th aame quarters,
wbiob will be restored for ocoupanoy.
Tbey plan to bave a "Are sale" of
damaged books, at ten oente tbe copy,
wben some excellent leading may be
obtaioed-at a nominal figure.
Tbe program at tbe Christian ohurob
Sunday is: Bills school 9:50 a. nr.,
Geo. R, Geiking, direotor; preaohiug
morning and evening ty tbe pastor,
respective themes: "Get Busy," and
"What Shall Wa Preaab." Christ
ian Endeavor 6:80 p. nr.: special mn
sio morning and evening. Dr. W. B.
Scott, direotor. Men's Chorus at tbe
evening servioo. No midweek meet
lug. The public cordially invited and
weloome. D. Errett, pastor.
Mta. A. Si. McEwen and dangbters,
Mrs. H. A. Bariett and Miss JeeBioa
MoKwen, tbis week attended tbe East
ern Oregon dlstriot convention of the
Degree of Honor in Pendleton. A
large number of the prominent D. of
H. memberaof thestete were present
and a most iutiresting sesaioa was
held, ending with a program and ban
quet in Moosa ball. Mrs. McKweu
was appointed on several important
committees, and was eleoted Chief of
Ceremonies for the distriot.
Sunday Servioes, Methodist Cburalr:
Sunday school, 10 a. m, W. C. Eurmel
Supt. Preaching services 11 a. ni,
and .7:80 p. in. The question of a
New Yotk business man: "Can the
Churoh Find a Place for Me toWork!"
is the morning topio. Evening topio:
"Fisherman tor Yourself, oi Shepherd
for Me?" Good mnaio hy the oborus
ohnir under tbe direotion of fenperin
tendant J. O. RuaeeU. All ais wel
oome. Espeoial oare will te taken to
make the ohuioh comfortable tot every
one. Walter S. Uleiaer. -
On Nov. 38tb, at tbe Eevlor Grand
Theatre. Walla Walla, (Jlenn Ellison,
the lemons Sootob baritone, will sing
in comparison with Edison's ra crea
tion of bis voioe. Teats of this nature
bave now been made before 800,000
people. The trained ears or 300 nous
la aritios io New York and Boston
were noable to detect a ny difference
between tbe living voice and Edison's
re-oreation of it. Admisison, while
free, is by card only and tha numter
to. be issned ia limited by tha oapacity
of the boose. Aprjly to Davii-Kasei
Co. Adv.
Tba Critarioo Glee Club, wbicb will
appear at tba Christian obuich in
Attune oo Monday evening, tba 37tb,
baa made an eutiatle lepntatlcn upon
the ooooert platform. It Is ooicpoaed
of four musicians, with beautiful
solo voices that blend perfectly.- Tbey
are: Alvin L. Wilson, first tonui and
piano soloist; Frank W, Grocer, sec
ond tenor and oartoonlat; Clilf R.
Cline, taiitcoa and accompanist, and
Walter A. Wood, Ijacao aod humorist.
Tbeqnartet bave been associated to
gether foe ee'eial yeara in high grade
oonoert work and present a program
of ounantl attiaclirenesa and charm.
Last Saturday, snembera of Mig
nonette Lodge of Retekahs, No. 88. at
tended tba Aanbal Distriot Conven
tion, beld at Miltoo. In the eleotion
of officers for tbe eoaniog year. Mrs.
M. L. Watts of tbis city was eleottd
preaideut of tba dutnot convention.
eod Miss Bella Molulyre, Mueiolaa
Other officers were oboseu from the
various lodgea of tha uonnly. The
next roirtention will be beld in A then j
io November, 1917. i Of tbe Uebekabsi
from Athena, Mrs. M. L, Walts, Mrs,
W. P. Littlsjobn. Mrs. W. W. Mo
Pheraon, Mrs. S. S. fault and Mis.
Doo. Stamper, attended tbe entire con
vention, wbile Mr. and Mrs. Ernest
Zerba, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Cannon
and Mr, and Mrs. Ernsst Sbrimpf
went ovei for tbe evening sesaioa.
Last Sunday was tbe anniversary of
tha birth of Joseph N. Scott, and bia ,
wifa honored him with observance
of the oooasion by a sumptuous fcirlb- '
oay dinner. Mr. and Mrs. V. B. Boyd
aud Mra. Elizatetb MansUeld were-in- j
viled guests, and several other friends j
oalled during tbe afternoon aod offered
congratulations. Mr. and Mrs. Soott
with tbeir two little daughters will
leave soon for Huntington Beach, Cal
ifornia, where they will spend the
winter with Mrs. Scott's parents, who
left for tbeir borne laBt week. Tbey
will be joined ky Mr. and Mrs. Claude
Reeder and ohildren who will also
spend the winter in California,
Tuesday evening at tbe Christian
obnroh, an informal leoeption was
reld in honor of Mr. and Mis. F, W.
Long, prior to tbeir departure for Spo
kane. A large nnmber of tbe oburob
people and frteuds of tbe oouple weie
resent, to join in showing apprecia
tion foi tbeir woik in tbe ohuioh dur
iug tbeir lesidenoe io Atbena, and
wishing them snooess in their new
home. A number of speeobes weie
made, and a toothsome lnnoheon was
served. Tbe affair was a complete
sniprise to Mr. and Mrs. Long, and a
veiy pleasant one. They left Wednes
day afternoon by automobile for Spo
kane, wbera tbey expect to purohase a
small acreage and bnild them a borne.
School Notes.
A letter bas been leceived from
Supt. A. T. Park of tbe Pendleton
High sohool and chairman of tbe De
bate oommittee, stating that tbe de
bating league will ce divided into
tbiee sections. Tbe Brat inolndes the
towns of Milton, Freewater and Atb
ena; tbe seoond, Pendleton, Hermiston
and Standeld; in tba third, Condon
aud Fossil. The different sobools in
each section will debate, then tbe win
ners vwill meet tbe other seotiona to
deoide tbe final results.
A double-beader basket ball gams
will be plnyed with Columbia College
in tbe looal gym louight. Botb teams
have improved over last year and close
games are bxpeoted. Despite tbe faot
that tbe Athena teams are lighter
than ever befoie, tbey are pioked to
win against tbeir heavier opponouts.
The game will begin promptly at 8 o'
clock. Come and give enoouragement
io the hurne aohool. Atbena will liue
up as follows: Girls. Katbreo Fioom
and Evelyn Hard, forwards; Hazel
Sanders, jumping center; Frauoes
Febr, running oenter; Elouise Berge
vin aod Marguerite MaLennan, guards;
Luoille Taylor, Helen Russell and
Franoea Williams, sues. Boys. Ibarp
aud MaPbetrin, forwaids; Payoe, oen
ter; Dndley and Boober, guaids; Cm
Dill, Rlobmond aud Martin, subs.
A Thanksgiving program ia being
prepared by the pupila of Miss Bher
mau'a room. It will ba given Nov.
39 and parents and friends are Invited.
I lie piogrum: Song, "Thanksgiving
Day Has Come;" dialogue, "Fiiday
Afternoon at Sohool," 2nd grade; rec
itation, "Ted's Story of Thanksgiv
ing," Freddie Radtke; solo, "Kid
land," Melvin Coppock; dialogue la
aoslume, "The Lit'le Pilgrims," 1st
grade; song, "That Good Old Pump
kin Pie;" folk dance; faro, "After
Tbankgiving," 1st grade; solo, "1'be
Teakettle," Florence Ross; dialogue,
"Tbe Grocer's. Thanksgiving," 1st
grade; oborus in oostums, "Tbe Jolly
Jampots," seven girls.
Among tha visitors to tbe grade
rooma the Bust week are: Mrs. Myr
tle Bass, Mis Henry Dell, Mis, A. A.
Fobs, Mrs. Ida Stair, Mrs. iienry Mil
ler, Mrs. Hutfrnau and Mrs. MoEweu.
Miss Sbermuo had one uew pnpil.
Wednesday afternoon the weekly
assembly waa held. Supt. Russell ex
plained tbe system of grading the High
sohool pupils this year, aud distribut
ed tha report cards. Mr, Russell an
nounced that a band ia to be foi med in
Atbena and tbe Hist praatioe will be
Monday evening; also that Miss Ma-
Calleigh Is intending to give violin
lessons. Tbe remaining time was spent
in sluaing and in piBoliuing new yells
for the bseket ball gams tonight.
Io tba anditorium Friday afternoon,
tbe 84th lost., will be beld tbe usnul
literary program, The main feature
will be a debate between four of tbe
olass on tbe question: "Should Ore
gon adopt a Health Insurance Law
emuodyiug the essential features of
tba Standard Bill ot tbe Amerioan As
sociation foi Labor Legislation." The
publio is cordially invited to be pres
ent. 'Tbe program follows: Song,
High Sohool Days;" dissuasion, 'Hazel
Sanders eod Annabel MoLeod; duet,
Mamie Sheard aud Zola Keen;funuy
story, Eloniae Bergevln; soli , Lucille
Taylor; debate, affirmative, Zola Ktseu
and Henry Koepke, uegative, Florenoe
MoLeunan and Verne Dudley; report
ot ciitio, Vernita Watts.
A "hard times" party was given by
tba Higb sohool in the Dntsestio Sol
eooe room Friday evening. Every
body arrived in hard-limes ooitnma
consisting of saok-apions aud overall!.
Palobea were much in evidence. Mus
ical selections weie given, also bumor
one readings, by Martha Hutt. Tbe re-
Coutinued on page 3,
It's a Known Fact
That the recent Sale conducted by
this firm was the greatest one ever
held in cthena. The best merch
andise for less money, brought big
crowds daily to our store. It has given the public an
opportunity to become familiar with our policy that of
giving the best and the most merchandise for the least
money. -
This policy will continue! We will meet any honest
competition in this territory or from mail order houses.
We will compare merchandise, piece for piece and price
for price.
We want you to realize that the firm of Fix CB) Radtke .
is in cAthena to get the business YOURj business '
through fair and conscientious methods. Buy your next
order here. Courteous sales people always anxious to
serve you. This is truly a store for the people.
"The Money Back Store"
Nov. 20-25
An Apple Exposition of
National Interest. If you
are interested in apples
-Don't miss it.
An apple Pla FREE to every
oue attending tbe show; 200
prizes every afternoon for wo
men; voting competition tetween
aid societies and women's clnbs
for fiiOO ia gold; fiee moving
pictures baby pageauts every
afternoon; Princess Apple Blos
som, ber Court of Princesses of
Apple Land and King Pip in a
aeries of Night Speotaoles; Car
uival Psrades, Uproarious Fuu
and Frolic on down town streets.
Don't forget that Apols Pie.
Low Fares
for the round trip via
0-W. R. 8. N.
Tickets upon application to
Athena, Oregon
Peoples Theatre
' "Home of Good Pictures"
, EVENINGS Here are the strong bills
for the week
Afternoon, 2:30. 5c and 15c Evening, 7.00
"The Mark(of Cain"
cA Red Feather Photop, Featuring
Dorothy Phillips and Lon Chaney
A story of the strong arm of the law, interwoven with a
fas.inating tale of love
Monday Night
10 and 20 Cents
Competitive Awards
at both the San Francisco and
San Diego Expositions, weie
given to Zerolene an oil made
iron) uphalt'baK crude.
ihe Standard Oil for Kdar Cars
Sold by dcalcn everywhere and
at all Service R:at:oiis ol the
Standard Oil Company
.III 1 1 .
William Fox presents the Royal cActress
In Count Tolstoi's cTVlasterpiece
Anna Karenina
P r i
ft ;.
Tuesday Night
Vividly portrayed in World Pilms
' With
Robert Warwick