The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, November 17, 1916, Image 2

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Each Branch of the Servica Hal Ita
Own Typ of Weapon.
Swords in tue British arm; vary to
a very great extout, and practically
every branch of the service has its own
type of weapon. The difference Is not
To much In the shape of the blade as
In that of the hilt.
The sword used by tho Infantry has
a large ornamental guard, bearing the
royal cipher and crown. There is a
Blot at the top of the guard for the
word knot, really a leather loop end
, lng In a knot to prevent the loss of the
sword. The lnrautry sword Is perfect
ly straight and is sharp on one edge
." only. .;, , ,-
Bifle regiments have a special sword
of their own with the rifle badge let
into the openwork guard. Very much
the same sort of sword, but with a still
more open guard, consisting of three
curved bars, is used by the royal ar
tillery and army service corps. The
Royal engineers have a gilt hilt on
their swords, a distinction they prize.
The claymore of the highland regi
ments has a big basket hilt lined with
red cloth and blue, ribbons. The offi
cers of some Scottish regiments carry
a plain cross bllted sword without a
Until a few years ago the cavalry
were armed with sabers. Nowadays,
however, they carry swords of a
. straight rapier pattern. The guard is
a large affair, completely shielding Uie
hand. New York Times.
Indian Story of How the Brave Bird
Got Its Rad Breast.
When white men first came fat
across the sea to this country they
found many birds such as they had
lover seen before. But they found one
which they liked best of all. It had a
pretty red breast, and they called it
robin, Cor its red breast made them
think of a bird back lu the old home
which tbey loved most of all.
The Indians bad a story about bow
tho robin got Its red breast They said
it happened a long time ago, when
there was only one fire in all the cold
far north.
A hunter and his son kept the fire
burning day and night until tho father
fell HI, and the son had to watch the
Are all alone. The. great white bear
was waiting for a chance to put the
fire out so he could have all the north
to himself. lie saw the boy fall asleep;
then he jumped on the fire with his
wot feet and put It out.
U ut a gray robin sav him, and when
be was gone she pecked about in the
ashes till she found t tiny live coaL
' She fanned It with her wings until it
Mazed out and turned her brenrt red.
, Then she flew away to every hut In
the cold north. Wherever she touched
the ground a fire sprang up, and soon
there were plenty of Ores to keep the
people warm. After that the robin's
breast was always red Instead of gray.
23 Years Ago,
I mm th Prn nf Nov. 17 18931
A Warning the Thoughtful Old Lady
Gava the Haadlua Young Ona.
. They were two women, one yonng,
radiant; the other gently, bcuutlfully
"But, nuntle, It's such fun."
Tho older rose,
. "Walt."
Id a moment she had returned. Two
faded, yellow letters lay upon the
young girl's lap.
"Itend them."
Wondcrlngly tho girl obeyed. Tho
first rend:
"Dearest 1 leave you to John. It is
plain you caro for him. I kivo you.
Just now It seems that Hfo without
you is impossible. But I can no longer
doubt If you cored there would bo
no doubt. Joliu is my friend. I would
rather see you his than any other's,
since you cannot be mine. Clod bless
you. mUU."
The other:
"Beloved 1 am leaving you to tho
better man. Por me there can never
be another love. But It Is best it is
the right thlng-aud 1 amres, I urn
rrtnd (lint it is Will you love instead of
me. You ennnot be anything but hap
py with him. With mo but Unit is a
dream I must learn to forget As ever
and ever, JOHN."
Joseph Hall In Life.
How the Roman Empire Grow.
Home was founded 750 B. C, the
kings were expelled 009 B. 0., oud it
was not until 200 B. 0, 400 years after
(ho founding of the city, that tho Ro
mans conquered their Innncdlato neigh
bors, the Samnltes, Latins, etc. It was
not until 20U B. C following the defeat
of Tyrrhus, that Rome was supreme
In Italy, from the southern boundary
of Cisalpine Gaul to tho Sicilian strait.
For 350 years, from tho foundation of
the city, tho Romans could stand on
the bills of their city and almost look
across their entire territory, as It
stretched away only some twenty miles
on either band. After the consolidation
of their power In Italy, however, It
took theui but 150 years to conquer the
School Notes
Ooutlnaed from piae 8.
tBBlndir of the evening was speut la
playlni: aeroee until 10 o'clock when
the so'jts were leived with rehash
meats jonsleting of sandwiobet, apples
and poiiooiu.
ih .h.rmin. Anmnri drama "Oak
1'arin," which will be Riven to the
auditorium Thursday, Deo. 7, pro
grassing nloely under the dlreotion of
Bopt. and Mrs. KohsoII. Oak Turn,
the borne of the delightful old oonple,
Mi. and Mil. Weatberby aud tbeit
' family. Is tbe soana of many eoteitaiu
log inoideoU. Woik bas now started
on tbe third aot wbiob brings tbe play
to an interesting climax aud a pleasing
The Senloia, assisted by tbe Fsonlty
is tosy making plans for tbe first
Class paity tbis year, wblob will be
lield in the Domestio Boienoe loom,
Friday evoufus, Mot St Tbey will en
tertain tbe High sohool Kaonlty and
Alumni in a novel and pleaslug man
ner and assure evety ooe a good time,
Tbe loom will ba approximately dso.
orated, for tbis, the Hi it of a eorioa of
clues patties, oue of wbiob will be
BiYen at tbe end Ol each quarter,
Tbe members of tbe Atbena Goo
Clnb met Saturday for a praotioe
sboot, twenty-five singles at unknown
traps were pnt op for tbe sport. L. A.
Gitliens saoied 21 ; P. M. Kirklanf ,
18;IiOa8nsw, 16; E. DePealt, 5.
Tbe Judge has a good ere aod steady
neive and will soon make it interesting
for the boys.
Weston bas a newspaper agaio. It
is flailed tbe "Philistine," and is oon
dooted by M. J. Harvey, a yoong gen
tleman from Washington D, 0. who
says be tboiongbly understands tbe
newspaper business and bas "oome to
stsy." The paper is somewhat on tbe
sensational order, and as the sditoi
BBys in bis "obituary" tbe flist issue
sails him, it is the general impression
that the pnblio will bate to be satis
tied with it. Taken all in all, it Is
spioy aud essentially a newspaper. I
Clark Wood, of Weston, foimeily
oity editor ot tbe Blast Oiegonian, has
eooepted a position on tbe hs Grande
Chronicle, tbe leading paper of tbe
npper oountry. The people ot La
Grande will find in onr frieod, Mc.
Wood, a gentleman in eveiy sense of
tbe word and a newspaper man of
ability. -
Milton's oity jail, says tba Essie, is
an institution tbat receives lesB pat
tonsge (ban any of like obaraotei we
believe in tbe state. There baa not
been a person ooufinud in it lot snob a
long time, that tbe bolts and looks
bave beoome rasty liom disose. This
speaks volumes for tbe law-abiding
obaraoter of oor oitizens.
Rev. LaVioletle held open air ser
vices at tba band stand in tbis oity
Sunday afternoon. Tbe Atbena bend
was piesent and tendeted assistance to
tbe oboii by its tine eaeootlon of sao-
red masio.
From "Scribbler's' Notes: Tbe wa
ter of tbe Atbena school has beeu bad
foi some time past Jim P. N. Ste
vens, tbe two leyged gopber, olesned
ont tbe well aud oaptored two or
three bosbels aud a peak of oboiae
liags, wbiob amply recompensed bim
Ins His time and trouble.
Notice to Creditors.
In the Ooonty Court ot Umatilla
Coanty, Stats of Oregon.
In tbe Matter ot the Estate of
Mattie Phillips, deceased.
Notice is heieby given tbst the un
dersigned has been appointed by tbe
atove entitled Conit edmloistiator of
I be estate of Mattie Phillips. deoeBSed ;
and that all peisoos having aisims
easiest tba said estate eboold present
them to my attorney, Homer 1. Watts,
at his ofllae iu Atnnua, Orison, ver
ified as by law required, witbin 6
months from the date of tbe Hist pnb
liaation ot tbis ootioe, on Ont, 37,
1010. S. 'I. Phillips,
Notice to Creditors.
In ths Ooonty Court of Umatilla
County, fjtute ot Oreaoo,
In the Matter of tbe Eslale of
Maiy June Phillips, deceased.
Notice is beiety giveu tbat tbe un
dersigned has been appointed by tbe
above entitled Coort admiuistrBlor of
tba estate of Mary Jene Phillips, de
oessed;and tbat all poisons having
claims against tbe said estate should
piesent them to my attorney, Homer
I. Watts, at bis office in Atbena. Ore
gon, verified as by law requited, with
in 0 months from date of tbe first pub
lioution ot tbis notios, on Got. 27,
11)10, s. T, Phillips,
Notice to Creditors.
In the Count Court of 1 Umatilla
County, State ot Oregon.
In the Matter of tbe Estatn of
Alexander Kluuear, deceased:
Notiee is hereby given tbat tbe un
derslgneii has been appointed by tbe
above entitled oonrt, administratrix of
the estate of Alexaoder Kincear, dn
aliased, sad that all persons having
nlalms against the said estate should
prosent them tn my attornay, Homer
I. Watts, at bis ofllae iu Atbena, Ore
gon, verified as by law required, witn
In ft months from tbe date of the first
pnblioation of tbis uotioe on Oat. 27,
Itfltl. Margaret Klnnear,
Local Advertisements
Liveatook Dealer. Bert Cartano baa
engaged iu ihs livestook business. He
is prepared to pay tbe highest market
prioes at all times for obiokens, bogs,
cattle and sheep. If yon bave stook
to sell, be sore and see bim.
Beginning Deoember I, milk will be
sold at $1.25 per pint and (3.50 per
quart, Charles MoFarland.
There Is more Catarrh in this section
Of the country than all other diseases
put together, and for years it was sup
posed to be incurable. Doctors pre
scribed local remedies, and by constant
ly failing to cure with local treatment,
5ronounced It Incurable. Catarrh la a
ocal disease, greatly Influenced by con
stitutional 'conditions and therefore re
quires constitutional treatment. Hall's
Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J.
Cheney ft Co., Toledo, Ohio, Is a consti
tutional remedy, Is taken Internally
and acts thru the Blood on the Mucous
Surfaces of the System. One Hundred
Dollars reward Is offered for any case
that Hall's Catarrh Cure falls to cure,
Send for circulars and testimonials.
P. J. CHENEY ft CO., Toledo, Ohio,
Sold by Druggists. 7Sc.
Hall's Family Pills for constipation.
Foley's Honey and Tar
tor No opiates.
In Athena Monday' Tuesday, Wednes
day, other days of week in Walla Walla,
2nd and Main, over Third National Bank
Dr. E. W. Croup - Dr. C. H. Lash
S. V. Sharp
Special attention given to all
calib both night and day.
Calls promptly answered. Oflloa on Third
Street, Athena Oregon
Physician and Surgeon.
Office in Post Building. Phone, 601
Dr. J.C. Baddeley
LaBrasche R nch
Expert Watch Repairing
No Job too Difficult. Satis,
faction Guaranteed.
D. Scott Fisher
Residence and Shop, Adams and 4th Sts,
, Successor to
Expert Watch Repairer En
graver and Jeweler.
The Original
and Other Chronic Ailments
I was laid up with Rheumatism fiom
Jan. till Jone, 191ft, and tried every
thing Imaginable to get relief in vein
until 1 tried tbe HUMAN HAKE
OVEN. My pain was ell gone In two
weeks and bas not returned, I oan
hearlily eudoise ths treatment.
Signed Woi Mela.
Chief Walla Walla Fits Dept.
Entire top floor DENNEY HLDO.,
Walla Walls, Wn., Booms patients
is a garden of delight where
earth ' and sky and air have
seemingly been fashioned by
Dame Nature to charm the
hearts and minds of men.
All manner of sports and recreations are
enjoyed out-of-doors. Polo, golf, tennis and
automobiling over countless miles of beau
tiful roads, and the way to go is via
Union Pacific System
Ve will be glad to furnish complete in
formation, and help plan your
California Trip.
J. R. Mathers. Assent
Athena ' MM
How Warships Bring Their Guns to
Bear Upon the Enemy.
One of the most Important instru
ments used on a warship U the range
finder, for without this instrument it
is prncticnly Impossible to aim the
guns r.ccurntcly without first Incurring
a serluus delay tn getting the range
by trial shots. finders all work on much the
same principle. Images of the ship or
other object sighted on being received
through tbe two object glasses, one
located near each end and on the sldo
of tbe tube, being reflected nnd refract
ed by a system of mirrors and prisms
so that both are brought to tbe eye ot
the observer, who looks through tho
eyepiece located at the middle of the
tube nnd on the opposite from the ob
ject glasses.
The right band object glass transmits
only tbe upper half of the object sight
ed on and the left band object glass
the lower half. When sighting on a
ship, for example, the rigging and fun
nels will appear to be offset horizon-
tally from the lower pnrt of tbe ship,
so long as the instrument is not set
for tbe correct range. Tbe images are
tben brought together by a thumb
screw that mores one of the prisms,
and this sets a scale that shows the
distance in yards to the ship. Pear
son's Weekly.
Hia Eccentricity In the End Proved Hia
Own Undoing.
: Rev. Mr. nngninore, to whose mem
ory is a slab In the churcb at Cats
boge, Leicestershire, Eugland, was "a
little queer." It seems that the rev
erend gentleman died In January, 1880,
leaving nil of his property, valued at
$.3,500, to a railroad porter.
Tbis queer old preacher kept one
servnnt of each sex, whom he locked
up every night His Inst employment
of an evening was to go the rounds of
bis premises, let loose the dogs and
Are off bis gun. .' j .
He lost his life tn a curious innnner.
Starting out early one morning to let
out bis servants, tbe dogs fanned upon
him nnd threw him Into a pond of wn
ter Tbe servants heard his cries, but,
being locked up. could not render as
sistance, so tho old man was drowned.
When the Inventory of his property
was taken, he was found to be tbe
owner of 80 gowns, 100 pairs of trou
sers, 100 pairs of hoots, 400 pairs of
shoes, 80 wigs (although he had plenty
of natural bain, DO dogs. 1)0 wagons
and carts. 30 wheelbarrows, 2-1! razors,
80 plows, !i0 saddles and 222 plckasos
end shovel. He surely was "a little
queer.' London Standard.
Merely Point of View.
It was about 3 o'clock, and the fad
ing light in the crt gallery of the Pub
He library nils beginning to bother the
painter woman who fared the sunset
canvas with lumpy palette Impaled on
one thumb nnd paint brush -held hesi
tatingly In the other hnnd. while she
scrutinized again the Intricate blend
ing of sunset colors nnd hacked away
n few steps farther to squint at the
perspective of the old whaler she was
copying as It lurched In painted waves.
Details of color blending, of light anil
shade, of form after the fashion of a
palmer's sensitive appreciation, un
doubtedly filled her mind.'
Then came thumping along tbe pol
ished floor two other women They
stood for a moment in silence in front
of the sunset picture. One of them
raised a thick, heiinged hnnd nnd run-
"They do more than
please your taste
they satisfy!"
That's why Chesterfields are like a
good cup of coffee they taste fine and,
in addition, they satisfy!
But, besides letting you know you've
been smoking, Chesterfields are MILD,
too! . ; ....
Chesterfield is the one cigarette that
. can give you this new delight (satisfy, yet
mild), because no cigarette maker can
copy the Chesterfield blend an entirely new
combination of tobaccos and the greatest
advance in cigarette blending in 20 years.
"Give me a package of those cigarettes that SA TISFY I "
This Year
Never a better time to Build than Now
Tba 1'am-A-liQm Method makes Lumber lower today than it was
. ten years ago bettei in qnalitv and you oan boy it as cheaply
light now and bete in yont town as you oan buy it anywhere.
A oomplete service department, composed of skilled Arahlteota
and expert estimators who plan yonr buildiog along ths most
modern and efficient lines,
We con tell yon tbe exaot cost of material neoessary for the
building. For tbe purpose of getting staited, we hare prepared
tbe best plan book ever pnnlisbed, and osn make any design to
We wonld like an'opportnnity to SHOW YOU.
"See Johnson About It."
& We carry the best
flrTffZ TT 1 That Money Buys
'l IT IlIi I Our Market is
1 1 Kris ci(?an and o1
v h)J ' fll' ) 3 Insuring Wholesome Meats.
Main Street, Athena, Oregon
rejection OiTHealei
Ready and glowing at the touch of
a match giving a cheery, odorless
warmth. Burns PEARL OIL, the
clean, cheap fuel. In blue or white
enamel or plain black harmoniz
ing with the finest surroundings.
Prices: $3.75 to $7.75
For Side by
Foss-Winsjiip Hardware Company"
Jam Loans
Hartman cAbstract Company"
Corner Main and Court Streets, Pendlelon, Oregon
first national bank
Capital and Surplus