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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 10, 1916)
LATEST PHOTOGRAPH OF PRESIDENT WILSON Local Advertisements Liloek Delnr. Bort Car'enqbea engaged io the llventoot bumursd Is prepared to pa? the big beat market priced at all time for obiobens, hogs. cattle and ehocip. It 500 have stork to sell, be aura and st Inn, There la mora Catarrh in thla section of the country than all other diseases put together, and for yeara It waa sup posed to be Incurable. Doctore pre acribed local remedies, and by constant ly falling to cure with local treatment. tronounced It Incurable. Catarrh la a ocal disease, greatly Influenced by con atltutlonal condltlona and therefore re qulrea constitutional treatment. Hall'a Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney ft Co., Toledo, Ohio, Is a consti tutional remedy, la taken Internally and acts thru the Blood on tha Mucoua Surfaces of the System. One Hundred Dollara reward la offered for any casa that Hall'a Catarrh Cure falls to cure. Send for clrculara and teatimonlala, F. J. CHENEY ft CO., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by Druggists. T6c. Hall'a Family Pills for constipation. Foley's Honey and Tar (orchlldren.safeure. No opiates. I DLTflDT nC TUC ATI! CM A PITV TDmQIIQCR IILiUIII Ul IIIL flIIILlin UNI IIILnUUIII.ll Woodiow WlldOD was re-eleoted to ' tbe prealdeooT Toosday, alter one of closest cod tents ever made. Ha baa tbe diatiuolioo ol winuiDK ef'er fail ' oppooeut carried tha pivotal Eastero - atatos, Oallforula decided tbe oou- test when that state was ushered loto the demooratio column yesterday af ternoon, Oregon went (or Mr. Hnghei ' by a email majoiltv. The (JoDDty, For President Hngbea 8080, Wilson 1(142; Wilson's majority, 0(13. For Representative Dost 8010, Hit 'er88!3. Uoeves (1533, Hodgen 8702; Kitner's majority over Reeves 870; Hodjeu s majority over Reovei 180. For Dietilot Attorney Bishop 8803, Kentor 4286: Keatot'a majority 088. ' For Sheriff1 Allen 8841, Taylor 6784 ; Taylor's majority 8448. For Clerk Brown 4857, Chamber lain 8110; tirown'i majority 041. For Treaanier Gilliam 01011, Still man 8108; Uilliam'a majority 8030. " For Assessor Strain 4515, Yeager ,0820; Straln'a majority 1180. For Superintendent Young 4011, Howard UIDU; Yonoc's mijoiity SI 53. ; For Coroner Brown 41103, t'eetler "Slimij Browne majority 1040. For Commissioner Anderson 8705, . Slosber 8580; Andeiaon's majority 1313. ATHENA ELECTION RESULTS. Athena polled a big vote Tuesday. She day was lair and voting tegau early In the forenoon after the polls in ': the three preolnota were opened. In terest centered in the national contest and Wilson overwhelmingly defeated Hughes. The demooratio tlokat our tied io Athena for county offloeu, with f onr eioeptlona, The returns follow i ; For President. Hughes 159; Wil son, 81S. ,, State Senator, SOth Diet. Frederick Btelwer, 378. Representative, Motto and Uuia tilla.-Htaotleld, 304. ' Representative, Umatilla, Beat, 120; Rltner 131; Reeves, 388; Hodgeu, 380. Dislilat Attorney. Bishop, 11)5; Keator. 315. ShariU, Allon, 84; Taylor, 861. Clerk. Rrowu, 107; Chamberlain, ; 335. Reoorder, Burroughs, 805. Treasurer. (illlium, 388; Stillman, . 181. ,;. " ' Assessor. Strain, 307; Yeager, 117. . School Snperlutendeut, ilunaid, 105; Yonug, 318. Bnrveyor. Bradley, 807, Coroner, Brown, 334 ; Pee bier, 174. Uommleaiooer. Anderson, 340; , : Blusher, 148, Amendments, j Single Item Veto. Yes, 311; No, : los. Ship Tax Exemption. Yes, 184; ' 0, W. ' N-cro 8nirrage.-yea, 103; No, 300. t,ai.d Tax. Yes, 08; No, 807. Feudleton Normal Sobool. Yes, 15; No. 300. Anti-Vaoeluation. Yes, 190; No, i 170. Repealing Sunday Law. Yes, 149; : No, PI'S. Brewers' Malt Liquor Bill Yea, 68; No. H08. "Bona Dry",-Yos, SIS; No, 149. ' Notice to Creditors. In the' County Court of Umatilla County, State of Oregon. In tbe Metier of tbe Estate of Mettle Phillips, deoeaeed. Notice is hereby given that the on derslgned bae beeo appointed by the . atove entitled Court administrator of the estate of Mattle Phillips, deoeased ; and that all peisoos having claims ' against tha said estate should present them to any attorney, Homer I. Watts, at his offloe la Athens, Oregooi ver ifled as by law required, within 0 months from the date of the first pub lication of this notice, on Ont. 37, 1910. 8. T. Palllips, administrator CROUP & LASH Dentists In Athena Monday Tuesday, Wednes day, other days of week in Walla Walla, 2nd and Main, over Third National Bank Dr. E. W. Croup - Dr. C, H. Lash S. V. Sharp PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Special attention given to all calia both night and day. Calls promptly answered. OmeaonTblrd oir"et. Atnena uregor DR. GVS. NEWS M, Physician and Surgeon. Offloe in PoBt Bnilding. Phone, 601 Dr. J. C. Baddeley VETERINARY SURGEON LaBiasche R.inch Athena II. H. HILL Expert Watch Repairing No Job too Difficult. Satis faction Guaranteed. WESTON, OREGON Notice to Creditors. In the Connly Conrt of Umatilla Connty, State of Oreaon. In tbe Matter nf the Estate of ,.Mary Jane Phillips, deoeased. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been appointed by the above entitled Court administrator of tha estate of Mary Jane Phillips, de oeased; aud that all pereons having claims against tbe said estate should present them to my attomey. Homer I. Watts, at his offloe In Athena. Ore gon, verified as by law required, with in 0 mouths from date of tbe first pub lioution of this notice, on Out. 87, 1018. S. T. Phillips, Administrator. D. Scott Fisher CONTRACTOR & BUILDER Residence and Shop, Adams and 4th Sts. Athena Notice to Creditors. In tbe Oonutv Conrt of Umatilla Oonnty, State of Oregon, In tha Matter of tbe Estate! of Alexander Kinnear, deceased: Notice is herein clven that ih ,n darslgned baa been appointed by the above entitled conrt, administratrix of the estate of Alexander Kinnear, de oeased, and that all nnranna haeino claims against tbe said estate abonld present tnem to my attorney, Homer I. Watta. at bis offloe In Athana n... gon, verified as by law required, wita- rn n mourns rrom tns date of the first publication of this notice on Oot. 37, lllin. MBmnrnt V . Administratrix, j L. S. VINCENT Successor to H. II. HILL Expert Watch Repairer En. grayer and Jeweler The Original HUMAN BAKE OVEN INC. For RHEUMATISM and Other Chronic Ailments Testimonial I was laid op wltb Rheumatism from Jan. till Jnue, 1015, and tiled every tbiug imaginable to get relief in vain nnlil I tried tbe HUMAN BAKE OVEN. My pain was all gone In two weeks and bas not returned. I oan heartily endoise tbe treatment. Sigoed Wm Meta, Chief Walla Walla Fire Dept. Entire top floor DENNKY BLDU Walla Walla, Wn., Rooms for patients MUKNSlfiD PHYSICIAN. Phone 360, Annual Statement Up To October' 31, Presented to City Council. 1916. 8ept. 80 Oot. 5 9 ' 11 U 11 " 16 " 19 " 81 1916 Oot Treasurer's Report, Athena, Oiegon. Oot. 81, 1916: RECEIPTS. Balanoe on hand per laet repoit ' - -Beo'd. from B. B. Richards water rente " " O. W. Bradley 1915 tax " " B. B. Riebards water rent , - . M If II II II II II ' . ii i. gnow uoeB,8 " " Q. W, Bredlsy 1918 tax " B. B. Riobards (Collins) fire boss " " Q. W. Bradley 1915 tax 418.16 U5. 00 634.3 118.95 7.70 5.00 1,819.3 . 25.5 '. 893.91 2,603.80 6 7 U H To 0. P. Holt, Comm., " Pittsburg Meter Co. " B. B. Riohaide " Burke & Son " Y. B. Boyd DISBURSEMENTS. Warrant Nos. 145 185-143 106-188-189 . 187-140 , 118 (3,933. 2 S3.00 184.00 7.40 6.00 4.60 800.65 V 1 lt5.-4- mtmsk t Above piotore is an exaot duplicate of tbe bouse for Mr, and Mia. D. H. Sanders now teing built on Sontb Sid street. This Illustrates pretty well tbe eervioe tbe Tom a Lnm people are giving to bulloers around Athena and othei points where tbey are situated. Tbe new boms will have a large liv ing loom with Ore-place and aeats, dlniog loom opening from living room by means of a pedaatal arob In wbiob will be plaoed ehiua cloieta opening into dluiug room. Tbe oeilinga of tbe ltvlug room will be laid off In panels and tbe dluiug room will te watneoot ed np to plate lall with America's most beautlfnl wood, Oonglaa Ur, es pecially aeleoted for giaiu. A b'oBet will act Io tbe wall tetween tbe kitch en end dining room and directly be hind tbe bntfat will be tullt a com modious kitchen onpbcard wbiob will have spaoe for dishes. Above aud be low will te drawers, bios, aod mold ing board connecting by means of a work table to the sink, nuder wbiob will be boilt doors tor pots and pans oloaets. A wood bolst and dumb waiter make op tbe rest of tbla excel lently artanged kitchen and tbe whole arrangement will undoubtedly save many elepa in bouse woik. Kntiaooe to rlret door will be bad tbroogh reception bali Iron which a beautifully designed stairs leada to aeouua uoor wrio a ooui-io Dell seal. A den is opposite the living room wltb large bay window and between tbis and bedroom on Brat floor is located bath with usual plumbing fixtures, olotbea ohuta to baaemeut, end medi olne cabinet with mirror door. Mr. and Mrs. Sandeie on aeoood floor will have three bedroone with oloseta aod large sleeping porob together with a sewiog room. A rear soieened porob olf the kitoben ie provided and toll basement will be Uulsbed off with fuel room, frntt room aod laundry trays. A equate scheme of Inside trim baa beau adopted for tbe finish of tbe in terior, aa thia is a very logioal and up-to-date finish, being at tha earna time easy to keep clean and very well look log aa well as eoonomioal, I. Soott Fisher baa the general oon ttaot and the Turn A-Lotn Lnuiber do. will furnish tnlldiog material, H. E, Ciawford, Arobiteot tor the Tom-A-Lutn Co., who furnished the plane and epeciUoetlons, atatea that they are planning many new bomee for their onstomere tbis fall and tbet most all of them riome from euggestious to be found in their new Free Plen Bnok. I he new borne will be a welcome ad dition to Atbeoa'a Hat of nodera bomee. City of Athena Sinking Fund (Being 3 1-1 mills out of 15 mills on l,857.89'of 1916 tax) "20 " Preston Shaffer Milling Co. 101-111-120-141-163 870.00 (Interest on above warrants) - - - - - 1.12 " 20 First National Bank Athene 93-91-95-99-103-1O1-107 109-1 15-119 125 126-128-183 141-H9 160 961.96 (Interest on above warrants . . . 18.20 "20 E. A. Zerba 100 , 25.00 Interest on above warrant ..55 "20 " B. B. Riobarda 105-110-127-151 137.60 Interest on above warrants - 1.20 "21 " Moagrove Meroectile Co. 113 - - - 17.10 Interest on above warrant - ... - ,28 "21 " First National Bank Athena 146 . 1.60 " 81 " Cleve Stanton 158 - - - 2.60 "81 " City of Athena Sinking Fond - - - 66.49 (Being 2 1-2 mills oot of 15 mills on 1393.61 of 1915 tax 2.063.95 Oot, 81 Balaooe in bank ... - . . 858.81 Build f purs This Year Never a better time to Build than Now The Tnm-A-Lum Method makes Lumber lower today than It was tea yeaia ago better Id quality and you oan boy It as oheaply light now and here In your town as yen oan buy it aoywber. , A oomplete eervioe department, oompoaed ot skilled Arebltects and expert estimatora who plan yoor bnilding a,long tha most modern and efficient lines. , We oan tell yon tbe exeet cost ot material neoeeeary for tbe bnilding. For tbe porpose of getting ataited, we have prepered tha beet plen book evet published, and oan make any design to 8UIT YOUB IDEAS and YOUR POCKET BOOS. Wa would like an opportuoity to SHOW YOU. "See Johnson About It." ; TUM-A-LUM LUMBER COMPANY 12,922.26 - SINKING FUND. Bills receivable Due Jan. 13, 19 17 - . . . . $ 883.65 Oertifloates of deposit per last repirt as follows: 16409 dated 6-9-1916 at 1 per oent $935.18 16141 " 5-81-1916 at 1 per oent 1,095.36 16539 " 7-25-1916 at 1 per oent 27.21 . $3,047.75 Oot. 11 from gen fnud O. 0. No. 15711 10-16 1916 4 per oent 809.66 Being 2 1-2 mills oot of 15 mills on $l,8f 7.89 of 96 tax Oot. 81 From general fnnd Check No. Ill City of Athena 65.19 3,429.89 Oot. 81 1916, Total in Sinking Fund - - - . WARRANTS. Outstanding warrants snbjeot to oall on Jan. 1, 1916 (abont) " " " " " May 2. 1916 " " " " " Oot 20 1916 $2,766.44 $6.00 8.00 60.00 Oot. 81, 1916 Total ontstanding warrants as above $58.00 Ernest A. Zerba, Treasurer City of Atbine, Oregon, THE ATHENA MEAT MARKET W carry the best MEATS That Money Buys Our Market is Clean and Cool Insuring Wholesome Meats. READ St MEYER ' Main Street, Athena, Oregon Farm Loans NO COMMISSION NO BONUS NO DELAY NO RED TAPE LOW INTEREST RATES LIBERAL REPAYMENT PRIVILEGES Hartman cbstract Company Corner Main and Court Streets, Pendleton, Oregon Warm as foasf Perfection Gil Heafei Cheery comfort for chilly eveniogs. A gallon of PEARL OIL gives nine hours of intense, odorless heat whereveiriind whenpveryouwant it Pi1ces:$i75 to$7J5 ' ForSmle by Foss-Winship Hardware Company Your Overcoat Fits when we measure you ' Workmanship and Materials Guaranteed. Third Street Jacob Booher Athena, Or THE fIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ATHENA Capital and Surplus $100,0002 Constipatoosii is the origin of many ills, including colds. Oils, Salts and Pills give temporary relief; they don't cure Ask Your Physician He will advise coarse flour, like our ancestors made, as the natural food. High patent white flour lacks certain elements necessary , to your health; rour bowels need some residue , Blydeasteitrs Prepared Dietary flossr contains all the natural mineral salts and coarse, highly nutritious parts of the wheat. It makes delicious muffins andb.ead. Children like it. Have it on your tab;e at Jeast once a day. Physicians ose it in their homes. Not a medicine, bnt a food- Your grocer has it. Made from Umatilla County Wheat by E G, BLYDENSTEIN, Pendleton