The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, October 27, 1916, Image 3

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Press Paragraphs
Mr, and Mrs. Ooio Barton are now
presiding on ranch near Hidvala, Ida.
,, Archie Molntyre oama up from Pott
v ' land Tuesday and eat on to Alberta.
Louis Hodcens, candidate far repre
sentative, was in Iba city, Wednesday.
A. L. Swaggart returned Saturday
' - from a week'a bosiness visit in Port
laud. ;
U. S. Marshal Fuller of Portland,
was tba gnest Tuesday of Postmaster
Gity offioials say ibat all destroyers
of property on Hallowe'en night will
be pioeeonted. ,
' Mies Mabel Blomgren and Mrs. J.R.
Barnes of Weston, were in the city
Tuesday afternoon.
Mr. aod Mrs. Rotas Campbell were
in the oity Wednesday from tbeir
borne near Pendleton.
; Walter L. Tooza will address the
j voters of Atbena tbia evening, In the
j High eobool auditorium.
Mr. and Mrs, Eogene Sohiimpf and
Mi. and Mrs. Lawrence Finkerton mo
tored to Pendleton Tuesday.
' Voters, your Election Day diuner
is in oonrse of preparation, by tbe
ladies of tba Baptist obnrob
Mrs. I. W. Ware, who has been vis
iting tba past fortnight at Maiden,
Wash., is eipeoled home today.
Dr. Dell returned last week from St.
Jones. West)., where be attended tbe
funeral of bis brother, J. M. Dell.
Dob't forget tba pastry sale for to
morrow, held by tbe ladies of tbe
Christian obnrcb in tbe Nelson build
ing. . : ,
Mrs. M. D. Vangbn, a resident of
Athene ior many yeais, has gone to
' Pendleton, wbera she will keep bouse
for ber brother in-law, Mr. Knight.
Charles Kirk is daaiiona of aettling
np hia business, and all owing bim,
must nome forward at onoe and pay
np- v., v
A. j. Parker baa purchased Jesse
Myriok'a interest In tbe barber shop,
and will bereaftar oondnot the busi
ness. Mrs. M. l! Akera of Pendleton and
little danghter, visited ber parents,
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Swaggart, Satur
day and Sunday.
Miss Belle Molntyre baa returned
from a visit with Portland friends.
Miss Lnaile Kemp, who anoompanied
ber, returned to bei boma in Coltnn,
Tie C. W. B. M. meeting will be
held next Wednesday at tbe boma of
Mia. L. Sherman with Mrs. Henry
Koepke as leader. A fnll attendanoe
la deBited.
Mrs. J. U. PlamondoD returned
Wednesday from Salem, wbeie abe
went as a delegate to tba State Baptist
oonvention. Mrs. Plamondon also vis
ited friends in Portland,
John Barnes, of Wuton, baa aooept
ed a position in the Preston-Shaffer
Mill, and will move bia family to
Atbena aa soon as ba oan Bud a suit
able bonse to move into.
The party aunonooed to take place at
tbe Christian obnrcb for last evening,
was postponed Indefinitely, on aooount
of tbe deatb of Mies Dolly White,
member of tbe Sunday aohool.
Tbe life of Virgil Willaby has bang
on a thread for tbe past week, bnt at
present a slight improvement is noted.
The case is pusumonia, and ia under
the care of several pbyioiaoa and a
nurse, .
Geo. D. Peeblet and Will Moora of
Pendleton, were In tbe oity Wednes
day. Mr. Peebler is tbe democratic
oaodidete for county coroner, and is
well known to tbe people of Umatilla
county. He la president of tbe Pio
neer Association.
Way to Know
Tbere is only one way to realize tbe facilities of tbis store for sup
plying everything needed to fnrnlsb the home oamplete from oellar to
garret to come Bnd see. We want yon to do this look as over,
judge the appointments of the store, tbe completeness of the steaks fay
those of any other store in Walla Walla or elsewhere.- Tbe Oavia
Kaser business was founded in 1801 a3 years ago. From a very small
beginning it has grown to its preeeut proportions, lhe same troad,
liberal polioy towards its customers tbe same determination to eioel
in quality eud value givii'g, in servioe giviug, animates tbis business
These 22 Years
Bave taugbt ns many tbinas regarding tbe needs of this aeotloo, the
goods best suited to tbese needs. Tbe result is that many of tbe best
suited lines are shown exclusively on onr floors.
In D'omiture, Floor Coverings aod Draperies, in Stoves and Kitch
en ware, in Diunei ware, Glassware, Silverware and Cutlery, in Art
Goods, Cut Glass and Brass, io Lamps, in 1 ranks and Travelers' acces
sories, in Sewing Machines, in Piaiioa and Player Pianos, Phonographs
and Shet't Mosio in aoyiblog ueeddd to completely furnleb tba modern
bume, you will Hod evidenoa of tbis superiority in onr offerings. Come
end see not merely a anrtaoe iuspeotioo, out take a good look. Al
ways welcome. ,
Complete Furnishers of Homes, Offices and Schools 10-20 Alder St.
The Old Coat
Has New Life
If a good Cigar is becoming to you
then you will sure be coming to us
Billiards and Pool
Fine Cigars, Cigaretts, Tobacco; Confections of best
quality. Cleanliness a specialty. Courteous attention.
BUSH C& COLEMAN, The New Proprietors .
Our merchandise and Golden -Rule
prices are appreciated by all. See us
first. We are always glad to show
our complete stock
Men's Bats. Blaok. Grey. Tan and
Novelty patterns. 1.19-1.983.98
Boys' Hats. .49 ,69-.98
Men's aud Boys winter Caps
- .a5-.49-.l18
Caahxers Sox - - .26
Wool mixed " - . - . I2K
Heavy wool " - .2S-.89
Men'a Felt Slippers, leather or
onmfy soles, . .69 to 1.69
Boys' gowns and pajamas .49 to .79
Men'a outing gowna. .49-. 98 1.49
Men'a pajamas - .88-.1. 49
Men's jerseys 98c, tt.49, $1.98
Boy's Jersey's, red and bine, 98o
Boy'a Jerseys, grey atripe, tl.49
Eeavy sweater oosta, red and
grey, - - 49o to f 5.90
Boy's Maokinawa, - (3.98 to 14.50
Men'a Maokinawa, 14.98 too 17.45
Made to measure. Hundreds of samples , to select from
at 15.00, $17.50 and $20.00
Lost A handbag, containing an
amount of allver ooln, end valuable
papers, was reuentlv lost by Mrs. Sib
bie Morton. Finder may retain the
money, if he will return handbag and
papers. . '
A. li. Swaggart has jost completed
tbe oonstrnotion of a bungalow at bis
LaMar farm, having bnilt a substan
tial addition to tbe cottage ereoted
after the burning nf bis farm bouse
some yeaia ago.
Maurioe Bill, who resides at Havre,
Montana, sent samples of grain raised
on Montana land, to B. B. Bichards,
which averaged from 46 to 52 bosb-
ele per acre and brought from (1.48 to
11.63 per bushel on tbe market -
Senator Chamberlain will be tbe
piinoipal speaker at tbe big demo
oratio tally in Pendleton, Saturday
evening. Monday at 10:30 a. m., tbe
Senator will address tbe oitlzena of
Atbena. Tbe meeting will be beld in
High sobool auditorium, Ladles are
especially invited to bear tbia address.
Sunday Services, Metbodist Cbnrcb:
Sunday Sobool 10 a. D., W. 0. Em-
mel, Snpt j preaobing servioea 11 a.
i., and 7:80. p. m, morning toplo)
Things in Common:" evening topic
"I bank for Some People." All are
welcome.- Good music Bememfcei
tho Saoted Concert to t given 8nn
day evening, Movemberr 12.
Walter B. Ulelaer.
Next Monday evening, tba first
number of the Lyceum ooorae will te
given at the Christian ehnroh in tbis
city. Tbe opening number will be
Kekuko'a Hawaiian Quintet in a de
ligbtfnl program of mosio Of (be
South Sea Islands, under tbe manage,
meat of tha Ellison-Wbite Lyaenm
Bureau. 50 oenta admission for ad
ults, 25 for obildren.
Next Sunday at 11 a. m. io the Bap
tist oburoh, the pastor will give a re
port of tbe Oregon Baptist State Con
vention whiob met at Baleni last wees.
At 7:30, preaching; sutjeots "The
Second -doming of Christ." Sunday
sohool at 10 a. m. ; B. Y. P. U. at
6:30, p. m.; ohoroa meeting Friday
evening at 7:80; Ladies' Aid sooiety
Thursday at 1 p. m. Kev. Alilo J.
Bentley, Pastor.
Pendleton papers announce tbe wed
ding of Mies Dora Mvriok, a popular
saleslady in the Alexander etore io
tbat oity, bnt formerly an Athena
girl. Misa Myriok was quietly mat
tied Satnrday evening at tha Episoopal
teotory, to Mr. Berman J. Andereou
lhe wedding coming as a complete sur
prise to tbeir friends there, where toth
are well known and popular with a
large oirole of friends. It is annoono.
ed tbat tbe young people will reside on
a wheat farm west rif this .city. Tbe
maay Athena friends of tbe biide will
jola the Prase iu congratulations.
At the Cbrls'ian cbnroh Sunday;
9:50 a. m., Bible sohool, Geo. B. (Jer
king, direotor. Communion at 11, no
preeohing. The Bible sohool and con
gregation will go to Milton at noon,
to co-operate in a Grand Billy "f ine
toroes of the Christian ohuroh tbere.
Dinner will be served at 1 o'clock by
tbe Milton people, and a service beld
at 2:30, at wbiob Mr. Errett will
preach, and tbe Men'a Chorus of tbe
Atbena oburob will dog. No Endeav
or in tba evening. The pastor will
preecb at home at the eveniug bout on
tbe autjeot: "The Altitude of tbe
Christian." Speoial muaio at the
evening servioe. All invited.'
Mr. and Mrs.' Q. B. Woodward and
obildren, Mrs. M. Woodward and
danghter, loft today for an nverland
trip to California, where ttey will re
main for the winter. Mr. and Mrs.
Woodward were given a farewell par
ty last evening at tbe D. tiaott Fisher
home in tbis oity, A "harry np" call
wes Issued over tba 'phone to tbe
members of tba Christian oburob
chorus of wbiob tbs two are promin
ent members, and tba entire ohorns
gathered to do them honor. Io an
"anticipatory travelogue," relating to
the oomiog trip, and delivered by Or.
Soott, a handsome box of bonbons was
tendered the oonple, to keep them
sweet on the jonrney. Mr. and Mrs.
L. D. Jndy, who also leave to take up
tbeir residence at Bnhl, Idaho, were
inoluded in tba farewell reception.
J.C.Penney Co. Inc. J
mmppmmm im.wmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm'
B - - 1
Any one who uses or ought to use paints and
varnishes, should remember that wtj have the
agency for
Paints and Varnishes
in this locality. For fifty years this line has been
the world's leader that's why we chose it; and we
are leaders in good things here that's why they
chose us. It's a pretty good combination to do
business with.
gold by
Wars's Pharmacy
This community was inexpressibly
shook ed and saddened this week, by
tbe sndden aiukness and deatb of Miss
Dolly White, a beloved member of
tbe sophomore class in tha High
sobool, and who baa spent ber short
life in Athena and vioinity.
Dolly attended sohool all last week,
and Friday evening preotioed io tbe
basket tall team aa nsual. Monday
moining she was taken ill with a psin
in bei bead, wbiob rapidly dnveloped
into spinal meningitis, and abe passed
away Tuesday moining, at five o'clock.
It ia thought tbat an injury wbiob
abe reoeived in an automobile aool
dent about a year and a half ago, in
which shs remained nnoonsoioos for
several weeks with concussion of tbe
breio, waa probably a factor in tbe
yonng girl's fatal illness.
Dolly wai aged 17 years, seven
months and eighteen days, and was
the idol of bsr mother, Mrs. uosetta
White, and of ber Bve biotbera. 8he
aim InavM a (inter. Mra Faf Lorer-
lidge, of Dorkee. Baker oounty, who
wes summoned here lor the funeral.
Tbe mother ia a paralytic, aod the
family bave tbe deepest sympathy of
the community.
Foneral aervioes were conducted
Wednesday, October 20, at 1 o'olook
in th Christian obnrcb. by Pastor
Errett, assisted by Bev. Bentley of tbe
Baptist obnrob. Tha floral tributes
wara teant ful. asoeoially Ibat tender
A hv tha Atbena Hieb aobool. Tbe
body waa taken to Milton for inter
Call for Citr Warrants 1
Notice of esll for City of Atbena
.iinii Tn whom it mil concern :
Notice ia hereby given tbat parties
hnMini mnw f!it nf Athena warrants
are notified to present them to me tor
payment at tbe office of tbe Preston
Shaffer Milliog Co. Interest oeasee
on and after tbia data of poblioation
Oct 20, 1916. Ernest A. Zerba,
Treasurer City of Atbena.
23 Years Ago.
l.i.. n....Arn. 49 i cm 1
j 1 lull. ,111. . 1 loo v. ww.. mi t i"U ,
Last Tuesday tbe two year old sen
of Mr. and Mis. Charles Brothertoo
tell against the healing stove end ser
ious turns resulted. .
Irving McQaary, loimer publisher
of tbe Press, returned yasteiday from
Springfleld, Oregon, wbere he contem
plates engaging in tbe newspaper
Mrs. Max Lewln joined her sister,
Mrs. Levy, ot Union, at Gibbon, yes.
terday, and eooompinied bei to tbe
Portland Exposition.
L. B. Beeder and family are down
from Kettle Falls, Wash., visiting his
mother Mrs. feeder noitb of town.
Last year Mi. Beeder was elected pros
ecuting attorney ot Stevens ooonty,
Wash, whioh position he holds ut
Snow is reported to be three feet
deep on tbe Liaoton road across the
Blue Mountains.
We bear considerable oomplaint rel
ative to cows beiug allowed to inn at
large within tbe city limits. Many of
onr oitizens bave set cot yonng sbude
trees, and bossy finds tbe tender limbs
and foliage succulent fodder. Io many
instanoea ebade trees bave been en
tirely destroyed. What's the matter
witb enforcing tbe Cow ordinance?
Deputy Marshal Beattie oame up
trom Portland Moudav and made two
arrests on charges of furnishing lire-
water to residents across tbs oreek. It
is estimated by Portalnd grain experts
that the damage to grata iu Eastern
Oregon and Wash., by tbereoent tains
will aggregate 15,000,000. Io tbis vi
cinity the ornp is virtually a total loss
and tbere ia no market for tbe grain
tbat has been saved.
At tbe regular meeting of tha Sous
of Tirnpetauoe Monday nigbt, three
oaudidates weie initiated. Tbe Lodge
now bus a memteisbip o.f 48.
From "Scribbler's Notes: "Why do
tbe city authorities allow tbe stable
men and othera io dump manure and
garbage ot all kinds on Main street,
withio two or three clocks of tbe bus-
ness part of the oity? It would bare
been impossible to bave dnmpad it in a
plaoo wbeie a greater number of in
habitants conld stiy at home and en
joy the benefits thereof. Viewed from
the car window or on tbe street, num
berless beeps may be seen smoking
like miniature vnlcanoes and poisoning
tbe breath oi tbe geotle abioook, us
ually so fragrant and bealtbfnl yes,
strong enough to knock down a full-
grown mau away ont at La Mai Gulob.
To say tbe least, it looks bad, smells
bad, and is bad. Let's give tbe obln-
ook a chanoe."
' Frank Burnett, the genial olark of
Cux, MoBea & Co., left for San Joss
Saturday, to attend bis fatber, who is
seriously ill.
Wby not organize a bioyole olob.
The roads are all tbat oould be desired
and there is quite a nnmber ot wheel
men witb others joining the ranks
daily. Buoh well known athletes as
(iilliland, Lively, Barrett, Biobaidson,
Malouey, Parker, Beeder apd Taylor
should form tbe nqjleus for a slashing
good clut,
Miss Ncttie-Connell of Weston met
with a serions accident Saturday eve
ning, while retaining fiom n tiisttn
her parenls at Milton, eajs the Wes-
tod Leader, Wbila curuing np tbe
Dry creek bill in ooaipauy with Mar
villa Walts, the team tecamo nnmau
Bgeatle aud upset tbe buggy, throning
Miss Connnll out, severely spraiulug
her wrist aod laceiating her hands.
Mr, Watts escaped without lnjuiy.
School Notes.
The first debate fat tbe school year
will be held io tbe sobool anditorinm
this afternoon, Tha state debate quea
tion: "Resolved: That Oregon
should adopt a health insurance law,
embodying tbe essential features ot tbe
'Standard Bill' of the Ameiloan Asso
ciation for Labor Legislation." Tba
question should command tha atten
tion of all who are Interested in a
problem that is now oi nfiontlng the
American oomroouwealth. The affir
mative debaters: Misses MoLennan,
Keen and MoAlexaoder, will demon
strate that oompulsory health insur
ance ior all who reoelve leas Ibao t'00
par month, under state oontiol, will
mitigate much of tbe preseut day
"aoties and pains." Tbe negatives,
Messrs, Koepke, Martin and Dudley,
will attempt to bold the affirmative
et bay. Sooiety called at 2:80 p. m.
All patrons and friends of the school
Tbe first basket ball game of the
season, which was to bave been beld
tonight, in tbe school gymnasium,
will be postponed for two weeks, on
aoaonnt of the recent death ot Dolly
White, a member ot tbe gills' first
Sohool will be dismissed co Wednes
day, Tbnrsday and Friday ot next
week tor tbe Teachers' Iustitute which
will be beld in Pendleton. Borne of
tbe very interesting speakers who will
be there this year are: Pres. Acker
man, State Normal, Monmouth; Slate
Supt. Oburcbili; Dr. Ayer, 0. of O. j
Dr. Doney, Willamette University;
Prof. Elerbsmtin, Beattie; Supt. Klem
rne, StBte Normal, Ellensturg, Wash.
Tbe teachers bave Ouished tbe cat
aloguing and classifying of tonka of
the school library, after tbe "Dewey
Decimal" system. Tbe books are ar
ranged accordiug to tbair olassltloa,-
tion and tbe author's Dumber. There
era about 400 books now in the libra
ry, 200 oi whiob are far tbe yoangei
obildreu. A shipment of books
amounting tn I'iO is expected soon.
Tbe sobool library, while it ooutaius
a good selection of books, baa not. tha
required number and quality of booka
oeoesaary for as to qualify as a stand
aid High sohool. Measnies bave al
ready teen taken to supply tbij re
quiiement aud nigent need on the pail
of students and taaobera.
Competitive Awards
both the San FrancUco and
Ian Diego Expositions, were
Oven to Zerolene an oil made
fom asphalt-base crude.
ior Motor Cars
Bold by dealers everywhere and
Lt all Service Stations of the
Standard Oil Company
"Always The Best"
f 9
4.1. "viia r
7 f
&.'jfflLr SU 11 11
L I 1 1
-V'-itfv;-" &
Tonight - "IRON CLAW" - See It.
. 5c and 15c
Monday Only
1!" JTKTjy V, 1"? V 1 T '-
a ii
4-. i?i
' A William Fox Production
tA Drama of Thrills, Sensations and Romance, with
And a Cast of Renowned Players
Cost $200,000 to Picturhre. Hundreds in the Picture.
cAdmission for tbis great production, 10c and 20c.
Athena OPERA House
Two .Nights Only
Richardson & Talbert's
Dramatic Co.
Presenting on Friday Night
A Four Act Comedy Drama
Marie Correli's Great Story in four acts with special
scenery and electrical effects, not a moving picture show
but real live actors. Admission, 25c. 35c and 50c.
Farm Loans
Hartman cylbstract Company"
Corner Main and Court Streets, Pendleton, Oregon