The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, September 29, 1916, Image 2

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P. B. Boyd. Publisher
Entered iu I lie 1-ontoUlre at Athena, Oreaon
as econddJairf'MaU Matter.
Advertising Rates.
Display, transient, running less than one
month, first insertion, per inch 25e
Subsequent insertions W7J
Display regular, per inch HJs
Local readers, first insertion, per line, 10c
Subsequent insertions, per line "c
Lodge resolutions, per line .......... 5c
Church' notices, admission, per line . . 5c
.' Subscription Kates.
One copy, one year $1.50
When paid in Advance, (otherwise, $2.00
One copy, six months 75
One copy, three months . -50
tylTHENA. ORE. SEPT. 29 . .
The Uonoty Oonrt has paid $9,384
to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs
Mill part of the Iborn Hollow and
Mission bridges. This aeotion of the
oonnty has long felt the need of a
fcridge at the Tbotn Hollow grossing
of the Umatilla, and tbe reoent action
taken by the County Court insures tbe
bridge being constructed at an early
date, Congress having previously pro-
Vlded foi tbe federal fnnds to be need
In eonstrnolion. A good toad down
Thorn Bollow entirely away from
tbe creek bed, on an easy grade, will
perhaps be'lbe next step taken towaid
giving the people of tbat part of tbe
uonoty what is rightfully coming to
tbem ;
Those big armored "land ships"
" tbat spread death to tba Germans on
the Somme; those "steel wet engines"
ornshing through the trenob lines,
were Bolt oaterpillars snob as Uma
tilla oonoty farmers nee in everyday
work, only tbe English and Ifrenob
armored tbem and loaded tbem with
maoblne gnns. Tbese engines of war
were mannfaotnred by the Bolt com
pany at tbelr plant In Peoria, Illinois.
Thus from Held and peaoefnl indus
trial pursuits, tbe oateipillar traotor
orawls Into tbe battlefield of blood
and oainage in tbe World oonlliut.
wrapper. Tbe price of meats is blub
enough, without the oonsumer having
to pay for the additional weight of the
paper at meat prices.
Sometimes it takes more wind than
at other timet to "blow up" a lain.
Undoubtedly Tuesday last was one of
tbese time. And tbe good housewife
is oompelled to bear the burden with
wbat patience she may. How did it
it agrea with ynnr wife's temper?
A cargo of 100 tons of wheat bos
been reoeived at New York from Ar
gentina and tbe Bneooa Aires news
papers oall attention tt' the faot tbat
this shipment is the first to be export
ed to the United States.
When the SUte went dry. Pendleton
"wets" raised tba ory tbat wttb sal
i.uts ont, tbe Bonndnp wonld tnrn into
ti fizzle. But it goes on teoord tbat
tbe 1016 Bonndnp bad a larger at
tmdanoe and was a bigger and better
ubow than aver before. There was as
moob or more money left in the town,
tbe thousands of visitors had a better
lime and tbe hospitality of tbe town
was felt in blgbei degree than ever
before, all of which proves tbat tbe
sulcon was bo inflated asset to tbe
A Terrible Engine of Death Whleh
Works Automatically.
Early In life Hiram Maxim showed
himself a marvelous genius as an In
ventor. An Incident of his boyhood, In
which the recoil of a rifle attracted bis
mention to on apparent loss of pow
er, led him In 1881-2 to utilize the force
of the recoil to good account in a gun
which loads Itself automatically and
fires at the rate of 770 shots a minute
by tlio power of the previously wasted
The Maxim machine gun Is an en
gine of terrible destruction. This gun
has only a single barrel, which, when
tbe shot is Bred, recoils the distance of
three-quarters of an inch on the other
parts of tbe gun. This recoil sets mov
ing the machinery which automatical
ly keeps up a continuous fire at tbe ex
traordinary rate of twelve rounds a
Each recoil of the barrel has there
fore to perform tbe necessary functions
of extracting and ejecting the empty
cartridge, of bringing up the next full
one and placing It in Its proper posi
tion In the barrel, of cocking jhe ham
mer and pulling the trigger.
As long as tbe firing continues these
functions are repeated round after
round In rapid succession. Tbe barrel
Is provided with n water Jacket to pre
vent excessive beating. Philadelphia
thirty sagebrush jnvenilrs from
Uarney oonnty, oomprlslug a sjm
phony oroboBlra are at the State Fair
this week. Tub wonders and glories
of the ride from Bend to Portland;
the bnttla and olatter of a metropol
itan city and the entertaining tinsel of
the big fair are not in tbe least lost on
the lots but one little fellow prob
ably expressed tbe noiud sentiment
when be said: "Gael It's all a oraok
orjaolc; bnt yon ain't stuUed in a box
when you're out iu the sigetruab."
The Comuiimloaer of Weights and
Measures has oblained sufliaieut evi
dence Bgsinst the tig puoking oom
paulet to anforoe the law which pro
hibits tbe sale of wrapped meats un
less the true weight Is marked on tbe
The Gain or Lose of One Whole Day In
Making the Trip.
In sailing around the .world eastward
tbe days are each a little less than
twenty-four hours, according to the
speed of the ship, as tbe sun Is met a
little earlier every morning. These lit
tle differences added together will
amount to twenty-four hours. This
gives tbe sailors an extra day not in
Imagination, but as an actual fact
They will have done an extra day's
work, eaten nu extra day's ration of
food and enjoyed an extra night's
On tbe other band. In sailing west
ward the sun is overtaken a little each
liny, and so each day is ruther longer
than twenty-four hours, and clocks and
watches are found to be too fust- This
also will amount in sailing around the
world to t ho point of departure to one
whole day by which the reckoning ha
fallen in urrr-nr. The eastern bound
ship, then, has gained a day, nnd the
western bound ship has Inst ono.
This strange fact, clearly worked out,
lends to the apparent paradox that the
flint nnnicd ship has a gain of two
whole days over the latter, If we sup
pose them to have departed from port
and returned, together. Westminster
The Dignified Retort.
"Why," noised tho domestic economy
expert, "do you not use op all your
stale rolls,In making a toothsome des
sert?" "Because," replied tho housekeeper
with dignified reserve, "1 did not raise
my bread to be a pudding." Balti
more American.
Farm Loans
Hartman clbstract Company"
Corner Main and Court Streets, Pendleton, Oregon
ree Day
AtWeston, October 14th
Everything free except the
water-but help yourself &
Full particulars next week
Don t you forget it, Watts
' CS Rogers will, be there
School Notes.
Local Advertisements
Sinoe tba beginning of school, tbe
attendance has Inoieased until the
total number registered is now 191.
This Is 21 more tbao at tbe beginning
of sobool. Tbe High sohool has SO
registered pupils, while last year it
had 41. Several pnpils of tbe High
sobool are absent this week,. There is
a report that more will enroll soon.
Tbe prospeota for basket ball this
year io tbe boys' division are good, i
there being enongb material for a first
and eeoo Dd team. Booher, MoPber
rin, Tbnrp and Dudley, old members
of last year's team, are in sobool and.
Payne, another member, is axpeoted to
start In tbe near future. The Fresh
men have also some good material aod
a bard fight Is In store for those who
make the But team. There is also a
fine outlook for girls' team. Kath
len Froome, Hazel Sanders, Franoea
Febr, I'lorenoe MoLennan and Dolly
White have all returned to sobool.
There are a number of new gills io
sobool, who will also try to make the
first division. Coaoh Russell states a
fl ret and seoond team for the gills will
be organized. -
The first meeting of tbe Literary
sooietr was held in the auditorium
last Friday afternoon for tha purpose
of organization and the eleotion of
officers. Katbren Froome was obosen
as temporary chairman and Hazel
Sanders as temporary seoretary. Tbe
eleotion then followed, when tbe fol
lowing offloers were eleoted: Ftanoes
Febr, ohairman; Lawson Booher, pres
ident; Annabelle MaUeod, vioe pres
ident i Lloyd MoFberrin, jeaietary;
Sylvester Crabill, treasurer; Verne
Dudley, sergeant-at-armsi Edna Mo
Alexander, editor-in-obief. The (al
lot for tbe last named offioe bad to
be east foor tiroes before any of tbe
nominees reoeived a majority, wbiob
is necessary for eleotion. Tbe editor
bas the privilege of ohoosiog two as
sistants, as tbe work wbiob goes with
tbe offioe is too great for one person to
Fay np Those knowing tbemselvea
to be indetted to me, ate requested to
oall and make settlement. -Charles
For Sale. f irst olsss Lemon Cling
Peaohea at 4o. per pound in the or
uhard. Phone 85. J. H. Samuel,
;01, DeHaven St., Milton, Ore.
Sunday at tbe Christian church la
to tie a great day. Morning serviues.
Bible sohool 9:80, preaobing 11.
"Uonseoiation." will te the snbjeot.
This is our "Fall Opening," calling
for everybody to line or. Tbe eveniDg
servloe will be of more than special
interest. A program of unusual merit
bas been prepared, Among the num
ber to take part are Snperintendent
J. O. Busaeil and Prof. H. A . Post,
besides iooal taleut. This is tbe edu
cational program, tnpio: "Consecra
tion of Sobool Life." Special mnsio,
inolnding Ladies' and Male qoartets,
and solo. Tbe eveaing sei vioe is un
der tbe direction of the Christian En
deavours. Following Is the program:
Dr. W. B. Soott, chorister ;
Miss Zola Keen, pianist.
1. Hymn, Congregation
2. Soiiptura Beading,
Miss Leota Wagner
S. Lord's Prayer, In unison.
Hymn, - - Congregation
S, Lesson Setting, Mis. D. Errett
e. "BxmtndMi of College Life."
Weo. Woodward
7. Ladies' (Quartette.
R, "Tbe Etblos of College Life,"
Prof. H. A. Post
9. Solo, Misd Lucille Taylor
10. ''A High Sohool Education; A
Utvlu leset," Prof. J. 0. Roeeell
11. Male (Quartette.
12. "A Negleoted ridnoation," -
D. Errett, Pastor
ID. Ohorns and Congregation.
14. Benediotion.
Reoeptiou oommittee: Offloeis and
their wives, and heads of departments.
Lost A pair of automobile obaine
on tbe road between Athena and
Iborn Hollow. Finder please leave
tbem at this offloe.
Notice to Creditors,
Iu tbe Oonnty Oomt for Umatilla
County, State of Oieyon.
Ia tbe Matter of the Esta'te of
Looinda Russell, deceased.
Notice is hereby given tbat tbe
above entitled Court, on Sept, 18,
191(1, appointed Charles A. Barrett of
Atbena, Oiegon, exeootor of the es
tate of Lnoloda Russell, deceased and
that all persona having aUlins against
said estate abonld present tbem to me
at my offioe io Atbena, Oregon, or to
my attorney, Homer 1. Watts at Chj
office in Atbena, Oregon, verified as
sy law required, aud within six
mouths from this 22 day of Sept.,
1U1B. Cbailea A. Barrrett,
Notice to Creditors.
In tbe County Couit of the State of
Oregon, for Umatilla County.
Iu the matter of the Estate of
if, V Coleman, deoeased:
. Notice it hereby given to all persons
whom it may oouoern that Will M.
Feteison has been appointed adminis
trator with the will annexed of tbe
estate of B. F. (Benjamiu F.) Cole
run. deoeased, and tbat letters of ad
miuiutratiou have been issued to him
as luuli. All persona baviug claims
agaiust said estale are hereby required
to present tbem to tha said Will M.
Peterson, at his law ofiloe in the
Smltb-Crawfoid Bnildiug at Pendle
ton, Oregou, within six montba from
tha date at tbe Hist publication of
this notice, wbiob said claims most te
ratified lu the manner provided ty
Dated at Peudletoo, Oregou, on this
1th day of September 1918.
Will M. Peterson,
Administrator with tha will annexsd
of the estate of B. F. Uotemau, deoeased.
Notice to Creditors.
Iu the Cnuuty Court of the State of
Oregou lor Umatilla County.
Io tba Matter of the Estate of
Magkle LaBraohe-Fraua, deoeased.
Notice is hereby given tbat by an
order of tbe above eutitled Court
made d entered in tbe matter here
in on the lltb day of Annual, 111 lit,
tha oodeieiiined was duly arpuiuted
executrix of the last will aud tcsta
meut of Maggie LaUraibe-Fraua, de
oeased; all peiaous baviug claims
agulnat said estate should present tbe
seme, duly veiltled eouotdlag to law,
to tbe eieootnx or ber attorney. Ho
uioi I. Watts, at till offioe in Athena,
Oregoo, within six months fiom tbe
data of lie first publication of this
Daled this 1811) day of Auaut, 19111.
Mm j LaUraohc-Baddley,
Homer I. Wait, Exeontiix.
For 8ale. ni aores of wheat land
joet southwest of Athena. Owner, J.
N. Soott. Eoqnire of Mrs.Llllie Miller.
Settlement wantedThose knowing
themselves to be indebted to me, will
understand that settlement io fall
most be made at onoe. I am out of
bnsiness and mast have the money due
me, to meet my obligations.
Charles Kiik.
Wanted. Sewing of all kinds; chil
dren's clothing a specialty. Phone 76
or see Mrs. Sohimmel, on Adams St.
soross from Mrs. Lillie Miller's.
For Sale. The' Malooey residenoe on
High street. Enquire of Mrs. Lillie
Livestook Dealer. Bert Cartano bas
engaged In tbe livestook business. He
is prepared to pay tbe highest market
prices at all times for obiokena, hogs,
cattle and abeep. If yon have stook
to sell, be sore and sea him, -
In Athena Monday' Tuesday, Wednes
day, other daya of week in Walla Walla,
2nd and Main, over Third National Bank
Dr. E. W. Croup - Dr. C. H. Lash
S. F. Sharp
Special attention given to all
call both night and day.
Calls promptly answered. Offlee on Third
etmet. Atbena Orogor
Physician and Surgeon.
Offioe in Post Building. Phone, 601
Dr. J. C. Baddeley
LaBrasche Ranch
u We
D. Scott Fisher
Residence and Shop, Adams and 4th Sts.
Worthy Workmanship
With two thousand of the most
skilled jailors in the clothes
industry, --
Ed. V. Price '&? Go.
produce the finest tailored'tO'Order
clothes on earth for the money.
We'll satisfy your every clothes
Prices reasonable
Home gf Good Clothes
Main Street - JAKE BOOHER - Athena, Oregon
d Yours
This Year
Never a better to Build than Now
The Inm-A-Lam Method makes Lumber lower today than II was
ten yeais ago better in qoalitv and yon oan bny it ae'oheaplv
light now aud bete in yoor town aa yon oan bay it anywhere.
A oomplete service department, oomposed of sallied Aroblteota
and expert estimators who plan yoor boildiog along the most
modern aod efficient lioes.
We oan tall yon tba exaot oost of material neoessary for tbe
bnilding. For tbe pnipoae of getting stsited, wa have prepared
tbe best plan book ever pnnlisbed, and oan make any design to
We woold like an opportunity to 8BOW YOU.
''See Johnson About It."
As the demand for Fords is greater than the supply,
you had better come in and sign up for your car;, all or
ders will be filled in rotation.
TOURING CAB, $414.85 - ROADSTER. 399.85
Bring in Your Repair Work
We have two expert Mechanics on the job at all times
and guarantee satisfaction.
Third Street, Athena
Capital and Surplus
We carry the best
That Money Buys
Our Market is
Clean and Cool
Insuring Wholesome Meats.
Slain Street,. Athena, Orego;
Son J.,
Saves the Bearings
Zerolene is made from
Asphalt-base crude. Its
lubricating value is not
affedtcd by the heat of
the motor.
iheSicmJard Oil &r Motor Cars
1 Sold by dealers everywhertan J
at all Service Statist of the
Standard Oil Company