THE DORT .AUTOMOBILE THE LAST WORD in auto perfection in power in per ,: - formance -in beauty in comfort in durability and In economy. , TP3. WONDERFUL CAR has at last been brought to the Pa ' mflc Northwest No other car la like it no other car can touch . It, with its famous Weatinghouse starting and lighting; its true cantilever springs and its big, roomy, full-leather upholstered ,r seats. . . ' "Buflt in Hint" $695 factory VOU MAY BE THE AGENT in your community. Ask for proposition. Send for fine catalog. NORTHWEST AUTO CO., ; Broadway at Couch, Portland, Oregon. Please send catalog and full details of Dort car without ob ligation on my part to laaySigii name and address, and mail today. THE NEW PERKINS HOTEL Special Summer Rates Court Room, Single, 75cj Double, $1. Outside Room, Single, $1; Double, 11.50 (Bath privilege Included) " Rooms with Private Bath, Single, $1.50) Double, f 2.00. When rou Reirleter Art the Clerk for .; Bummer Kates.? y. ' Auto-Bus Herts Trains. ' '. . All Cars from Union Depot Psss Our Doors. - NEW PERKINS HOTEL Cor. Washington 4 Fifth Bts.. PORTLAND. ORIS AGENTS: tobac-o-moist Keeps Tobacco In beat smoking1 condition. FiU any tobacco tin or cigar box. Smokers buy on night. Sells everywhere. Biff profits. Send 10 cents for sample. TOBAC-O-MOIST DEPT., 610 Dekum Bldf.. Portland, Oregon. 1 PoYour Own Plumbing By buytrtff direct from us at wholesale prices and save the plumber's profits. Write us to day your needs. We will irive you our rock bottom "dJreet-to-you" prices, f. o. b. rail or boat We actually sara you from 10 to 86 per cent, Alt goods guaranteed. - Northwest headquarters for Leader Water Systems and Fuller A Johnson Engines. v STARK-DAVIS CO. 212 Third Street Portland, Oregon SHIP Veal, Pork, Beef, Poultry, Butter, Eggs and Farm Produce to the Old Reliable Everdlng house with a record of 46 years of Square Dealings, and be assured of TOP MARKET PRICES. F. M. CRONKH1TE 46-47 Front Street Portland, Oregon RUPTURE Johnston & Umbarger RUPTURE SPECIAUSTS 411-412 Alitkr Bulldins, Portland, Oreaon Results Guaranteed, s DRS. HEDLUND, friTTIC'TC SKIFF I MILLER, 1 Jj jl 1 I Oil. Take pleasure In announcing that' they are lo eated at 4M-46V Morgan fakir, (dth floor), Waah iagbon at Broadway, Portland, Ore., where they will be pleased to meet their friends and patients. These office will be conducted on a policy of serv ice at moderate prices to the beat of our ability. We always stand behind our work, as we know that a satisfied patient Is and shall always be the beat asset, ....,.,,,. Dr. Elof T. Hedlqnd, Dr. Seymour S. Skiff, . Dr, J. Howard Miller, . , DENTISTS. ' ' Telephone, Marshall 99. . o Oreoon Vulcanizing Company (The Tire Shop) haa moved Into larger quarters in the heart of the automo- oue district, nurasiue at rjroaaway, m and 836 Burnside st PortJand, Or. HIDES, PELTS, CASCARA BARK, WOOL AND MOHAIR. Ni tut HI joii hive. Wnle lor prices and shipping tigs Thi h. f. Norton Co. umind, on., senile, wo MfflLMES 1 1 BUSINESS COLLEGE I 1 WASHINGTON 6 TENTH STS) , JLL PORTLAND.. QREJ FARMS AND BUSINESS SOLD Do you want to soil your farm, home or business (or sash! Write to CARTER REALTY CO., 604 Bucbanan Buildina, Portland, Oregon Movie Thrill. "I suppose you have to go to a great aeai or expense to get thrills ' "Not always," Bald the movie pro ducer. "Not if you study your audi noes." "For lnstanoe?" ' "Well, It the heroine gets grease on a pair or white gloves the women spec tators win become Just as excited they would over the blowiiiK ui bridge." Louisville Courier-Journal, Some Observer. "I'm glad you never married, Aunt le." . "Why, my dear?" "Cos If you had a man to look after like my ma you wouldn't have halt so much time to be good to me." Boston Free Press. Trip to the Sea. Altho we took a fishing shack And dally fished from dories, -The only fishy things brought back Were stories. Louisville Courier-Journal. HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL - Oregon's oldest, Iwst equipped and most practical st-hooi. Expert limlructlons in rapalnuir, drlvliur and adjusting;. Practi aal work in Ins repair ahop. You do the work with your own hand,. Day and nlnlit .lasses. Address Ml llawtaorne Are. . Portland, Ore. A Northwestern Farm Play. "A Farm Home Scene In Iceland Thirty Years Ago" was staged by twenty young men and women of Ice landic descent whose homes are in the country districts of North Dakota. The tableau was very effective. The scene represented an Interior sitting room of an Icelandic home. The walls were whitewashed; In the rear of the room was a fireplace; the old grand father was seated in an arm-chair near the fireplace reading a story in the Icelandic language. About the room were several young ladles dressed In native costumes, busily engaged in spinning yarn and knitting, a favorite pastime of an Icelandic home. On a chair at the right was a young man with a violin playing selections from an Icelandic composer. Through the small window rays of light were thrown, representing the Midnight Hun and the Northern Lights. Just before the curtain fell, twenty young people, all Icelanders, joined in sing ing their national song, which has the same tune as "America." The effect of the tableau was far-reaching. The two hundred pdbple who saw It will never forgot it. From "Drama for Hural Communities," by Alfred O. Ar vold, In the American Review of Re views for September, 1916. Send 10c to Dr. Pierce Invalids' Ho tel, Buffalo, for large trial package of "Anuric" for kidneys, cures backache. Explained. Sister Nancy was going the round of the ward in the big hospital for wounded soldiers, examining the med ical charts over oncli bed and taking temperatures. Reaching the side of one hero, in wuose mouth she had left the ther mometer a minute before, she was horrified to find, on w thdrawlne It. that it registered 120, although only an nour ago tne patient was normal Swiftly she summoned the house doc tor, but lie, on arriving, was seriously perplexed, as mere was nothing in the patient's condition to account for tne sudden rise. "Look hore," he said to the soldier "have you dropped this thermometer or open rooiing about with It?" "No, sir. Only been stirring me tea witu in" London Answers. Spray-a-Cow Keeps off flies or money back. (1 a gallon from your dealer, or order ; by mail. PXUMMER DRUG CO. Third mi Mad on, Portland, Or. 1 if BARRELS I Wrlle about your wants In this Una to r lNKE. BROS., 183 Madison St., Portland, Or P. N. U. No. 89, 1818 NCW MODERN DANCING. K. Fletcher Hallainore. the lemllnir DanHnir ffr. pert and instructor in Now York City, writes: I have used ALI.KNS FOOT-BASE, the antiseptic powder to be shaken Into the shoos, (or ton years, and recommend it to all my pupils." It cures and prevents sore feet. Sold by all Itaur and Depart nient Stores, 2T.c. Maniple FKE& Addzass, Allan Their Missions. "What is your mission here, air?" onncu mo ncn om man, with a frown. "I am on three missions. lr." re. piled the poor young man, who was also a humorist "Well, what are they!" Inquired the uiti man impaiiontiy. "Permission to marry your daugh ter, admission to your family circle ana suumission to tne regulations of your household." "Ugh!" grunted the old man, who was somewhat of a Joker himaolf. "1 have one little mission to offer before I conclude any arrangements with you. name m cnea ine youtm ma.i eagerly, . 'Dlsmlsslonr' shrieked the old man with a loud, discordant laugh, and the poor young man's transmission to the oooi night air quickly followed, Pear son's Weekly, She Was Right. Mrs. Willis (at the ball came, aa the pitcher and catcher hold a conference) What are they talking about r Mr. Willis About what to throw to the next batter. Mra. Wlllla But they aren't al V v J? throw "Whins to him except the ball, ar they ? Puokv mm m m sm mm ju t A Well Known Woman Speaks, In Every Town In Oregon Neighbors Say the Same. , Tortland, Oregon. I have nsed Dr. fierce s fa vorite Prescription Si lor mv nerves tjtof; and a general aflf lfilff urea -aown and lWiP- "J"-1 WOWIH UUIJF iris comes l Sjlg was completely cured. I also used Doctor Pierce's firilrlpn Marlipol f"' Discovery for the H on D'd and it proved ivi ' very ueneiiciai. "I can heartily recommend Doctor Pierce's medicines." Mes. J. B. Uauoh. 643 Dcacum Ave. The- mighty restorative power of Dr. Pierce's I'avorito Prescription speedily causes all womanly troubles to disap- ;ans to properly periorm uieir namrai mnctiotis, cor rects displacements, overcomes irregu larities, removes pain and misery at certain tir 38 and brings back health and strength to nervous, irritable and exhausted women. It is a wonderful prescription, pre pared only from nature's roots and berbs, with no alcohol to falsely stim ulate and no narcotios to wreck the nerves. It banishes pain, headache, backache, low spirits, hot Hashes, drageing-down sensation, worry and sleeplessness surely and without loss of time. Why should any woman continue to worry, to lead a miserable existence, when certain help is at hand ? What Doctor Pierce's Favorite Pre scription has done for thousands it will do for you. It's not a secret remedy for its ingredients are printed on wrapper. Get it this very day from any medidr.e dealer in eithei liquid or tablet form. Cream Shippers will put money in their pockets dv snipping tneir cream to us. We pay prompt, give full weight and correct tests. A ' heavy demand for Hazelwood Butter means we must have more high grade cream. Ship where quality counts. HAZELWOOD CO., PORTLAND, OREGON. : NnRTHWFST MARKFT RFPflRTS- GENERAL CROP CONDITIONS Versatile. A lady stopping at a hotel on the Paclflo coast rang the bell the first morning of her arrival and was very much surprised when a Japanese boy opened the door and came in. "I pushed the button three times for a maid," she said sternly, as she dived under the bed covers. "Yes," the little fellow replied, "me she." GIRL GOULD NOT WORK How She Waa Relieved from Pain by Lydia E.Pinkham' - Vegetable Compound. - Taunton, Mass. " I had pains In both ides and when my periods came I had to stay at noma from work and suf fer a long time. One day a woman cams to our house and asked my mother why I waa suffering. Mother told her that I suf fered every month and she said, 'Why don't you buy a bottle of Lvdia E. Pinkham 's Vegetable Compound? ' My mother bought it and the next month I was so well that I worked all the month without staying at home a day. I am In good health now and have told lots of girls about if Miss Claricb Mown, 22 Russell Street, Taunton, Moss. Thousands of girls 'suffer in silence very month rather than consult a nhv. sician. If girls who are troubled with painful or irregular periods, backache, headache, dragging-down sensations, fainting spells or indigestion would take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound, a safe and pure remedy mads from roots and horbs much suffering might be avoided. . . Write to Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass. (confidential) for free dvlce which will prove helpful iti K t rafe atfeas Portland Wheat Bluestem, $1.35 fortyfold, (1.33; club, (1.31; red fife, tl.ifU; red Russian, fl.ZS. Flour Patents, $6.40; straights, $5.806.20; exports, $5.80; valley. $6; whole wheat, $6.60; graham, $6.40. Millfeed Spot prices: Bran, $23.60 per ton; shorts, $25.50; rolled barley. $35.60(2:36.60. Corn Whole, $42 'per ton; cracked, $43. Hay Producers prices : Timothy, Eastern Oregon, $16.60(818 per ton timothy, valley, $1516; alfalfa, $14.60; wheat hay, $12.6013.50; oat and vetch, $1212.50; cheat, $11 clover, $10. Butter Exchange prices : Cubes, extras, 29c bid; 30c asked. Jobbing prices: Prints, extras, 82i34c; but- terfat, No. 1, 81c; No. 2, 29c, Port land. Eggs Oregon ranch, exchange prices, current receipts, 29c per dozen, Jobbing prices: Oregon ranch, candled, 8031c; Belect, 3233c. Poultry Hens, 1314Jc; broilers, 1618c; turkeys, live, 1822c; ducks, ll14c; geese, 9llc. Veal Fancy, 13c per pound. Pork Fancy, 12J13c per pound, Vegetables Artichokes, 75c$l per dozen; tomatoes, 3050c per crate cabbage, $1.50 per cwt. : peppers, 4(2 5c per pound; eggplant, 66c; let tuce, 2025c per dozen; cucumbers, 2550c per box; celery, 60(ffl75c per dozen; corn, 10Z5e per doz. Potatoes New, 90c$1.16percwt; sweets, 2i3c per pound. Onions Oregon and Walla Walla, $1.50 per sack. Green Fruits Apples, new, 75c $1.40 per box; cantaloupes, 50c$1.75 per crate; peaches, 4065c per box; watermelons, llic per pound; plums, 75c$l per box; pears, 60c$1.25; grapes, 90c$1.60 per crate; casabas, lie per pound; blackberries, 75c per crate. Hops 1916 crop, nominal; 1916 contracts, Sc per pound; fuggles, 12c per pound. Wool Eastern Oregon, fine, 23 26c per pound; coarse, 3032e; val ley, 8032c. Cascara Bark Old and new, 4c per pound. Cattle Steers, prime, $6.607.15 good, $66.50; common to fair, $5 5.60; cows, choice, $55.60; medium to good, $4.5005; ordinary to fair. $44.60; heifers, $45.76; bulls, $3 J4.Z5; calves, $36. Hogs Prime, $9.659.76; good to prime mixed, $9.50 9.65; rough heavy, $8.759.25; pigs and skips, $8.268.76. Sheep Lambs, $5.608.26; year ling wethers, $5.766.50; old weth ers, $6.606; ewes, $3.605.50. Fearlnj the Worst. "Do you want your wife to vote!" "Certainly," replied Mr. Qrowchor. "All I hope is that she won't get up-a series or campaign processions and make each of 'em as expensive as an master parade." Washington Star. Spoke In Rlnalno Tones. "Bridget, why dou't vou answer the aooroenj 'Oi didn't hear it sayin' anything, mum." - 'You must have heard ita tonicue going, unuget. Boston Transcript, An Excellent "FIRST-LINE DEFENSE" HOSTETTER'S Stomach Bitters Try a bottle for POOR APPETITE INDIGESTION BILIOUSNESS , , OR MALARIA You'll find it a splendid aid Hop Demand is Good; Picking is in Full Blast A more general demand has devel oped in the hop market and buyers are offering higher prices throughout the state of Oregon. Eight cents was be ing freely bid on contracts in the Wil lamette, valley, witb a substantial premium for fuggles. McNeff ; Bros, have purchased between 600 and 600 bales of fuggles at 12 cents. In Western Washington the market has also become more active. Seven hundred bales of clusters were bought in that section at 8 cents, including the crops of Frye, Bremer, Cooper and Perfield. No trading was reported from Yaki ma, but the market there was also firm. The first sample of Yakimas were received by McNeil Bros, and the quality was fully equal to that of the best previous years. California ad vices were of the sale of 600 bales of new Sacramentos at 8 and 81 cents. Pickers are busy in all the Oregon hop sections. The favorable change in the weather enabled the pickers to re sume operations, and it also held back the mold. It is too early for a definite estimate as to the size of the Oregon crop, but many of the dealers believe tt will run close to 100,000 bales. New York wires estimated the yield in that state at 8000 to 10,000 bales. and the quality very fine. Offers up to 30 cents are being made for states and growers are asking 32 cents. Letters received from London deal ers put the English crop at 300,000 to 810,000 hundredweight. The London Times has the following from Canter bury, dated August 24: "The hops have not made so much progress during the past few weeks, owing to the pronounced drouth. The crop will vary in yield according to aiatrictB, many of the hops being on the small side. In the districts where rain has recently fallen the-prospects are the best. Vermin has disappeared ana mold is not spreading to any ex tent. It is now expected that the picKing will commence earlier than was anticipated. Trade on the market is quiet, and in the few Bales effected prices are below recent quotations." Central Washington Sheep Shipments, Wenatchee The Great Northern railway estimates that between now and the middle of October, 350 cars of sneepwill be shipped, as compared with 200 cars during the whole season last year. Fifty cars have already been shipped. Thfr value of the sea son' shipment will run close to $500.- 000. Arrangements have been made with the Canadian trovemment tn drive sheep across the line Into British Columbia next summer. The first trainload of lambs will leave Thursday lor we uucago market, . .. Rot Hits Douglas Prunes. i Roeeburg, Or. Word that the situ ation in regard to the prune crop in Douglas county is alarming because of the recent rains and the attendant set ting in of brown rot caused Walter S. Browne, of the Oregon Agricultural College, and Fred Strang, county fruit inspector, to hasten to the orchard dis tricts. Wherever am-avinor had haan done, in compliance with the request of the county fruit inspector, little dis ease was discovered. Those who failed to spray, however, probably will lose a portion oi weir iruit. . CA8H PRIZES OFFERED FOR BEST DI8PLAYS More Than $700 Will Be Distributed at Seattle Land Show for Best Coun ty or Community Exhibit. The best county or community dis play at the land show in Seattle from October 4 to 14 will receive a cash prise of $400 and a handsome trophy banner. The second nrlze la for 1200 and the third prize $100. Already there is interest over Wash ington, Oregon and Idaho in this con test and a large numher of Washing ton communities will try for the prizes. Oregon counties and com munities will also be well represented, the displays coming from the state fair at Salem. The contest has been thrown nnnn to any commercial club, grange, farm ers association, improvement club or other county or community organiza tion iu tne iNortnwest. . The management of the Northwest Liana froaucts exposition has set aside $225 in gold for the best Indi vidual farm exhibit. The first prize calls for $150 and the second prize io. Indications are that the first land show ever staged in Seattle will be the greatest agricultural exhibit since the exposition of 1909. The Great Northern railway has taken space for an agricultural display and the Mil waukee will make a similar exhibit and in addition will bring the Mon tana state exhibit to the show. The Alaska display will be the greatest ever made and the entire ex hibit of grains, grasses and vegetables from the annual fall fair at Fairbanks will be shipped to Seattle the latter part of this month. The- land show at Seattle will cover more than 70,000 sauare feet in the heart of the business district, the city authorities giving permission to tent over Fifth Avenue adjoining the Arena, the city's largest assembly hall. Logic. , The guv'nor wants enough peas to sow two rows." But how long are the rows?" "Bit longer 'n passon's garden." "But I don't know how Ions: the oar- son's garden is." Whoi, it be a bit shorter 'arrourn." Passing Show. Free. 'Vacation is a great thine." Don't have to watch the clock then. eh?" "Don't even have to watch the cal endar. Louisville Courier-Journal. W. L. DOUGLAS "the shoe that holds it8 shape" $3.00 $3.50 $4.00 $4.50 & $5.00 aXSVSSIh Save Money by Wearing W. L Douglaa shoes. ForealebyoverSOOOehoedealera. The Beat Known Shoes in the World. Y7- L. Douglas name ami the retail price is stamped on me boc " torn of all shoes at the factory.. The value is guaranteed and the wearer protected against high prices for inferior shoes. The retail prices an the same everywhere. They cast no mora in San Francisco than they do in New York. They are always worth the price paid for them. . '"pM quality of W. L, Douglas product is guaranteed by more - than 40 years experience in malting fine shoes. The smart styles are the leaders in the Fashion Centres of America. They are made in a well-equipped factory at Brockton, Mass., by the highest paid, skilled shoemakers, under the direction and supervision ot experienced men, all working with an honest determination to make the best shoes for the price that money uui imy. - ... Ask Tour shoe dealer tolW. T Douarlas aho.. Tf li not supply yon with the kind yon want, take no othar U1MILW. W TIM, a-et shoos of th by return mull, postage, free. for liiterestlnsr booklet ejTnlatnlnv kw A :et shoos of the highest standard of quality for tne prion, LOOK FOR W. L Douglas name and the jretatl price stamped on the bottom. President O run Boys' Shoes Best In the World $3.00 $2.50 1 $2.00 W. I,. DoMglai Hhoa Co., Brockton. Mass. II r in 1 is 1 tit iiiiiM 1 1 tits L Ui J I Leader" and "Rmpea ter Shot Shells For the hirh flyers; or the low flyers, "Leader" and Repeater' shells have the reach, spread arid penetra tion. Their great sale is due to these qualities, which insure a full bag. Made in many gauges and .loads. BE SURE TO ASK FOR THE W BRAND to 00 mora neoMsary than Smallpox, Army experience bis demoiutr&ted the almcxt miraculous effi cacy, adbtraleftneu,of Antityphoid Vaccination. fie vaccinated NOW by your physician, you tod your family. It Is more vital thaa house Insurance. Ask vour ashvilcian. dnipplrt. or send for "Ha you had Typhoid?" telling of Typhoid Vaccine, f etultl from ui ( and danger from Typhoid Carriers. TrK CUTTER IA5ODAT0BY, BERKELEY, CAL. MOM1CM VACCINH USBHS UIMI U. MV. UCINSf srisfM a Granulated Eyelids, Jf Eyes inflamed by expo- surern finn. fluelanrl vYIni 91?w rarvaeai quickly reliered by Hurlos LVCS EysBemeily. No Smarting, ey lust Eye Comfort. At Your Druggist's 50c per Bottle. Murine Eye SalvclnTubes 25c ForBeokollheEyeFreeask Druggists or Murine Eye Remedy Ca., Chicago New Houston Hotel SIXTH AND EVERETT STS. Four Blocks from Union Station. Under new management. All rooms newly decorated. SPECIAL RATES BY WEEK OR MONTH Rates 50c, 75c, $1, $l.SO Per Day. r PRINTERS AND PUBLISHERS, i itnituiNi PERFECT PRINTING PLATES Furnished on short notice. ' Write for Scale of Prices. Portland Electrotype & Stereotype Co., Front i Stark, Portland, Or. Some One Ought to Tell Her. Dear little Willie, was only recentiy married, and for the past fortnight he had been wearing that fatuous smile which a man wears on only two occa sions when he is first married and when the first baby arrives. That smile, which suggests a codfish in paradise, is extremely annoying to the onlooker. Therefore, Willie's friends were relieved to see him appear one morning looking very glum. "Hallo, Willie! What's the matter?" tney cried in chorus. "Oh, don't chaff; boys don't chaff! Marriage isn't what I thought It was! ray wne can t sing!" "Can't sing? Why, you ought to be tnanKiui lor that!" ' Yes, I dare say. And I might be oniy, you see, she doesn't know It! London Answer, ...... Across the Continent In Five Days lBjj Hours. Fred W. Vogler, president of The Northwest Auto Co., of Portland premier speed boat enthusiast of the Pacific Coast all-round sportsman and general good fellow, has been pre- raiioa upon to oring a duplicate of the famous Marmon 34, that crossed the country in less than six davs. to Pen. dleton during the Round-Up week so that some of our real riders may nave a cnance to see this wonderful car. When the railroad situation looked as If it might tie up every road In the country, Mr. Vogler said: "We can move troops fast enough with the Marmon 34 to Btop anything and one man proved It beyond a doubt." 8. B. Stevens arrived at San Fran cisco just 6 days, 18 hours after the cat1 had left Columbus Circle, New York City, 3476 miles away. This completed the most remark able and fastest journey ever made across the United States in a motor car-r-the average rate of speed being almost equal to the schedule of the fast transcontinental railroad trains. His Honor In Error. Mose Ham was arrested for "loud and uproarious language" and "dis turbing the peace." Judge Brlles read the document in the case and then turned to the black-as-ebony prisoner. "Mose Ham," said he. "vou are charged with shouting, groaning, cry- tug toua in me nignt, lamentations, impure language, cursing, swearing, oreaKing tne peace and general noisy conduct not befitting a citizen. What nave you to say?" "Des dis, jedge, dey ain't no spec' er dat de truf; all I had wuz er slight visitation ob religion. Ef I talksd loud, jedge, hit wus becauz I'm further away rrom th' Lawd dan moB' folks. Philadelphia Public Ledger. What a Tourist Heard. i A tourist In Ireland tame upon a cuuyie or men "in noits" rolling on the roaa. Tne man on top was pummel- mg the other within an inch of his life. The traveler looked on for a mo ment in silence and then Intervened, i say, it s an infernal shame to striKe a man when he s down." "Faith, if yez knew all the trouble I had gettin' him down yez wouldn't be talkin' like that," came the Inter mittent reply. Judge. t Comparisons. "So your boy Josh is a soldier now?" "Yep," seplied Farmer Corntossel. "And I want to tell you the discipline Is doing him good. It's the first time in many a year that Josh couldn't put on airs 'cause he was better dressed than I was." Washington Star. Fostering Talent "Your daughter has a wonderful voice. You ought to cultivate it." "What for? A voice doesn't show up In moving pictures. But I've got a boy with a funny walk whom I expect to see drawing a thousand a week one ot these days." Washington Star. :' Prolonged Mourning.' Bones, a hostler, failed to turn up at the livery yard one morning. . "Where's Bones?" the boss asked. "His father's dead, sir," explained, one other hostler. .. "Oh!" ' The next day again Bones failed to turn up. And the next day, still he was absent. "Bones not about?" said the boss. "His father," said the other hostler, "as I told you before, sir " "Well, look here;" said the boss, "you slip on your coat and run round to Bones' house and find out If he Intends to stay away all the time his father is dead." Chicago Journal. Sold Under a Binding Guarantee Money Back If It Fab For Man or Btatt HAN FORD'S Balsam of Myrrh A LI N I M NT For Cuts, Burns. Bruises, Sprains, Strains. Stiff Neck. Chilblains, Lame Back. Old Sores, Open Wounds, and all External Injuries. Made Since 1846. Price 25c, SOe and $1.00 1 AH Dealers a wi. c "wfc'wl w SYRACUSE, N.Y. ,1 DON'T SUFFER f ROM Rheumatism when you can easily find quick relief from this cruel disease in any stage. Anti-Uric, made from Roots and Ber ries, eraduallv soothes nwnv tho son from the system, no matter how severe or long standing the case may be.- Send $1.50 today for a treatment prepaid to your address. Results guaranteed or money refunded, or sent C. O. D. by Parcel Post. Write for circulars and letters from those bene fitted. Don't DUt it off. Simnlir .orul today. Address ANTI-URIC CO., 102 Sherwood Building, San Francisco. (Mr e famous for your cooking, or : (S just a '.'beginner" l t II Baking Powder U will help you. lp?y Its goodness V recommends