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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 15, 1916)
AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER F. B. Boyd, Publisher Entered in the rnrtofflce at AUienH, Oregon as econdOlatis Mall Matter. - Advertising Rates. Display, transient, running less than one month, first insertion, per inch 25c Subsequent insertions 1 Display regular, per inch.. 12 Local readers, first insertion, per line, 10c Subsequent insertions, per line 9c Lodge resolutions, per line 5c Church notices, admission, per line . . 5c Subscription Rates. One copy, one year $1.50 When paid in Advance, (otherwise, $2.00 One copy, six months 75 One copy, three months 50 cATHENA. ORE. SEPT. 15. .1910 GOVERNMENT SHORTCOMINGS The PaoiBo Coast Manufacturer of fers the following editorial comment: "Helpless, inefficient, yet in many respeota the strongest government In ... the world the one we live under. Its virtues nave Deen lauded to the eki this editorial will deal witb some of lta shortcomings. "A farmer may be pat In jail in some states if he shoots a crow that Is Falling up his corn. ; fcnt a gang of men in the same state can go and lynob a neighbor and nothing is ever done about it. We are all familiar with the manner In wbioh massed men have banged others to trees, tut it is seldom the assassins are brought to aooonnt. "We have had record-breaking oiops in many states and the world is olam orina for oor prodnots, but what is the situation? We have no ships to take our wares to market and resem ble a merchant who makes no provis ion for the delivery of his goods. We oan build as good ships as anyone in the world, but the laws penalize our euiptuilders and shipowners, instead of aiding them, as the laws of other nations Bid theirs. Onr capitalists dare not ventnie into the shipping tus 1U6B8, for they never know what kind ot a new law or lestriotion may be adopted and they employ tbeir money in other ways. "Our government officials have just auakened to the fuot there are no laws under wbioh dynamite and other outrages or conspiracies to injure our industries oan be suitably punished. These things are left mainly to the states and of course the states uegleot them, Anyway tbeie are 48 states, Hud whut is a orinie in one state may tie entirely lawful in another, so there Is no uniformity. "There Is uo suitable system of uBUdiug fractional ourreuoy through the mails. Everyone kuowa this, yet us there is do politics in suoh an lm pioveuietit, no one takes enough In tuuet to see it oarried through. And so the people everywhere are ooinpeUed to use postage stamps as a makeshift joireuoy, The law expressly forbids snob a use of postage stamps, bnt ev erybody disobeys Ibis law. It is clear ly a foolish and nnjnst law, and it well illustrates the kind of laws tbat ooagress passes and thut the people have to put up with. "The states are no longer jealous and suspicions of the federal govern ment as they onoe were, but still there is far too little cooperation and oo ordiuation between the nation and the states, and the laws of the states vary so widely that there is no oonformily or oouslstenoy. "Now we come to the state of affairs brought about by having one stale 'dry' aud the adjoining state 'wet,' and the inadequacy of our system was never so manifest as at the present time. "We know what perversion of jus- tioe may be aooomplished by the free use of money aud bow bard It is to oiuob' the big fellow. "From these tbingj it seems that the time is coming when more efficient and modern methods will have to be evolved." DEATH OF WILLIAM J. KING The death of William J. King, an honored pioneer and well known over Umatilla county, ooonrred Saturday evening at the borne of bis brother, John T. King, west of town. Mr. King had gone out to the Clarenoe Zeita farm for the purpose of remain ing a few days, and on the way out complained of feeliug ill. Soon after bis arrival he was stricken witb par alvsis, and was taken immediately to bis brother's borne, where at six o'olock, after a second stroke, he pass ed away. Tbe funeral ooourred Tuesday at 1:30 at the Methodist ohurob, with Rev. W. 0. Renter officiating, and in terment was made la tbe Athena cem etery. A large number of pioneer friends ot tbe deoeaaed from over the county, assembled to do him honor, la this oommuuity, where be bas so long mode bis borne, no one will be more missed than "Bill" King, as he was familiarly known, William J. King was born in Law rence county, Mo. , January 17, 1854. lie orossed the plains in 1857 witb bis parents, ariiviug in California in Sep tember of that year. Iu 1859 they moved to Linn county, Oregon. Be oame to Umatilla county in tbe year 1870 when a young man, and has re sided in this vicinity ever sinoe. Be was married to Mrs. Maliuda Hymer, Deoember !i0, 1805, she bavins passed away February 7th of this year. Be united with the M. IS. Church in Ath ena in I'M!). He died September 9, IU1H, having attained tbe age of 2 years, 7 months and HI days. He was the oldest ot a family of ten ohildron, six of wbon ate living. Tbey are: Mrs. Alible Wilbelmof Rupert, Idaho; Mis. B. P. Huney of North Vakima; Mrs. Mary Jones ot Jnntnra Oregon, Mrs. Lulu Sutherland of San Franois oo, (Jul. ; 1 nomas A. King of Tbe Dalles and Jobu T. King of Athena. Distinguished Men Coming, , There will be more prominent dig- uitaries at tbo Ronnd-Up this year Sept. 21, 22 aud 23, than ever before. Tbe early adjournment of congmss in- it-fit nfHrrm tinmiiiiffl mjjj0 uwm 1 .wy ' ' mf 'A Ijnnnmi I QUCCESS comes in "cans" and B g failure in "can'ts". There's H pi success in every can n j of VELVET. ff larm Loans NO COMMISSION NO BONUS NO DELAY NO RED TAPE LOW INTEREST RATES LIBERAL REPAYMENT PRIVILEGES Hartman Abstract Company" Corner Main and Court Streets, Pendleton, Oregon HAU ' THE "GREATER OREGON" With nitw butldlnr. httr aulpment. nd Uiitn tv!tttton to It finult, the University ot Oregon will begin tto forty-tint rr, Tuva-dnr.hl1entl-.r IS, 1014. Hlieclnl tmlntnc in Comment! JournnlUm, Art ltHtrture, tw, MwtMne, Teaching, Libra ry Work, Montr, lh.U'l training and fin Art. Large aud strong departments of Liber al Education. Library of mora than 6 ft, 000 volumes, flf. tfi building fully au,nliped. two plamtld Tuition Pre Dormitories for m aad (of women Epne Lowest. Write for free catalog's, addressing lUiglstmt UNIVERSITY OF OREGON KIIOKNK, ORKOON HfW(Out.ATiONAL sores the attendanoe of both senators aud tbe tbree representatives from Oregon. These men all aooepted tbe Koond-Up directors' invitation to te present providing ooogreas adjourned in time. Governor Witbyoombe will be tbers and tbis makes the big list about as follows: Governor Witby oombe, State Treasurer T. B. Kay, Seoretary of State Ben W. Olaott, 8 apt. ot Fnblia lnstrnution J. A. .(Jbnrpbill, Attorney General Brown, all members of tbe State Fisb and Game commission, Marion Jaok, 0. F. Stone nf Klamath Falls, F. M War ren of Portland and I. M. Fleisobner of Portland: State Game Warden Carl 0. Shoemaker. State Biologist Wm. L. Finley, Senator Chamberlain, State Senator Lane, Congressmen Sin nott, MoArtbor and Hawley. Two boxes iu tbe grandstand have been set aside for these visitors, the box usually oooupied by tbe Governor im mediately west ot tbe judges' stand and tbe box immediately baok of it. Tbe entertainment of these men has been tnrned over to Dr. W. D. MoNary of the Eastern Oregon State Hospital and Marion Jaok of Pendleton. "Tribute Day" at Christian Church. Tbe following Is the program for Tribute Day." wbioh will be ob served at tbe Christian oboroo Sunday evening, by tbe local O. W. B. M,, with Mrs. Lawrenoe Lienallen pre siding: Soriptnre leBson, -Mrs. H. Piokerton Tribute prayer, thanking God for Peace, D. Errett Tribute of Praise, oboir. Or. Soott leader. The Children's Quest ; Zola Keen, assisted by Elizabeth Mathers Sa vannah Smith, Eugene Osborne, and a gioup of little obildren. Beading, - Dorothy Koepke Story, "My Tribute Monoy," based ou Matt. 17:34-27, - - Miss Maude Sberman Tribute Song, "Give As tbe Lord Hath Prospered Thee." Beading: Pesos; A Meditation J Mrs. Scott Fisher Solo, selected, - Mrs. David Stone Tribute ot Gratitude, far tbe privi lege of being permitted to give Tribute of out means rather than that death should take toll of onr loved ones, tbrn war. Mrs. Errett Song, eeleoted, - by Chorus Tribute of Gifts, - six little girls Coronation - by congregation Notice to Creditors. In tbe County Couit of tbe State of Oregon, for Umatilla County. In the matter of tbe Estate of B. F Coleman, deceased : Notioe is hereby given to all persons whom it may concern tbat Will M. Peterson bas been appointed adminis trator with tbe will annexed of tbe estate of B. F. (Bsnjamiu F.) Cole- nda, deoeased, and tbat letters of ad ministration bave been issued to bim as snub. All persons having olaims against said estate am hereby required to present them to tbe said Will M. Peterson, at bis Ian ofiloe in tbe Smlth-Crawfoid Building at Pendle ton, Oregon, nitbiu six months from tbe date ot the Stst publication of tbis notioe, which said olaims must te verified in the manner provided ty law. Dated at Pendleton, Oregon, on tbis 7th day of September 1916. Will M. Peterson, Administrator with the will annexed of tbe estate of B. F. Coleman, deceased. Noticeof Final Settlement. In the Connty Court of the State of Oiegon for Umatilla Connty. In tbe Matter of tbe Estate of Martha Carpenter, Deoeased. Notioe is hereby given that the ad ministrator ot the above named estate bas Bled his llunl account and report and that the County Conrtof Umatilla oouuty, Oregon, has set Saturday, tbe 2)lid day ot September, as tbe time and the County Court room in the County Court bouse of Umatilla county, Oregon -at Pendleton therein, as tbe place for tbe hearing and settle ment of all objeotions and exoertioua to said dual account and report. Wm. Mo Bride, Administrator. STJMMONS. In tlio Justice Court for tbe District of Atliinii, Vmaitlltt County. Oregon, Henry Keen, Plaintiff, vs. Jas. Stew art, Defendant, To Jus. Stewart, the above-named Defendant: In the name of the State of Ore gon, you are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint file! against you in the above entitled suit within six weeka of the date of the first publication ot this aummons. on or before the 16th day ot September, 1916. And you will take notice that If you fall to appear answer or other wise plead within said time, the plain tiff, for want thereof, will apply to the court for the relief prayed for and demanded in plaintiff's said com plaint to-wlt: For (23 and costs and disbursements of this action. This aummons la published pur suant to an order ot Hon. B. B. Rich ards, Judge of the above entitled court, duly made and tiled on the 26th day ot July, 1916; and the first publication ot this aummons will be made In the Athena Press newspaper published at Athena, Umatilla Coun ty, Oregon, on Friday, the 4th day ot August, 1916, and the last publica tion will be made on Friday, Septem ber 16th, 1916. W. II. KEEN. Plaintiff. Notice'to Creditors. Iu tbe County Court ot (be State of Oregon for Umatilla County. In the Matter ot tbe Estate ot WugRie LaBraohe-Fraua, deoeased. Notice is hereby given that by an order of tbe above eutitied Court made and eiterod in the matter here in ou the 1Mb day ot August, 1II1H, the oudeiflgued was dnlv appointed executrix ft lie last mill aud tests ninut of Mangle LaDruihe-Fraus, de oeased; ill peieouit having claims agalust said estate should present tbe same, duly teiltled aouorriJ'ia to law, to the eieoutnx or her attoruey. Ho uiut I. Watts, at bis offioa to Athena, Oregou, within ix mouths from the dnte nf tie iirst publication ot this notioe. Dated this 13th day ot August, lultl. Msiv LaUraobe-Baddley, tlouior I. Waits, Exeoatrix. , Attorney. Catarrh Cannot Be Cured With LOCAL, APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh la a local disease, greatly in fluenced by constitutional conditions, and In order to cure It you must take an Internal remedy. Hall's Ca tarrh Cure Is taken internally and acts thru the blood on the mucous sur faces of the system. Hall's Catarrh Cure was prescribed by one of the best fihyslciana In this country for years. It s composed of some of the beat tonics L known, combined with some of the , best blood purifiers. The perfect com ; blnatiun of the Ingredients in Hall's , Catarrh Cure- Is what produces such wonderful results In catarrhal conditions- Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Props., Toledo, O. All Dnnglsts. '5c. Hall's family Fills for constipation. Local Adver tiscments Lost A pair of automobile chains on the road between Athena and Thorn Hollow. Finder please leave them at tbis offloe. For Sale. Household goods. Bauge, 2 beaters, 1 oil range, 1 oil beater, I ted mattress, 2 sanitary cooobes, I dresser. I ohiffonier, library table, rockers, obair, tugs, dishes cooking utensils, 5 doz. fruit jars. Inquire ot J. A. Bartlett, Athena. For Sale. Either with or witbou tbe lurniture, the residence of Mrs. Anna Molntyre on Hunt Avenue. In quire of Mrs. Llllia Miller. For Sale. 91 aores of wheat land just southwest of Athena. Owner, J. N. Soott. Enquire of Mrs.Llllie Miller. Watts & Rogers have swopped. All bills assumed by the other fellow. See big Ad. Wanted. Sewing of all kiuda; chil dren's olothing a speaialtT. Phone 75 or see Mrs. Sohimmel, on Adama St. across from Mrs. Lillie Millet's. For Sale. I'he Maloney residence oo High street. Enquire of Mrs. Lillie Miller. Livestock Dealer. BertOartano has engaged in tbe liveatook bnsiness. Be is prepared to pay tbe highest market prices at all times for ohiokens, hogs, cattle and sheep. It you have stock to sell, be sure and see him. CROUP & LASH Dentists In Athena Thursday, Friday and Satur day, other days of week in Walla Walla, 2nd and Main, over Third National Bank Dr. E. W. Croup - Dr. C. H. Lash S. If. Sharp PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON . Special attention given to all calib both night and day. Calls promptly answered. Offloe on Third Btret. Athena Oregor DR. G, S. NEWSOM. Physician and Surgeon. Offloe iu Post Building. Phone, 50.' arciware am Im ptenieiits at Cost I I have purchased the Hodgson lease on the Kirk place and will take pos session at once, and quit the Imple ment and hardware business in this city. My entire stock will be thrown to the public at the lowest prices you ever heard of. Goods are now selling. Get in on the best buys. Watch for prices. Nothing reserved, c4.11 goes. North Side Main St, CHARLES KIRK, Athena, Oregon When the Days Harvest Are Over You willlbe planning a new HOME or Barn, maybe a Silo or Milkhouse perhaps your district needs a new School or town a new church Let our architects make your plans to suit your ideals and your pocketbook. 'See Johnson About It.' TUM-A-LUM LUMBERGOMPANY GASOLINE. LUBRICATING OILS. ALLEN AUTO CO Ford Cars and Parts A carload of Fords is due to arrive next week. - You had better get in your order now, to insure quick deliver. TOURING CAR, $l85-ROADSTER, $399.85 We have an Al mechanic, with years of experience who will take charge of our repair shop next Monday. All work guaranteed. We are here to stay; give us a trial THE ATHENA MEAT MARKET the first national bank Of ATHENA Capital and Surplus $100,00052 Keeps the Motor Cool Zerolene is mide from Asphalt base crude. By its perfect lubri cation, Zerolene keeps the motor cool and enables it to work at full efficiency. LEiE ike Standard Oil or Motor Cars Sold by dealers everywhere and at all Service Stations oi the Standard Oil Company (CdlftnU) -, Athena assBSBKaU We carry the best MEATS That Money Buys Our Market is Clean and Cool Insuring Wholesome Meats. READ & MEYER Main Street, Athena, Oregon We've Swopped Jnniot member's been visiting. , . ' Senior member takes tarn. Ob, floe! How ibant Blue Stone? We stored onr in Ibe vsolt it Tbe Farmers Baok bnt now tbe ptioe is suoh tbat we allow inspection without obarge. Better nrder now. Oor order for Alfalfa Seed via. Dentahland will be doe bnt not' eofBoidnt to go 'tonnd. Von better plaoe yoor order now oosts nothing to' make sore. Weber, Winona and John Deere wagons. Sewing Mnohines from $18.50 op to $60.00 maobins with' 15 dollar eleottio motor, all for 138.00. Again, there's a Jewel at 7001 feet. Watts & Rogers "Just Over the Hill"