Press Paragraphs I Bev. Divis Eirett wa in Pendleton ToeadRT. , J. A. Lomaden i driving new Boiok oar. r Miea Glare Partridge spent last week visiting relatives in Seattle. Mr. end Mrs. W. B. Tailor spent Ibe week end at Bingham spriugs. Misses Iiinra and Belle Molotvre tra visitors in Pendleton, 'lueeday. Mis. B. 0. Woitblogton and son Emerj visited in Wall Walla Mon day. Mrs. H. A.' Thompson spent the week with friends at MoOongal' a nam p. Miss Toots Bergevin visited friends In Walla Walla the (ore pait of tbe week. : Sheriff Taylor and Depot; Estea were in the city from Pendleton Wed nesday. Mr. and Mrs. George Banister and Miss Helen Russell motored to Waits vorg Tuesday. - A dangbter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Boy Botke, Septemter 3, at their borne in Walla Walla. Gbioken dinner will be served at the St. Nioboli Snnday. ; Mrs. Robert Piioe, formerly res ident of this oity bot now of Alberta, ia visiting Atbena friends. Mr. and Mrs. W. U Weir drove over from Milton Snnday, for I abort visit with Atbena friends. Mr. and Mrs. Artbnr Coppook and ohildren have been enjoying i gojonrn at Bingham epilogs tbe paat week. Alex Walker be returned to his home in Portland attei visiting rel atives in this and Weston viotoity. Mrs. Fannie O'Brien of Prineville, and Mia. Ella Metzgac of Seattle, sisters of W. J. Gbolsoo, visited here tbis week. Mr. and Mrs, W. O. Bead. Miss Mat tie Ooppook and Bott. Coppook made a trip this week by aolo .to Wallowa lake. Mrs. Lillie Miller has been in Port land I bia week, pnruhasing millinery goods. She will bave her opening Monday next. Ira MoUonald, wbo baa been in a Walia Walla hospital for aome time, left there today for Portland lot med ioal treatment. Mrs. Gbailes Grant leit yesterday morning for Montana, when she will visit ber mother at Selena and a sis ter at Bozeman. There's nc plaoe yon oan spend to get snob wonderful returns for yonr money as in providing good, oomfortable snrronndings in tbe borne In be enjoyed every boar yon are there. Tbis store is splendidly equipped to serve yon in tbis oonneotion. From tbe cheapest tbat baa merit to tbe finest, just about all grades are bere and in snob variety of styles as tbe oombioed stooks of ten ordinary stores wonld not af ford, Tbeie's satisfaction in selecting from snoh assortments, satis faction and profit. Davts-Kaser prions represent the utmost in valne giving. They ate rook bottom, in plain Bgures, tbe same to all. No sliding soale bere to enable tbe salesman to give oB as little as be tbiuki nsoessary to seonie bis aider.. Von don't bavi to te an experieneed shopper and no auoridce of yonr self respeot is neoessary to ssooie tbe lowest piioe poesitle. We give yon the lotfBat prloe, tbe ooly piioe, whether yon ask it or not. ' It's what yon get for yonr money tbat oonnta. Big disoonuts tor "oasb," or "Seein's it's you," do not neoeesarily mean big baigains. Taking something for nothing is still an ondisoovered art. Oo any general bill of goods, Davis-Kssei prices will save yon money. We invite oOmparison. THE DAVIS-KASER CO,, WALLA WALLA Complete Furnishers of Homes, Offices and Schools 10-20 Alder St. MEW ATTENTION! demonstration ot the Big Bull Tractor will be made Monday, September 11th, at Leon Kidder's on the Mc Ar thur place. You are invited to attend and ascertain the efficiency of this Tractor. The demonstration is at 1:30 p m For further information, call at Kirk's Im plement House. C F. SCHOONMAKER, Ag't for Umatilla. Morrow, Union. Mi. and Mis. F. S. Le Grow, their guest. Lieutenant Bobert Whlsb, and mrs. morion speui me wees ouu ui Bingham springs. - ' Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Bishop are re ceiving oougratulationa upon the birtb nt a son, at tbeir borne in Freewater Sunday evening, September 4, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Gross and granddaughters, Verva Gioss and Jen na Mae Read, bave returned from a a summer's stay at Bingham springs. In compauy with Mr. and Mrs. Low ell Rogers of Pendleton, Mr. end Mrs. M. L. Watts oontemplate a trip tbis fall to Honololn sud the Bawaiian Islands. MoKenaie (Jbapter.No. 113, 0. E. S., with Mrs. H. A. Banett, W. M., in tbe obair, resumed regular meetings Wednesday evening, after tbe summer vacation. Mr. aod Mis. I. W. Waie motored to Miltoo, Tuesday, where they visit ed tbe Weiis. Tbey bionght borne some choice peaches as a reminder ot the visit 1 Miss Violet Kindig, wbo will teaab tbe Gerkiug school, and Miss Hazel Mulkey ot Portland, wbo will teach at Ontario, ate guests of Mrs. D. Scott Fisher. John Unnoan of Gollingwood, Out., waa reoent visitor a tbe home of Make Your Home lomey Mr. and Mrs. John Walker. Mr. Dnnoan and Mr. Walker liad not met for 89 tears. Walla Walla papers anncnnoe the marriage nt Claude Still, well known in Athena, to Miss Ida Lola Stntble Beld, of that city, wbiob ooomred Wednesday of last weex. . G. 0. Osbuin, old time Atbena drnggiat, was in the oity Tuesday. For several years Mr. Oaburn bss been traveling auditor for tne Pad Ho States Telephone Company. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Preston of nntington Beaob, Calif., are guests at tbe borne of their daughter, Mis. Jos. N. Soott end will visit in this vioiuity doling Ibe fall months. Mrs. S. M. Wbits was sdicken with alight stroke ot paralysis at her home in this oity, Friday evening. One side is partially affeoted, and the patient is showing aome impiovement. Mrs. J. fi. Ihompson left Tuesday in company vtitb ber mother, Mrs. Kay, for California where abe will re main dnring her oonvalesoenue. She was accompanied as far as Pendleton by Mr. Tbompson. Mr. and Mrs. James Bell went to Milton Wednesday and brongbt baok some nloe paones irom me vveir home, 'l'ho Piess waa also kindly re membered by Mr. Weir, wbo sent over a box of the lusoions frnit. While encased in hauling wheat near Helix Monday, Mult Veodeipool was oangbt under an overturned wheat wagon, and received serious inUiiei in the baok and abdomen. Or. Pla rcondon has. been in attendance. Mies Canie Sharp will leave thlj afternoon for La Grande, where she will bare a position to tbe publio sobools. Mis Eatheiiue Sharp left tbe first of tbe week for Dayton, Wash., where she baa taught tbe past two years. Prof, and Mra. J. O. Russell and son Elmo aie now oomfoitably estab lisbed in the Tompkins home on High and 4th streets. Mrs. Tumpkios viaitms among Atbsua friends and tbe rest of tbe family are getting sst- lied in tbeir Walla Walla home, Tbe September meeting of tbe Ctiiis tian Woman's Board of Missions ws held Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. David Taylor. Tbe new offlo eisoftbe aooiety were installed by Mis. Davis Krietl, Mis. L. U Lien alien being president for tbe next three months. Ibe division pres- dents ars: Mis. Heniy Koepke, Mis, Osborne and Mrs. B. D. . Thairj Twenty-nine paitook of tbe bospitality of Mis. Taylor. Tbe College Ion A good plaoe to eat. No oleanei plaoe in town, very boms like, an experienced obef. Wb do yonr bouse wives delve over a bot stove, cooking meals, when you can set a Snnday menn like this: Cream of tomato soup, banana flitters, oab base salad, .elided tomatoes, roast piime beef, frioassee of ubioken, egg dumplings, steamed or masked pota toes, string beans, lemon cream pie all for 85o. Adv tbe section house at Weston, and frnoi tbe Coomans sbop bere. Entrance to i the postofflce building was guiued tbiougb two baok doors, wheie a brace aod bit waa nsed to cot boles tbiougb which a hand oonld be tbrnst and the doors unlocked. A tin box in wbiob savings deposit blanks and other papers had been placed, was found in tbe railroed yards, Wednes day morning. Tbe speeder was fonnd yesterday on Dry Greek, near tba Bar rett warebonse. When Wesley Tompkins waa driving bis oar to Walla Walla Saturday, be met three young ladiea on hoieetack jnst below Bine Mountain station with distastrons results. Upon lounding a curve, te saw them coming a: full gallop, aod turning bis car out of tbe road, be endeavored to pass tbem, but one boise began a sidling oanter wbiob Diousht it and tbe lidor in vio lent contact with the our, with ibe esnlt tbat tbe girl waa thrown into the oar, the windshield abirHtrod and other damage done to the oai. Tbe rider was nniujnred. The eniertainment given by tbe chil dren uuder tbe direotinn of Mrs. Adab Losb Rosa Toesday evening at tbe cpera bouse, though not veiv well at tended, deserved better pationege. In aeparale gioops, tbe brownies, faille, ctterflies, gypsies, clowns, wood nymphs and wee-wees, appeared In obaraoteristio songs and eietloiej. Miss Zola Keen in ber pleasing man ner, gave a obaiaoter reading, and tbe evening's entertainment was closed with an iuteipretative dauoe by Mrs. Rose. Tbe ladiea of tbe litrary toard assisted in the management of the affair. anay a , n MIW .A1 g In the wreok of a Fold car on the aoadam road, below Adams Monday Igbt, Glenn Finob, a Pendleton mail oairier, leoelved injuries fiom wbiob e died eaily Tuesday rooming, and two other men ware painfully hurt. William McCarthy was diiving tbe maobine without lights , and wbeu neai Eastland tbe oar suddenly left the road, and tbe driver swerved it to bring it Into tbe road again, wben it overturned. The fonr oconpants were town ont on tbe macadam road, aod Finch's skull was fraotured. Another oar was following, and the injured en were hurriedly taken to Pendle ton. School Days Selected Merchandise for Fall use at the Famous Golden Rule Prices. Boya' Sniis. Oirla and Misses. Bins Beiges . g.98 4.08 Sohool shoes, button ot lson, .98- Brown mixed - - 1.98 2.98 M8 Gr.y&trown, - . 98 4.98 School dresses ,- ' Sbiits and waists, all sizes .an- '... I.i,i."!5 4 89 id Bats for little folka .49 to 1.49 Bo'ye' 'tinted Hose. - .10-.18X Here is where yon get pencils, Hood sohool Shoes, laoe or button tablets, erasers. Ink. pens, tnlere, ... . 1.35 to 2.98 penoil boxes, eio, at tbe right puo- Caos, all oolois, - -..25 .49 el ,,..,' ., "Rah Rah" bats - .49 Seeonr'new line of PHlda and Wool nnion suits - -. -8 Cbeoke;st tbe thing for aohool Fleeoe nnion snita - -49 dresses Wc have just received a big shipment of Mens Suits Blue Serges, Greys, Browns and Fancies at $9.90, $12.50 and $14.75. Values in these Suits cannot be surpassed. J.C.Pennev Co.lnc. J Miss Hazel Doolittle, of Snohomisb Wash., formeily a teaober in the Atb ena aohnoi, spent Sunday with friends in this oity. In oompany with Mr, aod Mrs. Will TJirioh of Index, Wasb relatives, she left home on Joly 1 traveling ty antomobllo to Minueapo Ha, Minn., and tbe partywere on tbeir return trip. Miss Doolittle left tb auto paity here and tuok tbe night tisin for home, so tbst sbe might has ten to ber sobool in Snohomisb. Piogram at Chiisttsn ohnroh 8on- rln: Bible school at 9:50. Geo. R. Gerkiug director ; preaobing bf tbe naatnr a l II. antieot: "(Jonaeoratlon. Christian Endeavor at 7 V. m: preaob ins Lt 8 o'clock bv Mr. MaUuary of Hnnkana. Midweek meeting Wedncs day, 7:80 p. m. The pastor makes a speoial request tbat all tbe mem ten wbo can, te present at tbe morning servioe Snnday. Special reasons. Bantiat Chnreb. Milo G. Bentley pastor. 8unday sobool classes for all; be tbeie on time 10 a. m. Morning worship 11 o'olook, subject: "lbs Atonement Money." B. Y. P. V. at 6:80, evening worehip 7:80, snbjeot: "Hnil'i Tiva." Ladles' Aid will meet with Mrs. Bentley Thursday at 1:80; eboius meeting Fridsys at 7:80. Tbe ainging by a trio oompoaed ot Misses Minnie and Ella Voitna and Mrs. Bentley" waa greatly enjoyed both morning and evening last Sunday. Tbe ' Atbena postoffioe safe was blown open Tuesday nigbt or early Wednesday morning. Tbe job was oomplete eo far as gaioiog entrence to tba cafe goes, tba door being blown 1 completely off, bot tba burglsis seoor ' ed only 60 oeots in oesh and (300 nn.taaa alumni. But a Blight Clue bsl been oblaiued by tbe officers and lb. nanlnra of tbe nernetiatoic 11 doubt fol. Tbey took a speeder from Ibe aantion hoot at Weston, lode lo tbis eity aod after tbe tottery, mee tbeir I getaway on it. Ttey took tools tram School Notes, Monday, September 11 is neatly here and sohool once more will te in session. One little fellow says to hia earnest listeners: "I'll be in the touith grade this year;" while his older sister is plessed to state with more or hsB dignity: "I'll enter tbe SopbamorB class at the opening o' school." Vaoation dass have heeome more or less a burden and tbe younger enerntion are ready for something new. Many of more matuie years aie eard to say tometblng worth while. That is right our aubools aie woith while. They are worth most when iven tbe test support possible ty all alike, Proper equipment, good teach ers, willing pupils and helpful parents make onr schools of no mean value to Ue boys and girls of the oammnnlly For the Hist time in tbe history ot the Oregon High eabools, the Btate Deoa'tmeot of Poblio Eduoation bas prepared a oomplete outline of the sub jeot matter for tbe standard High aohools ot tbe State. Onr sobool is standaid and we are ready to oo operate with the State Department under tbe supervision of J. A. Gbnrcb ill in making nse of tbe material tbat bas been well prepared, also, lbs course of stody for tbe giade schools baa been revised and copies weie placed into tbe bands of the teachers tbis week for tbe first time. With tbis help, teaohers will he in a better position to work with a high degree of effiaienoy. The superintendent will meet tbe members of the teaobing force at 0 o'olock tomorrow morning, to give soeolal iosttootlous and pIbus foi the opening of sobool Mouday motmog. Alieady seveial teaobeia have airived aod are fansv with piograms and other details so necessnry to a snooessfnl beginning. J. 0. Russell. Announcement. Mrs. J. 0. Russell wishes to en-. nouuae to parents and fiiends of Ath ens and vicinity tbst she will instruct iu piano dming tbe fall and winter. Sbe is a teaaber of twelve years ex perience, and waa a stndeut of 1. Wiitz from Oberlin Culloge, Obio and Dr. Z. M. Pirviu, bead of Noitbwestein College ot Moeio, Poilland, Oiegon,. a giadoata with higb bouoia from Liepsio School of Musio, Germany. Mra. Russell bas made a epeoialty ot teaching ohlldien of school age. Sbe solioits your patronage. what does that mean? It means that NEW quality, in a cigarette, that does for your smoking exactly what a drink of cold water does for your thirst! To satisfy, a cigarette must rio far more than just "please" you it must let you fazou you've been smoking. That's what Chesterfields do they satisfy! And yet they're MILD! For the first time in the history of cigarettes, here's a cigarette tha.t satisfies and yet i3 mild! Chesterfields! Other cigarettes may be mild, but they don't satisfy. BUT, Chesterfields 'satisfyyet they're mild! This is new enjoyment for si cigarette to give. It is something that no cigarette, except Chesterfields, can give you regardless of price. - Why? Because no cigarette maker can copy the Chesterfield blend! a A 1 M s C1GAR.ETTE S 20 for 10c The Chesterfield Blend Contain, tha mo.t famou. Turkiih loWua -SAMSOUN for richnaw CAVALLAJ for aromai SMYRNA for tmatnaui XANTHI for fraeranca. combioad with tbe bait domaatic laaf. - and yet they're MILD 2 Lost A fiieudebip biaaelet. Find er will please leave at tbis office. Ere Specialist Coming. Dr. Turner, formerly of Lowe & Turner, tbe well known eye specialist, of Poitland, will be in Athena again Monday, Sep. 18. at St. Nichols Hotel, and at Weston Sept. 1'Otb. Scbnol will soon oommenoe. Weie your children bothered in tbeir studies last yeat? If so it may te due to eye tionble ot some kind. An education obtained at the expenee of eyesight U ot eligbt valne. It Ib better to obtain both by seeiug tbat the children's eyes aie right. Cbildien cannot tell you whether tbeir eyes are ngbt or wrong. Bring tbem to Dr. luinei and let biui give tbeir eyes a most thoiongb, searching and Boientitla examination with tbe latest improved methnds and cleotiioul in struments and be will tell you wheth er they are right or wrong. Is not snob information almost beyond piioe? Yet there is nu charge foi consulta tion or examination, if tbey do not need glasses, Di. Turner most positive ly will not leoommaud tbem. Von owe tbis lo your children, Headaches relieved, crosi eyes straightened. Sat isfaction guaianteed. Be sure and let Dr. Turner show you tbe new lens foi distant and near vision combined,, all in one light, solid pieoe of glees which looks lite a Blngle pair yet serves the poipose of two. Don't forget the date. Peoples Theatre llll,,,.,,. TI,o finer" Always The Best" Constipation is the origin of many ills, including colds. Oils, Salts and Pills give temporary relief, they don't cure .Ask Your Physician He will advise coarse flour, like our ancestors made, as the natural food. High patent white flour lacks certain elements necessary to your health; vour bowels need some residue Blydenstein's Prepared Dietary Flour contains all the natural mineral salts and coarse, highly nutritious parts of the wheat. It makes delicious muffins and b ead. Children like it. Have it on your tab e at least once a dav. Physicians use it in their homes. Not a medicine, but a food- Your Rrocer has it. Made from Umatilla County Wheat by H. G. BLYDENSTEIN, Pendleton & . A 'CEV rvj 1 I y 'MjVI P f ,i l ttHkJb z" ill 1 if r x i f ' Si it t -ft i --I - 1 I' . f ''f?'v A 8CENE FROM THE IRON CLAW." CHAPTER No. 7, (PATHE) Tonight "The Hooded Helper" cAlso "ANIMAL mSSLu MOVEMENTS" "cTWax Hits The High Spots" Featuring cWax Linder Saturday E. H. Calvert - cTWarguerite Clayton BEYOND THE LAWS- POKES & JABS in "UPS AND DOWS" ' "Tubby Turns the Tables"-H. Mack 'Peg o' the Ring" Every Wednesday