The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, September 08, 1916, Image 2

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F. B. Boyd, Publisher
Entered In the foUoOloe at Athena, Oregon
as econd01as8 Mall Matter.
Advertising Rates.
Display, transient, running less than one
month, first insertion, per inch 25c
Subsequent insertions
Display reerular. per inch ltX
Local readers, first insertion, per line, 10c
bubsequent insertions, per line
Lodge resolutions, per line 5c
Church notices, admission, per line. . 5c
practice of band shaking ia a proliflo
sonroe of spreading disease. If things
keep op it will be nnbealtb; to be
buried m tbe same graveyard with
other people. 'Tbe only place a person
oan feel absolutely safe Jiom disease
or getting ran over li in a store that
doesn't advertise.
Subscription Rates.
One copy, one year.... $1.50
When paid in Advance, (otherwise, $2.00
One copy, six months '
One copy, three months 50
Tbe proper use of tbe vast fond of
agrionltoial information assembled by
tbe federal government at a cost of
armor, t2iiO.onn.nno to the nation, bas
not been general by a satisfactory
nnmhnp nf nnnnln nn the farrrj. "Tbe
situation." save Panl V. Maria state
leader of oonuty agiionltpral work lo
Oregon, "bas been compared to that
of a great manufacturing concern
whose waiebonses are fall to overflow
ing tot whose selling and distribnting
faoilities are ao Inadequate that tbe
produott oannot be placed in tbe bands
of tbe oonsumer. Agricultural bul
letins, institute lectures, farm paper
aiticlea, state demonstration farms,
all these and otber agencies have
played au important pait but exper
ience baa tangbt tbat tbe ooular dem
onstration on tbe farmer's own farm
of improved varieties, better onltural
methods, standard market grade, etc,
is tbe most effective agency for bring
ing about tbe widespread adoption of
better methods. Tbe Bnnounoement
tbat ao improved strain ot wheat baa
been developed ia not snffloient to
bring about Us use. It is tbe aotual
demonstration of Its merits on ten or
twenty farms of any oonuty tbat
causes it to be grown, resnlting in au
increase in the total oereal produotion
of tbe oonuty that may far eioeed in
value tbe oost of tbe demonstrator,
Tbil ia one reason wby tbe oonuty
ejent work was started." ,
Mis, Laoinda C. Russell, mother
of W. 0. Kussell of this city, died at
Pendleton Sunday aud the remains
A Chance at Last.
He Did your mother appear pleased
when you broke the news of our en
gagement? She Yea, Indeed. She
eald she bad always wanted to tell yon
what she thought of your habits of
dress and speech and total lack of good
manners and literary taste, and felt
now she bail the rlRbt to express her
self. KMmiond Tlmro-nt'pnrru.
Catarrh Cannot Be Cured
cannot reach the aeat of the disease.
Catarrh is a local disease, greatly In
fluenced by constitutional conditions,
and in order to cure It you must
take an Internal remedy. Hall's Ca
tarrh CUre la talron tntarnollit ar,A
acts thru the blood on the mucoua Bur-
Hairs catarrh
Every man wbo to not a monster,
mathematician or mad philosopher Is
the slave of some woman or other.
ueorge Eliot. , . ,
We are puzzling our brain to know
which one of these fellows wa are.
oulo state Journal.
"He doted on Alice and would have
marri.-d her hut for her mother."
"Ah: Her mother"
"Yon: her mother was still more at
..-A hrnnoht fn AtUSna JHOnOBV. infl I tacea or thA ivitom
funeral services were held at the Bap- S.1"!,
tist Ohuich Tuesday forenoon at teu Is composed of some of the best tonics
The bouse fly has timed bia visit
nitb the adveut of summer temper
a tore and ia just oommenoing to tea
nnisauoe in this section. Nevertheless
, he is as little welcome as though ba
bad maintained a longer vigil over
jonr viotuala and oarriea tbe same
URree of danger to those who attach
null importance to bis presence.
Some wise person, eaysaneiohauge,
discovered that it was unhealthy for
Lo persons to oooopv the same bed;
I iter another found out tbat it was
oiiFtile tn ride on a oar with other pen
I U or lo attend obuiob wbeu other
p nple attend. An assooiutlon of pby
, ii iius decided tbat a klBS was lo
timptdeatb in all manner of hideous
i i. oases, be very latest to tbe .dis
covery of a Frenob-soieutist tbat tbe
o'olook. being conducted Jby Rev. M.
0. Bentley.
Mrs. Luoinda Carns Russell was
born in Ohio, February Hi, 1834 and
departed tbia life in Pendleton, Oreg
on, aeptemuer s, ijo, neing oa years,
6 months and 12 days old. She was
married to Alvin 0. Russell in Adams
county, Iowa, Maroh 21, 18b8. To
ibem seven obildren were born, four
sons and three daughters, Ave of whom
with tbe father, have preoeded ber in
death, Two eons, W. 0. Bussell of
Athena and Edward Bussell of Har
rington, Wash., witb a number of
grandohildrun, remain to mourn ber
Tbe deoeaBed was a pioneer of Ore
gon, having orossnd the plaina witb
ber busband in 1870, Brat ooming to
Portland. In 1876 tbey aama. to Atb-
(then Oenterville,) wbera she baa
sinoe made ber home.
Lead kindly Light, amid the enoiroliog
Lead Iboa me on;
Tbe uigbt ia dark, and I am far from
Lead Thou me on.
Kejep Tbou my feet I do net ask to aee
Tbe distant aoene one step enough
for me.
. Tbue.'stBrysTaTaeollnes,
Till all are passed away;
A morning, high aod higher shines
To a pare and perfect day;
Nor sink those etara in empty nigbt;
Tbey bide themselves in Heaven's own
light. M. U. Beotley.
Bigger Than Ever,
Seat sales for the Ronod-Up Sod
tember 21, 22 and in, wbioh opened
Sep. 2 are doable those if tbe past
two years, bigger than 1918 and al
most equal to 19)2. This will be tbe
biggest Round-Up sinoe 1912. Tbare
will ba apeoial trains from Porllaud,
Seattle, Spokane, Boise and even San
FrBuoisoo. There will be 100 bead of
relay hoisea on tbe grounds, 10
strings in the cowboys' relay and at
least five stiings in tbe cowgirls' raoe,
1'faere will be 100 contestants In the
booking; twenty-live steer ropers, GO
bulldoggeta, 4 stage coaob racers aud
20eaobday in the wild borse lace.
Tbe oily publio school grounds bave
been given over to the Roundup for
use of automobile parties desiring to
oamp while there. Tbe total attend
ance will pass tbe 60,000 maik.
For Sale. Peaches, on Peach Island
at 2 ots, on tree, Ready any time
now ; don't wait or yon will get left.
A, R. Badley, Milton, Oreg.
Known, romninoa with some of the
Bt uiuuu purine, une perrect com
bination of the Ingredients In Hall's
Catarrh Cure Is what produces such
wonderful results in catarrhal condl-
iiwiia. dbjiu iur testimonials, rree.
P. J. CHENEY 4 CO., Props., Toledo, O.
All Dr'lgglsts. 76c.
Hall's (amily Pllla for constipation.
w -SM mi i;? I
mums naiinmn ir -t i 1r J
Lost A pale of automobile chains
on the toad between Athena "and
Tuoiu Hollow, Finder please leave
thorn at this oilloe,
THE finest cook never quite equals
"the things Mother used to make".
An' no man can beat old Mother
Nature's recipe for ageing Tobacco.
VELVET is cured
Nature's way.
Every good quality of choice Kentucky Burlty Tobacco Is
brought to perfection In VELVET by two yeara' ageing of
the leaf. .
Farm Loans
Hartman Abstract Company"
Corner Main and Court Streets, PendleJon, Oregon
Notice to Creditors.
In tbe County Court of tbe State of
Oregon, for Umatilla Oouuty.
Iu tbe matter of tbe Estate of
B. F Coleman, deceased:
Nolloe Is hereby given to all persons
whom it may couoero tbat Will M.
Peterson bas been appoiuted adminis
trator with the will annexed of the
estate of B. F. .'Benjamio F.) Cole
man, deceased, and tbat letters of ad-
miuistratlou bave been Issued to bim
as auub. All persons bavius claims
against said estate arn hereby required
to present them lo tbe said Will M.
Peterson, at bis law oCloe in tbe
Smltb-Crawfoid Building at Pendle
too, Oregou, witbiu six months from
tbe date ot tbe Hist pnblioation of
this notice, wbiob said claims must be
v elided In the manner provided by
Oaled at Pendletou, Oregon, on this
1th day of September 1016.
Will Id. Peterson,
Administrator with the will annexed
of the estate of B. F. Uoleman, de
Revenge In sweet only In anticipa
tion, never In neeompllshment.
V'uutir Companion
Local Advertisements
For Sale. Honsebold goods. Range,
2 beaters, 1 oil range, 1 oil beater, 1
ted mattress, 3 sanitary oouobea, 1
dresser. 1 chiffonier, library table,
lookers, onair, rugs, dishes cooking
stensils, 5 dox.'fruit jars. Inquire of
J. A. Bartlett, Athena.
Noticeof Final Settlement.
In tbe Couuty Court of the State of
Oiegon far Umatilla County.
In tbe Matter of tbe Estate of
Maltha Carpenter, Deceased.
Nolloe is hereby given tbat the ad
ministratoi of lbs above named estate
baa Hied his Hnnl aaoouut end report
sua that the Uounty Court of Umatilla
oouuty, Oregon, bus set Saturday, the
2!lid day of September, as tbe time
and the Couuty Court room in tbe
Couuly Court bonse of Umatilla
oouoty, Oregou at Pendleton therein,
aa tbe plane for tbe beartug and settle
meut ut all objections and exceptions
to auld Una aaoouut and report,
Wm. MoHride,
Ill tiro Justlco Court for the District
or AUiciiu, Umatilla county.
Henry Keen, Plaintiff, vs. Jas. Stew
art, Defendant.
To Jus. Stewart, the above-named
In the name of the State of Ore
gon, you are hereby required to ap
pear and answer the complaint fllea
against you In the above entitled ault
within six weeks of the date of the
first publication of this summons on
or before the 15th day ot September,
1916. And you wilt take notice that
If you fall to appear answer or other
wise plead within said time, the plain
tiff, for want thereof, will apply to
the court for the rollof prayed for
and demanded in plaintiff's said com
plaint to-wlt:. For 123 and costs
and disbursements of this action.
This summons Is published pur
suant to an order ot Hon. B. B. Rich
ards, Judge of the nbove entitlod
court, duly made and filed on the
36th day ot July, 1916; and the first
publication ot this summons will be
made in the Athena Press newspaper
published at Athena, Umatilla Coun
ty, Oregon, on Friday, the 4th day of
August, 1916, and the lost publica
tion will be made on Friday, Septem
ber 16th, 1016.
" , 4 ii J
jOMfOOM Hall
fjAOMiMf?TNrirlWl i
With nvw baHl!n,t!tr nulpmnnl.iinrl
mnnr ml .Melons to IU ferultr. h Intvenltr
of Oracon will hln tU forty-flnl rr. Tnw
day, Septembor 19 1014.
8itetnl tmlnln In Commerce, Janrnii.iiim.
Work. Hulo, rhnltwl Trnlnlnv mid Fin
Art. lAreiuidtUvMtdMuiiueuUoiLlbsr
al hdutmtlon.
Librarr of mot thaa M.t-O vol am, ft.
bulldln falljr oqalppvd, two pUndld
Tuition Pre. Dormitories for moa aa for
oma. ExynMt Lowt
M r I U f or f ro i t4l ok. al d roaal n RocUtrar
I mm.
Notice'.lo Creditors.
In tbe Couuty Court at tbe State of
Uregou for Umatilla County.
Iu tbe Matter ot the Estate of
Magtle LaBraohe Frani, deoessed.
Notice is hereby given tbat hv an
order ot the above eutilled Court
marts and entered In tbe matter here
in ou the lllU day ot August, lain,
tho undetelaued was duly appointor)
executrix if the last will and tenta
mtDt ot Muk'gia LaBrathe-Frsua, de
ceased; all persoun lnviua ulainis
sualuvt said (state should present the
Bduir. doly veiltled accordl"g to law,
to the r-ieoottix or ber ottorurv, Ho
uioi I. Watt, al hla offioa ii Athena,
Oregou, within rix mouths from the
dntenf Its Hist publication ol this
Dated this 18tb out ot August, 191(1,
Maiy LaBraobe-Baddley.
Hauler I. Wait. Extouttix.
For Sale Either witb or withon
tbe furniture, the residence of Mrs.
Anna Molntyre on Bnnt Avenue. In
qnlre of Mrs, lilllie Miller.
For Sale. 01 aores of Wheatland
just southwest of Atbena. Owner, J.
N. Scott. Enquire of Mrs.Lillie Miller.
Watts ft Sogers bave swopped. All
bills assumed by tbe other fellow. See
big Ad.
Wanted. Sewing of all kinds; obil
dren's olotbing a speoialty. Pbone 76
or see Mrs. Sobimmel, on Adams St.
aoross from;Mrg. Lillio Millet's.
For Sale. Tbe Maloney residenoa oo
High street. Enquire of Mrs. Lillie
Livestook Dealer. Bert Cartaoo bas
engaged in tbe livestook basinets. He
is prepared to pay tbe highest market
prices at all times for obiabena. boas.
cattle and sheep. If yon have stook
to sell, be sure and see bim.
In Athena Thursday, Friday and Satur
day, other days of week in Walla Wall.
2nd and Main, over Third National Bank
Dr. E. W. Croup . Dr. C. H. Lash
S. F. SbarD
Special attention given to all
calib both night and day.
CalU promptly answered. Offloe on Third
.ret. Athena Oresor
Physician and Surgeon.
Offloe in Post Building. Phone, 601
LCI ELK DU Vli at the
PENDLETON, SEPT. 21, 22 and 23
Wild men pit their skill against wild cattle
and wilder horses; and the women of their
kind vie with the men in skill, nerve and
daring. It's one of thefewreal greatshows.
make every minute count.
Tickets and reservations upon call
When the Harvest
Days Are Over
YouwilFbe planning a new
HOME or Barn, maybe a
Silo or Milkhouse perhaps
your district needs a new
School or town a new church
Let our architects make your
plans to suit your ideals and
your pocketbook.
'See Johnson About It."
Ford Cars and Parts
A carload of Fords is due to arrive next week. You had
better get in your order now, to insure quick delivery.
TOURING CAR, $414 85 ROADSTER, $399.85
We have an Al mechanic, with years of experience who
will take charue of our repair shop next Monday. All
work guaranteed. We are here to stay; give us a trial
Capital and Surplus
We carry the best
That Money Buys
Our Market is
Clean and Cool
Insuring Wholesome Meats.
Main Street, Athena, Oregon
Correct Lubrication
Charts, Free
We We prepared charts ihow.
lug the con-eft lubrication of tht
virioui make! ot automobile!
separate chart for each car.
Ask your dealer, or write ui for
chart Corytur car.
ihSlmIard OU fa Motor Cars
Sold hy dealers erst jwhere and
st all Service Stations ot the
Standard Oil Company
. Junior member's btm Waiting, . . ,
Senior memter takes turn. Oh, Snel
Bow about Bins Stone? We stored oars in (be sult at The Farmers
Bank bat now tbe price is snob that wa allow inspection wjtbgnt charge,
Better nidei bow.
Onr order lor Alfalfa Seed tie. Dsotahland will be Bos bqt not snfSoient
to go 'lonbd, Yod tetter plaoe jnor order now costs nothing to make
Weber, Winooa end John Deere wagons.
Sewing M.obines from $18.50 op to a $60.00 rose bine with 15 dollar
eleouto motor, all for (38.00. Again, there's a Jewel at jooi feet.
Watts & Rogers
"Just Over the Hill"