The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, September 01, 1916, Image 2

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1 F. B. Boyd, Publisher
Entered In the rostoaice at Athena, Oregon
as econdoiass Mail Mailer.
Advertising Rates.
Display, transient, running less than one
month, first insertion, per inch 25c
Subsequent insertions 12
Display regular, per inch .12
Local readers, first insertion, per line, 10c
Subsequent insertions, per line ...... 5c
Lodge resolutions, per line 5c
Church notices, admission, per line. . 5c
Subscription Rates.
One copy, one year $1.50
When paid in Advance, (otherwise, $2.00
One copy, six months 75
One copy, three months 50
(By J, O. Russell.)
Io so mooh tia Ihe opening of the
new sobool year comes regularly eaota
fall, it might seem out of plaoe to
urge eaoh boy end girl of eobool age
to te present oo tbe opening day of
aohool. Past leoords show tbat tbe
younger ohildren are always on band
while tbe oldei ones those of bigb
sobool grade, ooma Id a few days late
Id tome oases. It ia important tbat
each bigb eobool etadent enroll him
self on tbe opening day. for tbe fliet
week of sohool will pot Mm in posses
sion of jnet tbuse things wbloh spell
suooess lu many iuetanoei.
Several changes will be made in
tba course of studv for the high sobool.
1 bate will be a greater opportunity
for eleotlves. The State University
and many of our colleges give bigb
scbool students oiedit for foot units
of vooatloual work. Witb the Intro
dnotion of manual training and prob-
''ypipnn icstrnotion into our eobool
program, valuable elective' courses
may be chosen In tbesa departments
by students who may be pursnlug a
general bigb sobool oonrse.
Conditions seem to te very favoi
able for a ationg grade sobool. Each
leaober comet well recommended.
While tbe number of pupils is not
over latge for eaob teaober, vet tbe
number io eaob room la near tbe max
imum, The heaviest room to put la
ordei will probably be the first pri
mary, all children wbc are expeot
iug to enter this sohool year most do
fu at tbe opening of sobool. If per
mitterj to stay out a fow weeks and
tlxo eater, it will be practically im
possible to Dt them in witb tbe woik,
Tbe superintendent extends to tbo
patrons and friends of tbe Atbena
eclioolB a hearty welcome to visit and
no operate in making tbe sobool tbe
most successful possible. Onr lulei-e-ts
are mutual and we trust tbat the
li Mt efforts of coth pupils sod pareuts
mat be expended iu the odooatioual
Ajik of this city.
Tbe bnrial of tbe body of Robert Ma
loney, who was killed last Friday
morning In an automobile aooideut
near Dixie, Wash., took plaoe in tbe
Athena oemeteiy Monday afternoon
witb a large attendanoe of relattvea
and friends of the family.
Tbe foneral servioes ware oonduoted
in Walla Walla by the Woodmen
Lodge, of wbioh deceased waa a mem
ber, and tbe remains shipped by train,
the fiienda arriving in automobiles.
The servioes were oonduoted at tbe
grave by Rev. Errett of this city.
Roheit was a meobanio In tbe Dab
leu Auto company's employe in Walla
Walla. Jnst how tba aooident oo
ourred may never be knowo, as Ma
loney was at the wheel of the car when
it crashed into the railing of tbe
bridge, oareened to oua side of tbe
road and followed down the golly a
distance of 100 feet, turned turtle and
pinned tbe two ooenpanta underneath.
Maloney's neck waa broken and Giote,
bis companion, reoeived a blow on
the bead whiob caused oononssion of
the brain, a broken aboulder and in
eroal injuries, it is thought be will
Robert was tbe youngest son of Mrs.
Cordelia Maloney and was born in
Athene 20 vears and one month ago.
Besides bis young wife, be leaves a
mother; a brother, Rosa Maloney of
Walla Walla, and a sister, Mis. 1'. C.
Swell, of Tobar, Nevada, all of whom
were piesent at tbe funetal.
Tbe Brownies' Rand will appear at
the Opera bonse next Tuesday evening,
wben a delightful entertainment ia
antioipated. Ibe little folks bave
been praatioing far several weeas un
der the tuition of Mis. Adah Loeb
Rose. Fairies, wood nymphs, battel
flies, wee-wees, gypsies all will dauoe
and sing in true fairy fashion. A
number of interpretative and folk dan
oes will te given and Mrs. Ross will
appear In a solo danoe. A part ot
tbe prooeeda will be given to the Atb
ena branob library. Admission, oOo.
and 85o.
Mrs. Cornoyer, widow of the late
Major Out noyer, oelebratsd bei 84th
birthday Sunday, at bei old borne
place sonth of town wbeo twenty-four
of ber descendants, ohildren and
grandchildren, assembled to do bti
honor, lhreeof ber daughters, Mia.
Joseph Forrest, Mrs. Ed Sommerville
and Mrs, A. 0. 'Kirk wete present,
the fenrtb, Mrs. D. 0. Kiik, of Sas
katchewan, being absent.
t'sodleton is preparing to eutertaio
nnio than SO'000 visitors at tbe 101(1
H Dud-Up, September 21, S3 and 23.
Nver before bave so many ordeis for
il bits and sleeping nuoomnjodulions
flooded tbe Bound-Up headquarters.
F.nm the eastern cities of New York
ami D-8ou:from the southern cities
ul U.s Aug. lea and San Francisco and
tl.u uoithem cities of Seattle and van
river. B. 0., are daily arriving re
u rests for grandstand seats. San
Francisco will be represented tbia year
v itti a Pullman train. To aooommo
d .'.J the Bay City visitors, SiOO seats
t ire been aet aside. Spokane will
s"iid a special, The Jourual will
a mil two and probably more fiom
furtland and there will ha specials
Iro n Boise. La Uiande, Walla Walla
aud the west and east ends of Uina
tills oonuty, All in all, Pendleton
in rints 1010 to be the banner Round
lip year.
The Juvenile Eutertaiuers of the Dea
Mulnnt, Wash,, children's Rome, 'le
ligMed an appreciate audience Sat
uiihf evenlog at the Opera house,
viih a- veiy good prog mm ot amnio,
Soutoh end Minuet dancing aud vu li
ons songs aud stunts. Tbe ubiidreo
v : re ncrompanied ty Ihnir "Daddy"
Draper tnd wife, who ars making a
home, independently of other help, tor
forty hooielesa children. The happy
lamily travel iu automot lies, cany
their own band and aia so well te
eolved over tba country t' at mauy of
the cbililreu are antertaiued in private
homes lu ths oilies and tonus wbtre
they perform. Many Afbeua homes
were opined to them during tbelt elay
Leia. A return engagement was play
ed Wednesday nlgbt.
Mis. David Taylor baa reoeived news
of the death of ber uieoe, Mre. Hello
Myer, of Weuatobee, Wash. Mm.
yer died after an operation lot gall
stones. She leaves a hustiaan, uaii
Myer of Wenatobee, and fonr daugh
ters and a son, all growu. Mrs. Myer
visitod here last winter and made
mmiy friends dming her stay, She
will bo bulled at Wenatobee tomorrow.
His Great Need.
A new pastor waa met by one of hl
parishioners who was fat and of many
years and who snld to the pastor. "You
must feed the sheep." '
Whereupon the. pastor replied, "My
dear old man, you do not need food:
you need exercise."'
Explaining the Colay.
She (lending newspapcv)-"Divorccd
10:13 a. m.. weds again 5 p. m." What
do you think of that? He-It would
take that long to get the lieense.--Judge.
, ; ;
He who does not stretch himself ac
cording to the coverlet finds bis feet
uncovered.-- Goethe. '
State of Ohio, City of Toledo,
. Lucas County, ss.
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he
Is senior partner of the firm of F. J.
Cheney & Co., doing business In the
City of Toledo, County and State afore
Bald, and that said firm will cay the
each arid every case of Catarrh that
cannot be cured by the use of HALL'S
Sworn to before me and subscribed
In my presence, this th day of Decem
ber, A. D. 18S6. A. W. OLE A SON,
(Seal) Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Intern
ally and acts through the Blood on the
Mucous Surfaces o( the System. Bend
for testimonials, free.
F, J. CHENET ft CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by all Druggists, 75c.
Hall's Family Pills for constipation.
Notlceof Final Settlement.
In tbe County Uouit of tbe State of
Oregon for Umatilla County.
In tbe Matter of the Estate of
Martha Carpenter, Deceased.
Notioe ia hereby given tbat tbe ad
ministrator of the above named estate
baa filed his final account and report
and tbat tbe County Court of Umatilla
county, Oregon, baa set Saturday, tbe
2!lrd day of September, as the time
and tbe County Court room in the
County Court honse of Umatilla
county, Oregon at Pendleton therein,
as tbe place for tbe hearing and settle
ment of all objections and exceptions
to said final account and report,
Wm. MoBride,
Tuesday of this week, D. B. Sanders
puiohased two lots just north of the
Ralph Cannon borne fiom J. u.
Froome, the purchase piioe teing
$000, Mr. Sandeia will at onoe tegio
to build, and plana tbe construction of
a $2600 bungalow. Yesterday Otba
Reedei purobased two lots ot Mr,
D'loome, and will also build on tbam
and move to town.
In tlio Justice court for the District
of Athenn, Umatilla, county.
Henry Keen, Plaintiff, vs. Jas. Stew
art, Defendant,
To Jas. Stewart, the above-named
In the name of the State of Ore
gon, you are hereby required to ap
pear and answer the complaint file!
against you In the .above entitled suit
within six weeks of the date of the
first publication of this summons, on
or before the 15th day of September,
1916. And you wilt take notice tnat
If you full to appear answer or other
wise plead within said time, the plain
tiff, for want thereof, will apply to
the court lor the relief prayed, for
and demanded in plaintiff's said com-
Dlulnt to-wlt: For 23 and . costs
and disbursements of this action.
This summons is published pur
auant to an order, of Hon. B. B. Rich
ards, Judge of the above entltlod
court, duly made and filed on the
26th day of July, 1916; and the first
publication of this summons will be
made In the Athena Press newspaper
published at Athena, Umatilla Coun
ty. Oregon, on Friday, the 4th day of
August. 1916, and the last publica'
tion will be made on Friday, Septem
ber 15th, 1916.
Local Advertisements
For Sale. Either with or witbou
Ibe furniture, the residence of Mrs,
Anna Molntyre oo Hunt Avenue. In
quire of Mrs. Llilie Miller.
For Sule. A piauo: will go cheap,
Apply to Mrs, Wilkiosuo, Atbena,
For Sale. HI sores of wboafland
just southwest of Athena. Owner, J.
N. Scntt. Enquire of Mrs.LHIie Miller.
A de :1 waa made Saturday, whereby
Joseph N. Soott beonme the owner of
the Wilkinson residence, uornoi ot 4tb
aud Alums streets. Mr. Soott im
.uediut ly told tbe bouse aud tbo In
side lot to D. Soott Fisher, sud as soou
as the lulldiug ia moved will begin
tbe erection ot a modern losldeuoe on
the ooi nor lot, and will move to town
to place their little daughter in sobool.
The deal was made through Mis, Lil
lie lillur.
Watts & Rogers bave swopped, All
bills assumed by the other fellow. See
big Ad.
Wanted, Hewing ct all kinds: "bll
dieu's nluthiug a apeniallr. Phone 16
or see Mrs. Sobimniel, ou Adams St.
aoross from Mrs. Lillig Millet's,
For Sulu. Vtie Maloney resideuoa oo
High street. Enquire ol Mrs. Lillie
Mis, Lillie Miller auuouuoca a tin
rerluotinn ou ail hats. Bust tiiruiued
huts lor :l.B0; all otboia 11.00,
Estrajed A bay saddle-horse,
liiiO, brand with small oirule ou shout
der. Will pay liberal reward fur bis
recovery. H.J. Weber, Weston, Ore
For HaloA Fold
oar. ties B. D,
Mventook Denier, BertOartauo ba
ouriagod In the lirestook business U
is prepared to pay the highest inarko
prioes at all times for obiukeus, togs
cattle and sheen It you have Block
to cell, te ure aud em blui.
HOSS sense don't come in
th colt ctsge any more
than Tobacco mildness comes
in the raw product..
ITER two years'
Ageing Kentucky
D u r lc y Tobacco
reaches perfection for
pipe smoking. VEL-
t'fai. T ihpVi, V l r ee twn vpnrs !
The National Paradise
for Animal Life and
; Animal Lovers
The oldest, largest and test of oil our National
Parhsj also the most livable.
Read what Secretary Lane
says about the path in a book
let reprinted by
and let us help plan a trip
for you this season.
This inttrcsting book,
togatktr wtk trip colts, and other
upon application to any
AGENT, Portland
Dr. King's
New Discovery
60c & $1.00
Free Trial.
Surest and Quickest Cure for all
DISTINCTIVE: That's the word that describes our riew Fall Apparel for men, wo
men and children. Character and Individuality are boldly marked in every line
which means perfection of fit, of hang, of color harmony or color contrast, which
marks the difference between commonplace and distinctive in dress. , .
In Athena Thursday, Friday and Satur
day, other days of week in Walla Walla,
2nd and Main, over Third National Bank
Dr. E. W. Croup - Dr. C H. Lash
Drug Sundries Underprised
SOo. Pe'oeoo tootb paste
860. Lyooa "
250 " " powder
25o. Colgates "
25o " " paste
50o. Hinds' H & A. oream
25o. Peroiide " -
25e Banitol " -
20o. Pears Soap
250. 4711 White Rose soap
25o. " violet "
250. Parsers Tai soap -250.
Casbmeie Etoqnet soap
BOo. l.a Blaobe face powder
60o, Jara Rice "
250 Woodbury's " . "
26o. Taloom Powder
250. Almoud Meal -60c.
Finand's Hair tooio
. LOU " " " -1.00
" " Toilet water
26o. Bongs r
25o. Gntionra soap
60o. Sempre Oiovioe
; 25o. Peroxide , . r
BOo. Payonni'a powder
26o. Listerine
260. "Tiz"
Dressmakers' Supplies
Basting ootton So.
Snaps, all sizes, 100. doz. i
Books & eyes Go. oard.
Peets books & eyes 10o. pankagn.
Wileoo " " " oatd.
Hook & eye tape, blk & wbite 16o. vd.
Soap tape " " 16a and 26o. yd.
Beltings , 2 & 8-inob widths 10o.
Warren's onrved bilting lBo to 26o.
Gable oord, 8 yds 6o.
Dress weights 8 for So.
Marking ohalk lo. eaob.
Bias tape 8o tu 20o. bols.
Silk seam bindings ISo.
X-ray ekirt tone, So to 20o yd. '
Collar stays Bo to lOo set.
Button monlds all sizes So doz.
In tbe Ciroait Court ot tbe State ol
Oregon fur Umatilla (Jonnty.
Hazel J. Kennedy, Plaintiff,
Aitbur K. Keunedy, Defendant.
Io Arthur ft. Kennedy, Defendant
above namrd:
Io tbe uame of Ihe State of Oregon,
you ate beieby requited to appear and
answer tbe oomplaiut of tbe plaintiff
Bled against yon in Ihe above entitled
suit witbin six weeks tiom tbe date of
tbe first putliaation of tbia summons,
to-wit, ou or before Friday Ibe 1st day
it September, mitt; and you will take
notice tbat it yon full to appear and
acawer said oomplaint or otherwise
plead theieto withio said tine the
plalutiif for want thereof will apply
to the Court lor a decree dissolving
tbe bonds ot matrimony now aud here
tofore existing between plaintilf and
defendant, fur au uleolote divorue
from tbe defendant, for tba obauga of
pialatili's name and tbe lestoratlon of
bar maideu name. Tbia summons is
published pursuant to su order made
Ueitiu by Hoooralie Ulltert W.
Phelps, Ciroait Judge ot tbe Sixth Ju
dicial Disttiot of tbe Stats of Oiegon.
oo tbe 19tb day of July, 1910.
Tbe first publication hereof will be
made on Friday, tbe 2 let day of July,
11)1(1, and the last publication will be
made ou Friday, the 1st day ot Sep
tember, lain, tu the Athena Piece, a
oewfipapor published at Atbeua, Uma
tilla Conutj, Oregon.
Dated this ltlto day ot July, 1U1H.
Will M. Peteieoo,
Attnruey for Plaintitf,
Poetoftine address: Peudleton, Oregun. Creditors.
Iu tbe t'ouutj Court of the Statu of
Oicvou I ul L'uiaiilla Couuty.
Iu Ibe Msttet of Ihe Estate ot
MagiJu Lh Uruohc Fruui, deceased
Notioe h heieuy given that uy no
ordur of the above eutitled Coutt
made and altered iu the matter here
iuoulbelltu day ot Angus', null,
the uuduibiaued waa duly avpuiutod
exetiutrix uf the lent will und lusta
meut of Matigia LinUrathe-Frauz, de
oeusedi all iiuihouh bavlug claims
Rgatuat said estate should present tbe
aemr, duly .veiitied acoording to law.
to tbe eteoutnx or ber attorney. Ho
met I. Walts, at hiioflloe iu Athena,
Ureguu, within tlx mouths Hi out the
date of It e tttst putlioatiou ot tbia
Dated tills IHIh day of Auaol, 19111,
Maty LnUiucbu-Uuddloy
lloojir I. Watts, Kxeoutiix,
When the Harvest
Days Are Over
You will be planning a new
HOME or Barn, maybe a
Silo or Milkhouse perhaps
your district needs a new
School or town a new church
Let our architects make your
plans to suit your ideals and
your pocketbook.
"See Johnson About It." ,
Capital and Surplus
Because it's a re- i"1 i si
fined gasoline not ytfO sTrOfi :
a mixture.
(Cllfornla) I IW EKSaE S I
mm' cnw
Women's Fall Suits
We are showing a most complete
stock of Women's and Misses new
Fall Suits, that have just recently
been purchased in New York City
by our buyer, who is there now
choosing the very newest land best
to be had. s Our stock now includ
es all the new materials and colors. Wool Velour in
cecks. trimmed with silk braid; Broadcloths in the new
rich purples, finished with large fur collars; in Serges
we have the always popular in semi-tailored models,
neatlv finished with braid and buttons. Coats are lar
ger and cut on very fulflines Skirts are cut full to cor
respond with the coats and will be worn a trifle longer
PRICED FROM $22.50 TO $75,00
A Gorgeous Display of Women's
Our Women's Waist Department is brimful of dainty
waists, made of Georgette Crepe in white, flesh, navy,
green and bisque, trimmed with tucks, silk embroidery
beads and the new wool embroidery, with long sleeves
and new big cape collars.
Priced $395 to $10.00
We carry the best
That Money Buys 1 ,
Our Market is
Clean and Cool
Insuring Wholesome Meats.
Main Street, Athena, Oregon J
S. F. Sharp
8pecial atteuttor. given to all
cahk both niakt and dajr.
Cain ronipUy umnll. Office ou Tblrd
atrttt, Athna Orecor
DR. A. B. SIX N E.
Physician and Suntcou.
I tJllluu lu I'otl Uuildiuii. riiouv, W
(Successoiw to Bartlett Garaue)
Agency for Ford Cars and Sundries
A onload ol tba new 1917 modela will arrive iu a. few dajs. Yon
bad tetter Ret your older in oo. Corns iu aud look over our dem
onstrator, ;OURN(i CR, $M.S5; ROADSTER. $399.85
FOB Athena
We bava a Uiat (Nas meobauio now ou the job. bring iu your obi
fol lepaira or general overhauling,
:1 We've
Junior member's beeu visitiog.
Senior memter lakes turn. Oh, Quel
Bow about Blue StoneT We stored ours io tbe vault at Ibe Farmers
Bank hot now tbe price is snob tbat wa allow iuapeotion without charge.
Better order now.
Out aider for Alfalta Seed fit. Dentohland will he One but not sufficient
to go 'loond. Yon tetter plaoe joor order now costs nothing to maka
enre, .
Weber, Winona aud John Deere wagons.
Sewing M.obiues from J8.B0 np to a 160.00 maobine with IS dollar
eleo'iio motor, all for $38.00. Again, there's Jawel at jroui feet.
Watts & Rogers
"Just Over the Hill"