Press Paragraphs Gfaioken dinner will be served at the St. Hiobols, hotel, Sunday. tin. Newsom and Mai cams down from tba mountain oarop yesterday. -. 8. H Doolittle of Bitter was a guest at the St; Nlobols hotel, Wednesday. Mn. Henry Dell and daughter, Misa Looiuda, visited in Walla Walla yes terday. Hip, S. A, Ilarnes and Mrs. W. A. (irabam. of Weslon visited in Athena Monday, For Bale If taken at onoe. tba Ha worth residenoe on Adams atieet will De cold for $800. ' . Mrs. A. B. Steele and daughter, Elizabeth, are spending the week at Blunbam Springs. Mis. W. P, Llttlejoho bad aa ber guest Soudat, tier mother, Mrs, Mol strom, of PendietOD. Obailea Sabats, manager of the la land Mercantile company of Adams, vr fu the pity, Tpesday, t)r. Snttusr and family of Walla Walls, passed tbiongh tba city Wed nesday on tbeir retain borne from LebmBD Spiings. Tba dates on wblob tba Umapine distiiot fair will ba held ara rnjounc ed to ba September 7th and 8tb. F. 8. Bnnimel, a ' stookman and farmer of Wallowa ooouty, made Atbfiua a business visit tbis week. Miss Mary 'Moranda, norse at the oi. mouois noiei, will visit a ooople .of weeks with relatives at Medford, Unole Jaok Criglar was over from hia home near Freewater, and spent a ooople of days at the boma of bis son. Mr. and Mr, fiobeit Wright and danghter of Walla Walla, spent Sun day at the Mansfield boma in tbis oity. - W. 0. Russell and family left tba fora part of tba week for the mono, tains to aamy and pick oooklebarries. Miss Pauline Myriok retnrned home the Brst of the week from Dayton, where aba spent several weeks with friends. Mrs. 8. S. Piersol and nieoe, Miss Niohol, who is visiting bet from Kan sas, ara Ibis week guests of relatives in Pilot Book. Oliver Diokeneoo has returned from Ukiah, where ba spent several dayi with bis family, "bo aia spending (be summer there, Epn Williams, well knnwn to old tlmeis in Athena who now resides near Flora, Wallowa oonnty waa in tbe oity yesterday. ' Davis-Kaser Store Sews The Big Summer aSla ends Satnrday nlgbt, August lfltb. Next week a qniok, short Rummage Sale of Odds and Ends, dropped Pat terns, Remnants and Summer Goods at prices oalcnlated to olose tbem out qniokly, regardless of valoa. Hundreds of items will be inolnded though eailv buying is suggested, as most of (be jtenjs are gnlv onr gr two of a kind. Anjopg (he new arrivals this Keek was a oar of Monarch Malleable Ranges and a oar load of Great Western Heaters. Another oar of heateis is now on the way from tbe faotpiy, A foil line of samples will be on the sales floor by Septomter 1, ands usual at Davis-Keg-er's. a porreot store frjf svejv purpose,. . Jo inr Drapery department uof fln'y has tba. atop been mora than doubled bv the addition of many new fabiics, bat a competent cutler and sew si has been employed one bating bed many years of active eiperienoe In soma of the beat department of the Northwest, so wa oan now make up woik in most approved mannei when desired. THE DAVIS-KASER CO,, WALLA WALLA Complete Furnishers of Homes, Offices and Schools -fl-aO Alder Ejf. Mitt VII I . ARMER TAKE NOTICE! If you are looking for Bargains, you can find them here, We have 1200 rods" of 26 inch Hog Wire, you may have at 25c per rod Six-Horse Gasoline Engine, $175. x Sprockets, 20 per cent off. . Holt Chain, 10 per cent off, Cylinder Teeth, 10 per cent off. Binding Twine, 13c per lb.. In fact, we can supply your wants in any- . thing you may need in harvest. I Kirk Implement House North Side Main Street, Athena, Oregon ' WoriiClovcs You'll not get those big blisters, if ; you have a pair of our , ; "TUF-NUT" GLOVES wrist or gauntlet, at the same price you have always paid. Good Leather Gloves .25 & .49 Tut-not wrist Gloves - . - .88 " ganntlat " ' - 1.48 Ooidmoy Book " . 1-45 Blaok AuU . " - 1 Driving " Kangaroo Driving " - ' Cauvaa " -.05 & 8 pr. .55 " leatberffaoa " - - .IS Men's work Sbirts, full size .9 Eitra value "Big Giant" work Sbirts, all oolors, ' -. .45 Work sox, .05 and S pr. .85 Drees " blk. & tan 8 pr. .35 ' - S pr. ,5 " " silk io tlk, tan, gray and navy, ... .15 Man's light silk beta .25-.89-.49-.69 See our line of Men's Union Suits, just right for Harvest shdrt gr long sleeves, at 49c and 98a Shirts and Drawers at 25c, 35c and 45c. J.C. Penney Co. Inc. W. J. Davis a tohool mate friend of w. I'. McLeod, oame io from Donald, Wash., Tuesday for a visit. I', M. Martir, p oprietor of tbe Peo ples Theatre has moved bis family into tha Lepr ootlage on Adams street. : Mrs. MaPheirin left this week for the home of ber daughter, Mis. Fred Oswald, at Myriok station, where aha will stay for some time. A. L. Swaggart espressed a register ed Poland China bog tbia Week to J.J. Cbaplin and J. W. Pilea at Eutei prise, Wallowa county. Mis. Bugb Molntyie, Mrs. Hulph Cannon, Mrs. Robert Raymond and Mrs. D. H. MansBeld spent Wednes day at Bingham Spiings. ' Mr. and Mrs. Bert Kirby of Adams passed through Athena Wednesday en loots to (Jaksdale, Wash., near whiob plaoe Mr. Kirby baa putobased a lanob. James H. Stnigls, of E. h. Smith & Co, agents lor Bolt harvesting ma chinery, aooompaniad by Elmer Stoiie of Walla Walla, waa In tbe oity yes terday. Barvesliog was stopped by a slight rsiofall yeaterday, and tba longb con dition of tbe atraw will require sun shine before operations : can ha resumed. Miss Jess O'Niel. daughter of Editor O'Neil of tha Pieaoott SpeotBtor, has retnrned to her borne, after an extend ad visit at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Ueoo Kidder, Mrs, Elisabeth Mansfield entertain ed at dinner Tuesday, bet sister, Mrs. Eliaa Bania ut Weston, and Mrs. Jaokton and daupbtcr, Mies Stella Jaokson of Dayton, Frank Bwaggart will enter a stricg of relay boiaes in tba raoea at the Boundnp next month. Mr. Swaggart will bring tba teat horses to be found l'l Wallowa oonnty. W. J, Gboleon, voiking with tbe Key harvesting orew, was thrown from a header box when the wagon oveiturned, Wednesday. Tbe fall ic- aulted in severe broisee, drs, B, 0, Wortbiugton oame down from tbe MaDougal camp yesterday. She retnrned at nam today, accom panied bv Mrs. Boyd, who will join tbe oamp ior a day or twq. Mrs, M, Langobr and daughter, Misa (ionise Ijaqsphr of Boaeman, Moot., sis bests guests tbis week of Mis. Osborne, and son Eugene, at tbeir home on College street. W. R. Taylor and F. made tbe titp to Union Sunday, in tbe LeUrow 1 bey found tba loads iq 8. LeUrow and retoro automotiJe. tba Gland Boude tq be q gqod condition. Golligau's ooloied Nashville Stud entB, a musical organization. Well known in Athena, will appear at the opera house on Friday evening, Aug? ust 25. Prices ot admission, 85 and 85 cents, ''Peg o' t lie Ring," sohednled at tbe Peoples Theatre for Wednesday eve plug of tbis week, owing to unavoid able ciroumstanoes, will not be shown on tba screen until Wednesday seen ing, August 80. Miss Edna Banister of Weston, vis ited fiiends In Athena Wednesday. Miss Banister, who is a. graduate of 0. A. O., will have tha obajr fit Do meatio Soienoe n Columbia College at Milton, this year, Rev. Davis Ei'ett retnrned home this week from a pleasant visit to Portland and Salem, Be was royi lly enteitained and among other tbinga enjoyed an automobile ride over tta Columbia Bigbway. Joe Soott'a wheat orop is averaging 45 rushals per aoia and is of splendid quality. A quarter aeotion owned ty Jamea Bill, averaged 50 bnsbels per acre. From one halt-section, Mr. Spott threshed 6388 saoks, It ooat a ooupls of boys $3.50 to breik tbe glasa top oo tba Main street guide post, recently ereoted bv Mar shal Dobson. The post is oity piopei ty and will prove to he an expensive target for throwing stones. Methodist Episcopal Chmoh. Sub ject next Sahbatb morning: "Tbe Armies of Beaven oo White Horses." Please read Bev., Chap. XIX. At 7: 80 p. ai.. praise and preaching ser vice. Sabbath sohool at 10 a. m. All Bra invited. Misa Stella Jackson, of Dayton, wbo last week attended Buyers' Week io Portland,, joined bar motber here tha Brst of tbe week and is visiting at the A. A, Fobs boms. She reports a royal entertainment of tbe visitors by tba oity ot Portland. Tbe oool weather of tba past few daya has made mountain camping un pleasant and aeveral campers have re turned to tbeir homes, ail report a tonotifnl orop of terries, of wbiob many gallons ara being pioked and oanoed for future use. Miss Anna Soil, of Baser, motored up from Pendleton Tuesday where sbe was visiting her brother, and bas been a gneat nf Athena friends. Misa Soil formerly lived in Athena with ber parents, wbo aia now in oharge of tba Uoldeo Rnle store at Baker. Mr. and Mrs. Ortis D. Harris r-nd baby, of Davenport, Weali. arrived in Atbana Tuesday morning, and will visit at tba boma of Mrs. Harris' mo tber. Mra. Minnie De Pea tt. Mr. Bar lis, who is pastor of tba Davenport Christian eborob, la taking hit sum msi vacation. Agent Mathers of tha O-W., hat ra- oeived intelligence uf tbe death of bit brother, J. J. Mathers, wbo died at hia boma in Media, Illinois, Angust 14.- A reunion of tha Matbera family at wbiob 28 me inters, loaludiog the deoeased brotbei were preaeot, was held at the parental borne on July 28. Mr. and Mia. Lloyd Smith, of Den ver, lows, arrived in tba oity Friday evening and will visit at the DePeatt boma until after tha Ronnd-fjp. Mr. Smith, wbo is railway station agent, la taking muob needed vacation. Mrs. Smith, formerly Miss Msrna De Peatt is warmly welcomed by ber boat at Atbana fiiends. They will enjny week's camping at Bingham springs with Mr. and Mra. Dean Dndlev. . Mis. W. R. Taylor and daughter. Lucille, will leave Abingdon, III., tcr boms atont tbe 2 inst. Tbey trill be accompanied by her motle-, Mra. M. L. Leeper, wbo will ipwd tba wioter bere. Mr. end Mrs. Gilbert Clore eipeot to visit Athena fiiends atoat the CI ristmas holidays. At the Christian ohuioh Sonday, Bev. O. D. Harris of Davenpoit, Wash., will preaob at tha morning asrvioa and Mrs. Harris will sing. Bible school at 9:60 a m. Christian Endeavor at 7 p. m. Preachiog by tHe psalor at 8 p. m. Dr. Hcntt will bave obaige of the Cboros uinruiog and eteoiug. The pnblio coioially incited and welcome. Tba Baptist Women's Borne and Foreign Mission society ot Athena met yesterday at tbe oburoh for their an nual eleotion of officers . Tha follow ing were elealed: President, Mrs. J. D. Plsmoudon; vice president, Mrs. Chap, MoFarlaud; secretary, Mis. Fred Pinkerton, and treaabrer, Mia. C. A. Bariett. Tbe second qnaiterly apportionment lor muaions waa met, and otbei business transaoted. W. L. Weir, wbo has held a pos ition at Waie's Pbarmaoy in this city bas foimed a partnerslip with Merle Allen of Milton, and puicbaaed the Anderson Pbarmaoy in that oity and will condoot tbe business nndei the name of tbe Milloi Drng aSmpany. Mr. Weil's position bars bas been tak en by J, B. Rankin formerly of Walla Walla, but lately with tbe Anderson Pbarmaoy. Mr. and Mis. Weir will be greatly missed in Athena, where they bave made many friends. John Banistei, who purchased a aelf piopelled Bolt enmtine harvester, is more than well pleased with the ma chine, Under adverse conditions, ow ing to green straw the machine baa done good work, averaging nearly 10 aorea per day. The self propeller bas a sixteen foot out, and Mr. Banister baa ordered a fonr foot extension, ao that in light grain the maohine will out a 20 toot swath. G. M, Morijsoo and J, 0. Walter are also harvesting their crop tbis season with the new aelf propellaii, ' One ot tbe finest collections Of game beads to be found in the state was placed in the First National Buck building, last weak, The splendid onlleation of trophies are tba fruits of the bnntlng trip, taken jo the Brit ish Colombia Cassaii distiiut by W. S. Fergnson. It oomprises a monitor moose bead, tbiee Cariboo heads, two Stoni sheep beads, a goat head and a grizzly bear skin monoted into rug form. The mounting of tbe specimens by a Seattle taxidermist is a work of ait. Hound-Up PieBldeut T. V. Tavlo has received an autograph letter fiom Col. Tbeodnre-Roosevelt in whiob tbo famous Rough Bider advises that at present be cannot aooept tna invita tion to witness tba 111 111 Round Up, September 91, 29 and 28, but if at a lafer date it is possible lor him to make Oregon doling tba presidential oampaign now on he will ba glad to acoept, Tbe Ronnd-Up management still bas bopea that ha will la able to coma for it is certain that tbe; 1918 attendance will break all reoords aa it is and witb Mr. Roosevelt here it would be a bighwater year. As for tbe show it will be np to tba usual Roond-Up standard witb many new, novel and daring features. Already tioket leservations ara double those of last year and rqual to those of 1918. Tbe piize list baa been iooreased a oouple ut Ibonsand dollati wbiob In snres a big number of blgb olass con testants, aaUaajBMLaMBvMaapaaBas' Dress Goods, Skirtings and Cloakings for the Fall and Winter months S Novelty School Suitings A large range of plain . olors, plaids and mixtures, 36 inches wide at 25c, 60c, 65c and 75c per yard. Novelty Skirtings, Suitings in stripes, checks, plaids and mixtures, 54 inches wide, at $1:75 and $2.00 per yd Wool Taffetta All the new light and dark shades, 36 to 4-8 inches wide, at 65c, $1.00, $1.25, and $1.50 per yard. ,: Novelty Cloakings A good range of nice mixtures. These are tine for school Skirts 54 in, at $2 per yd MOSGROVE MERCANTILE COMPANY THE QUALITY STORE A VERY INSTRUCTIVE LECTURE Col. T. P. Lednidga, Agricultural engineer ot tbe de faoto Mexican gov ernment, addressed an appreciative audienoe in Athena, Tuesday evening. Col. Ledwidge, Polish, American borr, naturalized Mexican citizen, told in a most Impressive way tbe true condi tions cf the Mexican revolution, tbe oauses leading np to it and tbe remedy for instilling national life it to tb a Mexioau reputlio he said, lay within the humanitarian metboda now being pursued by President Wilsou, He told bis audienoe that the shackles oould be removed fiom Mexioan peonage qoioker by Ameiican sounol masters than by Ameiican gold or military lc terveution. Col, Ledwidge expressed the belief that the Villa raids weie iuoited by Ameiioans wbo bate large holdings in Mexioo aoqnired under conditions which have brought tbe Mexican people to serfdom. Be named four Americans owning vast areas of land who were fiiends of !nteirention. They are William rtandolpb Hearst, newspaper pnblinber 95,000 cqnaie miles ot land; Bairison Gray Otis, nawspapei publisher, 97,750 squaie miles: Charles P. Taft, brother of ax President Ta ft 92,250 square miles; and Louis Terrizas, 86,000 sqnare miles. Tbe speaker said be was one of 160 leotniers now touring tbs United States for tba CartBcza government vitb the purpose of eolighteniog tbe people in regard to Mexioo. . Yellowstone The National Paradise for Animal Life and Animal Lovers Tha oldest, largest and best known of all our National Parks; also the most livable. Read what Secretary Lane says about the park in a book let reprinted by UNION PACIFIC POPULAR ROUTE TO YELLOWSTONE and let us help plan for you this season. trip Tkis interattlng book, togctKar witk trip cost,, mi other Information FREE upon application to ny 0-W.R.R.&N. AGENT or trie GENERAL PASSENGER AGENT. PortW Wite Distribution. "Is Jinks n careful business rann?" "Very. He never nslts the snme bank to discount bis paper more thnn twice in the aame week."-Ulchmond Times-Dispatch. Local Advertisements Mis. Lillie Miller announces a tig reduction on all bats. Best trimmed bats for $S,50; all otbeis 11.00. Ajax blaoksmith Coal at 1.00 to move excess, walls and Rogers. Jj'oi Bale. The Ms riot, iesidenue, oorner 4th and Adams streets, and tba Maloney residenoe, on High street, Enqnlre of Mis. Lillie Miller. Blaok Walnut treea lot the asking. See Walts and Rogers' ad. For Trade. Lot and 4-iootu plaaiei ed house in Spokane, 8 lota Wlllufa Harbor, 40 Bores nuoultlvated land. Koquire at Palace Restaurant, Atbena. Kstrayed A bay aaddle-borss, wt. 950, brand with small circle on shoul der. Will pay liberal reward for bis reooveiy. 1. J. Weber, Weston, Ore. For Hale-Tbarp, -A Fold oar. See B. S. Dresamakiog done, satisfaction guar aoteed. Apply to Mrs. Delia Wright. Livestock Dealer. UertCartano has engaged in tbe livestook business. He is prepared to pay the highest market prices at all times for obickeos, bogs, cattle and abeep. It you have slooh to sell, be snre and sea him, 21 From Asphalt-Base Crude the crude endorsed by Lieut. Bryan, a U.S. Government Ex pert on motor cylinder lubrica tion, in hit statement before the American Society of Naval Engineers. ROLE PIE ihe Sian Jar d Oil for Moior Cars Sold by dealer! everywhere Mid" at all Service Station! of the Standard Oil Company (CaliforU) Athena Peoples Theatre "Always The Best" 'If til i jv ' SCENE FROM "THE IRON CLAW," CHAPTER No, 4, (PAT HE) The Iron Claw Thrills continue in each new chap ter. Tonight, come early" 1UST 30 COMING WEDNEvSD'Yj Francis Ford and Grace Cunard in Peg o' the Ring" Something new in Motion Pictures don't miss it Blydenstein's Self Rising Pastry Flour A Pancake Flour that also makes Biscuits, Cake, Waffles, Etc., better and more economical than ordinary flour, as it takes less shortening and eggs in making a finer grained cake Blydenstein's Prepared Dietary Flour cTVIade from the best parts of wheat. cA cure and pre ventative for constipation and indigetion. Better than drugs. Recommended by physicians. Now for sale by Athena merchants. Buv a sack today. Made by H. G, BLY DENSTEIN, Pendleton