The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, August 18, 1916, Image 2

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. F, B. Boyd, Publisher ..
Euwred In the r-nstotnce a Atliem, Oregon
as ecouai:iaBS bib" awvier.
Advertising Rates.
Display, transient, running less tban one
month, first insertion, per inch 25c
Subsequent insertions. i..; M
Display regular, per inch Vl
Local readers, first insertion, per line, 10c
Subsequent insertions, per line ...... 5c
Lodge resolutions, per line 5c
Church notices, admission, per line. . 5c
SubBcrJotlon Rates.
One copy, one year $1.50
When paid in Advance, (otherwise, $2.00
One copy, six months...." "
One copy, three months.
lATHENA. ORE. tlUG. if.
Tba Fnbllo Seivioe Commission
has takeo op tbe investigation of ex
press rates in Eastern Oregon &s ool
hated by tbe express companies on
milk, oream and dairj prodnots. Tbe
aotlon on tba pait of 'tbe Commission
Is brooght abont by tbe faot that tbe
present rates on long banls permits
. Seattle to draw a large portion of bet
supply of. dairy prodooti from points
afar "distant as Snake Elver and
btaoob line points in Eastern Oregon.
The Commission finds tbat witb oieam
stations at Halfway, Whitney, Fern
dab, Union, Losllne, Kortti fowaer
and Biobland, and a oheese faotory at
Hallway, creameries at Ukiab, Enter-
piise, LaUrande, Elgin and Redmond,
it ia apparent tbat dairjing is fast be
ooming an important iodnstry in this
part of tbe state. Bat tbe Commission
finds 8190 tbat these indnstiiea bave
not kept paoe witb tbe development of
other Eastern Oregon resonroes. How
ever, it is possible the Commission
will And npoo investigation tbat tbe
rates now in foroe, or tbat may be
brongbt into foioe, by snob action bb
tbe Commission may take will but
lightly affect an inarease in daiiy
ptodnots, exnept in localities now giv
en over to dairjing. Tbe scope for
dairying in Eastern Oiegon is limited.
Tbe seotions devoted to grain raising
re primarily grain produolug dis
tiiots, and bave bat little in common
with daiiyiog except to some extent in
local use. Euaiern Oregon dairy In
dustry ia oonBned to oreek bottom
land and irrigated Iraols.
In defining ita position on tbe Nor
mal sobool question, it looks as tbongb
lbs Pilot Rook Reoord had greased
lbs top rail on tbe fonoe with salve.
llie salve slant has tbe desired "kiok"
wbennsedin certain political obati-
n Is, bnt in tbia Norms! sobool matter
f ieods and supporters of Weston pre
li-r ointment even tbongb there be t
tly in tbe same.
Clark Wood's worth 10 Oregon
j Liurll m was reonguized by tbe
Oiegon Editorial Association in bia ap
polutmeot to an important committee
alignment. Ia delivering tbe goods,
I onob grass editors of tbe cow conn
tin generally "get by' lu the frost
nok witb tbe brethren aoioss the
Tbnre'i logla in tbe agitation for
t tie establishment of a publio swim
ming pool in Athena. Aside from
cleaollneaa and sport, it woold relieve
s growing pressure ont st Sam Pam
brnn's flsb poud.
rendleton Ronndop ohampinns will
paitlolpste in New York and Chicago
wild west abows and their work will
do much toward advertising Pendle-k-'j
grant exbitltion.
It is noliaable that tbe Puttland
Oregouiuo basn't msnlioued "pork"
in oouneotlon with tbe proposed Col
ombia River naval base,
In England's blaokllat and boycott
of Amciioan Arms the names cl uiu
nilion campinlea are iioimulonoos riy
their alaenoe.
Old Hoi and a bot wind or two iu
comblnitlon will lluallv rolve tba
tiaw problem for tbe thresher men.
Dollur wheat will silniulnlo ttude
oondithns, and Atbena merchants will
take oars of tbeir parr of tLerr.
- Tbe Atbena branch of tbe County
Litiary has received tbe following
list of new books for distribution:
Andereon Electrioity on tbe Farm.
Irving Albambra.
Langdon Joat for Two.
MsoGrtgor Book of Tbrilt.
Phillips Bee-Keeping.
Poe How Farmers Co operate.
Sohanfflei Romantio Germany.
Walton Peg Along.
Wigbtman Snnl Spar.
Adams Health Master.
Andrews' Eternal MaBOoline.
Comfort Rontledge Hides Alone.
Cooper Tbe Deerslaysr. U-,w
Ford Honorable Peter Stirling, ft it
Goldsmith Toby; TbeStorvof a Dog.
ulrayson Adventures in Contentment.
King The Street Called Straight.
Marshall Tbe Old Order Cbangetb.
Porter Pollyunna Grows Up.
Wason Happy Hawkins.
Children's Books.
Aioott Tbe Old-fashioned Girl.
Burboni For tbe Honor of tbe Sohool.
Beard American Boy's Book cf Bog,
Bntterflies and Beetles.
Caldeoott Piotnre Book.
Crane Pass in Boots.
Crane Three Bears.
Dickenson Book of Thanksgiving
Foster Debatiog for Boys.
Kutelaod Smugglers' Island.
Longfellow Evangeline; witb Low
ell's Snowbound.
Mabie Book of Christmas.
Perkins Meiioan Twins.
Seaman Tbe Boarded-l'p House.
Skinner Tales and Plays of Robin
Tomlmsou Plaoea Youug Amerioaus
Want to Know.
Verrill Uncle Abner's Legaoy.
Williams Fair Play,
Rental Books.
MoFarland Held to Answer.
Parr jab Chief of the Border.
Oaine Tbe Woman Thou Gavest Me.
Wright When a Man's a Man.
Wallaoe Bsn Bur; bv Mrs. Clare
How Our Solar 8yatem May End and
a New On Be Born.
The whole of the present solar sys
tem is ultimately to fall into the sun,
causing nn explosion tbat may result
in a new solar system. Such Is the
theory put forward by Trofessor Philip
FautU, a well known astronomer,
whose reputation has rested principally
upon bis researches into the conditloua
on the moon.
The novel feature of Dr. FautU's the
ory Is tbat It Is based upon the suppo
sition that u great part of the known
solnr system, including especially the
planets Jupiter, Uranus and Saturn, ore
not composed of mineral matter at mi,
but are tremendous masses of Ice or
balls of Ice surrounding a mineral Iter
nol. Furthermore, ho declares, n part
of what Is now known as tbe Milky
way Is not mineral or gaseous, but "a
ring of Ico dust," masses of particles
of Ice suspended in space, the other
planets receiving a constant addition
to their Ice mass from this source.
Professor Fnuth declares that the
world already at some remote periods
lins bad n similar experience, resulting
In tbe death of nearly all animate na
ture, and that all species of life as we
know It have arisen since then. Even
tually the planets swinging through
their narrow orbits will full Into tba
tin, causing a new explosion and per
haps the birth of a new solnr system,
but for thousands of years before that
time, all life, either on earth or else
where, will have disappeared. Kansns
City Journal.
Mr. Hughes la having IU inning on
the Paoillo ooail; Woodiow is taller
Inftuenc of the "Great Circle" on the
Journey to Manila,
if you wanted to go from the Pana
ma canal to iouoniunn ivuieu or rucse
two would he the shorter route? First,
across tho ocean to Hawaii utid from
there to yoliobnmu, or, second, up
along I lie const to San Francisco and
then directly across tho I'acllic to Asia?
Nearly everybody would answer 111
favor f the Hawaiian route. But tbe
unvlgntur tell us the Journey In 20B
tulles shorter by way of San Francisco.
The "ureat circle" does It. Its Influ
ence on distance sends ships from Sail
Francisco to Manila by way of the
Aleutian Islands. Actually our vessels
would to much farther north thau they
do hut for tho discouragement of the
United Stales liydnigraphlc bureau at
Washington, which advises a central
route, more than 2W miles longer than
the great circle, lu order to escape the
tof& anil lee of the far north.
The Hawaiian Islands me frequently
descrlhed as "the crossroads of the Pa
cific." Their people me naturally look
ing fiirwiird to wonderful commercial
development. They will doubtless en
joy nilwlnnlinl progress as a commer
((:! 'enter berrnise intlnv rondltlons In
PHAR'S three kinds of
A Tobacco-good Tobacco
better Tobacco ju
and VELVET. tffiflr
ocean currents and fn prevailing winds
and In fuel costs favor Honolulu as a
way station route. But it is well to re
member that these Islands were plant
ed a little too near the equator to be a
crossroads of the north Pacific Boa
ton Herald.
A few years ago the remarkable dis
covery was made by I'ml'esur Winter
nit', of Vienna that general cold baths
bave the effect of Increasing tbe num
ber of active cells In (he blood to a
very remarkable extent, the Increaso
sometimes amounting to one-fifth or
even more. This Is oue of tbe ways fu
which the cold hath Increases the re
sisting power of the body, and rallies
the blood cells, so to speak, calling
them out from their biding places and
prcparlni: them to fight with vigor the
battles wbkli must be waged every
moment In defense of tbe body. Good
Futile Aspiration.
"When I was a boy I thought Td
rather be a great baseball player than
anything else In the world."
"Of course you have changed your
"Not exactly. 1 have merely realized
that there Is no hoiie." Washington
Why the Bad Eya Escapes,
There Is no alibi for a bad eye. Suit,
lot of people uever look as high aa
the eyes. They slop at the diamond In
I lie searfpln Irvn 8 Cobb In SUlur
ilny Eveuliia INM
Star or Ohio, City of TafeAa,
Liku Coumy, as.
Frank J. Ctwwy kwm tttk lint b
t senior rrttw tif It tvm F. 4.
Chny A On, Nwa-woa
City of TolaA, CWM J Sss
aid, ari iImi mv ten wK rm
sum c OSB HrNWUtJ rU.K ff
each ami fwy m f t'wsn
cannot t rurv-d tjt tS w 4 5? XI A S
Birom to VJfvwv aw A wKtM
In my prwwiK-. Itutt 3f "4 IV.-yafr-br.
A. D. m. JL. W wiJfAX,
tSai) NnT limn.
Haifa Calarrt CMr la t, rawa
ally and acta thriLirh thv Kwl w th
Mucous Surfaces o( to Srntm. 6o4
for testimonials, fn-.
F. J. CHENEY CO., Toledo, O.
gold by all Drucetsts. TV.
Hall's Family Pills for constipation.
In tho Justice Court for the District
of Athena, Umatilla county.
Henry Keen, Plaintiff, vs. Jas. Stew
art, Defendant.
To Jas. Stewart, the above-named
In the name of the State of Ore
gon, you are hereby required to ap
pear and answer the complaint fllel
against you In the above entitled suit
within six weeks of the date of the
first publication of this summons on
or before the lElh day of September,
1916. And you wilt take notice that
If you fall to appear answer or other
wise plead within said time, the plain
tiff, for want thereof, will apply to
the court for the relief prayed for
and demanded in plaintiff's said com
plaint to-wit: For (23 and costs
and disbursements of this action.
This summons Is published pur
suant to an order of Hon. B. B. Rich
ards, Judge of the above entitlod
court, duly made and filed on the
'2th day of July, 1916; and the first
publication of this summons will be
made in the Athena Press newspaper
published at Athena, Umatilla Conn
ty, Oregon, on Friday, the 4th day of
August 1916, and the last publica
tion will be made on Friday, Septem
ber 15th, 1916.
In the Cironit Couit of tbe State of
Oregon fur Umatilla County.
Hazel J. Keunedy, Plaintiff,
Aitbnr R. Kennedy, Defendant.
To Artbnr B. Keunedy, Defendant
above named:
In tbe name of (be State of Oregon,
joo are hereby required to appear and
answer tbe oomplafut of tbe plaintiff
tiled against you in tbe above entitled
soit within sii weeks from the date of
tbe first pnblioation of this summons,
to-wit, on or before Friday tbe 1st day
if September, HUU; and yon will take
notice tbat it yon fail to appear and
answer said complaint or otherwise
plead thereto within said time the
plaiutilf for want thereof will apply
to tbe Couit lor a decree dissolving
tbe bauds of matrimony now and here
tofore existing between plaintiff and
defendant, for au absolute divorue
from tbe defendant, for the ohauge of
plaiuti'i's ubuio and tbe lestoratian of
ber maiden name. This summons Is
published pursuant to an order made
herein by Honoratiu Uiltert W.
Pbelpa, llirouil Jndge of the Sixtb Ju
dicial Dlstriot of tbe State of Oregon.
ou tbe llltb day of Julj, 1910.
Tbe first pnblioation hereof will be
made on Friday, tbe 91st day of July,
llllB, Bad tbe last publication will bo
made ou Friday, tbe 1st day of Sep
tember, 1D1H, lu tbe Athena Piees, a
newepapor published at Atbeua, Uma
tilla (Jouiity. Oiegon.
Dated this llltb day of July, 11116.
Will M. Petal eon,
Attorney for PlainliU.
Postofllcs address: Pendleton, Oregun.
Notice, to Creditors.
In tho County Ooort of tbe Statu of
Oreaau lor Unialill. (Jonnty.
lu the Matter of the lists te of
WuShlo LaUraohe-Frana, deceased.
Notice it hureby given that by an
order of the above eu titled Uourt
made aud e itered In tba matter hero
in on the 1 lib day of Aognsl, lUIH,
the nudersigned was duly appointed
eieoutrix of tbe last will aud testa
ment of Maggie LaUraohe-Frana, de
oeased; all persous baying claims
against said estate should present tbe
asuif, doly veiltlud aouordiug to law,
to tbe eieontnx or her atloruey. Ho
uiei I. Watts, at bis office ia Atbena,
Oregon, within six months fiom the
dale of tte first publication ol this
Dated this 18th day of Aonust, 101(1.
Msiy LaUraube-Usddley,
L'ouirl. Watts, ICxeoutilx.
Atloruey. -
S. V. Sharp
Special attenriot: given to all
calih hoth night and day. .
tfelU promptly auiwered. Ufllee on Third
sirt, Atbeua Oraxor
Physician and Suntron.
Um oo iu Putt Iluildiug. Phone, 50.'
Go Now
and enjoy its cooling breeze
and refreshing surf
Low Round Trip Tares
ye! e
Needles. Oil, Belts and all kinds of Sewing
Machine supplies, Repairing a specialty.
New Home Users are Quality Choosers
For Sale By
N. A. MILLER, Athena. Oreg.
t New Home Sewing Machine Comp'y
San Francisco, California.
Homer I. Watts
Athena, Oregon.
in Carload Lots
Cascade (xK Fir Wood, $5.33
CMcadt foot Maple Wood,..,, 3.60
CMce.dc 4. foot Alder Wood, .... 5.10
R 0. B.
tatan Bmwche North-
tfvxKAffi, WwAftig.
In Athena Thursday, Friday and Satur
day, other days of week in Walla Walla,
2nd and Main, over Third National Bank
Dr. E. W. Croup - Dr. C. H. Lash
4, K. F ROOMIE, riwi.
I 1
: Only First-class Hotel in 2
the City. j
l tbe only one tbat can accommodate
eommamlal travelers.
t l.'an bmeoomended tor Its clean and J
well ventllnted ro nl. J
The Road To Success
seems to open most freely to those who appear
successful. Garments tailored ty
A. . Anderson & Co.
Tailors Chicago
have a successful look.
Emery Worthington
H J0MN90N HALL " Hi!
H new iy
IQ AnMmi4TflATIAM ftlftft Urn
With new bnlldlnre. better eouinmeni. and Itll
mnnr addition! to 1U facaltr. the University eli
of Oreron will bedn Its fortf -first year Toes- iSf
dar, September 19, 1916. in
Special tralnlnc In Commerce, Journalism, 111
Aivhlteature.Law.MeirJIolne.TeachlnK, Libra- m
rj worn, nasic, f nrsicai Training ana irin
Arts. Larce and stronr depftrtment of IibW"
al Education.
Llbrnry of more than 611,000 rolnmei, fif
teen balldtna fully equipped two pptendid
crmnaRiumt .
Tuition Free. Uormlterles for men ana (or
women Expenses Lowest.
Write for free catalors. addressing- Reglitrai
When the Harvest
'Days Are Over
You will be planning a new
HOMEor Barn, maybe a
Silo or Milkhouse perhaps
your district needs a new
School or town a new church
Let our architects make your
plans to suit your ideals and
your pocketbook.
"See Johnson About It."
It's all power
because it's all re- HTJm
fined gasoline not fffylx &i I
a mixture. 'rSgj
Script Form
Press Office
Capital and Surplus
We carry the best
That Money Buys
Our Market is
Clean and Cool
Insuring Wholesome Meats.
Main Street, Athena, Oregon
Does It Pay
Tbia inquiries lor toe Hudson Bii 40 in on dij and it ia told.
Tb tsaas ot Dorses told ind gona and
Binders, Threrters aod WBgoru goiog'ill the time.
Bow itont t oioa Drill for this real' Bow important to bar an ao
OBiate, posit! re. oldjreliable, tested and tried msobine for tbe planting of
jour Bread and Batter orop we'f got it in tba Keotnokv. Gome nod
Ibe beat Ajai blaektmith oosl at $1.00 lo more eiotss stook.
A doxeo or more tlsok walnnt treea, 13 to IS inobea tali, for tbe asking.
P. S What do joo think of thief A $00 eening maobine witb ejeotrio
motor attached for (38.00. Tbia Is one of tba test rotary maobinai made
Drop bead end beaolifnl oik and tbe motor ittaobmeot ie a DaodTall
for 188.00. .
Watts & Rogers
"Just Over the Hill"