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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 11, 1916)
Press Paragraphs n Mia. Lizzie Mansfield is Weetou relatives this week ! viailing Mi. sod Mia. H. B. bill aie spend ing a few day at tbe MoDougsl camp. Mi--. .Mine Uaiies lelt Sunday for Medlurd, whare she will visit rela tives. Miss Katbien Pioome ia tbe guest ttiii week of friends in Milton and v ioiuity. Mr. ana Mrs. W. f. Wlllaby are op from tbeir home iD Portland, visiting relatives. Mias Ada DeFreeoe, manager of tbe IoobI telepbone exobange is taking her summer vacation. jjev. M. G. Bentley and family have iic'urned fiom a weeks outing at' Blngbam Hprinp-s, Tomorrow evocing the nannl Satur day nigbt dauee will be given at (be Athena opera bouse. Mr. and Mis, Gbgrlpi Wlks and family bave been enjoying wu anting at Bingham springs. Mis. Wm. Wusbiip has been going to Wall" Walla eaoh day ibis week for oiedlcil treatment. Mr. and Mrs. Beu Gross ate op from their boms in Portland, visiting 4th ena frieuda and relatives. Mi. and Mia. A. B. Steele and Mr and Mrs. E. A. Dudley motored to Bingham Spriaga Sunday. A. A. Foes of tbe Foss-Winship Haidwar company, is in PortlHcd tbia week, on a bnsiueas visit. Mi. and Mrs. (Jeo, W. 'jroas are down for a fen days from Ibeir snm uier camp at Biogbam Spiinge. Mr. and Mrs. Hogb Mololy e and daughter, Mrs. Ralph Caonoj, mot ored to Walla Walla yesterday, Bern Banister baa returned from PoitUud, where be spent several dya taking treatment foi ao afflicted eye. Mies Niohol, a recent arrival from Kansas, is a guest at the borne ot ber aunt, Mrs. S. S. Piersol in this oily. Scott Banister has placed an order with E. L. Smith & Co., of Pendleton foi a new "Oregon Special" oombine. (jeprge Mitobell and family weie down from ibeir mountain rauob Mon day, making tbe flip in their new Hep oar, Mrs. Chains Kirk went down to Albany Sunday ujght, retaining yes terday witb ber two obildreu, Tom and Aieta, wbo have spent tbe past two mouths witb their grandparents there. The Last Week Do It Now Saturday, August 19th ends Davis Kaser's Great Summer Salt the most important Sftje of tbe year, to. thrifty home makers Just one more week, an4 how quickly that can slip away, None can afford to miss, the pppqrtHH ties offeree) b this (treat sale qf furniture, floor Cov erings, Draperies, Crockery. Home Goods of all kinds of Cut Glass, Art Pottery, etc- This i.s an immense stock of staple, of every day needs, and nearly all re du ed specially (pr this sale. Yff know Dayis-Haser Sales are real sales. If you don't know, ask others, Then act Just one mare wee.k THE DAVIS-KASER CO,, WALL,A WALLA Complete furnishers qf Homes, Offices and. Schools 0-30 Alder S(. Mr. FARMER TAKE NOTICE! If you are looking for Bargains, you can find them here. We have 12Q0 ros of 26 inch Hog irp, yotj may ftave t 25p per to$. Six-Horse Gasoline jEngine, Sprockets, 20 per cent off, Holt Chain, 10 per sent off, Cylinder Teeth, 10 per cent off. Binding Twine, 13c per lb. In fact, we can supply your wants in any thing you iria peed in hardest: Kirk Implement House North Side Main Street, Athena," Oregon Mr. and Mis. A. B. KoEwcrj ore Wheat in the Helix seotion is being spending tbe week at tbeinucb, where , baivestod Ibis week and tbo yield ia barvesticg too season's crop fs nnder running from 85 to 40 bushels, so it is wav. reliably lepoited, The light lands of tbe Loitb aud west portions of ibe counts Ibis yeai Hie scheduled to pro dnoe well as tbe season was n tacbgf ble oue . W. S. Feiguson's "Or9gon Special" j ontltt began harvesting tbe bailey orop i on tbe loner place, yesterday aftei- j noon. ' Mrs. Louis Bergeviu and daughter, Eloise, accomoani d Mia, Ueigaviu'a fatner, Ed. fjatava to L b m an apiiugB this weal". Dl. "Joseph Baddelev, veteiiuuiiau smgeon will be at Ibe LoBrsobe lauoh indelinilely aed will luswer all pro fessional culls. Watts Biom.' stationary thiesber bequn the season's woik on the Mc- Eweu place Nurtbwest of Athena, Tuesday alteiooon. Mis. M. L. Watts and daugbtei, Veruita, have taken a oottase at Biug- bam Springe and will enjoy a two weeks' outing there. Mr. and Mrs. B. O. Woithigton left Wednesday in Ibeir oar for Camp MoDougsl, wbere tbe; will leniaiu until about Septeuibei 1st, Mis. J. li, Thompson will te brought homo Sunday (mm the Pendleton hos pital, whare she is convalescing, after two months critical illness, Wbeet reached the dollar mark throughout Umatilla oounty, Wednes day nod thousands qf bushels weie sold fbe piipe quoted toda,y is I l.Qil, Bar Uiqubuit bag exchanged thine, head of horses for a Mitchell six auto mobile unci is learning to drive it under tbe tuition of George Denimer. A freight train wteok est of Pen dleton yesterday, resulted in Maiu Hue trains being ronted oral this di vision via Walla Walla, Portland, Mpnry Keen who attended K. of P. Grand Lodge at Portland last week -re a delegate from Pythian lodge, re ports an exceptionally ioterestiug get- ion. Arthur Cnrpottk had hie light band seriously iujuicd Wednesday when it beoame oaugbt in lit; maobinery of bis combined harvester, Ui. (Sharp dressed tbe wound,. W. H- Moeqrrflaob al Pendleton, was jo, town yesterday, driUog tbe 1917 model Fiankllu oai, which he biougbt from the faotnry at Syraouso, N. Y., to Pendleton. Mis. W. L. Weir returned Saturday eveniug limn an extended visit at Dayton, Wash. Miss Pauline Mjiitb, who accompanied ber, remained in paytou fur a lunger rtiiv. Irg. Anna L'hlhan pf Bojse. dabo, wbs a guest (b9. wees "t the V- MausHe)d boma in this city litle daughter remained for an 111 sohool begius u Boise, Hsv, Davjs Brrett went to Poitlnnd tbje week Ip hear (be Silly Huuday lectures, tie will go to tf'ilimi to main over Sunday, uud will perform a maiiiage oeiemooy. Traffic is now going over tbe tem porary Thorn Hollow road and budge nver the Umatilla. While tte load is not iu Hist class unnditjon, il is, i d; taPjOe-sayei pyer the t-flSosB topie, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Hawoith are loading a oar wifh their househoid gpods prepafciory to movng tp Spfl knur, to take posspsion o Ibpir (aria lepenlly pprphaped in tligt ijoinlty. I. U, Blocks, bookkeeper at the Fiist National Bank, returned yester day morning from bis summer vaoa tlon, whioh was spent with relatives and friends at Portland and other points. The oity connoil reappointed Mrs. Homer J. Wtjtta and Mis'.' 4. A,. Fobs ou (ha library toard, (bp tepn're o whose pJe hap expired. A business mpeting pt the board was held Monday aUemagp. Mrs, P, S, IjeGrow mplored to Walla Walla yesterday and wai ac gomppnied hpme by ber mother and lister, Mrs, Bowles and Miss Lnnra Bowles, wbo will be ber guests for a few days. Misses Maude MansBeld and Bessie Banister were Walla visitors yester day. Miss MansBeJd bas p,ooepteS a ppsjtiqn fn tbe losgrnvs Meroantiie Oo. 's store, and will begin ber duties on tbe 5th joit, Wm. Doak, tbe farm band, wbo was taken from tbe James Hodgson borne to Pendleton last week afflioted witb Daralysis, died at the hospital, there His body is awaiting the arrival relatives from Salem. Chailes Uiyan, wbo iu company ilb lis wife, lelt Athena this spiing lor u lour of California ai d Poget oun, U in I he city. Mrs. Bryan uud i son Aiohie me visiting relatives in I Pascn. Mr. Bryan bas not yet decided 1 cu a noint ot looiliou to enuapein , Ijas-i os?. I Oonsidai at le difficulty has baeu en oonnieied iu tbe huivest Melds fill week us tbe result of the stn.w being not ripe euough for sutisftdory ' tbreKbiuy. It is expeoted that the : aoming week will witness bettet con ! ditions, and nearly all machines will be at work. II Her a vi it re- there For Harvest We have what you want in this im Look over our prices and see what we can save you. Pilluw-slips .-.HM-..lS-.I7)i-. Sheetl - .49-.69-.79- 8K-.98 Turkish lowels (pair.)25-.39-.49-.60-.79 Hook towels - - .10 to .25 Unbleached toweling at .06)4; .08 1-3-. i0:. WH:-1S Monjuiio tet : - :06M tabje oilcloth (al oolon) - .30 Ladies cotton bote - ,13'., to. 25 Bungalow aprooi - ',fl Middy aptcna Gills' middy apio' Girls' Gio" Bovs' and gills' bose .08 1-3 . 10- .15.25 Men's Rookford sooks - f.qs-.8q I -3 Men's Automatic aocks, blk 4s bm others 3 for .25, oar prior ' Gottpn govea - Cotton gjoves ()" Woik glov" ' Methodist Episoopal Church. Sub je.ot next Sabbath mprning: '.Ibe Precious Christ." Saoramont Of I he fjord's S,uppar following tbe seimon At night a praise and preaching e;r vice. Sabbath school at 10 a. rc., all are iovited. Tbe oaterpiller combines of Jpbu Banister and J, C. Wa tar are work ing enooeesfqily. Tbe pew maobines are being tiled out nnder adverse oir oqmstanees, owing to tbe fact that the lliew was unripe It the beginning of bBiveet woik. A consignment of Eastern biook trout from tbe state hatchery has teen plaoed iu the pond at the Sam Pam btnn plaoe, south of Athena, 'fin poud, or artificial (ako ' "-' sije to aoppmr'' ' ere' ' ' Mrs. Mianie DePeatt ot tbe Fix & Rudtke store ia taking ber vacation. Mrs, DePeatt anticipates a visit from Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Smith of Denver, Iowa, and Mrs. Ortis Harris and liulo danghler of Davenport, Wash., who will arrive next Monday. Tbo ladies ! are ber daughters. Mrs, B. B. Riohaids and little, son Roland, came down from tbe Me Dougal oamp to remain a few days at borne, Quite a number of Weston eud Atbaoa people are at this popular summer oamp. and with tbe ending nf tbe harvest season, many more oumps will be added to tbe colony Miss Partridge entertained ber pnplis and littla fiiends at ber home Wednesday ot last week, from 2 till p p. rr. Daiuty refiesbmentJ were served, pud Miss Margaret Lyons, vis iting hot from tbe east, taught tbem some games and fnlk dauaes. A pleas ant lime was enjoyed by all. H. A. Stieet, a mountain rancher, this week pprpbgied o( Obas, Kiik, A,thpna implement dealer a 15-home power Runiey gasnline engine which be will use (or motive power au hit threshing machine, Wither gssnilne, diglillate qi geipeane is paid with sat jstgcterv respite by the Rnmley. Marshal Dobson has ereoted a "tnrn-to-the-rigbt" guide post on Maiu street, at tbe intersection of Third. Tbe placing of the post at this (ncij, tion will be the mean; pi aveitlug ao oidents, which aie liable to occur at tbe turn where the maiu intomolile traffio meets going noith and suutb. Mr. and Mrs J. R, M.abei uud famly have learned. Irom MMi trip iijast. apd unve takep upllieii nhone at the U W. statiqu. They were in (Jb. aago dpi ing the recent hot wave, and cxpeijeuoed much discomfort, They more than ever appreciate tbe mod erate temperature of tbe muuotiiu OOQUttJf, Wednesday la Poitlnnd the weddiug of Mr. Beit McDonald aud Miss N i Hie Die W biting was solemnized. Bnth biide tud groom are tsleuted mus ioians, aud will establish a hludio ip Pendleton, wbeie they w'll rnsirte. Mrs. MpQonald, who has cnaduoted a inoflo clans in Alheua tbe past two veare. will retai l her class, and also oue iu Adams. She will resume her woik hpre about Sptaoibef l bt t 'f bp usual Eerrioes will be beld in the (Jhiistlnn ohDich Sunday. Bible sobool at 50; at II, Mis. D. Eirett will speak on tbe sutjeol: "Heroio Devotion." Iu the eveniug, tbe Eu deavor sci viae will exteud over into tbe usual preaobing hour, and a talk will ba givun by Miss Opal Whiteley, Uuion Stats Junior Endeavor Super: lnlendent. The ppbio is invted, es pecially al( vbB K'ldeovBr wprkeis o( the cjty. - Walla Walla Union 1 Dr. R. E, Butler, of Waitsbnrg, accompanied by Guslav Vollmer, was iu tbe oity yes terday, Dr. Butler is a oandidate fui representative from Ibe lPtb legis lative diltilct and bas strong suppoit (rom republicans in bis district. While never aspiring to etate offloe, Dr. Botler has long been ldeulitied with oivic atfairs in Wajlsburg aud bas been instrumental iu tbe upbuild ing ot that city. Mr. and Mrs. H, 0, Caton and tor. and Mrs. Lepn Kidder have returned from Davenpoit, where tbey attended tbe funeral of Mr, Oatcn's nephew. Tbey report a very hard trip, as most of tbe way was motored dnring tbe nlgbt and tbe roads were in bad cou- dition. Tom Caton remained tor a visit with Davenpoit relatives. Mr, Caton visited witb In; pged fatbei, Judge N, T. Catpn, who onme down fiorp bis bprpe at Hoilyn, B. C, for the end oocaslon. I UP STYLE RT Service and Economy The experienced clothes'buyer in sists on service-value first and last. Ed. V Price 6? Co. Our Chicago tailors make clothes to individual order from your own choice of fashion and fabric result, economy ! Main Street - JAKE BOOHER - Athena, Oregon of Tbe home of Mr. and Mrs. Clark Walter, 616 East Rose street, Walla Walla, was the soene Sunday of a family reonjon, the But oocaslon ot tbe kind ever taking plaoe in tbe Walter family. Tbe only member of tbe family teing absent, was Mrs. E. T. Maibony of Butte, Mont. At oue o'alook an elaborate dinner was eeived at wbioh oovere were plaoed for tweutv-oue. Those present were: Mis. A. J. Moffltt of Saoiamento and live children; Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Walter aud live children ; Mr, aud Mrs, J. C. Walter- ind three children " borne of Mrs. B. D. Tharp ou Unueut striet. It was tbe beginuiug ot the iuonmbeuoy of the offloeis for the new year, as follows! President, Mis. John Thompson, (wbo is still in tbe hospital at Pendleton;) vice piesideut, Mie. L. L, Lieuallan of Adams; sop retary, Mie. (Jon. li. (Jerking ind treasurer, Mrs. L, Sherman. Mrs. LieuBllen was leadei of tb-i piogram pud Mie, Samuel Haworth who laives n"Xt w-elt to mike, her ha .no neflt Sua k;il!" WHS 1 he uiiest of honor. Diiiuly ! F reftailimentl ot fruit eekis and punrib r were icrvrd by the hostsss. Odessa's nr.;-id rise. In Commerce and Intellect It Is the Capital of Now ftucsia. Odcssn is one ui tln most important seaports r itussln, iiiiiIjIiiii. by rcnaon of its inipulmioti tuti.l t tmde, rjftcr rt'trttSl'tttl, MWiw nml Wnrsaw. jsipep it wna fiihinlcd In ITfH near the rulua rt' ii Tnrklsii i mii t!i:it fell luto ltUHHbin bunds In I7S'.1 it has rapidly become the iutcHor trinl mid comtner einl euiiltul f vh is cpllpO Now Rus sia. It hi jfta i l'lneiil export town (! Iho PStoualve p'lilu Knowing dls tyicts nf soiith llnssln. lire see of an nielililslio! of the liivek Orthodox eliiin h. I tic eenter of n line university mid the licndqunrteni of (he Seventh mjr coi'i's. The port lies on I he shore of the Black 'sen, about tnidvrny between the estumlcs of the Dniester mid Dnieper, (HIT piilcs from Moscow and 381 from Klov. Tbo city is built facing the sea, pit low cliffs, seamed with deep ra vines ami hollowed out by galleries In the soft rock, In which thousands of the poorest Inhabitant! live. But above this nre fine broad tree lined streets and squares bordered with handsome public buildings and mansions in tbe Italian style and good shops. Besides the cathedral there are downs of of'.er churches, i Bite opera bouse and the I'fllpltt Uoyal, which 1 n favorite place of resorts-London t'hroulelt). Local Advertisements Notice Wutls uud Rogers' warning in big ad. Lost A book "Soinnce and Health." Finder will nleasc leave at tbia ollloe. A 110 rotary sewing machine witb $15.00 eleotiio mnloi oltaobed all foi IfllS.OQ, A torguiu. Watts & l'.ogres. Vot Trade. Lot aud 1-rooui plaster ed bouse iu Spokane, 8 lots Wiilapa Harbor, 40 aores uncultivated laud. Enquire at Palace Restamant, Athena. Esttayed A bay saddle horse, wt. 50, brgnd with small oirule on shoul der. Will pay liberal reward for his recoveiy. H.J. Wehei, Weston, Ore. Peoples Theatre Always The Best" I WMPTT &WMJ j:lf - I A SCENE FROM "THE IRON CLAW," CHAPTER NO. 3, (PATHE) The Laughing Mask Who is he? What is he? Come Tonight. For Halo-Tbarp. -A Ford oar. See 13. D. Next Wednesday, the greatest film show on earth, staring FRANCIS FORD Grace Cunard In "PEG 0' THE RING" The First Circus Serial ever screen ed Regular prices of Admission Wo would not guarantee tbe gold piece, but 1 will guarantee my Hudson Bll 40 tbe beet bargain in this ooun liy. Would take a good Ford iu ex olmnge. F. D. Walts. Diessmaking dono, satisfaction guar anteed. Apply to Mrs. IJella Wright. "rino bas Bly denstem s Self Uisina: Pastry Flour mmmmnf