WHAT YOU NEED The other fellow may have; what you have the other fellow may want Come together by advertising in the Press. . IP BARGAIN DAY Is every day with the Merchant who advertises in the Press he has some thing to sell and says so. . Buy Your Groceries From Your Home Grocer i XXVIII. - . ATHENA, UMATILLA COUNTY, OBEGOK, FRIDAY, JULY 28, 1916. 3SflIl!B 3Z p . WORLD'S DOINGS OF CURRENT WEEK Brief Resume of General News From All Around the Earth. UNIVERSAL HAPPENINGS IN A NUTSHEU Live News Items of All Nations and Pacific Northwest Condensed ior Our Busy Readers. ' British hammer desperately at Ger man third line, but make little prog ress. ' " The body of the late Yuan Shi Kai was carried in Btate and laid away with his ancestors. PomorHn sDvrnffatinG? 114.000 are offered for the perpetrator of the San FranciBco bomb outrage. Men who conceived the idea of sub " marine merchant ships are said to have made $3,000,000 out of it. Six British trawlers were sunk by German submarines ott me n,ngiu coast on July 17, says a German ad miralty statement. The Dutch steamship Maas has been sunk .near the North Hinder light as the result of Btriking amine. Ten members of the vessel's crew were drowned. ' Sergius Sazonoif, minister of for eign affairs of Russia, has resigned. u i ..,erleH hv Boris Vladimiro- vitch Sturmer, the premier, who has taken over the omce. nutnonn ' witnARfled the hottest Vlllv ' ' , weather so far this year when the thermometer reacnea so u. j.i Monday. There were several pros trations but none was serious. ; " June records : for postal savings in - m , v-ir r.itv were ecliDsed last month when a net gain of more than $3,800,000 was rolledup, quadrupling the net increase lor June, iio. vTf,'otinr,a hptmeen the United States and Denmark for the purchase of the Danish West Indies are under - stood to have reached a stage where definite developments may come soon. HUNDREDS OF CHILDREN DIE IN MONTREAL FROM INTENSE HEAT Chicago The present heat wave, which envelops all of the country ex cepting the Pacific Coast, is proving especially severe in Eastern Canada, where the people are unused to torrid ity. Dispatches say that more than osn nhiMrpn nArishad in Montreal the past week from heat The tempera ture there Tuesday was so-um uib est point reported in five years. In Quebec 23 children have been killed by the heat since Sunday, ioromo iyou .nnfa nnnanai hpat which has con tinued for nearly a week, resulting in Conditions, in Montreal especially, mnat- iinimiinl. Ordinarilv that city is positively cold when the States are baking and sweltering, ana nay iovu sufferers have hailed Montreal as the one spot they could count on lor renei. Now conditions are almost reversed, as Montreal is seven degrees Hotter man The official forecaster here says there is no relief in sight for several days, but that all indications poin$ to still hotter weather.. PLACED BOMB KILLS 6 VIEWING PARADE Blast Deals Death on Crowded San Francisco Sidewalk. TWO DARING DRIVERS KILLED IN AUTOMOBILE SPEEDWAY RACES NEWS ITEMS Of General Interest LETTER OF WARNING RECEIVED Innocent Bystanders Slain by Work of "Exiles From Militaristic Government." Reward. Oreeoo Dry Law Seriously Hurt by urcuit uurt Decision Vmnamr William, it ib officially an nounced, has moved from the Western h tr.atoi-n .riioatai of the war. He MJ fc.K. ... . ... was accompanied by the chief of the general staff Of the army in the field. Representative Dill protested to the secretary of War against, the retention " of the Washington National Guard at Calexico, one or tne noiresi puw the border. He asked that the regi ment be transferred to some more . comfortable station. - Under the menace of a heavy Rus .conit tho Austrians in the Car- DWU m n 1 ' pathians, in the region Of Bukowma, southeast of Tatarowa, have with drawn toward the main ridge of the Carpathians. This was , officially an- rt nounced by tne Austrian war uum One-of the oldest, if not the oldest, man on the Pacific Coast died at Pen dleton, Or., when Ayoushakatsagom, th ,,.n r.Hvuse Indian, passed on I to the happy hunting grounds. He " was reputed to be 120 years old, and his memory dated nacn w events wi.iv.. . happened during thewar of 1812. ' The Idaho delegation will confer : with Secretary Lane and urge that one " of three mining experiment stations for which $75,000 has been appropri- a ted, be estabished at moscow, iuauu, or Butte, Mont. . - - tndtmfinn In militarv science is to be included in undergraduate instruc tion at Stanford University, Palo Alto, Cal., of which David Starr Jordan, pa cificist of international reputation, is now chancellor emeritus , , '. ' , , r.nJ.'i mnanmntion of alcoholic beverages dropped from .872 of a gal lon per capita to .745 per capita in the fiscal year just ended, according to ' the Inland Revenue department' The ..nt;nn r.t tnhiirMi also shows a VU.BUI..p.vu ,vm. oftft falling off from 3.427 pounds to 3.3Z9 pounds per capita. The first official announcement that Great Britain had captured a uerman - submarine of the U-35 class was made ' in the house of commons by Thomas : MeNamara, financial secretary of the - .j:..h K niil that one of these vessels would be brought to London to be viewed by the public. : , , v r.i: one-callon cans of .whsky, shipped in a trunk as baggage from San Francisco to roruanu, were w. by city detectives following long hours of watchful waiting, juuub .Spaniard, is under arrest, charged with "receiving a consignment of liquor not properly labeled." . , r.lifnmUna demwited in their state banks the fiscal year ending June 30, $97,896,168 more than they Hid the last fiscal year, while at the same time the resources of the state banks in- -a tas oK a5 nvf.r the last fiscal year, according to the annual report of the state bank superintendent. The British steamer Adams, which was captured off the Swedish coast by a German destroyer, has been released, according to Reuter'a Amsterdam cor .....vuvfont Sweden made an official protest to Berlin against the capture of the steamer, saying it was effected within Swedish territorial waters. Portland Restrictions as to the amount of liquor which persons in Ore rvoTT raa;v fmni outside the state every four weeks are in danger of be- Sections of the Oregon dry law reg- tha imnnrtat.tnn of HflUOr and alcohol into the state are nullified, in the opinion of District Attorney Evans, if the decision of Circuit Judge Morrow Tuesday in overruling the de murrer to the complaint OI waanaiiiB & Co., against tne Ban rranciucu Portland Steamship company remains in force or is upheld by higher courts on an appeal. - . "rwn th.wia nr T.ne fromuiLioii ia wiped out by this decision, " said Mr. Evans. : ' The state is noi a yany ' ,it .m1 mv nniwal from the IAJ uw w -j r i ruling must be made by the steamship company." , . t..ja xtnvmvo' decision holds that the provision of the dry law limiting the ngnt oi impomng large of alcohol to wholesale druggists is in direct violation of the interstate com merce clause of the United, states con stitution. Any manufacturer, genu inely in need oi aiconoi in wnoieume Tn.n fmnnrt as much alco hol as he desires for manufacturing intains the iurist. UM.HVB'', . - n f alonhnl hv the manu- f acturer not being unconstitutional, it is unconstitutional to prohibit him imnnvtincr It. ruled Judsre Morrow. "That hoinir the case, it follows that as the possession of intoxicants is not .,ii tn tha individuaL no matter UUU.tiu w. what the quantity, the restriction of . j I l. : . n tarn the amount receiveu oy . quarts of whiskey' and 24 quarts of beer a month must be unconstitutional also," said the attorney. Ten Die Attemotin)' to Rescue Trapped Men in Qeveland lunnei Cleveland Federal officials investi gating the waterworks disaster which oo i;,roo lata Tiiesdav ordered all attempU to reach the bodies of 12 men imprisoned in tne tunnei onuuuo. mtil Wodnftd&V. . This action was taken because teBts of the gas through which the rescuers had to pass snowed mai n . i"B'"j explosive and tne oraciais ieareu sec ond explosion. An attempt will be t ntimn nut the cos so that the work of recovering the bodies may pro gress. ' aii hnn. that amr nf the 12 men . All UWJW J t trapped in the tunnel are alive has been abandoned. Ten bodies, those of members of the two rescue parties which tried to reach the doomed men but themselves succumbed to the dead ly gas, are in the morgue. San FranciBco At least six persons were killed and 42 or more injured by the explosion here Saturday of a timed bomb in the midBt of a throng viewing a preparedness parade. The police ar rested Frank Josephs, a : lodger in a sailors' boarding-house, but said he kj t ha.n ihnrffMi witn tne crime. Chalres M. Fickert, district attor I :.,.A . oti.tAmp.ni. attributine the nejr, wouw " - deed to a mind unbalanced by argu ments for and against prepareaen, .h,vh havn nccunied attention here. The parade was not interrupted. Lists oi ueau compueu vy uue i...v are: Mrs. Howard E. Knapp, Alameda, Sn. n ,r.n Paintpr Rprkelev. Cal. m. uwirv - ' 0. H. Lamborn, printer, Alameda. George Lawler, Mill Valley, Cal. tnok nlace at Steuart and Market streets, two blocks from the Ferry building, on San Francisco s main thoroughfare. The bomb, con I cealed in a suitcase packed with cart- .i.in-oa hni nta. marDies. dub oi iron pipe and scrap iron, blew a gap through the crowd, mining men, wuu.- en and children to tne grounu. The holiday throng, cheering a con tingent of veterans of the First Cah- f. a Tnfnntrv nT tne &DaniBU-AU.ei4- lUliiiu " J . can war, and members of the wand Army of the KepuDUC wno were jorm ing in Steuart street, stood in a path k nh wima ft flnamuies. 1110 u.cuv of drums drowned the cries of the in jured. The sidewalK was strewn wivu - VinJiaa annt.tprii with blood. bun. uwiwi "I ' , aii tha nawnnnner offices in oan Francisco received a communication n..;tton in Bramn Bc.rint. with an in delible pencil, many of the words be ing heavily unoerscoreo. iuo wm mnnintinn was siitned "The Deter mined Exiles from Militaristic Gov ernment, Italy, Germany, U: S., Italy, Russia." In several instances the writer repeated himself. The com munication reads -"Editor: Our protests have been in in ntnii to thiB Dreparedness va... ... . p, . . propaganda, so we are going to use a little direct action on the 22d, which will echo aronud the earth and show that Frisco really knows how and that militarism cannot be forced on us and our children without a violent provei. "rhino are mine to happen to show that we will go to any extreme, the same as the controlling ciann, preserve what little democracy we sun have. Don't take this as a joke, or you will be rudely awakened. Awak- en (sic), we nave sworn w u A.,t tn thp muBHes and only send warn ings to those who are wise, but who . fnwpri ti march to hold their jobs, nsnt tn aim onlv the hypo critical (sic) patriots who shout for war, but never go, a reai . iasw m Uylsses Aubry, driver of a Tacoma entry in the automobile speed meet held in Portland Sunday afternoon at th Vnau CAtv Rneadwav. and Frank Lake, his mechanician, are dead from injuries received when tneir nigu ! .... .immnii over a curve I nh.i., .ftpr a Aubrv was 27 and Lake 84 years old. More than 5000 spectators wimebseu me jt n,hiMi one of three. The UCii.l n ...h. . .hM ..... InAnnflp.nllAntial. uuiub " " ' - rri tha fntal accident IS 1IH WUW w t dnitplv known, but it is believed to have been due to the steering gear Mhila thA machine was trav- l.uet..'K " . - eling at a furious speed around the first turn to tne riant oi uw grnu- A The two men were lifted from the wreckage of the racing car and Dome to an automobile, which took them to a hospital. Both men were uncon scious, and Aubry's death occurred, on the way to the hospital while the auto was crossing , the - Burnside Btreet bridge. Anhnr'a hnmA 1H AT. HHZi raClUC nve- nue, Tacoma, while Lake was also a nf that it.v. Mrs. Auurv ac- .ra.u hp hnnhand to Portland to Uluiiramvu - , see his daring and skill on the track in the first meet held in tnis cny iur some time, and witnessed tne acciuem. lames Whitcomb Riley, Indiana Poet, Dies Suddenly About Oregon Tnisnonnlia tnii JnmPS WhltCOlTlb Riley, noted poet, died Saturday night .t m-Rft nVlnpk while onlv Mr. Riley's nursej Miss Clementia . Prough, was awake at the poet's home. He had i.j fA. p Hrinlr nf water and re- BBUVU .V. " " clined on his bed again. Miss Prough resumed her vigil and, noticing that the poet seemed not to be resting easy, approached his bed. Mr. Riley died neiore sne reacneu ma o.un. Mr. Riley's death was due to paraly sis. He suffered a violent stroke about 7:30 o'clock Saturday morning and the members of his household were greatly alarmed, but under Dr. Carlton B. Mc Culloch's ministrations the poet seemed to improve, and early In the evening was regarded as mucn oeiier. Tnfnrmatinn was eiven to the public that Mr. Riley was in no danger, but within a few hours he was dead. m. Pilpv Buffered his first violent attack of paralysis July 10, 1910. He was 68 years old. - Washington Considers Retaliation : for oipnds Blacklist Sixteen Cities of State Have Over $1,000,000 Deposits Each Salem Banks in 16 cities have 73.6 per cent 6f the banking capital and 79 ner cent of the bank deposits of the state, according to figures compiled Wednesday by S. G. Sargent, Btate aiinerintendent of banks. Portland alone has 48 per cent of tne capnai and 65 per cent of the deposits of Ore- imn. . ' Records of Superintendent bargent also show 16 towns with total bank pnnaita nf 1 000. 000 Of mOIe. TheSB towns, in which are located 41 state and 33 national banks, with deposits totaling $102,418,026.64, are: Port land, Salem, Pendleton, Astoria, Baker, Euirene. Albany, Medford, The Dalles, Oregon Citv. JRoseburg, La Grande, Marshfleld, McMinnville, Corvallis and Klamath Falls. All other towns in Oregon, in which are located 136 state and 51 national banks, have deposits totaling but $26,- 946,493.75. Deposits in Portland aggregate $72, 160,549.67. These are distributed among 18 state and eight national banks. Salem is next to Portland, its two state and two national institutions hauincr tntal dpnnnittl nf 84. 53y. 840. 3Z. Bank deposits in otner ureKuu where the total ia above $1,000,000 are as follows: Pendleton, $3,646,- 339.02; Astoria, $3,418,43S.o; Bau er, $2,835,045.07; Eugene, $2,800, 036.76; Albany, $1,799,199.32; Med ford, $1,626,802.83; The Dalles, $1,- 325,708.07; Oregon uity, i,zbvuo.- 1i- Rnophurir. $1,269,920.16; La Grande, $l,19U,iiSta.lo; raarsnneiu, $1,180,767.80; McMinnville, $1,174, 767.64; Corvallis, $1,150,401.35; Klamath Falls, $1,125,204.77. SPORTING GOODS Our stock of Baseball Equipments superior to any we have carried heretofore. . . . fTshing tackle The Eishing Season is here and we are prt pared to please you in any of the best makes of Rods, Creels, Flies, Lines, Etc. . Foss-Winship Hardware Co. Barrett Building, Athena. Students Will Be Rdcascd. Washington, D. C All National Guard organizations composed of col lege students will be mustered out of .1 VaHnval aprVtPA in EimO 1UI M1CUI L11C. JL WM to proceed with their school work at the Fall term. It was announced at the War depart' ment Wednesday that the policy of the government would be to disband organ izations completely as unno . iu tional Guard and to seen tne reorgani zation of the college men into branches of the officers' reserve corps. 1 "Kindly ask : the Chamber of Com merce to- march in a solid body, IF THEY WANT TO PROVE THEY ARE NO COWARDS. A copy nas been sent to all the papers. Our duty has been done so far. S6000 Reward Offered. Con Vranoiann Mavor RolDh offered a reward of $5000 Sunday for the ar rest of the person who placed a bomb Saturday among tne crowas waicm.. 1 nrnnarpdnPBH nAradfi. the explosion of .which killed six and wounded 40, ua thn nniina rinnartment established a separate bureau for the single pur pose of running down the culprit.' ; As the result OI ponce invenugaviu.., i several possible clews to the perpetrator of the outrage were oouuneu. m... Taylor, an aged cripple, who frequents the waterfront, told tne ponce ina ne saw a man leave a suitcase on the spot where the explosion occurred a few minutes later. ' . ''. Washington, D. C Indications that officials are considering the advisabil ity of taking economic retaliatory ntminst Great Britain for blacklisting nearly 100 American firms and individuals under tne trading who. the enemy act were apparent here Monday. ! . -... i;nna and nlana were said not tn h.p .Wpinnen1. hut it was intimat ed that action of that kind might be determined on after the State depart ment learned more of the plans of the British government. ' in thp prant. Acnnnmic reprisals are decided on, the department of Justice -nil tnp lipnartment of Commerce, it was said, probably would develop means of executing tnem. cinnrfnn rptaliatpd when Great Brit ain blacklisted Swedish business houses and individuals by refusing to permit shipments for-Russia to pass tnrougn her territory, according to information received by the State department. The action is said to have resulted in a modification by the British govern ment of the blacklisting measure. Recovered Barrel of Bluing Enriches Small Boat Operator St. Paul Firm Gets W. L Pulliarn. Marshfleld W. L. Pulliam, a log aimr contractor who has been operat ing on the Columbia river for several seasons, soon will open a camp on South Coos river on the Merchant tract of 800 acres, and the operations will be under the supervision of the Thos. Irvine company, of St. Paul, which re- centlv boueht timber in thiB county fnr a anm Animated to be near half a million dollars. The camp will be lo cated 20 miles from MarBnneio ami two miles from South Coos river, kn ina mill Iia liumned in tide- .B ' : . , water. The operations are intended solely for delivery oi logs to mius on svna Ran and the comoanv has no in tention of operating any milln at pres ent. ESTABLISHED 1865 Preston-Shaffer Milling Co, AMERICAN BEAUTY FLOUR Is made in Athena, by Athena Labor, in one of the very best equipped Mills in the Northwest, of the best selected Bluestem wheat grown anywhere. Patronize home industry. Your grocer sells the famous American Beauty Flour. The Hour Your Mother Uses Merchant Millers and Grain Buyers Athena, Oregon. WaiUburg, Washington. Vancouver, Wash. The tremendous advance in the price of chemicals ano ia .hnn ho thA AxnArience of F. UyCD IO D.wn.. j 1 ... E. Smith, who operates a small boat on the Columbia river and streams Some time before the war, Mr. Smith lost overboard a barrel of blu ing of the sort used in laundries. He was compelled to pay the consign ( damages of about $60 for the loss.' . I Recently, on learning of the advance : tkn n hnlnD Mr. Smith went in tiKi - to the place he had kt the barrel, and with grappling hooks recovered it.' ! He netted flbuu on tnis one oarrei and was sorry he had not lost a ship load under similar circumstances. . Indian Lands to Be Sold. : Klamath Falls Sixty allotments, on the Klamath Indian reservation, north of here, belonging to estates of de ceased Indians, are soon to be adver tised and sold to the highest bidders, according to Engineer H. W. Hincks, IL. Tnlan rp1am&tinn Service. Ul i . in J .... - Much of the land is tillable and parts of it can be,irrigated, Engineer Hincks tpnitant William B. DB.U. v. j.v. -..- . . Freer, of the Klamath reservation, has ordered surveyB to be made oi an ine 60 allotments. Mr. Hincks said that thia aaaann Ann acres OI Indian n.icouj v... . lands on the Fort Creek project on the reservation, have been reclaimed to water by the Indians.' Gun to Warn Fishermen. Astoria Beginning with last Sun day. Colonel Ludlow, commanding offi cer at the fortifications about the mouth of the river, will have a gun flrnd at Fort Stevens and one at Fort ruinnthia at A o'clock Saturday and VV1UI1I MV tr - I Sunday nights, as a notice to tne nsn- Kiuwui i Tkia mill ha itnnp In accordance with a request from the State Fisheries de partment and is lnwnaeu u peeve.. .nnnnp tnoHvottflntlv . violatimc the Sunday, closing law. As another pre caution, Deputy isn yvaraen namuii has made arrangements to nave a nag raised at those hours on Desdemona sands. V FTFl Home ot IiaV. I Ann irmr I H J B III I A I II V I ii i x.-- ' i rw' r frm r r mn Swedes Chase Russians. Berlin An attack on German mer chant vessels by Russian destroyers, alleged to have taken place within Swedish territorial waters,- is reported in a statement which says: "Two t,....'.n ifaorrnvara attacked lour uer- nwhint atpumers at the entrance to the Port of Lullea, within Swedish waters. The Swedish torpedoDoat Vir go steamed toward them and the Rus sian craft Bed, pursued oy me irKu, which had made ready for action. The Swedish government has protested against this breach of neutrality." Shakespeare Wins Suit. : Chicago The closing chapter of the Facon-ShakesDeare controversy in the courts here was entered Saturday when Judge Smith dismissed the suit of Col onel George Fabyan and oissoivea me ::...tlnn irrantpri him hV JudES Tut- bill, who decided that the works cred ited to Shakespeare were in reaiuy written by Bacon. To prevent Fabyan from publishing a code which he eon- ja wnnii ahntv Rcon was the au- .1 nf thp fihalr AanAATASn nlaVS. Sellg brought injunction proceedings and Colonel Fabyan filed a cross-bill. ': Pontiff's Body Is Moved. Rome A rumor was current in Rome Sunday that the body of Pope r VTTT .. tn Kp rranannrted at SUn- set.from 1U present resting place in St. Peters to a tomb erected in the -u .u n it Jnhn T.ataran. A larore COUIU. V " number of persons gathered along the route which the procession would have ....t. ann thp rlnta whip.h occurred in W " " JIT n. July, 1881, when the body of Pope Pius IX was similarly transported, were re called. The body of Pope Leo, how ever, was merely removed from one place to another inside oi bt. reter s. Poles Thank Americans.. The Hague, via London The Polish bureau Wednesday informed the Asso ti . uat thp Pnliah Hnlcirates cuuuiioa w. to the Congress of Nationalities at Lausanne, Switzerland, have sent a hl.mn tn PrpaMnt Wilson. tlUUlk- MMIlVg.. - ' ing the American Nation for the ae- .: Lamm tn ailppn thA ARfflURlie miS- wb"" , . , : Dl.n Uaiu ia PTntiAaaAn that KIJ III ' "I - 1 the "sacred watchword of liberty and independence for Poland win nno a ready echo in America." - Millions to Be Burned, t Mexico City Fifty million dollars in Mexican paper money will be burned :..: .h. n.t fpar Hava In the court yard of the National Palace, according to an announcement Dy tne goveruureuk O . 1 Thia mfllMV 1H of tilC Old DMbUiUPj. . . I Vera Cruz issue and has been supplant ed by a new issue made in tne uniwu O.ntna ' It is said that 22B,000,000 in paper money will be disposed oi in una w during the next few weens. Cherrv Croo is Canned. The Dalles Libby, McNeill & Lib- by'i cannery has put up 80,000 cases nf nharries. finishine this week. The .nnnpm will MimmnncA canninsT SDri- .nta npvt wppir. ami witn mis iruiL anu Bartlett pears expects to be in opera- t:. nntil Hntnhpr. The fruit la COm- l.uu u.av.a - I ing from North Yakima, Lewiston, M.hn White Salmon. Underwood, Hood River, Mosier, and many other outside points, as wen as large quan titipp'in tha aatinn Immediately sur rounding The Dalles. Shipment is made entirely by rail. New York's Trade Huge'. M. Vnrb Cnmhined exoorts and imports of the port of New York for thn paa atwfeil June 30 amounted to $2,169,000,000, according to the an nual report 01 tne unamoer or wim merce Monday. During the .last BO years, the report shows, more than 60 per cent oi tne country s impuria uav come to New York. TTvnnrtji for the first time reached tha X500.000.000 mark in 1900. Last year they were $1,193,58000. Bi- Timber Body Offered. nj Riapr T H fiherrard. state forest supervisor, has advertised for KM nn 1(190 anrpa nnntjlininl? 330.000.- 000 feet of Douglas fir, Western hem lock, Amabilie Hr, Noble nr, western red cedar and white pine timber in the i Cascade National forest. Under the terms of the sale a mill on the west Fork of Hood River with sufficient ...ttin nanaitv tn handle the timber in the next 10 or 12 years, will be re- quired. I Good Groceries go to the Right Spot Every Time This is the Right Spot To go to Every Time for Groceries. Try These They'll Please! ONE BEST THE MONOPOLE Monopole Vegetables Monopole Fruits 1 r Monopole Salmon Monopole Oysters DELL BROS., Athena, Or. Caterers to the Public in Good Things to Eat