The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, July 14, 1916, Image 3

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    Press Paragraphs J
Dr. A. B. Stone's baby boy has been
ill this week.
D. Scott Fisher has registered t Spo
kane for the land drawing.
Miss Ruby Banister Is spending the
week fit Bingham Springs.
Mrs. J. C. Martin goes to Spokane
on a visit the first of the week.
, Vic Burke will go over to Spokane
to register for the land drawing
Will Hartle and family are up from
Holdman visiting the latter's parents.
Mrs. May Moss, of Union, Is In the
city, visiting her aunt, Mrs. LUUe
Frank Graham of Weston, motored
from over the hill, Tuesday after
noon. State Factory Inspector Dalzell was
in the oity Tuesday on an Inspection
Mrs. Win. Winshtp and two daugh
ters are visiting relatives In Spokane
this week.
J. S. Ross is over from Walla Wal
la visiting his daughter, Mrs. Roy
Cannon. .
Claude Steen, prominent East End
rancher, was in the city Wednesday,
from Milton. ,
William Konwak and Jesse MyrloK
spent Sunday with friends at BlnK
ham Springs.
A. A. Foss, after constructing con
crete walks at his residence is now.
engaged in filling the lot with soil
anr will reseed the lawn. I
Mr: and Mrs. H. I. Watts are expect
ed home tomorrow from their auto
trip to Montana,
Mr. and Mrs. Luke Read spent
Sunday at the Geo. W. Gross camp at
Bingham Springs. '
Floyd and Ross Payne are enjoying
the camping privileges of Bingham
Springs this weak.
County Commissioner Mack Cock
burn was In the city a few hour Mon
day, from Milton. .
N. H. Flnkerton, wife and baby o!
Washtucna, Wash, spent the week
with relatives In Athena.
Mrs. Oliver Dickeson and children,
are visiting at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Emery Achilles, at ansycle, this
Mrs. Chester Davis came up from (
raitum me middle ox me ww "
will visit some time at the Geo. Ger
klng home.
Wood, the auto stage man, hauls
passengers from Athena to Pendle
ton for 75 cents, or the round trip
for f 1.25. ,
Heerafter the Press will make
Weekly visit to Mr, and Mrs. Robert
Raymond, at Bonnie View Ranch, near
The Misses Carrie and Catherine
Sharp are visiting friends in Spokane,
going to the Falls city on Wednesday
morning's train.
Bert Applegate, who held the po
sition of prescription clerk at Ware's
Pharmacy for several weeks, has re
turned to Portland.
Mr. and Mrs Frank Taylor were
down from their mountain ranch yes
terday, with a consignment of straw
berries for local dealers.
Mr. and Mrs. James Knight of Con- Mrs. F. B. Boyd and daughter, Mrs.
don have been in the city the past' James H. Sturgls of Pendleton, ore!
week, visiting at the home of Mr. spending the week at Bingham
and Mrs. Hiram Knight ; Spring There Is now aulte a colonv
Mrs. W. T. McLcoa and daughters of Athena people at the Springs, per
are spending the week at Bingham manently camped for the summer,
springs, naving went to tnat resort , ana. iney nospitably entertain munv
Monday afternoon fry auto. I over-Sunday visitors.
. The Rebekhas Installed their of fi- Umatilla county farmers are over-
cer Tuesday evening. Ice cream and hauling their combined harvesters,
cako were served to a goodly number! preparatory to harvesting the lOlli
of the members at it close. grain crop. The first outfit to start
Miss Maude Mansfield returned l,p ,n tnl" section, will probably be
home Sunday evening frfom a pleas- on the Joseph Hodgson place on Pine
ant visit with Mrs. Dean Willaby, at Crk. where barley Is nearly ready
hr .mn at Hlnlrhnm Hnrlnn , 'or ne machine.
Davis-Kaser's Summer
Clearance Sale
IrIihiIiik Monday, July 17th, Uils groat bargain festival the sale
that hundreds and hundreds of thrifty folks look forward to, will
bring worthwhile opportunities to savo on homo furnishings. Hero I
a big: 100.000 stock of tho choicest of Furniture, Carpets, Rugs, Dra
peries, Crockery, Glassware, VVoodemvarc, Silverware, Dlnncrwnre,
Enamclnnre, Aliimlniimware and everything needed to fumlsh homes
completely, and with a few exceptions everything Is undcrprlccd. Con
sider that most of our present stock was bought before prices ad
vanced, and then consider what reductions running all Uio way from
10 to 35
Per Cent
mean to yon on such goods. .- Without question, now Is tho time to buy
Homo Furnishings. Davls-Kascr Sales have always been real, worth
while bargain event but never one more worthy of your patronage
thuu this one. Head our Ads In the dally papers for .particulars.
Head tho big posters If you did not get one, please let us know.
Complete Furnishers of Homes, Offices and Schools 0-j0 Alder 8t-
Self Rising Pastry Flour
A Pancake Flour that also makes
Biscuits, Cake, Waffles, Etc., better
an4 more ecQngmical than ordinary
flour, as it takes less shortening and
eggs in making a finer grained cake
Blydenstein's Prepared Dietary Flour
rJTVlade from the best parts of wheat. tA cure and pre
ventative for constipation and indigetion. Better than
drugs. Recommended by physicians. Now for sale by
Athena merchants. Buv a sack today. Made by
H. G. BLYDENSTEIN, Pendleton
Get Ready
For Harvest
We have what you want in Tarps,
Blankets, Comforts, etc. Have the
muleskin and elkskin Shoes at the
same oloV prices, 40 40 40
Sea oar line of Cotton Blankets.
Corns in white, tin and gray, per
pair - 49o, 9o. 980, f 1.49.
Wool oap Blankets in gter and
ten plaids. ... fl.99.
Oregon-made Wool Blanket!., just
tbe tight tblog for sll 'tonad Bie,
- $3.98t.08.
We be;tbe Comfoits jo sj col
on at 381 - 980, 1.49. 11.98.
Sheets it 49o, 69a. ?9a, 98a.
Pillon'Csses lOo, IS I Ze. 15o,
17 l-2o., 'Mo.
6il3 8 01.; Bed Tarp,
6x14 8-ox. Bed Tarp,
Ril4 lO-oi. Bed Tarp,
6x14 12-ot. Bed laip.
SO-taeb 10-oz. Can r as,
38-loob 10 or. Canvas, '
6-foot 12-ox.Cjanvai,
Cloud, line of Pillows, 49n,
98a, 11.19.
Men's Molekln Shoes, all
i.49. --am
' Men"i Elk Shoes, all sixes,'
Boys' Elk Shoes, tl.69,;l
, 69n,
?y Co. Inc. J
A few farmers are cutting and bind
ing wheat hay. Only a small per
centage has been cut as the gra'u Is
yet too green In most Instances.
Miss Clara Zerba and Miss Laura
Smith are spending several days at
the Zerba ranch, northwest of town
The young ladles reside in Walla Wal
la. The Jack babies and Merle Best ac
companied Estelle Smith home from
Pendleton and vlsitd a tew days at the
C. T. Smith home the first of the
D. H, Mansfield is relieving his lawn
of surplus shade by the removal of
several lareg locust trees on the
Fourth street side of his residence
Sim Culley came In from the ranch
yesterday after machine extras. He
is getting along nicely with his farm
work, since purchasing a caterpillar
George Wlnship, assistant to the lo
cal O.-W. B. & N. agent, left yester
day for Spokane, where he will enter
the company's hospital for treatment
to the eyes.
Mountain strawberries are beginning
to arrive In the Athena market, and
as usual, the housewife finds them to
be of fine flavor and suitable for can
ning purposes.
Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson, ac
companied by Mr. and Mrs. Dlopha
Thompson, were In me city Wednes
day from their stocs ranch on the
Umatilla river.
The University of Oregon summer
school this year shows an increase in
attendance of more than 66 per cent
oer last year, and more than 100
per cent over the year before.
- William Worthington did sonw
painting and paper-Hanging at the
John Thompson ranch home on the
Umatilla river last week and Inci
dentally snared a trout or two.
The Misses Jessie and Helen O'Nell,
daughters of Chas. O'Nell, veteran ed
itor of the Prescott Spectator, are
house' guests of Mrs. Leon Kidder
during their summer vacation.
Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Emmel, late ar
rivals In Athena from Salem, are re
siding in the J. M, swaggart cottage
on Adams street. Mr. Kmmel Is em
ployed at the Golden Rule store.
Ideal warm weather, such as Is wel
comed by the grain growers, has been
on tap this week and if the weather
man will repeat for the next two
weeks, the rancher win let him take
a vacation,
The first Benz racing cas ever no
ticed In Athena, was driven Into town
Monday by G. 3. nazler of Ogden,
ctah. The racy lines of the flyer
were greatly admired oy Athena's au
tomobile contingent
At the Methodist Episcopal church
the subject nexbt Sunday morning
will be "Christian Progress." At
7:30 p. m., a praise and preaching ser
vice. Sabbath school at 10 a. m. All
are cordially invited.
Joseph Hodgson was In from Mea-
dowbrook farm yesterday morning.
He expects to be harvesting his barley
crop within a week. His crop con
sists of blue barley .sowed last fall,
and It Is ripening fast.
A letter received from Vernle Grant
by his parents,' states that he is drill
ing with the naval recruit squad at
San Francisco, Both he and Herbert
Parker are satisfied with naval life.
Hay Shick Is employed In a foundry.
Mr. and Mrs. Schnebly have arrived
from EHensburg, Wash., and will
make their home on the Henry- Koep
ke farm, south of Athena. Mr.
Schenbly is a nephew of Mr, Koeplte,
and will assist In the management of
the farm.
A couple of traveling broncho
busters put on a minature wild vest
exhibition at the Wright feed yard In
this city, Wednesday evening, before
a small udience. The hat was "pass
ed" and the busters went on their way
Proprietor Martin of the Peoples
Theater, Is putting on some splendid
pictures. His Sunday afternoon and
evening feature films are among the
tost procurable. Mr. Martin is de
serving of ten. liberal patronage he
is receiving.
Property owners who had the fore.
sight to cut weeds and grass in front
of their homes several weeks ago,
now see where their work has result'
ed In much benefit. Where the grass
was left uncut, an element of danger
from fire exists.
Miss Ruth Rothrock of this city, Is
one of the students registering for the
summer session of tne University ot
Oregon, at Eugene. Other students
from Umatilla county are Arthur F.
Tollman of Pendleton, and G. L. Rob
inson of Weston.
Helix, Adams and Weston basebal:
fans and fanettes caem In goodly num
bers Monday afternoon to witness the
game between the Kansas City Red
Sox and the Athena team, and the
greatest of 'em all was Kernel Wood
of Weston, famous fungotst. -
Dean Piper Crowell or Albany, for
mer fullback on the University of
Oregon football team, has arrived in
the city. Mr. Crowell will spend hi
rummer vacation period in the Uma
tllla county harvest fields, develop
Ire brawn and glemitng a few shekels.
Harold M. West, the new traveling
freight and passenger agent of the
O.-W. R. ft N., was in the city TueJ'
day from Walla Walla, on buslnes
connected with his road. Mr. West
has been in the service of the com
pany at the Portland general offices.
A letter from Mrs. W. R. Taylor,
who with her daughter Lucile, is vis
iting relatives in Abingdon, Illinois
states that the- weather back there
has been rather torrid. Corn, the
principal crop of the Middle West,
leaks splendid and promises a boun
tlful yield.
George Froome, while still an Inva
lid, finds much enjoyment in sitting
In a wheel-chair in front ot the St
I Nichols Hotel conversing with friends.
Charlev Henry is Mr. Froome's chief
support in moving from bed to chair
and back again.
Zerba Bros.' Garage Is a very bosy
place these days. In addition to the
regular line of automobile repair
work, combined harvester engines re
quire attention of th etorce to the ex
tent that the services of Mr. George
Demer, an exper gns engine workman,
have been secured.
'Game Warden Tonkin swooped
down on Mill creek fishermen Sun
day, and as a result of his unan
nounced Visit, R. Scholl of Walla
Walla, is minus hia rishlng tackle, had
his license revoked and faces a fine
In the Justice Court, ror having flsb
of unlegal size in his creel.
Charles Grant has sold his restau
rant to Mr. Geo. A. Haffner, of Spo
kane, and the business is now being
conducted by Mr. Haffner's son-in-
law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Roy
McPherren. Hr, and Mrs. Grant are
preparing to take, a trip to Montana
and Alberta for the summer.
Sunday afternoon, near Weston
Mrs. F. A. Michaels of Pilot Rock,
sustained a broken collar bone when
the automobile which sne was driving,
went Into the ditch and was overturn-
Six other occupants of the car
were not Injured. Mrs. Michaels was
taken to St. Anthony's hospital, at
Jack Vincent accompanied Dr.
Newsom to La Grande and Enterprise
last week, returning Monday. Dr.
Neusom will probably decide to lo
cate In either Enterprise or La
Grande. Mr. Vincent announces that
the summer resort at Wallowa Lake
is being liberally patronized by people
on recreation bent.
Lost A pink coral finger ring, be
tween the Mansfield and Piersol resi
dences, on Fourth street. Finder will
pease leave at the Press office and
receive reward.
Mack Smith, a dvell known and
prosperous farmer or the Juniper
neighborhood, was a business visitor
in Athena yesterday.
Mrs. Peyton T. Poone, wife of a
Stanfleld farmer and little child were
fatally burned as the result of an oil
stove exploding while the lady was
engaged in preparing dinner, Sunday
evening. The little child lived only
few minutes and the mother sue
cumbed to her fearful burns a few
hours afterward.
for a number of years.
Milton fruit peddlers have gone to
the autotruck as a means of distrib
uting their products over the county,
tho result being thot few teams are
being used. Fruit is now received
fresh and in better condition, than
when wagons were m use for deliv
Dr. and Mrs. J. D. Plamondon left
Monday for Denver, where the doctor
will attend the Grand Camp W. O. W.
convention, as a State delegate. Re
turning, Doctor and Mrs. Plamondon
will tour Yellowstone National Park
and other points of interest In the Inter-mountain
country. They will be
absent from Athena tor a fortnight.
C. B. Gabrielson, one ot the oldest
and best known insurance special
agents on the coast, is In the city for
few days. He will accompany his
local agent Into the country for the
purpose of writing grain insurance.
His son, who was In Athena for a
time last winter, is with Co. M, O. N.
recruited at Sarem, now on tne
Mexican border.
The members of the Baptist church
and their friends enjoyed a basket
dinner and picnic at the City Park,
Wednesday afternoon. tAhletlc sports
In which adults participated, as well
the children, was the source ot
much amusement. A splendid basket
dinner was served, and the large num
ber of people present thoroughly en
joyed the occasion.
Bert Hopkins, formerly employed on
(arms in this vicinity, and known as
Tige," is in jail at Baker, for killing a
homesteader named J. L. Eggers ol the
Durkee district. He shot Eggers, who
leaves a wife and children, in a dispute
over ranging sheep which Hopkins was
herding. Hopkins pleads self defense.
Umatilla county may be represent
ed this year at tho State Fair with a
creditable display ci agricultural pro
ducts, in charge of a compeent per
son, appointed Dy tne county
to look after the exhibit. Fred Cur
rey, former La Giande newspaper
man, is general booster for the State
Fair this year, and so far has lined
up 20 of the 33 counties for exhib
its. .
Dr F. H. Kor.pke of Watsonville,
California, is at the home of his lam
er, Hemiry Koepke, south of town.
The doctor and bis father will leave
soon for a week's vult at Yellowstone
Parkt and may be accompanied on
the trip by Ernest Koepke. At noi l
Koepke,, who lives with the doctor in
California, Is at present employed on
an aprlcoat ranch and is doing wen.
Henry Barrett's hay crew quit
working as the result of tho number
of hours constituting the day's woik.
Mr, Barrett contends that thn men
we;-e informed before they started
work, that they were to put in eleven
hours per day taking one hour and a
half for noon. The wages paid was
i2.00 ner day. The men demanded
a ten hour day after working a short
Miss Leta Edington, a former Athe-
na young lady, was united in mar
riage to Mr. John Alec ojhnson, at
Butte, Montana, May 23. Mr. and
Mrs. Johnson wll lreslde at Ingomar,
Mont., where Mr. Johnson has charge
of the Midland Company business. The
bride is a graduate ot Athena High
school and O. A. C, and for several
years has followed the avocation of
school teacher, hawing taught in Wal
lowa county and Montana,
Mountain ranch crops are forging
to the tront as a result of favorable
weather conditions of the past two
weeks. Grain crops are coming along
well, and the lareg acreage of posa
toes are lust coming through the
ground. The eprospects are good for
a crop of Mountain tubers this sea
son. The soil was In prime condition
at planting time, the middle of June,
and with expected fall rains, the crop
should realize perfect maturity. This
Is the opinion of Mr. Hyatt, on of
I 4Z0rrty'r mrM jot Tar"- mryp 4
I I fOur rALL
have arrived and are on display"
for your inspection. The best fab
rics the market affords are at your 1
disposal in stylish fashions. 40 401
We guarantee our cloth materials, as well as tailored fit. The firms we
represent are the leading tailors of the country hence, giving satisfac
tion is easy. Our cleaning and pressing department is at your service.
Main Street - JAKE BOOHER - Athena, Oregon
the extensive farmers of Weston
Water rents were paid in at the
City Recorder's office, under the new
departure, for the' first time this
month, the services of a collector hav
ingbeen dispensed with. Payments
were made promptly, except in a few
instances, and the new method of col
lection, promises to be satisfactory
The report that huckleberries will
be plentiful in the mountains is joy
fully received by prospective campers
of Athena. Hot weather Is an in
ducement for mountain pilgrimages,
but huckleberries is a better drawing
Natural Pillows.
Tbe pollack lice provides the natives
of British IloiitliiiiiM Willi splendid Dia
ler In I for pillows mill mattresses. It Is
a common soft wood growth with a
Innie pear shaped trull, ulilcli liaa a
lini'il shell, cliaim'.li'j In almost black
wlion rliic. ami iiintaliiiiiu it short sta
ple lirowii 11 ii IT or silk hher The flu IT
Is nlioiit a .iiai'lii if ii a inch long,
more like I lie tliu-si of nuncl's hair
than liber, mid is iirxsl I'SlenslwIy for
Oiling pillows mid liiiittrespcs. Ii will
not become hard, even n ft ft- years of
service. The natives lUTiislonnlly ex
pose It to the suiilliilil fur a day or two
nnd put It hack ns giiod ns ever.
Wiee Distribution.
"Is Jinks ii rnrcfnl business man?"
"Very, no never nslts the snme
bank to discount Ids paper more than
twice In the same week." Richmond
Local Advertisements
Kst'Byed A bay saddle-hone, wt.
lino, brand with aainll oirule on sbool
der. Will pa; liberal leward for bis
reooreiy. H. J. Weber, Weston, Ore,
Cbris Tboeny is now in tbe maikut
with bis lusoioos mountain strawbet
i ies. Speak quick; if you want su or
der, as Ibey ou't last loog.
Ulfive Myeis makes a specialty ol
repsiriog ttsbiog iboei and boots.
Auto Service W. B. Ciawfcid ii
piepnred to Rive day or Digbt eeriioe.
at St. Nioliols Hotel, phone, 19!).
Diessmakiog done, satisfaction guar
anteed. Apply to Mrs. Delia Wright.
Our iaoiitios bargain this week is
a blgn grade fiuo.uu louoei-uiea
buggy for (98.60 oasb or good si oasb,
Wails and Rogers.
Livestook Desler. Bert OarUoo has i
engaged in tbe livestock business. He
is prepared to pay the bigbeel matket 1 at all times for obioltens, nogs,
cattle and sheep II jou bavn ill 00k
to sell, fca lure and eei bim.
tWr' '.
Gas not
a mixture
Dealers every
where and at
Standard 03
JT gji,
OS THE DAY," Or '49
Peoples Theatre
"Always The Best"
Saturday Night We Present
Paying the Toll
A Knickerbocker Star Feature
"This Way Out"
Sunday Afternoon
and Evening,
the World Renowned cActor, comes in the magnificent
screen production of BRET HARTE'S immortal story
of WESTERN PIONEERj LIFE. Come and see it.
If you are looking for Bargains, you
can .find them here.
We have 1200 rods of 26 inch Hog Wire,
you may have at 25c per rod.
Collar Pads, at 30c each.
Sprockets, 20 per cent off.
Holt Chain, 10 per cent off.
Cylinder Teeth, 10 per cent off.
Binding Twine, 13c per lb.
In fact, we can supply your wants in any
thing you may need in harvest.
Kirk Implement House
North Sido Main Street, Athena, Oregon