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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (June 30, 1916)
j Press Paragraphs j Mrs. Adah Losb Rosa dame op from Pendlaton Ibis morning. Watts and Sogers have tfaa MoUor tulok Combine for aruall or big farm lug od exhibition. , Mis. 3. 0. Bmke visited her eon,. Boy Burke and wife in Walla Walla over the week end. ; 9 e Watta and Rogers' saoriSoa oSer of tl is week a phonograph worth $100 for 60. See big ad. - , . : W. It. Taylor nod Ralph MoEwen went lo. Lehman Springs and spent last Sunday at that resort. - W. 3. Kins has gone to Hot Lake, to take a course of the baths and treat ment in (he sinitarinm. Mi-a Tiuelove, of Roiebnrg, Is a guest this week of ber sister, Mrs. J. B. Anderson la this oity. , Frank Tbarp baa moved bis family into tba Spenoer outtage on Adams street to reside for the presont. Mib. Robt. Mays aod little daugh ter of Elgin, On., are guests at the 0. A. Bairell home in tbia oity. Miss Luis Tbarp spent the week in Pendleton where she is in the employ ol the Viavi treatment oompany. D. B. Mansfield is filling an order for a shipment of horses and moles. sets! da j be puiohased 11 bead. Mrs. Earl Urquhart it last reoov eriog from ber reoent operation, and is now able to be abont the boose. Mr. aod Mra. B. D. Tbarp motored to their ranob near Nolin Sunday, and found tbe oropa in flood condition. Joe Supple, O. A. 0. student aod athlete, bas arrived iu tbe oity, and will spend bra vaoation in tbe hervest Gelds. Mra. Adair and Miss Adair, of Prinoeton, Idaho, visited tbia week at tbe Borden home on 1th and High streets. ,, " Dr. Q. S. Newsom, who waa in Pen dleton tbia week from Prioaville, is reported to be seeking a looatioo iu Eastern Oregon, . Mrs. Mary Tompkins and daughter. Miss Lillian, will leave neit week for a visit with friends and relatives at Calgary, Alberta. This week, E. L. Smith & Co., de livered oaterpillar oomtined .harvest ers to G. M. Morrison of Adams, and John Walter of Athena. Letters reoeived ty frienda of Miss Flora Kemp, state tbat she is in very ill health, and will enter a sanitarium in Portland for treatment. Elmer Johnson bas sold hla res idenoe on tbe West Side to bis father, Al. Jobosoo, and this week left for Medford, where be will look into a land proposition. Mrs. Johnson and little son, Merle, will remain beia un til 'be bBa loontnd. Automatic Mr iterators The eight honestly built walls of the Automatic eooaunt for its ioe economy. It's automatic, one way, dry air ciroulation keeps foods pore and sweet. The Antomatio is built to save and to sudor. It is not the cheapest Refrigerator made, but tbe biggest and best value, and no higher than some others at that. Write for catalogue and priaes if unable to oome. McDOUGAL CABINETS You can't begin to realize bow many ways tbe AotoFroot Mo Dongall Kitchen Cabinet oao save for yon. When all its con veniences are pointed out to yon, yon will marvel tbat any one should have thonght of so many Ihinrs. Tt is wonderful labor saver spells economy in any kitoben. Prices on genoioe MoDongall Oabiuets'frum fit). 60 lo 14.50. ICE CREAM FREEZERS There are many reasons for making yonr own ioe ornam, and it's so little trouble it one has a good freezer. Lightning freez ers will give smoothest oream in quiokest time and witb less ioe, Made eztra well throughout, l-qt. 11.65; 3-qt.. $2.25; 8-qt. $2.75; l-qt. $3.25; H qt. $4.00; 8-qt. $5.36; 10-qt. $6.76. Blizzard Freezer, uext best, 2 t. a. 00. 8-qt. $3.36, 4 qt. $3.76, B-qt. $3.60, 8 qt. $1.60. THE DAVIS-KASER CO,, WALLA WALLA Complete Furnishers of Homes, Offices and Schools 10-20 Alder St. YOUR IDEAL HOME For tba purpose of assisting our onatomera to ohooae their new borne, our architects bave oolleoted over 300 suggestions, any one of whioh oao be remodeled to soil your ideals and you pookattook. You see tbe exterior design tbe interior floor plaoa you oao seleot from. 200 models you bave yout Lome as yon want it to be and yon see the very material tbat will go into that HOME before you pay out a oeut. You know oxaotly what you will get. There are no "extras" no troubles over breakage or errors ip Ailing. We your own follow townsmen stake bnr reputation on the goods we sell and tbe serviaes we render. If we oao do exactly as we claim, then that is the sort of servioe that yon want. And it doesn't ooat joa a oeut to prove to yourself the troth of out state ments. We want you to oame in and see us personally and what we have for you. If this is not coovenient, let us know and ws will oome to yoo. Remember tbat our idea of SERVICE is Satisfviog Yon AB-SO- LUTE-LY! We Have Everything cA Modern Retail Building Material Yard Should Have It is oar aim looarry at all times a stook of goods commeneorate with the needs of this community. Above all we keep constantly lu tonob witb the leading markets so that we are able to get the Best Gradea at tbe Lowest Prioes. Onr stook is naturally vary oomplex, consisting aa it does of Lumber, Lath, Shiogles, Roofing, Sash and Doors and in abort, of most everything that enters into tbe oonstrnotioo of a building. It is our ambition lo make onr bnsiness a oredit to tbe town, and to help our towo become a oredit to the State. Yet these worda will tall you less than we DO. Oome in and visit os. That's the best proof of all. ' "See Johnson About It." TUH-A-LUM LUWBEB COMPANY Every Pay Bargains See what we can save you on the small items. All other goods marked accordingly; our every" day" prices. Peroxide (88) Sbaviug soap Tooth pasta - - Palm Olivasoap - 3 Colgate's Castile soap Cntionra soap - Tar soap ...... 8 Colgate's Toilet soaps 8 Oatmeal map - 8 Menoon's Taloom Powder Colgate's Taloom Powder Colagre'a Cold Cream Palm alive Oiepni .15 .04 .08-. 19 for .3 .05 .19 for .36 for .35 for .35 .13 .13 .P9 . .15 LaBIanohe Faos powder - .15 Camphor Ioe - - .08 Vaseline ' - , - 0 Croobet hooka - Tatting abnttlea - .08 Pios - - .01-.01 Coats' silk-fioish Croobet cotton .01 Safety pine - lo, 3o. So, lo Bairpina - - -0l Darmog oottoo - 3 tot .05 Cotton tape - 8 for .05 Lioeu taps - - -Kid ourlers - - Pencils - - 8. 8o- Just received our shipment of Rugs. Come in and see what we can save you on mem. X r Ppnnev Co. Inc. The Athena base ball team will play tbe Milton-Freewater team on tbe Roundup grounds at Pendleton, on July Itb, for a purse of 1150. Rev. Robert Warner, presiding elder of the Methodist Episoopal ohurch, was in tbe oity Wfduesday on busineee oonneoted with bis ohorob office. F. S. LeGrow, W. E. Taylor aod Balph MoEwen have gone to Miseouls, Montana, to assist George Drumheller in staging tbe Stampala program. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Kirk bare ar rived in tbe oity from Hnlsey. They are seeking a suitablo residence for oo oopatioo, and will make Athena their home. ' -:- - Mrs. Junie Woodrnff and ohiidreu have goue lo their home at Two Riv era, Wash,, aod will remain there on IU aba settles up ber affairs at that plaoe. . V Irwin U. Brooke, of tba Frrst Na tional Bank, went down to Pendleton Tuesday to meet his sister, Miss Agnes .Brooks, who is a goeat of friends lo tbat city. Bay Shiok bas soooessfolly passed tbe required examination lo enter the navy and witb Herbert Parker and Vernie (Jrant, has enlisted for a term of four years. Mr. and Mra. B. B. Brobards and son Roland, motored to Waitaburg and Biiend Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kershaw, also visiting at toe Henry Sohnitt borne. Miss Annie Fambrun was brought home from tbe Walla Walla hospital last week and is recovering very sat isfactorily from the reoent operation for appendicitis. The young people of the Baptist oburob enjoyed a sooial in tba base ment of the oburob last evening, wnen games and reireenmenis pasaeu ms bours moat pleasantly. Tbe cottages of John Wright and Mrs. Delia Wright on Cnrreut street are undergoing extensive improve ments wbiob will greatly add to their appesranoe aod convenience. Mr. and Mrs, W, F, Taylor of Pom. eroy, waao,, nave ceeu gnests id hi Joseph N. Scott home west of town tbe past two days, They bave been visiting relatives in Pendleton. Mr. and Mrs. N. Bnrokei moved their bonsehold gooda Wednesday from Walla Walla, and are now oooupying their cottage on Jefferson street, re peutlv purchased from A. L. Swaggart. A handsome Mason and Hamlin Grand piano was reoeived this week at the M, L. Watts home, Tbe in strument is in a beautiful magohany case, and is indeed a thing ot beauty. Mrs. Ralph Bv MoEwen and tbe twins, Mlsa Jessioa' MoEwen and her guest, Miss Elizabeth Keefer of Hous ton. Texas, and LuVois MoEwen, en joyed a sojourn at Lehman Springs tbe past two weeks. . Mrs. S. F. Sharp, who bas been in ill health lor several months, wes suooesstully operated npon Wednesday morning at St Anthony's hospital in Pendleton, the operation being classed as a major one. . . At the Methodist Episoopal ohuroh the subjeot next Sabbath morning will be: "Three Pairs of stlu Knees, At night tbe topio will be, "Seven Bitla Doors." Sabbath eohool at 10 a. m., all are iuvited. Pendleton Tribune: Friends of Miss Dora Bennett, wbo was operated on at St Anthony's hospital for an exoisiou of the appendix, are rejoicing today at tbe suoaeas of the operation aud ber gains toward health again. A large number of tbe members of the Athena Christian ohuroh went by automobile to Pendleton Sunday, to attend the oburob convention there. The ladiea quartet,- the men's chorus and the fnll uhorus of about thirty voices, rendered musio for. tbe day's services, wbicb was bighlv com plimented by the convention. The German Ladies' Club, together witb tbe members of tbeir families, held Ifaeir annual pionio last Sunday at tbe Louis Riugel bnme near town, Tbe day was spent witb the usual pio nio pa'times, and a splendid luncheon was served by tbe ladiea. Eloveu an tomotiles were requiied to transport tbe sixty-six people wbo were present. Wbiie attending a theater at Ppo kane, thieves' stole Sam UuwoitbV Ford car. Offloers found that tbe thieves had obanged the Oregon lic ense on tbe car fqr a Washington i aeuae plate en auotlier ear, and by the numbers traced the Haworth ma chine to Seattle where it was recover ed and the two men having it in tbeir possession, arresfd. Mra. William Winship and two daughters, Mildred and Audrey, ar. Ived home on tbe delayed train Mon day night, at one o'olook a, m,, the train having come by way of Walla Walla, They bad a pleBsani visit with the Jarman family at Albany, and spent a portion of the time at Newport, where tbe sea breezes pruted a little too cold for comfort. Information oomes from Vulcan, Alberta, through Harry Adams, c tha( place, of the sodden death from heart failora of Charles Kodlu, a for mer resident of this oouniy. Jar. Bodin WBClarroiog near Vuloan, and left this plage soma ten years ago, Bis wife diad in Altarta, and be leaves three children, whom he bad plioed iu tbe Umatilla Catbolio Mission. Sunday at tbe Christian oburoh: 9:50, Bible eobool; 11, preaobing, sob jeot: "i'be Cbnrob in League With God." Junior C. E. at 3, senior 0. E. at 7; preaobing at 8, subjeot: "What Is Patriotism?" Special mosiu by the ohoir and the male chorus, Midweek meeting Wednesday at 8l ahorua re hearsal Friday at S. The pobjio cor. dially Invited and .weloome, D, Er rett. pastor. Ineaday afternoon, Mrs. A. B. Steele very ploasantly entertained the Eistein Star Club, having postponed tbe function last week. After a abort time spent witb needle work, a divert ing contest waa held, in wbicb Mra. M. L. Watta aod Mrs. F. B. Radtke tied for first honors. Cakes, orange sherbet and delicious oandies were aerved by the hostess, assisted by MrB. Bsdtke. Guests present other loan members, were Mrs. Josepb N. Soott and Mri. George Bear. MUCH DAMAGE FROM STORMS sW "i It' 'I I M II 'I iinn i 4nUnul Photoplay uuiquo in Plot and Jituation Rwm KM III With GLORIA FONDA plmctad y PW3 C.DOWWAN HI - srrfSM)BR!aja laPaeV;3 Peopl re "Always The Best" SUNDAY ONLY ISKa4 DRUGGED WATERS With Beautiful GLORIA FONDA A charming Love Story, with screaming Comedy be hind it. Don't miss it. For Monday" That$100,000 Spectacle Uncle Sam At Work "A BEAST OF SOCIETY U S-BEEL DRAMA kMLEKDY "Gertie's Busy Day , A RIOT OF TUN AN ENTIRE CHANGE OF PROGRAM everv day. Come and bring your friends with you, and enjoy the best in Motion Pictures. & & Kirk Implement Souse Mr. and Mrs. Qeorge Tbompsou have retorued from a pleasant auto mobile trip to Portland and Willam ette valley points. Fortunately they arrived borne belore tbe aovete tain storms struok (astern Oregon, Mrs. J. 0. Martin has recovered from her illness, and visited the first of the week at tbe Wright home on Current street. Mr. and Mrs, Martin contemplate moving to town this fall, from tbeir farm north of towo, to plaoe tbeir childreu iu the Athena eobool. ' Two new sales people bave aooepted poBitiona at the (ioldeo Bnle Store, in this city. Mr. E. 0 Emmel, late of Barnes Cash Htore at Salem will bate charge ot tbe gent's furnishing de partment, and Mrs. McKinney of Portland will be in tba dry goods de partment. Dr. 0. H. Lash, the dentist, who ourobased the property and praatioe of Dr. J. W. Weloh, baa arrived in the oity from Kiddie, Oregon. Dr. Lash will be in Athena on Thursday, Fri day aud Saturday of eaob week, and the balance of the time he will be with Dr. Croup at Walla Walla. Pendleton pane's this week report the death of Howard, the voonjl son of Mr. and Mrs. S. D. L. Boss, of Her- miaton. which was caused by the ex plosion of a dynamite cap with wbiob be was playing. Tba family lived in Athena last summer, where Mr. Bosa was io tbe automobile bus iness. ' i r:;. Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Ray of Norton Kansas, wbo were oalled here ty thi illness of their daughter, Mrs. J. L. ThomDson. 'are spending tbeir time between the hospital in Pendleton, and the borne of their daonbtet here. Mr. Thompson reports bis wifa aa improv iog, and it Is boped tbe danger is now passed. Miss Qraoe Finnell, well known in Athena where she spent several months with ber sister, Mrs. Leslie Nelson, waa married in Pendleton Souday morning, to Mr. Frank Dorsey of tbat city. Mrs. Nelson was up from her borne at Willamiua, wbera Mr. Nel son bas a drugstore, attending tba wedding. Lett Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. I. O. Walter were boat and bostees to about thirty gutsta at a dancing party, complimentary to Miia Josepbyne Clark. Hood mneio waa furnished by Mr. Jock Coleman, Mr. E. W. Mel ville, Miss Eloiae Bergevio and Mr. E. A. Bennett. At 13.30 a totfet luuobeon waa served by tba hostess, assisted ty ilia Celena Bergevin. Many promineot town people were present to enjoy tbe noted hospitality of Mr. and Mrs. Walter. A Beties of alorms have done tonsid erable damage in this aounty and tbe Walla Walla valley. Sunday afternoon rain fell lu tor rents south and west ot Athena. Be tween here and Adams and south of Adams, tbe rain was heavy. Tbe water came out of tbe Holds, ran across tbe railroad traok and tbe mao adam roads in floods, aod travelers wera bard pressed to make tbeir way over the toads. On Monday afternoon a cloud was seen to form in tbe west, and moviog lo the north of Athena in a fnonel shape descended iu full foroe.ou Helix, where a veritable waterspout was experienced. Tbe flood raoed through tbe streets, tearing up side walks aud Oiling basements. Tbe flood waters poored down upon tbe Gerking Flat farms, resulting iu mnoh damage to the alfalfa bay orop, mast of uiob was either in the windiow or in the shock. Dr. W. H. Soott lost bis entire outti ig, tbe floods floating t off aod covering it up witb mod and debris. A con wtiiah was in in path narrowly esoaped. Arthur Dong las also lost oootideratle hay. Tuesday a terrillo wind aod rain storm etrook the foot bills south and east ot Walla Walla. The wind as sumed tbe proportions ot a oyolone, uprooting orohards and blowing farm buildings over. Neat Presoott a wat erspout broke and a ten year old boy lost bia life io the flood, and ooosid erable damage to oiops rnsulted. ALASKA'S FERTILE LANDS, Facta About Our Vast and Little Un derstood Territory. - Alaska is the most misunderstood aud misrepresented section of the Unit ed States. People generally, and sin cerely. believe that the mime Alaska is synonymous with suow aud Ice and couple It accordingly with lie cream freezers nnu" cold drinks. Yet ttic pi in dual cities of Alaska along Its south ern roast llue-Juueuu. Ketchikan. Cor dova. aud Sewnrd-do not uv eraire as cold iu mid winter us New York aud ore seldom as cold ns Haiti- more aud Washington during cold waves. Alaska la ouo-lirth the size of the whole United States, and Its iu'imIIuIoiis area of about (JilO.OOii square miles, nearly three times the size of the ler- man empire, spreads from rue temper ate zone lo (he ari'llc circle. Not one- mmrtpr of it is iu the lultcr. iielow the circle lies a luaKiilriceul hell fertile soil. 11 Is estimated by government nil thorlties that the agricultural urea Alaska's fertile valleys and plains, on mauv of which cattle enu he wintered without feeding, aggregate HO.OOO square miles, with a climate like that of uortbern Europe Norway, Finland ami Sweden. This land is richer aud more productive t tin si that of any oth er couutry In the world, well watered fairly well limlwred. and 320 ncrea are ot-eu free to the settlor if be wishes to inks un a homestead. Jobu A. Sleicb- er in Leslie's. ia ancient times, when Scotland at- ways bad work for her soldiers to do, all young men were required to perfect themselves In archery. They preferrea to play golf, and so serious n rival did the game become that It was for time suppressed and made n capital offense. That curious Inw never bas been rvpcHltd nJ may still be found on the statute IhkjU. There seems to be no record, however, of the law ever having beec enforced. I Season is Here For Cutting o7VIachinery THE JOHNSON BINDER was proven beyond doubt last season that it would take care of heavy green grain-the way we make hay here-better than other makes of binders. We have testimonials of farmers living in your neighborhood. We carry Tohnson Binders, Mowers and Rakes. Twine 13c lb. Holt Sprockets 20 pet. off. North Side Main St, CHARLES KIRK, Athena, Oregon He Could Wield an Ax. The skill of the old Maine shipbuild ers in the use of the adz and broadax was wonderful. One old time yarn Is of a enrpenter who applied very drunk t a shipyard for employment In or der to have n little fun with hlra the foreman set him In give n proof of his skill liy hewing out a wooden holt with no chopping block hut u stone. The arpentei' accomplished his illlHcult usk without murring the keen edge f he uroadax and showed the foreman neatly made bolt. Then ho brought the ax down with a terrific plow that shattered its edge upon the stoue. "1 can hew fust rate on your chopping block," he hiccoughed, "but I'll be blamed if 1 can mukc the ax stick In it when I git through." The story runs that the foreman lost uo time in em ploying such a workman. 1776 - Let the Eagle Scream -1916 July 4th Judges' Wigs. The wig Is only worn by English bar risters to give them a stern. Judicial appearance, and no one can say that It falls iu tuis respect. The custom wns originated by a French Judge in the seventeenth century when, happen ing to don a unirquls' wig one day, be found It gave him such n stem and dignified appearance that he decided to get one for himself aud wear It at all limes in court. This he ulil, and tlie result was so satisfactory from a legal poiut of view that not only Judges, but barristers also, took up the custom throughout Europe.- 1-omlon Graphic. Local Advertisements Estrsjed' A bay saddle-horse, wt. 9 no, brand with small olrole on shoul der. Will pay llherul reward for bis reooveu. H, J. Weber, Weston, Ore. Cbris Tboeny is now in the market witb bis lusoioos mountain strawber ries. Speak quick, it you want an or der, as tbey won't last long. Oleve Myera makes a specialty ot repairing fishing shoes and boots. Aata Service W. B. Crawford ia prepared to give day or night service, At tit, Nichols Hotel, phone, 4UU. Wheat Bay Frank Jaokson has wheat hay for sale. , Dressmaking done, satisfaction snsr- anteed. Apply to Mrs. Delia Wright. Seoood Baud Goods. W. H. Aiar obo, tinner and plumber, will engage in tbe second-hand goods bnsiness at bia plaoe on Main street, near tba de pot. Seoond band furniture, stoves and ranges tooght and sold. Everybody cordially invited to an old-time celebration at PENDLETON 4- Brass Bands -4 Including One Full Blood Indian Band Dancing Base Ball FREE Barbecue Everything 5 CASH PRIZES AWARDED Roller Skating Marathon. A Death Defying, Heart Leaping Thriller. ike GasolmecfQaaltty For More Power, Insist on the Straight Distilled, AU-Refinery Gas Livestock Dealer. Bert Cartano has engaged in tbe livestock business. He ia prepare! to pay the blgbest market prioes at all times for obiokens, bogs, cattle aod sheep. It yoo have stock to sell, te snre and sea him. MOT A Standard Oil Company (Calilwala) Alhtna, s&u&r& ), zeaoLENt l MandordOil I ybrffofarGrs I