AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER F. B. Boyd, Publisher Luleied In thf I ntloffce ot Alhcnn, Ortnon aa ccondt'lans Mull Matter. - AdvertieiriK Rates. Display, transient, running less than one month, first insertion, per inch 25c Subsequent insertions Display regular, per inch MM Local readers, first insertion, per line, 10c Subsequent insertions, per line 5c Lodge resolutions, per line . . . . 5c Church notices, admission, per line. . 5c A Mulligan Stew Subscription Rates. One copy, one year $1.50 When paid in Advance, (otherwise, $2.00 One copy, six months j" One copy, three months '50 cATHENA. ORE. JUNE 23 1916 Athena's interest in the re-establish-ment of a Normal school in Eastern Oregon is diteotlv aud inetooably compatible with that ol Weston. A sense of convenience, and substan tial ednualiopi 1 results obtained when tbe Weatou Normal was in operation, to say uofbiug of loyalty to commun ity cause, preolndns esponsal of Pen dleton new-born propaganda fat the establishment of the sohool in that oily. So long as Weston holds snp Por Jjug baiis lo seonie the sohool we "shall snpport her. Should she surren der her iust claims to the looation for the sobool. then logically, oni support would te given Pendleton in prefer ence to La Graade or Baker. The suddenness with which Pendleton's campaign tea been launched and tbe fnot that only a few days remain In wbiob to oiroulato petitions, plaoes Weeton'a cause at a disadvantage whicb in fcll probability cannot be overooinsi It transpires that the. No vember election is an opportune time for launching the issue of a Normal school for Eastern Oregon. At that time the validation of locations of tbe Agricultural College at Goivallis, tbe University at Eugene and tbe Normal sobool at Monmouth is to be voted on. Undoubtedly Pendleton "has seen tbe light," and beaten Weston to it. The brewers of the State are seek ing tbe light to manofaetnre aud Bull heer within the state aud petitions are being circulated lo get the proposition befcre tbe voters at I he November eleution. , The preamble nf tbe peti tion reads: "We, tho undersigned, feel that there is a lack ot logio, even from a prohibition pilot of view, in allowing beer and iutoitoatlng liquors to te brunght into the Btate, yet for bid tbe manufacture of beer iu the state." Evidently, tho prohiUtiouiets are of the same opinion, tar they are petting tbeir armor ou and are prepar ing to offer this amendment to tbe prohibition laws "Section BOA. No intoxicating liquors shall be Imported Into lls state for beverage purposes." In event this amendmout cariieB, it will remove tbe alleged doieols In the present law, Booming from the com promise bill as passed in the legisla ture, after prohibition carried In the stale by 80,000 majority. It isn't oftou that 400 guests alteud n wedding iu Athona but there were that miny or more who witnessed the nuptiuls of Dorothy Midget to Thomas Thumb, exclusive ot the FFVs, who were honor guests ou tbe Ktage ot the High Sobool auditorium Tuesday evening. The rapidity with whiob Oregon ' National Ouard oompauira are liciug reornited, would Indinate that tbe boys urpreciate a little outiug duwn iu Mexloo. However, it may turn out to be more than ou onllng for many of them. 2 be change in temperature from 100 in the shade down to where au over coat la comfortable, is favorable to tho crops, if not to aoda fountain pro ducts. the results attained at the Bepnb licau end Democratic Nutlonal con ventlooB seem to satisfy both political parties, end tbe big Unlit tor oflloo Is ou, Just tbe same, Freewater had her Cherry Day Wednesday, weather con dilions'lo tbe contrary uotwithslund ing, I prevailed upon my wife to attend tbe picture show the other evening only after promising to show ber the pictnieof tbe best looking feller in town. She went, she saw, she turned around, she went right out again. If red Lemonade sold 2fer, jou oouldu't sell a barrel in a oentnrv with this kind of WHatber, Dooming. I If Baker or La Grande is after tbe Eastern Oregon State. Normal sobool (defnoot,) they're keening a bloomin' sight qnieter about it oven than Pen dleton did. And, by the same token, Ibeir uutoraoker should have a' cor res ponding queeze. I Mrs. Adah Wallace Unrob, nation al W. C. T. U. leoturur, while inter viewing voters in Athena Monday, rsked a certain young jeweler if be was old enough to vote. "Sore," be amiatly replied, "and, madam, I have tbe honor of belonging to jour sooiety, too!" I I bava heard of fellers putting i'" goggles oo cattle to foe! -idem into eat ing BttBT?, cut 1 never knew yon ounld masesheep eat stones by berdiug them at nig lit. French Uriglar did. I These are the days when "Jinns" Dudley is wearing a smile that will not eradicate. Wbetber it's due to tbe result of the Ohioago convention or the Athena-Helix base ball game. I douno. Searob me. I The ooxt time Frauk Rogers comes nn from Pendleton and does not tarry long enough to shake band with us Demoorals, he'll get bis name to tbe paper, Time was when Frank would lay for a Missouri Democrat like a nigger Btalkiug a possum oni tUBt was when Frank was in politics. Either he is standing In egalUBt bim self, or he's figuring tbat bis party is strong enough (with Frank Curl's help) to go it aloue. Wiota? Judge Marsh oame np from Pendle ton one day this wk. and called on me obliquely (now that's a good word, so I'll jnst leave It stand.) I never tee the Judge iu these latter days but what I recall what a mean little cuss be was wben he was a youngster, Away back in tbe '90s (now girl?, I am not going to tell his age) be need to "roll" for me on tbe Weston Lead er's old G. Wash, press, and was so eternal slow aud deliberate that tbe flies used to roost on tbe roller between rolls, Faotl "Say Boyd, don't yon pot in the paper tbat Atbena is one game ahead of Adorns, because they are not. Ha lix gave us their two games and U ala nine gave ua their tie game. See? So that makes us lied witb Athena. Carl." Well, wuaddja know about I lint V (Joes witb me ol' man, If It's o.k. with Parker and Llttlejobu, bnt LISTEN I am informed that yon swiped Sunday's game on bom decis ions, nod would have gotten away with Athena's ball bals if it bad not been for Utile Bill Parker's timely in terference I TCTU1-MIDGET" WEDDING Per ha us the mast auspicious wed ding oeremouy ever solemnized in this city was that uf Miss Doratby Midget to Tom Thumb, at tbe High School auditorium, Iu tbe presonoe of 400 in vited guoBts, Tuesday eveuiug, Mtor tbe entrnuue of the epeaially bouored wedding guesla to toe number of about Ufty little tots, tbelr names sonorously announced by the usher, Merle Johuson, the bridal patty eu tored tu tbe strains of the woddlug march, aud took their plaoes under tbe beautiful tloral arob created at tbe front of the stage. Kendall LaBrasohe, iu tbe oapuoity ot the offlolalting oler gvuiau, tied tbe nuptial knot, using the ring oeremony. Tbe followlug were tba principals, nnd the obarao- ters impersonated: Minuter, Kendall LaBraohe; Doro thy Midget, tbe bride, Elisabeth Steele; Tom Thumb, the groom, James Woodruff; maid ot honor, Dorothy Bear; best man. Orel Miobener hrldeomaide, Pauline Scott, Carolyn Kidder, Wauda Holt; ushers, Freddie Kudtko, Merle Johnson, Bud liaymoud Burke; ring bearer, Charlotto Fisher; Grandfather Midget, William Coppock; Grandmother Midget, Jennie Mae Head; Grandfather Tbnmb, Velton Read; 'iraud liother Thumb, Lois Jobuscu; Flower bearers, Ralph Stoue and Kutueriue Kidder; old uiuid and rejected lover, Vera Miller aud Mel- viu Coppock. After the ceremony, (bo curtain weut dowu to rise ou a euwptnoui wedding diuuer, of which tbe fifty gut'Bta of honor deoorouBly partook, while they were eutertaiued by a aong, "Maggie," by tbe venerable Thumbs, and "Darling, I am Growing Old," by the decrepit Midgets. " The seoond part of the entertain ment wss a series of interpretative dances, as follows: Queen Titaoia donee, from "Midsummer Night's Dream," by Wiss Zola Keen; "Sum mer," ty Miss Velva MansOeld; Dntob dance and impereona'icn, Ftanoia Ross; "Fairy Dance," Vel7a Manf Seld, Katberine Froome, Edna Pinker ton, Tbelma MoEwen, Maebelle Duu oan, Edra Cartano, Vernita Watts and Areta Littlejobn; Minnet, by Luoinds Dell, Savannah Smith, Verva Grose and Bet bene Read; Barcarolle, from "Love Tales of Hoffman," by Mrf. Rose, Mra. WJllaui B. Scott favored the Buditncs with a vocal boIo, "A May Morning," bv Lnigi Denzi, and Misa Belle Mclntyre presided at tbe piauo, fnruiBbing the mnsio for the entire program. Tbe entertainment, under tbe aus pices of tbe Library Board, was man aged ty Mrs. Adab Losli Rose, and was a prouonuced Buooees, both artis tically and Dnanoially. Total receipts of the evening, was flOS. Tbe re ceipts, after all expenses are paid, will go to tse Library Building Fnnd. ATHENA LDSfTD ADAMS 6-4 Leagne Standing, W. L. PC Atbena - - - 6 i 800 Adams - - - 6 4 650 Umapine . - - i 5 450 Helix - - - 4 6 400 Sbiok let Adams down with three hits Sunday and Atbeua only garnered four bingles off MoCargill. Three of ttawe were made iu tbe ninth inning rally and tbe home team rang op four tallies. Adams soorad three in the sixth and three in tbe eightb, winning tbe game 6 to 4. It was a pretty game np to tbe sixth neitber side Booting and totb pitohers going good. In tbat frame two wild throws, a two base bit and a couple of errors scored 'Owens, Stabl and Mo Cargill. In tbe eighth after Sbiok had fanned Lienallen, Stabl was safe on an error, Peterson was bit, Morgan gut on through Past's error and Stabl and Peterson soored wben Eirkpatriok dropped Purr's fly out in right. Mor gan going to thiid and Booting on Lienallen's bit. Kirkpattiok opened tbe niutb for Atbena by striking ont, Grindell was sale on an error, Barnes struck ont, Sbiok singled, Blomgren followed witb u bit. scoring Grindell and Shick, King was safe on MoOarglll'e error, aud Blomgren aud King, alter moving np a peg, soored ou Posts' single. Tbe score oy innings: 1 2 8 4 6 0 7 8 0 Adams 00000808 x-fl Athena 00000000 44 Summary, Baoe bits, Blomgren, King, Poet, Sbiok, Stabl, L. Lieoal len, Johnson; struok out by Sbiok 9, by MoCargll 10; bits ott Sbink 8, off MoCargil 4. Umpire, Cbristian. Notice' of Final Account. In the Cooutv Court for Umatilla County, Oregou, In the Matter of tho Estate of S. M. White, Deceased. Notice ia norebv giveu that tho un dersigned administratrix of the estate of S. M. White, deceased, has riled her Una aoccunt and report In said estate nnd tbe County Court of Umatilla County, Oregon, has Hied Saturday, Jnly 22, 1016, at tbe hour of 10 o' clock a. bi., of said day bs the time aud the County Court loom in the Court House at Pendleton, Oregon, as tbe nlaoe of heating of Baid final ho oonnt and report and objections there to, it any there be. Matilda K. White, Administratrix. ! A PIPE of VELVET is like a good ' 1 A PIPE of VELVET is like a good ' Watch-doc It welcnmpQ frpn'lv thoughts an' scares off (L U1111V1I J VMVO Ml- I lKOI ri test's tiMVJrifri rA V'i S&l How's This? W offer One Hundred. Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Hall's Catarrh Cure has been taken by catarrh sufferers for the past thirty-five years, and has become known as the most reliable remedy for Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure acts thru the Blood on the Mucous surfaces, ex pelling the Poison from the Blood and, healing the diseased portions. After you havo taken Hall's Catarrh Cure for a short time you will see a great improvement In your general health. Start taking Hall's Catarrh Cure at once and get rid of catarrh. Send for testimonials, freo. ' V. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, Ohio. Sold by all Druggists, 75c. Wood in Carload Lots Cascade 4 f jot Fir Wood $5.35 Cascade 4 foot Maple Wood, ... . 5.60 Cascade 4 foot Alder Wood, .... 5.10 Administrators' Notice to Creditors. Iu tba County Court of Umatilla Connty Oregou. In the Matter of the Estnte uf James S. Myriok, dooeosedv Notioe Is hereby given that Dora Myriok aud U. W. Myriok have teen ppotuted by the above entitled oouri as adminlntrat.rix and administrator of the estate ot James S. Myriok, de oeased. All psrsous having claims against Bald estate are required to pre seut them to Homer I, Watts, attor ney, at bis office in Athena, Oregou, within t) months from tbe date of tbe first publication of this notice. Dated June 0, I DIG. Dora Myriok, Administratrix, (1. W. Myriok, Administrator. Homer I. Wotta. Atty. Notice. Knliiin ia hereby niven that I will sell at publio auction to tbe highest bidder at the old Henry stamper nv ety turn at Weston, iu Umatilla conn t -Orecnn. ou Saturday. June SU mm. at a o'clock iu the afternoon, the following described Betray animal, to- nit: One Irou gray mare, three yoara old, weight about 800 lbs; brand ou left bip iudiatiuct. Martha U. Ferguson, Weaton, Oregon S. F. Sharp PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Special attention given to all ealib both night and day. OallB promptly answered, ornoe on Third etr"et, Ainena uregor DR. A. B. STONE. Physician and Suruoou. Oflioe iu Post Building. Phone, 501 Homer I. Watta Attorney-at-Law Athena, Oregon. iMACMMS MODELI OF PERFECTION. PERFECTLY H GfKffDf 1C lOSitAA JLtKi SIMPLY PERFECT. Niv-.ll, Oil, IVHa and all kinds of SoRing Mui lmie n., I.ts, ti'i-iinng t specialty. New Home Users are Quality Chooser For Sale By N. A. MILLER. Athena. Oreg, t?e New Home Sewing Machine Comp San Francisco, California. Ul a m vo; b. Athena - Pendletcn Branches North ern Pacific Railway. CO. WILLIAMS, Postoffice, Edgewater, Washington. The Deeiityg Binder The one that always can be depended upon to deliver the bundle. Deering Mowers and Rakes ctre Always the Best C. A. BARRETT & CO. Athena t THE ST. NICHOLS HOTEL J. B. FROOME, pbop. m ; Only First-class Hotel in X the City. ... THE ST. NICHOLS r Li the only one tbat can accommodate L commercial travel em- i i.'an beiooomended tor lu olean and wail ventilated ronmi. J ECob. Mams Tsibi, ATHKMA,Or. VACATIOI THE WILL SOON BE HERE Plan Now cA Truly Recrative Trip. " New Scenes New Foods New Air Everyone Needs. Let us help you find Them. UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM OREGON-WASHINUTON R. R. & NAV. CO. IS THE DIRECT, PLEASANT ROUVE TO THE (JHIEP RESORT CENTERS OP THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST. Booklets, (area and epeoifil iutormation abont Yellowstone National Park, North Bsaoli, Wal lowa Lake Park, Mt. Hood and Uolnmkla River Resorts FREE npon application to Ask J.R. MATHERS, Agent R. BURNS, 0. V. & P. A., Walla Walla. Lieut. Bryan, U. S. N. stated before the Am. Soc. of Naval Engineers: "Oils made from the asphalt-base crudes have shown themselves to be much better adapted to motor cylinders, as far as tneir carbon-forming proclivi ties are concerned, than are paraf-fine-base Pennsylvania oils." Zerolene is scientifically refined from selected California crude asphalt-base. Highestcompetitive awards, San Francisco and San Diego Expositions. For sale by dealers everywhere and at service stations and agencies of the Standard Oil Company. LEH E the first national bank Of ATHENA Capital and Surplus $100,000:2 THE ATHENA MEAT MARKET We carry the best MEATS That Money Buys Our Market is Clean and Cool Insuring Wholesome Meats. READ & MEYER Main Street, Athena, Oregon the Standard Oil for Motor Cars Tores at wholesale prices, tor cash; new, clean stock; Firestone, Diamond and Miller. Get there, Eli! McCormick and John Deere Binders with or without motors, Bargains in high grade Hacks and Top Buggies. Good, better, best Binder Twine. r ...-.: Watts i Rogers Weston, Oregon "Just Over the Hill" Sfil 4 Parker (& Myrick GURU T.rTlhloc Flr.l Clm.a - M. d mrm aad Vs-la-Oll SOUTH SIDE. MAIN street mm