The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, June 09, 1916, Image 2

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F. B. Boyd, Publisher
Entered In the JfngtollJce at A thena, Orf son
as ecoDdclaBS Mall Matter.
Advertising Rates. -
Display, transient, running less than one
uiuiiiu, nrsi insertion, per incn ...... Jt
Subsequent insertions UH
, j (,.,. a.w...
Local readers, first insertion, per line, 10c
subsequent insertions, per line se
Lodge resolutions, per line 5c
Church notices, admission, per line. . 5c
Subscription Rates.
One copy, one year $1.50
When paid in Advance, (otherwise, $2.00
One copy, six months -75
One copy, three months 50
Experience la HgbtinR the two re
cent Ores in Athena disolosee tbe faot
that tbe oil; has an inadequate
amount of bose. In tbe livery stable
and hotel fire a ooupla of weeks ago,
onlythjPAMve ot wind permitted tbe
-S . L.IJ lb. !..
UOZZiemen 10 UU1U luo urn awnjr iiuui
Mrs. X1B1UBU a IBBiuouuo. mu mw himv
of tbis tire, a third line of bose was
badly needed in the alley to fight tbe
flames in tbe Athena hotel bnilding,
Ibna relieving tbe nozzlemen o( Com
pany 3 from tbe ezoessive beat. But
the flonnaotioni of tbe two lines were
at hydrants located ao far from tbe fire
that a third line was out of tbe ques
tion. Tbe same oonditiuna existed
doling tbe fire yesterday morning
when, after damaged seotions of boss
were removed frnm tbe two lines play
ing on tbe fire, tbe firemen bad bare
ly enongh bose to work witb. Pres
ent oonditions call for instant remedy,
and a healthy agitation for an ade
quate snpply of hose, an additional
hose oart and the reorganization of
tbe volunteer fire department exists.
As a result of tbis agitation, Mayor
Watts baa a oalled a meeting of cit
izens for this evening at 7:80 to be
held at tbe office of B. B. fliohards
for the pnrpose of disonssiog tbe mat
ter and taking necessary aotion.
Among tbe yonug men of Atbena are
to be fonud splendid lira fighters, and
given tbe benefit of proper organiza
tion and eafflolent equipment, tbey
will always give creditable perform
ance of duty.
One mother gives net view that tbe
patents Bre leaving to tbe sabools too
maoh of tbeir duty to tbeir abildren,
and in some cases tbis is doubtless
trne. Sohools were estatlisbed for a
epeoitlo pnrpose wbiob has been great
It enlarged, sometimes with question
able advantage, saya tbe Colombus,
Ohio, Diepatob. There was a time
when parents almost universally y
operated with tbe toaohers, bt loo
few ot them now do sn. If there 1b
I rouble, some ot them too often take
1 fnr m anted that tbe child is rigbt
and he teacher wiong, That is a
raturol result of the laok of discipline
lithe home, tbe rule of tbe child
Instead ot tbe role of tbe parents. So
cial woraerssee Ibe breakdown of tbe
Imme and seek to snpply Ihe laok iu
tin obild's life, so those devlnea and
amusements stool wbiob there always
I ave been, and will ooutinne to be,
difference of opinion, aia introduced.
Tbe pnipose of sooial work is good and
fo, too, tbe means may be good, but
the result is not eatiifaotorj. It
khoold tie in tho bands of tbe parents.
It tbe candidates from Roosevelt
down to state offioe seekers knew bow
much ot tbeir "boiler plate" dope lies
nnnsed iu newspaper offices, the;
vonld put a stop to tbe waste. Hesidei
the plale matter, tbeiti are about tit
teen mounted onppor halt toue outs of
fatnouB men stored iu tbis ollioe that
have uover seen tbe light of tlio pilot
ad page That means pioilt to the out
makers, but total losa to tbe pulill
Witb porfeot weatber oouditlons and
a superlative program, Weston wbb
this jrmr in a position to entertain
visitors to the Pioneer reunion more
satisfactorily tban for several years
past, The big crowds name away giv
ing entbusUstio praise fur tbe treat,
ment acoorded them, nud tbe old pio
neers eu joyed every minute nt Hull
stay, aud if alive, prouise to be there
again ucit year.
A Mulligan Stew
I learned more in five minutes about
tbe workings of the old time shell
gams at tbe Weston pionio Saturday,
tban I ever knew before. Kernel Wood
fonnd out tbat I was in town and
bnnted me np, after staking a bnnob
of cappers. While we stool on tbe
street oorner talking, in that learned
and profound way tor wbiob tbe Ker
nel is noted, np steps a capper and
pays a year's snb. to the Kernel's ne
farious sheet. Presently another guy
paid him for a supposed bnnob of but
ter wrappers, and a third gink slipped
farm 8 bones for a year back and one
in advanoe. 'Twas a land office front
iliigbt, but tbe ooarseness of tbestnnt
was revealed a half hour later wben I
met tbe Kernel again and be panhan
dled me for twobits to pay for a bot
dog he bad bargained for at one of
those street grnb joints.
Every way is a Great White Way In
Atbena just now. The Loonst trees
are in fall bloom.
For a time tbere has been a good
dirt road over tbe reservation to Pen
dleton, bnt now automobiles nave pat
it on tbe blink and tbe macadam is
being need again. All of wbiob goes
to prove tbat dirt roads are best while
tbey last, tut tbey don't last long
enough, Tbis brings to mind that an
old timer said the other day if plenty
of rounding-np was given tbe roads in
tbe middle and lots of oil used in sur
facing them eaoh year, yon would
never bear Jaok Robinson mention
road tonds again. All of whiob seemed
likely to me.
I know of people who will speud six
tits for gasoline or railroad fare to se
re a tnobit bargain.
Tbe following portion of tbis item
is suppressed :
W. L. PC
Atbena - - 8 8 625
Adams - 4 8 670
Helix ... 4 4 600
Umapine - il 6 386
I missed one oldtimer'a phiz at tbe
Weston pionio ol' Bill Case. I sin
cerely hope tbat William's shadow
hasn't faded.
Twenty yards are reported to have
been taken by tbe Germans at Verdun.
No mention la made of bow many
tboosBuds of liviig were saoriHoed io
tbe taking. It wouldn't snrprise me
if some morning tbe men wbo are do
ing the shooting and slaughtering over
tbere will arrive at an understanding
of what it all means, shake bands
across tbe trenches, take a poke at tbe
bnnob ot crowned heads and trek tack
borne to tbeir work and tlresidee.
Thankegivin' Christines, Weston
Pionio, Miltou Berry Day next big
event, 4th of July. You can spend
your time and dnouts at the Rook,
Pendleton cr WW.
Dr. Bill Scott gave Atbena anglers
something to talk atont Tuesday eve
ning, lis oame np from the Hermis
ton reservoir logging nine big, fat
ttont and no one tboogbt to ask him
where be got them. I bear tbat a
oouple of Colombia river Injuns are
camped at tbe dam and they are said
to be sxpsrt llBbermen. And, by tbe
Way, tbey are not capable of eatiog
all tbe front tbey oatob. No. Not by
a rong shot. And tbey have flab to
sell. So I'm told.
Catholic Bent-fit Concert.
A teneOt concert under tbe anspioes
of tbe local Uatbolia obaroh will be
given next Friday evening, Jnne 16,
iu tbe school auditorium. Following
Is the program:
Instrumental daet " - -
Mrs. Plamondon and Mim Keen
Song - Mils Peggy O'Koatke
Vocal duet Misses Kelly. Walla W.Ms
Mr. J. Beaeiog "
Mice V. Bri "
Miss h. tlagallon "
Mr. J. Coleman rendition
. Miss A. Bcbetr "
Miss 8. Coooiogbam "
Mies C. CooBiogbam "
Mr. A. f itinerald, "
. Mr. U. Phelps, "
Atbena did ber portion iu belpiug
Milton entertain the big oronds at
tbe Ser bone show and straw hen y
festival, Wednesday. 'Ibe base hall
team put np a corking goad game, sod
a team from the lnoul Hie- depuituieut
won a tonleat, bilugiug bouie a fr0
prize. The miulfHt win woo over
teams! torn Wallu Walla, Miltou and
other Cepai talents.
Era; j b id j shares iu tbe benetlts ot
puullii or prltut" building iinuruce
ments. Money paid for wages and
materia) add to locul prosperity. Then
tbe advautagct of mote attractive aur
rounding! helps Iba eutlio town. The
more improvements tbe mora piosper.
it? and adtautages gained. Keep np
tbe good nark until our town outshines
tbem ail.
We sbsll i.oin am whether ot nut
alienee i milder., l'l u Culouel is doing
all the talking while Justice Hughes
lomelna fllnut iu lorty eoven. dilteient
Those who boy a ohi Iu preference
to a bouse protmtly figure that they'll
live in Ihe car most of the lime any
way, v
Varia, -
Harp solo
At the Baptist oburoh Suudty, Sun
day sohool nt 10, preaobiug at 11, B.
Y. P. U. at 1. aud Cbildreu'a Day ex
orcises in the oveulng at 8, wbeu the
following program will be given
Welcome song by Chorus.
Instrumental solo - Luoiuda Dell
Resnouslve Reading
Hoc. . Elizabeth Steele
" . . . Edna DePreeca
"... El ber Miller
Louis Berlin
" . . Uale Anderson
" . . Brooks Anderso r
Sous, tj Chorus.
Ilea. - - Krnun Miller
Johnnie Pinkertou
"... Kay Det'ieece
" . . -' Frauk Miller
"Tbe Chariot Uaoe," Carrie DeKrHeoe
Inst, duett
Veruita Walts and Areta Littlejoha
lien. - - - Mabel Duunau
"... Edua Plukeitou
"Cheerful Songs," by Chorus,
R.'ii, . . . Veva Beutley
"... Baruloe Bartlett
Soug, "Giving," by Chorus.
lien. . . Both Jecksou
" - - Mary Berlin
Flower Drill ty eight little girls.
Iter. - - Dorothy llerllu
" ... Keta Paine
" ... PtJuley Bush
" - - - Mildred Stautou
Basel MoParlaud
NUa Pay Price, ot Milton
Holand Bartlett
Veva Beutley
Misa Fay Price
number of small children will be used
in tbe prodnotion, wbiob Mrs. Bose
baa presented in Portland, Pendleton
and other cities, witb marked snooess.
tiehearsalg are now in progreea and
tbe small performers are entering into
tbe work witb enthusiasm. Advertis
ing matter and wedding invitations
will be issued to tbe general pnbiio
next week. A large audience is ei
peoted wbeu tbe anspioioaa oooasicu
arrives, as tbe appearance of the
children on the stage is always a
drawing oard, and nnder the effloieut
direction of Mrs. Hose, will be espec
ially so. Tbe prooeeds of tbe enter
tainment, the dste of wbiob will be
announced next week, will be used to
augment tbe Library Bnilding Fnnd,
and all tbe community is interested in
its snoots".
A oombinBlioo of small boys and
matches playing in a hay loft at tbe
barn on tbe S. L. Spencer property on
Adams street, located joet east of the
Wilkinson residenoe caused a ore yes
terday morning whiob praetioally de
stroyed tbe Spencer and Wilkinson
barns. After three little boys bad
come ont of tbe barn, from whioh
smoke was issning, Win Borden was
on tbe scene and rang the fire bell.
Both hose companies responded, but
were handicapped owing to shortage
of hose and by tbe time oonneotions
were made for water, both buildings
were bnroing fnrionsly in tbe upper
stories. Tbe Spenoer barn bad been
vaoant for some time. W. L. Wen
used tbe Wilkinson tarn as a garage
for bis automobile, whiob was saved
witbout damage.
Base Ball Games.
League Standing.
In a swirling wind storm, Atbena
lost Sundays game to Helix by tbe
soora of 6 to 8. Adams and Umapine
played to an eleven inning 1 to 1 tie,
being forced to quit pleyiug on ac
count of tbe wind.
Atbena took two games from Wes
ton doling tbe pionio, winning tbe
first by tbe score of 18 to 10, and tbe
second game 10 to 0. Wednesday at
Milton, Atbena loat a oorkiug 10
inning contest to Milton, tbe eoore
being 4 to 8.
atbeoa piavs Helix here Sunday,
and Adams plsys at Umapine.
Can the Heavy Draft Animal Survlva
the Motor Truck?
Tbe benvy draft horse Is doomed.
He will not vanish suddenly, but his
hour has struck. Motor vehicles al
ready are displacing him In cities. The
cheap farm tractor will do the same In
tho country. In n few decades the
great, magnlllcciit brutes will be little
more thnu a memory. Their places
will bo taken by bloodless mnchlnes.
that uover wlilnuy greetings to a kind
master, never search one's pockets for
sugar and never break their legs on
icy pavements or drag out u friendless
old ago under the whips of stupid,
greedy drivers.
When one thinks of these Inst con
siderations tho horseless age doesn't
secrj so gloomy n prophecy. But If
mini Is wise there will be no horseless
If man has any real wisdom and
that belief, though often disappointed.
never tiles tho horse will be promoted
to the position of humanity's chief pet
and plaything, but nlwnys with a sub
stratum of usefulness which will keep
him from degenerating into a mere toy.
Tho draft horse, tho trotter even the
"gencrul purpose animal" may go, but
the saddle horse ought to stay and
thrive. Just as a uiedlcnl prescription,
be Is well worth while, for tbe old Eng
lish phrase that "the outside of a borse
Is the best thing for tbe insldes of a
mnu" still holds true, and as on In
structor of youth nud a means of real
coutnet with nature be has no rival bnt
the dog. Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Administrators' Notice to Creditors,
la tbs Uoontv Conrt ot Umatilla
Conoty Oregon.
Ia the Matter of tbe Estate of
James S. Myriok, deceased:
Notioi is brreby giveu tbat Dura
Myriok and U. W. Myriok have teen
appointed by the above entitled court
aa administratrix and administrator
of the estate of James S. Myriok, da
ceased. All persona having claims
against ssid estate are required to pre
sent them to Homer I. Watts, attor
ney, at bis offloa in Athena, Oregoo,
within 6 months from tbe date ot tbe
first publication ot tbis notice.
Dated Jane U, 1016.
Dora Myriok, Administratrix,
O. W. Myriok, Administrator.
Homer I. Watts. Atty.
How's This?
We otter One Hundred Dollars Re
ward for any case of Catarrh that can
not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
Hall's Catarrh Cure has been taken
by catarrh sufferers for the past
thirty-five years, and has become
known as the moat reliable remedy for
Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure acts thru
the Blood on the Mucous surfaces, ex
pelling: the Poison from the Blood and
healing the diseased portions,
After you havo taken Hall's Catarrh
Cure for a short time you will see a
great improvement In your general
health. Start taking Hall's Catarrh
Cure at once and get rid of catarrh.
Send for testimonials, free.
P J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, Ohio.
Sold by all Druggists, 75c.
Notice is hereby given that I will
sell at public anotion to tbe highest
bidder at tbs old Henry Stamper liv
eiy laru at Weston, in Umatilla conn
ty, Oregon, on Saturday, Jnne 26
l'UH, at a o'clock in the afternoon, tbe
following described eatray animal, to
wit: One itou gray mare, three yeara
old, weight abuut 800 lbs; brand on
left bip iudislinct.
Martba U. Fetgason,
Weston, Oiegan
, solo
Soug "God Is on The Throue,"
Under the direaiion of Mrs. Ada
Losh Roe. tbe well known dramatic
director ol Pendleton, the "l'um
Thumb Werldiug" will be put -ou iu
Atbeua In the ucar folate, the -enter.
taluTiDt lo be given in the Sohool
Auditorium, uudet the anapiovs of
Iba Atbena Lirr.ny Buuid. A largu
Call for Warrants.
Notice of nail for City of Albena
narrauta: To whom it may oonoeru:
Notice is hereby given thai parties
holding any City of Athena warrants
are untitled to present tbem to ma for
payment at the office of tbe Preston-
Hhotfer Milling Co. lulerest ceases
n and alter this date ot potlioation.
May 20, 1 Si 111. ' Etneat A. Zetka,
Treasmer City ot Atbeua.
S. P. Sharp
Special attention given to all
callb both night and day.
CalU promptly answered. Offlce ou Third
etr"t, Alheue Oregor
I)K. A. B- ST( NE.
Physician and Sureeon.
Oftloe iu Post Building. Phone, 001
in Carload Lots
Cascade 4 foot Fir Wood, $5.35
Cascade 4 foot.Maple Wood, . . . v 3.60
Cascade 4 foot Alder Wood 5.10
F.O.B. v
Athena - Pendleton Branches North
ern Pacific Railway.
PostofHce, Edgewater, Washington.
Why Fatimas
are Sensible
. Because:
! most men like their
taste best
J they are always com
fortable to your tongue
and throat.
and they always
leave you feeling tip-top,
even if occasionally you
do smoke more than
' A Sensible Cigarette
wmsfr mm
cGA?E?TES Jiff
The Bcerinl
The one -that always can be depended upon
to deliver the bundle.
Deering Mowers and Rakes
c4re Always the Best
Athena -
J. B. FROOME, peop.
I Only First-class Hotel in I
X the City.
x I the only one thai can accommodate
I commercial traveler.
i w I
X Can be lecomended tor lid clean and v
J well ventilated rooms. J
a Cob. Maxa and Third, Athena, Or. 4
Plan Now
tA Truly Recrative Trip.
New ScenesNew Foods
New AirEveryone Needs.
Let us help you find Them.
Booklets, fares aad speoifla tutor tnntiou about
Yellowstone National Park, North Bsaoh, Wal
lowa Lake Park, Mi. Hood and Colombia River
Resorts FREE opon applioaliou to
Ask J.R. MATHERS, Agent
R. BURNS, D. F. & P. A., Walla Walla.
Packard and other promi
nent automobile engineers
favor motor oils from
Western crude. Exposition
juries at San Francisco and San
Uiego gave highest competitive
awards to Zerolene--an oil from
Western crude. Zerolene is the
best oil for your motor because
scientifically refined from selected California crude
asphalt-base. Government experts tell us that oils
correctly refint i from asphalt-base crude "distill
without decomposition" do not break up and lose
their lubricating value under cylinder heat and are
"much better adapted to motor cylinders, as far
as their carbon-forming proclivities are con
cerned.than are paraffine-base Pennsylvania oils."
When you empty the crank-case refill with Zero
lene. Dealers everywhere and at service stations
snd agencies of the Standard Oil Company.
Capital and Surplus
s, We carry the best
jjpjt-P That Money Buys
iRff Our Market is
i l WTpfl Clean and Cool
I nil aPL-3lJf Insuring Who,esome Meats.
cegy Main Street, Athena, Oregon
ihe Standard O 'd for Motor Cars
and the smiles coming; yellow trom
the wheat, smiles to the faces.
Last week we commented oo tlie pragiess ot oor town and plnm for
got the EIUGESI STUNT ot all viz: Oor Boys' Band.
It thej oao be beaten on 8 weeks' oixanization aod trninlop, ' wa are
ready to be shown.
( Pioneer Pionio over and now wa torn to ererr day tasioess.
Came and see the MoCorniiok Binder witb Motor attBobed.
Jouq Deere the same.
We have Binder Twine galore.
J. I. Case and International Engines and Threshers.
Weber, Winona andJohn Deere Wagons.
Watts 2i Rogers
Weston, Oregon
"Just Over the Hill"
13 '.iJT
4 A '
.1. J. . i . ..
Parker 4& Myrick
Rvvry thins FIrt
Claim Mo darn
and ITp-t- data