The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, June 02, 1916, Image 3

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    I Press Paragraphs
i J
Miss Arela Llttlejobp spent tba
weak witb Pendleton (riendi.
Mrs. B. F. Sbarp baa been spending
tbe week at College Place, Wash.
H. H. Bill left this morning foi
Laoroeae, Wash., on a business tiip.
Frank Eogelman, of lona, visited bia
sister, Mrs. O. T, Smith this weak. ,
A. Ii. Swaggait shipped another
oaiload ol boga to Portland, Saturday.
Dr. S. F. Sbarp is appointed sur
geon lor tbe Northern Paeiflo Rail-
Rains and William Campbell, with
their families, were here on Decora
tion Day. .
Mrs. Yarnell, of Spokane, is a honse
guest of Mia. Charles Ooomans, on tbe
West aide. , r
A handsome monument waa reuently
ereoted at tbe grave of the late Wil
liom Tompkins.
Mrs. Joa. Baddeley of Walla Walla,
visiled ber mother. Mis. Maggie
Franz, last week.
Mrs. W. H. Taylor and daughter,
Loolle left yesterday "lot an extended
visit in Illinois,
Misses Anioe and Doiis Barnes, of
Weston, were abopping in tbe oity
Wednesday afternoon. .
Jacob Booher baa pnrohased Bnsaell
Pieisol'a interest in the oleaning and
pressing establishment.
David Urqnhart, of Moacow, Idaho,
father of Earl Urqnhart, has been vis
iting bia aon tbls week,
Mrs. H. A. Barrett is slowly recov
ering, and it is hoped will be able to
leave tbe hospital soon.
- Dr. E. B. Osborn deputy state vet
eiinarian, spent a portion of the week
at bia home in this oily.
- Tbe Atbena base ball team ia sched
uled for gamea with Weston at the
pioaio, today and tomorrow.
Frank Bwaggart arrived Tnesday
morning from Enterprise on a abort
visit to bia parents and children.
Mr. and Mra. J.O. Martin have both
been ill at their borne nortb of town,
being under tbe oare of Dr. Sbarp.
Mr. ana Mrs. T. D. Taylor of Pen
dleton were dinner gnests Sunday at
toe w. it. Taylor borne near town.
Miss Eatelle Smith and the ohlldrnn
of Mr. and Mia. Marion Jaok oama up
from Pendleton for Deooratioo Day,
J. W. Maloney, wife and aon Haiold
and Mr. and Mra. Olande Huoeoom
were in the oity from Pendleton, Tues
day. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Belts were
over from tbe farm near Milton, and
attended tbe Baptist banquet last eve
ning. J. O. Knssell, reoently elected to
the anperioteudenoy of tbe Atbena
eohoola, waa in tbe oity Monday from
Misa Mae Singer of Waitabnrg,
Wasb., is a guest this week at tbe
borne of Mr. and Mra. Obas. Ooomana
in this oity.
A new steam beating plant ia being
totalled in the First National Bank
bnilding. Chria Thoeny and son are
installing it.
Mra. M. L. Watts, Mra. Littlejobo,
Mra. F. S. LeGrow, Mrs. Koontz and
Mra. Henry Dell motored to Walla
Walla Monday.
Mra. Arobie Sbiok, wbo baa been in
ill health for some time, will go to a
Walla Walla hospital next week for
medioal treatment.
That'a what a MoDongall Anto Front Kilohen Cabinet will mean
in yonr home. Yon oan get up a meal in about half the usual time
tbe time aaved will enable yon to do many other tasks, it means elim
ination of kitoben slavery. The time and drndgery aaved will soon
pay for one of these great labor saveia. Nor la tbia all, foi tbe saving
of food st u If s is no small Item. .
No other oabinet baa ao many real, wortb-while improvements aa
the MoDongall Anlo-Front joat abont everything yon oonld wish for
ia included, every improvement found on ol bet oafainets and a lot of
exclusive, patented MoDongall features beaidea.
? . " zA cTWcDougal
in your kitchen ia no expense, but teal eoonomy for it soon pays lor it
self and then keeps an doing it over and over again. MoDongall Cab,
inets are splendidly bnilt made to last for generations. They are fin
ished in a handsome, bard, dnrable varnish which even hot water will
not mar or torn white.
We have lota of these fine Cabinets to dispose of at epeoial ptioea
and on apeoial easy terms. Come and see tbem it possible. If you
oan't oome, phone or write and we will aend full particulars.
9 Complete Furnishers of Homes, Offices and Schools 10-20 Alder St.
1. What ia the sack ontlook for 1916?
2. Will money be aaved to the farmera of tbe Inland
Empire by handling grain in bulk'
S What must the Farmer do to handle wheat in bulk!
i. What must oountry waiehouaes do to handle grain
What does handling bulk grain meaja at Terminal
points in export trade
Watch this space for answers
next week
(In the meantime investigate our farm granaries)
THAR'S some things we have to
learn to like such as olives an
hard work. Thar's others we take
to naturally such as Baseball Games
. M' VELVET- &fiF
The Eastern Star Club will be en
tertained next Tnesday afternoon, June
6, by Mra. B. B. Kiobarda. at her
home on Jefferson street.
Mrs. Barbara Willaty and daugb
teie, Mrs. 0. Castleman of Portland
and Mra. Fred Kershaw of Waitsbnrg,
visited in Atbeca this week.
Athena friends of Mr. and Mrs. Leo
Cook of Portland, have reoeived the
announoement of tbe birth of Gwen
dolen Luoile Cook, on May 25.
Jock Coleman, representing a gran
ite monument firm of Baker, tbia week
erected monuments at tbe graves of
A. Sbiok and Mra. Ed Lafdve.
Mr. Benry Koepke and daughter
Dorothy weie guests yesterday at tbe
wedding of Mr. Sobenebley, a nephew
of Mr. Koepke, at Ellensbuig, Wasb.
" Dr. F. D. Watta, waa in the oity
Sunday Irom Weston, bringing over a
laige number of tbe U. B. Sunday
sohool youngsters in bia tig toniing
Worthington Bros, have this week
painted the fronta of the buildings oc
cupied by Dell Bros., tba Pnblio Lib
rary, Dr. Stone and Telephone Central.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Swaggait and
aon Frank, with their obildren, visited
in Pendleton yesterday, Frank leav
ing from there for bia home near En-teipiise.
Between the hours of 12 noon and
J2:06 p. m. Wednesday all trains aud
operatives etopped out of respeot for
the late J. J. Hill, whose funeral was
held at St Paul.
Mrs. W. P. Littlejobn baa been in
attendance for several daya Ibis week,
npon ber young nephew, who waa op
erated upon in the Pendleton hospital
for appendioitis..
Mis. A. Milby, of Milton, will be a
week-end guest at ,'tbo home of her
brother, D. Scott Fiaber, in this oity,
Mra. Milby is en route for a visit iu
the Willamette valley.
Mia. Wood of Pendleton, Mra.
Claude Wallen, Mrs. David- Stone and
Mra. Caspar Woodward, visited iheir
mother, Mis. Elliott of Walla Walla,
wbo was ill this week.
Mra. Oliver Dickenson arrived home
Wednesday from the Walla Walla
hospital, where abe reoutly underwent
an operation. She ia making rapid
progress toward recovery.
Mra. Eail Uiquhart underwent a
emgioal opeiation for the removal of
a tumor. The opeiation waa aoooess
fnl, and Mia. Urqubart ia getting
along aa well aa could be expected.
Tbe ladies of tbe Athena Library
Board will bold a pastiy aale at the
Foss-Winahip atore, Saturday, June
10tb. The prooeeda from the sale will
te placed in the bnilding fund.
A leak in tbe water pipe "some
where in Dudley's field" neoessilated
the abutting off of tbe water Tuesday
night. Waterboy Dobson waa ont
neatly all night repairing tbe pipe.
Win. Belt and family moteied from
Bnhl, Idaho, last week 'and visited
with the Sbiok families in this city.
Tbe Helta aie old-time friends, and
are on a tour through Oregon and
For the first time in two months,
George Froome was able to be wheeled
into the lotby at tbe St. Nichols hotel
wbeie be received oongiatolations
from bis many friends on bis improve
ment in bealts.
Mra. Wm. Winsbip and dangbteia,
Mildred and Audra. will leave Mon
day evening for Dallas, and from there
witb the Jfarman family, will go ry
automobile to Newport, Ore., for a
summer's onting.
Mlsa Elizabeth Keefer, of Bonston,
lexaa, will arrive in the oity next
week to spend tbe summer months
with Mlaa Jessioa MoEwen. The
young ladiea attended hoarding sohool
at Bnena Vista, Virginia.
Mra. Lillian Dobson will leave Sun
day night for Portland, where she will
visit her mother and attend tbe Kose
Festival. She reports that she baa
received tbe diplomas for her entire
eighth grade, in tbe Waterman school.
Mra. Edward E. Koontz came np
from Portland this week and visited
Atbena frieoda. Mr. and Mrs. Koontz,
Boooutpanisd by Misa Jeanette Jaok
of Pendleton, contemplate an auto
mobile trip to Orator Lake in tbe
near future.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Swart, old time
residents of Athena, visited relatives
and frienda here tbia week. Mr.
Swart ia still in the employ of the
O-W., having a atation agency up
in Washington.
Mr. and Mra. Ueorge Thompson end
Mr. aod Mra, Caspar Woodward leit
yestetday by automobiles foi Poitlaud
aod Willamette valley pointa. They
will see tbe Rose Show and visit
frienda and relatives.
Rev. and Mia. W. T. Bigby, pioneer
residenle of Atbena wbo of late years
have been living in Alberta and now
iu California, are in the oity tbia
week renewing aoquaintanoes. Mr.
Bigby has been totally blind for a
number of years.
Mr. and Mrs. Bobeit Stites of Poit
land, arrived in the oity yesterday and
aie guests at the home of Dr. and Mra.
Plamoodon. They are en route home
from New York oity, wbeie Mra. Stites
haa been still further developing her
wonderful contralto voice.
Misa Sabra Naaon, tbe county libra
rian, with ber essistant, Miss Miriam
Delano, visited in Atbena Wednesday.
Misa Delano, who ia a aiater cf Mrr.
A. W. Botkin, formerly a resident of
Athena, waa accompanied by ber mo
ther, aud a aistnr wbo ia visiting tbem
from Poitland.
Athena frienda will be pleased to
learn that the oondilion of 1. W.
Waie ooolinuea to improve. It is now
believed that obanoea for bia reoovery
are goo.l. Mr. Were waa compelled
to undergo a aeooud ampntation on bis
right leg, ainoe wbiob time be baa
ateadily improved.
Atbena frienda have reoeived imitations-to
the wedding of Miss Mionie
Belle Gross aod Mr. John A. Johnson,
wbiob will ooont on Wednesday, Jnnu
21, at 8 o'clock io Ibe East Side Chris
tian ohnreb in Portland. Misa tiioas,
wbo ia the dangbter of Mr. and Mra.
W. S. Perry of C02. Ladd Avenue,
Portland, haa been a reoent visitoi to
relatives and friends in atbena and
Weston, who will extend congratula
tions aod good wishra.
Witb beautiful weather, Ibe Pio
neer's reunion waa mapioiously usher
ed in at Weston this morning, and if
tbe weather man will keep tbe prom
ise be made to the pionio town last
week, and allows a bright day tomor
row, old Weston will aurely have a
crowd of people to look alter.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter lily oante up
from Poitlaud Friday, aud visited
over tbe week end witb Atbena
Iriends. Mr. Ely made a trip to Day
ton for tbe purpose of boyiog country
butter fur his Portland market, re
turning to that city Sunday night.
Mrs. Ely will remain nntil alter the
Pioneei'a Pionio, visiting tbia week
with ber mother in Pendleton. ,
Jndging from preparations that are
being made, tbem will be an exoellent
oonoert at the Atbena cpeia honse on
Satuiday evening, Juue 17th. Some
of the best talent of Pendleton will be
on the program in connection with
looal talent, in vtoal and iustrnniental
selections. : Tbe concert ia in aid of
tbe Catholic ohnroh of this city, and
is given under the patronage of Bev.
P. T. Joye. Further particulars will
appear in the PieBS,
Mra. Olney Simpson entertained the
Sunebiue Club at her home, last
Thursday afternoon. Plans for an
other pionio were discussed. All
present spent a very pleasant after
noon. Three visitors were present,
Miss Friedley of Pendleton, Mta.
Black ard and Misa Cecil Philips of
Athena, RefiesbnientB were served at
1 o'olook by tbe hostess, wbo was aa
sisted by Miss Filedley, This will be
tbe last meeting of the Club, until the
meeting at tbe home ol Mrs. Piper,
the first Thursday in Ootober.
The United Biethien Bible school of
Weston, with their superintendent,
J. B. Williams, teaoheia and officers,
game over in a body last Sunday morn
ing an visitors tn tbe Christian Bible
sobnol iu this oity. It was one of the
happy occasions in whioh good will,
fellowship and the spirit of unity" pre
vailed to the limit of good oheer and
enthusiasm that will not be forgotten.
Tbe speoial object of the visit was to
get better acquainted, learn from each
other the things that make for pro
gress and effioienoey and to euoonrage
a better and larger spirit of harmony,
as well aa to lostill a greater desiie tor
unity. Tbe Christian ohnroh Biale
sohool will reciprocate when oocasion
oilers, and the diaposition to closer
fellowship will be oootinncd.
Local Advertisements
Dressmaking House dresses, $1.50
up. Worsteds and silka, 15.00 up. Tai
lored soil8, 110.00, up. Mrs, Wm.
Rice, at the Baptist Parsonage.
For Sale An acetylene light plant.
Inquire at this office.
A. Pbilllpa of Weaton, sells Lee's
non-pnnoiure and Goodyear tires.
J. B. Booher and Russell Piereol,
heretofore doing business nudet the
firm name of Booher & Pieisol have
dissolved partnership. J. H. Boober
will oontlnna tba business, paying all
bills end collecting all ucoou'jts owing
to tbe film.
A good milob cow for sale; or will
tiade for atook calves. Phone 2012a.
0. E. Zerba.
Clave Myera makes a specialty of
repairing flshiog shoes and boots.
See Weston as we see US Watta
& Rogers ad.
Auto Service W. B. Crawford ia
prepared to give day or night servioe.
At St. Nichols Hotel, phone, 493.
Wheat Bay Frank Jackson has
wheat hay for aale.
Dressmaking done, satisfaction guar
anteed. Apply to Mrs. Delia Wright.
Seoond Baud Goods. W. B. Mar
obo, tinner and plumber, will engage
in tbe aeoond-band goods business at
his place on Main street, near the de
pot. Seoond band fnrniture, atoves
and ranges bought and eold.
The Pioneer Pionio marks time.
See Watta & Rogers ad.
Liveetook Dealer. Bert Cartano has
engaged io tbe livestook business. Be
ia prepared to pay the highest market
iHM at all HmnB fnr nhinliAnil. hoar).
yi.woa mv " .
cuttle and sheep. If yon have stock
to sell, be sure ana sea mm.
1&9 L
of Quality
gives you more
miles to the dol
lar. Carbureting
qualities account for
that no waste of gas.
Dealers everywhere and
also at our many
Service Stations.
Standard Oil
Kirk Implement louse
Season is
THE JOHNSON BINDER was proven beyond doubt
last season that it would take care of heavy, green
grain-trie way we make hay here-better than other
makes of binders. We have testimonials of farmers living in your neighborhood We
carry lohnson Binders, Mowers and Rakes. Twine 13c lb. Holt Sprockets 20 pet off.
North Side Main St CHARLES KIRK, Athena, Oregon
A New Car with
a Glorious Record
I have secured the agency
for the famous Chevrolet
Motor Cars for the Athena
Weston, Mllton-Freewater
Territories, and hereafter
you can see one of these
wonderful little Cars at my
Garage here in Athena, or
I will come right to your'
door and give you a ride to
demonstrate its qualities as
a Family Car.
and style of highest priced
Cars, delivered at the door,
At Bartlett's Garage
Athena, Oregon
Like Gas
for comibrt
and convenience
No coal, wood or ashes
to lug no waiting for
the fire to burn up. Bet
ter cooking because of
the steady, evenly-distributed
heat, under
perfect controL All heat
concentrated on the
around the room. The
' long, blue chimneys
prevent all smoke and '
Bakes, bolls, roasts, toasts.
Mora efficient than your
wood or coal stove and coata
lesa to operate.
For Best Results
Use Pearl Oil
Better cooking
and a cleaner,
cooler kitchen.
Now serving
In 1, 2, S and 4
burnersizes,with or without oven.
' Also cabinet
models with
Fireless Cooking
For Sale By
Roses and Peonies
We obd (apply yonr Hobos aud
Peonies (or Deuoraliou. ftiiaes 75o
per doz. any color; Paoniea 1.25 pet
doz. red, piuk and white. Postage
Parr's Rose Garden
Freewatcr. Oregon, Phone 46F15
Script Form
Press Office
S. V. Sharp
Special attention given to all
calls both night and day.
Ciille promptly answered. Offloe on Third
0tr"et, Atbena Oreaor
Physician and Surncon.
Office in Post Bnilding. Phone, 601
Homer I. Watts
Athena, Oregon.
Nwdlra, Oil, Belts and all kind of ftewing
ftiaciiiuc iiippliou, lii-rmirnig a sfccialty.
New Home Users are Quality Choosers.
For Sale By
A. MILLER, Athena. OreR.
TJfc Kew Home Sewing Machine Comp'y
Ban Francisco, California.
Just Received
Shipments of Ladies' Wash Dresses
Children's Wash Dresses, Ladies'
Wash Skirts, Fancy Percales, Men's
sport-style work shirts, white 9 inch
canvas boots and black 36 inch silk
Dig lot ol ladiea' Wash Dresses,
piloes ranging from 79o ti. $5.90.
Oome In and aea tba 79a No. Have
It in sizes from ilG to 44,
(Jbildren'i Wasb Dresses, all ag
es,' 4 llo to 11.49.
Boya' Waeb Unite, U8o 11.49.
Big line of lanoy Parasols, all tba
nan shapes. See tbe new stripes at
980 to $2.98.
Children's Parasols, 4 Do to U8o.
"Travers" white 9 iuoh canvas
Boot, hate the narrow lasts. Oth
ers' 15.00 number, onr price $1.60.'
Sea onr line of men's work Slrfrta
Made op aportatyle, have tM Polo
collar and abort sleeves, fl colors,
4!So. X
Boys' sport Shir U hi' oolors. 49o.
Men' and boys' aninmrr Bats,
all colors and el vim, 25a to 08 o.
Bed Tatjs, $1.08 to !'.49.
See our link of wash materials. We have them at 10c,
12 l-2c, 15c, 19c, 25c and 39c.
J. C. Penney Co. Inc.