The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, June 02, 1916, Image 2

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F. B. Boyd, Publisher
Entered In the ngtofflce at Athena, Oregon
an econdClaas Mall Matter.
Advertising Rates.
Display, transient, running less than one
month, first insertion, per inch. ..... 25c
Subsequent insertions 12)
Display regular, per inch 12
Local readers, first insertion, per line, 10c
Subsequent insertions, per line 5c
Lodge resolutions, per line 5c
murcn notices, admission, per line. . ac
8ubncriotion Rates.
One copy, one year.... $1.59
When raid in Advance, (otherwise, $2.00
One conv. six months 75
One copy, three months 5
Mr. Phelan, senator from California
is head of a Golden State Plnnderbund
tbat is trying to foroe through Con
gress a measure tbat If enaoted, will
torn tbe oil fields over to monopoly
and leave the naval preparedness plans
stranded for want of oil resooroes to
supply tbe tig battle oruisers proposed
for the navy. Pbelan has seonred the
approval of the senate committee on
put Ho lands to withdraw from gov
ernment reserve great areas of oil fields
in California, and has drafted a bill
. . . - Admiral VI of (1 h AT
IUI LUUfc purjjuau. in. "...
coutouds that passage of the measnre
means confiscation of tbe oil supply
and places the government at the mer
cy of tbe oil trust, wbiob most neo
essarilj faoe exorbitant prloes for oil,
or discontinue tbe program of build
ing monster battle oruisers and dread
naught tattle ships equipped with
modem oil-burning devices for gener
ating steam. It remains to be seen
whether Phelan and bis cohorts oan
mustei sufficient strength in Congress
to wreoli the navy, or whether Con
gress will put tbe government oil fields
behind the navy.
An agitation for road snpervislou
and disbursement of road fnnds by
dislriot sohool boards is telng made in
this seotion, and is meeting with ap
proval. Tbe pioposiliou has for its
inoeptlon tbe handling of road fnnds
derived from road tax levy by the dis
trict, and expended within tbe district
under the jurisdiction of tbe district
school boaid instead of under the
Connty Court as at present. Those
who favor tbe new method proposed
contend that tetter roads wonld resnlt
from the faot that a tax could be lev
ied by the district to conform with
looal oouditions, and when onoe the
roads were in a good state of repair,
the tax levy oouM be lessened. Friends
of the movement oouteud tbat better
roads tot less money would resnlt un
der the new plan. A bill along the
lines proposed will doubtless be in-l-odnoed
at the next session of tbe!.lure.
Since tbe outbreak of the European
war, drug prioea have advanced to a
point never before known, not even
doling our own civil war peiiod. Al
reac'y some dtugi and ohemlca's are nu
ottaioable at any prioe and as tbn war
flout iuuos tbcie will be many drugs
lor which subsUtutea will have to be
found. Present prices show au ad
vance of from 600 to 1800 per cent.
Every time a pharmacist refills an old
prescription at its original price, the
ohauces ate be is losing money. There
is no class of substauaes In wbiob the
rise in prioe has been so little felt by
the oousnmer aud largely equalized ty
the taking of smaller profit, as lu the
case of drugs.
The proposal for tbe organization cf
Woman's Clvio Club in Athena will
donttless meet with genera! appioval
aud support, Wherever these oivio
clubs have taken up the relos of no
tion, splendid results have orowued
their efforts. Their aoupe of endeavor
is broad, and with literal, nnited sup
port and oo-oporation on the part of
all, their aohievemenls may be pro
portiouttely great.
If you wonld save lives, lend your
easistauoe to the orusade against flies.
Bullets may. kill their thousands tut
Hies kill their tens of thousaudn.
With weather of tbe right eoit, the
reuniou of Pioneers at Westou loday
and tomorrow, will be the auoores
that It deserves to be.
Till Taylor will fit iu with tbe role
of King Joy just as be Ills lu evmy
where i tee trne to form.
Alllhlugsare lu need of luushloa
and wi'cuier weather, Inolndiug wheat
and tbu Portland Rose.
A Mulligan Stew :
I wonder if tbe Pilot Book Record
has snspended pnblioation. Sinoe its
first Issne tbe Keoord bas been a wel
come visitor to the Press exabange
table. But last week it skipped, and
believe me I felt tbe skip. But I '11
overlook it, tor Harlan is so bloomio'
bnsy installing bis battery of Linotype
maobioes and ovlinder presses, enlarg
ing his buildings, writing editorials
for bis Beppner Herald, getting out
tbe Helix Advocate, oanvassing the
oounty in tbe interests of tbe Keoord.
boosting good roads, taking an active
part in tbe campaign, soliciting job
work, managing pilze fights and wrest
ling bonts, pitobing for tbe Pilot Rook
base ball team, making bnsinesa tiips
to Portland, attending sooial func
tions, eto., etc., etc., ad libitum ad in
finitum, tbat, hnman dynamo though
he is, he oan't be expected to do every
thing to onot and it's not to be wan
dered at tbat he forgets ne onoe in a
while. Get that?
Von will hear of the one tbat "got
away" from this on that is, if it ever
beoomea warm enough to go ashing.
Do yon believe fa booDoos? I Do.
And more especially when tbe jinks
pertains to fishing acoontrements. Now
I have a young friend who is jake on
fishing, but he'a went and invested in
a fishing rig that will soare all the
tront out of Meaoham oieek and 1-3 of
those inhabiting the waters of Wild
Horse. He's bonght a basket. Wbiob
is all right Hot he Didn't stop there.
He let a dealer bornswoggle him into
buying a calf muzzle to oariy it in.
When be gets tbe blamed rig on, he's
tiigged op in as mnob leather para
phernalia as it takes to fit out one of
those 20-Mnle teams that haul Dorax
ont'n Death Valley.
Yon oan't keep bim down Allyn
made 8 trips to Pine oreek Sunday.
' I am going over to tbe Pioneers' re
union at Weston tomorrow, and I ex
peot tn shake hands with everybody in
town exoept Kernel Woodsky. There
is a galaxy of seasonable and refined
reasons why I do not oare to Squeeze
digits with that Peerless Old Grouob.
There is a supposition, the outgrowth
of oonjeotnre, tbat there was a base
tall game In Athena last Snnday, and
tbat Carl Cominsky Christian, man
ager of the Adams Highbinders, hid
something np his sleeve and never
pulled it out until he tatted for Pay
ant in tbe ninth, The next time tbis
base ball lizard comes to Athena, Jaok
Parker, Billy Llttlejohn and others of
tbe old guard will introduce him to a
bath in Matt Johnson's tar vat along
with the rest of the fence posts he
may be duoking at the time.
An automotile oatsafterme was nar
rowly averted on the hill east of town
Saturday night wben a ford, a Frank
lin aud a Buiok, two going one way
tbe 'totber the other, tried to pasB on
tbe same right of way. Because of
tee fieakisbness of the told, the speed
of tbe Franklin aud tbe staunchness
of tbe Buiok, but slight damage was
done. The only injury to apeak of was
a shook to the nervous system of the
driver of the Franklin, who bunted up
an Atbena friend and stayed witb him
uutil 11 o'olook, drinking ooQee aud
telling tbe ins and ouls of tbe colli
sion. I don't suppose that it makes any
material dittoreuoe whether winter
ever pusses or not ouly the few warm
days we have had this week serves as
a reminder of what summer would
feel like.
No'loe Is hereby given that I will
sell at pulilio anution to the highest
bidder at tbe old Uenry Stamper liv
ety bam at Weston, lu Umatilla ooun
ty, Oregon, on Saturday, June St).
1)116, at a o'clock iu the afternoon, the
following described cstray animal, to
wlti One iiou gray mare, three years
old, weight abuot 8UO lbs; brand on
left bip iudutinct,
Martha U. Feigutton,
Westuo, Oiegon
Call for Warrants.
Kotiosot null for City of Atbeua
warrants: To whom it maycouoeiu;
Notice is heiehv given tbat paities
holding any City of Atbena warrants
are notified to present them to we fur
payment at the oflloe of tbe Prrston-
6 halter Milling Co. Interest oeases
on and after this dnts of put liontlou.
Hay 38, 11)1(1. Kiuest A. Zeiba,
Tieasnier City of Atbeua.
Announcement is made of a gold
medal contest, to be held in the Wes
ton High sohool bulldiug at 8 o'olook
this evening, nnder tbe ausploes of the
W. 0. T. U., and will te given by
tbe Pendleton class having already re
ceived silver medals, No admission
will be obarged aud eveiy one Is In
vited to attend.
Morning toplo Sunday at the M. E.
ohurob, "Tbe Chumb'a Highest Equip
ment." At night Kev. U. W. Rlgby,
who preached in Athena 110 years sgo,
will preach. Come and bear tbis hero
of the wars. He has been fighting not
only tbe devil aud sin, but be was at
Vickaburg, Mobile Bay and other bat
tles in the sixties aud helped save the
Uniou. Sabbath sobool at 10.
Thsmes at the Christian ohurob Sun
day wll be, 11 a, m. : "How to Be
Helpful 8 p. m.: "Three Things
tbat Make a Great Churob." Bible
sobool at 11:80 a. m., Geo. R. Gerking
diiootor. Junior C. E, at I), Seulor
at 7; midweek meeting Wednesday at
8, chorus rehearsal Fridsy at 8. Tbe
publio ooidinlly inrited and welcome.
D. Kirett, pastor,
Milton's auuoul gala day takes plaoo
next Wednwduy, the ooousiou being
the tig Horse Show and Strawberry, Atheuu will be well repre
sealed in the snorts piugruni. The
tall team Is scheduled (ur a game with
the league team of that oily, aud the
looal tire depaitmeut has a loam en
tered In tbe three raoea of tbe tou'na
nieut, lu addition to this looal bleud
of Interest, Milton's well known hos
pitality alwaya drawa a large uurnbei
of Atbena people to bet Strawberry
Day festivities.
I u Atbeua uo publio exorcises weie
beld ou Memorial Day but many wand
ed their way to tbe cemetery on tbe
bill to quietly deoorate tbe graves of
the dead. A large number of out of
tuwu peoplo airived duriug tbe day
to visit the cemeteries, aud many
Athena people visited olber places
where loved ones weie laid. In Wes
tou, luteiestlng exorcises were held
nnder the auspices of the Masouio and
Odd Fellows' oideia, tbe baud and
obildieu marcLiug tu tbe cemetery
where bonois were done tho soldier
dead and au appropriate progtaio glv
eu, a number ot veteraus brlug pres
ent. Cnrd of Thanks.
Wa Uh to express our tbni
through the eolurens ot the Piess to
all who so kiudly assisted ns during
the death at oor father, James 8. My
riok. Groige Mjrluk, Jnsse Myrlok,
Dote Myiiok, Paollua Myiick.
The Atbena ball team plays at Helix
Sunday. Helix won at (Jmapine Sun
day 11 to 8.
One of tbe raggedest games played
on the Athena grounds tbis year war
pulled olf Sunday, wben Carl Cbiis
tian's Adams Maverioks won, 13 to 10.
A total of 23 hits. 13 errors, four pass
es, one sauritloe bit and a passed ball
netted 33 eoores.
MoGargail and Peterson, a Pendle
ton battery, woiked for Christian, and
earned its per diem wben in tbe ninth
witb three on, two down, Athena one
score in tbe lead, Peteison swatted tbe
bean for tbe longest hit of tbe season,
four mnners inmping borne, Atbena
conld do nothiug in her half, Sharp
flying oat to Shabl, Klnf. fanned and
Grant popped to MoGargail.
Sbiak was plaoed at a disadvantage
in the first inning when with indiffer
ent snpport, a soiatoh bit, a fielders
ohoioe, seasoned witb three errors
merged into three rnns. Then in the
seoond, he allowed five bits, wbiob
helped by two errors pnt over foor
more tallies. .
Then Atbena got busy witb Mr. Mo
Gargail in her half of tbe third and
Grindell, Lienallen, Kirkpatriok and
Franz soored on twobaggers by Lien
allen and King and a sizzling single
by Franz, oonpled np witb a couple of
passes, an error and a fielder's ohoioe,
Kirkpatriok opened tbe fifth with a
tbiee base hit, and scored on Franz'
eaorifloe. Grindell and Parker scored
In the sixth and King and Sharp in
the seventh, and Lienallen again in
tbe eighth.
Adams rolled into tbe seventh witb
three scores behind, wben Peterson and
Sbahl soored, making it 0 to 10 in
Athena's favor, and then tbe fixings
of tbe ninth were doled out. Tbe
score by innings:
Adams 84000 2. 00 413
Atbena 0 0 4 0 1 2 2 1 010
Summary Home run, Peterson;
tbiee-base bit, Kirkpatiiok; two-base
bit, Lienallen, Kirkpatriok, King.
Sacriflua hit, Franz, Sbabl, MoGar
gail. Bases on balls, off MoGargail,
8 off Bhlck 1; struck out by Sbiok 7,
by MoGargail 10. Umpire, Cartano.
The roll call, reoeption and banquet
at tbe Baptist ohurob last evening was
an oouafiou long to be remembered by
the membeis and guests wbo were
Ac four o'clock, all members re
sponded to tbe roll call, after whiob a
reoeption was beld nntil six, many
guests being welcomed and shown over
tbe newly modeled building.
At six o'olook pll were invited to
the new basement dining room, where
oovers weie laid for 200, and a most
sumptuous banquet was served, having
been prepared by tbe emoient ladles ot
the obuicb.
After dinner speeches were made by
a number, being led by Mayor Homer
I. Watts, wbo, after felicitating the
obuicb and its management upon tbe
growth and Improvement shown in
that institution, promised tbat the
oity will endeavor to show a like ac
tivity in improving general conditions
and announced tbe prospects for a new
Library building and the proposed
formation of a Woman's Givio Club.
He was followed by Reverends Stook
ton, Cllne, Errelt aud Root, in short
Rev. Root of Dayton, preached at
8 o'olook, and at this servioe the aud
ience were favored witb a solo by
Mrs. Mytalene Fraker Blites, of Port
land, whose splendid oontralto voioe
was highly appreciated.
James S. Myriok was stricken witb
apoplexy Tuesday morning, shortly
after arriving in Pendleton on tbe
looal tiain, whinh be boarded in tbis
olty, intending to return in tbe even
ing. He was removed to St, An
thony's hospital wbere he passed away
doling tbe afternoon. His death fol
lowed that of his wife l:y about three
Mr. Myriok was a sou of tbe lats
Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Myriok, pioneer
residents for whom Mvrlok station was
named. He has been a resident of
Umatilla county sinoe 1889 most of
the time residing in Atbena, wbere
he raised his family.
Ha is survived by two sons, two
daughters, tbree brotbera and one sis
ter. Funeral services were beld yes
terday afternoon at the Ohiistlan
ohurob in tbis city. Mr. Myriok war
63 years of age.
Celebrated Golden Wedding.
Mr. aud Mrs. Wm. Booher, A. R.
Boober, Cbas Boohei and Henry Boo-
ehr visited iu Lexington last week,
where tbey atcuidert tbe Golden Wed
ding of Mr. and Mrs B. M. Boober nf
that oity. The celebration ot tbe oo
oaslun is reported to the Press as fol
lows: Tbe relatives, fiiends and neighbors
of Mr. aud Mn. B. M. Boober gather
ed iu the town hall of Lexiogton on
Friday, May 36, to celebrate their
Golden Wedding, Th old couple bad
been invited to take dinner at tbe
home ot Mr. and Mrs. Eph Eskelson,
and when Mr. Eskelaon took them in
au automobilo to tbe hall, tbey were
surprised beyond meisure, Tne hall
was filled witb people, while two long
tables wore spread witb good thiugs
to eat. Tbe high sobool orchestra
furnished musio tor tbe oooasiou. Ths
bride aud groom were ushered to tbe
end of the ball near the stage, wbers
Rev. J. L. Jones ot loue, ptooeeded
witb the golden wedding oeremouy,
Connty Supeiinteudeut 8. E. Notion,
of Heppner, gave a short address
tooohlug upou the lesson to be learned
fioin the occasion and reviewed tbe
achievements wbioh have been accom
plished within the time the couple
have heen married. Tbey were pre
sentsd with a number at gold ooius.
Then followed the tountilul diuner.
Tbe afternoon was speut ia visiting
aud in the eveuiug tbe bride and
groom were serenaded by tbe neigbj
Wheat Hay I have bound wheat
bay for sale. VVrlle -or pboua A. L.
Swacgnrt, Atbeua.
How's This?
We offer One Hundred Dollar Re
ward (or any case of Catarrh that can
not be cured by Hall e Catarrh Cure.
Hall's Catarrh Cure has been taken
by catarrh sufferers for the past
thirty-five years, and has become
known as the most reliable remedy for
Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure acts thru
the Blood on the Mucous surfaces, ex-
Kelllng the Poison from the Blood and
eating the diseased portions.
After you have taken Hall's Catarrh
Cure (or a short time you will see a
great Improvement In your general
health. Start taking Hall's Catarrh
Cure at once and get rid of catarrh.
Send for testimonials, free.
F. J. CHENEY CO., Toledo, Ohio.
Sold by all Druggists, 76c
o o d
in Carload Lots
Cascade 4 foot Fir Wood $5.35
Cascade 4 foot Maple Wood,.... 5.60
Cascade 4 foot Alder Wood 5.10
F.O. B.
Athena - Pendleton Branches North
ern Pacific Railway.
Postoffice, Edgewater, Washington.
Is your cigarette
All we say is this makaenr
f your Steady cigarette is auw
tibia, whether it is Fatima,
ot tome other one.
b ft eoof and trlendlyeo you
tnroai ana tongue r uoesit
leave yon feeling O. K. attar
long day of amoklng?
Fathnas certainly make good
on these two points.
The only question Is will .
they just suit your indi
vidual taste? They may or
they may not. But It seems
reasonable that they thovld,
tor tbey outsell any other
dgarett costing over 5c
Bo yoo ought to try them.
Co that today.
A Sensible Cigarette
20 for Ki
The one that always can be depended upon
to deliver the bundle.
Deering Mowers and Rakes
p4re Always the Best
ff ?f?ff?ff f f f fffTwT WWW aJsilililililMaSeW'JBaWli aaa
r the i i . , I
i. E. FROOME, prop.
Iff i
Only First-class Hotel in 1
the City. X
Is the only one tbat can accommodate
commercial travelers.
l.'aa be isoomended tor Its clean and j
T well ventilated rooms.
, Cob. Mais amdThied, ATBiKA.Or. j
JUNE 7th, 8th, 9th, 1916
first national bank
Capital and Surplus
and the very best travel service to and from
will be afforded by the O-W. R. R, & N. Co.
Final Return Limit June 17th
For Further Information, Train
Schedules, Ticdots, etc.
Ask J. R. MATHERS, Agent
Why shouldn't the Stand
ard Oil Company make the
best oil-with over 40 years
experience in refining-with un
equalled plant equipment? And
Zerolene is scientifically refined
from selected California crude-asphalt-base.
Prominent authori
ties have recently declared that an
oil correctly refined from asphalt
base crude can be made not only
equal but superior to paraf fine
base oils. Next time you empty
the crank-case refill withZerolene.
Dealers everywhere and at service
stations and agencies of the Standard Oil
We carry the best
That Money Buys
Our Market is
Clean and Cool
Insuring Wholesome Meats.
Main Street, Athena, Oregon
it is Well to Reflect and Soliloquize on the Accomplish
ments of our City during the past Year.
Ths Weston Meroantila Co. 30,000 oapital, orgaulaed and doiog bus
iness in an old botel, modernizad'into the most pleasing stors in tbe oonu
ty. Two nptodaia barber shops. A ohoioe oonfeollonery and ine or earn
Oor professional foroo nf M. D., and D, D. S., in new steam-heated
The O'Barra Grooery transferred to pleasant, ssnitary qnaitera, ab
sorbed fay W.M.O. letsiniDg same management.
A ohoioe enlarged stock in Ibe Brandt bnilding. .
Onr Meat Shop mnob improved.
Westou Oarage in new, more aonvelnieot quarters.
Nobby tennis grounds. City Park beautified and a new'pavilion.
Telephone seitioe enlarged, a dozen new owners of residenoes proper
ties, new cement walks, our streets oiled, and the new dam woikiug tine.
.- And although the "New Minister" came, and tbe Saloon has gone,
Watts and Rogers are here to stay. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Watts & Rogers
"Weston, Oregon
"Just Over the Hill"
the Standard Oil for Motor Cars v
j tj ' '" ym. i " """"
j"" -' ' , Parker & Myrick
If hi at -'vt I .
I'M '' E.T7lfcl rinl
J - -,Y ' CI... . M.4.TD
. fijysw . , t. !--a t.
rp.,' fr -