I Press Paragraphs Mis. E. M. Smith of Wsston,' was Id the olty yesterday. M. F. Morgan left this week for Willamina on business trip. Mr. and Mri. Heary Bohmltt drove down from Waltsbnrg, Tuesday. AI. Griggs, foreit ranger, with beadquuiteri it Gibbon, was in tbe oily Wednesday. , 8anford Stone is delegate ttila neck to the grand lodge I. 0. O. Vt convening at Bosebmg. , Ttia nsnal Saturday ninbtdanify Hi the opera bonsa tomorrow stenjpft. Splendid musio and good order. Mrs. M. L. Watts left Saodaj sfiarn log far Boiebarg, Oreg. where a6f iaa delegated the Rebekah Grand Cadge. Me. Marion Bansell and ehlldreo returned yesterday morning from a visit with relatives and friends at Poitland. . Miss Lillian Renter, teacher in tbe Dayton, Wash, pnblio eobools is in the city visiting ber father, before goiog East. , " A. 0. Carpenter returned yesterday rooming from Portland, where he was oalled owing to tbe illness of bis wife, who was -visiting friends there. Mr. and Mrs. J. U. Walter had as dinner gnesta at their borne west of town Sunday, Dr. and Mrs. W. E. Boott and Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Boyd. Mies Katheiine Sharp is home from Dayton, Wash, for the bo aimer vaoa lioo. Miss Sharp has been retained to tea oh another year in tbe Dayton sohools. B. B. Richards has Installed a Globe tiling case ii bis offloe. Ibis filing system Is one of psrfestion, and was pnrobased from tbe John W. Graham company, of Spokane. John Morgan of Preecolt, Wasb. spent tbe past week at I be home of Mr. and Mrs. George Gross end other Athena relatives. Mr. Morgan ii nephew of Mrs. Gross. - The condition of I. W. Ware whose foot was amputated Thursday of last week, baa been preoarinna sine tbe operation. It is now telieved that to other operation will be neoeasary. Servioes next Lord's Day at tbe Baptist obnrob as follows: Sunday school at 10 a., ra., pteaobiog at 11 a. on. and ? :30 p. m ; B. Y. P. U. meet-1 Ing at 6:30. Vou aia wanted. Come, j Mrs. Ralph Sallugoame aver from Weston Wednesday evening to assist in I lie concert at tbe Gbiietiao oburob and was aooompanisd ty Mr. and Mrs. Porter, Misj Rln tool and Mrs. Skinner. Mr. and Mrs. George Gross and Miss Verva, and Mr. and Mrs. Luke Bead and little daughter Jennamae left Monday by automobile for a week's trip to Condon, Mayville and Ailing- ton, ; A speoial meeting of the City Conn oil wbs held Wednesday evening at whioh H. A. Barrett was appointed oounoilman to till the vaoanoy caused by the resignation and removal from tbe oily of J. W. Welch. The Athena teas ball team will play tbe FreewBter league team at the Mil ton borse ahow and strawberry fes tival, Wednesday next. Freewater bas a good team this year and Is play ing in tbe inter-state league, Bev. Milo G. Bentley, pastor of the local Baptist oborob, ia tbis week moving bis family fiom tbeir borne in the Walla Walla valley to Atbena, and will ooonpy tbe residence vaoated by Mr. and Mis. Ubas. Bryan, A BETTER DAY'S WORK That's what a MoDongall Anto Front Kitchen Cabinet will mean in your borne. Yon oan get op a meal in about half tbe nsnal time tbe time saved will enable yon to do many other tasks, it means elim ination of kitoben slavery. The time and drudgery saved will soon pay for one of these great labor savers. Nor is this all, for the saving of food stnffa is no-small item. No other oabiuet has so many real, wortb-wbile improvements as the McDonnell Anlo-Front just about everything yon oould wish for is inclnded, every improvement fonnd on ol ber oabinets and a lot of exclusive, patented MoDongall features besides. zA cTWcDougal Cabinet in your kitoben is no expense, but real eoonomy for it soon pays for It self and tben keeps on doing it over and over again. MoDongall Cab- iuets are splendidly builtmads to last for generations. They are fin ished in a handsome, hard, durable varnish whioh even hot water will not mar or tum white. We have lots oi these fine Cabinets to dispose of at speoial piioes and on speoial easy teims. Come and see them if possible. It yon can't oome, phone or write and we will send fnll particulars. THE DAVIS-KASER CO,, WALLA WALLA Complete Furnishers of Homes, Offices and Schools 10-jO Alder St. 1. What is the SBck outlook for 1916? 2. Will money be saved to tbe farmers of tbe Inland Empire by handling grain In bulk? 8 What must the Farmer do to handle wheat in bulk? 4. What must oountry warehouses do to handle grain in bulk? 6. What does handling bulk grain mean at Terminal points in export trade' " I . ' ; "' ' ' . , Watch this space for answers next week (In the meantime investigate ovr farm granaries) TUM-A-LUM LUMBER COMPANY 1131"." llE3l THAR'S somethia' ia smokin' a pipe of VELVET with a man that makes him warm up to you. It's sort of like takitr him home to family dinner. Ural mv . .... "a nmmF&w ?n;ffi?r;w rino 1 , life tsMHmjmM I ji ' Athena friends reoeived an in vitation from John Fosa lo be present at the dedication of the Foss & Co., $10,000 garage at Moro, on the even ing of May 24 wheu a dance was held in tbe One new oonorete bnilding. In addition to tbe list published in the Press last week, tbe following pupils ahonid have bad their names in tbe list: One year perfeot attendanoe, Elsa Bingel; two years perfeot attend anoe, Roland Stone and Velva Mans field. The rennion of tbe Pioneers at Wes ton, is only one week away, Friday and Satntday, June Snd and 3rd. Colonel Woods' town will extend its j hospitality to ell who attend tie re union, and a special imitation is ex- j tended tbe people of Athena. ( At the Mathodiit Episcopal chorob, preaching next Sabbath morning and . evening. Morulas topli : "I be Great eet fienewer." In the evening at 7:15, the subject will ber "Wbeie to Get Your Questions Answered." Sabbath aohool at 10 a. m., all are invited. Wilbeit Eirkman of the Snparior Lumber oompany. Walla Walla, waa in the olty yesterday and iutalled a , Northwestern furnace at the new borne of Miss Clare Partridge. Tbe fnrpaoe is a popular one, and large Bombers have been sold by Mr. Kirk mon. Miss Edna Mo Alexander reoeives the announcinent of tbe graduation of ber friend, Miss Winnifred James, June 1st, from PaoitJo Union College at Saint Helena, California, Miss James bas the distinotion of graduating from both the Normal and Aoademio De partments of the College. Miss Inez Wagner, who was ao sno- oessful In passing ber seventeen eigbjb grade pupils in the Athena sobooi, has aooepted a position in the (Jinapine sobools for next year. Miss Wagner left yesterday to join her sister, Miss Leota, in a visit wltb her nnole, Snpt. E. Young, at Pendletoo. Mrs. W. B. Taylor and daughter, Lnuille, will leave next Thursday, Junel, for Abiugdoo, Illinois, where tbey will visit her daughter, Mrs. Delbert Olote, and other relatives dur ing the summer. Ihey will be accom panied by Miss Leota Wagner, who will visit ber borne lo Nebraska. 0. A. Gnerne baa left for Chicago, wbere be will attend the University. Mlea Brierley is with her parents at Stanffcld, Miss Peroival bas departed for ber home and Miss Armstrong bas departed for Brooklyn, N. Y., where abe will remain for the summer. Thus tbe faonlty of the Athena pnblio sobooi is widely soattered. Mrs. J. I. Williams, of Maldio, Wash., a sister of Mrs. I. W. Ware, and Miss Lillian Ware of Bnrley, Ida ho, anived this week, being called by Mr. Ware's critical condition. Mr. George Demmer and Mis. E. B. Peek, a brother and sister of Mrs. Ware, also arrived from Medford, Oregon, com ing through overland, and driving Mr. Ware's oar. 1 be Athena Fire Department will enter a team to oompete in the bose raoes at Milton next Wednesday, dar ing the borse show "and strawberry festival. Tbe races will inolnds two wet tests aud a 100-yard straight away sprint. Tbe Atbena teem is oompiised of Jesse Myriok. Ed. Sebasby, Lsvoise MoEwen, Hngb Lieuallen, Emery Wortbiogtoo, Boss Pavne, Fred Grin dell and Herteit Parker. At the Christian ohnrou Snuday, Bible sobooi 10 a. m,, Geo. B. Gerk ing direotor. Tbe United Brethren Bible sobooi of Weston will be preset. t in a body to visit tbe sohool. Preaob iug at 11 a. m. pod 8 D. m. Subjeots, "Onr Country and tbe Ghnrob," and "Hindrances." Jnnior G. E., 8 p. m. Senior 0. E. at 7. Midweek meeting Wednesday, 8 p. m, and ohoros rehear sal Friday, 8 p. m. 1'he pnblio oor dially invited end welcome. D. Errett, pastor. Thursday, . May 18, tbe members and families of the Sunshine Club spent the day at Bingham Springs. Fishing and swimming were tbe enter taining features of the day. A boun teous luncheon was served at noon. Tbe viands were spread npon one long table and ooveta were laid for 19. Mr, Hooh, tbe bospitible manager of tba Springs, saw to the comfort of the party, and the day was voted a grand success, so mnob so that another ex cursion is planned for the near future. Mrs. J. D. Pismondon is in receipt of a very interesting letter from Miss Alena L. Pittman, Baptist missionary at 8hoobsing, Che Kiang Proviuoe, China, in whioh acknowledgement is made of receipt of a large number ot Dockages sent by the Athena Baptist Missionary soolety lo November of last year. Tbe sbipmont was sent ty par oel post, and comprised a fnll equip men! foi one room in the hospital. Tbe letter is especially tooohing in its exnressioos of gratitude for the generous donation, from tbe Athena ladies, every saokage of wbiob ar rived safely. , Next Thursday, June I, the Baptist ohoiob will have a Boll Call and ban- auet. beginning at i p. m. Bell osll and business at 1; informal reoeplion from 5 to 6, when the banquet will be served. At 7:80 preise aervioe and at 8 an address will te given by Bev, Bordman, D. D., of Walla Walla, Rev. Stookton of Adams, and Bev Cline of Freewater, will bIbo be pres ent. Every member of tbe obnrob, Sunday ecbool. B. Y. P. U. and Chor us, together with their parenta and friends, are expected to be present and temaio during the eutiie program, be ginning at 4 with the Boll Call. Tba saored oouoett given ia tbe Cbristiao Cfanicb Wednesday evening ty tbe choir was a piouonuced success in every partiuolar. Tbe oborns work aod antbema showed good training by f tba direotor. Dr. W. B. Sootr, aod ea-1 peolallv were the numbers given tbe men a oborns of nineteen voioee, appieoiated. While eaob number de- P mmi- utIM ananfal mention tha anlnm ti ConStalV Mis. David Stone and Mr. Cbeater New8 net. tint ladies' unri tnitari nnartata mni nW villi nhnm.lh. dnot I the dis- Waited For Tfce Lord," snug by Mis. Wj. "who Balpb Baling aud Mrs. W. B. Boott.1 in ul tha fifAanin. nnmhev nn ll.a n , n. , Schef ket gram. Miss Zola Keen opened the1 min" progiam with a piano solo and prtsid-. ed as aocompabtat with ber usubI: grace. i GANNON-M'INTYRE WEDDING Wednesday, May 24, at four o'clock, at the home of Mr. aud Mrs. Hugh Molutyre iu this city, the nuptials of their daughter, Ethel, and Mi. Balph T. Cannon, were celebrated, with Bev. Davis Errett officiating, the liog cer emony being employed. Tbe bridal oouple, unattended, entered tbe taste fully deoorated room to tbe strains of tbe wedding maiob played by Miss Velva Mansfield. " Tbe decorations wete pink, haw thorn aud white snowball blossoms, aud the bitde was attired in white crepe de ohme and luce, and carried a toqnet of biide roses. After - the oeremonv, the gorgf, numbering about thirty, were csl.end iuto the dioing room, where fid C3 natio'JS aud peonies abounded, end neie SMvedlna dainty oollallon tf iocs and oake,and soon after the newly weds slipped away, motoring lo Wes ton wbere tbey took tbe train for Se attle and Bellingham where their hon eymoon will te passed. Returning tbey will visit the Bose Festival at Portland. " ' ," 'I be bride is the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mclntyre, and tbe groom tbe youngest son of Mr, and Mrs. Cass Canno'J, and assistant cashier of tbe First National Bank vt Atbena. Both have been reared in tbis vicinity, aid begin their married life most suspic iously, amid the good wis ho of a host of friends. A neat bungalow has re cently beep erected ty the groom on south Third street and the oouple will commence bousekeeping immediately npou tbeir return. Local Adver tisemcnts For Sale An aoetyleue light plant, Inquire at this offioe. - ' A. Phillips of Weston, sells Lee's non-punotnre and Goodyear tires. Dressmaking Mrs. Wm. Kioe, ex pert titter aud drissmaker, lesidiug in the Baptist parsonage is now prepaiea to do Bret class work at reasonable prloes. ' A good milch cow for aale; or will trade for stook oalves. Phone 29132. O. E. Zerba. Wheat Bay 1 Dave bouod wheat bay for sale. Write or phone A. L. Swaggart, Athena. Auto Service W. B. Crawford is prepnied to give day or night service. At St, Niabols Hotel, phone, 493. Dressmaking done, satisfaction guar anteed. Apply to Mrs. Delia Wright. White Stai Laundry work, Phune 133. First class Second Hand Goods. W. ' B. . Mar- obo, tinner and plumber, will engage in the seoond-faand goods bnBlness at his place on Main street, neat the de pot. Second hand furniture, stoves and rauges bought and sold. Livestock Dealer. BertCartano has engaged in the livestook business. He is prepared to pay the highest market prices at all times lor ooiosens, nogs cattle and sheen. If you have stock to aefi, be sure and sea him. ' Goto tbe Myers' harness and shoe sbon if yon want Brat olass woik. Satisfaction guaranteed. Adv. ML Refinery Gas not a mixture Dealers every where and at ServiceStattons of Standard Oil Company (CtUfwiU) of the rvember report finish- fling of sk, and en eum- 1 Peck, it serv- sek fol- ographs and se- logTaphs L,e ufotc nomine. President Visits ActoraJ Baltimore President Wil here Tuesday to attend a tH performance of the Friars' New York, ana lor tnree noura a group of some of the leading the country were applauded by I which taxed the capacity of t ter. The President's appears1 the airraal for enthusiasm wh continued as the actors made his expense. The President hind the scenes ano maoe itneech to the assembled ad shook hands with all. Eirk Mplement louse We Season is Here "For Cutting tTHachinery" THE J OHNSON BINDER was proven beyond doubt last season that it would take care of heavy, green grain-the way we make hay here-better than other makes of binders. We have testimonials of farmers living in your neighborhood. We carry Johnson Binders, Mowers and Rakes. Twine 13c lb. Holt Sprockets 20 pet. off. North Side Main St, CHARLES KIRK, Athena, Oregon The Chevro- 4il6til A New Car with a Glorious Record I have secured the agency for the famous Chevrolet Motor Cars for the Athena Weston, Mllton-Freewater Territories, and hereafter you pan see one of these wonderful little Cars at my Garage here in Athena, or I will come right to your door and give you a ride to demonstrate its qualities as a Family Car. Electrically Equipped and style of highest priced Cars, delivered at the door, $1 At Bartlett's Garage Athena, Oregon Roses and Peonies We oau supply your Hoses aud Peonies for Deourallou. Ruses 7 Go per doz. any color j Paouies fl.25 per doz. red, pins, and white. Postage prepaid. Parr's Rose Garden Freewater. Oregon, Phone 4CF15 S. K. Sharp PHYSICIAN AND SUHGEON Special attenttot given to all calib both night and day. (M in promptly anmrerad. Offloe onTBIrd Strett Atheoa Oresor DR. A. B. STONE. Physician and Sureon. Offioe lu Post Building. Phone, 001 Homer I. Watts Attornev-at-Law Athena, Oregon. ill! MACHMS MODELS OF PERFECTION. PERFECTLY British Food Limit Like London There is now belief a possibility that the people British Isles will oe piaceu on tions. Captain Ernest Pretyri liamentary under secretary board of trade, said in the commons that although there ...t.l ahnrfjiffA. the existirl nricea arose from a deficiency Needlee. Oil, Belts and all, kind of flowing SIMPLE SIMPLY PERFECT. the requirements of the forces' field. The government, he add reviewing the situation careful MatUnc suiijilics, ftrpuuiug a ipecialty, New Home Users are Quality" Choosers. For Sale By N. A. MILL! K. Athena. Oreg. 'Oil Kew Hume Sowing Machine Comp'y San Francisco, California, It's the uniform unva- Hi rying heat of a good oil Eg stove, and the perfect control, that keeps the juices in that pre- H serves the savory goodness of the meat and gives that even brownness all over. juiciei -tastier toasts a cleaner, cooler . kitchen, and lesa fuel expense A NEW PERFECTION OIL COORsSTOVE ,jf&m&LJ&!&im-jr For E3 turarAn i sia a (oiuomii) mm yk Ip3 Athena ' ' fj it All the convenience of gas. Cooks everything any wood or coal range will cook, but keeps your kitohsn coo. The long blue chim neys do away with all smoke and smell. In 1, 2, 3 and 4-burner sizeB, ovens separate. Also cabinet models with Fireless Cooking Ov ens. Ask your dealer today. STANDARD OIL . COMPANY (CHUoinli) Athena ' For Sale By FOSS-W1NSIIIP HARDWARE CO. KIRK IMPLEMENT HOUSE. Get ' Script Form . BUTTER WRAPS Press Office VERY DAY PRICES Below we quote vou a few ot our every day prices. Look them over. These are the items every housewife should be interested in. Sl.o Galetoa, all colors, ,18 $ l-?o best Calico, - ,05 8 1 80 (80lu.) Percales, .06 14 13o grade Peroales, ROlu. - .10 160 " " " 18 1-S 8 1 Do apron Glngbam .05 lOo apion Uingbam, - ,06 1-4 lOo dress Giogbams, ,08 13 11! 1-Zo dress Gingbams, .10 lOo Elope Muslin. - . .07 1-3 13 l-2o Lonsdale Mnalin, .08 1-8 Camblio Muslin 12 1-2, IB, 19 40o table lineo, red or w bite .25 750 " " white, bulf, tine ,49 I. 00 grade table linen .69 $1. 35 grade table linen .98 13 1-3 Worth Cheviot shilling .10 Pepperil bleeob sheeting, 0 4 .33 Peppuil bleaob Sbestiug 10 4, .35 Papperll nnblsaeb Bbeoting 9-4, .31 13 1 3o Bllkollnos, all oolors, .10 30o Tiokiugs, !( Uo lickings, flowered, .85 Famous Golden Bole House Aprous, oover tba entire dress, - .49 The above prices are only a few if our every day bargains. Every item in our Store is priced accordingly". J.C.Penney Co. Inc. mm