Press Paragraphs A. J. Parker spent Taesday la Pen dleton. Edgar Forrest was over fiom La Grandu daring tbe week. Mrs. Leon Kidder wo was ill for oouple of weeks le recovering. Mr, and Mn. Roy Bnike have been over from Walla Walla thin week. Idie. W. A. Graham of Weston visited in Athena Tuesday afternoon. Fine Booob grass nantnie; tl. BO per moutb. Pbone 29F33. 0. E. Zerba. D. H. Mansfield and J.. D. Boston loaded a oarload of horses at Pendle ton Sunday, for shipment. Ihe announcement of the wedding of Mies Nellie Dee Wbiting and Bert MoDonald, has recently been made. F. B. LeGrow and Sam Pambron spent a few days on tbe sooth fork of tba Umatilla and did not And Bsbing very good. Mr. and Mrs. H. MoArthnr are in the oity from their borne in Portland. Tbey spent tbe winter at San Diego, California. Jadge FItzGerald, polios magistrate of Pendleton, was in Athena Wednes day as a delegate to the Woodman oonvention. Bert Oartano made a shipment of hogs to the Walla Walla Meat Go., and bas another oarload neatly ready tor shipment. Mr. and Mrs. Thoe. Corn and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Wright of Walla Walla, speut Sander at tba Forreat borne, sontb of tbe oity. Herbert Parker is working in tbe Parker & Myiiok barber shop, Balpb Barton baving aooepted a position in a shop at Walla Walla. I TO I To assist ns In making this speoial introdaotoiy otter we were al lotted one carload of McDougal Kitchen Cabinets at speoial prices on'conditlona that we in tmn sell this lot at speoial prices and on terms to pot tbem in reaob of eveiy woman. If yon have thongbt of getting a Kitchen Cabinet, take advantage of this ohaooe now. It yun haven't thought of it, by all means investigate right now. Do not delay, as We can get no moie at present prions. ; With a MoDongall yon oao get op a meal in ball tbe osoal lime. It will save yon miles of steps. Tbe time and energy saved will en able yon to do many otber tasks "It's better than the best servant," said one entbnaiastio owner. Tbe saving ot supplies alone is no small item. A MoDongall Aotn-Fiont soon pays for Itself. Be snre and see it. No otber Cabinet bas so many worth while oooveienoes as tba MoDongall. Get yonrs NOW. THE DAVIS-KASER CO,, WALLA WALLA Complete Furnishers of Homes, Offices and Schools 10-20 Alder St. "II-RUIER" PRICES STILL LOIN ("Tum-a-Lumber" a Buy word for good lumber) Von never bad a better ohanoe in yonr life to olose op deals that have been hanging Are. ' If there ever was a time to build, it's ibis Spring. It is very unlikely that lumber will ever he as cheap again as it bas been the past two or three years. With tbe Panama oanal open to get Western lumber to the hungry Eastern markets with Europe olamoiing for lumber the minute the war is over, in addition to tbe grett business awakening taking place all over the oonntry, dne to tbe fact tbat condi tions are tilGHT and that America IS prosperous Well our best advioe to yon is to Hurry Along Your Building Many of our oustomeis are using tbe complete bine piloted plans with our correct estimates on material costs prepared and furnished by onr Arohiteota and Engineera on Homes, Barns, Silos, Hog-sheds, Gran aries, Elevators, and all otbei buildings. "See Johnson About It." TUMALUM LUMBER COMPANY Cleaner spark plufa Your spark plugs will keep cleaner if you use a straight-distilled, refinery gasoline. A mixed or imperfectly refined gasoline' breaks up and deposits carbon instead of exploding com pletely. . Crov ik n Gasoline of Qualify is the all-refinery gasoline not a mixture. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (CalilonU) WISDOM'S not so much in knowin a lot of things as in being shore of what you do know. Know VEL VET an you'll be shore on your Tobacco wisdom. The first tima ym smoke VELVET yon think it'i a luxury after that you know it'a a necessity. IE Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Walts and Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Steele motored to Day ton, Wash., Tuesday afternoon, re turning borne Wednesday. Miss Jessie O'Nell, who visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Kiddei during tbe summer, gradantes Ibis week from tba Presoott High sohool. Mrs. Lloyd Miobener has been very ill at ber home this week. Her mo ther, Mrs. N. Buiaker, came over from Walla Walla and is attending her.;. Mrs. Louis Bergeviu and daughter Oelena are in Seattle tbis week, where Miss Bena Bergevin will graduate as a I trained nurse from Providenoe hos pital. G. DeGraw and John Banister of Weston, mo'ored over Tuesday even ing lo bear M. E. Miller and G. P. Strain discuss the bond issue propo sition. At the Christian ohurcb, Bible school at 9:50; Mothers' Seivioe at 11. Junior 0. E. at 8, Seuior at 7; theme in tbe evening, "Things that Make for Progress." " Mrs. W. W. MoPberson will go to Portland and other valley points next week for a fortnight's visit. She will te tbe guest of ber father the greater part of the time. ':. Mr. Bert Applegate, a pharmacist ot Portland, baa aooepted a temporary position at Ware's Pharmacy and will remain until Mr. Ware is able to look after bis business. Mrs. W. L. Weir was in Dayton, Wash., tbis week, where she attended High sohool graduating ezeioises, ber nieae, Miss Marguerite Hopkins being one of tbe graduates. Mrs. W. B. Scott, in oompany witb ber sister, Miss Lela GaiUeld and J. Matbeson, wbo have been visiting here, and Mrs. Kelson, motored to Walla Walla Tuesday evening. A. J. Paiker and Jease Myriok havs disposed of the Keen barber shop back to Mr. Keen. Jees may now be found at the first ohair at tba Parker shop in which be owns a half interest. Mrs. F. S. LeGrow, aooompanied by ber mother and sister, Mrs. Bowles and Mbs Laura Bowles ot Walla Walla, and Mrs. F. B. Boyd, drove ber oar to Pendleton Wednesday after' noon. I.W. Ware went to Pendleton yester day, where it was found neoessary to relieve bis trouble by ampntation of bis risht toot, which has been afflict ed for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Ware were taken down by Mrs, M. L, Watts in hr car, Athena friends have reoeived an- nonnaemeot of the nirth of a son, May 8, 1916 to Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Gilfrev, of Oresswell. Ore. Mrs. Gilfrev was formerly Miss Blanohe Orswell, s popular teacher in the Atbena eohools, A larse nnmber ot Weston's prom nent people, attended tbe High sohool play last evening, and also a pare? or vonns neoule from tbe Walla Walla High sohool, the latter of whom will nut on tbe same play, "The Boss o' Plymouth Town, in about two weeas. The many friends of Mrs. H. A. Bar rett have been mnob concerned cms week over a serious complication hiob bas set in, in her uondiliou after tbe birth of ber little daughter. two weeks aso. She is considered slightly better at present, and is still in the hospital at Pendletoo. Methodist Episoopal Chnrob. Next Sabbath, nreaabing morning and eve ning. Snfaieot in the morning: "The SigniBaanoe of tbe Upward Look;" at night tbe topio will be mite's ques tion: "What Shall I Do Witb JeBus!" Tbe evening servioe will oommenoe at :16. Sabbath school at 10 a. m.. all are invited. Dr. Welch and family will depart tomorrow for Biddle, Douglas county, where they resided prior to oomlng to Athena. Dr, Welob bas exohangen properties and business witb Dr. j. B. Lasb, who will arrive in the oity in tbe near fnture to praotice dentist ry. Dr. Laab is a graduats dentist from tbe University of Pennsylvania. Flovd Pntnam left Tuesday morning for Wbitedsb, Montana, where be bas aooepted a lnorative position. He spent the past winter here witb bis sister, Mrs. Scott Fisber, and has been assist ing Mr. Fisher in carpenter work. Mr. Pntnam will be greatly missed in tbe activities of tbe young people of the Christian ohnrob. James Henderson was over from Milton yesterday. Mr. Henderson is looking after the Mosgrove cattle, whiob have been turned on tbe rauge. Be repoits tbat during the deep soow of tbe past winter, 17 bead of elk ranged from below tbe Mosgrove place on tbe sontb side of the river to a poiot atove the power plant dam. Miss Ruhr Banister bad tbe distinc tion of winning second honors at tbe Eastern Oregon oratorioal contest held at Baker last week, in ber original oration, "Tbe Cry of tbe Children." Earl Ward ot Baker won tbe gold medal, witb the eotjeot: "Prepared cess," and Maious May ot Peodleton won fifth place, bis sub) not being "Child Lator." Elaborate preparations are being made by tbe committees wbiob this year have ohaige of tbe 21th Annual Reunion of the Pioneers at Weston, wbiob is to be held June 2 and 3. The men's oboros of tbe Christian ehurob of tbis oity will appear on tbe pro gram of entei talnmenl. A united effort is being made this year to make tbe reunion a splendid suooees. Mrs. Oliver Dickenson, wbo bas teen very ill for several days, was taken to Walla Walla Saturday even ing, and was operated on for removal ot gall stones. Tbe operation was soo uessful and tbe patient is getting along as well as oonld ts expected. B. B. Richards-took Mr. and Mir. Dickenson to Walla Walla in bis oar, and Dr. Sharp aocompai led the pa tient. Superintendent C. A. Guerne will tbis week complete his work in tbs Athena schools, baving tangbt very successfully fot four and one bait years, being superintendent for tbe past two years. Beginning in tbs middle of Jane, he will take a post 1 graduate eonrse in tbe Sohool ot Ed ucation at the University of Ghioago, in cider to obtain tho Dsgree of Mas ter of Arts. Leaving Atbena about the first of June be wiil go to ChioBgo by way of Salt Lake and Denver. That his work in Athena baa beeu ap preciated, is evideuoed by tbe loyally and good wishes of the high sohool, grades and of tbe oommunity iu gen eral. Frank Ely and family ot Nampa, Idaho, visited a oonple of days last week at tbe borne of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pinkertoo, and le(t Fiiday for Portland. Mr Ely is makiog the tiip iu a Fold machine. Be found tbe roads in good condition, unlil he stmok tbe highway in the Bine Moun tains. At Weaobam, he ran into six inobea of snow, and for some dislauoe aveiaged as low as one mile per hour. Mis. John T. King entertained tbe Sunshine Club ou Thursday May 11 there being a large attendance of the members with one visitor, Miss Minnie Gross of Portland present. Tbe little folks were entertaioed in a separate room, in honor of tbe third biithday of John King, Jr. Keliesn rnents were served at 1 o'llook by tbe hostess, assisted by Misses Bessie Pai ker, Doris Thompson, and Lillian Uer king. - A concert will be given next Wed nesday evening, May 34, in the Chiia tian ohnrob auditorium, for the tru est of the oulinary department of the tasement. Twenty-five acuta admis sion will bs oharged, and a large aud ienoe is expeoted. The program will be fgiven by the Christian Cbuioh Chorus, and will consist of solos, duets and ohoiuses. The Male Chorus will be heard, and Mis. Balpb Baling of Weston will assist in tbe program. Weston High sohool defeated Ath ena High on the home grounds, Friday afternoon by the soore of ft to 1. King pitched the first six innings end was replaoed by Banister in the seventh, both allowing only five soattered hits. Two runs in tbe second, one in the fourth and one in tbe nintb inuing completed Athena's scoring, MoPber run's two-base bit in tbe ninth scored Malntvre from second base. Weetoo's scores were not earned, being made on errors. Batteries McPberien, Kiug and Banister; Kirkpatriok and Wood. Mrs. Sosao M. Brady, well known to Athena people, died at ber home nepr Umapine, Sunday night, follow ing a long illness from oanoer. Tbe tnneial was held Tnesday fioui the Chnrob of God iu Walla Walla, Rev. Eddinga officiating, Interment was made in tbe Mountain View iiemelerv. Mib. Brady was 65 years oof age. For 15 yeais tbe family lived in Atbena. moving to Umapine (then Vlnoeut) several vears ago. Besides her bus band, B. K. Brady, she lea-ves two daughter, Mrs. D. W. Piper ot Baker, Ore., and Mrs. Eima Parallel of Peaoh, Wash. Splendid results obtain in tbs suo- cess of tbis year in tbs Eighth grade of the Atbena public sohool, Miss Inez Wagoei, teaaber. The eutire olass ot 17 pupils passed the examinations, Belle Pambruu averaging highest witb 91.7 and Enid Oarlano seooud, with 91.4. The olass members and their averages follow: Balpb Riohmond 85.7: Helen Russell, 90-1 ; Hazel Mc Farland, 85.7; Ida Orabill, 87.1; Roy Riohmond, 87.2; Areta Lltllejobn 89.9; John Saunders, 85.8; Martha Butt. 86: Vernita Watts, 88.8; Velva Mansfield, 84.8; Enid Oartano, 91.4 Sylvester Cratill, 89.7; Glenn MoAl exandor, 90.6; El Ha Hopper, 86.8; Veltna SohuUert 88.7; Belle Pambrun 91.7; George Adams 88.7. Abont 60 attended the-banquet giv en in honor of Snpt. 0. A. Guerne and tbe Seniors last Saturday evening in Ibe basement of the M. E. ohurcb. It was by far the most successful so cial function given by tbe Hlgb sohool this year. Tbe reoeption room was prettily deoorated in bine and white, tbe High school colors, and the dining room in cherry and fawn, the seuior cIbsb colors. Music and singing took up the greater part of tbe evening, and a tbree oourse dinner was served by tbe refreshment committee,- doting which, toasts were given ty Mr. Irwin Brooks, Mr. H. A. Poet, Miss Jessie Brierley, Snpt. 0. A. Guerne, Miss Rnby Banister, Miss Zola Keen, Miss MaymeSbeard and Miss Edna Moalex ander. Monday eteniug at tbe Methodist chnrob, a farewell reoeption was giv en in bonor of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bryan and son, Arobie, who leave shortly for an overland trip , through California, about seventy-five friends assembled to do honor to tbe gnests whose departure from tbe oommunity is regretted by ell. A substantial lnnobeonof two ooorses .was served by several of the ladies, Mrs. Bryan was piesented with a handsome piece ot ivory by ber Sunday sohool class, of wbioh she has been a failLiul iu stinotor, during her residonoe in Ath ens. Mr. and Mrs. Brvan will moke tbe tour In tbeir Ford car, and Arobie will go to Poilmau to remain witb friends dnring the summer. They have not vet decided as to where tbey will locate. BjajfeSj2SSaVSBitSEfl Local Adver tiscments Wheat Hay I have fconod wheal bay for sale. ' Write or pbone A. L. Swaggart, Atbena. Remember tbat tbe Kirk implement house i now giving tlekets with each oaeb pnrobasa, for aluminum ware ar ticles. Dressmaking done, satisfaction guar anteed. Apply to Mrs. Delia Wright Whits Stai Laundry First work. Pbone liia. class Kirk Implement House We have just received a new line of very" fine Ranges. Thejr are guaranteed lor 15 years, and the fire box for 5 years. These Ranges are made in Portland and you save The Freight from back East, which insures right prices. c4 full line ot Hardware and implements, Tents, Hammocks, Binder Twine, power Washing Machines, Fishing Tackle, etc. & Make our store your headquarters." & & North Side Main St, CHARLES KIRK, Athena, Of egon The Chevro- A New Car with a Glorious Record 1151 ill I have secured the agency" for the famous Chevrolet Motor Cars for the Athena Weston, Mllton-Freewater Territories, and hereafter you can see one of these wonderful little Cars at my Garage here in Athena, or I will come" right to your door and give you a ride to demonstrate its qualities as a Family Car. Electrically Equipped and style of highest priced Cars, delivered at the door, At Bartlett's Garage Athena, Oregon Cook, in a cool Kitchen All the heat is concen trated where it is needed keeps you cool and makes for better cooking A " 'v. ' NEW PERFECTION OILCQSTOVE L 1 Why not cook with a modern oil stove this sum mer and be comfortable? Bakes, broils, roasts, toasts. More efficient than your wood or coal stove, and costs less to operate. Better cooking because the long bluechimneys give stead ier, more evenly distributed heat, under perfect control like gas. No smoke or smell. In 1, 2, 3 and 4-burner sizes, ovens separate. Also cabinet models with Fireless Cooking Ovens. Ask your dealer today. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Cllfoinli) Athena Fur But Rt suits Us, , TiarlOxl vA 1 For Sale By FOSS-W1NSI1IP HIIRDWARE CO. KIRK IMPLEMENT HOUSE. Roses and Peonies We oan soddIj your Kosas and Pnnln fur Deuoratiou. Ruses 76o per doz. soy color: Fannies fl.25 par doz. red, pint sod wane. rosiage prepaid. Parr's Rose Garden Freewater, Oregon, Phone 46F15 S. F. Sharp PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Special attention given to all . calu both nialit and day. Calls promptly answered. Offloe ou Tblrd Street, Atbena Oregor HORACE J, STILLMAN sf Pendleton Democratic Candidate for County Treasurer. Subject to the Democratic choice at the Primaries on May 19, 1916 DR. A. B. STONE. Physician and Surseon. Offioe in Post Building. Plione, D01 Homer I. Watts Attornev-at-Law Athena, Oregon. Ssoond Hand Ootids. W. H. Mar obo, tinner and plomber, will engage in tbe seoond-nend goods business at bis plaoe on Maio street, near tbe de pot. Seooud band furniture, stoves and ranges bought and sold. Livestock Dealer. BertCartano bas engaged in tbe livestock business He it prepared to pay tbs highest market prioes at ail times (or obiobens, bogs, cattls and sheep. It you bava stock to sell, ts sura and se? bim. Oo to tba Myers' harness and sboa abop if yoo want first olasa walk. Satisfaction guaranteed. Adv. MOOai, OF PERFECTION. PERFECTLY SIMPLE SIMPLY PERFECT. NcHI, Oil. IMt nnd nil kinds of Sowing Machine suiiwi. Impairing o upcciaUy. New Home Users are Quality Choosers. unit Athfiin. Oreu TJfe Vcw Home Sewing Machine Comp'y ban rranciscu, iiuviiu SHOES shoes Something that should interest the whole family. We have them for man, woman and child and at prices which cannot be duplicated Infant's and Children's "Little Fiist Step" shoes lo soft kid leath er, ruoaiy lasts, sizes 1 to 6, 41)a-69o-98o. Ubildreu's shoes designed to aid in the development of the foot, se lected leathers for; dress and every day wear, ' - - 60o 89a-98o. Soft sole Shoes, all oolors, 26-46. Girls' Shoes, patents, Rnn metal, viol, - 89o-g8o-tI.85-tl.49-H, 1)8. Ladies' patent oolt, olotb top tutton Shoes in the new shapes and lasts, all sizes. - I.8. Selected patent oolt dress Shoes, pert rot fitting; Sboes in a variety of styles, ta.3St3.49 t3-S8-f3.60 Vioi and gun mstal button or Bluoher styles, medium, low or high heel, flexible sola, - - t3.3o f3.s9-f3.98 t3.50. Boys' Shoes lo gnu metal, all sol id leather shoe, button or Blnobsr, Built for wear, f- fl.35 f3.98. See our line of Nen's Shoes. We have the Hharvesters at $1.49, 1. 68 and 1.98. Work Shoes at $2.49, 2.98, 3.50 3.98, 4.50. Men's Dress Shoes, button or lace, $2.49, 3.98 J. C. Penney Co. Inc.