Press Paragraphs Bom, to Mr. and Mri. Org Sblgley, May 4, 1916, loo. Boro, to Di. and Mrs. A. B. Slone, April 28, 1916, a bod. Boru, to Mr, and Mrs. James Boss, May 1, 1918, a daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Piokerton mot ored over from Milton yesterday. Miss Marguerite Forrest visited fi lends in Walla Walla over Sonday. Be eore to see tbe High sohool play May IS at the High eobool anditoriaro. Mrs. Q. H. Bishop of Freewater, was a gnest of Atbeua friends this week. .- Biohard Martin of Spokane and sis ter. Mrs. Belle Carder of Starbnok visited at Ibe homes of Mrs. Win. Winship Bad Mrs. Ham Haworth this week. Mrs. Dean Getking is a gneat at the B. D, Tbaip home this week, from near Freewater. Mrs. 8. A. Barnes of Weston, and dangbter, Mamie, were visiting in Athena Tuesday. "Good lack, what a sneeze I" Be sore to bear it at tbe Hlgb sohool au ditorium May 18. Sid Barnes has oome over from Wes ton and taken a position in tbe Pres ton Shaffer mill. Or, OBborn, depoty state veterinar ian oama in Tuesday for a short visit at his borne here Col. Clark Wood, editor of the' Wes ton Leader, attended ohnrob service? Sonday in tbis city. See "A Koseo' Plymouth Town," at tbe High eobool auditorium Thurs day evening, May 18. Lon Williams was in Atbena yes terday from Milton. Mr. Williams oontemplates purchasing farm land in tbe JuaitD Basin distriot, Montana. We've Planned for You Winter orSummer, whatever tbe season, you will always find that we have speut months in planning and preparing ior that partioular time that's part of tbe Davis-Kaser idea of service safeguarding the intereets'of its customers in tbe matter of quality, in tbe matter of prioe and by bating the proper merobandise when wanted. Noting tbe tendenoy of tbe markets we plaoed large orders for onr piiooipal Hues tefoie piioe advanoes beoame eSeotive. As a result we are able to soil most of onr lines at last year's prioea so long as present atook lasts. But none should delay pnrobasing. Onr advantageous prioea are likely to so deplete our stooks before tbe season is over, and wben ws have to replenish we will have to pay almost as muoh ia Borne oases as we are cow eelling for. Buy" now--It pays. Among tbe lines we are selling al old prices for tbe present are tbe following: Palmer hammocks and Coneb hammocks; Automatio Refrigerators; Ioe Cream Freezers; Croquet sats, $1.00 to 14.00; Wash ing MBOhines; Wringers; ABU metal Beds and Cribs; Goodrion and Cbiettain Beel Hose; Stmgis Luxnry Go-Carts; (Wonarob Malleable Ranges; Tudor Poroh Shades; World brand Silvorware; Fine Out (Jlass; Rugs, all grades. Buy Ruga now. AH manufacturers of Roes have advanced prioea veiy ebnrply on many grades and some ooloriogs will not te obtain able when present stooks are exhausted. Tben, too, onr atook is nn usually complete as to styles, quality and size, wbils at present prioea tbey are distinot bargains. THE DAVIS-KASER CO,. WALLA WALLA Complete Furnishers of Homes, Offices and Schools 1O-20 Alder St. "TUM-A-LUMBER" PRICES STILL LOW ("Tum-a-Lumber" a Buy word for aood lumber) Yon never bad a better chance in your life to olose up deals tbat bive been banging fire. If there ever was a time to build, it's bis Spring. It 1b very nulikely tbat lumber will ever be as aheap again as it bas been the past two or three years. With the Panama canal open to get Western lumber to tbe bnngry Eastern markets with Europe olamoiing for lumber the minnle tbe war is over, in addition to tbe grett business awakening taking plaoe all over tbe ooontry, due to tbe fact tbat ooodi tions are nlUtjT and tbat Anieiioa IS prosperous Well our best advioe to you is to Hurry Along Your Building Many of oor onstomeia Bra using the complete bine piloted plans with our oorrtot estimates on material oosts prepared and furnished by our Arobiteote and Engineers on Homes, Barns, Silos, Hog-sbeds, Gran aries, Elevators, and all other bnildings. "See Johnson About It." TUM A LUM LUMBER COMPANY Helps you up "On High" ike Gasoline of Quality LA purs the "hop" into your car, gives you the quick "get-away", and the "pick-up" on the hills. It's becauis Red Crown is tbe unmixed, refinery gu, with extra power in every drop. At dealers everywhere and at our SERVICE STATIONS. Standard Oil Company (California) FANS fill yo' pipes with VELVET an' "pull" for the Home Team. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Nor veil of Helix, were Sunday guests at the A. B. Mo Ewen home in tbis oity. One of the Foss-Winship show win dows is decorated with a magnifloeot Bstiiog scene, this week. County School Sopt, Young and Truant Offioer Hailey were in tbe oity Tuesday on offioial tusiness. V. B. La Urnw and W. P. r.itt.lninhn are having extensive improvements made on tbetr borne property. Born, at St. Anthony's hospital, Pendleton, May 3, 1916, to Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Barrett, a daughter. ' Mr. and Mrs. Clark Walter are over from their borne in Walla Walla, spending tbe week at the farm west of town. County Treasurer G. W. Bradley was in tbe oity yesterday from Pen dleton, looking alter bis political fenoes. Mrs. Ullis Henderson of Walla Wal la visited Wednesday with Mrs. Henry Wood, who is on the fair road to re covery. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sabmitt drove down from Waitsborg and spent a couple of days with friends in Atbena and vioiuity. A, L. Swaggart is shipping a oar load of porkers to tbe Portland mar ket, and will personally aocompany tbe shipment. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Thompson re turned Saturday from Heppner, where tbey spent a week with relatives. Tbey made tbe trip by automobile. Owing to tbe state primaries, which are to be held on May 19, tbe meeting of the I. 0. 0. F. grand lodge at Rose burg bas been postponed one week. There will be a oall meeting of Mignonette Rebekah lodge tbis Friday evening at 7 o'olook, for the purpose of nominating officers. Bv order of Noble Grand. Mrs. Mabel Wolfe, repnblioan can didate for nomination for County Treasurer, was in tbe oily Wednesday, making the acquaintance of tbe voters Of tbe preoinot. Mrs. Luoinda Hiteman has been very seriously ill tbe past week and again ia nnder the vara of a profes sional nurse, having suffered a relapse. She is reported tetter at present. Grover Bowles is in tbe oity at tbe Le Grow borne, after an absence of seven years spent In Montana. He is on a visit and will return In Montana In tbe near futnie. Mr. aud Mrs. Sam Haworth return ed Tuesday from Spokane, wbme tbev spent a couple of weeks. Tbey made the trip in their Ford oar, and exper ienced a deligbtfnl time. Rosa Catron and Elmer Johnson oompleted a couorete eidwalk this week for tbe Swaggart estate proper ty opposite tbu Press office, and are now doing some conorete work for J. F. Wright. Tbe prooess of oiling Athena streets ia nnder way. So encoessful was tbe experienoe witb last season's oiling tbat two large taoks of oil is being used tbis season, where but one was used last year. Mis. Jaok Swartz and children of Dayton, Wash, spent tbe week end at tbe borne of Mr. and Mrs. John Wal ter. Mrs. Swartz' husband wbs for merly station agent in this oity foi tbe 0-W. oompnny. Mr. and Mrs. 0. A. Barrett, Mrs. J. D. Plamnndon and Mrs. Homer I. Watts attended the good roads meet ing at Pilot Rook, Tuesday. The meeting was largely attended and the disoussions were interesting. Geo. A. Cressy, demoaratio candi date tor connty commissioner, was in the city yesterday. Mr. Cressy is the only oandidate from the West part of tbe oounty, and stands very high in tbe esteem of tbe people of Hermlston and vicinity. Methodist Epioopai Churob. Ser vices next Sabbath morning and eve ning. Morning snbjeot: "Better Than Silver and Gold;" topio in tbe even ing: "What tbe Uplifted Christ Can Do for a Man." Sabbath sohool at 10 a. m. All are invited. Mrs. M. D. Vaughn yesterday at tended the funeral of ber eistur, Mrs, Sarab E. Knight, whioh ooourred at Helix. She was aooompanied by ber daughters, Mrs. W. R. Harden and Mrs. Henry Miller, tbe three ladies being taken over in thedPtrarp oai. Tbe proceeds from tbe dance given by tbe Catboiio ladies at tbe opera bouse Satniday night, amounted to $43.50. Tbe ocoasiou was much en joyed by all present. Che musio was splendid, and Ibe deoorations were done in evergreens and Chinese lan terns. Mr. and Mrs. John Banister and Mrs. Ralph Saling of Weston, attend ed services at the Christian obutoh in tbis city Sunday, Mrs. Saliog assialing in a vooal dnet witb Mrs. W. R. Scoit, Tbe combination of these twn splendid voices proved a distinct treat to the congregation present. Louis and Kutb Stewart, who are attending Willamette University, will not remain for' Commencement, bnt will be borne a week earlier. Louis oama out soond best In tbe reoent atbletio oontests in tbe half mile sprint, and aisn received second hon ors in the oratoiioal contest. The board of lady managers of tb6 Athena Library have originated a building fund, with tbe objeot in view of building a permanent borne for tbe library, wbiob iu point of patronage la the seoond in the oonnty. Inform ation pertaining tc tbe fnnd will be published in tbe Press frum time to time. Next Wednesday afternoon the May meeting of tbe looal auxiliary of tbo C. W. B. M. will be beld at tbe borne of Mis. Henry Koepte near town, with Mrs. Davis Eirett leader. Tbe May meeting is an annual event looked for ward to witb much pleasuie by tbe members of tbe auxiliary, as tbis is tbe time wbeu Mrs. Koepte each year opeos bet hospitable boms for tbeir eoteitainment. Next Wednesday at 2 o'olook automobile will be assem bled at tbe borne of Mr. and Mis. Errett, wbeie all who desire to gd to the Koepke borne may ba aooom-modated. Mi is Rnhv Banister will renresent Athena Hloh school at the Eastern Oregon Oratorioal oootest beld in Ba ker, May 12. Her oratioo, "Tbe Cry of tbe Children," is original, Lester M. Martin of Lebanon, is in the city titling one nf the Belz build ings for a moving piolnra theatre. The bouse will bare a seating oapaoity for seating 200 people, that many opera ohairs are to be installed. Tbe new show bonse will be named tbe Peoples Theatre and will produoe tbe famous Universal film service. Deputy Game Warden Vinoent spent a oonple of daya this week on Pine Creek, where he superintended the construction of a fish ladder over tbe obstruction at tbe Johnson plaoe. Mr. Vinoent says the fleb will have no further difficulty in asoending Pine Creek when a dam over tbe Wash ington state line, has been equipped with a fish ladder. At the Baptist ohnrob, Sunday school at 10 a. m., preaching at 11 a. m., B. Y. P. U. meeting at 6:30. The Woman's Missionary Sooiety will have charge of the evening services at 7:30, giving a Mother's Day program. Tbe Baptist Umatilla Assooiation will meet with the ohurob at Helix, Tuesday evening and Wednesday and Thursday of next week. The Sunshine Club was pleasantly entertained by Mrs. George Gerkiug on Tbuisday, April 27. During tbe business session plans were made for a Sunshine picnio for members of the Club and tbeir busbands, wbiob will te beld at tbe Springs on May 18. Dainty refreshments were served at 1 o'clock by tbe hostess assisted oy Mrs. Chester Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph N. Soott re ceived word Sondav morning of tbe serious injury to Will Preston of San ta ana, Calif., Mis. Soott's brother, by being run down by a jitney bus. Mr. Preston, who is well known here, was riding a bicycle and sustained three broken ribs, broken collar bone and conoussiun of tbe brain. At first it was thought and repotted that tbe yonng man was fatally iujured, but later advices are to tbe effoot that he will reoover. Sunday servioej at the Christian ohurob will be, Bible sohool 9:50 a. m., Ueo. B. Gerkiug, director; classes aud grades for everybody; preaohiug 11 a. to. subject, "Ibe National May Day." Jnnior 0. E. 3 p. m., Senior C. E. 7 p. m. Evening sermon, 8 o' olocB, subject, "Tbe Heal Conflict." The Cbiistian oburoh ohorus with specials both morning end evening. Mid-week meeting, 7:45 p, m. Chorus rehearsal, Fiiday 8:00 p. m. Tbe publio oordially invited nod welcome. The teachers for the naming year have been eleoted by tbe aobool board, witb tbe exoeption of an instructor for tbe mannal training department. The eleolions resulted in tbe seleotion of J. O. Russell, superintendent; 13. A. Post aeeistant, reelected ; Miss Jes sie Briorly, High school department, reelected; Miss Minnie Fortna, btb grade; Miss Leota Wagner. Gtb and 6tU grades, roeleoted; Miss Mande Sherman, 3rd and 4tb grades; Miss Cecelia Armstrong, primary, le eleoted. Jimmie Lieuallen was seriously in jnred wben his Fold car skidded and tnrned turtle, at a point below Blue Mountain station, Snnday morning. A young man named Koffman arid two yonng ladies, one Miss Pioard rf Adams were severely on' and bruised. Mr. Lieuallen was badly ont on tbe back of tbe head and remained un conscious for several bouts after being taken to a hospital at Walla Walla. Later be was removed to tbe home of his parents in Walla Walla, wbera he is being attended by bis brother, Dr. Fred Lienellen of Portland. Tbe banquet given Wednesday eve ning in tbe Christian obmch dining room by tbe Social Committee of tbe ohurob, was a departure in tbe social activities of ohnrob. oiroles, and prov ed a signal success, not only from a gastronomic standpoint, but also as an intellectual feast. Tbe banquet wis served by Mis. W. R. Taylor, Mrs, Dean Wiilaby aud Mrs. ZepU Lout wood, Jr., and these ladies were assist ad in serving by a number of yonng ladies. Dr. W. R. Soott presided as tuaatmaeter, and elicited responses from the following toasts: "Your Point of View," C. A. Huerne; "Lit tle Things," Mrs, B. D. Tharp; "You and I and tbe Other Fellow," G. B. Woodward; "Fools," Mits Maude Sherman; "The Snnday Hat," Mrs. W. L, Weir; "Flutsam and Jetsam," Davis Errett. Tbe banquet was opened with prayer by G. R. Geiking aud closed with a benediction by Jus. Potts. Covers were luid for one hundred. tit! Local Advertisements Cream Separator I have a large nream separator whioh I desire to ex change for a small one. 11. A. Bu ret t. Dressmaking dono, satisfaotion guar anteed. Apply to Mrs. Delia Wright. White Stai Laundry First olass work. Phone ISitt. Mrs. Arnbie Sbiofe announces that all ber bats will be sold at a reduction from date. Mrs. Sbiok will do plain or fancy embroidering and tatting at reasonable prioes. Call at ber res idince on Adams street. Secood Hand Goods. W. H. Mar cbo, tinner aud plumber, will engage in tbe seoond-band goods business ot bis plaoe ou Meiu street, near the de pot. Seoond band fornilure, stoves and raoges tought and sold. Livestock Dealer. Bert Cartauo bas engBged in the livestock business fie is prepared to pay tbe highest market prioes at all times for obicaeni, boils, cattle and sheep It you bate slock to sell, be sure aud eea him. Uo to tbe Myers' harness aud shoe shop if you want d rut class woik. Satisfaction gnarauteed. Adv. Frank Saling Republican Candidate for COUNTY CLERK Subject to the will of electors at Piimary Eleotiou, May, 19. 1916. Present Incumbent. Cures All Kidney and Bladder Diseases (in) v y l Folefs Kidney Cure will positively cure any case of Kidney or Bladder disease that is not beyond the reach of medicine. No medicine can do more. If you notice any irregularities, commence taking Folefs Kidney Cure at once and avoid a fatal malady. A Marohant Cured After Having Olven Up Hop. Foley & Co., Chicago. Gentlemen: I was aKlicted with Kidney and Bladder trouble for six years and had tried numerous preparations without getting any relief and had given up hope of ever being cured when FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE was recommended to me. After using one bottle I could feel the effect of it, and after taking six fifty-cent bottles, I was cured of Kid -cy and Bladder trouble and have not felt so vtell for the past twenty years and I owe it to FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE. James Smith, Bentons Ferry, W. Va. Veteran of the Civil War Cured After Tan Year of Suffering. R. A. Cray, J.P., of Oakville, Ind., writea: "Most of the time for ten yeara I was confined to my bed with some disease of the kidneys. It was ao severe I could not move part of the time. I consulted the best medical skill available, but got no relief until FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE was recommended to me. I am grateful to be able to say that it entirely cured me." Refuse Substitutes Two Sizes. 50 Gents and $1.00 l,ll"ll,'wVJPjiV")"fl'iw.. Kirk Implement House We have just received a new line of very" fine Ranges. They" are guaranteed lor 15 years, and the fire box for 5 years. These Ranges are made in Portland and you save The Freight from back East, which insures right prices. c4. full line ot Hardware and implements, Tents, Hammocks, Binder Twine, power Washing Machines, Fishing Tackle, etc. & Make our store your headquarters. North Side Main St CHARLES KIRK, Athena, Oregon Roses and Peonies We can supply your Hones aud Peonies fur Deuorallou. Ruees 7 Oo per doz. any ooior ; Paauieg if 1. 2.1 per duz red, pirjk and white, Postage prepaid. I'arr's Hose Garden Freewater. Oregon, Phone 4GF15 S. F. Sharp I'HYHCIAN AND SURGEON Special attentiot given to all calm both night and day. ChIIk promptly answered. Offloe on Third ril.r"et. Athena Oreicor DR. . H SToNE. Physician and Surtteon. Office iu Pont liuildiug. Phone, 601 Homer I. Watts Attorney-at-Law Athena, Oregon. MODELS OF PERFECTION. PERFECTLY SIMPLY PERFECT. IN'r-MIr. Oil. P.ilN fi'ifl rtll kfutls of f-'ewing .' ta:l:u! ,:up :ui, pairing u apwiulty. New Home Users are Quality Choosers. For Sale By N. A. Ml LEI K. Athena. Oreg. VSe New Home Sewing Machine Comp'y ban Francisco, California. NEW GOOD: We have just received shipments ol Ladies' Wash Dresses, Waists and Skirts and Coats. c41so Childrens wash dresses, and rompers, and boys wash suits. Come in and see them. All the very latest. A I Ik lot of Ladies' want) Skirts iu Pique, (jabeidiue, Wbipoords and Palm Heacb materials. All tbe very latent atyles C8o-$l. 40-l.08-$8,48 't.m. Bee tbe new Stripe Pulm Beanh skirts, a 5 value at i:i.49. See our line of Ladies' naab dresses 91. US to !, 00. A big lot of Ladies' White and Faooy Stripe Waists, 08o. includes tbe new Middy dress wbiob I is all the rase. Have tberu in all I sizes. 49o-H8o-88o-f 1.49. I Boys' wash Suits. See tbe new I Kilt Suit. Hare it In plain oolota or stripes, 08o-(1.49. See tbe Boys' Sport Blouse just tbe tbiug for Summer 4 Do. Price our Silks and see what you can save All colors, all shades. J. C. Penn e y Co. Inc. J