AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER F. B. Boyd, Publisher Entered Id the oet office at Atbcna, Oregon as ecoodOJasB Mail Waller. OPPOSED TO BONDING Atbeun. Ore., April 23, lSlfi. , Editor Fiees: At a joint meeting of the different farmers' organizations, together with the committees from the taxpayers league and tbe original good roadBjissooiation, the eooloBed resolu tion was passed with leferenoe to the millage tax for improved roads, going on :he primary ballot, that tbn voters may be made folly acquainted with the facts I have been fully directed to ask the press of the county to pnb : list) this resolution in foil. Respeotfolly, 0. A. Barrett, Chairman of Committee. Ibe Resolution, At u meeting of the Original Hood Koads Association held this date the following resolntion was passed: Whereas, the Original Oood Bonds Association of Umatilla county, hav ing petitioned the oonntv ooort to sub mit the qnestico of a 3-rnlll speoial millage tax for the construction of per manent roads, to the voters at the primary election May Ifltb, and where as the distriot attorney has advised the court that such vote would be advis ory onlv without legal effect, in view nl IhH fnot and inasmuch as the ooort has ordered the $980,000 toad bond issue to be placed upon the ballot at the primary nominating eleotion, therefore be it Resolved, that this association re quest the county oonrt permission to withdraw our request to have the millage tax voted upon at the primary eleotion May 10th. Ibe distiiot at torney having advised that the niillage tax would be of no legal elfeot, we deem it best to have the vote a straight issue aa for or against tha f 080,000 road bonds, and be it fur ther Resolved, that we are unalterably opposed to the proposed road bond is sue and advise submitting the millage tax question to a vote at the general eleotion in Kovemker by an initiative petition, provided this oan te done le gally and the bond issue is defeated. (Sigred) David Nelson, Free., J. O. Bales, Seo. (Wn endorse the above.) Inland (irain Growers' Ass'n. Dy 0. A. Barrett, Pres., By 3. O. Hales, Sec. Farmers Union of Umatilla County. My A. R. Sbumwav, Pres., By Myra Ballon, Seo.. feodloton, OreVAprll S3, 191H. Paid Adv. lutely immaterial whether Mr. Barrett and Mr. Harran or any one of the others proposed it or opposed it. Tbe Bond Issne is now sqnarelr before the people on Its merits and all argument as to the preliminaries is entirely out side the issue. . The oause of good roads is the osose n,o Hmcfrin. the school, the obnrob, ot the just recognition of the small farmer and the betterment of tbe peo ple. Ibe rudimentary one-room eobool should te consolidated into tbe good graded sohooi located on good roads. Ibe small farmer sbooid be able to haul his prodnoe to market every day ,n (ho vanr Far Kiel) ted people who are owners of farm lands are quite willing to have their holdings taxed for fiee schools, free boobs and good roads, for every one of these great ad vantages adds dollars to tbe value of oil farm finril. l'he voter who thinks for himself will not be mislead, deoeived nor im pressed by any argument whiob these mlMlnnnirn farmflrR CRD Tint forward in opposition to tbe Bond Inane and the permanent improvement of the roads. Very truly, The Aotive Umatilla County Good Roads Ass'n. Paid Adv. ' GENERAL ADVERTISING Homer I. Watts To the Voters of Umatilla County. We, the undersigned, being a ma jority ot the Exeontive Committee of the Umatilla County Good Roads As sociation, (l hat organization of whiob J. P. Robinson ie President,) do bnre- by deolare tbit we, and eaoh of us, are opposed to the proposed highway bond issne of $080,000.00; and lurtber we hereby deolare that the proposal has never received tbe endorsement of the exeoutive committee or of said organization, and that tbe use ot tbe name, or antbority, ot snob committee ia unauthorized and unwarranted. Further, we recommend the levy of a 2-niill special tax eaoh year for a period of five (5) years for good road purposes; and we advise tbe people to vote NO npon the bonding scheme. Dated April 8, 1016. U. A. Barrett, A. B. Sbumway, W. W. Barren, Paid Adv. R. O. Earnhait. RELATIVE TO THE BOND ISSUE To the Editor: I ask space to an swer tbe many and variona common- loatious, statements and misstatements of Senator O. A. Barrett, W, W, Hur rah, Farmers Grain Union and others, who are opposing tbe bond issue for good road". Mr, Barrett and Mr, Hairab are rnr.n-l' a the Bond Issne for tbe eini ti.u ruason tli lit tbey are like tbe little boy who, it ho oonld not be oaptuiu, would not play. In foot, the eutire argument of the opposition to the Bond Issue may te nwept away with this one statement: Thut tbe millionaire farmers are op posing it tooauso it docs not tnild a toad iu front of their individual farms. They are selfish, aud nolens tliey can receive the whole beuellt they are going to oppose any move ment for progieaa nud Improvement wheiuty the county as a whole re oeivrs benefit iu a greater poition than tbev do individually. Tbe statement justly applies that these millionaire farmeis da not want to spend an; money tor good roads but want to save their money so as to buy tbeir neigtibon ont and unite gran aries out of tlia school houses. In all this vast farming sectiou where so strenuous opposition to the Bond Issue minus, toliool bousea ate few and tar between. Iu taot it is a uiaulesa land. The owners and operatois live in tbe cities aud furru from the omb s'oncs. They wnut no development beoause it would out flown their holdlugs and re duce their enormous iuoomes. These same geutlemeu who are now opposing the Bond Issue persistently etate that they have been for yeaia aud still are in favor of good roads, but during all the years that tills element baa been In ooutrol ot tlio good toads association they have not done one thing. They have not even improved the dirt roads. All they have daue has teen to bold meotiuga, make speoob'S, get tbeir names Iu the papers and make a big noise and pin module on themselves. I put it up to tbe people of Umatil la County it it is full and just that tbeloidsof these baronial domnius, where a small farm is not less tbau a thousand aores, where there are uo lobool houses, nn community UK', uo rnral development, shall dictate to the secpla of Umatilla (Jouuly. iu all Improvement! beaiiug upon the advancement of the oouuty as a w Mule. I leave it to the judgment of tbe voters it it ia not hotter to bare one eotlou of laud with ten families ou it and a fobool bouse, tbau to have ten aeotioi s of land, uo mou on them and no aoliool house. Is not the one seo tion with the teu families entitled to more consideration tbau the other? II cue lords of the fiiimiug section banl tbeir prodnte to ruaiket but ouoe a year, Yet they insist tnat it roads are built, tbe eutire oinnty oootributn toward building roads for tbem to uss one month in Ibe year. Tbey waut tbe people as a whole , to tuild them private roadways that they may haul their enormous wheat crops to the market at less expeusa and then aban don the toad tot ibe remainder of tbe year. The email farmer on tbe saiull farm hauls bia produce practically every day In the year and vttieie tbe big farmer oomputta bis coat and pi utile in hundreds and thoutaurts, tbu, email farmer must compute bis costs aud piollU in dollars and ooutn. Tbe row whiob b in been rai-nd sa to tbe mauner in which (bo Bond In ane was conceived, prepaicd aud put on the ballot lins nothlrg to de- wHb tlio meills of the issue, It ll uUa- Miss Gilliam a Candidate. Miss Graoe Gilliam of Pilot Rook, reputlioau candidate for county trea surer, unequivooally states that she will conduct the oflloe without a dep uty, if nominated and elected, and also that sbe will give it ber personal at tention at ail timet. When tbe col lecting of tbe taxes was given to ibe countv treasurer about three years ago the offloe was allowed oneoblef deputy mid other assistants. ' When tbe last legislature returned tbe tax coileoting to the sheriffs offlae the ohlef deputy remained ia tbe treasurer's offloe, tbe work of wbioh bad theretofore been hardly suftioieut to keep one man busy. Miss Gilliam iu ber platform makes the positive assertion that she will do away with Ibis deputy, thereby saving 1900 a year to tbe taxpayers. Miss Gilliam is well qualified for tbe office she seeks and is well known nil over the comity. Sbe asba the support of tbe voters at the primal lea on a prom ise to oonduot tbe office in a strictly business-like manner, at tbe least ex pense and with tbe greatest amount of service and consideration whiob tbe taxpayers are entitled to. Paid Adv. HELIX TAKES SUNDAY GAME League Standing. . W.. U PC Athena - - - 1 1 500 Adams - - 1 1 COO Helix ... 1 1 600 Umupluo - - 1 1 500 Helix took Sunday's tame frnm Athena by tbe acore ot 1 to 2, while Adams wou lioin Umapine, 111 to 7, iu tbe Kast End league Myers scored for Helix iu tbe tbird. In the fourth, Helix scored another; Iu the sixth three bingles In a row aud an eiror was good for four ruus aud in ber half ot the eighth another tally wns registered, Athena's two runs were made iu the Bixtb, when WiuBhip was sate un Kendall's error, Weir was passed aud Winsblp scored ou Wilson's single, Sharp took tl rat ou lielder's ohnicc aud Catron scored Wilson with a slashing single. The 60010 by inuings: 13H4ISH789 Helix 0 0 1 1 0 4 0 1 X 7 alheua 00000090 03 Summary: Two-base bit, Ilargett; earned runs, Elelix 8, Atheca 1 ; stinok out ty -Myeia 7. by Ihorne fl, ny Shaip S; bases ou bnllsj, urt Myers II; pissed balls, Weil 3, Thoru 1. Um pire, Cartuno, Games next Sunday, Helix at Ath ena; Adams at Umuplue. Blue Moun tain League: Westou defeated Pen dleton at Weston Sunday, score 0 to II; Pilot Rook won iioin lie ho, bcoib A to 8. A ( Reputlioan Candidate for Nomination as Distiiot Attorney. My platform: "To Do Mv Duty." Ed Wright of Union County. SUMMONS. Iu the Circuit Couit ot the State ot Oregon for Umatilla Couuly. Minnie Klunear Deviu, Pluinlilt, vs. James B, Deviu, (sometimes culled James 11. LaLande,) Defendant, To James B. Devln, (sometimes oalled Jamea B, LnLuude:) In the uau-.e of the State ol Oregou, you are hereby required to appear and nuswer the complaint tiled sgainet you in the above eutttled suit wllbiu six weeks ot the date ot tbe first publica tion of this summour, to-wit: Ou or bt'tore Friday, the 30lh day ot May, 1016; aud you will tako notice if you fail to appeal and answer said com- pluiut nr otherwise plead thereto with iu said time the plaintiff for waut thereof wil apply to the oouuty court lor the telle! uiayed for and demand ed iu her snld oomplalut, namely for a decree of tbe Court forever dtseolviog Ibe tonda ot matrimony no v ei tat lug between the plolutiff and defendant, and for suoh other and further relief as to the Court seems equitable. This summons ia published pursuant to au older of Hun. Gilbert W. Phelps, Judge ot the Sixth Judicial Distiiot uf the SUta ot Oregon, duly made aud (lied beieiu ou the nth day ot April, IDIttjaort the (list puhlloallon hereof is mude on Friday, April 11, IttlH, aud the lust pnulioatlon will be made ou Friday, May S, 1010, In the Atbona Press, a uewtpapei published at Atb eua, Umatillt oouuty, Oregon. : , Dated this the 1Mb day of April. 1016. llouier I. Walls. Atty. tur I'M. A w . Hi - YA Republican Candidate for Publio Ser vice Commissioner. Some of tbe reasons why be should expect Republican votes at Ibe ooming primaries: A bona Ode and continuing residence ia Eastern Oregon for tbirty-elght years. (Born in Union oouuty.) A record for honest, conscientious and effloieut eei vice in publio offloe. A consistent Reputlioan. A leputation for good judgment, fairness and bonesty. - An invitation to tbe pnblio to inves tigate by referenoe to any reputable farmer, banker, mernbant or other businoss or professional man In Union oountv. His platform: "Conscientious ser vice to the State at all times, demands lug absolute fairness." James M. Kyle, of Stanfield A oaudldute for nomination on tbe republican tioket to thn offloe of Pub lio Service Commissioner Ironi tbe Eastern Oregon Distriot, I promise it eleoted I will eudeavor to administer the office so as to encourage the advent ol peonl and capital into tho district and tbe State for the greater develop ment and improvement of its mani fold resources, the same time holding all corporations to striot accountabil ity nuder the law, James M. Kyle, StauOeld, Oiegon. Notice to Creditors. In tbe County Court ot the Stale of Oiogou for Umatilla County. Iu the Matter of the Estate at Eliza Myrlok, deceased. Notice ia hereby given that tbe un dersigned hsa teen appointed by the oouuty oonrt ot Umnlilla county, Ore gon, adminisliator ot the 'estate of Eliza Myrlok, deceased; aud that all persons baviug olaioia against said ea tale should present them to me at the Hrst Nation n Bank of Athena, Ore gou, or to Homer I. Watts at bis office iu Athena Oregon, witbin six mouths from the date ot the first pub lioBtion ot this uotiae. Date of first publication, Apiil 7, 1016, F. S. LeGrow, , Administrator. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State 'of Oregon for Umatilla County. O. A. Feno, Plaintiff, va. - Pearl Fenn, Defendant. To Pearl Fenn, defendant herein; Ia the name of tbe State cf Oregon, yon are hereby required to appear and anewet tbe complaint filed against yon in tbs above entitled suit within six weeks of tbe date ot tbe drat publica tion of tbis summons, towit: ou or before tbe 38tb of April, 1016: and you will take notice that if you fail to appear aud answer said oomplaint, or otherwise plead thereto within aaia time, tbe plaintiff for want thereof, will apply to the Oonrt for tbe relief prayed for and demanded in bia said complaint, namely: For a decree of the Court forever dissolving tbe bonds of matrimony now and heretofore ex isting between tbe plaintiff aud de fendant, and for snob other and fur ther relief as to tbe Court may seem equitable. Tbis summons ia published pursuant to an order of Bon. diltiert W. Phelps, Jndge of the Sixth Judioial Distriot ot the State of Oregon, duly made and filed herein on tbe 13th day of March, 1916; and the first publication will bs ou Friday, tbe l?th day of Maroh, 1016, and the last publication will be on Friday, April 28 1916, in tbe Ath ena Frees, a newspaper published at Athena, Umatilla county Oregon. Dated this )7th day of Maroh, 1916. Bomer I. Watts, Atty. for Plaintiff. Notice to Creditors. In the County Court ot the State ol Oiegon far Umatilla Oouuty. Iu tbe Mxtter ot tbe Estate ot Warren W, Raymond, deoeased. Notice is heieby given that Robert G. Raymond is the duly appoiuted qualltled aud aotiug administrate ot tha estate of the atova uarmd deoeas ed, aud all pereoua having" claims aga'ust Bid estate are hereby required to preseut tbem with ptoper vouchers attached thereto, to tbe nai l adminis trator, Iu Athena, Oregon, within six moutht from the 7th day ot April, 1916. Robert G. Raymond, P. O. box, 85. Administrator of the estate of Warieu W, Raymoud. John U. Bauoi, Attorney for linlate, 410 Baker Building, Walla Walla, Wash. Call for Warrants, Notice of oall for City ot Atbena warrants. To whom it mBy ooooern: Notioe is hereby given that parties holding any City of Athena warrants bearing date previoua to January 1, 1916, are notified to pieseot them to me for payment at the offloe of Preston-Shaffer Milling Co. Interest oeas es on and after tbis date of publica tion Maroh 81, 1916. Ernest A Zerba, Treasurer City of Athena, has cost the farmer many days of lost time. It's safe to my Oliver Plows and avoid delay in experimenting. C. A. BARRETT &, CO. Athena THE ATHENA MEAT MARKET We carry the best MEATS That Money Buys Our Market is Clean and Cool Insuring Wholesome Meats. READ & MEYER - Main Street, Athena, Oregon Packard and other promi nent automobile engineers favor motor oils from Western crude. Exposition juries at San Francisco and San Diego gave highest competitive awards to Zerolene an oil from Western crude. Zerolene is the best oil for your motor because scientifically refined from selected California crude asphalt-base. Government experts tell us that oils correctly" refintd from asphalt-base crude "distill without decomposition" do not break up and lose their lubricating value under cylinder heat and are "much better adapted to motor cylinders, as far as their carbon -forming proclivities are con cerned, than are paraffine-base Pennsylvania oils." When you empty the crank-case refill with Zero lene. Dealers everywhere and at service stations and agencies of the Standard Oil Company. ZEitOLEfJE the Standard Oilfirfotar Curs Watts eSt Rogers Weston, Oregon We are glad we are ALIVE! Fine weather, everything growing; tree, grass, business and fun! - Flue weather ocerjlbiug growing Trees, Grass. Easiness and Fun. We Aia Ulad We Ate Alive. Camo end go flshiug witn us. We are just'openiug up the gates be low. We have the Tackle. While obooeing tbe bait aud making out lioeuae we will show you our line of Deere aud Dutohman plows, MoOor miok aud Ueere binders, Weter and Winoua wagons aud we might talk a little ou I. I. Uasn thros.iera and engines. High Grade Suits $15 00 to $27.00 , l 'No fit, no Sale" At Emerys ' Just Over the Hill" THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ATHENA Capital and Surplus $100,000:22 li i: fi ' cA. J. Parker IMP M 1 t-t " wythlDi rim Clu . iar nd rjp-t -da t SOUTH IDE MAM ST8FET ATHENA1