AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER P. B. Boyd, Publisher Entered In the rostonlce at Athena, Oregon as ecoodr.lam Mall Matter. AdvertlsinK Rates. Display, transient, running less than one month, first insertion, per inch 25c Subsequent insertions Display regular, per inch 12 Local readers, first insertion, per line, 10c Subsequent insertions, per line 5c Lodge resolutions, per line 5c Church notices, admission, per line. . 5c Subscription Rates. One copy, one year ..$1.50 When paid in Advance, (otherwise, $2.00 One copy, six months 75 One copy, three months 50 tATHENA. ORE. APRIL 21 1916 Listen to what Herman Roanfleld, advertising manager of Sears, Robnok & Co. recently told the members of the American Ad Glob at a conven tion: "We have a bureau whose dnty It is to read each week the oonotry news papers from all over the country. There ia not a paper of any oonse qoenoe in oar territory that oar ba lean does not get. This bnrean looks over the paper and when we Bad a tcwn where the merchants are not ad vertising In the looal caper, we imme diately flood the tnrritoiy with our lit er a tora. It always brings results far in exoess of the same where the looal merchants all the time nse their local paper," Conld we And a stronger argnment as to the need of advertising by the looal merchants? Ihe road of the professional dead- beat ia getting more and more dilBoalt ' to travel. This is as it should be. The quicker be la put ont of bnsinesa the better for all concerned. We notioe that in several Valley towns they are making it pretty uncomfortable for the fellow who makes no attempt to pay bis bills, by the merchants club bing together and baying epaoe in the newspapers in whloh they advertise the acoonnts for sale, giving the names of tbe debtors and the amounts owed. After his name is pulliahed io this way we Imagine it la pretty bard for Mr. Deadbent to get any farther ored lt, unless be moves on to another place where they do not know him. With Ihe tonoh of Spriug at band, improvements begin to get under wav. It is gratifying to note the inclination of properly owners to improve homes nud snrronndings. A freshly painted baildiug, oleun alleys and streets de notes oivlo pride wbiob in many in stancies euoonragea tbe building of new residonaes. I ATHENA TAKES FIRST GAME The East End base ball leagne sea son waa anspioioaely nshered in San day afternoon at Athena with 28 bits and 83 runs. Result: Adams 15 Ath ena 17. For the Bret three innings it did look as though the Adams lads were tbe real smear and that Carl Christian, veteran manager and the Oomineky of tbe leagne, held the game in bis weasel-skin bat not yet. After the three ewfal semesters in wbiob Adams garnered three lasty singles, an infield poke and four slashing two bagger fur 11 inns. ' Poo" Sharp and his assistants boiled down and with a persistent, consistent eSort proceeded to rake the game out of tbe Are. From then on it was better going and the team as a whole showed spurts of base ball speed that indioated with a little more practice, the boys will put np a ball game. Athena soored one in the seaoud in ning bat in the tbiid she fell on La Fare for font bits and aided by a con- pie of errors, two passed balls, a base on balls and Wall bit by pitober, sbv en runs were netted. With the open Ing of tbe fourth inning Mgr. Comin sky Christian derrloked LaFave and motioned Lienallen to tbe mound. He obeoked the sooring in tbe fourth and tittb, bat in tbe sixth be allowed a oonple of two baggers and a single, wbiob properly aaodwiobed in with errors, let him down for six rone, af ter wbiob Mgr. Christian Cominekeyed Pitoher Copp for tbe aeventh and eighth stanzas. lie groved one to Lienallen who promptly snubbed it for three bases, Post followed with a sin gle, atter Grant was on by virtOH of an error and taking seoond on a passed ball, scoring Lienallen and tbe lanky Urst baseman. Three bits allowed one run to Alter over for Adama in tbe eighth. Adama began to got Sharp again in the eighth, when i two-ply aunt, a single and an intleld bit spioed witb a passed ball, allowed two runs, and in tbe ninth pinob bitters ao enlivened the oooasioa that three more runs were made. Soore by innings: 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 0 Adams 8 8 5 0 0 0 0 1 8 15 Hits 4 3 8 0 1 0 0 8 013 Athena 0 1 7 0 0 6 3 1 x 17 Hits 0 3 4 0 1 3 3 8 x 15 Summary Three-base bits, Lienal len; two-base bits, Post; Ben vert, (i. Stahl, O. Stabl, Owen 2, Lienallen: Hits, off LaFave 6 In three innings, runs 8; off Lienallen 1 in two innings, runs 6; off Copp R in two innings, runs 8; off Sharp, 13 In nine innings, runs 15. Strnox ont by LaFave a, Lienallen 8, Copp 1, Sharp 8. Passed balls, Stabl 3, Lienallen 1. Charge defeat to LaFave, Umpire, Cnrtuno. Other Gomes, Helix was defeated by Umapine Sunday, suoro 15 to 18. Athena plays at Helix Sunday, and Umapine at Adams, In tbe Bine Mountain )t"-r-, Echo defeated PilitT.uuV 6 To 4; Pendleton defeated Weston, 6 to 5. GENERAL ADVERTISING Homer I. Watts A Personal Application. A well known lisliuss innn In Law rence, llnss., once li ul n customer who contracted n debt Unit mil unpaid for a year or more, and even several let ters fulled to bring about n settlement. Ono day, while filnnclnu; over the re ligion notices hi n lneiil paper, tbe business innn saw sometliiiiK that gave him ii now Idea. Ho weul to bis desk mid wrote the following note to the debtor: ' My Dear Sir 1 see In Ihe locnl press that you nro to deliver nn mlriresa-on Frklny evening! liofol'e Ihe Y. M. C. A. on "The Bhiner'a Ualnncct Account." 1 in cIoho yuura, aa yrt unbalanced, and trust that I inny have the pleasure of uttend lug your lecture. A cheek nunc by the next mall. Youth's Compunlou. New Ways' of Saying It. "Strain nt n Kimt mid swnllow a camel " cnuio from 1 1. lips of nn old friend ns "Ung nt n straw mid swallow a vrliolo load of liny." Of n ccrtuln girl sho enlil, "Hlie smiles like n frog at the girls r.'jtl grin like n nig carpet nt the boys." I luive never serii n rag carpel since Inn It resolves Itself Into lows of griiiiil'.i): teelb. iml u' for the drooping smile uf the I'm;,'. II .vrtaluly speaks for Itself, its If were - Womnn's Homo Companion. Notice of Sale of Estrav. Notion la herety given that 1 will lell at public aaotlon to the highest bidder, at tbe Commercial Livery Stable In Athena, Umatilla ooanty, Oregon, on Saturday tbe 2l)th day of April. HUD, at 2 o'olook in the after noon, tba followlug described f annuel properly, to-wit: One bay gelding, Uve years old. weight aboot 900 lbs., star Id forehead, brauded witb oirula oo left jaw. J. V, Thompson. "'"lbere never wee but ouu tlablug trip. And Hillv Ubolana. Cliarley Fisher, Jim Mainour aud John fuel to ik that, It stalled iu at Atbeua and euded op fomnnlieio over on the John Day. Yon oou niuorsia the stury ont of (Iholson, If you go at hiu just light. SUMMONS. Iu tbe Cironil Conit of the Slate of Oregon for Umatilla County. Minnie Kiunear Dovin, Plaiulilf, vs. James B. Oevln, (sometimes oalled Jumea B. LaLande,) Defendant. To James B. Devin, (sometimes called Jamea B. LaLande:) : In tbe name of Ihe State of Oregon, joo era hereby required to appear aud auewer tbe complaiut tiled against yon in tbe above eutitled suit wllhiu six weeks of tbe date of tbe Urst publica tion of this eummouf, to-wit: Ou or before Friday, the 30th day of May, 1016; and yon will take notioe if yon full to appeal and answer aaid ooui plalnt nr otherwise plead thereto witb iu said time Ibe plalutiff lor waut thereof wil apply to the ounnty ronrt lor tbe relief prayed for aud demand ed iu her said oomplaint, namely for a dooree of the Conrt iorever dissolving Ibe tonda of matrimony nov existing between (be plalutiff and defendant, aud for snob other and furtbei relief hs to tbe Court seeing cqnitible, 'J' bis sumuious is published porauant la au oirfti of Hon. Uilbert V. Phelps, Judvoof the Sixth Judioial Dlsliiot of the State of Orogon, duly made aud Hied beieiu ou the lllb day of April, mill; and the (list publication bereut made ou Friday, April 4, 111 I It, aud the last pnblloatlon will be made on Fiidny, May 311, 111 1(1, iu Ihe Athena Pries, a uentpapnr published at Ath eue, Uiualitla vouuty, Oiegon. Dated this the llln day of Apiil, 1910. Homer I. Watts. Atty. tur Pl'lf. Republican Caudidate lor Nomination as Disttiot Attorney, My platform: "Io Do Mv Duty.'" Ed Wright of Union County. f -rv v. Bepublioan Candidate for Pablio Ser- vioe Commlssloaer. Some of the reasons wh ha ahnnld expeat Republican votes at the ooming primaries: A bona Ode and oonlinnina rpsirtenno in Eastern Oregon for tbirty-eigbt years. (Born in Union ooanty.) A reoord for hoaest, consoieutions nd efficient service in publia offloe, A consistent Bepublioan. A reputation for sood iudsment. fairness and boneety. An Invilation to the tinblln In incsu. tigate by reference to any ropctable tanner, bunker," mernhant or other business or professional man In Uniou county. His platform: "Consoieutions ser vice to the 8lata at all times, demands ing absolute fairness." James M. Kyle, of Stanfield 1 mil i n ii" i'Tih iimiim u muffi; .- ! Lr, A onndldate tot nomination on tbe republican ticket to the oflloe of Pab lio Service Oommissioaer from tbe Eastern Oregon Ulstriot, I promise if elected I will endeavor to administer the oflloe so as to euoonrage tbe advent ot people and capital into tbo district and tbe Slate for the greater develop ment and improvement of its mani fold rejouioes, tbe same time holding II corporations to alriot accountabil ity nnder the law. James M, Kyle, Stanfield, Oiegon. Notice to Creditors. In tbe Conuty Cuuit of the State of Orogou for Umatilla County. Ia tbe Matter of the Estate ot Eliza Myriok, deoeased. Notice is hereby given that the ou dersigued has teeu appointed by the county court of Umalilla ooanty, Ore gon, administrator of tbe estate of tiliza Myriok, deoeased; and that all parsons having oluloia against aaid ea tute should present tbein Io me at the First tfatlouii Baok of Athena, Ore- gou, or to Homer I. Watts at bis offloe Iu Athena Oregon, within six moutha lioin the date of the first pub lication ot this notioe. Date of Hist publication, Apiil 7, 1910. F. S. LeGrow. Administrator. Notice to Creditors. In the Conuty Court of tbe State of Oiegon foi Umatilla Cocuty. - In tbe Matter ot the Estate of Warren W. Kaymoud, deoeased, Notioe is hereby given It t lie her I G, Kijuiond ia the duly appointed, Qoaliued aud aotlug admiuistiaior of tbe estHte ot the above uamed deoeas ed, aud all persoua having claims agaiust said estate are hereby required to pieseut them with pioper vouoheis attached thereto, to Ihe said adminis trator, iu Athena, Oregon, wilhiuaix moutha fioui the 7th day of April, l'Jlli. Robert G. fiavmoud, P. O. box, 85. Administrator of tbe estate ol Warren V. Raymond. John li. Cttuor, Attoiney for Estate, 410 Baker Euildiug, Walla Walla, Wash. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Conrt of the State of Oregon for Umatilla Connty. 0. A. Fenn, Plaintiff, :.-. Pearl Fenn, Defendant. To Pearl Venn, defendant herein: In the name of the State cf Oregon, yon are bereby required to appear and answer tbe oomplaint filed against yon in tbe above entitled amt within six weets of tbe date of the Uiat publica tion of this summons, towit: on or before tbe 38tb of April, 1916; and yon will take notioe that if yon fail to appear and answer aaid oomplaint, or otherwise plead thereto witbin said lime, the plaintiff for want thereof, will apply to tbe Conrt for tbe relief prayed for and demanded in bis aaid oomplaiut, namely: For a deoree of the Court forever dissolving tbe bonds of matrimony now and heretofore ex isting between the plaintiff and de fendant, and for snob otber and fur ther relief as to tbe Court may seem equitable. This summons is published pursuant to an order of Hon. Gilbert W. Pbelps, Judge of tbe Sixth Judioial District of tbe State of Oregon, duly made and filed herein on tbe 13tb day of March, 1916; and tbe Urst publication will be on Friday, the 17tb day of March, 1916, and tbe last publication will be on Friday, April 38, 1918, in tbe Atb eua Press, a newspaper published at Athena, Umatilla county Oregon. Dated this J7th day of Marob, 1916. Homer I, Watts, Atty. for Plaintiff. Call for Warrants, Notioe of oall for City of Atbena warrants. To whom it may oonoern: Notioe is hereby given that parties boldiog any City of Atbena warrants bearing date previous to January 1, 1916, are notified to piesent them to me for payment at the office of Preston-Shatter Milling Co. Interest oeas es on and after this date of publica tion Marob 81, 1916. HrneBt A Zerba, Treasurer City of Athena. ExperisMioin has cost the farmer many days of lost time. It's safe to Buy. low Jlows and avoid delay in experimenting. C. A. BARRETT & CO. Athena THE ATHENA MEAT MARKET We carry the best M EATS That Money Buys' Our Market is Clean and Cool Insuring Wholesome Meats. READ & 3IEYER Main Street, Athena, Oregon Why shouldn't the Stand ard Oil Company make the best oil-with over 40 years experience in refining-with un equalled plant equipment? And Zerolene is scientifically refined from selected California crude-asphalt-base. Prominent authori ties have recently declared that an oil correctly refined from asphalt base crude can be made not only equal but superior to paraff ine base oils. Next time you empty thecrank-caserefillwithZerolene. Dealers everywhere and at service stations and agencies of the Standard Oil Company. ihe Standard Oil for Motor Cars gum1 1 jr. invrm 'm i nn ? Jj .Vt..i.. ... fl. ti it J - til k . i 3 i IF you want to really live, get close to nature. If you want to really smoke, get close to VELVET Mature s best tobacco, naturally cured. High Grade Suits $15 00 to $27.00 m i "No fit, no Sale" At Emerys the tirst national bank Of ATHENA Capital and Surplus $100,000:22 ' i lA- J. Parker . BARBER SHOP I ' Cl. - Hod. ..d Up-t d t . SOUTH IDC Him J STRUT ATHENA1