The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, March 31, 1916, Image 4

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Fiftk ami Washington Sts, Portland, Or.
. The homelike itopptng place
for those who appreciate the
dollar'! full worth.
Kooa wlta Bath. . , .
ooas with Detached Batk
Bresdrieat and Luaeaeoa
A 160,000 Corpora
tion desire to secure
within nut ten days
th services of High
Grada Representative in each town. No
canvassing, soliciting or gelling; refer
ences; experience unnecessary. Guaran
teed income to right party. Dept. 8, 628
Pittock Block, Portland, Oregon.
Phonea: Main 7605; Rot. Tabor 2M1.
s 802 Alder St., Portland, Or.
Wheat, Oata, Btirbank Potatoes, Onions, and
Onion Seta In Car Lota. Warehouses at Bub
bard, Aurora, Canby, Oregon,
HifbeK Muliet Pries Ptis far All Call f Mace
Portland YJ.C. A, Auto School
Day and night classes. Expert training
In repairing, driving and machine work,
including forge, lathe, shaper, drill press,
tractors, etc. Time unlimited. COMPE
The only Automobile School on tha Pa
cific Coast maintaining a Gaa Tractor
Dept. Uiinf Holt Outer pillar. C. L. Beat
Tracklayer and Wheel Trsclora, both In tha
school and operating field,
445 Hawthorn At,, Portland, On.
Exchange roar Produce for Good Price.
We want Cream, Eggt, Poultry, Dresaed
Meat. Make ui your next ahlpnient
Portland, Oregon.
Double Tread, Puncture Proof Tires
Made from your old onea. Lait long
m Bran New Tim, WE ALSO BUY
lOLD TIRES. We pay as high as 10c
per lb. for such as we can nae in Double
Tread work, and the highest market
for junk. Ship your Tires at once or write us.
OREGON VULCANIZING CO., 550 WuUaKai 51, Nrtkal, On,
A Cartoon Jab From India.
Many nations have expressed their
bitterness against Uncle Sam for
"making money out of the war." We
have been held up to ridicule Impar
tially by England, Germany, Greece,
France, Italy and Japan, Now India
may be added to the list. In a cartoon
from Hindi Punch, of Bombay, repro
duced by Cartoons Magazine, Uncle
Bam and Japan are seen, each with
large money bags under his arms. The
caption reads "Make Hay While the
Bun Shines, and underneath we read :
Jap: "I'm filling my bag with In
dian sliver while the Austrlans and
Germans are busy with the war. And
Yankee: "Ditto, ditto. And some
thing more. I'm filling mine with the
gold of the allies, besides."
Welsh Product.
E. O. Grace, president of the Bethle
hem Steel company, said in Washing
ton: "Though we can got any price we
ask for our munition products from
Europe, we haven't Increased our price
to the American government one cent.
"Yet there are people who, In the
face of this, accuse us of overcharging
Uncle Sam. These people are sb ludi
crously Ignorant as the schoolboy who
was asked:
" 'What do we get from Wales?'
" 'Jonahs,' the schoolboy answered."
. Feminine.
""There Is one good thing about bay
ing a really handsome and expensive
dress." said Mrs. Bunting to Mrs. Lar-
"What Is that?"
"Why, you feel as though you really
ought to buy another not quite so good
to save your best one." Puck.
Even the Children.
"An embusque in French, a slacker
In England, means a man who shirks
the dangerous duties of war, and
among the warring nations the pur
suit of embusques and slackers goes
on relentlessly."
The speaker was Edna Wallace Hop
per, who has just returned from
France. She continued:
"Even the little children take their
small part in this relentless pursuit
They tell a story about a little girl In
Paris whose mother saia to ner in tne
"'Look In that big automobile
that is Gen. Joffre,
"The little girl looked at the vener
able commander-in-chief and frowned.
"'Mamma,' she said severely, 'why
isn't he In the trenches?'"
Ice It Used In Orchards to Retard
Near Lullng, Texas, a number of or-
chardists are trying out a rather In
teresting plaan of retarding the bud
ding of their fruit trees until all dan
ger of damage by late frosts has
passed. The experiment consists of
burying about fifty pounds of ice
around the base of a tree when the
weather becomes mild early In the
season. The supply is replenished at
intervals of two weeks until it is safe
to allow the trees to burgeon. Ice is
being supplied to several growers by
a local producer to encourage the test
with a few trees. Although a consid
erable expenditure would be repre
sented were the scheme carried out
on a really large scale, it might not
prove excessive if successful in pre
venting crop losses. Late frosts are
a source of much anxiety to growers
of early fruits, not alone in the South,
but elsewhere as well. From the
April Popular Mechanics Magazine.
Hanford's Balsam,
large sizes. Adv.
Economy In
Hopeless , Remedies.
J. P. Morgan said at a dinner In New
'The German financial position Is
desperate. The remedies proposed for
it reminds me of the horse-thief.
"Two men were sentenced by a vigi
lance committee to be hanged for
horse stealing, and the rope was
swung from a bridge over a river.
"But the first horse-thief got off.
The noose slipped, he fell Into the
water and swam down stream to safe
ty. "When they came to deal with the
second horse-thief, he said anxiously,
as they tied the rope 'round his neck:
" 'Make sure o' that noose this time,
won't you, gents? I can't swim.'"
Better than a plaster Hanford's
Balsam when thoroughly applied. Adv.
Fair Enough.
"Look here, Hiram," said 81, "when
be you goln' to pay me them $8 for
pasturln' your heifer? I've had her
now for about 10 weeks."
"Why, 81, ther critter ain't worth
mor'n $10."
"Well, s'posln' I keep her fer what
you owe me?"
"Not by a Jugful! Tell you what
I'll do; keep her two weeks more and
you can have hor."
tlOWARn E. BURTON Asaayer and Chemist,
1A Leadvllle, Colorado. Specimen prices: Gold,
Silver, Lead. $1: liold. Silver, 70c; Cold, 60c: Zinc
or Copper, fi. Mailing envelopes and full price lint
sent on application. Control and Umpire work so
licited. Itoforence: Carbonate National bank.
A Fireside Grouch.
"Charley, dear," Bald young Mrs.
Torkins, "you can never complain that
I am a frivolous society woman."
"No. Your idea of a pleasant even
ing Is to sit down and ask me to ex
plain all about preparedness, the bal
ance of trade, orders In council, and
the submarine controversy all In two
hours and a half," Washington Star.
Von Jagow as a Cartoonist.
"Like his distinguished superior
Emperor Wllhelm," says Cartoons
Magazine, "ilerr Gottlieb von Jagow,
German secretary for foreign affairs,
is a cartoonist and designer. When
not engaged In writing notes to Secre
tary Lansing he Is busy with his pen
cil, as you enter his omce you will
observe a large clean blotter on his
desk, and this, as he talks, he gradual
ly covers with sketches. His servant
brings him a new blotter for every visitor."
Willing to Change.
'There Is a very excellent reason
why a girl shouldn't smoke."
"What?" Bhe demanded.
"MakeB her less agreeable to kiss."
"Well, I'll wait till somebody wants
to kiss me," she said, "when they do
I'll give up clgarets and take to a
pipe." Woman's Home Companion.
Taking No Chances.
"Jack Is a foxy Individual,
proposed to Miss Peaches by
"What was his Idoa In that?"
"It loaves the record up In the air,
where it can't be read in court in
case he should happen to change his
Plenty of Color.
"You often see a red roof In foreign
lands. A bit of color helps an artist."
"Is it color you want? Come over to
my neighborhood. We've got a fine
lot of red gas tanks."-Loulsville Courier-Journal.
Ho Knew.
"Did you ever know that there Is a
lot of symbolism connected with a
dock of cards? HcartB, tor Instance,
signify love."
"Yes, I know. Last night I held a
spade flush against four aces and I
had to dig."
Never Mixes 'Em,
you studied political econ-
"No, sir. Economy Is all right In
Its place. I'm one of those who be
lieve keeping business out of politics,"
Washington Star. ,
P. N. U.
No, 14, 1016
WHEN wrltleg to aaVsrUeers,
tloa this paper.
For Cash.
"The Clymors are determined to
got Into society, no matter how much
It costs."
"What have they done now?"
"Last year thoy bcught a coat of
arms and a fumlly tree for them
selves, and now they're trying to buy
a pedigree for their dog,"
Portland Wheat Bluestem, 96c
per bushel; fortyfold, 87c; red Fife,
86c; club, 86c; red Russian, 85c.
Hay Eastern Oregon timothy, $21
22 per ton; valley timothy, $10; al
falfa, $20.
Millfeed Spot prices: Bran, $23
160 per ton; shorts, $25.60 26;
rolled barley, $31.6032.60.
Corn Whole, $37 per ton; cracked,
Vegetables Artichokes, 7690c per
dozen; tomatoes, $3.75 per crate; 'cab
bage, $1.25(5,2.50 per hundred; garlic,
10c per pound; peppers, 174 m 20c;
eggplant, 22Jc; horseradish, 8jc; cau
liflower, $1.361.50; celery, $4.60
per crate; lettuce, $2.25; cucumbers,
$1.25 1.50; spinach, $1 1.15 per
box; asparagus, 1016c per pound;
rhubarb, $1.652 per box; peas,
10c per pound.
Potatoes Oregon, $1.40(5.1.50 per
sack; Yakirnas, $1.50 1.76; new
Florida, 10 12c per pound; sweets,
$3.25(0,3.50 per hundred.
Onions Oregon, buying prices,
$1.60 f. o. b. shipping point.
Green Fruit Apples, $11.60 per
box; cranberries, $11 per barrel.
Eggs Jobbing prices: Oregon
ranch, candled, 20C per dozen; un
candled, 18J19c.
Poultry Hens, 16c per pound;
springs, 16c; stags, 12c; broilers, 20
25c; turkeys, live, 1820c; turkeys,
dressed, choice, 2425c; ducks, 13(g)
16c; geese, 10c.
Butter Prices from wholesaler to
retailer: Portland city creamery
prints, 60-pound case lots, Btandard
grades, 34c; lower grades, 81c; Ore
gon country creamery prints, 60-pound
case lots, standard makes, 3133c;
lower grades, 3030Jc; packed in
cubes, 2c less. Prices paid by jobbers
to producers: Cubes, extras, 2930c;
firsts, 2727Jc; dairy butter 1418ic;
butterfat, No. 1, 33c; No. 2, 30c.
Veal Fancy, llj12c per pound.
Pork Fancy, lllljc per pound.
Hops 1915 crop, 1013c per pound;
1916 contracts, llj12c.
Wool Eastern Oregon, 2030c per
pound; valley, 27 28; mohair, Ore
gon, 8031c per pound.
OaBcara bark Old and new, 4c per
Cattle Steers, choice grain and
pulp, $8 8.50; choice hay, $7.50
8.15; good, $7.257.50; medium, $7
7.25; cows, choice, $6.607; good,
$6.26 6.60; medium, $5.50 6.25;
heifers, $4 7; bulls, $2.60 5.75;
stags, $35.25.
Hogs Prime light, $9.20 9.36;
good to prime, $8.269; rough heavy,
$808.26; pigs and skips, $8(;8.25.
Sheep Y earlings, $7. 75 8. 25 ;
wethers, $6.758; ewes, $6.256.75;
lambs, $8.75i0.
Steady Egg Market Looked For.
Portland The egg market has set
tled at the 18-cent basis, where it will
probably remain during the rest of
the storage season. It is expected,
with warmer weather at hand, that
receipts will increase fast, but this is
not likely to cause any difference in
the market, as speculators are pre
pared to take all that come in at this
The following notice to egg shippers
has been issued by a leading local
buyer :
"To facilitate the rapid transaction
of business during the egg-storing sea
son, we have decided to suspend the
established rule for grading eggs dur
ing the months of March, April and
May, 1916, and substitute therefor the
following simple and, we believe, en
tirely just method of buying eggs at,
as it is commonly called, 'case count.'
Prices quoted will be for fresh un
washed hens' eggs as brought to mar
ket by the producer (not culled or
skiihmed) and to weigh in regular 30
dozen standard No 2 egg cases not less
than 64 pounds. Such eggs shall be
known and designated as 'fresh current
receipts.' It is further understood
that 'fresh current receipts' shall be
accepted as good delivery if they do
not show to exceed two dozen dirties
and cracks per case of 30 dozen. "
Washington, D. C President Wil
son's patience has reached the point
of exhaustion In connection with the
destruction of passenger-carrying ves
sels in the European war zone. He Is
gathering all the facts In relation to
the sinking of the .Sussex. . When
these are In his possession he will de
cide whether to advise congress that
a situation has arisen which necessi
tates a rupture of diplomatic negotia
tions with Germany.
So far as the state department has
been advised the circumstances thus
far developed:
First That the quartermaster of
the Sussex saw the torpedo coming
and sheered away in the hope of es
Second That the three American
passengers swear they distinctly saw
the wake of the torpedo.
Third That a bronze fragment was
found on board the Sussex which a
French officer says was a part of a
German torpedo.
Lieutenant Smith, the American
naval attache in Paris, has been di
rected to examine the fragment If
his opinion should coincide with that
of the French officer President Wil
son will conclude that the circumstan
tial evidence is sufficient for action.
The German embassy does not be
lleve that a German submarine was
responsible for this catastrophe. It is
pointed out that there was no military
advantage to be gained by the sinking
of the Sussex. In case of the improb
able, however, it is declared positively
that the German government will dis
avow the act of the submarine com
mander, punish him, offer reparation
and satisfy the American government
that the outrage was in direct viola
tion of the instructions issued by the
German admiralty. '
But the president is at the point
where such steps are of no conse
quence. The fact is that Germany rave
explicit assurances that passenger
ships would not be torpedoed without
warning, nor sunk until passengers
and crew had had an opportunity to
escape. It Germany should deny that
any of her submarines committed the
outrage, which is regarded as extreme
ly probable, the administration will
have to rely upon circumstantial evi
dence. Such evidence, it is pointed
out, is stronger than a denial.
The administration knows further
that no English submarines were op
erating in the channel and it scouts
as impossible the suggestion that one
of these vessels fired the fatal tor
pedo. In the first place the British
government would hardly jeopardize
the lives of Its own subjects as well
as thoBe of itB ally. Again the British
government does not use the bronze
torpedoes employed by the Germans.
Nor could Germany shift the blame to
one of her allies Austro-Hungary or
Bulgaria. Neither of these powers has
submarines in the Atlantic.
Delegates Talk Preparedness;
Gag Order Comes Too Late
Carried Safely Through Change
of Life by Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound.
Nashville,Tenn. "When I was going
through the Change of Life I had a tu-
imor aa large as
child's bead. The
doctor said it was
three years coming
and gave me medi
cine for it until I
was called away
from the city for
soma time. Of
course I could not
go to him then, so
my sister-in-law told
Ime that she thought
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound would cure it It helped both'
the Change of Life and the tumor and
when I got home I did not need the doctor.
I took the Pinkham remedies until the
tumor was gone, the doctor said, and I
have not felt it since. I tell every one
how 1 was cured. ' If this letter will
help others you are welcome to ose it"
Mrs. E. H. BEAfl, 625 Joseph Avenue,
Nashville, Tenn.
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound, a pure remedy containing the
extractive properties of good old fash
ioned roots and herbs, meets the needs
of woman s system at this critical period
of her life. Try it
If there is any symptom In your
case which puzzles yon, write to
the Lydia 13. Pinkham Medicine
Co., Lynn, Mass.
A guaranteed remedy for Colds and
La Grippe. Price 25c of your druggist
It's good. Take nothing else. Adv.
Acute Hearing.
A number of candidates for the po
lice force were being questioned by a
doctor the other day, and a pretty stiff
examination It was, too. At length it
came to testing the men's sense of
hearing, and said the examiner:
Do you see this watch?
"Do you hear It tick?"
"Certainly; quite plainly."
"Stand further back."
Candidate retires three paces.
"Do you hear it now?"
"Well, you must be smart, for the
watch has not been going for a week."
Chicago Herald.
A young man from Honolulu recent
ly visited our city and was introduced
to the manager of a fight club. The
manager shook hands with him and
said: "Glad to moot cha. How are
I just came from there." renlled
our Honolulu friend.
Just 8o.
"Machinery seems almost endowed
with intelligence."
"That's right," replied Farmer Corn-
tOBsel. "Sometimes I ketch myself
usln' the same language to our auto
mobile that I use to the mule."
The Growler.
Bacon Your dog?
Egbert-No, my wife's.
"Did the dog growl when you had
to muzzle him?"
"No, but my wife did." Yonkers
nave Healthy, Strong, Beautiful Eves
Oeuliata aud Puyslulaue uaed Murine Kim
Remedy many Tears before it was offered aa a
Domeetto Eye Medicine. Murine la 81111 Com
pounded by Our Pliyslclans and guaranteed
by them aa a Reliable Kellel for Eyes ibat Need
Care. Try It lu your Kjes and In Uaby'a Byes
No Smarting duet Eye Comfort. Buy Murine
of you, Drugglet aeuept no (substitute, and If
interested write for Book of the Ere Free.
w ur paicsa xu mannas to
W LM..
i ntuiMOn, '
London Wool Sales Now Over,
London The wool auction
closed Monday with offerings of 8600
bales. The selection was good and it
was readily absorbed at firm prices.
The feature of the series was the re
cent recovery in most grades in antici
pation of further government orders.
The usual American demand was lack
ing, through difficulty in getting li
censes. Compared with the last auc
tions, fine merino and cross-breds
closed unchanged, while other grades
5 to 10 per cent lower. Eighty-seven
thousand bales were sold.
Buyers Object to High Prices.
Portland There has been no in
crease in receipts of poultry, but buy
ers are averse to paying the high
prices that have lately prevailed. All
the hens and springs that came in Sat
urday were worked off, but dealers had
to take a 16-cent price to clean up.
Dressed meats were scarce and firm
The best veal sold readily at 11 cents,
and many more could have been
handled. Dealers explain the failure
of dressed pork to keep up with the
stockyard advance in hogs by the in
different quality of most of the receipts.
Asparagus Higher; Rhubarb Lower.
Portland Asparagus was firmer
Tuesday in response to higher prices
in California, and the local market
was advanced to 10 and 16 cents.
California rhubarb was easier at $1.65
and $2 per box, according to grade.
Another shipment of Oregon cauli
flower arrived and it was held firm at
$1.35 and $1.60 per dozen.
There has been an advncei in or
anges in California and higher prices
are looked for on the street in the near
future. A single car of bananas ar
rived in Portland Tuesday.
Good Offers for Klamath Wool.
Klamath Falls, Or. George Mc
Ginnis, a wool buyer from Red Bluff,
Cal., who buys wool in this county
every year, was in town recently look
ing after business interests. He is
offering 22 cents a pound for coarse
wool for spring deliveries. heepmen
hereabouts view the wool outlook with
as much pleasure as last season.
Spokane, Wash. Shortly after the
Northwest preparedness 'conference
began here Tuesday a telegram was
received from the war department at
Washington Instructing army officers
not to take part In the conference. The
telegram was received too late to af
fect the appearance of Lieutenant-Col
onel David J. Baker, Jr., of Vancouver
Barracks, who spoke on the necessity
of adequate protection for the north'
ern Pacifio states.
Preparedness questions affecting the
Pacifio Northwest from the viewpoint
of military and naval officers featured
the addresses despite the telegram
from the war department. Under the
circumstances pains were taken by the
officers to say nothing that could be
construed as having a political effect,
or bearing on the measures now be
fore congress.
Delegates were present from Wash
ington, Oregon, Montana, Idaho and
Wyoming. The conference elected N.
W. Durham, of Spokane, chairman;
Frank W. Hammond, of Seattle, sec
retary, and P. N. Bernard, of Kallspell,
Mont., assistant secretary.
Colonel Baker was not in uniform,
and In the preamble of his address re
ferred to the faot that he spoke only
as a private citizen. In Bpeaklng of
the Japanese question, Colonel Baker
"I think there Is danger of trouble
with Japan through the Ignorance, ar
rogance and narrowness of our own
people on this coast who lack knowl
edge of the Japanese and therefore
misunderstand and misjudge them."
If you have eczema, ringworm or
other Itching, burning, sleep-destroying
skin-eruption, try Reslnol Oint
ment and Reslnol Soap and see how
quickly the Itching stops and the trou
ble disappears. Reslnol Ointment is
also an excellent household remedy
for dandruff, sores, burns, wounds,
chafings and for a score of other uses
where a soothing, healing application
Is needed.
Reslnol contains nothing of a harsh
or injurious nature and can be used
freely even on the most Irritated sur
face. Every druggist sells Reslnol
Ointment and Resinol Soap. Adv.
For chronic pain In the back apply
Hanford's Balsam. Rub it on and rub
it in thoroughly. Adv.
Paper Cost Is Serious.
Washington, D. C. A resolution for
an investigation of the news print pa
per situation by the department of
Commerce was introduced in the house
by Representative Copley. Much of
the supply of raw material for print
paper that came from Germany, was
cut off by the war. Other material is
being shipped from this country to Eu
rope for use in the manufacture of mu
nitions. According to Mr. Copley the
price of paper has advanced so far that
the HveB of many small newspapers
are threatened.
Proof In Leanness.
There was once an old Garrabost
crofter who, when giving evidence be
fore the crofters' commission, admit
ted that while he was the owner of
three cows, "the beasts were as thin
as Pharoah's lean kine."
The chairman, thinking to corner
old Kenneth, asked him to say how
lean Pharoah's kine were.
Even a 17th-century divine would
have wanted a day or two to think it
over. But Kenneth answered at once.
"They were, sir, so lean that they
could only be seen in a dream."
"Do you think there is any such
thing as mind-reading?" asked the em
inent diplomat.
"Oh, yes," replied Miss Cayenne. "If
I pay very close attention to what you
say and analyze it carefully, I often
fancy I get a glimmer of what you are
thinking about." Washington Star.
work out in
"How did prohibition
Crimson Gulch?'
"Fine," said Bronco Bob. "The boys
have saved up bo much money that
mebbe we'll have to let a few saloons
open so's they can celebrate their
prosperity," Washington Star.
The Higher Education.
HI What course Is Sarah studying
la that boarding school?
Si I can't remember, but I think
it's cosmetics. Stanford Chaparral
Hunt Elusive Blue Tiger,
San Francicso A quest for the blue
tiger a beast which has been termed
the "Flying Dutchman of Zoology,"
because many scientists and explorers
have seen it, yet none ever has been
caught will begin Wednesday when
Roy Chapman Andrews and Mrs. An
drews sail from San Francisco for the
Orient on the liner Tenyo Maru.
Somewhere in Central Asia or Tibet
they expect to capture a specimen of
their elusive quarry and to make an
exhaustive study of zoology for the
American Museum of Natural History.
Wilhelm Honors Sultan.
Berlin, (By wireless to Sayville, N.
Y.) The semi-official Overseas News
agency has received advices from Con
stantinople confirming reports that
Field Marshal von Mackensen had
reached that city on a mission, given
him by Emperor William, to pre
sent to the Sultan the Field Marshal's
baton which the emperor had bestowed
upon the Turkish ruler. The dispatch
describes the Field Marshal's recep
tion as most enthusiastic.
"Have you any references?"
"Yes, mum, but I left them at home.
Like me photygraphs they don't do me
justice." Boston Transcript.
Keep Your
Stomach Well
It's the Secret
of Good Health
The Stomach is the con
trolling power in all mat
ters pertaining to health
and it must be kept strong
and active. At the first
sign of weakness, try
Stomach Bitters
German Aviators Defeat Three
of fleet of Five Raiders.
Berlin Claims No Damage Done by
Bombs Crews of Fliers Made
Prisoner Patrol Sunk.
Berlin, by wireless to Sayville, N.
Y. Not fewer than three British hy
droplanes, among them a fighting aero
plane, were brought down Sunday by
German guns on and about the island
of Sylt, daring an air raid on North
ern Schleswig, according to a German
official communication. The crews
were taken prisoner.
Bombs dropped in the district of
the Hoyer water gate did no damage,
says the statement, which follows:
"From two ships, which were ac
companied by a cruiser squadron and
a flotilla of destroyers, five English
hydroplanes started for an attack
against the German aeronautic estab
lishments in Northern SchleBwig.
Not fewer than three of them,
among which was a fighting aeroplane,
were forced down by the defensive
service on and about the island of Sylt
The occupants of the machines, who
were made prisoners, are four English
officers and one non-commissioned officer.
"Bombs were thrown only in the
district of the Hoyer water gate. No
damage was done."
London Three British aeroplanes
which took part in a raid on German
airships in Schleswig-Holstein Sunday
are missing.
A dispatch says that two German
armed trawlers acting as patrols were
sunk by the British outside Sylt har
The admirality also reports that a
torpedo-boat may have been in collis
ion with another of its own fleet in the
venture. No fears for the crew
The following official statement was
"An attack by British seaplanes was
delivered Sunday morning on German
airship sheds in Schleswig-Holstein
eastward of the island of Sylt The
seaplanes were conveyed to their ren
dezvous close to the Greman coast by
an escorting force of light cruisers and
destroyers under Commodore Tyrwbitt
"Three of the seaplanes which took
part in the attack are missing. The
destroyer Medusa was in collision with
the destroyer Lavrock and it is feared
that in the stormy weather which pre
vailed the Medusa may have been Iobi,
but no misgivings are felt as to the
safety of the crew. Two German
armed patrol vessels were sunk by our
"No detailed report has yet been re
ceived, but from Danish press dis
patches it would appear that this
operation, which was carried out with
in the enemy's waters, achieved its
Six Lose Lives in Exclusive
. Country flub Conflagration
San Antonio, Tex. Six persons lost
their lives early Sunday in the burning
of the fashionable San Antonio Coun
try club.
Five of the victims were guests at
the club, which was the scene of sev
eral week-end parties, bringing to
gether a large number of persons
prominent in social and business cir
cles to the Southwest
The dead are: Mr. and Mrs. J. B.
Waltham, Judge J. E. Webb, Homer
Jones, San Antonio; Mrs. Maco Stew
art, Galyeston; Helen Cockrell, maid
at the club.
The fire had its origin in a collection
of paint stored in the basement of the
three-story frame clubhouse. It Bpread
quickly to a stairway leading to the
first floor and rapidly communicated
to the other two floors above.
About 15 guests asleep in the build
ing had narrow escapes, many jumping
from the second story windows, so
quick was the spread of flames.
Fortune Goes to Worker,
Seattle Harold Richard Clements,
19, who has been working in a depart
ment store at a small salary, has been
notified by Arthur Payne, attorney, of
Louisville, Ky.,-that he has inherited
the $3,000,000 estate of his grand
mother, Mrs. Mary Clements, who died
there recently. Young Clements is the
son of Harry Curtis Clements, formerly
president of the Denver Traction com
pany, who died nine years ago. When
Mr. Clements died he left the bulk of
his estate to his mother, only a small
allowance going to his son.
Army Short of Airmen.
San Diego, Cat There are no qual
ified military aviators available here
for duty with the expeditionary forces
in Mexico, according to Captain Cowan,
commandant at the North Island train
ing institution, commenting on the re
quest of General Pershing for eight
mere. "we nave not got them to
send," said Captain Cowan. "There
are four student aviators at North
Island who are ready to take their
junior military aviators' testa, bnt
thus far none of them have had exper
ience in cross-country flights." .
Villa General Is Killed.
Queretaro, Mexico General Pedro
Gozman and 22 others, all members of
Villa's band, were killed in battle in
tha neighborhood of Laguna and Dina
mita Sunday. In this action between
government forces and bandits 10 pris
oners also were taken and summarily
executed. This information came in a
message to the minister of war, Gen
eral Obregon, who was informed that
the campaign against the ViUistas was
being waged with the utmost vigor.
i a tot
1916 Catalog
Plants, Bulbs, y
Garden, Orchard
and Poultry
Fertilizers, Etc
Wa.tara buvM. (Mil
"Hlgtieat Quality" Steaks
asrect te buyara only ne
gents. Yoa save time sad
money by buying of us.
New Catalog No. St Free.
16S-171 2nd St, PORTLAND, OREGON
will fit any ambitious young Man or Wom
an for high-class position in
, Bookkeeping, Stenograph!, Salesmanship
To men this Includes valuable athletic,
aquatic end membership grivileges, al
though tuition coat is less than elsewhere.
Valuable courses can also be had in
Grammar grade and College Preparatory
Monamobile Oils and Greases
and '
Free Tire Service.
33 Broadway No. - Portland, Ore.
We want all you have. - Write for prices and
shipping tags. THE H. f. NORTON CO.
S3 North Front St., Portland, Ore.
UIHUTCn Everyone to know about DAD'9
real, great big light, safe, handy and cheaper than
oil; wind and storm-proof. Fully illustrated cir
cular. Rostledge Seed & Floral C, 169 2d SL.PkuioiI.
We will move to our new quarters on or about
MARCH 16th to 20th, from First street, where we
have been located many years. All old customers
and new ones are invited to inspect our new store
at 266 Morrison St., Portland, Ore. STAPLES,
WANTED Agents, live ones, In every locality In
the state. Only Daylight Egg Tester in the coun
try. No competition. Money-back proposition.
Send S1.60 for tester and explanatory matter and
get busy in your neighborhood. Address X-Ray
Egg Tester, 606 Railway Exchange, Portland, Or.
Safety First.
They were watching the boys coast
ing down the snow-covered streets
on their sleds.
'"Ah," said the elder of the two men,
"that's the sport! Doeesn't it make
you think of your happy childhood
days?" '
"No," replied the other, "It makes
me think how slippery that street is
going to be after awhile and how easy
It would be for you or me to fall and
break an arm or a leg while trying to
cross it. Every man should provide
against such contingencies by carry
ing an accident policy. I happen to
have an application blank in my
pocket. You'd better sign it now be
fore it's too late."
Cleanses the Wounds.
For injuries from rusty nails or any
other external hurts, appjy Hanford's
um.aiu, I, wumu ALU cur gci ixis,
cleanse the wound and remove sore
ness. Then quick healing will follow.
Adv. .
The Soft Pedal.
A story is told of a certain well
known theatrical rnanager, who has a
habit of, by hook or crook, getting his
own way.
"That's too loud," he called out one
day, as the orchestra started at a re
hearsal. "I can't help it, sir," replied the con
ductor, "It's marked 'forte.'"
"Well," went on the man of power,
Impertu.'bably, "just make it 35,
Tender, Also True.
Edythe Did the duke say he loved
Kate He said he loved the ground
I walked on.
Kdythe Where were you when be
said it?
Kate Out visiting papa's gold mine.
Pall Mall Gazette.
Why He Chuckled.
Mrs. Peck Josephus, what in the
world do you mean by chuckling to
yourself in that manner?
JosephUB It says here that 192
wives brought divorce cases into court
and not a single husband appeaared
to protest. Judge.
A Good Start.
- "I am absolutely convinced that my
arguments are correct," said the earn
est man.
"Well," replied Senator Sorghum.
"it's a good start. You've got one
man converted, anyhow." Washing
ton Star.
Not Wanted.
"Willie!" called his mother. "Come
here this Instant! How many times
do you want me to call you?"
'Why, ma," said Willie. "Where
uiu yuu evci kcl iuo men iua,i. i waul
ed you to call me at all?"
Very Interesting.
'That emotional actress says she
cannot descend to .anything like gross
business details.
'Humph! She's Interested enough
In the gross receipts." Baltimore
Help! Helpl
uv you Know, miss reacnes, i
think you must be egotistical." .
"tin.., Xm arni1 T I n
oiui'oi iiu w uui yuu
Imagine such a thing?"
ncususg yuu usve ouca capital
a "
And Never Will.
'There goes old Tightwad, the mil
lionaire. They say he landed in this
town 15 years ago with Just 67 cents
in his pockets."
Yes, and he hasn t spent it yet
Time to Beware.
'A man dot shows off too much
smartness," said Uncle Eben, "'gets
so he enjoys about as much confi
dence as a sleight o' hand man in a
poker game." Washington Star.
on saemnc home study bethod
Brings quick results. Success guaran
teed. Costa leas than half of oral inatruc
lioB. Flaae, Organ. Vial in. Banjo.
Maaeolia, Guitar and Can
Write today for Catalog and 4 free leseona.
Aawicu School f Music
SN CiaanaiiiiH tag, rOHUUta, MUM