The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, March 31, 1916, Image 3

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    I Press Paragraphs
Burke & Son unloaded a oar load of
ioe Wednesday.
For finding twine, see Watts and
Rogera' big Ad.
M. L. Akera of Pendleton, was In
tbo city Monday.
Mrs. Archie a b ink bee reooveied
Iiom a elight attack of pneumonia.
Mr. and Mrs. Uamp Boober were
over from Weston, Wednesday.
Born, to Mr, and Mrs. Virgil Zerba
of tbia oily, Marob 27, 1016. a eon.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm MoKenzie, prom
inent Weston people were in town
Tbn usual Saturday nigbt danoe ai,
the opera boose is announced for to
morrow evening.
Obas. Kirk tbia week shipped fonr
Bock Island plows to Union tnd two
to Fomeroy, Wasb.
(Jail Ohorobill will tring Umatilla
Chief, a standard bred trotting horse
to Atbena eaob week.
Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Finkertoo of
Milton spent tbe week witb tbeir
son on tbe farm near Atbena.
Mrs. Samuel Booher, Mrs. MoPber
ren and Miss Bessie Parker visited
friends in Helix, Wednesday.
Or. and Mrs. MoMatb left on Mon
day morning's train for Dayton, Wasb.
wbere they will reside ic future.
Religions servioes on Main atreet,
Atbeua, 4 p. m,, Sunday, April 2,
by tbe preaaher witbant a pulpit.
Oliver Diokenson, wLo took tbe oou
traoc for removing the old aabool
building, bas the work well toward
W. A. Barrett, a hardWB'O dealer
of Albany, Ore., was in tbe oity Tues
day, a guest at tbe Barrett and Pla
mondou homes.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrenoe Lieualleu
were in the oity from Adams Wednes
day evening, attending tbe Christian
ohurob reception.
Wednesday ot last week, Bert Car
tano shipped a oarload of bogs to Wal
la Walla, consigned to the Walla
Walla Meat company.
The Fons-Winsbip Hardware com
pany have received tbeir line of fish
ing tackle in time for the opening of
tbe season, tomorrow.
Mr. and Mrs. John Montague were
over from Walla Walla Sunday, visit
ing at tbe home of Mrs. Montague's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Al. Johnson.
Mis. Anderson, residing on Third
street, south of Main, bad tbe niisfor
tune to fall and break her right limb.
Dr. Sharp was called to attend ber.
Mr. Wm. Wattenbnriier, of Eobo,
was a goeet over Sonday of his sister
and mother, Mrs. Henry Pinkerton
and Mis. Wattenburger in this oity.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wood have
purchased :he Myiiok property on tbe
West Side and will move in from tbe
farm to make it their permanent
Postmaster Van Winkle of Weston
visited P. M. Henry at the local pnst
offlae yesterday, wbere these two gov
ernment employes fraternized or a
short time.
Arthur Hulton, representing tbe
Pacilio Baptist pntlioation, was in the
oity yesterday. A special edition for
Umatilla county, will be issued in tbe
near future.
Mrs. Wm. Winsbip was taken
alarmingly ill yesterday morning and
tbe pbyeioian pronounced a serious
case of beart trou-le as tbe oause. At
present she is out of daoger.
"Rusty'' Sbiok received bis contract
from Williams, manager of tbe Spo
kane team in the Northwustern league
this week, signed it, and Wednesday
received notioe to join tbe olub for a
All members of MoKenzie Chapter
No. lis 0. E. S. are requested to be
present at the regular meeting next
Wednesday eveniup, as there will be
work in the obapter. By order of toe
Worthy Matron.
Mrs. Line Stcrgis and Miss Nason,
oonnty librarian, were in the city
yesterday from Pendletou, visiting the
branch libraiy. Tbe ladies took Innoh
at the LuGrow home, going on to
Milton and Walla Walla, accom
panied by Mrs. LeGrow.
The Sunshine Club was entertained
ty Mrs. David Stone on Thursday,
Marob 23, witb a large attendance of
members. Refreshments were served
by tbe hosteeB, assisted by Mrs. Casper
Woodward and Mrs. Claude Wallan.
All spent a very pleasant afternoon.
Tbe Press is in reoelpt of tbe first
number of the "Scout News," a oied
itatle journal done in pen and ink by
Ellis Hopper, publisher. Glen Mo
Alexander is on tbe reportorial staff.
The "Soont" is sold at three oents a
For Rugs
DHal fnr ft nn, noBBilnn RIM mnrfl iniDllllI tbBO BVer. TbO BSSOrt-
... ..iii nr vooroo nnHnniinTnii in Almost endless at Davis-Kaser's this
6piing over 300 separate and dislinot patterns in tbe 9x12 ft. size
alone, at all prices from $7.45 to f 70.
27x52 in. $1.85; 36x68 in. $3.25; 11x12 ft. $20.75.
27x60 in.
30x72 in.
4ft. 6ln. x 7lt. 6 in.
6x9 ft
8ft. Sin. x 10ft. 6in.
Heaviest fibre rugs made, fast oolors. very duiable and waterpioof
-turn hose on it wash it with scap and water, nothing effeots.
30x60 in.
36x72 in.
4ft 6in.x 7ft. 6iu.
7ft. 6iu.x 10ft. fiin.
Also three lighter grades ot Bbre rngs and many other fabrios a
perfeot maze of tbe neweBt, snappiest patterns.
ig Complete Furnishers of Homes, Offices and Schools 1U-20 Alder St.
Goodbye Grain Sack!
Make Money in 1916!
Saoks are out of date. Handling grain in bulk saves two to three
oents per fcusbel. And this siviog is made atove the cost of installing
the bins. Bulk handling insures getting ALL the proHt and reduoes la
bor very materially. Drop in at our offleo and see the new plans for these
bins, designed by onr Arohiteots and Engineers.
DESIGN X-101 1030 BUSHEL. $6.00
DESIGN X-102 1000 BUSHEL, $88.00
DESIGN X-103 5000 BU3HEL, $282.00
DESIGN X-104 5000 BUSHEL, $272.00
Prioes are for all lumber, shingles and oement where called for in the
plana. Complete plans showing every detail necessary for ereotion,
FREE. List of hardware and other equipment ioolnded with plans.
We'll be glad to show you plane and talk over your needs for tbe ooming
"See Johnson About It."
Straight Distilled
Refinery Gasoline
redirect your gasoline cost because every
drop atomizes evenly tnrougn ine camu-
retor and gives full power.
Dealers everywhere and at our SERVICE
Standard Oil Company
Uh ZEROLENE, Tit Sianitrd Otljtr MtUr Can
copy, or 75c pr year. It is issued on
Saturdays and tons does not ooollict
with tbe publication day uf tin Press.
I'be "Scout News" is a nifty little
sheet, and reflects credit on tbe uapa
bililiea of its enterprising yonng put
lisber. Weston, Pendleton, Pilot Hook and
Eoho will ho the towns represented in
the Blue Monntaiu league thin season.
Athena will perhaps organize a team
of home playeis and play iudependeot
ball, haviug 10 prospeot games witb
teams in Helix, Adams, and Walla i
Mrs. W. S. Ferguson entertsined I
the Eastern Star Club Tuesday after
noon iu a moat pleasant mauuer, being
assisted by ber daughter. Miss Gladys
Andre, in Martina rinintv refreshment?.
The next meeting ot tbe Clnb will be
at tbe home of Mrs. M. L. Watts, on
April nth.
Dr. E. B. (Mi imeV fiieuds in this
vicinity will be pleased to learn of his
good fortnue in seooriug tbe appoiot
ruent of Slate Depoty Veterioarian,
with probable beadquaiters at Pen
dleton. The demur lell tbe city 'lues
day erening for Salem to confer with
tbe state board.
Ther,) will be union meeting of the
churches of Athena Wednesday even
ing at tbe Christian cbuioh. I Jr.
Tofts cf Portland will address the
people on tbe Lord's Day observanoe,
and the pending initiative. Too peo
pie, regardless of oreed, are invited
and nrged to conic.
Services of tbe Baptist obnrob next
Snndav morning and evening. Sunday
school at 10 a, m. A B. V. P. U has
been organized and will bold their
first meeting Sunday evening at 6:30.
Business meeting of tbe ohurob Sat
urday evening at 7:110. All servioes at
High Sohool auditorium.
Monday evening at a session of tbe
Odd Fellows' lodge, the members
were pleasantly surprised by an iu
vasion of Mlgoonette Rebetab lodge,
who obi tied with them a bounteous
supply of refreshments. Tbe evening
proved a aooial success. Several visit
ors were present from Milton.
Watte' Millers will hook up with
tbe Turkey Trailers Sunday afternoon
on the local base ball grounds, and
an interesting game is promised. The
Trailers, suspecting that the Millers
have something np their sleeves turned
out for praotioe yesterday and went
tbrnngb their paces io eemi-profes
eional style.
Dr. J. D. Plamondon, II. A. Bar
ret and B. A. Tborapsou mntored to
Beppner Wednesday in tbe Plamondon
oar. Tbe roads were found to be in
good oonditioo. I'be paity started
from Athena at live o'olook. a. m.,
and were heme from the 175 mile trip
at nine p. m. It took four hours to
make tbe trip down and live hours
At the Methodist Episoopal Cbnrok,
preaoblug next Suiibatb morning and
evening. Morning topic "In ILe
Ureal Day, on the Right or nn tbe
Left Whioh? Why?" Subject at
nigbt, "Playing tbe Fool.." Inas
much as tbe evening discourse will
contain valuable lessons for tbeyooog,
a special invitatioo is extended to that
olaes. Sabbatb ECbool at 10 a. m. All
are invited.
Special mnsio at tbe Christian
chute!) Sunday, 11 a. in., anthijm.
"Radiant Morn." In tbe evening,
the men's chores will be beard io
"Rook of Agos." Bible sohool at 10
a. m. j preaching, witb morning and
evening subjects as follows: "Zeal,
or Knowledge?" and "An Apostolio
Admonition." Junior Society, 1) p. m,
Miss Maud Sherman, superintendent ;
Christian Endeavor 6:30 p.m. Cor
dial welcome to all.
Drs. Sharp and Stone were sum
moned to tbe Criglar plaoe yesterday
afternoon to attend Mrs. Elmer Gor
don, who had shot herself in tbe left
side with a 38 caliber revolver. Tbe
shooting is said to have been accident
al, and tbe wound will not result ser
iouely unless blood poisoning sbonld
set in, say tbe doctors. Tbo tullet
entered below tbe left breast and
ranged through the flesh passing over
fonr ribs and lodged in the wall of
tbe room. Mr. Gordon was in the
held at work when tbe shootiog oo
anred, but arrived at the bonse soon
after. Mrs, Gordun had but reoently
returned from tbe hospital at Walla
Walla, where Bhe underwent a minor
enrgioal operation.
J. 0. Rnesell, one of the best known
eduoators in the state has aooepted the
snperiuteudeooy of tbe Atbena sobools
for the ooming year. Superintendent
Unetne resigned the position with tbe
objeot of attending College in the
East. Superintendent Russell bas bad
wide expeiiance along educational
lines in this state. For Ave years he
was superintendent of graded schools,
spent a year as inetruoter nf matbe
matios in the Eastern Oregon State
Normal sohool, at Weston ; was aSBls
tant educational seoretary of tbe .
M. C. A. at Portland for three years
superintendent of tbe sobools at Wasco
for tbe last tbreo years, He is a grad
uate of Monmouth State Normal, of
tbe University of Oregon and has taken
post graduate work at Columbia of
New Yolk and holds a life state di
ploma. He is a married man.
Wadncaday evening in tbe Christian
oburoh auditorum, a reception was
held in honor of tho thirty or more
new additions to tbe Churob, at which
about 150 were present. A nnmher of
tbe prominent workers, beaded by
Pastor and Mrs. Errett stood in tbe
receiving line. A short but excellent
program was beard, followed by re
freebmeots served by tbe ladies of tbe
Aid soaiety, and a large punch bowl
in a cozy corner was presided over by
several yonng ladies throughout the
evening. Tbia is tbe first of a series
of social eveniogs to be held monthly
by tbe ohorcb people, a committee)
beaded by Dr. and Mrs. W. R. Soott,
having this feature of tbe public en
tertainment in charge. Wednesday
evening was pranouoned a very auspi
oions beginning for tcis laudable un
dertaking, and futnre social evenings
are looked forward to witb anticipa
te ns of pleasure, ty all who were
School Notes.
The following is the attendance
record lor tbe past month: Whole
uumber of days attendance. 8310:
nnmter of days absence, 58 lo : num
ber of limes tardy, 7; number of
sobolars having perfect attendance,
(neither absent or tardy,) 128: per
cent of attendance, 1)8. 3; average daily
attendance, 160.5: visits by parents,
13. Room making the highest per
cent of attendance. Miss Imz Wag
ner's, with 1111.2; second highest,
Miss Leota Wagner's, 09.07. Number
of popils now on register : Gills, 85;
hoys, 81, total 166. Special nttentioo
Io oalled to tbe fact that one , our Ego
this mouth there weie 155 ttotleuts
enrolled, and the per cent of allend
auce was 97.5.
At an assembly held last Turaday iu
Miss Brierly's room the constitution
of the newly organized "Order of A."
for the students who have earned em
blems in High sohool aativities, was
read and udoptcd. Each person to
eceiie a lellei shall have uorupluted
one of the following activities; Bas
ket ball, girls, teu whole helves; boys,
5 whole games or 12 wtole hulv-s.
Baseball, 4 wbole games or 30 inoiogs;
debates, enter tbreo aud win one; ni
atory, win one (list prias; tennis, win
one tournament ; track, win one first
prize. A student is to receive hut e- c
letter in auy one activity, bet ma; re
oeive as many letters iu separate
events as be is able to win, A dilfer
ent letter is provided for each aotivity.
The lo Mow nig rue Ilia names of f lu
dents who receive letters this year:
Basket ball: Panline Mviick, Katb
ren Fraome, Hazel Sanders, Dollio
White, Marguerite MoLennen, Ruty
Banister, Oreta Molntyre; Rex Payne,
Lawrenoe Tbarp, Lawson Booher.
Debates, Zola Keen and Tom CaloD.
The Athena base ball team won over
the Helix team in the first game of the
season least Saturday, with a eoore of
99 tc 0, Atbena need three pitchers,
all of whom pitched aiitigbt ball.
Helix' used two, neither one giving the
Athena batters any trouble, Tbe Atb
eua fielding was ratner loose, on ao
ooout of tbe laok uf praotioe. Atbeua
made a total of twenty-two bits and
Helix made three. Tie team left at
2:30 this afternoon for Milton wbere
tbey will play a game with Ihe High
school team of that city.
Buy Tour Easter Shoes
Osmer E. Smith of Pendleton has
aunouooed himself as a candidate for
tbe office of District Attorney of Uma
tilla county. Mr, Smith is a native
of Wisconsin where he reoeived his
early schooling. Later he atleuded
the University of Colorado ut Bonlder,
Col., from whioh institution he grad
uated in tbe year 1910." He bas al-
ways been n Republican and has been
a resident of Umatilla aounty nearly
three years. Upon first coining to
Pendleton he was In tbe law offiaes of
Hull y & Raley hut for tbe past year
be bos beoo praotioiug by himself witb
offloas iu tbe American Bank building.
lie makes tbe following statement oon-
oerniog bis oandidaoy:
"Ihe office of District Attorney is
a public offioe aud therefore all per
eons are entitled to like treatment and
benefits. If I am nominated aod
elected, I shall conduct the alfairs o(
the offioe in an eoonomio and business
like manner, witb equal consideration
to all whether rlob or poor. 1 shall
endeavor to enforce all laws regard
less of who tbe violators may be. I
shall do my very tent to apprehend
and pioseaute all violators of the pro
bibition aud all other laws and if
nominated and eleoted it will be my
earnest desire that tbe public co
operate with me in tbeir enforce
ntBnt." Paid Adv.
Local Advertisements
Fisbing tackle to tackle any fish and
tbe permit too. Watts and Rogers.
Remember that you aan get yonr
drossed chicken of Charles Grant for
your Sunday dinner, ty plaoing your
orders Saturday. He makes a special
ty nf dressed ponltry, and his prioes
are reasonable.
A curve for every soil bnt one, Johu
D eere, Dutchman plows. See Watts
and Rogere' Ad.
For Sale or Trade 20 aores of or
ubard land loaated one mile from
paoking boose at Freewater. Also
two fresh milch cows for sale. Phone,
31F5, Atbena.
For Sale. Wheat land. Call on
Mrs. J. E. Barrott Athena.
Mrs. A. A. Sbiok baa opened op a
millinery etore at her borne on Adams
street. Hats made to order and old
hats made new. She wnnld be pleaaed
to have yon oall.
Lost An anto chain between Atb
! ena aod the Dean Willaby plaoe.
I Finder will please leave it at tbe
Press office.
Second Hand Goods. W. H. Mac
oho, tinner and plumber, will engage
iu t he second hand goods bnsiness at
his plaoe on Maio street, near the de
pot. Seoond hand furnilnre, stoves
aod ranges tought and sold.
Livestook Dealer. BertCartaoo bas
engaged in the livestook business. He
is prepared to pay the highest market
prices at all times for abiokene, hogs,
cattle aud sbeep. It yon have stock
to sell, be sure Bnd sea him.
Go to the Myers' harness and shoe
shop if you want first olim woik.
Satisfaction guaranteed. Adv.
Edict Says
For Spring
Men's English Walking Shoes in Black and Tan
at $3.50, $4.00, $4.50 and $5.50
We are showing this style in Black m
and Tan, with rubber sole and heel j I
$3.75 fjQ
Also White Nubuck, with rubber tv Jr
heel, at -
Kirk Implement House
Rock Island
Farmers, Take Notice: Our famous Rock Island Plows
are here for your inspection, in two and three bottom
gangs. We want to take them to the field and show
you how they work. The C.T.X. cJMouldboard is not
like others. We will go into the field with any other
make of plow, and the farmer be the judge. That is
the way we sell the Rock Island-on its merit.
North Side Main St, CHARLES KIRK, Athena, Oregon
Frank Saling
Republican Candidate for
Subjeot to tbo will of electors at
Primary Eleolion, May, 19, if if,.
Present Inoumheut.
S. F. Sharp
Special attention given to all
calre both nigbt and day.
(Jails promptly answered. Offlce on Third
Street, Atbena Oreaor
Physician and Surneon.
Offioe iu Post Building. Phone, 501
Homer I. Watts
Atbena, Oregon.
Mfrdlcn, Oil, IJi-lts and all kinds of Hewing
Machine mippltf.i, KepaiuiiH 11 hpeciany.
New Home Users are Qualitr Choosers.
For Sale By
N. A. MILLER, Athena. Oreg.
7Jk Hew Home Sewing Machine Comp'y
San Franciaco, California.
See Our New Models
They're Uptodate, at
Right Prices
J. C. Penney Co. Inc