The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, March 24, 1916, Image 3

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    Press Paragraphs
Enter; Wottblugtoa was a Walla
Walla visitor Sunday.
Bora, to Mr. and Mr. Wm. Carsteo
Mnroh 21, 1916, a daughter.
jura. w. a., ooocr visited ber mo
ther la Walla Walla toil week.
Superintendent of Sohoola Yonng
was in the city Wednesday evening.
Jaok MoGool left Monday for Amer
ican Fails, Idaho, where be will lo-oate.
Miss Vaida Sroook of Wealon, was
a 8 nest this week of Mls Greta Mo-
Iulyre. .. '
Mrs. Genevieve Harrla apent Satur
day and 8nnday in the oitr from Pen
dleton. lira. J. 0. Dorks visited fur several
days this week at the home of her am
in Walla Walla.
Joe Olemona of tbla city, la report
ed to have undergone a surgical oper
ation at Salem, Moodat.
Mia. Earl Dudley waa reuently op
erated on at a hospital in Walla Wal
la, and is improving in health.
N. A. Miller, the nnder taker, con
daoled the funeral of Frank Gronow,
yesteiday at the reservation Mission.
Mrs. John Mulligan of Phoenix, B.
0., baa been a gnest this week at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. F. S. LeGrow.
W. H. Maioho went to Pilot Book
junotion this morning to install a
large range in a boarding honae there.
Mr. and Mra. Elmer Coniok of Wal
la Walla, were the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. W. B. Harden, Friday of last
Mr. and Mrs. Saulsbnry have taken
up reaidenoe at Amerioan Falls, Ida
bo, and the Press will go to them eaoh
Mrs. W. S. Ferguson will entertain
the Eaatern Star Club on next Tuesday
afternoon, Maroh 88, at her home on
oath 1th street.
Mrs. J, D. Plamnndon annonnoes a
reoilal by her musio olass for next
Saturday, tomorrow afternoon, at ber
home on north Eth street.
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar MoOready who
have spent the peet year io Athena,
Mr. MaCready being employed in the
P.-S. mill, left tuday for Purtland,
were they will remain.
Mr. and Mrs. H. 0. WorlhlDgton
and Mrs. Mary Tompkins attended tbe
funeral Sunday of the late Warren
Baymond in Walla Walla.
Arobie Molntyrs has purobased from
the Molntyre estate, the nieoa of land
known as tha lower plaoe, west of
town, oonteining 160 acres.
Tonight the Berean Class of the
Christian Sunday sobool, comprising
87 members will be entertained at tha
G. B. (Jerking home west of town.
Will Potts loaded bia atook and
bouaebold effects here Wednesdav for
shipment over the O.-W. to Teton,
luaoo, near wmon place be baa nnr-
ohased a wheat ranch.
B. Alexander, with tbe entire fuioe
of bis large meroantila establishment
in Pendleton, attended tbe funeral of
the late Mrs. Myriok. Sunday, in this
olty, in respect to Miss Dora Myriok,
an employe.
Mr. and Mrs. Clark Walter. Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Walter of Walla
Walla, and Rev. Father Jove of Pen
dleton, spent Sunday at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. J. 0., Watler, west of
Wayne Swaggart ii mourning tbe
loss of bis little brown apaule, "Dan
ny," wbo departed tbia life Wednes
day, at tbe advanced age of ten years.
Tbe little dog waa bnried with bou
rne by the children of tbe family.
Bobt. Coppook. Misa Mattie Cop
pock, Mr. and Mra. W. O. Bead and
Mr. and Mia. Arthur Coppook attend
ed tbe funeral of Warren Baymond, In
Walla Walla Sunday, deceased being
a son-in-law cf tbe elder Mr. Coppook
Card of Thanks. The children of
tbe lata Mra. J. S. Myriok wish to ex
press throngh tbe medium of this pa
per, their heartfelt thanks to tbeir
friends in tbia city and Pendleton,
who so kindly lent assistance and sym
pathy in their bereavement.
Hereafter you may secure your hunt
ing and flsbing licenses from Foes-
Winsblp Hardware compauy. The
lioenses are issued nnder different ar
rangements man formerly. They are
now received direst from the State
Fish and Game Commission instead of
from the county dark
Charles Grant is now established in
bis Palaoe Bestuaraut in the Estes
building, on Main street. He has made
extensive improvements and the inter
ior of the building is fitted up in line
style. As usual, Mr. Grant Is prepar
ed to serve short order meals in add!
tion to an uptodate Bestuaraut service,
Cheerful Home
It is claimed that we are all oreatnre of our environment, that
oousoiously or nnooncionsly we gradually oome to reflect onr surround
ings, whether tbey be obeerfnl and inspiring or otherwise.
The proper furnishing of our homes therefore assumes added im
portance. It is not a mere matter of pride or ordinary comfort. Keep
ing home furnishings fresh and oheerfnl Is not necessarily expensive
a very modest onllay here will accomplish tbia, tboogb one may of
course go as high as one oaiea to.
Your Draperies and
Your Rugs
are two items that have muob to do with the appearaooe of the home.
In botb these lines we are unusually well equipped this Spring. Be
sure and see our lines or write for information and prioos, giving uilm
idea as to bow mnoh yon expect to pay. But see tbe lines if possible.
Folks hereabouts nave never been shown snob assortments or snob
Complete Furnishers of Homes, Offices and Schools 10-20 Alder St.
Goodbye Grain Sack!
Make Money in 1916!
Sacks are oat of date. Handling grain in bulk eaves two to tbree
oeuts per tnsbel. And this siving is made stove tbe cost of installing
the bins. Bulk handling insures getting ALL tha profit and redooes la
bor very mateiially. Drop in at onr affieo and see tbe new plans for these
bins, designed by our Arohiteots and Engineers.
DESIGN XJ01 1030 BUSHEL. $46.00
DESIGN X-102 1000 BUSHEL, $H8.00
DESIGN X-103 5000 BUSHEL, $282.00
DESIGN X-104 5000 BUSHEL, $272.00
Prices are for all lumber, Bhingles and cement where oalled for in tbe
plana. Complete plana showing every detail necessary for ereotion,
FREE. List of hardware and other equipment inoluded with plana.
We'll ba glad to show yon plana and talk over yonr needa for tbe ooming
season. v
"See Johnson About It."
At the Methodist Episcopal Church:
Preeobiog oext Sabbath morning and
evening. Morning subject, 'God's
Message to Attentive Men;" text,
"But stand toon atill awhile, that I
miyabow tbee the Word of God;"
1 Samuel. 0-37. At nigbt tin topla
will be: "Tbe Parable of the Wheat
and the Tares." Sabbath school at
10 a, m. All are invited.
Tbe funeral or tbe late Mrs. J. S.
Myriok was condooted Sunday at 1
o'olook. from the .Christian church,
with Paster Errett preaohiog the ser
mon. Appropriate music was len-
ered by a mixed quartet. Tbe large
auditorium was orowded to tbe doors
witb sympathizing friends, and the
floral tributes were profuse. Inter
ment was made in tbe Atbena oem
Sunday program at the Christian
oboiob: 10 a. m. Bit le sobool; class
es for everybody. Tbe paetor leads
the tosiness men's olass. Last Sunday
waa the largest school in the bi-torv
of tbe ubuiob. II a. m. and 7:46
preaobing; respective themes, "Hie
parednees" and "Onr Special Plea."
Midweek meeting Wednesday 7:46 p.
m. Churns rehearsal, Tbnrsday, 7:46
p. m. Special musical features. Bun-
day a. m., "Tbe Lord Is My Light,'
Mia. Wm. B. Sontt; evening, "The
Wayside Cross," Men's oborue.
Mr. ' and Mrs. Alex. McKay, who
bave spent tbe past font months witb
tbe parents of Mrs. MoKay, Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Harden, in-this olty. left
Wednesday for tbeir former home at
Sidney Mines, Cspe Breton, Can., ac
companied by Miss Sadie McDonald,
the young lady who oame west with
them. Mr. and Mrs. MoKay sold all
tbeir holdings in tbe esst, and return
there with tbe purpose of settling
tbeir business affairs. Mr. MoKay
was greatly benefitted in health by
tbe change, and bopea to return later.
Tromag Brewster, well kuown in
tbla part of the oonnly, died Tuesday
afternoon at his borne In Pendleton,
after a short illness, Funeral services
were held lu Pendleton yesterday fere
noon, after which tbe body was
troogbt to this city for interment.
The services at the grave were con
ducted by Dolpb Lodge No. 80, A. F.
& A. M., of wbiob tbe deoeased bad
been a member ty affiliation since
1905. Mr. Brewster was 77 years of
age at the time of bia death, and bad
been a resident of Umatilla ooouty for
28 years. He was a native of England,
ooming to America at the age of 16.
Be leaves his wife, tbree sons and five
been instrumental iu securing tbe
passage of a great amount of con
structive legislation. He baa been
foremost in tbe drafting of legislation
beneficial to the iudnettias of Eastern
Oregon aud is so thoroughly acquaint
ed witb tbe needs of tbe entire eastem
section of tbe State that bis return to
tbe legislature is a grateful acknowl
edgement by tbe people of the valne of
bis services. Mr. StanOeld haa an ex
cellent ohauoe to be Speaker of tbe
next House and his election to 'that
impoi taut position would be a high
tribute to bis ability and efforts an a
just leoognition of tbe lights of East
ern Oregon. He is a man able and
well qualified to preside over and di
reot the assemtly and all Eastern Or'
fffon should get solidly behind him In
this campaign. Paid Adv.
Final action was taken last
evening at a meeting held at the offion
of B. B. Richards, relative to Atbena
having a team in tbe proposed Bine
Mountain league, embracing tbe towns
uf Pilot Book, Pendleton, Atbena and
Weston. It waa praolioally the un
animous decision of those present
not to enter tbe Blue Monntain leagne
this season, inasmuch as the mateiial
availahlla at the present time would
be unable to oops with the class of
ball required to go against Pilot Book
and Pendleton. Steps will now prob
ably be taken to use borne players and
organize a four team league witb tha
towns of Helix, Adams, Atbena and
Weston on tbe playing ooruers.
One of tbe hardest rain storms iu
years, bordering on the magnitude of
a olondbnist, struck this vioinity Sun
day afternoon. A flood rushed down
Main atieet from the fields east of
town nnder snob head that mnd and
water flowed into the basement of tbe
First National Bank bnilding to tbe
depth of abont six inohes. Tbe water
turned at the oorner of Main and
Third streets and filled tbe basement
of tbe Meroantila company
warehouse. At Weston, the residenoe
of Bobert Miobeal was moved from IU
foundation and sidewalks were washed
away. Tbe storm was also- severe at
Milton and at Stanfleld. Sonth of
Atbena the water iu Spring Hollow
swept fenoes away.
Several Atbena ladies were guests
of bonor Saturday, of tbe Weston Sat
urday Afternoon Club, tbe function
teing held at tbe boms of Mrs. James
Prioe. Tbe epaoioos living rooms
were decorated in tbe club colors,
pink and wbite, and tbe oolor sobeme
was also oarried ont in a obarming
way in the dainty refresh xents. A
short bnt excellent literary and mus
ical program was giveu, followed by
a unique contest wbiob was both
amusing and interesting. About fifty
ladiea were present, those attending
from Athena being : Mesdames M. L.
Watts, Homer I. Watte, W. P. Lit-
tlejohn, B. B. Richards. Henry Uell,
F. B. Boyd and J. 0. Walter, all be
ing enthusiastic lu their praise of the
Weston ladies as entertainers.
Helps you up
"On High"
ike Gasoline of Quality
puts the "hop" into your car, gives you the
quick "get-away", and the "pick-up" on the
hills. It's becaui! Red Crown it the unmixed,
refinery gas, with extra power in every drop.
At dealers everywhere and at our SERVICE
Standard Oil Company
(Calif rakl
Pioneer Picnic June 2 and 3.
Friday and Saturday, June 2 and 8
are the datea named ou wbiob the
Pioneers' Picnic and Beuniun will be
held this year at Weston. At a recent
meeting of tbe Pioneers' association,
tbe following oommittaea were ap
Grouuds Jas. Ashwortb, E. C.
Rogers, Frank Price.
Program. Clark Wood, Prof. Bob
bins, ClBUd Price.
Sports J. M. Prioe, B. G. Baling.
F. G. Luoas, J. Barnes, 0. H. 8mitb.
Finance L. B. VanWinkle, W. S.
Gonld, O. Duncan.
Printing 8. A. Barnes. B. Hedriok
H. A. Brant.
Beoepticn Wm. MoKenzie, J. M.
Banister, John MoBas.
Transportation F. D. Watts, A. A.
Perry, S. S. Nelson.
Badges H. Godwin, W. A.' Barnes,
Earl Kirkpatriok.
Concessions L. I. O'Haria, J. F.
Snvder, Albert James.
Speakers E. M. Smith, F. 0. Green,
J. M. O'Harra.
Deoorating E. 0. DeMosa. Sid.
Barnes, Odessa Kirkpatriok, Gladys
Smith, W. B. Frioa.
Mnsic J. H. Prioe, J. H. Williams,
Joe Hodgson.
Stanfield for Speaker.
B. N. Stanfield, who will ba re
turned to tba legielatnra again this
year, aa joint representative from Um
atilla and Morrow oonntiee, announc
es himself a oaodidate for Speaker of
the Lower Houss. For tbe past two
sessions Mr. Stanfield baa atly repre
sented this distriot in tbe legislature,
bas acquitted himself witb fidelity to
Following is a onnolee end compre
hensive repoil of the cost of Athena
new high school buildicg as sotmi
ted to the Press for publication by
bruest A. Zurba, nlerk of School Dis
ttiot Do. 29:
Sale of bonds - -. $37,500.00
Ioterest on bonds until deliv'ry
Freight allowance by Heywood
Bros, Wakefield Co, - 8.8, T
- t8,Ili!J 19
. Disbursements.
Fred Glenn & Co. expense in
Issuing bonds - - f 850.00
Toortellolte & Hummel, ar
chitects fees - 1,640.55
Zopb Bros.
Gen. ooutraot f23.620.QQ
Extra on exoava-
tion & fo'udatiou AS0.00
Miscellaneous extra
w'rk not in conlr'ot 307.00
Total 24,1577.00
Less differ 'uce al
lowed for tin roof 617.00 29,960.00
The G. H. Sutherland Co.
plumbing ooutraot - 1,435.00
The J. C. Bayer Furnace Co.
beating and ventilating
ooutraot - . . 4, 300.00
Loebr & Flandera Sheet Metal Works
Allowed by Zopb
Bros, on roof $6)7,00
Bal, to Loebr & -Flanders
on root 28.1.00 900.00
F. B, Adams, making and point
ing soenes, painting roof and
oiiing floors - - 469.80
Zopb Bros, cement walks aud
sewer 1,243.76
Heywnod Bros. & Wakefield
Co. Furniture . - 1,040.6ft
Davis-Kaser Co. Furniture
& furnishings .
John W, Graham & Co, furn
iture & furnishings
Cascade Gas & Electric Fix
tnro Co. fixtures
Preeton-Shaflel Milling Co.
lamps & installing fixtures -Busbong
& Co. Printing bonds
Miscellaneous expeuBe inoluding
attorney fees, olerk hire, labor
on old desks, setting np new
desks, freight, drayage etc. 660.06
Bal. on hand J, 308.77
Total - . - $38,153.10
There la yet dne Davis-Kaser Co.
something like 1300.00 for furnishings
for which we bave not yet teoeived
bills. Also there is yet to be pur
chased some fixtures and equipment
for the gymnasium and tbe yard to be
leveled and pnt in condition, also some
books for tbe library presciibed by
the Sobool Law, Tbia we figure oao
be easily done with tbe amount on
band. Bespeotfnlly submitted,
by Ernest A. Zetba, Clerk.
Millers vs. Main Street.
Weather permitting, Watts' Millers
and tbs "Turkey Trails," tile Main
street team, will oome in annual ouu
tact on tbe ball gronnda Sunday, at 2
p.m. Following is the lineup:
Watts' Millers:
M. L. Watts, manager; W. P.
Llttlejobn, captain; a, Oobert; p.,
Wioebip; lb., Nordeao; 2t., Aroh
Sbioa; 3b., Llttlejobn; ss, Mitobener;
If., Walker; of., Johnson; rf, M. L.
Watts. Subs: MoPberson, Stanton,
Miller, Bosh, Shigley, Stune, MoFay
den and Wilson; soors clerk, E. A.
Turkey Trails.
E. W. Konasek, manager. J. V.
Mitchell, captain; p., Grant; o. ,W.
Booher; 10., Dell; 2b., Brooks; 8b,
Barton; ss, H. Parker; If, Mitchell;
of, Weir; rf, Konasek. Subs., Math
ers, Jake Boober, Wortbiogton, Storm
LeGrow, Power, Piersol, Elam. F. B.
Boyd, score olerk. .
Local Advertisements
Get a lb. of No. 1 English soft abell
walnuts for 19o. at Fix & Radtke's.
Just reoeived a Hoe of men's trou
sers, $1.75 to $5.60. Fix&Badtke.
Lost An auto chain between Atb
ena and tbe Dean Willaby plaoe.
Finder will please leave it at the
Press offlos.
For Sals or Trade 20 aores of or
ubard land looated one mile from
paoking bouse at Freewater. Also
two fresh milob oows for sals. Phone,
81F6, Athens.
For Sale. Wheat land.
Mrs. J. E. Barrett Atbena.
Call ou
Mra. A. A. Hblok bas opened up a
millinery store at ber boma on Adams
street. Hats made to order and old
hats made new. Sbe would be pleased
to bava yon oall.
Second Baud Goods. W. H. Mbc
oho, tinner and plumber, will engage
in tbe second-band goods business at
bia place on Main street, near tbe de
pot. Second band fnrniture, stoves
and ranges tooght and sold.
Harness for Sale Having purobased
a caterpillar tractor, will aell at rea
sonable prioe eight or ten sets of butt
chain harness, iaoluding baiter-bri
dles. Jos. N. Soott Atbena, Oregon.
Liveetook Dealer. Bert Cartano baa
engaged in tbe liveetook business. Be
ia prepared to pay tbe bigbeal market
prices at all times for chickens, hogs,
cattle and sheep. If yon bava stock
to sell, be sura and see bim.
Go to tba Myers' harness and shoe
'shop If you want first class woik.
bis trust witb great bonoia and baa Satisfaction guaranteed. Adv.
Buy Your Easter Shoes
Edict Says
Shoes 3
For Spring
Men's English Walking Shoes in Black and Tan
at $3.50, $4.00, $4.50 and $5.50
We are showing this style in Black
and Tan, with rubber sole and heel
S3 .75
Also White Nubuck, with rubber
heel, at
Kirk Implement louse
iock Island
Farmers, Take Notice: Our famous Rock Island Plows
are here for your inspection, in two and three bottom
gangs. We want to take them to the field and show
you how they work. The C.TX cTVlouldboard is not
like others. We will go into the field with any other
make of plow, and the farmer be the judge. That is
the way we sell the Rock Island-on its merit.
North Side Main St, CHARLES KIRK, Athena, Oregon
Frank Saling
Republican Candidate fur
Subjeat to tbe will of electors at
Primary Eleotion, May, 10, 1916.
Present Incumbent.
S. F. Sharp
Special attention given to all
call botb night and day.
Oatli promptly answered. Office on Tblrd
atnet, Athena Oregor
Physician and Surgeon..
Offioe in Post Bnilding. Phone, SOI
Homer J. Watts
Athena, Oregon.
Needles, Oil, Brits and all kinds bf Sewing
Machine supplies, Repairing s specialty.
New Home Ueera are Quality Choosers.
For Sale By
N. A. MILLER, Athena. Greg.
TJfe New Home Sewing Machine Comp'y
San Francisco, California,
We have just received a shipment
of our famous 98c assortment; look
them over. Values that can not be
duplicated elsewhere. Sizes 34 to 46
See the new styles in low Shoes.
Ladles' whits Waists; bava
tbem in all siiei 84 to 18 - 98o
White Walats witb colored
embroidered etleota, 9So
Oiepe da Chine Waists all
styles and sizes, - $1. 08-13.98
New lot of Skirts. Sea tba
new numtars In stripes tbe very
latest . $3.98. to 0. 90
Children's gingham Dresses,
all ages, - 40o, 69o, 98o, 1.49
Children's Coats In white Cor
duroy, fancy oheoks, serges, and
fancy plaids 11.98. 13.98, I3.9H
Sae tbe new numbers in stripe
erge dress goods, yd. 49o-98o.
Big line of Laces and Em
broideries, soma extra good val
ues in 13lo. 18in. and 271n. All
See our line of Rugs; nice ones to select from. Inspect
the Axministers at $19.50. Other values at $12.50, up.
We also have the small rugs at 98c, $1.49 and $2.49.
You Can Do
(Inc 83 BUS
We Lead