The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, March 24, 1916, Image 2

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F. B. Boyd, Publisher
Enured In ths rostofllce at Athena, Oregon
as eoondOlaas Mail Matter.
(ATHENA. ORE. MARCH 24 .... 1916
The oandidaoy of Hornet I. Watts
of tbii oitj for the offloe of District
Attorney, brings before tbe voters in
the Kepntlioan primaries one of the
strongest meo in point of oapatllity
and experience in law praotioe, tbat
hag made a bid for the offloe ia many
yeara. - Not einoe the terms filled by
Tom Bailey or Judge Phelps, has a
man oome before the pBoplo with the
knowledge of law at his command,
possessed by Mr. Watte. A graduate
of both the Eastern Oregon and Mon
mouth State Normal schools, of Thorp
oollege In California and the (Joiver
stty of Oregon, be completed his law
oovrse at Harvard University! since
wbiob time he baa praotioed in the
oonrts of Oregon and Washington,
maintaining an offloe in tbis city. His
'anooeaa in his ohosen profession has
been a marked one. He is now ser
log the city of atnena for the third
time as Mayor, being re-eleoted at the
reaent eleotion. If eleoted to the
offloe of District-Attorney, the Press
is satisfied that this important offloe
will be condnoted in striot compliance
with the one word whioh comprises
his platform as given tn the oonnty
papers this week, and that word is
"fiats" nothing more, nothing less.
"Mezioan Sand Lily." She has plant
ed a desert spoonful of roots in a bar
rel, and is patiently awaiting results.
N. B. Her hnsband got I he roots over
at Hardy Mansfield's place.
"Peok" MoBride tells me that his
brother Ferd, at Weston, mistook a
unvote for a deer tbe other day, and
made a eeive oat of it with a Forty!
nioobester. He perforated the grinner
with five shots and there wasn't
enongb of it left to oolleot a bonnty on.
Moral: Either oie a "isa", Ferd, or
don't shoot so often.
Wben George Hansell was bere last
week be gave me an invltatioo to
oome down and fish with him on the
Desobntes. There a nothing ezalnsive
about Q. W. he invited every Feller
in town to do likewise, And some of
these days he will have hia hoose fall
of Athena anglers, with the overflow
poshed into tbe botela and a big hotel
bill to pay.
S A Mulligan Stew
I nnderstand tbat French Ciiglur
has gone into the olotbing bnnioenB
tbat is, at times, be engages in that
line. And tils speoialty is newly
oreased pantaloone.
Properly cultivated, flowers do well
in Atbena. Tbe more attention given
them, tbe more beautiful tbe bloom,
so to speak. Tbe season promises a
broader soups than ever before in
floral culture bere. For Instanoe. I
have a lady friend wbo is devoting bet
spate' time to'tbe propagation of a rare
School Notes.
Work in tbe High school is steadily
progressing as the year neara its end.
All classes are well along in their al
lotted work and tbe prospeots for ao
tnally completing tbe oourses outlined
by tbe State Board of Kdnoation are
brighter than they have hitherto been
within tbe lemembranoe of any now
attending Higb school, In order to
give an idea of tbe work wbich is now
being done, tbe three teaobera submit
Ibe following:
Miss Brierlev's Classes,
Latin I Studying indlreot discourse.
Latin II Now on Chap. 12, Book
IV ot Caesar's Uallio War.
English I Studying alternately
Grammar and Irving'a Sketch Book.
Aoademio Arithmetio Practical
Problems, Mensuration.
Plane Geometry Areas of Polygons
and Original Propositions.
Alglebra Multiplication of Frac
tions. Mr. Post's Classes.
English IV Studying Southern
writers aud writing school news.
Euglish III Studying Puritan writ
ers alternately with descriptive com
position; . (will attend to aobool news
after May 1.)
u English II Studying alternately
with Argumentation, the Metropolitan
Pbysiool Geography Jnst complet
ed Atmosphere, taking up Geography
of life.
English History On the Reign of
tbe Todors, 1185-1603, from Henrj
to James I.
Ancient History Borne Under the
Frinoipate Augustas Caesar and im
mediate suaoessora, 81 B. 0.-41 A. D.
Mr. Gnerue'a Classes.
German I Prinoinal parts of strong
verbs, alternating with translations.
German II Translating Wiideu
bruob's "Daa Edle Blut."
Plane Geometry Curvilinear Fig
urea. Psyohology Studying Baldwin's
"Ibe Story of tbe Mind."
Bookkeeping Trial Balanoe of M.
D. Wells.
A men's oonferenoe of teachers will
be held In Walla Walla on Saturday,
April 1, at Whitman College. It will
be comprised of tbe publio aod high
aobool teaobers of Whitman, Garfield,
Columbia, Walla Walla and Umatilla
oounties. One of the eubjeota to be
disoussed is Military Training in High
Sohools. Some of tbe men to take
active tart in the oonferenoe are : Pres
ident Penrose of Whitman College,
Supt. Kern of Walla Walla sohoola,
Snpt. Paul Johnson ot Walla Walla
oounty. Tbe guests will be served
lunoh in Beynolds Hall by tba House
bold Economics olass of Whitman.
Supt. C. A, Guerne and H. A. Poet
will represent tbe Atbena sohool at
tbe oonferenoe.
A looal spelling oontest will be beld
April 7 at tbe different sobools In tbe
oounty and on April H a divisional
oontest will be beld at Atbena to se
lect tbe students capable of entering
tbe final oounty oontest to be held at
Pendleton April 38. Tbe following
new rules have been adopted: A list
of diffloult words will be sent by
County Supt. Young. They will be
pronounoed before tbe olass, spelled
orally and wtien tbe two wiunere in
eaoh olass bave been determined the
examiner will take their papers on tbe
25 words and send them to tbe oounty
superintendent. Tbe papers will be
graded and tbe winniog pupils will be
notified to be present at tbe oounty
oontest. The districts to enter the
oontest are: Nos. !), 16, 17, 29, 00, 52,
85, 01 and 113.
Tbe Atbena school base ball team
will play tbe first game ot tbe season
tomorrow at Helix. Tbe team has
bad but one week of praotioe and tbe
outcome of the oontest is in doubt, aa
the atrengtb of Helix ia not known.
Tbe Athena nine has a number of ex
perienoed boys who are trying out
tbis year. MoPberrin and King form
a veteran battery and Dudley, Booher,
Tharo. Lieuallen, Banister and Mo-
Intyre have all had experience either
in the infield or outfield. The new
boya who are ahowing op well are
Saunders, Biabmond and Payne. ' All
of the above men will make tin trip.
Tbe Atbena lineup will probably te
as follows: MoPberrin, oatober; King,
pitober; Tharp, Brat base; Booher,
second base; Dudley, third; Lieuallen,
shortfltnn: Molntvre. risht field:
Payne, oenler; and Biobmond, left
neia. oausucuies, oauaaeis auu uaw
rWwil'lfiti'4:kl ii r nmuw mil . iT? " ifil-it 1 9
CHOOSE a friend like you would your smokin'
tobacco. Don't have one that ain't wuth
keepin' always and that you won't btifa
grow to like better evVy day. tyfffi?
A jovial, kindly companion, whose
mellow friendliness has brightened many
a trying hour for us.
A steady, commonsense friend, this slow
burning pipe of VELVET how often some
knotty problem has been solved with its aid.
How many times has VELVET'S cheer
inspired us to "try again!"
Honest, trusty pipe of VELVET, Nature made you ?
hearty, kindly friend. And two years have you spent
in bringing your fragrance, mellowness and flavor to its
full perfection.
Old friend, pipe of VELVET, here's wishing ourselves
; many of you !
1 Oc Tisu 5c Metal-lined Bags One Pound Glass Humidors
In tbe Cirouit Court of the State of
Oregon for Umatilla County.
U. A. Fenn, Plaintiff, .
Pearl Fenn, Defendant.
To Pearl Fenn, defendant herein:
In the name of tbe State cf Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against yon
in the above entitled suit within six
weeks of tbe date of the first publica
tion of tbis summons, towit: on or
before tbe 29th of April, 1916; and
yon will take notioe tbat if yon fail to
appear and answer said complaint",
or otherwise plead thereto within eaid
lime, tbe plaintiff for want thereof,
will apply to tbe Court for tbe relief
prayed for and demanded in hia aaid
ooinplaiut, namely: For a decree of
the Court forever dissolving tbe bonds
of matrimony now and heretofore ex
isting between tbe plaintiff and de
fendant, and for auob other aod fur
ther relief aa to tbe Court may seem
equitable. '
Tbis summons is published pursuant
to an order of Hon. uMltiert W. Pbelps,
Jndge ot tbe Sixth Judioial District
of tbe State of Oregon, dnly made and
filed herein on tbe 18tta day of March,
1916; and tbe Urst publication will be
on Friday, tbe l?tb day of Marob.
1916. and the last publication will be
on Friday. April 29, 1916, in the Ath
ena Press, a newspaper published at
Atbena, Umatilla county Oregon.
Hated tbis ) 7th day ot Marob, 1916.
Homer I. Watts,
Atty. for Plaintiff.
1 The INTERNATIONAL Make Your Clothes g
M PSrfhf m If they're not right you've g
J! Eflfll H no right to take them.
This pledge stands behind every suit made-to-measure
by the International.
It means perfect satisfaction in Style, Fit and Workmanship the
three essentials in men's dress. ABut in addition to these three nec
essary features we give you VALUE far above what you can pos
sibly obtain elsewhere and by which we mean that we give better
tailoring than anyone else can give you for the same price.
Ask to see our
$20.00 and $24.00
Main Street "MONET BACK STOKE," Athena, Ore
We carry the best
That Money Buys
Our Market is
Clean and Cool
Insuring Wholesome Meats,
Main Street, Athena, Oregon
The Fallacy of Paraffine
Base: Eastern oil manufac
turers have long extolled
the superior virtues of paraf fine
base motor oils. But Pacific Coast
motorists have proved that Zero
lene, made from selected Califor
nia crude, asphalt -base, gave best
results. Their experience is now
supported by the testimony of in
ternational experts. Lieut. Bryan
stated before the Am. Soc. of Naval
Engineers: "Oils made from the
asphalt-base crudes have shown themselves better
adapted to motor cylinders, as far as their carbon
forming proclivities are concerned, than are paraf
fine -base Pennsylvania oils." Zerolene received
highest competitive awards, San Francisco and San
Diego Expositions. Dealers everywhere sad at service
stations and agencies of the Standard Oil Company.
li 11 0) ffS fl E
the Standard Oil for Motor Cars
Competent hands will care lor your
Automobile if placed with us. There
is nothing that contributes to the pleasure of motoring
more than the knowledge that your machine has been
repaired by experts and that everything has been done
right. Our motto is "Prompt service and work guaran
teed." Weed Chains, Tires, Oils and Accessories.
J. A Bartlett, Proprietor
Mosgrove Building, Third Street, South of tTWain Street
How About That Suit for,
' A!imiJaiiiiiimffl v .....
"No fit, no Sale"
Capital and Surplus
. A- J. Parker
BT.rTthlDg rim
ClM. - Mod.r.
a4 !!-- te