AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER F. B. Boyd, Publisher Entered in ll'i hostolllee at Athena, Oregon as econdOlaHfi Mail Matter. AdvertisinK Rates Display, transient, running less than one month, first insertion, per inch 25c Subsequent Insertions VA Display regular, per inch 12 M Local readers, first insertion, per line, 10c Subsequent Insertions, per line 5c Lodge resolutions, per line 5c Church notices, admission, per line. . 5c Subscription Ratea. One copy, one year $'' Vhen paid in Advance, (otherwise, $2.00) One copy, six months 75 One copy, three months 50 eXTHENA. ORE. MARCH 10.... 1916 There is a notioable (stiffening of the county political trendies during the past week and the armor for the primaries la being bnosled on. Can didates are beginning to (eel around and let their wants be known. Coun ty Reoorder Ben Burroughs will be a candidate and so will Frank Baling, oonnty oleik. G. W. Bradley will aeek to be county treasurer for an other term, and W. H. Musselman. a school teaoher, will oppose him for the nomination in the republican pri maries. Henry M. Allen of Hold man, Is out for the republican nom ination for sheriff, and is "jes dyin' " to oppose our Til Taylor, who will he ; the democratic nominee. To date no democrat I) as appeared In tbe arena for legislative honors, but there are oodles of republicans seeking nomina tion. Ralph Folsom and J. I. Brown, both cf Pendleton and both republic ans, want to be ooroner. Jim Ash worth of Weston, and Pete Sheridan of Bntteroreek, are soonting after the Domination for oonnty commissioner In tbe republican primaries. J. Ko Haley it spoken of by tbe democrats for dlstriot attorney, while the repub lioausare dangling tbe plum before the eyes of Homer I. Watts of this city, W. J. Warner of Hermiston, and Osmer F. Smith, R. I. Keater, Aigei Fee and G. W. Coutts, all of Peudle ton, and 8. D. Peterson of Milton, In view of tbe ever increasing de mand for gasoline and tbe inorease in price of crude oil, from which it is obtained, it is important to know that an almost inexhanstible supply of nil may be obtained from the shale of uortbwestein Colorado, northeastern Utah nod southwestern Wyoming. Tbia shale contains materials which, when heated, may be converted Into crude oil, gas and ammonia. The high cpst of distilling oil from shale as oom pared to the coat of produoing oil from ui IIh has thus far prevented the de vi.uiia.uut in this country al sunh an industry and mav continue to prevent it for some time, but sooner or later Hi is great souroe of supply will be utilized to supplement the decreasing production from the regular oil fields. The nieilU of tbe men on the two tickets presented for the consideration of the voter at tbe Athena oily eleo liou Tuesday, resulted in tbe largest vote ever polled at a municipal elec tion in tha history of tie city. This it us it Bhonld be. Tbe way to Bod oat whether or not the vnrdiot of a caucus Is satisfactory iu tbe nomina tion of candidates is to put tbe second ticket in tbe Hold and thereby give the voters an opportunity to decide with the ballot. A hoaitbv scrap ouoe a j ear, 'In wblob a large vote is polled indioatos an interest in oity affairs. All state moneys are loaned on real estate secured by drat mortgage notes drawing six per oent. Tbe stute land board does not loan mora than (a 500 toa ny one person. Umatilla oounty is tbe third heaviest borrower of all tbe oooutlea from the state f 0,000,000 sohool loan fond, aooordiug to a state ment of State Treasurer Kay, Farm era lo tbe oounty have borrowed .!!04 175 from tbe state laud board, which bandies tha fund. Marion oounty farmers have borrowed :JB,8a5 and Ullliam county farmers :l51,0t4. The demand for ostrich plumes has fallen otf to tbe extent that tbo birds ou tbe f imnua farms of California ara being so'.d to patks aud r.uos. Prios is no object and the big birds are beiug hipped to tbo eastern cities iu Urge nambeti'. Milady finds that, it does not taka a outrioh plume lo tiling the cost of her headgear np lo tbe t'-'O mark, t lauks tu the genius aud euieuoe mplo) id iu hatnreutious but tbeoa triob farmer is the one who is receiv ing the jolt. Tbe West end of the county is en titled to cue commissioner ou the Couuty Uourt, in puiut of lunation, if for no other roanon. Tbe nam ft of George Oressy bus Leeu mentioned by the Ileruiistou lluiald for the ollloe. Tbe Herald, a republican paper, gives it's support In Mr. Utessy. a democrat, (or tbe position ha suebs: all of which speaks well lui loth the ilotald aud Mr. Uressy. Tha big mow was good lor some thing also beside moistori1. In tbe age tmslr country it starved thous ands of jaokiubblts to doath. Anything Oral helps youi lottn lielps juu push it along. : A Mulligan Stew I know a Feller who has a pair of Airedale purps, wbioh be is training for tbe mountain trails. And. Bis method of training is novel, to say tbe Most. There is a certain red bog running at large out In his neighbor hood and tbe Airedales are having a phat time of it boosting tbe bog from one field ioto another. A friend of mine tells me that be bas already rnn down three saddle horses in Follerin' the bnnt. Tbe hog seems lo bold its own, well enough, and if it can stay in the game long enough for its owner to find out where it is, there's liable to be a damage suit at the end cf the trail. 1j The only thing I can conserv atively compare Kernel Wood to, is a lobster. He is obsolete in every other particular. I understand the Demoorats were cpnstnmp for awhile last week when Bill Peterson resigned tbe chairman ship of the Oounty Central Committee. Bnt, They are relieved now. 01' Nor Berkeley is on tbe stool and every thing Is serene within and withont the ranks of the nnteirifled and un washed. I never did have any appre hension. Whatever. Except. That Sim Barnes, the Weston Watwiok, might by some political book or crook, fasten his talons on the vacanoy caused by the resignation of Our Bill. But that's all off, now. Too. - 1 it must be excruciatingly exasper- atingly embaraeslng to tbe good people rt the metropolis over the bill lo have in their Midst an editor who Is oontlnually offering veiled proposals of marriage to tbe leading eatresses of tbe nation, through tbe medium of bia nefarione sheet. I haven't anything but a good word for our girls' basket ball team even though they lost their last game of tbe season to Peodleton by a aoore of 22 to 7. There is oonsolation in know ing that Pendleton won games from larger schools than ours by over whelming scoros. And then there's next year to look forward to. And tbe next year, too. And tbe next. 1 Failing with Billie Burke, bis platitudes doooronsly direoted, migbt more fittingly appeal to tbe Jersey Lily. I Tbo main issue was never otsonred for an instant in the munioipal elec tion Tuesday every offloe fans been filled as a result of the vox populi. I observe that competing Hotels In tbe Held this year, where in former years I might mention there was only one, stimulates interest, gives evervbody a cbauoo to Holler louder and oom muoe in larger bunches so to speak, olarifying tbe political atmospheric conditions of our municipality, witb everybody on the live end of the Push. Count me in on tbe two-tioket racket every time. Another thing iu favor of always having two tickets is that it gives tbe judges and olerks a obeuoe to earn tbeir day s salary. I Auywav, for tbe geuerul relief cf Ihe long sulferiug Weston oorninanity, I hope he'll ereutually Buooeed. end lo avoid uudue disparity in ago, 1 would suggest be try tbe divine Sara. Library Board Statement. Mrs. A. A. Foss, Seoretary-Treas-urer of the Athena Publio Library Board, submits tbe following Uuanoial report for tbe period from Maroh I), 1015, to Marati 3, 101(1: 22 Amt. received from City tlOO.OO " " ". Library Ball 63,10 " " " other sources 10.06 Total 108.76 Distnrsemouts. Rent .... 1(81.00 Janitor .... 16.00 Uoal 8.60 Sundry uoo't - , 16.88 Magnalnes - - 0.00 Books .... 16.70 Book esses - - - 17.00 Total $166.08 Balanoe from 1014-1015 73.70 Amt. received 1015 - 168.76 Total (1111.46 Total disbursements (166.08 Cash on baud MAYOR WATTS IS RE-ELECTED One of the Largest Votes Polled in the History of the City. Witb opposing candidates for all munioipal otTloes exoeot that of oity recorder, considerable interest wee manifested in tbe results of Athena's oity eleotion Tuesday and one of tbe largest votes in tbe history of tbe city was polled. The issues of the election oentered in tbe re-election of Mayor Homer I. Watte, who obampioned the polioies of the present administration of oity government, the proposed Sunday dot ing ordinance being the second issue of importance. These issues brought ont a total of 803 voters to the polls. Mayor Watts defeated David Taylor by a deoisive majority and the Sun day closing bill was snowed nnder, The verdiot of the ballots la as follows: For Mayor David Taylor 131; Ho mer I. Watts, 177; majority for Watta 66. For Counoilmen Charles Kirk, 143; W. P. Littlejobn, 167; Cbarles G. Mn Farland 166; William T. MoLeod, 810; H. 0. Worthiogton, 111; I. W. Ware, 65. For Treasurer A. M. JohnBon, 130; Ernest A. Zerba, 157. For Reoorder B. B. Riohards, 386; scattering votes, 37. Snnday Closing Ordinance Yes, 104; No, 170. Majority against Snn day dosing, 75. The three oounoilmen receiving the highest number of votes, W. P. Little jobn, Cbas. McFarland aod Wm. Mo Leod, will serve for tbe eoeuing year with M. L. Watts, Dr. Welob and N. A. Miller the holdover oounoilmen. Mr. MoLeod, who reoeived a flatter ing vote, was a regular nominee of the oitlzana mass meeting, and no one appearing against him by petition, he bad a clear field. The name of Mr, Ware was written on the ballots, and he was not an avowed candidate for the office of councilman. (74.48 Anna Fobs, Sec-Trees. For Sale, Oue brown mare mule, no brand vis ible, buckukin nose, star in forehead, 8 years old, weight 850 pouuds; also oue It year old brindle cow, braud on aide reseniUiug tlguia 1 with half oir ole above, ear marks resembling crop otf each ear, will be sold at podia auotion to tbe highest bidder at tbe Barrett place, one mile north of Ath ena, Oregon ou Saturday, Maroh 4, 1016, at 3 o'clock, p. m. lo pay costs of advertising aud feeding. H. A. Barrett, Atbcua, Oregon. Fehllwl. Antiquity of tha Organ. The oi piu Ik I ho most ninririltlcont ninl vtiiiii'olii'iisite or all miialnil In Hli'iiiuonls. While tho pipca nl' Pa it. nslilc flora that mythical pprsoiuige, liidk'iito ii very undent use or pipes as a uii-iin or prodm-lnri musical sounds, the "water orpin of the ancients1' fur nishes ti tho Ktiidcnt of organ history the ilrst tangible view regarding the remote evolution of tire Instrument. In the fecund century tho ningilpliii, r.u niutiii or ten pipes with n eruda ke.vluiniil. Is salil lo have existed, but ui-ttitmts or this liisti'iinieiit are In voked in much obscurity. It is aver mn I Unit mi orpin, tho gift of Con Htnntlne, was Iu the possession of King l'cilu of I'riinco In 757. but Alrilieliu, a monk, makes mention of un organ with "gilt pipes" us fur back us tho year 700. Proof Against Weep Stings. A Scottish na I nrn 1 1st In a puper on Ihe habits or wasps tells how n black bird will in and at the side of n hang ing wasps' nest ami iletlbcrmelx tear It In pieces In order to net nf Hie lar vae, apparently undisturbed by the ! ewnnu of ninjiy Insects, whose rk-lona 1 stings Instantly put to night the human ! curiosity seeker who vciiluvca near to ! tvalcli the demolition Notice. A mass meeting of tbe citizens and taxpayers of Atbeua and community will be held cn Monday evening, March 18 at 7:30 p. m. in tbe audit orium of tbe school house in Atheua ior tbe purpose of discussing and con siderlng the proposed bond issue by Umatilla oounty in tbe sum of (080,' 000 for tbe paipose of good roads. Everv taxpaver and person interested in tbe bond issue Is requested to be present, B. B. Richards, G. W. Gross, A. B. McEwen, Committee. Dale Rothwell Optical Specialist Glasses Ground and Fitted Lenses Duplicated. American National Bank Bl'g, Peudleton m iSlWNGisSLmm. MACHINES MODELS OF PERFECTION. PERFECTLY SIMPLE SIMPLY PERFECT. Needles, Oil, Delta and all kinds o( Sewing Machine aupplies, Repairing a specialty. New Home Users are Quality" Choosers. For Sale By N. A. MILLER, Athena. Oreg. Tjfe New Home Sewing Machine Comp'y San Francisco, California. The Simplified Way is the Crack.a-jack Tailor Way Yon will not be bothered with a lot of Vol de Rol in ordeiing a Crack-a-jRok Brand Measure Suit or Overcoat. Ho misgiviugs as lo the ouloome no useless try-ons no intermina ble delays. Crank-a-Jaok Brand Unarautoed Tailoring Is a service of depeudence. Safely in Fit aud Surety in delivery. Von get Iu that Craok-a-Jack Tailoriug tbe Snap and Class of Exclusive High Priced Tailors but you do not have to pay "Ksolosive' prices. Not by a whole lot yon bet. For (15 to (37.50, jou are altered iu Craok-a-Jaok Tailoriug tbe ut most baud stitobed Custom made Uaimeuts. And the (electing the ordering the pajiug far your Salt or Overcoat is (educed to Ihe great est simplicity and efilcieocy, Coma In and make a selection from tbe hundreds of superb fatrica an display. "A Fit or No Sale". At Worthingtons SOLDIERS AND CANES. English Military Men Must Not Go Out Walking Empty Handed. It is one of the regulations of the British army that every soldier when walking out must carry Iu bis band a stick In order to preserve a soldierly appearance rind prevent anything like slouching iu his gait. This rule applies to nil ranks, and should any one seek to evade it be would find his progress barred by tbe sentry at the barrack gate or entrance to camp. ' Privates generally carry light canes or "swagger sticks." noncommissioned officers fairly stout sticks, mid officers Invariably go In for tbe mure expensive kind. It Is a question that has often been asked, Who first suggested the Idea? But nobody seems to know. From tbe earliest times drill ser geants and drum majors have carded sticks, and the fashion may have come from that fact. Soldiers ns a rule buy tbeir own sticks, but in one or twd reg iments a recruit is preseuted with one when he gets his uniform. If this gets lost, however, he has to buy the next and subsequent ones. There is n story told of a soldier one day who couldn't And Ills enne and. kuowlng be would be challenged if he didn't hare something In his band, quietly picked up a poker aud passed through tbe gate nil right with It In bis fist Dundee Advertiser. The INTERNATIONAL Make Your Clothes f 2S bb fl d Tf thpv're not rfeht vou've W rv. n llal V - J mm mM mm m mm mm mw no right to take them. HE DWELT IN PEACE. Revolutions In Haiti Didn't Bother the Old Darky Settler. During one of the revolutions in Hai ti n party of Americans made a riding tour of the mountains. One morning a member of the pnrty suddenly drew rein and pointed to n lone ridge where an old tnttcred stars and stripes flut tered an n bamboo pole. "We must pay our respects," some one said. After some search they found a path that zigzagged np to tbe wild place. They followed It and at last discovered nn aged negro sitting before his wat tled hut smoking bis pipe, while he kept nn eye on the flag. "What's tho flag for?" some one ask ed. "Perfection." said tbo old man quiet ly. "I hen Ii (ley done begin nnudder resolution, so I put It up. Yes, suh, I come bear twenty-two yenhs ngo, an' has dat flag vt-ld me. I'm George, cook on a steamer outer Savannah. "Like de place? Yn. sah. Plant yam nn' coffee nn' cassava. Resolu tions don't trouble dls nigger. Ebery time dcy resolute yander up goes de flag, an' dot's all dcre s to It Wash ington Star. Ho Why does old Miss Tittletattle use an ear trumpet? Is she deaf 7 She Not a bit She employs that in strument as a bluff and to Induce peo ple to talk freely In ber presence. Richmond Tlmes-Dlspntch. W W WW WW WW WW. This pledge stands behind every suit made to-measure by the International. It means perfect satisfaction in Style, Fit and Workmanship the three essentials in men's dress.itBut in addition to these three nee- v essary features we give you VALUE far above what you can pos sibly obtain elsewhere and by which we mean that we give better tailoring than anyone else can give you for the same price. Ask to see our $20.00 and $24.00 Values FIX & RADTKE Main Street "MONEY BACK STORE," "Athena, Ore 8. P. Sharp PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Special attention given to all calib both ninht and day. Oalli promptly answered. Offloe on Third etrxet, Athena Orogor DR. A. B. STONE. Physician and Suracon. Offloe iu Post Building. Phone, 501 DR.J.G. McMATH Osteopath. . Offiice one block North of the Bank. Homer I. Watts Attornev-at-Law Athena, Oregon. Foley's Kidney Cure makes kljnty s and bladJer risM Why shouldn't the Stand ard Oil Company make the best oil-with over 40 years experience in refining-with un equalled plant equipment? And Zerolene is scientifically refined from selected California crude-asphalt-base. Prominent authori ties have recently declared that an oil correctly refined from asphalt base crude can be made not only equal but superior to paraf fine base oils. Next time you empty the crank-case refill withZerolene. Dealers everywhere and at service stations and agencies of the Standard Oil Company. ZERO LI: ihe Standard Oil for Motor Cars THE BARTLETT &AM&E Now is the time to have your car over-hauled so that when the roads are goods, your car will be ready" Let jonr Brit tide be in a bright, olean oar. Here's tha plaot wtere Ton oan get tbetn washed and polished. Storage, Gaso line. Lnbrioating Oils, Tires, Accessories and Free Air. Satis faction guaranteed, J. A. Bartlett, Proprietor Mosgrove Building, Third Street, South of cTVlain Street IF you want to really live, get close to nature. If you want to really smoke, get close to VELVET Nature's best tobacco, . naturally cured. (Ifofjffip wmmm Mimnirnn TiiC FIRST NATIONAL BANK Of ATHENA Capital and Surplus $100,000:22 (A. J. Parker lT 'i "-'Lrt' ' "laaa - Modern SSryfer S0UTH ID IN C?r -:iLciv5S.','cv'-' street atheha THE ATHENA MEAT MARKET fe3- We carry the best 'frME -ViEATS That Money Buys l7 vf ' r Our Market is I ih I r rtl Clean and Cool JL, Hjl'liL-J-rf Insuring Wholesome Meats. ' iiJtJfc READ & MEYER ' Main Street, Athena, Oregon