thing Doe at ft . clogged ? ,m science prove eae symptoms re tro run-down health, land vapors are irri J and use lew. 'ell-food In Scott's Emulsion enrich and enliven the blood, nutrition and assist nature to k the Inflammation and At lltive membranes. Jkm 'oBe mlxtarn C07T h W "WW OS OS -4. 4 uto School ipert training machine work. e, drill pnn, 1. COMPE l lfECHAN-S. CONGRESS DELAYS Action on Submarine Situation Put Off by Both Houses. WM. J. BRYAN IS AGAINST PRESIDENT 'e throw In your bile they try to t Is what we all -hlch we return, ime solemn dl complete the ies ." It pairs the ' millions leases o( from the olowy cor- cement. A .1 Is a benign rooms and vac t the most per- the world I" orles ler. Patience. pa- Were It not for would we ever per- sunshine slanting wj room? Besides, -Colliers. slums and Scalds, of burns and scalds apply : Balsam of Myrrh and get . Apply It to cool tho skin and .the fire out Have a bottle al Shfnd to use in case of accl- f So He Went Hungry. member ot the Merlon Cricket .was telling stories to a Bryn girl. , Here Is what he said, ""is considered the climax In evening: I were not exactly straight, t One commented upon It and ,m If he had noticed It Iced It, Man I" he replied, "why -o cross-eyed that recently ext to her at a dinner she J to Explain. alne Is always asking orhaps he wants to learn f. v t : - o, but his Inqulsltlvoness stressing to me at times." ,.fislats in being told what his 4r means when she, calls me s jilyfidfi,' ' 'matrimonial misfit' and I 'human tank.' "Birmingham Age- Herald. ; J T Odd 7 y ' fair Hostess (entertaining wounded jL-oldler) And so one Jack Johnson ouriea you. ana me next aug you up again aid1" landed you on top of a barnl Now, what were your feelings? Tommy If you'll believe me, ma'am, I was never more surprised In all my life. Funcb. In tho Wrong Market "Milton got only a few pounds for 'Paradise Lost' " "You don't say sol" exclaimed Mr. Penwlggle. "He could have done bet ter by turning it Into a s'narlo for the movies!" Washington Star. Queer Case. "I have a storeroom on my hands that I can't scum to rent." "Does nobody want it for an auto mobile supply shopT What neck of the woods is it In?" Louisville Courier-Journal. We hear ot new uses of Hanford's Balsam of Myrrh. In dehorning cat tle, light applications help to stop bleeding, making the use of a hot Iron unnecessary. Adv. More Fuel "The agricultural department Is - sending out booklets cautioning peo ple that there is a scarcity in the fuel supply," "The booklets may help to rectify -"that "Louisville Courier Journal. No Knockout Maude Is it true, dear, that your engagement with young Qotrox Is broken off? Ethel True? (Holds out her hand) You can see for yourself that I am still In the ring. Boston Transcript Mistaken Observation "What graceful free movements your daughter makes in her dancing, Mrs. Comeup." "They ain't no free movements. We pay her teacher $6 a lesson." Baltimore American. Our Feeble Apology. We aln'xt been ritinxg much Feet ing Flanclys lattley bekause our tlpx wrlter bass bljn out ot orger and did n'Jt spell guod. But Its alrite now and may bee we kan do bettjer aftger thiss. Svt Your Horses. From Distemper, Mountain Fever, anA all other forms of Contagion by uslnf Spohn'e Distemper Compound. Put on the tongue or In the feed. Safe at all times for all ages and sexes, under all conditions. Kerne for Doc Distemper and Chicken Cholera. Acta on the blood, eipela the serms. Removes worms from stomach and Intestines. A fine tonic and appetis er. Absolutely safe, even for human ba ins. Over 1,000.000 bottles sold last year. Greatest cure and preventive ever known for Contagious diseases. Nearly every one knows Spohn's. Over IS years on the market Have you used this creat rem edy? Why not? It Is not an experiment. Try It; be convinced; let "Spohn's" help Sou save and make money. All whole rugglst can supply you, or write to man sale druggists handle It. Tour home lifacturers, with prlca enclosed. A bottle, sue snd II 00: 15 00 and 110.00 the doien. Xocsl agents wanted. Spoha Medical Co.. Goshen, Ind., U. 8. A. P. N. U. No. io, iei IWnnt writlac te " Una tale laser El Plain Talk Exchanged but President Wilson Still Stands Solidly for Full Rights of Americans. Washington, D. C Congress settled down Saturday to await developments in the submarine controversy between the United States and Germany with an overwhelming majority of both houses apparently definietly deter mined to take no action which might embarrass the administration in the present stage of diplomatic negotia tions a few of the more ardent advo cates of legislation to keep Amreicans off armed ships continued their activ ities, and ex-Secretary Bryan's sup port for them was shown in the form of a telegram, but even most of them admitted there was no propect of im mediate action. So far as the adminsitration is concerned, it was said authoritatively that while any agitation of the issue just now was undesirable, there was no disposition to oppose a vote on the pending armed-ship resolutions if their sponsors tried to force one. It was declared that reports from the capital during the day snowed con clusively that the senate and the house would stand behind President Wilson in his refusal to permit any abridge ment of the rights of American citi zens on the seas, as outlined in his let ter to Senator Stone. The President reiterated his state ments In that letter to Speaker Clark, Majority Leader Kitchin and Repre sentative Flood, chairman of the house foreign affairs committee, early in the day when they called at the White House to tell of the situation on their side of the capitol and hear the execu tive's views. . There was plain speaking both by President Wilson and his callers. Mr. Wilson Baid plainly that his efforts to keep the country at peace were likely to be hindered by impressions sent abroad by congress, and the congress men were equally frank in giving notice that a strong sentiment existed at the capitol against risking the pos sibility of war by permitting Ameri cans to travel on armed belligerent ships, whatever might be their rights under international law. Although wholly different reports came from other sources during the day, Speaker Clark declared he be lieved a resolution to warn citizens off armed vessers"would carry in the house by two to one if it reached a vote. The house delegation went back to the capitol with word that the Presi dent stood unalterably by his position. There the situation rests, and while there probably will be many more con ferences and possibly some speeches, J the generally accepted opinion is that no further serious effort to bring about action will be made, unless develop ments occur to make a rupture of re lations with Germany imminent Pekin Admits Rebels Defeated Government Troops at Sze-Chuen Pekin Official acknowledgement of the defeat of government troops by the Yunnan rebels on the Sze-Chuen border was withheld until Saturday, when the State department issued a mandate denouncing Tai Ao, in which admisssion is made that the revolu tionists surprised the regular army and defeated a small garrison. Information received in Pekin from non-Chinese sources shows that the Yunnanese, who descended on the city of Suifu and captured it, numbered about 10,000. The government gar rison at Suifu numbered about 4000, but these troops left for the north sev eral days before the arrival of the Yunnanese and consequently there was no resistance to the entrance of the latter. The fleeing government forces are reported to have started north for Tze-Chow. i ar vucrTM sr 1916 Catalog SEEDS Plant. Bulbt, Garden, Orchard and Poultry Supplies. Fertilizers, Etc. A reliable Wmtern Catalog for Wootatm fauyvrm. OUR niiMK anility" sKMiia .rsct t buyer axily ns) rant. You lira timt and money by buiing ot a$. New Catalog No 64 Free. R0UTLED6E SEED & FLORAL CO. 169-171 2nd St PORTLAND, OREGON PORTLAND Y. M. C A. will fit any ambitious yoanr Man a Wom an for hihLaM position ia Bookkeeping, Sinography, Salesmanship To men thti Includes valuable athletic, aquatic and membership grivileffeg, al though tuition cost ii lew than elsewhere. Valuable courses can also be had in Grammar erade and College Preparatory Subject. WRITE FOR CATALOG. HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL The only Automobile School on the Pa cific Cjaat maintaining a Gee Tractor Dept.. Using Holt Catterplllar, C. L. Beat Tracklayer and Wheel Tractors, both In the school and operating field. 446 Hawthorne AveH Portland. Ore. A Projecting Personality. The Ford peace trip, besides adding somewhat to the gaiety ot nations, of fered to the pictorial satirists in many quarters ot the world an opportunity of a lifetime. Two rather distant echoes ot the junket appear in the March number of Cartoons Magazine. One is from the Christiana, Norway, Viklngen, and represents the Detroit idealist as a rat leaving a doomed ship. A touch ot humor Is added to the cartoon by reason ot a bathing suit hung on a clothes line in the bow ot the boat. The bathing suit Is sup posed to be the property ot Mme. Schimmer. The other cartoon is from the Auck land, New Zealand, Weekly News, and shows "Ford's ark" plowing across the seas. Placards reading "Buy . our cars" and "Votes for women" are con splcuously displayed upon the sides and roof of the craft while Ford Is seen trying to launch the dove of peace, and asking It: "Why don't you fly?" This Auckland newspaper, like most ot the English Journals, seemed to re gard the peace trip mostly In the light of an advertising campaign. nave Healthy, Strong, Beaotlfnl Eyes Oculists bud Physicians used Murine JCye Remedy many years beore It was offered ae a Domestic JEye Medicine. Alurlue la Still Com pounded by Our Physlclaos aud guaranteed by them ae a Reliable Relief for Byes that Need Care. Try it In your Byes and In Baby's Byes No Smarting Juat Eye Comfort. Buy llurloe of your Druggist accept no Substitute, and If Interested write for Book of the Bye Free. S1VUINU EVE ltUllUUX CO., CUICAUU About Time. One evening the young minister, who had semed rather attracted by "Big Sister" Grace, was dining with the family. Little Sister was talking rapidly when the visitor was about to ask the blessing. Tr ning to the child, he said, In a tone of mild re proof: "Laura, I am going to ask grace.' "Well, it's about time," answered Little Sister in an equally reproving tone. We've been expecting you to do it for a year, and she has, too." Chicago Journal. For mosquito bites apply Hanford's Balsam. Adv. Turks Reinforce Army. London Turkey is making gTeat efforts to dispatch troops to the Rus sian front in an endeavor to recapture Erzerum, says the Bucharest corre spondent of the Times. All ordinary traffic on the railway from the Bosphorus to Angora has been stopped, according to the corre spondent, and trains carrying troops and supplies there aro running inces santly, but as the distance from An gora to Erzerum will consume at least a month's march there is little likeli hood of the success of the movement Hughes Refuses Views. New York In a letter to Henry A. Wise Wood, made public here, Justice Hughes reiterates his declaration that he is not a candidate for Presidential nomination. Mr. Wood had requested a statement as to Justice Hughes' po sition on preparedness. Justice Hughes replied in part: "In view of my judi cial office I do not feel that I have any right to take part in any political dis cussion or to make statements of the sort that would be expected from can didates for office. I am not a candi date, actively nor tacitly." Women to Urge Defense. St Louis Miss Anne Morean. daughter of the late John Pierpont Morgan, will be a delegate to the con ference of mayors on national nrenar- edness which will begin here March 3, according to an announcement by Mrs. Philip N. Moore, president of the Na tional Council of Women. Mrs. Moore said that on March 6 a mass meeting would be held to "clinch the sentiment of the women of the country to pre pare the nation to defend itself." Stood Under Fire. Commanding Officer (enthusiasti cally, after the sham battle) You'll make a great soldier! I tell you my staff, as well as the ladles, were thrill ed when the enemy made that surprise attack on your trench and you only, of all the "rookies," did not run! Rookie Thanks, sir; but you see, I or I was right in the middle ot changing my pants, sir. Puck. TJOWAHDE. BURTON Assayer and Chemist, 11 Leadvillc. Colorado. Specimen prices: Gold, Rilv-.-. Ij-mi il; fluid. Silver. 7rw: fiul.l. Nkv 7.ini. or Copper, i. MnilinK env.'lopt's end full price lUt sent on appiionluin. lontrui and umpire worn eo llcited. Kcfci-eiice: Carbonate Nuttunal bank. Spoken Favorably. Stranger Have you a good hair tonic you can recommend? DrupgiBt (prohibition town) Here is something that is spoken of very favorably by the people who have drunk it. Topclta Journal. Brief. "Scribbler told me a month ago that a piny of his was to be produced shortly. Have you heard anything about It?" "Yes. it was produced shortly in deed. It ran for one consecutive night." Right In Line. "I verily believe that Inanimate things sometimes enter Into the spirit of a festal occasion." "I know It. Last night when I was going to a blowout, my automobile chimed in with a couple of its own." LouiBvllle Courier-Journal. BRH1S1! UNLR STRIKES KLNC IN ENGLISH CHANNEL; 147 DIE Dover, Eng. The steamship Maloja, a 12,431-ton vessel belonging to the Peninsular & Oriental line, struck a mine and sank within a half hour, two miles from Dover Sunday. One hun dred and forty-seven persons were drowned or killed by the accident The British tanker Empress of Fort William, going to the rescue, struck another mine and sank near . by. One man of the crew of the Empress of Fort William was drowned. Up to midnight the bodies of victims landed included 18 men, 11 women and fcur children, in addition to 11 Las cars. . Among the dead is Mrs. Mc Leod, wife of General McLeod. The Maloja left Tilbury Saturday for Bombay with mails, 119 passen gers of all aboard, and a crew number ing about 200, most of them Lascars. Other passengers were to join the ship at Marseilles. The steamer had just passed Admir- GEORGE BAKHMETEFF Provisional. "Dnn't you think a presidential term ought to be longer than four years?" "I do provided the man I'm plug ging for gets elected." Washington Star. Polish Acquired. Compensation A rolling stone gath ers no moss, but It gets so smooth that nobody has anything on it. Puck. WEEKS' BREAK -tP-A-COLD TABLETS A guaranteed remedy for Colds and La Grippe. Price 2f)C of your druggist It's good. Take nothing else. Adv. RAW FUr.S WANTED. Skunk, Raccoon, MUSKRAT.OnER.ETC Better Prices; Quick Returns ship r H. LIEBES & CO, llannfaerurlns Furriers. Cat M Years. . 291 HumsM a, Corbttl Bid!, PORTLAND. 0BEG0I George Bakhmctcff, Russian ambas sador to the United States, who was In a conference with Secretary Lan sing over the case of the Montenegrin officers recently arrested for violation of neutrality by enlisting soldiers In the United States for service In the Montenegrin army. Montenegro has no diplomatic representative In Wash ington, but being one of Russia's al Ilea, the Russian ambassador acta for It alty pier at Dover and was opposite Shakespeare Cliff when an explosion shook her from end to end. She listed immediately to port. High seas were ruunning and the captain, realizing that great damage had been done to the after part of his vessel, tried to run her aground, but the engine room was swamped and the ship became unmanageable. The plight of the vessel was ob served and dozens of craft went at full speed to her rescue. It was one of these, the Epmress of Fort William, of 2181 tons, that sank. Boat after boat and seven rafts were sent away, but several persons leaped into the water and were picked up by surrounding craft It was at first thought that all had been saved, but later bodies were washed ashore and their number" was gradually added to during the day. Owing to the fact that Dover is un der strict military law, it was possi ble to obtain only meager details from those rescued. The captian said that both passengers and crew behaved splendidly. The passengers were for the most part British officials in the Indian service, the most prominent being Judge Oldfield, of the Indian high court They were returning to serv ice in the East. Carnegie Plans School, Dunfermline, Scotland The trustees ot the Carnegie fund for the United Kingdom announced after their annual meeting Monday that they were con sidering the expediency of founding a school of music on a scale analogous to the celebrated schools on the Conti nent particularly those in countries at present closed to British students. The chairman of the trustees, Dr. John Ross, said it was felt that after $3,- 000,000 had been spent by the trus tees for church organs they reasonably might terminate such grants. Edict Worries London, London The newspapers fliscuss with serious tone the new German sub marine campaign which is expected to begin Wednesday. There is a general belief that the campaign will mark the entrance into the war of several of the newer and extended types of sub marines, probably with a greatly en larged radius of action and a greater offensive power. During the past month Germany captured or sank 50 vessels, of which five were neutrals, two Italians, four Belgians, one French and the remainder British. 13 Oil Tankers Begun. New York The Standard Oil com pany of New Jersey has begun the construction of IS large tank steamers, which will cost $1,000,000 each, ac cording to announcement made Monday by John D. Archbold, president of the company. The other companies of the Standard Oil group are building 36 ad ditional tankers, he said. "The de mand for oil is tremendous. We could sell all the oil we produce if there were enough ships to carry it NORTHWEST MARKET REPORTS; GENERAL CROP CONDITIONS Portland Wheat Bluestem, $1.05; fortyfold, 95c; club, 94c; red Fife, 94c: red Russian, 94c. Hay Eastern Oregon timothy, $18.5X19.60 per ton; valley timothy, S16; alfalfa, 120. Millfeed Spot prices: Bran, $23.50 Z4 per ton; shorts, $2626. 60; rol led barley, $31.50(832.60. Corn Whole, $37 per ton; cracked, ?38. Vegetables Artichokes, $11.15 per dozen; tomatoes, California, $2.75 per crate; cabbage, $1.60 1.65 per hundred; garlic, 10c per pound; pep pers, zu(gztc; eggplant 25c; sprouts, 89c; horseradish, 84c; cauliflower, $1.25 per dozen; celery, $4.75 per crate; lettuce, xz.40 & 2.50: cucum bers, $1.50(22.50 per dozen; hothouse lettuce, 75c(;?l per box; spinach, $1 fajl.iu per box, Green Fruits Grapes, $4 per barrel; cranberries, $11 per barrel. rotatoes Uregon, e1.401.50 per sack; Xakimas, fl.65; sweets, $3.25 ( per hundred. Onions Oregon, buying prices, $2 I. o. b. shipping point. Apples Spitzenbergs, extra fancy, $2.25 per box; fancy, $2; choice. $1.25(5(1.50; Yellow Newtowns, extra fancy, $2; fancy, $1.75; choice, $1.35 1.50; Rome Beauty, fancy,. $1.50 1.60; Winesaps, choice, $1.151.35; Htayman, choice, ll.26ftil.35. Eggs Jobbing prices: Oregon ranch, candied, 26c per dozen; uncandled. 25c, Poultry Hens, 1515Jc per pound; small springs, 15c; broilers, 1820c; turkeys, live, 1820c; dressed, choice, 2425c: ducks, 1214c; geese, 10c. Butter Prices from wholesaler to retailer:. Portland city creamery, prints, 60-pound ease lots, standard grades, 34c; lower grades, 2832Jc; Oregon country creamery, prints, 60- pound case lots, standard makes, 32 Jc; lower grades, 2831c; butter packed in cubes, 2c less. . Prices paid by job bers to producers: Cubes, extras, 291c; firsts, 271c; seconds, 25c; dairy butter, country roll, 1618e; butter fat No. 1, 82c; No. 2, 29c Veal Fancy, 9c per pound. Pork Fancy, 9110c per pound. Hops 1916 crop, 1013c per pound; 1916 contracts, ll12c per pound, Cattle Choice steers,$6.60 6.75; good, $6.757; medium, $6.506.76; choice cows, $6.50 6.75; medium, $5.25 6; heifers, $4 6.40; bulls, $2.605; Btags, $35.26. Hogs Light $7.608.15; heavy, $7!7.25. Sheep Yearlings, $78; ewes, $6 7; lambs, $8(29.06. Wool JSastem Oregon, 1826c per pound; valley, 2526c; mohair, Ore gon, 2829c per pound. Cascara bark Old and new, 4c per pound. Wool Growers Find Good Market by Shipping to Portland Portland With wool contracting for the 1916 clip just starting in the East ern counties, the last remnant of the 1915 clip is being sold here. The Portland Wool Warehouse company has not over 40,000 pounds in its ware house on Municipal Dock No. 1, and that is all the wool that is left in Port land. The bulk of these wools were sold at from 21 cents to 22) cento for fine and 26 to 30 cents for coarse wool, according to condition and shrinkage, "The prices realized, " said W. L. Crowe, manager of the company, "are from 3 cents to 5 cents better than were offered in the country for the same wools. The growers are more than satisfied with their experiment of sending their wools here to be mar keted, and it is safe to say a much larger quantity will be sent here dur ing the coming season. "We have sold wool to about 17 dif ferent customers, a dozen of whom never operated in this section before, We have had inquiries from a dozen other big Eastern mills, and although we did not close deals with them we are looking forward to their trade in new wools. "Our object is to improve the condi tion of the woolgrowers and put tnem an on an equal basis. By avail ing himself of cheap money, which he could never do before, the grower is enabled to hold his wool until he ib ready to sell. All the wool consigned here is sold only with the approval of the growers. It is different when the wool Is consigned to the East tor it then gets beyond the owner's control. Potato Shipments 600 Cars. Portland Up to the present time about 600 cars of potatoes have been shipped from Oregon, and the indica tions are the total shipments for the season will not exceed 1000 cars. Nor mal shipments from the state are about 1600 cars a year. "There are between 400 and 500 cars of potatoes left unsold," said Mc- Ktnley Mitchell, "and these will all clean up at some price. There is no likelihood the market will be any bet ter in the immediate future, but there is a possibility the late market will improve if California cleans up." Market Roads Discussed. Milwaukie, Or. Market roads were discussed at the meeting of Milwaukie Grange Saturday afternoon, the main address being delivered by C. B. Han son, master. Mr. Hanson suggested that main market roads can be built by district assessments to be paid for partly by the abutting property, and the balance by a district extending from one to two miles from each side of the road. Mr. Hanson urged the enactment of a law by which fanners may form road districts and take con trol of the district road construction. . Reclamation Interest Up. Klamath Falls, Or. Project Mana ger J. G. Camp, of this city, has re turned from a meeting held by Malin farmers in the Sand Hollow country. south of this city. Mr. Camp reports that the landowners are sufficiently in terested in the reclamation project to advance money toward the cost of en gineering and other preliminary work. About 60 farmers attended the meet ing and talks were made by several. Mr. Camp explained various features in connection with the project The project would water about 5000 YOU NEED OUR MONEY Ship us your next can of Cream and let us show you what we can do for you. Combining the High selling price of HAZEL WOOD Butter with good cream en ahlpo m to pay you a good price. Therefore, the Better the Cream, the Better the Price. We also buy Eggs, Poultry, Dressed Veal and Hogs. Write us for Shipping Tags and Prices. HAZELWOOD CO., PORTLAND, OREGON. OYSTER SHELLS "The Best on the Market." Not The Cheap Kind. Butzer's Seed Store 188190 Front Street, PORTLAND, ORE. Agent for ZENOLEUM. OREGON ROSES and other beautiful J7sif rtM-r Illustrated eaUloirus offerinff M 7 the Rneit and Unrest Itock in th Pacific Northweit free upon request. CLARKE BROS., Florists, Portland, Oregon. ' Monamobile Oils and Greases and FEDERAL TIRES AND TUBES Fret Tiro Servtcs. "THB HOUSE OF SERVICE. MOTOR CAR SUPPLY CO, Inc. 33 Broadway No. , Portland, Ore. HELP A $50,000 Corpor,-' tion desires to aecure within next ten days the services of High Grade Representative in each town. No canvassing, soliciting or felting; refer ences; experience unnecessary. Guaran teed income to right party. Dept. 8, 628 Fittock Block, Portland, Oregon. o Double Tread Puncture Prsof Tires Made 'from your old ones. Last Ions as Brand New TIRES Writs oa. OREGON VULCANIZING CO.. 660 Washington St, Portland. Ore. UflllTCn Everyone to Itnoir about DAD'S If Nil I 111 ELECTRIC HAND LIGHT. A real great bis- liffht. safe, handy and cheaper than oil; wind and Btorm.proof. Fuily illustrated cir cular. KMUedfe it a floral bs., Ifrj a jl, rerun. The Housemaid. The housemaid wears short skirts, which leads us to believe that the dis ease called "housemaid's knee" must be very becoming. The housemaid goes around the house very quietly not even disturbing the dust. The housemaid's duty is to pick things upwhich she does very quick ly. By the time she has picked up 38 hairpins, tour combs and a barette or two and has emptied nine badly crushed cigars from the ash receiver the news ot the engagement does not strike her in the nature ot a shock. The housemaid likes to read vapid fiction, see empty plays and talk scan dal. In fact, in nine cases out of ten she Is in no way superior to her mis tress. Judge. You can safely place faith in Han ford's Balsam of Myrrh. Adv. No Longer An Amateur. "No, I won't flirt with you," Miss Oadsby told young Greegus, severely. "You're no amateur; you're disquali fied." "How so?" queried the puzzled youth. "Why, when you spent a week at the Yapp's country place and held hands with the eldest daughter you accepted board and lodging." Judge. Busy Mother. "That woman next door is a thor oughly practical woman. Hear that rumbling sound?" "Yes, but what's practical about that?" 'What, she's Toller skating around her kitchen, taking off flesh, and get ting the baby to sleep at the same time." , Fumes of Gasoline. 'Your friends complain that you go around with your nose turned up since you got a little money?" "It isn't pride, old chap. It's the sniffling habit Too many garages starting up in my neighborhood, that's all." Louisville Courier-Journal. ' The Wrong Preposition. A negro man came running down the lane as if a wild animal were after him. "What are yon running for, Mose?" "I ain't a-runnin' for" shouted back Hose.V'I'se a-runnin' from." Kansas City Star. Nothing 80 Elaborate. "Is that memorial they propose to put up to Joan of Arc in New York to be an equestrian statue?" "Oh. no; its lust going to be a figure of her on horseback." Baltimore American. She And don't you go In tor sport of any kind? He Oh, yaas, don t yer know. I'm haw passionately fond ot dominoes. Detroit Free Press. CI IT buy ocantiful beach bungalow site, la " Oregon's popular Summer . Resort. Rock away Besb. Tillamook county. Two daily trmina from Portland. Four hour's ride: magnificant oarr. Lota close to stores, hotels and deoot- Campinf. fishing, hunting and surf bathing. Only few Iota left. Warranty deed. Write San- Oersoa Co, TO Spaukling bldg. Portland. Ore. dlULI ITIUMI WAI 0DI SOOT1FK BOtU STUDY 1ETB0I Brings quick results. Success gusran Seed. Costs Uas than half of oral i&eww ttoa. Plaae. Orgaa. VWlia. BaaK Mandolia, Guitar aa4 Canst laagat. Writs today for Catalog and t free lessooa. Aawikai Scatol tf Mule M fi.aii iJt a. mTUs. MEM Life. What Is life? It is supposed to be something that most people value highly, yet few there are who are will ing to preserve 1U For example, ev eryone talks about methods of attain ing long life, yet no one cares to practice them. The commonest rules of health are constantly violated by the great majority. Doctors know this and rarely, if ever, advise their pa tienta how to live, but give them med icine to tide them over some tempor ary setback. Life has been called an illusion, a dream, a bubble, a curtain raiser and a forgetting. In reality, it Is merely something that no man wants to part from too suddenly, but which he will always sell on . the installment plan to the highest bidder. The soldier gambles with the state for the price of his life, the immigrant with the miner, the rich man with luxury. At best, life is only what we learn to avoid. The Middle Age. There comes a clear day when one realizes that clothes are to keep the weather off you, that food Is to give you health, that home Is shelter and Inspiration; that, aside from being clean and inoffensive, one's personal appearance does not signify very much; that the main thing in life is to be going along toward the goal of your Ideals. That Isn't getting old, it's get ting sense. From then on Time is not master, but friend. Colliers. . - To stop bleeding use Hanford's Bal sam. Adv. Different. "We lent England and France half a billion dollars and never felt it," proudly declared the man with the wilting collar. "Could you stake me to a dollar till tomorrow. Bill?" asks his acquaint ance. "Me! Great Scott! If I had a dol lar more than I needed I'd have It framed and hang it up where I could look at It and see what money looks like." Judge No Sale. "I tell you," Baid the real estate agent "there isn't a finer residence development on earth than this. Just look at the wonderful scenery." "The scenery is all right," replied the man who was looking for a home. "The only trouble Is there's too much of It between here and the city." THE GIRL WITH A CLEAR SKIN WINS If 'you, too, are embarrassed by a pimply, blotchy, unsightly complexion, Just try Resinol Soap regularly for a week and see if it does not make a blessed difference in your skin. In severe cases a little Resinol Ointment should also be used. Resinol Soap helps to make red, rough hands and arms soft and white, and to keep the hair healthy and free from dandruff. Resinol Soap contains no free alkali. Sold by all druggists. Greek. Esculaplus was giving a lecture. "Finally," said the father ot medi cine, "write your prescriptions In Lat in and your bills in good plain Eng lish." "But" asked the students, "where does our native tongue come in?" "That's Just It" he answered; "the patient's condition is usually Greek to you." Cheered by this exposition, they went forth to practice their art Wit and Humor. Exaggerated Optimism. "Bliggins is trying to be an opti mist." "The last time I saw him he thought everything was going to smash." "He thinks so yet. But he's getting into a frme of mind that makes htm suspect that maybe he'll enjoy seeing it happen." Washington Star. Its Meaning. "Why, when you established thU catch-penny business, did you tele- grapn on to your partner S. O. S. Did you mean you wanted help?" "Mn f meant 'Sand nn a) Baltimore American. Bachelor Privileges. Wife Dear me, you can never find a thing without asking me where It is. How did you get along before yon were married? Hub Things stayed where the were put then. Boston Transcript Fewness. "Why Is that as the Indian and the bison become extinct their picture appear on our currency?" "I don't know, unless they are con sidered symbolical ot scarcity." Washington Star. Paradoxical Objection. "What's the matter with that labor wiir "It won't work." Baltimore Amer lean. Cause and Effect. "What was the result of the flood?" asked the Sunday school teacher. "Mud," replied the bright yonngatec